Latest Episodes

111: Why People Hate Cold Calls w/ Jason Bay
SDRs talk about how hard it is to be rejected when cold calling — and it is. But it’s also hard for the person...

110: Ramping Up SDRs: The First 90 Days w/ Sam Nelson
It’s harder than ever to find talented Sales Development Reps (SDRs) - even hiring the finest talent doesn’t mean they will be successful if...

109: Radical Candor: A Leadership Style Every Manager Should Know w/ Wendy Harris
Something people often get wrong in leadership is prioritizing their need to be liked over what’s best for their employee. In reality, caring for...

108: How to Deliver the Experience Your Buyer Wants w/ Josh O’Brien
Buyer experience and customer experience aren’t the same. There’s a lot of overlap, but buyer experience comes down to the answer to this question:...

107: Revenue Operations: What It Is & Why It’s Important
Revenue operations, or RevOps, has entered the revenue conversation. Because it’s a newer role, many leaders are trying to wrap their heads around what...

106: DARE to Grow: Establishing Alignment Across Revenue Teams w/ Mike Simmons
Misalignment stymies the development of your business. If your sales, marketing, and customer success teams aren’t working towards the same goals, it leads to...