114: Modern ABM – Personalization vs. Technology w/ Declan Mulkeen

November 04, 2021 00:24:20
114: Modern ABM – Personalization vs. Technology w/ Declan Mulkeen
B2B Revenue Acceleration
114: Modern ABM – Personalization vs. Technology w/ Declan Mulkeen

Nov 04 2021 | 00:24:20


Show Notes

One third of companies are in a mature stage of their ABM journey, one third are only a year or so into the journey, and one third haven’t even started.

ABM is still very much in its growth stage — not at all losing its momentum but rather gaining it as organizations appreciate what modern ABM can really do.

In this episode, we interview Declan Mulkeen, CMO at strategicabm, about how personalization and technology (and partnership with sales) define modern ABM.

We discussed how ABM has rebounded after the pandemic, automating ABM with vendors, the definition of modern ABM, the power of storytelling, and why ABM doesn’t work without sales teams.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.960 --> 00:00:05.960 You were listening to be tob revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated to helping software 2 00:00:06.000 --> 00:00:10.189 executives stay on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. Let's 3 00:00:10.189 --> 00:00:13.710 give him the show. Hi, welcome to be to be a REVN new 4 00:00:13.710 --> 00:00:17.469 acceleration. My name is only am with you and I'm here today with declan 5 00:00:17.550 --> 00:00:22.100 mullike in and or ad strategic ABM. Are You doing today? They can 6 00:00:22.899 --> 00:00:25.780 very well. Thank you and delighted to be here in the works. When 7 00:00:25.780 --> 00:00:30.059 you talking about B to be marketing and ABM with yourself? Yeah, well, 8 00:00:30.179 --> 00:00:32.140 you know, it's a subject, as I told you in the in 9 00:00:32.299 --> 00:00:35.929 the in the quick intrads work prout to the quite excites me a lot. 10 00:00:36.049 --> 00:00:39.729 So you know it's going to be, I'm sure, a great conversation. 11 00:00:40.210 --> 00:00:44.049 Today. We will be talking about modern what modern ABM look like. But 12 00:00:44.170 --> 00:00:46.890 before we get into that conversation, would you mind just giving us a little 13 00:00:46.890 --> 00:00:51.240 bit of background about yourself and the company you represents? Strategy in short. 14 00:00:51.399 --> 00:00:55.960 So, Declamo keen on the CMO of STRATEGUKBM, which is an ABM agency 15 00:00:56.119 --> 00:01:02.439 based just outside London but with a team of employees and clients all over the 16 00:01:02.560 --> 00:01:04.909 world. So kind of one of the kind of very few, one hundred 17 00:01:04.950 --> 00:01:10.670 percent ABM agencies that exist today, although the numbers are growing, as ABM 18 00:01:10.709 --> 00:01:15.829 obviously is becoming more and more popular, more and more companies and people are 19 00:01:15.870 --> 00:01:19.099 getting involved. And on a personal note, I've been involved in marketing and 20 00:01:19.180 --> 00:01:23.099 actually sales as well, for over twenty years, originally on the connect client 21 00:01:23.260 --> 00:01:29.420 side, working for services in a tech companies, and then the last couple 22 00:01:29.420 --> 00:01:36.129 of years I've moved agency side as the Cemo of a marketing agency and based 23 00:01:36.209 --> 00:01:40.450 in the mountains north of Madrid. So I have a beautiful view of a 24 00:01:40.530 --> 00:01:44.849 very, very tall mountain in front to me. So yeah, that's me. 25 00:01:45.409 --> 00:01:48.040 Why you're lucky. I'm just just looking outside. I've see a few 26 00:01:48.079 --> 00:01:52.519 trays with that a lot of leaves on them anymore and quite a few cals 27 00:01:52.560 --> 00:01:55.159 going on the motorway. So that's that's that has glamorous. Well, we 28 00:01:55.200 --> 00:01:57.319 are that this could ye, amagery is a fantastic place. So you mentioned 29 00:01:57.400 --> 00:02:02.310 something about abm agencies becoming more and more popular, more and more companies, 30 00:02:02.349 --> 00:02:06.310 more and more competition, and that's kind of make me think about one of 31 00:02:06.390 --> 00:02:08.430 my first question, which is, you know, abm was kind of a 32 00:02:08.509 --> 00:02:12.990 buzz world in two thousand and eighteen. In two thousand and seventeen. Two 33 00:02:12.990 --> 00:02:16.259 Thousand and eighteen we want to do ABM. ABS can be setting. We 34 00:02:16.340 --> 00:02:20.539 want to do abx, which is a little bit of a convert base everything. 35 00:02:20.900 --> 00:02:25.460 But make perception is that the ABM methodology or even the what is kind 36 00:02:25.460 --> 00:02:29.659 of losing a little bit his birds and he's using his momentum. Would you 37 00:02:29.699 --> 00:02:31.810 agree with that? That's a good question actually. Would I agree with that? 38 00:02:31.889 --> 00:02:35.650 I think the answers no, I wouldn't agree with it, and I 39 00:02:35.770 --> 00:02:38.490 think the reason why I wouldn't agree I think like you. I think you're 40 00:02:38.490 --> 00:02:40.729 absolutely right to say it's a buzz word. I think you're absolutely right to 41 00:02:40.729 --> 00:02:45.919 say it's a term that is very much used and overused perhaps in many circles. 42 00:02:46.439 --> 00:02:47.840 And I think you know, part of what we try to do the 43 00:02:47.840 --> 00:02:52.319 agency and my job as a CMO is tried to clariss by a little bit 44 00:02:52.360 --> 00:02:55.280 what ABM is and what ABM isn't, when it's suitable and where it's not 45 00:02:55.319 --> 00:03:00.110 suitable. And I think just like you know the term Sass, you know 46 00:03:00.389 --> 00:03:04.789 software as a service. That obvious as a term that has become incredibly overused 47 00:03:04.830 --> 00:03:07.669 to describe almost any type of company, and I think that's very much the 48 00:03:07.750 --> 00:03:10.349 same case with ABM. If you go back into the annals of time at 49 00:03:10.389 --> 00:03:15.659 ABM has been around in its current form since about two thousand and three. 50 00:03:15.219 --> 00:03:21.060 One of the guests on my podcast actually be Burgess, who's consultant to Itsm. 51 00:03:21.740 --> 00:03:23.699 She coined the phrase back in two thousand and three and after having dinner 52 00:03:23.699 --> 00:03:28.490 with some people from accenture and some people from UNICIES and and it's kind of 53 00:03:28.530 --> 00:03:30.650 grown over the course of almost twenty years now to where we are today. 54 00:03:31.050 --> 00:03:35.129 But when you look at the the numbers and you look at the the amount 55 00:03:35.169 --> 00:03:38.250 of companies that are actually doing abm, it's quite evenly split. Actually, 56 00:03:38.610 --> 00:03:44.520 when we're talking to kind of prospects and future customers, it's kind of one 57 00:03:44.639 --> 00:03:47.680 third, one third, one third, ie. A third of companies are 58 00:03:47.960 --> 00:03:54.120 in a mature stage of their ABM journey, one third of companies are at 59 00:03:54.120 --> 00:03:58.189 least, you know, six to twelve months into their journey and then one 60 00:03:58.270 --> 00:04:01.830 third haven't started. So it shows you that the market is really very much 61 00:04:01.830 --> 00:04:04.710 in the growth stage. But I think you're right to say with anything that 62 00:04:04.830 --> 00:04:10.539 becomes popular and hot and buzz wordy, it kind of has some detractors as 63 00:04:10.580 --> 00:04:13.939 well, and I think, you know, maybe they'll. Section of ABM 64 00:04:14.060 --> 00:04:17.500 is that lots of people spoke about it but never really ended up doing it 65 00:04:17.660 --> 00:04:20.899 properly. I'M gonna come back to that because I want to speak about solutions 66 00:04:20.939 --> 00:04:25.730 as well at some points. But another is lots of automation and tools out 67 00:04:25.810 --> 00:04:30.250 there to probably do ABM at scale and to make Dr ABM process. And 68 00:04:30.290 --> 00:04:33.329 the moment you strayed the Morledge, you get exet ectution. We can come 69 00:04:33.370 --> 00:04:38.209 back to that later from me, from my perspective. Sorry, I think 70 00:04:38.329 --> 00:04:42.360 two thousand and twenty was the r Fada Right, and let me rephrase it 71 00:04:42.439 --> 00:04:46.000 because it's a bit of a world concept. But we coped eating everyone. 72 00:04:46.639 --> 00:04:51.040 What our clients realize? They realize that the Footsie, hundred fifty, the 73 00:04:51.199 --> 00:04:56.310 CAC, the ducks, the global to K. you've got companies, induced 74 00:04:56.709 --> 00:05:00.550 bunch of public companies that you can't address anymore. Okay, British, all 75 00:05:00.589 --> 00:05:05.189 weights are BND hub. You know all the people who are in leisure industry, 76 00:05:05.350 --> 00:05:11.579 travel industry, hotels, all these companies will probably struggling a lot of 77 00:05:11.620 --> 00:05:13.860 all the course of Cavits, you contrally sell to them. So we saw 78 00:05:13.899 --> 00:05:16.980 around, I guess, the the the targetable market or the addressable market of 79 00:05:17.060 --> 00:05:23.889 our clients kind of slimming down to probably eighty seventy percent of the capactier she 80 00:05:24.009 --> 00:05:26.649 was before. But then what happened? Is it you stee of the same 81 00:05:26.689 --> 00:05:30.050 number of vendors trying to sell them stuff and everybody's still got the same target. 82 00:05:30.410 --> 00:05:33.170 So everybody was going really out that that the company that we are left 83 00:05:33.490 --> 00:05:39.079 with was a potential to buy, and that's why we really saw our clients 84 00:05:39.160 --> 00:05:44.759 fully to actually trying to put a proper approaching place. We're trying to get 85 00:05:44.800 --> 00:05:46.519 a clear on the something of the accounts to start with. Is trying to 86 00:05:46.519 --> 00:05:51.149 get among Tho something of the Baying Centerls, the multi vadas and having compaigns 87 00:05:51.189 --> 00:05:56.589 and really putting all the sorts process behind it. So have you seen that 88 00:05:56.629 --> 00:06:00.750 as well? Less job? You seem like a kind of ABM re rebonds 89 00:06:00.110 --> 00:06:05.019 through the bandinick. Well, I think obviously we now October, eighteen months 90 00:06:05.100 --> 00:06:10.779 since kind of the sizemic event of last you know, January, every march, 91 00:06:10.860 --> 00:06:14.980 etc. And you know companies had to invest in digital had to invest 92 00:06:15.060 --> 00:06:19.850 in in non in person events and obviously any type of BB marketing agency, 93 00:06:19.889 --> 00:06:25.769 any type of marketing department. Many, many questions we're being asked about. 94 00:06:25.769 --> 00:06:29.410 How can you help us grow? How can you help us engage? How 95 00:06:29.449 --> 00:06:31.879 can you help us win new clients? So many companies have done, you 96 00:06:31.959 --> 00:06:35.720 know, quite well actually during this whole period, because of this shift from 97 00:06:35.800 --> 00:06:40.800 in person sales led through to a much more of a kind of a digital 98 00:06:40.879 --> 00:06:44.720 experience, whenever one like myself harmously sitting here at home. So I think 99 00:06:44.759 --> 00:06:47.310 we have seen an explosion in the use of ABM. We have seen the 100 00:06:47.790 --> 00:06:54.470 an explosion in the use of more innovative means and methods and strategies for engaging 101 00:06:54.589 --> 00:06:58.350 with target accounts. So I think I would definitely concur Audien, with what 102 00:06:58.470 --> 00:07:00.660 you've just said. Yeah, and coming back to the point I was making, 103 00:07:00.980 --> 00:07:06.500 we're asking this very long winded question about solutions and about automation and and 104 00:07:06.699 --> 00:07:11.740 the concept that, okay, rizards must come because, as I invested a 105 00:07:11.779 --> 00:07:15.540 lot of money in solutions and in tools. What are your sorts on that? 106 00:07:15.660 --> 00:07:17.449 Do you think we can actually put to make ABM? Can need your 107 00:07:17.529 --> 00:07:21.290 to meet that scape. Well, I think, you know, we work 108 00:07:21.329 --> 00:07:25.889 with lots of Abien technology partners and we've got great, you know, relationships 109 00:07:25.930 --> 00:07:29.449 and we know how to use the technology. We know where to use it, 110 00:07:29.689 --> 00:07:30.839 when to use it. That I don't think that is the case for 111 00:07:30.959 --> 00:07:35.079 many people who are attempting either to do good marketing or two good, to 112 00:07:35.160 --> 00:07:39.600 do good abm. So the obviously the question here obviously is about ABM, 113 00:07:39.639 --> 00:07:44.040 but it's a wider question around marketing in general with Martech and ABM technology. 114 00:07:44.470 --> 00:07:46.550 I think ABM vendors, I think they've done a very, very good job 115 00:07:46.829 --> 00:07:50.509 in terms of how they've actually gone to market, in terms of how they've 116 00:07:50.509 --> 00:07:56.069 actually marketed their own solutions and how, indeed they're actually talking about ABM and 117 00:07:56.269 --> 00:08:01.259 talking about some of the issues that revolve around ABM and how their technology can 118 00:08:01.339 --> 00:08:05.139 solve it. I think the issue with technology and I think, you know, 119 00:08:05.180 --> 00:08:09.339 I remember one of my first guests on my own podcast was Sangrum Bardery, 120 00:08:09.339 --> 00:08:13.209 who's the obviously one of the CO founders at Terminus, and even sang 121 00:08:13.250 --> 00:08:16.050 Graham said that, you know, he would not recommend technology to a company 122 00:08:16.129 --> 00:08:20.250 starting abmay and he said, you know, obviously he's he said, you 123 00:08:20.329 --> 00:08:24.449 know, I'm a shareholder in a technology company, but even I wouldn't recommend 124 00:08:24.449 --> 00:08:28.120 technology to a company starting ABM because the first thing you need when you're starting 125 00:08:28.240 --> 00:08:31.879 to think about ABM is you need a strategy. So you should always be 126 00:08:33.000 --> 00:08:37.600 led by strategy and not be led by technology. I think all the bells 127 00:08:37.679 --> 00:08:43.070 and whistles and all the kind of incredible intent data and automation and personalization at 128 00:08:43.149 --> 00:08:48.309 scale, all these things that many of these platforms offer or promise, they 129 00:08:48.789 --> 00:08:54.309 should be secondary. So the mantra that we have at the agency is strategy 130 00:08:54.429 --> 00:08:56.860 first, technology second, and I think if you can have that in mind 131 00:08:58.139 --> 00:09:01.340 and that's it, that's when, whenever we're talking to kind of future customers, 132 00:09:01.379 --> 00:09:03.500 we always say to you know, let's leave the strategy to a sorry, 133 00:09:03.500 --> 00:09:07.539 let's leave the technology rather to one side. Let's dig down deeper into 134 00:09:07.539 --> 00:09:11.490 your strategy. What are you trying to achieve? Who you trying to win, 135 00:09:11.529 --> 00:09:13.929 who you trying to retain, who you're trying to grow? And let's 136 00:09:13.929 --> 00:09:18.889 build that strategy first, because then the technology you can actually layer the technology 137 00:09:20.009 --> 00:09:24.250 on little by little once you've got a very solid strategy in place. That's 138 00:09:24.250 --> 00:09:26.720 what we always say to our plants. That's what the big off today, 139 00:09:26.759 --> 00:09:31.279 which is around the mode on adm. so I guess if I was to 140 00:09:31.840 --> 00:09:35.759 as you when does modern ABM look like? What it be? Gostialization first, 141 00:09:37.159 --> 00:09:41.070 strategy first, and then bring it the glogy to do that scale. 142 00:09:41.549 --> 00:09:43.029 Well, I think that's that. I think the technology does allow you to 143 00:09:43.149 --> 00:09:46.350 deliver at scale. If you think about the kind of the heritage of a 144 00:09:46.509 --> 00:09:52.509 B ABM, obviously it started as one to one and one too one was 145 00:09:52.710 --> 00:09:56.860 basically treating one account as a market of one. So doing everything possible within 146 00:09:56.980 --> 00:10:01.019 your means, between your market and team, your sales team, your wide 147 00:10:01.019 --> 00:10:05.740 Roldanization, to either win an account or, more often, to grow and 148 00:10:05.860 --> 00:10:09.610 to retain the account, because most, an awful lot of one to one 149 00:10:09.649 --> 00:10:13.730 ABM is focused not on new logos, which is obviously very much always, 150 00:10:13.889 --> 00:10:18.330 you know, an obsession for many sales teams, but actually focused on growing 151 00:10:18.610 --> 00:10:22.279 and retaining existing accounts. And that is where really the heritage, the history 152 00:10:22.799 --> 00:10:26.960 where one to one ABM sits from. There, obviously it's evolved over the 153 00:10:28.000 --> 00:10:31.360 course of almost twenty years to embrace want a few, which is when you're 154 00:10:31.399 --> 00:10:35.990 targeting a cluster of accounts they have a similar business need, they belong to 155 00:10:35.029 --> 00:10:39.750 the same vertical, they have the same business challenge or indeed want too many, 156 00:10:39.830 --> 00:10:43.389 which is when you're now trying to do a BM at a much wider, 157 00:10:43.629 --> 00:10:46.110 larger scale, you know, hundreds or indeed thousands of cats. The 158 00:10:46.230 --> 00:10:50.220 technology can help, of course, but I think modern ABM, for us 159 00:10:50.259 --> 00:10:56.820 at the agency, is much more about how you build and engaging an impactful 160 00:10:56.820 --> 00:11:01.379 account experience that you take that account through that is a line to the value 161 00:11:01.379 --> 00:11:07.330 proposition that you have created uniquely for this campaign and how that account or accounts, 162 00:11:07.610 --> 00:11:11.289 how they then engage over a period of time, over a period of 163 00:11:11.450 --> 00:11:16.889 and a number of different types of assets, digital assets, physical assets, 164 00:11:16.129 --> 00:11:22.039 online assets, offline assets, in person events, how you take them through 165 00:11:22.679 --> 00:11:26.759 what is an effect a journey of discovery, a journey of awareness, a 166 00:11:26.200 --> 00:11:31.909 journey of education, a journey of influence and ultimately to get them to a 167 00:11:33.029 --> 00:11:35.830 commit stage where they commit to say hey, I'm willing to have a conversation 168 00:11:35.990 --> 00:11:39.629 with you, I'm willing to learn more, I'm willing to have a half 169 00:11:39.669 --> 00:11:43.629 an hour call, I'm willing to join one of your workshops. Ultimately, 170 00:11:43.710 --> 00:11:48.419 the goal of ABM is what is that commit that you want that account to 171 00:11:48.539 --> 00:11:52.539 do. Is it to attend to workshop? Is it to join one of 172 00:11:52.580 --> 00:11:56.100 your kind of executive workshops or join some kind of event? If you can, 173 00:11:56.259 --> 00:12:00.940 if you can actually design your whole a being experience to actually deliver on 174 00:12:01.059 --> 00:12:05.370 that goal, then that, for us is a modern ABM and I think 175 00:12:05.690 --> 00:12:09.169 you know, I'd love to a future date show show your audience some of 176 00:12:09.210 --> 00:12:11.730 the kind of the account experiences that we take our clients through. But they 177 00:12:13.090 --> 00:12:16.039 it's the technology that people talk about where they talk about all we're going to 178 00:12:16.080 --> 00:12:20.360 run some programmatic ads, we're going to we're going to run these dads here, 179 00:12:20.399 --> 00:12:24.000 run these outs there. They're going to be bathed in these ads wherever 180 00:12:24.039 --> 00:12:26.480 they go, whether they got where, they're on the Wall Street Journal or 181 00:12:26.519 --> 00:12:30.269 The Guardian newspaper or whether they're wherever they are, they'll cr ads. That, 182 00:12:30.509 --> 00:12:33.590 for us is not ABM. That's just running some programatic appetizement, seeing 183 00:12:33.669 --> 00:12:37.909 some linkedin ads and hey, download this ebook, hey get this white paper. 184 00:12:39.269 --> 00:12:43.029 That is not a BM. That's just targeted advertising. So ABM is 185 00:12:43.110 --> 00:12:46.659 when you wrap and account in a unique experience that is unique to them that 186 00:12:46.820 --> 00:12:50.779 they say hey, these guys they know me, they know they know us, 187 00:12:52.259 --> 00:12:56.539 they know our business list, then our sector. They'd clearly got something 188 00:12:56.700 --> 00:12:58.889 back can answer some of the questions that we're asking at the moment. And 189 00:13:00.049 --> 00:13:01.490 that, for us, is what we call an ABM account experience, and 190 00:13:01.610 --> 00:13:07.370 that is when you really start seeing clients engaging and you really start seeing prospects 191 00:13:07.409 --> 00:13:11.409 engaging and and that is when you start having some serious conversations, which, 192 00:13:11.409 --> 00:13:18.759 ultimately, ABM is about delivering qualified accounts and qualified conversation to yourself teams. 193 00:13:18.080 --> 00:13:22.519 Yeah, that makes both let sense and you know the certain that, just 194 00:13:22.600 --> 00:13:26.000 as truck, my attention where the beginning of yourn so I was was really 195 00:13:26.080 --> 00:13:30.470 the the ABM for net new logo, so acquisition. There also is the 196 00:13:30.549 --> 00:13:37.070 ABM for existing customers. I'll do we retain, develop expand our customers. 197 00:13:37.389 --> 00:13:39.149 But sometimes it's not even that. It is also making them feel that they 198 00:13:39.149 --> 00:13:43.100 always the that is the best in the market. Right. So you still 199 00:13:43.539 --> 00:13:46.539 still you still get that sort of feeling that you just don't make a decision 200 00:13:46.539 --> 00:13:50.179 and then you just roll on with it, but you keep on being busted 201 00:13:50.259 --> 00:13:54.179 about was going on. And I'd like to on or something from your perspective. 202 00:13:54.179 --> 00:13:58.529 You see there is a fundamental difference in the structure and the strategy from 203 00:13:58.970 --> 00:14:01.409 what I would call the the ABM cells, which is kind of net you 204 00:14:01.529 --> 00:14:07.250 logo, getting getting through the door. They'll swos ABM customer success. Do 205 00:14:07.250 --> 00:14:11.320 you see more people adopting the ABN customer success? But you know, going 206 00:14:11.320 --> 00:14:13.919 back to what I mentioned earlier, back the kind of the the origins and 207 00:14:13.960 --> 00:14:16.279 the heritage of one to one ABM, if you know some of the people 208 00:14:16.360 --> 00:14:20.200 that I've spent a ul lot of time talking to about this, such as 209 00:14:20.600 --> 00:14:26.590 such as Canastra or the large, large companies in the come of the IBM's 210 00:14:26.629 --> 00:14:31.590 and the Oracles, and they've invested in an awful lot of time using ABM 211 00:14:31.190 --> 00:14:37.070 to grow and to retain their accounts, their customers, and for many reasons. 212 00:14:37.110 --> 00:14:41.220 One because obviously it's it just makes perfect business sense. You know, 213 00:14:41.340 --> 00:14:45.100 the cost acquisition to winning a new account compared to keeping an accounties. It's 214 00:14:45.139 --> 00:14:48.659 obviously well documented. Also, many companies are very good at selling but not 215 00:14:48.740 --> 00:14:52.690 very good at growing. So I remember that and I this is one of 216 00:14:52.730 --> 00:14:56.769 the most recent podcast that I published with the head of ABM at Fin Astra, 217 00:14:56.850 --> 00:15:01.330 which is a global Fintech company she was explaining that the their company, 218 00:15:01.370 --> 00:15:05.610 is fantastic at winning accounts, but they weren't so good at expanding those accounts. 219 00:15:05.809 --> 00:15:11.559 So they had this classic land versus expand. So they were deploying abn 220 00:15:11.679 --> 00:15:16.639 for the expand part of growing account because they were winning business, let's say, 221 00:15:16.639 --> 00:15:18.360 for example, with their software. They were lining winning it in one 222 00:15:18.399 --> 00:15:24.070 part of the business. But clearly most businesses are very complex businesses. They 223 00:15:24.149 --> 00:15:28.429 can have centralized buying departments, but more often than not they have decentralized by 224 00:15:28.470 --> 00:15:33.750 departments. So ultimately, with ABM you're looking to take what you've done well 225 00:15:35.230 --> 00:15:37.179 for one part of the business, which could be, you know, located 226 00:15:37.220 --> 00:15:41.740 in the geographical place or it could be located just in a different department, 227 00:15:41.179 --> 00:15:45.139 taking that success and saying to the rest of the business, hey days, 228 00:15:45.580 --> 00:15:48.860 look what this departments is achieved, look what they're saved, look what they've 229 00:15:48.980 --> 00:15:52.970 one, look what they've earned, and and that is where ABM can be 230 00:15:52.330 --> 00:15:56.730 phenomenally powerful. It is telling those stories and I think a lot of what 231 00:15:56.850 --> 00:16:03.210 we do with our clients is building these these these stories, building a compelling 232 00:16:03.289 --> 00:16:07.480 story that can be shared internally, building building an account experience that that can 233 00:16:07.559 --> 00:16:14.240 then be adopted and can be then propagated throughout the wide organization to say, 234 00:16:14.279 --> 00:16:17.840 Hey, we've got this great success happening in one part of our business. 235 00:16:18.000 --> 00:16:19.669 Why have we not taken it to the rest of our business? Because, 236 00:16:19.669 --> 00:16:25.389 ultimately, companies are looking not only to learn from their peers outside of their 237 00:16:25.429 --> 00:16:30.710 organizations, but they're also looking to learn at what's working internally and from your 238 00:16:30.750 --> 00:16:33.500 prospect you when you engage, was that of the more just a most success 239 00:16:33.580 --> 00:16:37.899 journey of the A M you did? Was a sum river of contacts? 240 00:16:37.179 --> 00:16:40.820 Or do you have a cm or for our quisition and then your good out 241 00:16:40.860 --> 00:16:44.259 of customers successful other so what, in the end, as a function can 242 00:16:44.340 --> 00:16:48.129 of taking the DM approach within the business? Yes and no. I mean 243 00:16:48.129 --> 00:16:51.370 I think that what we try to do with with all clients at the very 244 00:16:51.409 --> 00:16:55.769 beginning of the process, whether it's met new logo or whether it's growth strategy 245 00:16:55.850 --> 00:16:57.929 or retain strategy, is get more people involved in the beginning. So to 246 00:16:59.009 --> 00:17:02.639 get the CMO, to bring the VP of sales to be to bring the 247 00:17:02.679 --> 00:17:06.480 VP of customer success, even to bring the C suite, from the CEO 248 00:17:06.680 --> 00:17:10.640 to the CFO to ce journey from the beginning you speak up out the journey 249 00:17:10.799 --> 00:17:12.720 with an a qui other than what we do. Okay, that extens and 250 00:17:12.880 --> 00:17:15.789 I just recall one one, one of our, you know, most recent 251 00:17:17.150 --> 00:17:19.309 customers that we've on board it. You know the whole process starting with the 252 00:17:19.349 --> 00:17:23.230 C suite. So on the very first called the CFO with their CEO, 253 00:17:23.789 --> 00:17:30.220 CEO, CMO and and ahead of sales, we had the five major pillars 254 00:17:30.660 --> 00:17:33.819 of the organization were on the very first care because they understood the importance of 255 00:17:33.900 --> 00:17:38.500 this strategy for the for the future wellbeing of the company. So think if 256 00:17:38.539 --> 00:17:41.099 you can get it right from beginning, and very often we say to you 257 00:17:41.220 --> 00:17:45.890 know, when we're running our our ABM campaigns for our own for our clients, 258 00:17:45.250 --> 00:17:48.769 the first thing we obviously do is we do a huge kick off for 259 00:17:48.809 --> 00:17:52.490 the for the entire company, and we make sure that the CMO is bringing 260 00:17:52.609 --> 00:17:56.690 these head to sales, heads customer success, head of operations the C suite. 261 00:17:57.130 --> 00:18:03.759 Because ultimately ABM, how it differs from anything else is it's a company 262 00:18:03.880 --> 00:18:08.839 wide strategical yeah, and it's it's not marketing and it's not sales. It's 263 00:18:08.839 --> 00:18:15.829 actually an organization wide pivot. It's it's a team spot. You need, 264 00:18:15.910 --> 00:18:18.309 feel says, you need to feedback from marketing. Marketing is to dread the 265 00:18:18.309 --> 00:18:22.309 strategy. Sells need to be box sy, Baiting and fact, you know, 266 00:18:22.470 --> 00:18:26.220 the the function that we've seen probably slowing down. Most of the most 267 00:18:26.259 --> 00:18:32.420 of the ABM programmative being involved in what sales and I think sometimes because, 268 00:18:32.900 --> 00:18:34.500 as you're right, you're right, he said, if you don't invite them 269 00:18:34.539 --> 00:18:37.539 at the day board, at the beginning in you don't explain to them, 270 00:18:38.059 --> 00:18:42.529 to them the longer term potential, all but unity of doing it properly. 271 00:18:44.009 --> 00:18:45.970 Okay, and if you don't have a commission planet, also can of follow 272 00:18:47.089 --> 00:18:48.809 that and you just commission them on, make new business and go and, 273 00:18:49.210 --> 00:18:53.089 you know, scalp someone for something. That's why you would have you would 274 00:18:53.130 --> 00:18:57.279 have issues. And I think we've since a lot of sales people kind of 275 00:18:57.319 --> 00:19:00.920 looking at it, at the next glossy thing from marketing. And I'm not 276 00:19:00.000 --> 00:19:03.559 trying to man generality here, but this is this is resist something, as 277 00:19:03.599 --> 00:19:06.720 with all the lot and we work directly with sells people and of course, 278 00:19:06.759 --> 00:19:08.599 part of our role, which is going to lead me to my next question, 279 00:19:10.069 --> 00:19:12.670 part of our role is to Underston the ABM strategy of our customers, 280 00:19:12.710 --> 00:19:17.269 because part of our role is to have conversation. So we are, I 281 00:19:17.430 --> 00:19:21.750 believe, one of the plug in the ABM strategy and were clock. That 282 00:19:21.869 --> 00:19:26.779 is quite interesting, because the concept of progressive providing the concept of picking up 283 00:19:26.779 --> 00:19:29.660 information as time goes by. And I'm going to speak to you. They 284 00:19:29.700 --> 00:19:33.220 plan today and I'm going to ask your street question. Favorite color, favorite 285 00:19:33.299 --> 00:19:36.700 food, what's your favorite drink? Okay, next time, that's probably it. 286 00:19:36.940 --> 00:19:37.849 If as few more question, you will like. Okay, stop it. 287 00:19:38.130 --> 00:19:41.170 You know your inquisitive. I wout like it. Next time I can 288 00:19:41.170 --> 00:19:44.690 ask you a few more question and I'll start to build a profile around you. 289 00:19:45.289 --> 00:19:48.410 And when we were playing that throll with lots of sells, people just 290 00:19:48.450 --> 00:19:51.009 sing us. You don't waste your time, get me the meetings, get 291 00:19:51.049 --> 00:19:52.160 me through the door. I'm gonna do all that. And then you know 292 00:19:52.200 --> 00:19:56.960 there is no information living in the sharing system. So really, from my 293 00:19:56.119 --> 00:19:59.720 perspect even from what you said, I completely agree with you. It's a 294 00:19:59.759 --> 00:20:02.799 team spot. Everybody needs to be involved and I think you got each try 295 00:20:02.880 --> 00:20:07.039 getting them in the room at the beginning, almost convincing, making the cells 296 00:20:07.119 --> 00:20:10.430 team, the CRO ID as well as the cm idea as well as the 297 00:20:10.509 --> 00:20:14.349 customer six society. I think he's critical for the six or some of if 298 00:20:14.430 --> 00:20:17.869 not, you will obviously get to a hard or so. That leads me 299 00:20:17.910 --> 00:20:21.740 to my question. Now, my last one, which is our can of 300 00:20:21.819 --> 00:20:23.740 important for me because you know, we had a projects for running team of 301 00:20:25.099 --> 00:20:27.220 as Dr Videos and demand. I'll do you see the rule of a s 302 00:20:27.259 --> 00:20:34.500 drs as part of that modern ABM strategy? Well, I think ABM cannot 303 00:20:34.579 --> 00:20:41.369 work without sales. You know period that the Americans say ABM cannot be successful 304 00:20:41.529 --> 00:20:47.410 without sales. You either have sales in the room or it just not going 305 00:20:47.450 --> 00:20:48.529 to work. So I think you know and I think go back to your 306 00:20:48.529 --> 00:20:51.759 point, there are you in? I think one of the shoes, obviously, 307 00:20:51.960 --> 00:20:56.440 is the the acronym ABM, with oft the M for marketing, and 308 00:20:56.640 --> 00:20:59.480 bed Burgers, who I mentioned earlier, who invented the term back in two 309 00:20:59.519 --> 00:21:02.799 thousand and three even she says now you know, with hindsight, maybe I 310 00:21:02.880 --> 00:21:06.069 shouldn't have called it marketing, because maybe I should have called it something else. 311 00:21:06.589 --> 00:21:10.630 And so whenever we talk to our customers and our customer sales teams about 312 00:21:10.710 --> 00:21:14.630 about a BM, we often talk about as in the count based strategy and 313 00:21:14.710 --> 00:21:18.140 we talked about it as a campaign to win, grow and retain your most 314 00:21:18.220 --> 00:21:23.259 important accounts. So when you talk about it in the language of accounts sales, 315 00:21:23.700 --> 00:21:26.940 whether it's a VP of sales or an SDR or an account executive on 316 00:21:26.940 --> 00:21:32.539 account man UA, they prick up their ears because accounts is the language of 317 00:21:32.660 --> 00:21:36.009 sales. So the key, the key message, I always say, is 318 00:21:36.250 --> 00:21:38.809 make sure that you use the language of sales and don't use, you know, 319 00:21:38.849 --> 00:21:44.250 a marketing. Haven't done themselves any favors over the years, you know, 320 00:21:44.329 --> 00:21:47.720 by creating so many acronyms, you know, nqls and sqls, and 321 00:21:48.200 --> 00:21:51.440 and giving, you know, giving marketing qualified lead to sales and sells say, 322 00:21:51.480 --> 00:21:52.720 Hey, I don't want this or what is this? And I haven't 323 00:21:52.720 --> 00:21:56.160 got a clue what this is. And I've called them. Are Not interested. 324 00:21:56.720 --> 00:22:00.839 You know, marketing. I've done it. have done themselves a disservice 325 00:22:00.960 --> 00:22:04.109 over the years building this kind of machine, is inval machine and you know, 326 00:22:04.150 --> 00:22:07.069 kind of ebooks and white papers and all the kind of stuff and and 327 00:22:07.150 --> 00:22:11.430 generating thousands of leads which of no use to anybody. So, in answer 328 00:22:11.470 --> 00:22:18.140 your question, ABM is only half of the of the coin. Without the 329 00:22:18.180 --> 00:22:22.180 other half of the coin being the sales team to actually make it all come 330 00:22:22.259 --> 00:22:26.500 to life and having those conversations. But everything from, as you mentioned, 331 00:22:26.059 --> 00:22:30.089 from the account selection process at the beginning. That has to be a joint 332 00:22:30.089 --> 00:22:34.690 process between sales and marketing, with a marketing ultimately choose the accounts or in 333 00:22:34.809 --> 00:22:40.089 you know, in many ABM program sales to the accounts and marketing you know, 334 00:22:40.250 --> 00:22:42.970 validate them all the way through to, you know, understanding the the 335 00:22:44.319 --> 00:22:48.160 the the value proposition that it's been created for that account, the campaign messaging 336 00:22:48.240 --> 00:22:52.839 that's been created for that account, having their say about the campaign messaging, 337 00:22:52.240 --> 00:22:56.599 through to all the campaign assets that are being created, the account experience that's 338 00:22:56.599 --> 00:23:00.349 been created and ultimately, all those conversations that sales are going to be having, 339 00:23:00.670 --> 00:23:06.910 feeding all that back into the Marketing Department or the ABM team and actually 340 00:23:06.910 --> 00:23:10.029 then, you know, recycling that back in and back out. So I 341 00:23:10.109 --> 00:23:15.539 think my answer is that sales is critical to the success of ABM. Well 342 00:23:15.579 --> 00:23:21.380 as good to her. There's we believe. We believe exactly something. So 343 00:23:21.420 --> 00:23:23.259 we get to the end of the of the session today, I decline. 344 00:23:23.539 --> 00:23:26.569 So so thanks so much for sharing what Dean take with US always very useful. 345 00:23:26.970 --> 00:23:30.609 If anyone wants to carry on the Congossion with you. Are Getting touch 346 00:23:30.690 --> 00:23:36.769 with strategic ABM so to get some suppot in the journey. What's the best 347 00:23:36.809 --> 00:23:38.769 way to get all of you? Well, I'm say I'm very active on 348 00:23:38.849 --> 00:23:41.839 Linkedin, so I'm sure, Deacon Mul key, there are too many declam 349 00:23:41.839 --> 00:23:45.640 mulkings out there. So you'll you'll find me on Linkedin and obviously you know 350 00:23:45.720 --> 00:23:51.640 the agency is strategic abmcom, so take that into Google and I'm sure you'll 351 00:23:51.680 --> 00:23:55.000 find us. And if anybody has any questions, please just drop me a 352 00:23:55.079 --> 00:23:57.150 line and I'd love to engage into to share some more insight with you. 353 00:23:57.750 --> 00:24:00.950 Third well, thank you so much. Day clanny was and that's a there's 354 00:24:00.109 --> 00:24:03.670 to be on this for today. Thank you earlier. Thanks all your times 355 00:24:03.750 --> 00:24:07.910 then, all the best for the future. You've been listening to BEDB revenue 356 00:24:07.950 --> 00:24:11.259 acceleration. To ensure that you never miss an episode, subscribe to the show 357 00:24:11.339 --> 00:24:15.380 in your favorite podcast player. Thank you so much for listening. Until next 358 00:24:15.380 --> time,

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