110: Ramping Up SDRs: The First 90 Days w/ Sam Nelson

September 02, 2021 00:29:24
110: Ramping Up SDRs: The First 90 Days w/ Sam Nelson
B2B Revenue Acceleration
110: Ramping Up SDRs: The First 90 Days w/ Sam Nelson

Sep 02 2021 | 00:29:24


Show Notes

It’s harder than ever to find talented Sales Development Reps (SDRs) - even hiring the finest talent doesn’t mean they will be successful if they don’t go through a well-structured onboarding and ramping process.

Their first 90 days will show you who will break and who will win.

In this episode, we interview Sam Nelson, SDR Leader at Outreach, about his unique and effective onboarding process for SDRs.

Join us as we discuss the advantages of grouping all your new SDRs together (known as the Agoge Tribe at Outreach), indicators of successful SDRs, what effects COVID has had on remote onboarding, and what to watch at one week, one month, and the first 90 days.

To hear this interview and many more like it, subscribe to The B2B Revenue Acceleration Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or our website.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.080 --> 00:00:04.839 Call. Reluctance can really hurt strs. So when you're if you are over 2 00:00:05.080 --> 00:00:08.310 stairs for the first ninety days, one of your major goals needs to be 3 00:00:08.789 --> 00:00:14.029 making sure that scrs do not get the habit of being reluctant with the phone's 4 00:00:15.429 --> 00:00:19.989 you were listening to be to be revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated to helping 5 00:00:20.070 --> 00:00:23.899 software executive stay on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. 6 00:00:23.940 --> 00:00:28.660 Let's get into the show. Hi, welcome to be to be a revenue 7 00:00:28.699 --> 00:00:32.259 acceleration. My name is audion. With you and an ear today with son 8 00:00:32.420 --> 00:00:37.729 Nelson as Dr Le Dot outreach. How are you doing some today? Doing 9 00:00:37.810 --> 00:00:40.369 Great. Thank you for having me on. Yeah, I thought it was 10 00:00:40.409 --> 00:00:42.450 a pleasure. It was a pleasure. I was saying to you in the 11 00:00:43.130 --> 00:00:46.609 in the presentation, you're a bit of a celebrity. I think it must 12 00:00:46.649 --> 00:00:50.079 be the hair color that I always remember your kind of is kind of coming 13 00:00:50.159 --> 00:00:54.039 from the first time I saw your linkedin pictures that the true things. I 14 00:00:54.079 --> 00:00:57.359 did, something that he's been photo shipping and I realized the true things that 15 00:00:57.399 --> 00:01:00.600 I like. It's really brave. I love it. I think. Well, 16 00:01:00.679 --> 00:01:03.759 thank you. Yes, I mean I did a long time ago, 17 00:01:03.000 --> 00:01:07.230 like just like as an incentive, and then everyone recognized you from blue hair 18 00:01:07.390 --> 00:01:10.430 now and stuck with the blue air for the rest of my life. It's 19 00:01:10.469 --> 00:01:12.790 been several years. Are you joking? Whisky sent you. So someone in 20 00:01:12.829 --> 00:01:15.670 your team doing something or you doing something, and I was kind of a 21 00:01:15.750 --> 00:01:21.299 bad that you watst all. Well would so it was like yeah, so 22 00:01:21.459 --> 00:01:23.060 we had this new group of strs come and I said, Hey, if 23 00:01:23.060 --> 00:01:27.540 you beat the record for most opportunities set in a month, all I'll die 24 00:01:27.620 --> 00:01:34.849 my hair blue. And then they ended getting it and so that may have 25 00:01:34.969 --> 00:01:38.290 blood. So today some will be talking about ramping as Das you know. 26 00:01:38.329 --> 00:01:42.409 It's interesting topic and I'd like to know if you think it is the same. 27 00:01:42.489 --> 00:01:46.569 Everybody's like how we covid still a we PUSS COVID is it? Does 28 00:01:46.609 --> 00:01:51.000 that infect right bobbies more difficult, etc. But before we get into the 29 00:01:51.079 --> 00:01:55.760 conversation, for the only few people that don't know who you are or don't 30 00:01:55.840 --> 00:02:00.560 know who treach is as a company, would you mind just giving a quick 31 00:02:00.599 --> 00:02:04.590 introw to yourself and the company you represent? Outreach? Yeah, so my 32 00:02:04.709 --> 00:02:09.789 name is Sam Nelson and I've been at that reach for quite a while I 33 00:02:10.189 --> 00:02:14.590 was in kind of one of the first groups of STR's, really early on. 34 00:02:15.430 --> 00:02:16.939 I was a CR for a year. I did well. As I 35 00:02:17.020 --> 00:02:22.539 see our stop strs stur manager and the managers are managers for a while and 36 00:02:23.460 --> 00:02:28.259 now I spend most of many time doing things like this and think I've worked 37 00:02:28.259 --> 00:02:32.370 with hundreds of different companies on their boundst our strategy. So spend a lot 38 00:02:32.409 --> 00:02:37.090 of time in the kind of outbounds the air world. Yeah, you know 39 00:02:37.129 --> 00:02:40.169 a little bit about the topic, which is wonderful. So some what we're 40 00:02:40.169 --> 00:02:44.400 getting from the market at the moment of what we hearing from from customizer, 41 00:02:44.919 --> 00:02:47.280 and we see it ourselves as well. It seemed like it's odd and able 42 00:02:47.400 --> 00:02:51.280 to find talented as D are You know, you've got to pay a lot 43 00:02:51.360 --> 00:02:55.439 of money. It's probably the the profession for which the scenaria are increasing at 44 00:02:55.479 --> 00:02:59.389 the base of light at the moment. And even if you find someone, 45 00:02:59.469 --> 00:03:01.789 we've kind of a good truck recalled and you pay them a lot of money, 46 00:03:02.030 --> 00:03:05.750 you're not even sure that they would be successful in Ya. And he's 47 00:03:05.750 --> 00:03:09.270 alition. So I think obviously the young boarding is really important. Who could 48 00:03:09.270 --> 00:03:15.939 you please share his all audience? How the young boarding process of ones a 49 00:03:15.099 --> 00:03:20.979 look like at outreach. Okay, so so the our on boarding process is 50 00:03:20.979 --> 00:03:23.460 actually canny unique and it's change with covid. So I'll talk about kind of 51 00:03:24.259 --> 00:03:29.689 the path that we've taken and how we're dusting it now for covid. But 52 00:03:30.370 --> 00:03:34.009 when I was a nest our manager, we actually did something kind of unique 53 00:03:34.050 --> 00:03:38.569 where we put all of the new stairs on one specific team and we called 54 00:03:38.650 --> 00:03:42.840 it the Egoji and we saw the idea from Sparta. So as Farta has 55 00:03:43.000 --> 00:03:46.520 like the egogi, where before people become official warriors, like all the New 56 00:03:46.599 --> 00:03:51.840 People are in one group, the trained by people who are specialized in training 57 00:03:52.400 --> 00:03:57.949 new Sparta warriors and we're all together and then they graduate onto kind the EGOJI 58 00:03:58.189 --> 00:04:02.830 military. So we would do something similar on our team. So I was 59 00:04:02.909 --> 00:04:06.710 over what we call the EGOJI. So all the new strs were on my 60 00:04:06.870 --> 00:04:12.860 team and so everyone was ramped the same way and we got we got a 61 00:04:12.939 --> 00:04:16.779 few. There are few interesting benefits to this. Number one was at this 62 00:04:16.980 --> 00:04:20.620 time in the world very few people understood our reach well and and I understood 63 00:04:20.660 --> 00:04:24.449 everyche weeks. I was one of the first stars that reach it, and 64 00:04:24.529 --> 00:04:26.730 so everyone could be try miss on. You kind of knew that firsthand. 65 00:04:27.410 --> 00:04:32.329 Also, we could train, I could specialize in new SCR issues. So 66 00:04:32.569 --> 00:04:35.329 my whole world was, okay, how do I get stairs tramp as quickly 67 00:04:35.370 --> 00:04:40.279 as possible? Most stair managers have a few new stairs, a few kind 68 00:04:40.279 --> 00:04:43.399 of stairs have been there a while and a few they're about to graduate and 69 00:04:43.480 --> 00:04:47.279 they all have completely different needs and there's just no way you can give new 70 00:04:47.399 --> 00:04:54.509 SDRs enough attention, well kind of giving everyone else kind of attention that they 71 00:04:54.550 --> 00:04:57.709 need to. So by having all of the SCR new s airs on might, 72 00:04:57.750 --> 00:05:00.029 whom I could focus on new SDR issues and just handle that all at 73 00:05:00.069 --> 00:05:03.750 once. The other managers could handle kind of the more tenuedest our issues. 74 00:05:04.110 --> 00:05:08.899 So I could have the biggest team in the company. But it's still just 75 00:05:09.139 --> 00:05:12.579 like dealing with new stre. It's just helping them get wrapped up. So 76 00:05:12.899 --> 00:05:15.180 and then it forced to get really get at ramp because I can focus purely 77 00:05:15.220 --> 00:05:20.730 on that. A great processes around it and it's stuck that. We still 78 00:05:20.930 --> 00:05:26.689 we have three agog teams now. We have one in London and the couple 79 00:05:26.769 --> 00:05:30.410 and one in the US. We have we have three Agogi bandagers and just 80 00:05:30.529 --> 00:05:34.800 worked really well. So one thing, though, is that with the egoji 81 00:05:34.879 --> 00:05:38.759 is really nice to kind of have everyone in person and then I could fill 82 00:05:38.800 --> 00:05:44.199 in the gaps as manager when I'm there. With covid the egoji leaves have 83 00:05:44.199 --> 00:05:47.600 a little bit more of a challenge, right, because people are remote and 84 00:05:47.839 --> 00:05:51.269 you can't fill in the gaps or kind of proactively see things is easily. 85 00:05:51.310 --> 00:05:55.949 So it's changed a little bit, but we still have that same structure where 86 00:05:55.949 --> 00:06:00.069 the news chairs report to people who specialize in those first three months. Okay, 87 00:06:01.189 --> 00:06:05.939 what's the difference between an e good g Mana Joe and a Molt in 88 00:06:06.060 --> 00:06:11.139 your reps manager? Are you looking at two defferends car set, or is 89 00:06:11.180 --> 00:06:15.379 it in the same people, but just someone who's more, you know right, 90 00:06:15.420 --> 00:06:18.050 always new styleteles. What was the difference between them? Yeah, so 91 00:06:18.290 --> 00:06:25.170 for a go g managers, ideally you want someone that's promoted from within, 92 00:06:25.490 --> 00:06:30.930 kind of knows how things work already and they are top performer. So performed 93 00:06:30.970 --> 00:06:34.519 in the top ten percent. Ideally. Yeah, so you want someone who 94 00:06:34.600 --> 00:06:38.319 come in respects for the fact that they've done the job and they've done any 95 00:06:38.360 --> 00:06:41.800 propriety and they know eat inside out. But also, of the capacity of 96 00:06:42.279 --> 00:06:45.800 teaching those which is tough, because sometimes the top performer can be a lone 97 00:06:45.879 --> 00:06:48.350 wolf that doesn't care about in the other people and themselves. But yeah, 98 00:06:48.389 --> 00:06:54.350 that can't that can be the case. But the great thing about top performers 99 00:06:54.550 --> 00:06:59.029 is that, especially like in this context, is they've gone through knowing nothing 100 00:06:59.389 --> 00:07:04.699 to learning everything relatively recently, so they understand kind of the issues of new 101 00:07:04.860 --> 00:07:10.939 scrs pretty well. It's very recent for them and so they can know what's 102 00:07:10.980 --> 00:07:14.740 going to happen, what they're going to be worried about, and we've we 103 00:07:14.860 --> 00:07:18.490 haven't had that big of a problem of like the stereotypical top performers going to 104 00:07:18.529 --> 00:07:23.410 be a lone wolf who doesn't care about people. Typically they are top performers 105 00:07:23.490 --> 00:07:27.250 that want to be managers, that are that actually really takes a coaching really 106 00:07:27.329 --> 00:07:30.040 well. I think there are definitely top performers who can't see that, but 107 00:07:30.079 --> 00:07:33.839 I'm not sure that top performers are any less likely than other people to be 108 00:07:33.959 --> 00:07:41.279 able to learn the coach and if they can, they can be insanely really 109 00:07:41.680 --> 00:07:44.199 a top perform that ends up being a good coach. They can make a 110 00:07:44.310 --> 00:07:46.949 huge difference. Yeah, that's massive, but we found a few. I 111 00:07:47.029 --> 00:07:50.509 think this is great for, you know, organization like our treacher, even 112 00:07:50.550 --> 00:07:55.870 organization like us at Operatics, because we've got a critical mass office dyeah. 113 00:07:55.949 --> 00:07:59.300 We've got a lot of them. I think he's maybe a little bit more 114 00:07:59.420 --> 00:08:01.819 tricky when you have like three, four, five, you know as the 115 00:08:03.060 --> 00:08:05.660 indifferent region. But one of the things you mentioned at I love is promotion 116 00:08:05.779 --> 00:08:09.459 from within. We've been like so big on that. They're literally apart from 117 00:08:09.500 --> 00:08:16.209 our finance team, one manager in our US operation and that's about it. 118 00:08:16.730 --> 00:08:20.730 and recruiting. But the but pretty much recruitment is coming from within as well. 119 00:08:20.089 --> 00:08:24.329 The rest of Management Team, in marketing, in cells, in every 120 00:08:24.569 --> 00:08:28.879 every aspect of the business has come from within and I think he's he's this 121 00:08:30.079 --> 00:08:33.000 creature creates a great cuchure because people can move on and you have a lot 122 00:08:33.039 --> 00:08:37.240 of people at can be a very good as Davidea, but the life span 123 00:08:37.440 --> 00:08:41.549 is nine months, ten months, because they just they've been good at it 124 00:08:41.669 --> 00:08:43.669 and it's like, you know what, that's the same. I'm star will, 125 00:08:43.509 --> 00:08:46.110 I just I'm just getting bought. Now I want to do something different 126 00:08:46.230 --> 00:08:50.429 and I want to get up the right it's so it's fantastic, but to 127 00:08:50.470 --> 00:08:54.110 get to fell that sort of promotion from him. Yeah, yeah, promotions 128 00:08:54.269 --> 00:08:56.580 from within or awesome. And Yeah, I mean it's not just the str 129 00:08:56.659 --> 00:09:00.620 side, like in nine months, they they did well as SCR like. 130 00:09:01.139 --> 00:09:03.259 We have a pretty good idea that they're likely going to be a successfully, 131 00:09:03.659 --> 00:09:07.860 like every SCR that's transition to a has been successful, and so the a's 132 00:09:09.259 --> 00:09:13.570 are happy for them to come over as well the a manager. So it 133 00:09:13.690 --> 00:09:18.610 comes from both sides. Yeah, yeah, and so I'll only take fune 134 00:09:18.649 --> 00:09:22.850 I got G to become a spot. And what's kind of the the resorts 135 00:09:24.049 --> 00:09:26.399 so fast. So what do you know? What are the resorts that you 136 00:09:26.519 --> 00:09:31.279 expect and what's the timeline? Alongst like this, resorts Oul do you quantity 137 00:09:31.399 --> 00:09:33.720 fight and do all. I go g becomes puffing at the same time. 138 00:09:33.919 --> 00:09:37.519 It's only a few that make the spot and Tim you know, not like 139 00:09:37.559 --> 00:09:39.950 to one doo some kind of the motion that you've got behind that. Yeah, 140 00:09:39.950 --> 00:09:43.750 it's so. We set expectations at like a year, like we expect 141 00:09:43.830 --> 00:09:48.590 you to be an stir for a year. But the needs of the company, 142 00:09:48.870 --> 00:09:50.549 you know, whether or not we promote someone has more to do with 143 00:09:50.629 --> 00:09:54.659 what we need at the company at the time then, like whether in stre 144 00:09:54.740 --> 00:09:58.419 has been there for a year or not. So like there's time during covid 145 00:09:58.460 --> 00:10:01.659 when there's a lot of uncertainty. We're talk performing SDRs have been there for 146 00:10:01.700 --> 00:10:05.259 a year and just like we weren't sure how the s andb market was going 147 00:10:05.299 --> 00:10:09.090 to shake out, right, and so, just like things are on hold 148 00:10:09.090 --> 00:10:11.009 for a little bit. And so maybe it was a little longer at that 149 00:10:11.090 --> 00:10:15.370 time, or maybe we raise a ton of money and we need to have 150 00:10:15.570 --> 00:10:18.370 tons of ease and we're going to lose like a, you know, like 151 00:10:18.730 --> 00:10:22.200 a fourth of our st our team before you. So it can vary, 152 00:10:22.320 --> 00:10:26.679 but we set expectation. We say typically it's about a year, the subject 153 00:10:26.720 --> 00:10:31.240 to change depending on the needs the company. Okay, so it's a bout 154 00:10:31.279 --> 00:10:33.240 to your four. So when you say becoming a spot, and does that 155 00:10:33.320 --> 00:10:37.190 mean becoming an a or does that mean becoming like a celtified, I'll reach 156 00:10:37.309 --> 00:10:43.029 as dl just from Ko. Okay. So, so in the Agogi team, 157 00:10:43.230 --> 00:10:46.230 that's where scrs go on the first three months. Okay, suddenly, 158 00:10:46.309 --> 00:10:52.299 wonce, they graduate from the EGOGI. They will go into one of the 159 00:10:52.340 --> 00:10:56.659 segments. They might go into enterprise or corporate right, or they might go 160 00:10:56.820 --> 00:11:01.539 into smb, okay, and will actually take enterprise from the EGOGI. Okay. 161 00:11:01.899 --> 00:11:05.009 And so we used to do it where it's like, okay, you're 162 00:11:05.009 --> 00:11:07.850 a goog then your smb, then you go corporate, then you go to 163 00:11:07.850 --> 00:11:09.769 enterprise. For the problem is by the time they get to enterprise they've already 164 00:11:09.769 --> 00:11:13.250 been an str for like nine months. They want to be an AE and 165 00:11:13.409 --> 00:11:16.210 we need people in the enterprise to be there for a longer period of time. 166 00:11:16.929 --> 00:11:22.320 So we kind of for ordained people to enterprise right out of the EGOGI 167 00:11:22.679 --> 00:11:26.679 and that's worked well for us. Okay, next perfect sense. So I 168 00:11:26.759 --> 00:11:30.120 would you structure is to see. So if it's three months on that down 169 00:11:30.159 --> 00:11:35.230 boarding, do you have a structure set, sixty ninety days plan? What 170 00:11:35.509 --> 00:11:39.029 do you expect them to date? Eva, what's up? Just smasure off 171 00:11:39.070 --> 00:11:43.509 success and and and what do you do if you've got someone who's really struggling 172 00:11:43.509 --> 00:11:46.110 as well, you know it is, because it's that's that's what was important 173 00:11:46.139 --> 00:11:48.460 to one the song you've good todays, will just doing what and they can 174 00:11:48.580 --> 00:11:52.659 move on as great. But it was a structural maybe the first questions was 175 00:11:52.700 --> 00:11:56.139 a structural to so t sixteen ninety days. What would you expect from them? 176 00:11:56.340 --> 00:12:00.899 Okay, so the first well, Thir Thousand and sixteen ninety days, 177 00:12:01.179 --> 00:12:03.450 we've got what? Okay, one really important part of us. Thre thoty 178 00:12:03.570 --> 00:12:07.009 sixteen ninety days, is like the first week of boot camp. Yeah, 179 00:12:07.409 --> 00:12:11.409 and actually I would say like on your St our team there, if you 180 00:12:11.529 --> 00:12:16.120 want to make changes, maybe the highest return investment place is probably going to 181 00:12:16.159 --> 00:12:20.120 be in those first ninety days, first three months. Otherwise, if you 182 00:12:20.159 --> 00:12:24.639 don't get that part of the process figured out, scur managers can spend their 183 00:12:24.679 --> 00:12:30.350 entire time fixing mess up doll swings and not having time to even make sure 184 00:12:30.350 --> 00:12:33.190 if you want to have bad doll swings in the first place. Happens a 185 00:12:33.269 --> 00:12:37.950 lot is and it can be very ugly. Within the thirty sixteen ninety days, 186 00:12:37.429 --> 00:12:39.990 if we want to say go eight twenty. On that too, I 187 00:12:41.070 --> 00:12:46.220 would say that first couple of weeks is particularly important. So they will come 188 00:12:46.259 --> 00:12:50.500 in and that's first couple of weeks and we will have a boot camp where 189 00:12:50.500 --> 00:12:52.740 we will give them. Will do a day on cold calling, will do 190 00:12:52.860 --> 00:12:56.740 a day on how sequences work and emails and things like that. We kind 191 00:12:56.740 --> 00:13:01.649 of give them a lot of information and then, yeah, and then we 192 00:13:01.809 --> 00:13:07.970 will let them go and we take a very careful note of what the questions 193 00:13:07.009 --> 00:13:09.450 are. Right, we'll give them a lot of information. Not all of 194 00:13:09.490 --> 00:13:15.000 it will stick because they're brand new. Will take very be careful note of 195 00:13:15.919 --> 00:13:18.879 kind of issues that they run into, our questions that they have and see 196 00:13:18.879 --> 00:13:22.399 if we can refine are on boarding in the future based on what those questions 197 00:13:22.440 --> 00:13:26.230 are. So we'll do a bootcamp wake and then we'll have they'll have trainings 198 00:13:26.309 --> 00:13:30.990 throughout this first three months. They get them on board and ready to go. 199 00:13:31.029 --> 00:13:35.230 Okay, and in some of the de actual objective. So it's that's 200 00:13:35.269 --> 00:13:39.269 interesting because you mentioned the old bound cutting. So do you have a big 201 00:13:39.389 --> 00:13:41.980 proportion? I would have expected yet outreach. Also get a lot of marketing 202 00:13:43.019 --> 00:13:46.220 qualified needs, like people raising Guians or eating your website or coming through a 203 00:13:46.340 --> 00:13:52.100 chat or whatever it is. But what's the proportion in bound out bound? 204 00:13:52.139 --> 00:13:56.730 Are you saying that those guys just as the oppure the outbound people? Yeah, 205 00:13:56.929 --> 00:14:00.649 well, so we haven't divided into inbounded out them. Sorr. Actually, 206 00:14:00.690 --> 00:14:03.409 I'm not going to be a guy on the inbound side. I don't 207 00:14:03.450 --> 00:14:05.730 work too much on that side of the House. But we do have like 208 00:14:05.929 --> 00:14:11.000 an inbound team specifically focused on invalids. So on the other hand side, 209 00:14:11.480 --> 00:14:15.519 Huh, you are outbounds. That's your foot yeah, and I mean since 210 00:14:15.559 --> 00:14:18.480 I got to outreach, this whole time I've been out bound focused and so, 211 00:14:18.080 --> 00:14:20.879 I mean I have some thoughts on it down but I'm more of a 212 00:14:22.000 --> 00:14:24.950 e more my expertise system outbound. So on the outbound side, yeah, 213 00:14:26.070 --> 00:14:30.830 we have strs have they've got a few camps and they prospect those. They 214 00:14:30.870 --> 00:14:35.470 will occasionally get an inbound lead and they'll work that that way. But but 215 00:14:35.710 --> 00:14:39.100 you have an inbound team that the focus is on this. Okay, and 216 00:14:39.299 --> 00:14:43.019 fallienst that up. Not Talking about the outreach in particular, but you know, 217 00:14:43.100 --> 00:14:46.500 you say you've been elping a lots of lots of people. What should 218 00:14:46.500 --> 00:14:50.659 be do? The quantifiable measure of success that you think people who are just 219 00:14:50.820 --> 00:14:56.210 ramping up a brand new team should expect reate be number of meeting book, 220 00:14:56.289 --> 00:15:00.850 number of meeting set, number of meetings turning into an opportunity. You know, 221 00:15:01.529 --> 00:15:05.169 obviously all those things are important. Number of courts is important, number 222 00:15:05.169 --> 00:15:09.279 of activities important, people turning on time in ther face and just not letting 223 00:15:09.320 --> 00:15:11.440 off to all is important as well. But what are the quantity thats if 224 00:15:11.480 --> 00:15:16.799 stuff and the Qualitas, I. Stuff that you would recommend for Adience to 225 00:15:16.960 --> 00:15:20.559 look for when that building that plan and trying to put some numbers, because 226 00:15:20.559 --> 00:15:24.429 everybody wants to put numbers. Everything is to be measurable. So yeah, 227 00:15:24.070 --> 00:15:30.149 okay. So we'll start with so we work backward from how well are they 228 00:15:31.029 --> 00:15:35.139 tracking toward quota or like you know, we measure them on sales, accepted 229 00:15:35.179 --> 00:15:39.659 leads, kind of qualified opportunities held, they get accepted a pipeline. And 230 00:15:39.980 --> 00:15:45.820 so the first month typically there's not a huge correlation between, at least an 231 00:15:45.860 --> 00:15:48.820 average, between how well people do and their very first month, like the 232 00:15:48.139 --> 00:15:52.169 month that they arrive, and how they're going to be a long term. 233 00:15:52.730 --> 00:15:56.690 There is much starter correlation between how they perform and their second month and how 234 00:15:56.730 --> 00:16:00.690 they're going to do long term. So the first month we take it too 235 00:16:00.809 --> 00:16:06.360 seriously. The second month it becomes more important. Now what causes people to 236 00:16:06.559 --> 00:16:11.080 do well or not well when they start out, and that the a couple 237 00:16:11.120 --> 00:16:17.720 of things. Number one is call reluctance. Can really hurt strs. So 238 00:16:17.919 --> 00:16:21.309 when you're if you are over stairs for the first ninety days. One of 239 00:16:21.350 --> 00:16:25.990 your major goals needs to be making sure that scrs do not get the habit 240 00:16:26.389 --> 00:16:30.029 of being reluctant with the phones. So we'll get them going on the funds 241 00:16:30.029 --> 00:16:34.419 right away and not afraid of the funds right away, and that's one of 242 00:16:34.419 --> 00:16:40.019 th things you should have in the bud. Another thing is one trade of 243 00:16:40.100 --> 00:16:44.860 top performers tends to be how many questions they ask other people in their manager. 244 00:16:45.539 --> 00:16:48.370 Just like their willingness to ask questions, even it makes them look stupid. 245 00:16:48.490 --> 00:16:53.009 Is Relate's pretty tightly with how successfully has successful there, which was a 246 00:16:53.009 --> 00:16:57.529 little bit surprising to me, but has been pretty consistent. Yeah, but 247 00:16:57.809 --> 00:17:02.159 in time of the number of so, let's say audience, probably most of 248 00:17:02.200 --> 00:17:06.160 the people who would listen to a conversation all be to be software type of 249 00:17:06.240 --> 00:17:10.359 organization. Okay, these the sound really the people that we've got knowledge has 250 00:17:11.079 --> 00:17:14.880 how many sellers, excepted Leete? How many meetings would you say? Someone 251 00:17:14.960 --> 00:17:18.230 should the they should try to incentivize that team to get in mounts one, 252 00:17:18.430 --> 00:17:22.349 two and street in that front. But the remember that we've got your autoparatics. 253 00:17:22.390 --> 00:17:26.430 What we expect from all your bus is probably five meeting set in mounts 254 00:17:26.509 --> 00:17:30.539 Wan, eight meeting. And when we say months, why is post what 255 00:17:30.700 --> 00:17:33.420 you got? The boot camp is puss like. You know, you've been 256 00:17:33.539 --> 00:17:37.299 trained. We did the theory and stuff. Is You actually when you go 257 00:17:37.460 --> 00:17:40.299 like was the clients? Okay, so there is a little bit of training 258 00:17:40.339 --> 00:17:41.900 before they got out with the clients. Of course there is probably a tow 259 00:17:42.019 --> 00:17:45.650 too strow expired before before they got out with the clients. But we expect 260 00:17:45.769 --> 00:17:49.250 five, five, essay, and in months one, probably around the eight, 261 00:17:49.970 --> 00:17:53.970 seven to eighteen months to and and let's say ten to twelve from months 262 00:17:55.009 --> 00:17:57.049 fly on one. That's kind of the productive stuff. So that the the 263 00:17:57.210 --> 00:18:03.240 deal. I'll bound. Do you have semilar type of expectation from your team? 264 00:18:03.279 --> 00:18:04.319 Do you expect more? You expect let's? Do you think it's a 265 00:18:04.400 --> 00:18:07.799 stupid way? The Way we do it? Is Not. He's not. 266 00:18:07.920 --> 00:18:10.920 He's not riven. Well, what's your opinion on that? Now, yeah, 267 00:18:10.960 --> 00:18:14.910 and I was fretty similar. Right, I would say I think that's 268 00:18:14.910 --> 00:18:18.390 a good way to do it and that kind of the numbers forever is going 269 00:18:18.430 --> 00:18:21.910 to be a little bit different depending on on how you'll measure that. But 270 00:18:21.990 --> 00:18:26.309 yet typically it's some kind of proportion like that and once they get to their 271 00:18:26.349 --> 00:18:29.859 fully ramped month, they need to be ramped at that point. If they 272 00:18:30.019 --> 00:18:33.140 miss quota when we have kind of like some quote relief at the very beginning, 273 00:18:33.180 --> 00:18:34.619 that can that can be kind of a red flag, like hey, 274 00:18:34.660 --> 00:18:38.180 it's this or is there something that we're missing here? Is this not a 275 00:18:38.220 --> 00:18:41.930 good fit for this person? We got to get to the bottom of what's 276 00:18:41.930 --> 00:18:45.130 going on if they're missing during most quote relief months. But yeah, typically 277 00:18:45.289 --> 00:18:51.970 it's pretty easy to identify early on. It's like there's color reluctance. Another 278 00:18:52.329 --> 00:18:59.200 actually a really common one during the first ninety days is just not reaching out 279 00:18:59.240 --> 00:19:02.559 to the right type of people. It sounds very basic, but that's maybe 280 00:19:02.680 --> 00:19:06.279 like the number one killer of stars, and a lot of managers just don't 281 00:19:06.799 --> 00:19:10.430 know that's the reason. And so it's important to look at like who they're 282 00:19:10.470 --> 00:19:14.309 sequencing, who they're putting their energy into, and if someone's not doing well, 283 00:19:15.109 --> 00:19:18.509 there's a very good chance that they're simply putting their energy into the round 284 00:19:18.549 --> 00:19:21.950 people. Yeah, make sense to go on calls if they're making efforts and 285 00:19:21.990 --> 00:19:25.339 they're just not being successful, and all that often comes down to that. 286 00:19:25.940 --> 00:19:29.900 Yeah, how do you measure core reluctance? That's something that I'd like to 287 00:19:29.980 --> 00:19:33.579 know. So because obviously I remember being col reluctant and I think I was 288 00:19:33.700 --> 00:19:37.539 cor reluctant when I first started because, yeah, it was pretty covid and 289 00:19:37.650 --> 00:19:41.849 many moons ago and I picked up the food for the first time. And 290 00:19:41.970 --> 00:19:45.250 it's funny because I was actually prospecting in French. We in an IT's full 291 00:19:45.329 --> 00:19:48.210 of English people. So, quite frankly, they could not get a word 292 00:19:48.250 --> 00:19:52.319 of what I was saying. But I remember feeling so self conscious of people 293 00:19:52.400 --> 00:19:56.640 listening to me and being able to wander somed what I was saying and I 294 00:19:56.799 --> 00:20:00.000 felt more comfortable to go in the board room. But you know, when 295 00:20:00.039 --> 00:20:03.799 you've got when you're on bout twenties. The other they got up a boat 296 00:20:03.799 --> 00:20:07.309 from each to do a call, right, but I imagine I put myself 297 00:20:07.349 --> 00:20:08.349 in the shoes and, as I will grew up, I put myself in 298 00:20:08.430 --> 00:20:11.309 the shoes of the UK guy, right, the guys was sitting next to 299 00:20:11.390 --> 00:20:15.150 me. Is got like fifteen people behind me. They all speak the same 300 00:20:15.190 --> 00:20:18.990 language and trust me, the environment was Letho, people were the bent or 301 00:20:18.150 --> 00:20:22.059 was big and people would just bounce from each other. You know, do 302 00:20:22.180 --> 00:20:26.259 some sort of a that's what makes the life of Anasy are quate exciting and 303 00:20:26.339 --> 00:20:29.140 I think it's quite daunting because people listen to you and you need to have 304 00:20:29.220 --> 00:20:33.539 a sudden level of confidence. So how do you measure that core reluctance? 305 00:20:33.779 --> 00:20:37.289 Not when people are working from whom you stuff like cours going or you've you 306 00:20:37.369 --> 00:20:40.930 know, what's the I don't know. So what you are saying, I 307 00:20:41.130 --> 00:20:44.490 know that it's a big gap, but how do you actually get to measure 308 00:20:44.529 --> 00:20:48.170 it's yeah, so well, we've tried to solve the problem in a few 309 00:20:48.210 --> 00:20:53.000 different ways. Probably what we will do is we just out law fully automated 310 00:20:53.039 --> 00:20:59.440 sequences, especially the very beginning. Okay, because will happen at a lot 311 00:20:59.480 --> 00:21:04.869 of Companese is you can you can actually like get a few opportunities just from 312 00:21:06.309 --> 00:21:10.549 complete automation, especially in that first month or in those first couple of months 313 00:21:10.589 --> 00:21:15.670 when you have some quota relief. So you can just totally automate and you're 314 00:21:15.710 --> 00:21:18.349 going to get lucky. You're going to get a few meetings just from that. 315 00:21:18.940 --> 00:21:22.779 What can happen is a sjrs will say, okay, I've fully automated, 316 00:21:22.940 --> 00:21:26.619 we've gotten. You know, I've hit my quota doing this. I 317 00:21:26.700 --> 00:21:30.819 think I've found the solution to doing stir work without cold calling. And then 318 00:21:30.859 --> 00:21:33.250 what they find is, when they get to be fully ramped, that they 319 00:21:33.410 --> 00:21:37.130 really have they have a really low ceiling on their potential. And so what 320 00:21:37.289 --> 00:21:41.170 we've done is we've just kind of outlawed fully automated sequences for new SDRs and 321 00:21:41.250 --> 00:21:45.769 it creates a forcing function for doing calls, because if all they can use 322 00:21:45.809 --> 00:21:51.720 as a sequence that has calls included, then they have to make calls. 323 00:21:52.000 --> 00:21:56.279 They can't avoid it, and so that ended up being our solution that we 324 00:21:56.359 --> 00:21:59.400 saw. We saw problems in the past with people trying to rely purely on 325 00:21:59.480 --> 00:22:03.670 automation, but I say when I go and talk to their companies, typically 326 00:22:03.670 --> 00:22:07.710 the problem is a serious just trying to relive purely an animation. Yeah, 327 00:22:07.509 --> 00:22:11.789 I agree with you. I think we've got any of all sorts of people 328 00:22:11.910 --> 00:22:14.950 seeing what the funny is not working anymore, and I'd like to get your 329 00:22:15.029 --> 00:22:18.460 opinion on that, because I've got my opinion. But do you think the 330 00:22:18.500 --> 00:22:22.940 funny is not working anymore? The phone? Yeah, people are. The 331 00:22:22.019 --> 00:22:25.579 medium funny is that? That's why I need to do emails, emails, 332 00:22:25.619 --> 00:22:29.500 emails, emails, and it's called reluctance personally. But what's your opinion? 333 00:22:30.009 --> 00:22:33.410 I mean, you know it hasn't really went because like because of Covid or 334 00:22:33.490 --> 00:22:37.529 just because the Times of change. We added pre or prior to covid. 335 00:22:38.049 --> 00:22:44.049 I think you know. I think it's a mix of things with people think 336 00:22:44.089 --> 00:22:48.799 that they don't get a lot of response from cold and and now I agree 337 00:22:48.839 --> 00:22:51.200 with one of the thingags you say. You said, well, if you 338 00:22:51.279 --> 00:22:53.000 back at the wrong three people won't respond to you. Right, you're looking 339 00:22:53.000 --> 00:22:56.720 at the wrong door. People know you are they look at your company. 340 00:22:56.720 --> 00:22:59.829 You just introduce yourself five times through a voice, not that you send them 341 00:22:59.869 --> 00:23:03.750 on Linkedin. They got your ten emails. Yeah, you don't responded to 342 00:23:03.789 --> 00:23:06.630 you by now they probably don't want to engage with your company. Don't take 343 00:23:06.670 --> 00:23:10.150 it personally. Move on to the next one. But I think we've had 344 00:23:10.589 --> 00:23:14.859 a little bit more reluctance. And I hate to use the term millionaire because 345 00:23:14.859 --> 00:23:17.259 I think it's just over use and stuff like that. But you know, 346 00:23:17.819 --> 00:23:21.460 even right now with my team, people send me text to ask me like 347 00:23:21.579 --> 00:23:26.500 very complex question that I would soon necessary to the conversation could me. You 348 00:23:26.619 --> 00:23:29.690 want something, called me. You know I'm only I've got to move bile 349 00:23:29.690 --> 00:23:30.930 in front of you. Would you know? Everybody can see it. Give 350 00:23:30.970 --> 00:23:33.730 you a bus? I don't know, but I get what's up and sometimes 351 00:23:33.769 --> 00:23:37.849 peoples some new skype and then this in your what's up, and then send 352 00:23:37.849 --> 00:23:40.730 me an email exactly the same content, but they want a response. They 353 00:23:40.769 --> 00:23:44.720 could cut me. So I think, well, I guess what I'm saying 354 00:23:44.720 --> 00:23:48.680 in my opinion on it is that people are more comfortable in sending message and 355 00:23:48.799 --> 00:23:52.400 even sometimes with friends it's easier to send a message. They how are you 356 00:23:52.519 --> 00:23:56.269 those we speaking of different size is being away? We've not spoken. Are 357 00:23:56.269 --> 00:24:00.029 you doing? Let'stoke. You know, but I'd like to get your opinion. 358 00:24:00.109 --> 00:24:06.190 Do you think the food as a medium is becoming less successful? Is 359 00:24:06.230 --> 00:24:07.430 it the same, you think? Is it? We need to use it 360 00:24:07.470 --> 00:24:11.940 in a different way. What's your opinion of the food as a medium to 361 00:24:11.099 --> 00:24:18.099 get proactive leads out, rich leads from from new prospect yeah, it's interesting. 362 00:24:18.099 --> 00:24:22.980 I wondered how covid would affect this right because so much change there. 363 00:24:23.019 --> 00:24:26.049 Whether it, like our phone calls, seldom work, you know, work 364 00:24:26.089 --> 00:24:30.890 better or not, and I've been surprised and kind of how consistent stay, 365 00:24:30.410 --> 00:24:33.730 it's said, consistently successful, and I think part of the reason for that 366 00:24:34.009 --> 00:24:37.210 is, like, if we were getting meetings over the phone, it was 367 00:24:37.960 --> 00:24:42.200 probably usually when it was with somebody's cell phone, like we have a lot 368 00:24:42.240 --> 00:24:45.720 of numbers, and it was if we're going to get meeting or some cell 369 00:24:45.720 --> 00:24:48.240 phone anyway, and so we still have that date, and so instended to 370 00:24:48.279 --> 00:24:52.390 keep working the way that they were. I do think that a lot of 371 00:24:52.470 --> 00:24:56.789 the stairs would like to believe that the cell the phone does not work anymore, 372 00:24:57.349 --> 00:25:02.190 as it's not necessarily people's favorite part of the job. Yeah, but 373 00:25:02.269 --> 00:25:07.299 it tends to and there's also sometimes a misunderstanding and like what success looks like 374 00:25:07.779 --> 00:25:11.460 in getting thirty people, because if you say, Oh, ninety percent of 375 00:25:11.500 --> 00:25:15.180 the time and not getting through to anyone at all, that's actually a very 376 00:25:15.380 --> 00:25:21.380 successful I mean if you can get a pick up ten percent of the time, 377 00:25:21.849 --> 00:25:23.930 yeah, a huge return investment, even the most of the time you're 378 00:25:23.930 --> 00:25:26.890 not getting through to anyone at all. So understanding that, just like a 379 00:25:27.009 --> 00:25:32.609 few connect a day, can make a massive difference. Yeah, it's really 380 00:25:32.650 --> 00:25:36.720 important. Now I agree with you. You know my opinion on that is 381 00:25:36.839 --> 00:25:40.279 really first of all, coming back to me when I was a youngest. 382 00:25:40.319 --> 00:25:44.359 Yeah, coming in and being a little bit ashamed of myself because it's my 383 00:25:44.480 --> 00:25:48.039 first few goals. And back then I don't have a sequence, sequence. 384 00:25:48.119 --> 00:25:51.230 Nobody gave me a sequence where in two thousand and four I literally had a 385 00:25:51.829 --> 00:25:55.349 linked in the starting so I think I even have uro pages under on the 386 00:25:55.470 --> 00:25:57.710 desk and the foot and an exceled spreadsheet. That was about it. We 387 00:25:59.029 --> 00:26:02.230 see what as a crm and we actually put you get to put the CD 388 00:26:02.349 --> 00:26:04.779 ROM in the Tower of the computer to get it going on the computer. 389 00:26:04.980 --> 00:26:08.980 To give you an s the cloud was as even there. But I think 390 00:26:10.059 --> 00:26:14.180 covie as alters in a way because we people walking from home and particularly for 391 00:26:14.339 --> 00:26:18.130 new starts. We've seen you starts becoming much more productive and I think it's 392 00:26:18.170 --> 00:26:25.049 because they don't have that anxiety of being listened to by the couligue when they're 393 00:26:25.049 --> 00:26:27.210 doing a call. And also, you know, one of the strongest power 394 00:26:27.890 --> 00:26:30.769 of doing the code is that you can be with all you want to be 395 00:26:30.890 --> 00:26:33.519 behind that cal you know you can change. You know you don't need to 396 00:26:33.599 --> 00:26:37.440 be the person you always your friends. You can change the intonation of your 397 00:26:37.480 --> 00:26:40.599 voice is and I was listening to some of the stuff that you've done with 398 00:26:40.720 --> 00:26:42.839 the seves impact a getting me, and you speak about that. You can 399 00:26:44.000 --> 00:26:45.680 do whoever you want, you can put the mask you want, and I 400 00:26:45.759 --> 00:26:49.589 think this is the thing that people mean. Not Be comfortable doing an office 401 00:26:49.630 --> 00:26:53.150 full of his Daus, you know, in the bullpen, but they may 402 00:26:53.190 --> 00:26:56.190 bee. I've been happy to do it when the at home in the comfort 403 00:26:56.230 --> 00:26:59.430 of their own house, because nobody's listening to them, right. So you 404 00:26:59.509 --> 00:27:02.259 don't have that Oh, are you looking at me? Looking at what I'm 405 00:27:02.299 --> 00:27:07.539 doing? So I think get that helped us and that tells peoples to be 406 00:27:07.579 --> 00:27:10.779 a bit more creative with the way they are going and, you know, 407 00:27:10.819 --> 00:27:14.660 kind of create that mask, identity, you know, whatever it is that 408 00:27:14.819 --> 00:27:18.930 that works for them. Yeah, yeah, it's true, though, and 409 00:27:18.450 --> 00:27:22.970 you know, and sometimes this works. Actually want one thing on that is 410 00:27:23.170 --> 00:27:27.410 that one cool thing that I reach is when you put somebody into sequence, 411 00:27:29.250 --> 00:27:32.480 if they respond and they have their cell phone number in the Fudd it will 412 00:27:32.519 --> 00:27:37.920 put in the outreache for you and it is important to call when that happens 413 00:27:37.160 --> 00:27:41.519 because often that's day of the databases don't have and the conversion in others a 414 00:27:41.559 --> 00:27:45.670 super high. Absolutely ever reminded me that. Yeah, well, you've got 415 00:27:45.710 --> 00:27:48.910 to. You've got to also the good old techniques, which is sending emails. 416 00:27:49.150 --> 00:27:52.750 was during sense giving or Christmas, sending a few emails like you put 417 00:27:52.789 --> 00:27:56.589 my emails. You get towards you out out of a visit to replay with 418 00:27:56.670 --> 00:27:59.220 the other other people, and the mobile numb doesn't ever think. But that's 419 00:27:59.859 --> 00:28:03.819 that's a chail. Pretty we sell the sales leaders like the secrets during dream 420 00:28:03.900 --> 00:28:07.099 force. Yeah, the day when everyone was a dream for us and out 421 00:28:07.140 --> 00:28:11.579 of the office. How correctly, when you know you know a friend. 422 00:28:11.700 --> 00:28:14.250 You did that. Yeah, it's a fund of mine as well. I 423 00:28:14.329 --> 00:28:17.049 told me that never would, never would that sort of stuff. But it 424 00:28:17.089 --> 00:28:19.529 looks like we getting to the end of the session. Today was a pleasure. 425 00:28:19.569 --> 00:28:22.970 I mean you great conversation. I want to thank you so much for 426 00:28:22.049 --> 00:28:26.240 your insight today. was great to have you with us. If anyone wants 427 00:28:26.279 --> 00:28:29.680 to get in touch with you, I mean, yeah, if they can't 428 00:28:29.680 --> 00:28:32.000 find you, I would find that very, very, very surprising. But 429 00:28:32.519 --> 00:28:34.960 what's the best way to reach out? To use it linkedin emails. Well, 430 00:28:36.039 --> 00:28:37.720 I'll do you want people to reach out to youtubease or discuss with you 431 00:28:37.839 --> 00:28:41.910 or ought to discuss about outreach. And now could they use outreach to better 432 00:28:41.990 --> 00:28:45.869 that business? Yeah, I mean I'm on Linkedin same now. So linkedin 433 00:28:47.349 --> 00:28:51.789 by Sam Nelson Contentcom website is where I post a lot of my post, 434 00:28:51.829 --> 00:28:55.740 a lout of my content. And Yeah, then if anyone's interested in in 435 00:28:55.819 --> 00:28:59.140 that reach are curious about can how that it is or heard it, feel 436 00:28:59.140 --> 00:29:02.460 free to reach out to me. More than happy to talk about it. 437 00:29:02.539 --> 00:29:06.059 So good women. He sanks once again. Some it was an absolute pressure 438 00:29:06.099 --> 00:29:10.250 to have youngert for today. Great. Thank you so much. You've been 439 00:29:10.289 --> 00:29:12.730 listening. To be to be read the new acceleration. To ensure that you 440 00:29:12.890 --> 00:29:17.529 never miss an episode, subscribe to the show in your favorite podcast player. 441 00:29:18.130 --> 00:29:19.410 Thank you so much for listening. Until next time.

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