102: Insights From The 2021 Sales Development Report w/ Matt Bertuzzi

May 06, 2021 00:44:07
102: Insights From The 2021 Sales Development Report w/ Matt Bertuzzi
B2B Revenue Acceleration
102: Insights From The 2021 Sales Development Report w/ Matt Bertuzzi

May 06 2021 | 00:44:07


Show Notes

The 2021 Sales Development Report from The Bridge Group is out. We invited Matt Bertuzzi, Director of Ops at The Bridge Group, to unpack the state of sales development and share the trends expected for this year.

Our conversation covers many important topics, like how to expand your SDR talent pool, comparing report data to assumptions about the effect of the pandemic, the methodology behind the report, and contributing audiences, defining quality conversation and the best medium for it, and lastly, quotas: if any experience is essential for meeting them, and other complexities.

Check out the full report on this link: The 2021 Sales Development Report.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.560 --> 00:00:08.189 You are listening to bb revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated to helping software executives 2 00:00:08.189 --> 00:00:11.990 stay on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. Let's get 3 00:00:11.990 --> 00:00:17.350 into the show. Hi you welcome to be to be revenue acceleration. My 4 00:00:17.469 --> 00:00:21.190 name is onion. With you and then here today with Mut Belch Z, 5 00:00:21.579 --> 00:00:25.579 director of operations at the bridge group. How are you doing today? Might 6 00:00:25.940 --> 00:00:28.460 well? Yea, I'm doing quite well. Thank you. Hey, you 7 00:00:28.579 --> 00:00:32.140 went for the full version. Try It, man, this is good. 8 00:00:32.539 --> 00:00:35.380 It's but less as well. The perfect already on. My amber would be 9 00:00:35.420 --> 00:00:41.929 so proud of you. That's very fust so today will be discussing the results 10 00:00:42.130 --> 00:00:46.850 of your most recent sales developments. report. Is Very, very, very 11 00:00:46.929 --> 00:00:50.920 good at been reading it. Lots and lots of insight in there. But 12 00:00:51.200 --> 00:00:55.280 before we get into the conversation, Matt, can you please introduce yourself and 13 00:00:55.640 --> 00:00:58.520 also the bridge group, which you do as an organization? What's your very 14 00:00:58.560 --> 00:01:02.679 proposition and how do new at the wall? Sure so again. I'm apper, 15 00:01:02.719 --> 00:01:06.510 twuz our two hats. I run operations revops, like the tech, 16 00:01:06.629 --> 00:01:10.030 the text AC, all the fun stuff, but the more interesting part is 17 00:01:10.109 --> 00:01:15.269 I do research around inside sales, sales development, account management. So we 18 00:01:15.390 --> 00:01:19.379 the bridge group, we work with probably you and I have an overlapping prospect 19 00:01:19.420 --> 00:01:23.099 base. We work with BEDB tech companies that are looking to to grow, 20 00:01:23.620 --> 00:01:29.780 to build pipeline, to close deals, to renew and EXP band and we've 21 00:01:29.819 --> 00:01:34.129 primarily, I mean literally, we focus on we focused on sales development back 22 00:01:34.129 --> 00:01:37.450 when it was called Business Development and before that when it was called inside sales. 23 00:01:37.810 --> 00:01:42.209 Company's been around for twenty something years. Trisper Tuzi, the most famous 24 00:01:42.250 --> 00:01:45.650 Pertuzi I will never be more famous than my mom. She founded the company. 25 00:01:46.090 --> 00:01:49.719 So I start joined the company about twelve years ago at the bottom. 26 00:01:49.760 --> 00:01:53.359 I was in associate consultant, which is like anyone's ever working consulting. It's 27 00:01:53.359 --> 00:01:57.439 like the grunt. And we've been doing this, this kind of research. 28 00:01:57.439 --> 00:02:00.359 Kind of started it on a Lark in two thousand and seven. We didn't 29 00:02:00.469 --> 00:02:04.390 know how it was going to work out and it's seemingly worked well. So 30 00:02:04.469 --> 00:02:07.069 we've been doing it kind of iteratively every couple years. So we have this 31 00:02:07.509 --> 00:02:12.990 Nice Longitudinal view on how things are changing over time. Yes, so it 32 00:02:13.110 --> 00:02:16.060 was looking at the the serves developments report and they believe you've been running it 33 00:02:16.180 --> 00:02:21.099 since two SAUSA and seven, which is good, and been trucking. I'll 34 00:02:21.219 --> 00:02:25.099 metrix team structure, compensation plans for Asda of change of our time. I 35 00:02:25.259 --> 00:02:30.129 was looking at some stuff as well about average to Ner, you know, 36 00:02:30.250 --> 00:02:34.889 the full productivity of the REP so quickly they're moving towards overs there is really 37 00:02:35.050 --> 00:02:39.009 quite insightful. But can you tell us before we get going, what sort 38 00:02:39.050 --> 00:02:44.719 of methodology that you use and what sort of audience are you he's at the 39 00:02:44.800 --> 00:02:47.120 back of that report in order that data. What do you put the data 40 00:02:47.159 --> 00:02:52.159 from? Sure, so we do basically quantitative surveys. So when we first 41 00:02:52.159 --> 00:02:57.120 started we invited our customers right, because every customer now then forever will say, 42 00:02:57.159 --> 00:03:00.990 what do other companies that look like me pay, or what's their quota 43 00:03:00.990 --> 00:03:07.550 or what's their profile? And the problem with that is that's you have massive 44 00:03:07.590 --> 00:03:10.509 selection, biased like there's, you can't assume that the people who are your 45 00:03:10.590 --> 00:03:15.219 customers are the same as the people who aren't your customers. So over time 46 00:03:15.500 --> 00:03:20.340 we've been lucky enough that as new people download the prior reports, we invite 47 00:03:20.340 --> 00:03:23.819 them to the next one. So we have a couple hundred companies taking this 48 00:03:23.020 --> 00:03:25.180 every we do it every two years. So every two years we have a 49 00:03:25.219 --> 00:03:30.409 couple hundred directors, VP's, managers of sales development or v piece of sales. 50 00:03:30.449 --> 00:03:34.689 If they if there's no one who knows the numbers cold and they're sharing 51 00:03:34.810 --> 00:03:38.250 their data anonymously. And generally we ask for hard numbers, not like you 52 00:03:38.330 --> 00:03:40.719 know, on a scale of one to a hundred. We want the actual 53 00:03:40.759 --> 00:03:45.159 number, not the range, is, not the deciles or quintiles, and 54 00:03:45.400 --> 00:03:51.960 then we use actual report median numbers, because sometimes people lie, sometimes people 55 00:03:52.000 --> 00:03:55.550 are wrong, so averages can be crazy. So I like the median where 56 00:03:55.550 --> 00:03:59.270 I can generally say now that half the people who set introductory meetings in the 57 00:03:59.310 --> 00:04:01.189 mid market their quota is X. Half is below, half as above. 58 00:04:01.270 --> 00:04:05.550 So we try to keep it neutral. We're not judging people with what they 59 00:04:05.590 --> 00:04:08.830 answer. If they say their quote is five hundred, great, but if 60 00:04:08.830 --> 00:04:11.099 they said their quote as five thousand, it's not going to change the median 61 00:04:11.180 --> 00:04:15.180 where it would really pull the average. Yes, okay, that makes perfect 62 00:04:15.180 --> 00:04:17.220 sense. So we squat. It's quite to a launch semboard of data that 63 00:04:17.420 --> 00:04:23.379 you are using. Are you mainly focusing on North American organization or all this 64 00:04:23.459 --> 00:04:27.410 UN make are you will king at a back a MEA leaders to provide you 65 00:04:27.449 --> 00:04:31.089 with it information. So we only invite people in North America. But you 66 00:04:31.129 --> 00:04:34.649 know, the amazing thing about Linkedin now is people can share, share your 67 00:04:34.649 --> 00:04:38.250 survey link and people you've never even met can take it, which is amazing. 68 00:04:38.529 --> 00:04:43.399 The challenges, like localizing camp is impossible in the United States. It's 69 00:04:43.439 --> 00:04:46.480 hard enough, like Paris, Texas and Paris, forget it. It's very, 70 00:04:46.519 --> 00:04:51.000 very difficult. And the other thing is we have a weird culture and 71 00:04:51.199 --> 00:04:56.110 not we have a unique culture in the US where this where sales development is 72 00:04:56.990 --> 00:05:01.829 seen and treated as like a temporary squas eye and dentured servitude, like a 73 00:05:02.230 --> 00:05:06.029 term you serve and then you finally get to be a real person and make 74 00:05:06.029 --> 00:05:10.180 the big bucks. Yeah, my impression is that's not the way it is 75 00:05:10.379 --> 00:05:13.259 in the rest of the world. Yeah, it's correct. Let's they've into 76 00:05:13.259 --> 00:05:16.579 it, because you can a fleeding nicely to my first question. So it's 77 00:05:16.620 --> 00:05:19.980 two starts in the report that, when you correlate together, I kind of 78 00:05:20.019 --> 00:05:27.170 kind of paint an interesting picture. One is that the experience required from from 79 00:05:27.250 --> 00:05:30.050 companies to our as DA is going down. So, yeah, I think 80 00:05:30.089 --> 00:05:33.730 he was around two point five years in two thousand and ten and we are 81 00:05:33.769 --> 00:05:40.160 dropping to one point two years of experience in es twenty. Yep, and 82 00:05:40.279 --> 00:05:42.839 I do believe that he's linked to a lot of things, but probably the 83 00:05:43.000 --> 00:05:47.439 main one is that there is probably more and more demon for as da across 84 00:05:47.560 --> 00:05:50.709 North America and ever. You know, there is more technology companies coming up, 85 00:05:50.790 --> 00:05:56.149 more be to be software companies coming out of the woodwork everywhere. Investments 86 00:05:56.189 --> 00:05:59.509 are going into this company because they need to develop at the speed of flight. 87 00:05:59.790 --> 00:06:03.899 So people need pipeline and they probably need more as dls to fuel. 88 00:06:03.980 --> 00:06:10.459 But the other stats is around the fact that it's in the start in context. 89 00:06:10.540 --> 00:06:15.420 But the report mentioned sixty eight percent of a s Dr actually achieve quota. 90 00:06:15.699 --> 00:06:19.850 And Right. So many question for you, Matt Is. Do you 91 00:06:19.970 --> 00:06:27.370 believe that Asda are not eating quota simply because they are not experience enough, 92 00:06:27.769 --> 00:06:31.449 or because once they get experienced enough, they can of move on to another 93 00:06:31.490 --> 00:06:38.040 role or get promoted? And basically you don't have that consistency in India's Dr 94 00:06:38.160 --> 00:06:41.040 Team, as you just mentioned it. To help me with the open or 95 00:06:41.079 --> 00:06:45.720 to that question. Yeah, and so so let me come at it slightly 96 00:06:46.040 --> 00:06:47.870 different. I have a weird take and I want to get your opinion. 97 00:06:48.350 --> 00:06:53.189 But people yet this is what I am most I get the most hate mail 98 00:06:53.750 --> 00:06:57.750 about my belief that two thirds of Rep sitting quota is good. People will 99 00:06:57.790 --> 00:07:01.500 find my email address and send me nasty emails. But to me, a 100 00:07:01.620 --> 00:07:05.180 rapple hits ninety five percent of quota and a repple hits a hundred and four 101 00:07:05.259 --> 00:07:10.420 percent. They're not they're not different reps, they're both great. It's so 102 00:07:10.620 --> 00:07:14.939 we have to draw it's an arbitrary three digit number. Yeah, so we 103 00:07:15.019 --> 00:07:18.170 have to draw a line somewhere and for me two thirds is about right now. 104 00:07:18.290 --> 00:07:21.290 If it's two thirds of your reps a seating quota, think about like. 105 00:07:21.410 --> 00:07:25.569 It's not a bell curve, you know, hovering over fifty percent. 106 00:07:25.889 --> 00:07:30.000 That's way, way shifted to the right. So you have like a third 107 00:07:30.079 --> 00:07:32.639 of your reps. generally speaking, over time, over a full year, 108 00:07:32.680 --> 00:07:36.800 a third of your reps would would achieve less than eighty five percent, a 109 00:07:36.959 --> 00:07:41.920 third would achieve a hundred and fifteen percent or above, and a third in 110 00:07:42.000 --> 00:07:47.670 the middle. So I think that I agree with everything you said about ten 111 00:07:47.670 --> 00:07:51.350 year experienced skill and then they're gone. Like when I get great at my 112 00:07:51.350 --> 00:07:56.110 job, I get a new job. Yeah, I think it's not so 113 00:07:56.230 --> 00:07:59.980 much that if we didn't do that, more reps would hit quota. I 114 00:08:00.139 --> 00:08:05.060 think it's that quotas would be higher. I agree. So, yes, 115 00:08:05.100 --> 00:08:09.420 I think quotas are low because of everything, because we hire, and again, 116 00:08:09.459 --> 00:08:13.730 this is very North America, but we hire a stereotype here, like 117 00:08:13.889 --> 00:08:20.529 we hire someone who graduated for four minutes ago, who doesn't know could literally 118 00:08:20.569 --> 00:08:24.370 couldn't read a balance sheet and we expect them to cold call people their parents 119 00:08:24.449 --> 00:08:28.680 age and talk about their earnings reports. It's like, it's crazy. It's 120 00:08:28.720 --> 00:08:35.240 crazy to me how much an SCR has to learn about business before, not 121 00:08:35.399 --> 00:08:39.039 even like org charts, like what does a business do? How do they 122 00:08:39.080 --> 00:08:41.549 make money? What does risk mean? How do they quantify risk? How 123 00:08:41.549 --> 00:08:45.470 do you know if a company's growing or shrinking? That has nothing to do 124 00:08:45.750 --> 00:08:48.950 with which specific functional areas are selling into and what their actual products awce. 125 00:08:50.470 --> 00:08:54.029 Yeah, now agree. I agree with you. I remember being thread to 126 00:08:54.110 --> 00:09:00.539 depend when I started and literally taking it's actually difficult when you when you when 127 00:09:00.580 --> 00:09:05.220 you learn all the signals that you need to correlate all together to be able 128 00:09:05.340 --> 00:09:07.820 to paint the picture of the accounts you are targetting, and particularly when you 129 00:09:07.860 --> 00:09:11.330 are doing the art bound job right, you do in bound what. That's 130 00:09:11.370 --> 00:09:15.610 quite cool because, well, if you are like me, you get someone 131 00:09:15.730 --> 00:09:18.409 speaks to you because they are in the business of being your stuff. Yeah, 132 00:09:20.450 --> 00:09:22.330 you just need to be super skilled in terms of knowing your product. 133 00:09:22.409 --> 00:09:26.679 You need to know the technical documentation, you need to know that by heart, 134 00:09:26.080 --> 00:09:28.519 you need to be able to almost how to plug your stuff, what 135 00:09:28.679 --> 00:09:33.240 school was not cool, etc. Etc. So you can actually go into 136 00:09:33.320 --> 00:09:35.879 details, but you can. These are things that you can learn, and 137 00:09:35.960 --> 00:09:39.950 I think you can. You can get that pretty much scripted or given to 138 00:09:41.070 --> 00:09:43.590 you and you can jump from one to the other, etc. Etc. 139 00:09:43.990 --> 00:09:46.950 When you actually come to the storytelling of selling and the art bound prospecting, 140 00:09:48.070 --> 00:09:50.190 and this is why I'm choosing you, this is why I believe our solution 141 00:09:50.269 --> 00:09:56.299 would be relevant to you and except etc. It's a out it's absolutely it's 142 00:09:56.340 --> 00:10:01.860 an art and I was just listening up podcast early on today that was shared 143 00:10:01.899 --> 00:10:05.539 with me by our managing director in North America from check, donelop, with 144 00:10:05.740 --> 00:10:11.009 scaled, scaled consulting. Yet we will have jake, it's good guy, 145 00:10:11.330 --> 00:10:13.809 so and he was speaking about the arts. He was speaking. What's the 146 00:10:13.850 --> 00:10:18.009 experience when he started? And and I think on the something the way you 147 00:10:18.090 --> 00:10:22.080 use world and position your question, the positive questioning, but open questioning, 148 00:10:22.200 --> 00:10:26.559 don't asking too much, being able to be a relevant, creating the moment, 149 00:10:26.720 --> 00:10:31.720 creating that light bulb moment. Should I say? It's it's quite difficult 150 00:10:31.720 --> 00:10:35.909 than yet expecting people to do it from the get go or just giving them 151 00:10:35.950 --> 00:10:39.029 a script and expecting them to be good is a tough task. Right. 152 00:10:39.509 --> 00:10:43.190 But what do you see as D rich quota? Because you are right, 153 00:10:43.269 --> 00:10:46.429 you know, it depends with the quota. Is he said, sixteen percent 154 00:10:46.509 --> 00:10:52.419 of his yeah, but achieving quota, like do you measure the the complexity 155 00:10:52.500 --> 00:10:56.100 of achieving quota? All the quotup pretty much the same across the same pool 156 00:10:56.139 --> 00:11:01.539 of companies. You you've increading the research shore. So they are not as 157 00:11:01.580 --> 00:11:03.059 you would as you I mean, I'm sure with between your clients, you 158 00:11:03.100 --> 00:11:07.009 understand that everyone thinks this is going to be easy and you're going to be 159 00:11:07.409 --> 00:11:11.490 giving them plenty of meetings, but once, once you get on the phone, 160 00:11:11.889 --> 00:11:16.450 you realize it. So we actually have two customers that, for coincidence, 161 00:11:16.490 --> 00:11:18.600 we started with the same time and they have a similar profile and they 162 00:11:18.639 --> 00:11:22.039 had similar teams, similar profile of customer. So they we help them build 163 00:11:22.080 --> 00:11:28.440 teams messaging one I think their quota where where ended up what they're actually doing 164 00:11:28.720 --> 00:11:33.549 was something in the name of like four or five meetings per month and another 165 00:11:33.629 --> 00:11:37.789 one was twelve. So they're targeting nominally the same functional area in the same 166 00:11:37.830 --> 00:11:41.870 size companies, but one team is tripling the production of the other. So 167 00:11:41.990 --> 00:11:46.590 it's, you know, timing territories, the talent. There's a lot of 168 00:11:46.669 --> 00:11:50.019 variables. But if somebody put a gun to my head and said what what 169 00:11:50.139 --> 00:11:52.940 should I call on my team on, I would say, you know, 170 00:11:52.019 --> 00:11:56.419 fifteen meetings a month. I think that's fair and really, really productive. 171 00:11:56.419 --> 00:12:01.970 Yes, yes, I mean, yes, that it gets fair. I 172 00:12:03.049 --> 00:12:09.370 mean the fifteen jet not even gently qualified, fifteen meetings at the right company 173 00:12:09.450 --> 00:12:13.809 with the right person. Yes, not. I think I think that's part. 174 00:12:13.809 --> 00:12:15.759 That's what we're looking at. So, you know, to give you 175 00:12:15.840 --> 00:12:18.000 an ID your bending on target, we we're looking at fourteen to sixteen in 176 00:12:18.120 --> 00:12:24.159 theme of what we are we are measuring our Repson. But there is the 177 00:12:24.200 --> 00:12:30.230 valiation for us is how much how much data do you have and at what 178 00:12:30.389 --> 00:12:33.950 stage are you in the in the process. Yeah, if you just started, 179 00:12:33.029 --> 00:12:35.710 you are in the first six months of a campaign. You've not good 180 00:12:35.870 --> 00:12:39.230 a not tring, but okay, you've not had much bel to see that 181 00:12:39.309 --> 00:12:43.309 you spoke to when you are months to in the campaign. He was a 182 00:12:43.350 --> 00:12:48.019 nice guy. You had a great conversation with you. Unfortunately no compelling reason 183 00:12:48.100 --> 00:12:50.059 for him to meet with you right now, but he told you call me 184 00:12:50.100 --> 00:12:54.419 after the summer and I think we and my projecting would be in a much 185 00:12:54.500 --> 00:12:58.889 better opposition to to to pick up by them. So you know, I 186 00:12:58.009 --> 00:13:01.850 think when you can get to fifteen, sixteen. Mean we've got some guys 187 00:13:01.889 --> 00:13:05.730 in our team that go up to thirty forts in is really productive. Right 188 00:13:07.169 --> 00:13:09.929 six to a day. Yeah, but those guys are everybody look at them 189 00:13:09.970 --> 00:13:13.200 as like, well, those guys are monster. Not, those guys are 190 00:13:13.279 --> 00:13:16.480 planner is don't put their feet up when they get to meeting in the morning. 191 00:13:16.799 --> 00:13:20.919 They carry on going. They carry on planting the seed and planting the 192 00:13:22.000 --> 00:13:28.950 seed and planting the seed. Another in conversation and over time this conversation developed 193 00:13:28.470 --> 00:13:35.470 and there also the people at kind of almost build a relationship with prospects prior 194 00:13:35.549 --> 00:13:37.950 to the prospect meeting them. So what we tend to see. We tend 195 00:13:37.990 --> 00:13:43.500 to see months one. I think the average would be four to five selves 196 00:13:43.539 --> 00:13:48.460 engagement, like meetings, right, right, company, right, prospect months 197 00:13:48.620 --> 00:13:54.740 to probably around eight, nine, even three, twelve, I would say, 198 00:13:54.220 --> 00:14:00.049 and then months for onward. Fourteen plus. Okay, that's as right 199 00:14:00.610 --> 00:14:03.450 and that that's so. That's that's very similar to what you see. What 200 00:14:03.610 --> 00:14:09.529 I so praising the report all so is a very large proportion of the work 201 00:14:09.610 --> 00:14:15.200 seems to be outbound, and that's so praising me a little bit. But 202 00:14:15.279 --> 00:14:18.240 then I'm scratching the back of man and I'm thinking, is that? Is 203 00:14:18.279 --> 00:14:22.159 that because the research was done in two thousand and twenty and with Covid nineteen 204 00:14:22.240 --> 00:14:24.509 we had to probably focus back on our Boum. What's your take on that 205 00:14:24.590 --> 00:14:31.350 night? I think generally, if I had, if you and I just 206 00:14:31.470 --> 00:14:37.110 took I don't know, fifteen million series a and somebody said here's your number, 207 00:14:37.149 --> 00:14:41.500 get it, the thing we could do tomorrow would be building up on 208 00:14:41.620 --> 00:14:46.179 team or high are higher and outbounting somewhere. Yeah, to say okay, 209 00:14:46.340 --> 00:14:52.210 let's inbound market tomorrow. It's like that's okay, we can start and we'll 210 00:14:52.250 --> 00:14:54.730 build in a house journal that we could do all these amazing things, but 211 00:14:54.809 --> 00:14:58.409 we're not. We're not going to get that quart q one number plus. 212 00:15:00.009 --> 00:15:05.090 There's a I mean there's a pool every may in the United States is a 213 00:15:05.169 --> 00:15:13.200 pool of recent grads who want to get into tech who you can they not 214 00:15:13.279 --> 00:15:16.039 going to be great and we don't certainly don't train them to be good, 215 00:15:16.519 --> 00:15:20.240 but you could put them on the phone for relatively cheap dollars. So I 216 00:15:20.509 --> 00:15:24.389 don't know. I mean I think I'll bound is the thing you can do 217 00:15:24.190 --> 00:15:28.990 where is inbound is a thing you can have done in the past and now 218 00:15:30.070 --> 00:15:33.830 you're reaping the rewards. Yeah, I agree with you and I think you 219 00:15:33.909 --> 00:15:37.659 know the true reading bound a pretty quiet prayer. You know the number of 220 00:15:37.899 --> 00:15:41.700 diamond and I won't mentioned in the organization. Yeah, but the number of 221 00:15:41.860 --> 00:15:46.539 things with some very reputable name like, you know, some big brands, 222 00:15:46.620 --> 00:15:50.970 like probably in the top ten or twenty. Also ty of what you would 223 00:15:50.009 --> 00:15:54.889 imagine this to be the iest revenue generating bet piece of to a companies. 224 00:15:56.610 --> 00:15:58.330 Well, coming to US and said, okay, that's going to be an 225 00:15:58.330 --> 00:16:03.090 energy our program right, we're going to give you the Super Way quality fight. 226 00:16:03.250 --> 00:16:06.080 Don't slowly get people what I en carry in the business of being the 227 00:16:06.120 --> 00:16:08.720 stuff and Blah, Blah Blah. And we get good and, quite frankly, 228 00:16:08.879 --> 00:16:14.000 met, if not even twenty percent, up people who are interested. 229 00:16:14.080 --> 00:16:18.399 You know there is regeneration. People could lead a contact. Yes, people 230 00:16:18.590 --> 00:16:22.629 could lead someone who's been done loading an asset from one company, and then 231 00:16:23.149 --> 00:16:26.870 you know there is a solution that can match up with discover that organs, 232 00:16:26.909 --> 00:16:30.750 we mean for the potential contact, should be. It's not even the guy 233 00:16:30.870 --> 00:16:33.820 right so and they're doing their best and all these tools are brilliant. You 234 00:16:33.899 --> 00:16:37.740 know, I would never speak in a bad way about contents, indication or 235 00:16:38.259 --> 00:16:44.700 intent marketing, because these are information, or these are too that I believe, 236 00:16:45.019 --> 00:16:48.610 provide you with fantastic information. When you are doing a little bit of 237 00:16:48.690 --> 00:16:52.009 forensic walk, you've got a list of a thousand accounts, or hundred accounts 238 00:16:52.049 --> 00:16:56.289 even, and you need to provotize it. You know, you can't walk 239 00:16:56.409 --> 00:17:00.289 a to Z. you've got to ritten this by accouncer and using show. 240 00:17:00.409 --> 00:17:03.680 Looking at people, looking at the fact that companies may have searched your stuff, 241 00:17:03.680 --> 00:17:08.720 may alp you to prioritize, but the actual, true, real inbound. 242 00:17:10.640 --> 00:17:15.640 They are rare great. We don't load a software. Try The people 243 00:17:15.750 --> 00:17:18.990 that Filip a contact me from. I want to buy your stuff. We 244 00:17:19.230 --> 00:17:23.150 don't see a lot of this. And that's so pretty together to threats, 245 00:17:23.230 --> 00:17:30.700 you said. So one like the contact US versus registered for download but never 246 00:17:30.819 --> 00:17:36.059 read a web paper like that's a pretty wide spectrum. Yeah, and then 247 00:17:36.339 --> 00:17:41.420 the other thing you said was it call me in two months. It's like 248 00:17:41.579 --> 00:17:47.170 yes, I totally agree. It's it's hard to drive by prospect or how 249 00:17:47.210 --> 00:17:51.170 to get results from drive right prospecting in those two scenarios. Yeah, like 250 00:17:51.450 --> 00:17:55.289 you down our white paper. Do are a meeting? No, versus, 251 00:17:55.369 --> 00:17:57.720 call me in two months. Well, what if the STR is not going 252 00:17:57.759 --> 00:18:00.440 to be in the seat in two months? What if they're thinking in their 253 00:18:00.480 --> 00:18:03.160 head, in two months I'm going to be an AE. Yeah, so 254 00:18:03.400 --> 00:18:08.039 all the work you've built because they're not going to be in seat, it 255 00:18:08.240 --> 00:18:15.069 just it falls away. It's really hard to think about next quarter, and 256 00:18:15.190 --> 00:18:18.150 this is completely rational and everyone's acting in their own self interest, but it's 257 00:18:18.190 --> 00:18:22.549 hard for the str to think about next quarter if they don't plan on being 258 00:18:22.589 --> 00:18:26.430 an str next quarter. Yeah, so I know the thing that and as 259 00:18:26.509 --> 00:18:27.980 the last to the last point, and I want to ask you question about 260 00:18:29.019 --> 00:18:32.259 what you think, because that's not about me and what they think and whether 261 00:18:32.299 --> 00:18:37.819 full present to today. I was so prized to see the fun connection. 262 00:18:37.019 --> 00:18:41.450 So you've got something that you could quality conversation. I was so prized to 263 00:18:41.490 --> 00:18:45.089 see that going down. But it's kind of it's kind of almost feel like 264 00:18:45.170 --> 00:18:48.730 it's a little bit in decline and that is more and more difficult to have 265 00:18:48.930 --> 00:18:53.009 qualitative conversation of all the food. Can you give us your suits on what 266 00:18:53.130 --> 00:18:56.759 are the best medium, if there is such a thing, or do you 267 00:18:56.799 --> 00:19:03.480 see a trend? Well, specific medium maybe a better place to engage prospect 268 00:19:03.599 --> 00:19:07.119 in that quality conversation. Sure so, number, when you're absolutely right, 269 00:19:07.559 --> 00:19:12.430 the number. So we define quality conversations just for for listeners as it's it 270 00:19:12.509 --> 00:19:15.990 can be a phone call, a phone conversation where at least one piece of 271 00:19:17.069 --> 00:19:21.910 qualifying or just qualifying information is learned. So something more than I'd like to 272 00:19:21.950 --> 00:19:23.069 talk to you and they hang up or say take me off your list, 273 00:19:23.230 --> 00:19:27.460 like that's not quality or, and I stole this from Steve Richard, from 274 00:19:27.500 --> 00:19:32.819 exact vision and email that goes round trip twice. So I am O you, 275 00:19:33.099 --> 00:19:36.859 you reply, I reply and you reply. So that's quality. It's 276 00:19:36.900 --> 00:19:41.650 gone round trip twice. So so sit in over the last eight dish year's. 277 00:19:41.769 --> 00:19:47.049 I remember reps used to be comped on ten QC's a day and now 278 00:19:47.130 --> 00:19:51.289 we're saying like four or five. Yeah, so that I mean. If 279 00:19:51.369 --> 00:19:52.559 anything, if someone asked me, has the job gotten harder, I just 280 00:19:52.680 --> 00:19:57.720 pointed that number. I say there's more technology, there's more data and you're 281 00:19:57.720 --> 00:20:00.720 having half as many conversations per day. Seems like the jobs getting harder. 282 00:20:00.720 --> 00:20:06.160 Yeah, but and this is where it gets this is where the second, 283 00:20:06.359 --> 00:20:11.430 the second leading source of Hadium Mail that I get is the people to say 284 00:20:11.430 --> 00:20:18.990 I'm a dinosaur. So I was an str in two thousand and four five 285 00:20:19.430 --> 00:20:22.859 and there's something as me. I think it was. We had email back 286 00:20:22.940 --> 00:20:26.460 then, you remember. People think it didn't exist. It's like we hit 287 00:20:26.500 --> 00:20:30.779 the same tool stack. You do. Yeah, linkton was at the already 288 00:20:30.779 --> 00:20:33.099 stage, is what everything was free. Honing didn't it was? No, 289 00:20:33.220 --> 00:20:37.210 that's true. Yeah, absolutely. And we would get physical lists of, 290 00:20:37.410 --> 00:20:41.009 you know, like the Atlanta Business Journal to figure out which the companies were 291 00:20:41.009 --> 00:20:45.609 higher, you know. So with the data were there and the phone was 292 00:20:45.690 --> 00:20:48.289 how you talk to people and a very good of Whil exins pretty. Yes, 293 00:20:48.609 --> 00:20:55.920 absolutely, it was like a rainbow of perspective. Speaking of knowing me 294 00:20:56.079 --> 00:20:59.519 able to backfill you. Yes, people could not. People could never decipher 295 00:20:59.599 --> 00:21:03.920 what you were doing. But so I'm a big phone proponent, not because 296 00:21:03.160 --> 00:21:07.269 I like talking on the phone, I don't, or talking to strangers on 297 00:21:07.309 --> 00:21:11.190 the phone, I certainly don't, but because the numbers say leading indicator of 298 00:21:11.910 --> 00:21:18.700 booking a meeting is having a quality conversation and the thing that drives the most 299 00:21:18.740 --> 00:21:25.099 quality conversations is the phone. So it's I mean, I'm I it's not 300 00:21:25.220 --> 00:21:27.140 like I'm in big phones pocket. You know there. There is no big 301 00:21:27.259 --> 00:21:30.619 phone, no one's no one's cutting me checks when I say Reps. if 302 00:21:30.660 --> 00:21:36.089 you if you're struggling, make more dials. It's just how the how the 303 00:21:36.130 --> 00:21:38.809 data seemed to play out. Yeah, and we broke down in the report 304 00:21:40.009 --> 00:21:45.690 like we don't ask people are you phone centric or non phones eor email centric 305 00:21:45.730 --> 00:21:48.079 or Linkedin centric, but we ask them what their teams do for activities, 306 00:21:48.920 --> 00:21:52.359 and then we made a call, qualitative decision. You know, sixty five 307 00:21:52.400 --> 00:21:56.680 percent of their activities were phone, their phone centric, sixty five percent where 308 00:21:56.680 --> 00:22:00.319 email, their email centric, and the data show so that the average quality 309 00:22:00.359 --> 00:22:04.269 conversations per day is lower for email centric teams. It's just what it is. 310 00:22:04.349 --> 00:22:07.549 There's two ways to look at it. One those Reps. they're so 311 00:22:07.710 --> 00:22:11.990 good at emailing. They can email so many people, though, still hit 312 00:22:11.029 --> 00:22:15.670 their number, which is possible, right? You can email a thousand prospects 313 00:22:15.670 --> 00:22:18.980 in a day. I don't think anyone can call a thousand any day. 314 00:22:18.980 --> 00:22:23.740 Or maybe their jobs. Maybe there's something about those jobs that they're slightly easier. 315 00:22:25.099 --> 00:22:27.339 Maybe it's a lower ASP, a lower level by or smaller company, 316 00:22:27.740 --> 00:22:32.009 so they don't have to use the phone to hit their number. So whenever 317 00:22:32.089 --> 00:22:36.690 people tell me I only called email and it works, I say I believe 318 00:22:36.769 --> 00:22:40.650 you, but the burden is on you to prove to me that that's transferable 319 00:22:40.690 --> 00:22:44.049 to your next job. Yeah, you know. So that's that's my take. 320 00:22:44.170 --> 00:22:45.599 No one's nobody's paying the Bridge Group A ton of money to say make 321 00:22:45.640 --> 00:22:48.119 more dials right, like you know, we don't know what he pays us 322 00:22:48.160 --> 00:22:52.799 for that advice. But more often than not make more dials works. Yeah, 323 00:22:52.920 --> 00:22:56.599 and I think you were so. Probably it's probably easier to good through 324 00:22:56.680 --> 00:23:00.190 the noise with a food conversation. I thinking in the facility. Sir Gongs, 325 00:23:00.230 --> 00:23:03.509 you can really even impressure with your voice to two and everything. You 326 00:23:03.549 --> 00:23:07.670 know many t technically. Then with an email, I think email like here's 327 00:23:07.710 --> 00:23:10.549 you're praising me would probably will quieter with me. I I like a good 328 00:23:10.549 --> 00:23:14.460 dayle email and I respect to where it will timail. I will respect somewhere. 329 00:23:14.460 --> 00:23:18.380 That goes to the point. Tell me, why me? Why my 330 00:23:18.660 --> 00:23:22.859 company? And watch even you know, a good eman could walk about it. 331 00:23:23.420 --> 00:23:27.170 I see it does a sequence, as I see it as at the 332 00:23:27.250 --> 00:23:30.890 end of the day, does it matter what I'm going faulting people with? 333 00:23:32.210 --> 00:23:36.849 Know what matters is what's the best medium to get old of the person? 334 00:23:37.130 --> 00:23:41.559 I either prospect that. I think the technology at I'm representing can help. 335 00:23:41.119 --> 00:23:45.000 Right, because I've got a mission which is I need to give the news 336 00:23:45.039 --> 00:23:51.359 to that guy or wherever it is to that that we are here and we 337 00:23:51.440 --> 00:23:55.990 are great and we should buy our stuff. They don't know about us. 338 00:23:56.430 --> 00:23:59.109 Why are we not engage yet? I don't know. This is writing me 339 00:23:59.269 --> 00:24:03.029 crazy. So maybe be a linked in touch. So let's say you've got 340 00:24:03.069 --> 00:24:07.750 a marketing personality. You are targetting the active on social medias. You can 341 00:24:07.869 --> 00:24:11.380 go and like their stuff on linked in comments. Send them some dam about 342 00:24:11.420 --> 00:24:14.579 that great article at the precedents to Flayer, to create some sort of noise 343 00:24:14.660 --> 00:24:18.779 and and make your names being recognized and stuff. Maybe be an email because 344 00:24:18.779 --> 00:24:22.140 in fact that someone was traveling so much at they never had that desk and 345 00:24:22.220 --> 00:24:26.250 you don't have the mobile numbers, you've got no ense to get them. 346 00:24:26.329 --> 00:24:29.690 So your best, best luck is to send them an email at eight pm 347 00:24:29.730 --> 00:24:33.569 when they're still, you know, at the airport, you know, doing 348 00:24:33.609 --> 00:24:37.130 a few emails, sitting at a bout drinking a pint. Or is it 349 00:24:37.450 --> 00:24:41.359 is it? Is it, you know, a phone call, a phone 350 00:24:41.400 --> 00:24:45.240 call when they are getting into the office or in the evening when they're wrapping 351 00:24:45.279 --> 00:24:48.480 up in the office. So I think from a perspective, the medium is 352 00:24:48.680 --> 00:24:52.630 really is really dependent on the prospect you want to reach and how people wants 353 00:24:52.670 --> 00:24:57.230 to engage with we found out recently we do have a fair amount of clients 354 00:24:57.309 --> 00:25:02.430 in Israel. He Front know that what's up. He's a great way to 355 00:25:02.509 --> 00:25:03.950 get in touch with people. I wouldn't find you to lead to be true, 356 00:25:04.029 --> 00:25:07.740 if someone was to send your what's about of the blue, because that's 357 00:25:07.859 --> 00:25:12.259 that's my personal life pretty much okay, but with these friendly prospect no problem. 358 00:25:12.299 --> 00:25:18.539 High spoons. You know. So why not? I can know you 359 00:25:18.619 --> 00:25:21.450 exactly what I like. It doesn't matter what they think about it. It 360 00:25:21.490 --> 00:25:25.009 doesn't matter you if I would feel offriended if he was coming my way. 361 00:25:25.009 --> 00:25:27.250 It's about them. No, I agree in the one thing I would say. 362 00:25:27.450 --> 00:25:33.049 It's a hundred percent agree. It's the sequence or the cadence or whatever 363 00:25:33.369 --> 00:25:40.799 the playbook you're running is what matters. The one tendency I see is we 364 00:25:41.000 --> 00:25:45.720 remember, my we. It's easy to remember every email that book to you 365 00:25:45.839 --> 00:25:49.549 to the meeting. It's impossible to remember the ninety nine dials. HMM, 366 00:25:49.789 --> 00:25:52.670 that didn't answer, but that one time book you the meeting. So that 367 00:25:53.589 --> 00:25:57.829 the universe tends towards the easy stuff. Yeah, that's just. That's like 368 00:25:57.990 --> 00:26:02.789 that's a slave of thermodynamics. Everybody gets up and says, let me do 369 00:26:02.869 --> 00:26:06.299 ten percent more of the hard stuff today. I agree with you, but 370 00:26:06.380 --> 00:26:08.180 yeah, I agree so so, like dimy, opposite of you. I 371 00:26:08.299 --> 00:26:12.259 never I get so many emails and I'm a nobody at a company with not 372 00:26:12.339 --> 00:26:15.980 a huge budget. I don't read any of them, but I listened to 373 00:26:15.019 --> 00:26:18.970 every voicemail. A replaves me, but it seems that you've got a lot 374 00:26:18.009 --> 00:26:21.930 of faith email as well. So it's probably I would not like to be 375 00:26:22.009 --> 00:26:26.369 a knowing, but it's the beauty. It's the beauty and the the down 376 00:26:26.450 --> 00:26:30.650 side of Linkedin. Yeah, that means it's and again, you know, 377 00:26:30.809 --> 00:26:33.559 this is really at the end of the day, I believe. I believe 378 00:26:33.559 --> 00:26:37.200 it depends on the person that you out like getting in when you are beyondest 379 00:26:37.279 --> 00:26:41.039 the Odia a or whatever. I stopped about us and I we feel abodes 380 00:26:41.039 --> 00:26:44.480 about making sure that's we go through the prospect and we put them in the 381 00:26:44.599 --> 00:26:47.470 center of the approach, you know, from a message perspective, from a 382 00:26:47.990 --> 00:26:51.349 medium perspective, in order that from at least from a perspective. Yah, 383 00:26:51.390 --> 00:26:56.190 know absolutely it's and it's, but it's so hard to know it. This 384 00:26:56.390 --> 00:27:03.380 is where companies let it. They they let strs run their own playbooks, 385 00:27:03.420 --> 00:27:07.019 or I say like they mutate the central playbook and mutates. It's like a 386 00:27:07.099 --> 00:27:11.339 fast dividing cell, so fast that when you have ten reps, you're not 387 00:27:11.380 --> 00:27:15.180 running the same playbook anymore and you're doing reps a disservice, like you get. 388 00:27:15.220 --> 00:27:18.049 Yes, you're giving them autonomy, but if you let someone do something 389 00:27:18.089 --> 00:27:22.009 that's less effective and they don't know such effective because no one is measuring it 390 00:27:22.130 --> 00:27:26.569 properly, then you're setting people up to fail. So a little bit of 391 00:27:26.730 --> 00:27:30.039 control, or at least saying I love your new approach, can we test 392 00:27:30.079 --> 00:27:33.839 it? I think is a good way to go. person's degree. So 393 00:27:34.599 --> 00:27:38.519 you are doing this stri books, seems to sus and seven. I would 394 00:27:38.559 --> 00:27:44.279 like to know from the the reporting in two thousand and twenty, what surprised 395 00:27:44.349 --> 00:27:48.109 you, sure, Matt, personally or the group you know? So you 396 00:27:48.390 --> 00:27:51.750 tration or that? What was the is there anything that just came up? 397 00:27:52.069 --> 00:27:55.150 Come up and you're just like wow, that's surprising that, that's that's I 398 00:27:55.309 --> 00:27:59.099 know the one. What was it? Even so, I thought, I 399 00:27:59.539 --> 00:28:04.420 believed companies were going to soften their qualification criteria in response to covid in the 400 00:28:04.460 --> 00:28:10.900 economic downturn, and I thought also quotas would fall and repetayment would fall. 401 00:28:11.099 --> 00:28:17.410 I was definitely right on company softened. Quotas did not fall drastically, maybe 402 00:28:17.450 --> 00:28:19.289 because they're sticky and they're hard to cut once you've already agreed to something with 403 00:28:19.329 --> 00:28:25.769 the CFO and having soften them and and maybe given a little bit of relief. 404 00:28:26.049 --> 00:28:27.880 The same number, the same percentage of reps hit quote as they did 405 00:28:27.880 --> 00:28:33.920 two years ago. So that shocked me. So the I think it's it's 406 00:28:33.000 --> 00:28:36.680 over a year. It looks like there wasn't much of an impact, but 407 00:28:36.759 --> 00:28:41.319 I bet first half, second half we're very different in most companies. Yeah, 408 00:28:41.910 --> 00:28:45.509 and that's exactly. May You ex question. What was the impact of 409 00:28:45.589 --> 00:28:48.829 the Pundine that you you all? What was the impact of Pundinique, you 410 00:28:48.910 --> 00:28:52.750 think, on the SERTA OF DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRY? Sure, so. This is 411 00:28:52.789 --> 00:28:56.740 a second surprise to me. Was, I thought, at least be again 412 00:28:56.779 --> 00:29:03.539 speaking it to the US, our unemployment rate for what where we called the 413 00:29:03.779 --> 00:29:07.460 the str profile, went from let's say, you know, to three percent 414 00:29:07.859 --> 00:29:12.890 to nine ten percent. So I thought, okay, there's a lot more 415 00:29:14.049 --> 00:29:18.809 talent on the market. Companies are not going to hire two thousand and twenty 416 00:29:18.809 --> 00:29:22.329 graduates. They're going to hire reps that have done this for for six eight 417 00:29:22.369 --> 00:29:26.839 quarters and say hey, this is tough economy. Why don't you join us 418 00:29:26.839 --> 00:29:30.480 as an str when we rebound your front of the line to become an a? 419 00:29:30.119 --> 00:29:33.680 So I thought the profile would change. We companies would be hiring morse 420 00:29:33.960 --> 00:29:38.950 experience, more bdb experienced people, and I was dead wrong. The profile 421 00:29:40.029 --> 00:29:42.869 did not change at all. You know, the amount of experience required higher 422 00:29:44.069 --> 00:29:48.269 was was pretty much consistent with every prior year, or I should say consistent 423 00:29:48.309 --> 00:29:51.990 with the downward trend, whether they're hiring less and less experienced reps over time. 424 00:29:52.180 --> 00:29:59.460 But the problem is it like it's kind of become like a factory where 425 00:29:59.500 --> 00:30:03.220 it's like associated SCR, senior SCR and a presenting SCR mid market a go, 426 00:30:03.380 --> 00:30:07.650 go, go, go go. The problem is we took six months 427 00:30:08.490 --> 00:30:15.329 of hiring new a's away. So now there's like a there's up, there's 428 00:30:15.450 --> 00:30:19.809 pent up demand to want to make the next step that they just aren't enough 429 00:30:19.849 --> 00:30:22.799 open positions for. Like we haven't we're not back to the employment levels we 430 00:30:22.839 --> 00:30:26.319 were at at the end of two thousand and nineteen. Yeah, so there's 431 00:30:26.359 --> 00:30:30.359 a lot of us and I see it. I'm a big lurker on Reddit, 432 00:30:30.720 --> 00:30:33.440 our sales. I really like it because it's anonymous and you get you 433 00:30:33.480 --> 00:30:40.269 get a good, like read on what strs from different industries and different parts 434 00:30:40.269 --> 00:30:41.950 of the country or saying to each other. Yeah, and like there's a 435 00:30:41.990 --> 00:30:47.150 lot of frustration that specifically reps. they were higher in late two thousand and 436 00:30:47.150 --> 00:30:51.339 nineteen. Who thought they would be a's by now. And not only are 437 00:30:51.380 --> 00:30:53.700 they not, there's not like an it's not going to be next quarter. 438 00:30:53.819 --> 00:30:57.819 They're just the company is not hiring that much. So I think like ten 439 00:30:57.819 --> 00:31:06.210 years is stretching just because of these like macro factors. There's only so many 440 00:31:06.289 --> 00:31:11.609 companies right now. They want to hire someone else's str to be their junior 441 00:31:11.650 --> 00:31:14.650 ae. That's like a hard jump, is to to leave your company and 442 00:31:14.730 --> 00:31:18.960 make that step up. Yeah, so there aren't a ton of those opportunities 443 00:31:18.640 --> 00:31:23.599 and I'm feeling a lot of frustration that that, you know, in what, 444 00:31:23.880 --> 00:31:27.039 in fifteen months, people aren't where they thought they were going to be. 445 00:31:29.920 --> 00:31:33.670 Agree a great and I think there is a big demon in general for 446 00:31:33.789 --> 00:31:38.750 anything sells. I think there is that from the series development spread to the 447 00:31:40.190 --> 00:31:44.829 to the to Thea. I mean we I think one of our biggest frustration 448 00:31:45.190 --> 00:31:48.660 in what we do as a business is these clients or x clients, pushing 449 00:31:48.779 --> 00:31:53.819 out team or yeah, I mean this is something that yet it's happening all 450 00:31:55.500 --> 00:31:59.700 the time. Yeah, sometimes very nicely. So you've got to ground that. 451 00:31:59.740 --> 00:32:01.490 Will Give us a could and say hey, you know what. That 452 00:32:01.690 --> 00:32:06.089 guy is brilliant. I used to walk with you. Mean like previous company. 453 00:32:06.130 --> 00:32:07.410 I would like to re engage, but whiring, you know, could 454 00:32:07.450 --> 00:32:10.529 we? You know? So that's cooler. We actually respect the people will 455 00:32:10.569 --> 00:32:15.009 contact us first and let us know, also when in the leadership team, 456 00:32:15.009 --> 00:32:19.079 about their intention to get off good and put the Mozo. Would just hide 457 00:32:19.359 --> 00:32:22.400 behind recruitis. But did that or the recruit as to us and you know, 458 00:32:22.839 --> 00:32:24.000 or the message, because that's the good news. You know, our 459 00:32:24.000 --> 00:32:29.279 guys are quite open and maybe not as lower as we would like, but 460 00:32:29.559 --> 00:32:32.670 you know, they are relatively open about what's happening and telling and telling us. 461 00:32:32.710 --> 00:32:37.910 But our they have been approached. But you know, it seems what 462 00:32:37.990 --> 00:32:42.990 we've seen over the last couple of yours for sure, is a bit more 463 00:32:43.069 --> 00:32:47.099 desperation for hiring good caliber asda. And know you spoke about that factory. 464 00:32:47.220 --> 00:32:51.859 We kind of calling the conveyor bait by and I think I think it's exactly 465 00:32:51.900 --> 00:32:54.420 the same thing. Is The conveyablet in the factory and and we try to 466 00:32:54.539 --> 00:32:59.569 develop these talents. So we try to you know, when you recruit anist 467 00:32:59.569 --> 00:33:02.009 Dyah, I think you can't do it. Based on previous experience for us 468 00:33:02.170 --> 00:33:05.970 is too late. They are weak and see for us, because you know, 469 00:33:06.049 --> 00:33:08.690 we need to make some margin and still not custo fortune for our clients. 470 00:33:09.250 --> 00:33:14.359 So we need to get the guys that are like we work with them 471 00:33:14.400 --> 00:33:17.920 for wood. They are not what they've done. Yeah, I love that. 472 00:33:19.000 --> 00:33:22.240 Yeah, and and then you've got to develop them, but then when 473 00:33:22.240 --> 00:33:25.480 they become good, you've got to keep them. Yeah, and the prime 474 00:33:25.519 --> 00:33:29.869 you've got that where you do that and you work really out and we've got 475 00:33:29.950 --> 00:33:32.390 processes and we tried to be a great place to work. You know, 476 00:33:32.710 --> 00:33:36.150 you have the odd sells guy that we work with. Say, have you 477 00:33:36.190 --> 00:33:37.269 consider looking outside? You know, we've got a job. I think we 478 00:33:37.309 --> 00:33:39.910 pay a little bit more and where you are at at the moment, maybe 479 00:33:40.269 --> 00:33:44.819 you considering it. You know, it's just like those kind of dropping things. 480 00:33:44.940 --> 00:33:46.299 was just that and we have to deal with it on the constant basis, 481 00:33:46.579 --> 00:33:50.220 course, and think. And I think I heard you say on another 482 00:33:50.259 --> 00:33:54.339 another show that like a lot of your non str staff are former of your 483 00:33:54.500 --> 00:33:59.130 scrs, like there is the your intern every all your internal positions are formers. 484 00:33:59.410 --> 00:34:01.009 Yes, yes, we've very been one, very big on the promotion 485 00:34:01.089 --> 00:34:05.730 from within, like Papa Jones, MC Donald whatever, who's just like you 486 00:34:05.809 --> 00:34:07.690 know. You know, you want to on your own franchise. You said 487 00:34:07.730 --> 00:34:12.440 that the bottom putting the pepperorities on the pizza. Yeah, and that's that's 488 00:34:12.519 --> 00:34:16.159 that's because all the management team, including my my business, but now and 489 00:34:16.239 --> 00:34:21.360 I we all come from that school. So we've got a lot of respect 490 00:34:21.440 --> 00:34:23.710 and but it's difficult to to keep up. You know, you've got to 491 00:34:23.829 --> 00:34:27.230 grow at a specific rate. But, Scroy, when you get to two 492 00:34:27.309 --> 00:34:30.269 hundred, two hundred and fifty s dls, you know, you have literally 493 00:34:30.309 --> 00:34:35.269 sixty people at once of promotion every year, of course. Yeah, and 494 00:34:35.469 --> 00:34:37.909 it's time. It's the job, you know, and we go, you 495 00:34:37.989 --> 00:34:39.940 know, I mean we are growing, but we need people on the ground. 496 00:34:40.059 --> 00:34:45.539 So, but I do think that desperation for talents. I really do 497 00:34:45.659 --> 00:34:50.099 feel that, because something that was one of once, you know why, 498 00:34:50.219 --> 00:34:52.369 once every six months of client would come and put one of your guys nice 499 00:34:52.409 --> 00:34:55.889 literally upening, if not twice a week, at least once a week. 500 00:34:57.570 --> 00:35:00.610 So you have my permiission to cut this from the episode if you want to, 501 00:35:00.769 --> 00:35:04.889 but I have some data. I haven't finished yet. That the answer. 502 00:35:05.050 --> 00:35:07.159 So here's it is. The question I'm asking if I'm hiring for a 503 00:35:07.519 --> 00:35:13.119 junior a and I had I can't promote internally, so that's off the table. 504 00:35:13.599 --> 00:35:19.199 Is it better to hire somebody WHO's worked for TDB tech fender as an 505 00:35:19.280 --> 00:35:24.349 str or somebody who's worked for a company like yours as an str and like? 506 00:35:24.949 --> 00:35:30.269 Logically you would say let's stop it. They probably the same. It's 507 00:35:30.309 --> 00:35:32.789 not even close. The success stray or the the rate of not getting fired 508 00:35:32.909 --> 00:35:37.420 within two quarters is much, much higher for somebody who's works for you because 509 00:35:37.460 --> 00:35:42.380 they've seen, they've seen, they've been through a better process, they've had 510 00:35:42.420 --> 00:35:45.340 the manage my theory, they've had better management and they've just seen more sales 511 00:35:45.460 --> 00:35:51.969 motions, they've worked more accounts, they've seen more if they're experience is so 512 00:35:52.050 --> 00:35:55.650 much deeper in the same amount of months. Yeah, I think we take 513 00:35:55.730 --> 00:36:00.449 them through a most sorrow starts training. Hmmm, I think we take we 514 00:36:00.610 --> 00:36:06.719 also vary they participate to client management. There is a sort of customer success 515 00:36:06.760 --> 00:36:10.880 that is is engraved in their brain and then they they are involved in every 516 00:36:10.920 --> 00:36:14.760 single steps of the customal journey. So we not to a v on the 517 00:36:15.199 --> 00:36:17.559 or you would have like five layers of management before you have the Rep. 518 00:36:17.710 --> 00:36:21.630 The reps are truly on the w you know, the weekly business for you 519 00:36:21.750 --> 00:36:24.630 basically. So yeah, I think. I think our guys when they come 520 00:36:25.150 --> 00:36:30.989 we are I'd like to take the energy. Mean we don't do that. 521 00:36:30.070 --> 00:36:34.739 An email in Europe pretty but it's like military service. You know, I'm 522 00:36:34.780 --> 00:36:37.059 speaking to some of them again, coming back to to Eastraeli even dolls and 523 00:36:37.420 --> 00:36:42.099 people we walk with the there is Tiv stray. There is still military service 524 00:36:42.260 --> 00:36:45.860 in his trine and I wouldso have some some relatives in career and people will 525 00:36:46.170 --> 00:36:49.929 if your career and you live in in England or in the US, you 526 00:36:50.010 --> 00:36:52.889 have to go back to do your military service for eighteen months, right, 527 00:36:52.530 --> 00:36:55.170 but all the people complain about it, but when they come back from it 528 00:36:55.250 --> 00:37:00.449 they're like wow, wow. I'm a change man. Yeah, things I've 529 00:37:00.530 --> 00:37:06.199 learned, the discipline, the process. I'm a change man. I may 530 00:37:06.679 --> 00:37:10.400 my perception, the paradigms on life, the way I'm I'm acting, the 531 00:37:10.480 --> 00:37:16.469 way making decisions, and it's because you know, then, that we rolled 532 00:37:16.510 --> 00:37:22.590 them in the murder are but we don't. We they are being managed by 533 00:37:22.710 --> 00:37:27.789 people who have done that job. They are not managed basically week you know, 534 00:37:27.869 --> 00:37:32.059 they're managed by experience, they are evaluated a are part of a larger 535 00:37:32.179 --> 00:37:37.019 group of people. There is competition internally. There is healthy competition. So 536 00:37:37.059 --> 00:37:40.980 there is a lot of things going on and you know, and he kind 537 00:37:40.980 --> 00:37:45.130 of remaining, why I get I got started in the business. I really 538 00:37:45.170 --> 00:37:49.250 why I got started in the business is actually finished my my studies in the 539 00:37:49.329 --> 00:37:52.570 UK in cambridges where I moved in the UK first place, but when I 540 00:37:52.690 --> 00:37:55.289 was about to go back to France, to Paris, and I was working 541 00:37:55.369 --> 00:38:00.559 for Philips at the time, so Philip sent me to to to the UK. 542 00:38:00.719 --> 00:38:04.679 So Philip the consumer electronics. They just relocated the the business unit that 543 00:38:04.719 --> 00:38:07.159 I was working for to China. But to give you an ID and to 544 00:38:07.199 --> 00:38:10.039 reveal about my age, we were working on MPs three player. That will 545 00:38:10.039 --> 00:38:14.989 be a USB stick that you were around your neck. I love it the 546 00:38:15.070 --> 00:38:17.190 day. But what I was doing at the time I was reading looks of 547 00:38:17.230 --> 00:38:22.389 autobiography and I can't remember if it was Richob Brenson or Warren Birthday. He 548 00:38:22.510 --> 00:38:28.179 was some of theose top guys who always said I started my career in recruitment. 549 00:38:28.420 --> 00:38:31.579 I started my carrier in Teli Marketing, I started my carrier in door 550 00:38:31.659 --> 00:38:36.739 to door sitting. And if you can brave the elements of this rough, 551 00:38:37.219 --> 00:38:40.179 tough type of environment and be good at it, you're going to be a 552 00:38:40.300 --> 00:38:44.889 good CEO, you going to be a good person. And that's why I 553 00:38:44.929 --> 00:38:47.050 couldn't get up the military service in my in my in my opinion. So 554 00:38:47.889 --> 00:38:51.530 I think because we take them through the sort and and because it's aw a 555 00:38:51.610 --> 00:38:54.570 mindset to really we say to people when we recruit them, they look, 556 00:38:54.570 --> 00:38:57.679 if you want to work for a vendor, you're going to make more money, 557 00:38:58.079 --> 00:39:00.840 but what you get from us is acceleration of your career right and going 558 00:39:00.960 --> 00:39:07.679 be yeah, yeah, absolutely, and especially now like so forgive me for 559 00:39:07.760 --> 00:39:12.869 not knowing exactly the in person office situation in the UK, but here in 560 00:39:12.869 --> 00:39:15.989 the US very few companies are all back in the office, but practically not. 561 00:39:16.510 --> 00:39:24.099 Yeah, so imagine on boarding three new reps who you've never met. 562 00:39:24.219 --> 00:39:29.619 They've never met each in person, they've never met each other and they're learning 563 00:39:29.659 --> 00:39:35.739 and doing their jobs desperately. Versus, you're on boarding three reps someday in 564 00:39:35.820 --> 00:39:39.610 the office where there's sixty other a hundred other. I mean it's just a 565 00:39:39.690 --> 00:39:44.409 deeper, deeper pulled urns. It's just, it's just, you know, 566 00:39:44.530 --> 00:39:47.289 we took a massive slap across the face last you're around that specific topic. 567 00:39:47.329 --> 00:39:51.610 Yeah, I mean there is lots of prison first of all. Why? 568 00:39:51.929 --> 00:39:54.639 And there is, there is, there is a counter effect that were at 569 00:39:54.760 --> 00:39:59.159 was posity. But if we focus on the difficulties that we face to your 570 00:39:59.199 --> 00:40:04.800 appointment, well, we have lots of very nice people in in the office. 571 00:40:04.920 --> 00:40:07.909 We have lots of people like extremely emotionally intelligent and help other in the 572 00:40:08.070 --> 00:40:12.349 office. Okay, and in fact we we've been promoting a fair few of 573 00:40:12.429 --> 00:40:16.230 them as mentor and Mentor at operatics. Someone would still carry a little bit 574 00:40:16.269 --> 00:40:21.070 of of delivery or working for clients. So they are still in the trenches, 575 00:40:21.389 --> 00:40:23.900 they are still working. There are non threatening figures that are not your 576 00:40:23.980 --> 00:40:29.699 manager. You can go and tell them. What does what does Cityo mean? 577 00:40:30.420 --> 00:40:32.380 Yeah, a lot of fine, they will, they will tell you, 578 00:40:32.539 --> 00:40:36.449 but you may not want to go up to your manager to discuss it 579 00:40:36.530 --> 00:40:39.610 because you may think it's a stupid question. So you know all that shadowing, 580 00:40:40.369 --> 00:40:44.849 all that things that you can see when you're managing it in because you're 581 00:40:44.849 --> 00:40:46.769 in meetings and stuff like that. But the people who are on the floor. 582 00:40:47.690 --> 00:40:51.960 Say aim at just so your core. You've done so well, but 583 00:40:52.840 --> 00:40:55.039 use a silence. You speak too much. Maybe you should just have stopped, 584 00:40:55.079 --> 00:40:58.320 like when you say that, when you carry on. No, but 585 00:40:58.800 --> 00:41:04.000 the little pointer that change your life. You can trurely have that in Indian 586 00:41:04.039 --> 00:41:07.110 visible organization when you are distributed, and that's difficult. However, on the 587 00:41:07.230 --> 00:41:13.349 plus side, we've see in we realized that we have a lot of introverlt 588 00:41:14.150 --> 00:41:17.190 okay, and I think for me this introvert would be the guys who are 589 00:41:17.269 --> 00:41:25.260 like good average videas that have been absolutely exploding walking from home, and I 590 00:41:25.380 --> 00:41:30.219 think the reason behind that is because there is no filter. All my coding. 591 00:41:30.340 --> 00:41:31.889 Next to me is listening to what I'm saying. Yes, yes, 592 00:41:32.369 --> 00:41:36.610 Oh, that guy is kind of the manager is there, or don't really 593 00:41:36.610 --> 00:41:38.250 want to cut it, the managers here, because you know, if I've 594 00:41:38.250 --> 00:41:44.010 got a connection, I'm going to be and I do believe that. We've 595 00:41:44.010 --> 00:41:47.239 said, we had some people just absolutely exploded and then that teach us some 596 00:41:47.360 --> 00:41:52.679 great lessons. Okay, so obviously the problemic was an honorable events that we 597 00:41:52.760 --> 00:41:55.159 had to we had to adapt to, but we've learned so much matt, 598 00:41:55.760 --> 00:41:59.239 and you're so right with the point you are making by the one. Now, 599 00:41:59.679 --> 00:42:04.190 let me tell you. I've worked from home for eleven years. If 600 00:42:04.309 --> 00:42:07.829 there's the radio on, my productively goes down. It's too distracting. So 601 00:42:08.630 --> 00:42:12.230 yes, it is very person specific, but I love that story. It's 602 00:42:12.269 --> 00:42:15.469 great. Well, unfortunately we get into the end of the of the show 603 00:42:15.550 --> 00:42:17.139 to that I could carry on and next time we have we'll have to meet 604 00:42:17.139 --> 00:42:20.820 up and go for a bay or something, but when I come stay inside, 605 00:42:20.860 --> 00:42:22.539 and that's great. Not sition where I had a great time to day. 606 00:42:23.139 --> 00:42:27.460 And thanks again, Matt, for sharing all your insight at this point 607 00:42:27.539 --> 00:42:30.210 of the conversation. Always as the same question is. You know, people 608 00:42:30.329 --> 00:42:34.050 may want to carry on the conversation with you. They may want to discuss 609 00:42:34.250 --> 00:42:37.570 the services that you guys can offer the bridge group. So what is the 610 00:42:37.690 --> 00:42:40.329 best way to get in touch with you, mats? So anyone off all 611 00:42:40.369 --> 00:42:44.679 audience can reach out to you, please. Guys in the audience, no 612 00:42:45.239 --> 00:42:47.639 height emails. Yeah Right. They may want to tell me I'm an idiot. 613 00:42:49.320 --> 00:42:51.239 So Noe that gay. But was the best way to get told of 614 00:42:51.280 --> 00:42:53.639 you? I think likekedin is the easiest because there aren't that many, Matt, 615 00:42:53.800 --> 00:42:59.469 for Tuesday's bear to use easi right and just message me or Bridge Group 616 00:42:59.510 --> 00:43:02.190 Bank. Contact us and I promise you it will get to me in a 617 00:43:02.230 --> 00:43:07.510 minute and I will reply in too. That's that's that's that's good. It 618 00:43:07.869 --> 00:43:09.190 is good to be a giant. Somebody should the Wong, though, when 619 00:43:09.230 --> 00:43:14.340 they put a request for way. I'm responding this because what was on there? 620 00:43:14.420 --> 00:43:16.139 You Go. No, Matt, all big the companies look mt it 621 00:43:16.219 --> 00:43:19.940 was absolutely an absolute pleasure to have you on the show today, so thank 622 00:43:19.940 --> 00:43:22.780 you very much for your time. Thanks for having me. operatics has redefined 623 00:43:22.940 --> 00:43:30.050 the meaning of revenue generation for technology companies worldwide. While the traditional concepts of 624 00:43:30.210 --> 00:43:35.570 building and managing inside sales teams inhouse has existed for many years, companies are 625 00:43:35.650 --> 00:43:39.849 struggling with a lack of focus, agility and scale required in today's fast and 626 00:43:40.010 --> 00:43:46.559 complex world of enterprise technology sales. See How operatics can help your company accelerate 627 00:43:46.599 --> 00:43:53.119 pipeline at operatics dotnet. You've been listening to be tob revenue acceleration. To 628 00:43:53.239 --> 00:43:57.710 ensure that you never miss an episode, subscribe to the show in your favorite 629 00:43:57.750 --> 00:44:00.389 podcast player. Thank you so much for listening. Until next time,

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