133: Strategy Sprints: An Agile Framework To Support Revenue Growth

August 11, 2022 00:41:19
133: Strategy Sprints: An Agile Framework To Support Revenue Growth
B2B Revenue Acceleration
133: Strategy Sprints: An Agile Framework To Support Revenue Growth

Aug 11 2022 | 00:41:19


Show Notes

A core driving factor for most business owners is, understandably, the need to maximise revenue and accelerate business growth.

Yet this is often easier said than done, with periods of stagnation and an ever-changing market causing a halt in progress. This isn’t to mention the mistakes commonly made by entrepreneurs, many of which can push your business ten steps backwards rather than forwards.

To overcome this, you must adapt your strategy and look at new techniques to expedite both growth and revenue. This is where Strategy Sprints come in - a technique that creator Simon Severino (CEO and Business Strategy Advisor of Strategy Sprints) says will have drastically positive results.

In the latest episode of B2B Revenue Acceleration, our host Aurelien Mottier (CEO and Co-Founder of Operatix) sat do wn with Simon to discuss the Strategy Sprints methodology.

Listen into their conversation as they discuss how the method improves operations and accelerates business growth, as well as the habits successful entrepreneurs should have, business best practices and mistakes to avoid.

To hear this interview and many more like it, subscribe to B2B Revenue Acceleration on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, our website, or anywhere you get podcasts.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:01.080 --> 00:00:05.679 You were listening to be to be revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated to helping 2 00:00:05.679 --> 00:00:09.640 software executives stay on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. 3 00:00:10.080 --> 00:00:14.359 Let's give them to the show. This podcast is sponsored by Gong. Gong 4 00:00:14.519 --> 00:00:21.120 empowers your entire go to market organization by operationalizing you almost valuable asset, your 5 00:00:21.160 --> 00:00:27.079 customer interactions. Transform your organization into a revenue machine, or unlocking reality and 6 00:00:27.120 --> 00:00:32.000 helping your people reach their full potential. Get started now at Gong dot Io. 7 00:00:32.799 --> 00:00:35.600 Hi you welcome. To be to be a revenue acceleration. My name 8 00:00:35.679 --> 00:00:40.719 is Aritier and I'm here today with Simon severy no business strategy advise or strategy 9 00:00:40.719 --> 00:00:44.159 sprint. How are you today, Simon? I'm happy to be here. 10 00:00:44.200 --> 00:00:48.399 Hello everybody. Thanks, thanks for being with us. So today we'll be 11 00:00:48.479 --> 00:00:54.399 talking about increasing both revenue and growth using your strategy sprints method. But before 12 00:00:54.439 --> 00:00:58.119 we get going, would you mind just giving us a little bit more information 13 00:00:58.159 --> 00:01:00.640 as to yourself, your background, but you're to the company your present strategy 14 00:01:00.679 --> 00:01:04.879 sprints. Sure. So, I'm Simon Sino. It's twenty one years that 15 00:01:04.959 --> 00:01:11.000 I do only one thing, serving entrepreneurs to have better go to market better 16 00:01:11.040 --> 00:01:18.079 sales, better marketing, better operations so that they can scale their business faster 17 00:01:18.519 --> 00:01:23.760 and enjoy running a business, because it's not that easy to enjoy it and 18 00:01:23.920 --> 00:01:29.799 to scale it. So that's my passion and that's the only thing that I 19 00:01:29.879 --> 00:01:34.000 do and it grows. So I became the bottleneck of of the business. 20 00:01:34.079 --> 00:01:38.640 I had to fire myself from operations, so I don't coach anymore and I 21 00:01:38.640 --> 00:01:46.200 am now the CEO of this global team of certified strategy s prints coaches that 22 00:01:46.439 --> 00:01:52.480 help entrepreneurs regain ten to fourteen hours per week of their time and improve sales 23 00:01:52.480 --> 00:01:57.760 and marketing. And I do this with the global remote team. They are 24 00:01:57.879 --> 00:02:01.640 in Los Angeles, in Miami, in Singapore and Shanghai and everywhere in between, 25 00:02:02.480 --> 00:02:08.840 and I'm here in Vienna and I serve them and I support them and 26 00:02:08.879 --> 00:02:15.639 I help us grow and enter even new parts of the world, a new 27 00:02:15.680 --> 00:02:21.280 time zone, so that we can help light up even more entrepreneurs where they 28 00:02:21.319 --> 00:02:25.039 are and in their time zone. Okay, do you focus on the specific 29 00:02:25.120 --> 00:02:29.719 that cool or your clients are across the bold? We work only with B 30 00:02:29.879 --> 00:02:36.039 two B businesses that have at least four people on their team. They're doing 31 00:02:36.080 --> 00:02:42.199 at least thirty five K per month and we double their revenue in ninety days. 32 00:02:42.719 --> 00:02:45.280 That's a good that's a good value proposition. So, Simon, could 33 00:02:45.319 --> 00:02:50.879 you please start by explaining us the fundamentals behind the strategist prints and how you 34 00:02:50.919 --> 00:02:53.800 came up with the method? Sure, let me give you the short version. 35 00:02:53.960 --> 00:02:58.159 If people want a long version, they can go to Amazon and grab 36 00:02:58.199 --> 00:03:04.759 the Book Strategies Prints, where we wrote a ton of cases. Our clients 37 00:03:05.000 --> 00:03:08.800 report about their sprint and especially, what was the sales problem? How did 38 00:03:08.800 --> 00:03:12.599 they solve it? What was the marketing problem? How did they solve it? 39 00:03:12.680 --> 00:03:15.360 was was the hiring problem? How did they solve it? But in 40 00:03:15.400 --> 00:03:19.439 a nutshell, it's ninety days and the first thing that we need to do 41 00:03:20.520 --> 00:03:23.800 is we need to free up ten to fourteen hours per week of their time, 42 00:03:23.960 --> 00:03:30.400 because they are otherwise too busy in the business and don't have time to 43 00:03:30.439 --> 00:03:34.840 work on the business. So in the businesses they're doing the client work on 44 00:03:35.000 --> 00:03:40.039 the business means they have time to improve form fit and faction of the sales 45 00:03:40.080 --> 00:03:46.000 systems, form fit and functions of the joint venture systems, form fit and 46 00:03:46.120 --> 00:03:50.400 function of the referral systems, and how many people go what? What's a 47 00:03:50.520 --> 00:03:53.840 referral system? I don't have a referral system and that's why, Um, 48 00:03:53.919 --> 00:04:00.800 we need to free them up and then with them, Co create and implement 49 00:04:00.960 --> 00:04:04.360 those systems. The good thing is we have those systems ready. We have 50 00:04:04.439 --> 00:04:10.080 two D seventy four of those systems, blueprints, checklist already in the Sprint 51 00:04:10.159 --> 00:04:15.199 University, and that's why they can get done faster. So month one freeing 52 00:04:15.279 --> 00:04:19.480 them up, and then in month two now we have ten hours, ten 53 00:04:19.600 --> 00:04:25.759 to fourteen hours per person to work on improving the sales systems. First thing 54 00:04:25.839 --> 00:04:30.680 that we do finding the direct path. Most people do too much, and 55 00:04:30.000 --> 00:04:34.120 mainly they do too much marketing, too much social media, and they think 56 00:04:34.240 --> 00:04:40.040 this, this has an impact whatsoever. It doesn't. There is a specific 57 00:04:40.199 --> 00:04:45.279 order when you grow in scale a business. First you have to have really 58 00:04:45.319 --> 00:04:49.839 good operations, so an impeccable delivery and delivery that is really working is delightful 59 00:04:49.920 --> 00:04:55.199 and they they refer to you. Then the second so your clients go out 60 00:04:55.199 --> 00:04:57.680 there and say this was so amazing. You have to do that. The 61 00:04:57.720 --> 00:05:01.360 second thing that you need is a sales system, and meaning closing at least 62 00:05:01.399 --> 00:05:05.839 thirty five caper month independently from you. That's a sales system. So you 63 00:05:05.879 --> 00:05:13.120 have multiple revenue systems that work reliably and repeatably. When you have those two 64 00:05:13.160 --> 00:05:16.240 pieces, and this is what most people get wrong, when you have those 65 00:05:16.240 --> 00:05:21.800 two pieces, this is the first time ever you put one hour or one 66 00:05:21.839 --> 00:05:29.519 dollar or one pound into marketing and that's why marketing for us it's the third 67 00:05:29.600 --> 00:05:33.600 month. But when we talk sales acceleration, first operation and sales and the 68 00:05:33.680 --> 00:05:40.399 sales to be real revenue systems, repeatable and independently of one founder. So 69 00:05:40.439 --> 00:05:43.879 when I go on holidays, the sales system still needs to work. At 70 00:05:43.959 --> 00:05:50.800 that point you have repeatable revenue systems and you are getting traction, traction measured 71 00:05:50.879 --> 00:05:57.959 in thirty five caper month every month in sales. Now it's time to start 72 00:05:58.279 --> 00:06:00.279 telling the world, Hey, I have some thing that works, it helps 73 00:06:00.279 --> 00:06:04.560 ful for you and this is how you can get it. That's marketing good. 74 00:06:05.199 --> 00:06:09.920 So when you say your freedom up, is really the founder that you 75 00:06:09.959 --> 00:06:13.839 are you're speaking about. So you will see the founders the best person to 76 00:06:14.000 --> 00:06:17.120 start selling. I mean, at what point would you include the concept of 77 00:06:17.120 --> 00:06:19.959 forcruitment? Because if you really want to free yourself up, forever. You 78 00:06:20.000 --> 00:06:24.720 probably will need someone that comes in and can do the cells. So do 79 00:06:24.800 --> 00:06:28.560 you have that sort of do you have that elements? In the days is 80 00:06:28.560 --> 00:06:31.439 obviously very quick and very impressed, but at days, but how do you 81 00:06:31.480 --> 00:06:35.439 make sure that after the sprint, people keep on sprinting basically, and don't 82 00:06:35.439 --> 00:06:42.360 go back to batter bids? Okay, let's tackle the multiple questions. So 83 00:06:42.519 --> 00:06:47.240 the first one is hiring a component. Yes, and many people start as 84 00:06:47.240 --> 00:06:50.399 a solo preneur when they when they sprint with us, like Anthony, and 85 00:06:50.600 --> 00:06:55.759 you know he he had just two freelancers and himself. That's it. That 86 00:06:55.839 --> 00:07:00.199 was the team. But after ninety days he had his first CEO, that's 87 00:07:00.199 --> 00:07:06.240 how he calls her. Basically somebody running the whole thing and he could just 88 00:07:06.399 --> 00:07:13.879 focus on his zone of genius. So yes, there is delegation involved in 89 00:07:14.040 --> 00:07:17.360 every scaling of every business. Do you need to hire full time? I 90 00:07:17.399 --> 00:07:21.560 don't think so. There are many ways of organizing. You can have it 91 00:07:21.639 --> 00:07:27.319 outsourced, you can have freelancers who work closely with you with weekly meetings, 92 00:07:27.759 --> 00:07:31.800 you can have virtual people all over the globe and and you can go traditional 93 00:07:32.120 --> 00:07:35.560 full time hiring if you want that. But I wouldn't do that right now 94 00:07:35.600 --> 00:07:43.199 in a recession, and especially we recommend always having variable costs instead of fixed 95 00:07:43.199 --> 00:07:46.360 costs. So when you have more work, you want to pay more for 96 00:07:46.360 --> 00:07:49.160 for for for the work, and when you have less work, you want 97 00:07:49.160 --> 00:07:58.360 to have less costs. It's more resilient and that's why the costs always variable 98 00:07:58.480 --> 00:08:03.879 instead of fixed. And them hiring. Yes, it's indispensable and we start 99 00:08:03.000 --> 00:08:11.120 thinking about hiring, creating the first job scorecard and helping them post Um, 100 00:08:11.160 --> 00:08:16.439 from from week two on, because hiring is vital for everybody. So yes, 101 00:08:16.519 --> 00:08:20.040 delegation is something we work continually on. There are three things that we 102 00:08:20.120 --> 00:08:24.240 do daily, weekly and monthly. There are the three CEO habits. So 103 00:08:24.360 --> 00:08:28.759 the daily habit is everybody writes down how they are spending their time and what 104 00:08:30.160 --> 00:08:33.480 will they delegate or automate tomorrow? You can also delegate to software, of 105 00:08:33.480 --> 00:08:39.159 course. So what will I delegate tomorrow? Is An exercise that everybody does 106 00:08:39.360 --> 00:08:41.879 ninety days long, everybody in the team, because everybody needs to delegate. 107 00:08:43.480 --> 00:08:48.080 For example, My v A, four years ago she became then marketing, 108 00:08:50.120 --> 00:08:54.480 full time marketing person, and now she is the head of marketing and she 109 00:08:54.600 --> 00:08:58.000 hires the market here. I don't even know all the people in my marketing 110 00:08:58.000 --> 00:09:01.200 department anymore. She does, she supervised them, she hires them, she 111 00:09:01.279 --> 00:09:05.480 manages the results, she gets the reports, and so that's how you grow 112 00:09:05.639 --> 00:09:09.080 over four years from a V A and and you can take on more and 113 00:09:09.120 --> 00:09:11.840 more responsibility and I think it's a good way, in organic way of growing, 114 00:09:11.879 --> 00:09:16.720 because you have multiple checks if it's really working, and then you can 115 00:09:16.759 --> 00:09:20.879 intensify work. So hiring is super important and in the Book Chapter Twelve and 116 00:09:20.960 --> 00:09:28.120 chapter thirteen are literally my hiring blueprints. It took me ten years to get 117 00:09:28.240 --> 00:09:31.600 hiring right. It's still painful because it takes me a lot of time to 118 00:09:31.600 --> 00:09:37.799 do the interviews, but I share here the most efficient and effective way that 119 00:09:37.840 --> 00:09:43.559 I have found to conduct those interviews. It's it's still time consuming, but 120 00:09:43.600 --> 00:09:48.399 it's important and if you skip the time there, you will pay the price 121 00:09:48.480 --> 00:09:52.720 later because the good people leave you two months later and then you have to 122 00:09:52.759 --> 00:09:56.759 start all over again or you on board the wrong people, which is also 123 00:09:58.240 --> 00:10:01.000 not not optimal, not a good use of time. So, Samon, 124 00:10:01.039 --> 00:10:05.440 I think you're you're completely right. The sourcing is probably one of the most 125 00:10:05.480 --> 00:10:09.759 important things. You know, getting the right people in. So I know 126 00:10:09.840 --> 00:10:13.159 it's chapter. I think you mentioned to Ilve certain in the book. Could 127 00:10:13.159 --> 00:10:16.279 you just give us like a very if you had a few advice to give 128 00:10:16.320 --> 00:10:20.440 to someone who is probably relatively new as recruiting, maybe five years in still 129 00:10:20.559 --> 00:10:24.840 sometime making mistakes, because, I agree with you, probably took me also 130 00:10:24.879 --> 00:10:26.360 ten years to get a little bit better at it. I think I was 131 00:10:26.759 --> 00:10:31.639 a terribleage of character. But what would be the key advice you would give 132 00:10:31.720 --> 00:10:35.519 to someone with with trying to recruits and appreciate? It's quite a broad question 133 00:10:35.559 --> 00:10:39.639 because the advice may be specific to a specific position. But what would you 134 00:10:39.679 --> 00:10:43.399 be looking at your new candidate from a from a very highleible perspective? There 135 00:10:43.480 --> 00:10:48.440 is the long version and there's the short version. The long version I will 136 00:10:48.679 --> 00:10:54.840 be doing a full workshop on the ring Um powered by google. They run 137 00:10:54.879 --> 00:10:58.279 a program called grow with Google and they have built a stage and I have 138 00:10:58.360 --> 00:11:03.879 asked me to do the hiring workshop there. But the short version is the 139 00:11:03.960 --> 00:11:09.639 hiring starts before the hiring. It starts when you break down your your company 140 00:11:09.759 --> 00:11:16.080 into three parts, marketing, sales and operations, and then you you put 141 00:11:16.240 --> 00:11:22.440 one head, one responsibility onto them and below that, the three KPI s. 142 00:11:22.600 --> 00:11:26.799 How will they see that it's working, the three things that you measure 143 00:11:26.840 --> 00:11:31.200 every week and the three goals that they have next for the next ninety days. 144 00:11:31.279 --> 00:11:37.559 When you have that, now you can start creating the job scorecard now 145 00:11:37.679 --> 00:11:43.120 describing how this role, if they leave this role a hundred percent best. 146 00:11:43.399 --> 00:11:46.639 How does it look like? And with that, now you back engineer. 147 00:11:46.679 --> 00:11:48.759 which skills do you need? You write them down and you post that. 148 00:11:50.360 --> 00:11:54.720 We have three four places where we post it. Then we get around four 149 00:11:54.799 --> 00:12:00.200 hundred applications and now we interview them in in an efficient way. If you 150 00:12:00.279 --> 00:12:05.120 talk to four people, you it's a lot of time. So there are 151 00:12:05.600 --> 00:12:09.320 some screening ways. One is to get a video up front before you even 152 00:12:09.360 --> 00:12:13.960 talk to them. Then is to group them and to do a minisprint of 153 00:12:15.200 --> 00:12:18.639 the real role and solving one problem that they really would have to solve. 154 00:12:18.679 --> 00:12:22.919 For example, if it's a salesperson, I will do with ten people a 155 00:12:22.960 --> 00:12:26.480 sales role. Play the top ten. I will have them interview as a 156 00:12:26.519 --> 00:12:30.759 group and I will give them a sales challenge. I am the client there. 157 00:12:31.039 --> 00:12:35.840 They sell me something and I come with five concerns. The time concerned, 158 00:12:35.879 --> 00:12:37.440 the money concern, etcetera, and I see how they react and we 159 00:12:37.519 --> 00:12:41.200 play it. So we demonstrate, we simulate the real task together in a 160 00:12:41.240 --> 00:12:46.240 friendly environment to see, Um, who's the best fitted and how they you 161 00:12:46.240 --> 00:12:50.519 know, how they solve the problem. If it's developing something, they have 162 00:12:50.600 --> 00:12:54.879 to code, then I would ask him, please share screen. Everybody has 163 00:12:54.879 --> 00:13:01.200 ten minutes. Share screen and show me how you this. And it would 164 00:13:01.240 --> 00:13:05.759 be something that is near. It's not a theoretical task, it's near to 165 00:13:05.879 --> 00:13:09.159 the real task that they will have to do. And that's the demo part. 166 00:13:09.399 --> 00:13:11.240 And then in the end you decide you on board, and the onboarding 167 00:13:11.279 --> 00:13:16.080 part is also super important. The onboarding there are two things that you have 168 00:13:16.200 --> 00:13:20.200 to have ready before you hire. One is the process itself and second is 169 00:13:20.200 --> 00:13:24.440 the onboarding process. The process itself means if you don't know how to do 170 00:13:24.480 --> 00:13:28.000 it, you cannot expect that somebody can do it. Don't do that. 171 00:13:28.000 --> 00:13:31.519 That's a rookie mistake. I see it happening all the time. So I 172 00:13:31.559 --> 00:13:35.360 hate sales. Let me hire somebody who does the sales. Has Never worked. 173 00:13:35.799 --> 00:13:39.279 You have to create a system that works. You do it ten times, 174 00:13:39.679 --> 00:13:43.480 eleventh time, you write it down, you hand it over. But 175 00:13:43.000 --> 00:13:46.639 a good salesperson will come in and say, okay, show me the sales 176 00:13:46.639 --> 00:13:52.159 script. Oh, show me the sales conversion. Oh, per week. 177 00:13:52.559 --> 00:13:56.519 Oh, we don't measure per week. A good salesperson, you lost them. 178 00:13:56.840 --> 00:14:01.600 They go and if they stay there are a very rookie salesperson. So 179 00:14:01.639 --> 00:14:05.840 that's why you need to create the script, to create the offer, to 180 00:14:05.000 --> 00:14:09.240 sell it ten times and then the eleventh time, with those ten recordings in 181 00:14:09.320 --> 00:14:13.600 hand, then you hand it over and and this is the same for operations 182 00:14:13.600 --> 00:14:18.360 and the same for marketing. First build something that works, then hand it 183 00:14:18.399 --> 00:14:22.159 over. Do not expect somebody to come from the outside to do all your 184 00:14:22.200 --> 00:14:28.759 work and to be brilliant at it quickly. Never works. Now I agree 185 00:14:28.799 --> 00:14:31.399 with you. I think it's Um we've got exactly the same process. We 186 00:14:31.440 --> 00:14:35.879 believe that during the role place we goal. It's role play, so we 187 00:14:35.120 --> 00:14:39.960 get people to actually do something in real life which is close enough to what 188 00:14:39.039 --> 00:14:43.679 they would do in that job. Is quite important, because something is that 189 00:14:43.799 --> 00:14:48.440 about how well they do at it. It's more about how do the react 190 00:14:48.519 --> 00:14:52.480 or the interact or the behave in the exercise. You've got some people I 191 00:14:52.480 --> 00:14:54.840 don't want to do the role play, for examples, you're like, okay, 192 00:14:54.879 --> 00:14:58.720 well, are the coachable? Are The really type of people who want 193 00:14:58.720 --> 00:15:01.559 to want we want to have? And then when they do the role player, 194 00:15:01.600 --> 00:15:05.080 you provide them feedback and potentially you as them to go again to see 195 00:15:05.120 --> 00:15:09.200 if they incorporated the feedback and things like that. So, because colturability is 196 00:15:09.200 --> 00:15:11.919 a big one for us, but also accountability. So you know, people 197 00:15:13.039 --> 00:15:16.240 knowing that it's difficult to get it the first time and you need to overgross 198 00:15:16.320 --> 00:15:22.120 mindset, which means that you may make these marginal gain or the smarginal changes 199 00:15:22.879 --> 00:15:26.200 every day to get a little bit better. So we've got a similar process. 200 00:15:26.240 --> 00:15:31.320 Having said that, you made me realize that when we recruit slightly outside 201 00:15:31.320 --> 00:15:35.279 of our usual suspect. So let's say we want to recruit a new position. 202 00:15:35.320 --> 00:15:39.960 So right now we're recruiting for business process managers. Okay, a new 203 00:15:39.039 --> 00:15:43.279 role. Technically we have somebody our promotion from with it and now we're going 204 00:15:43.360 --> 00:15:48.399 out to recruit someone who's really been doing that for like ten years, like 205 00:15:48.440 --> 00:15:52.679 a proper proper, you know, qualified with lots of experience. And what 206 00:15:52.759 --> 00:15:56.200 we as them to do, with them to do like a thirty sixty and 207 00:15:56.240 --> 00:15:58.480 eight day plan, and I think you've got a good point. Do they 208 00:15:58.519 --> 00:16:03.080 have enoughing information? Are we actually asking them to do something that we don't 209 00:16:03.120 --> 00:16:07.639 know what it is ourselves? And, yeah, you made me think samements. 210 00:16:07.679 --> 00:16:10.720 So we probably would have to rethink that strategy, of of how we 211 00:16:10.799 --> 00:16:14.919 go about the strows that are not like the CO business. Now going back 212 00:16:14.960 --> 00:16:17.360 to business and thinking about you know, we we we just come out of 213 00:16:17.559 --> 00:16:22.679 Covid we are hearing about recission, we're hearing about the conflict between Russian and 214 00:16:22.679 --> 00:16:26.840 you're crying. You're talking about petrol price, electricity price, gas price, 215 00:16:26.759 --> 00:16:33.759 um inflation, interest rate going up. So I guess my question to you 216 00:16:33.840 --> 00:16:36.840 with with all those setlements, you know, it may be difficult for people 217 00:16:36.919 --> 00:16:41.440 to actually see a lot of sales and marketing growth in their business and you 218 00:16:41.480 --> 00:16:45.799 may have to expect the Piot of technication in a way for some organization and 219 00:16:45.840 --> 00:16:48.000 for some industries, particularly the one, that would not be a nice to 220 00:16:48.480 --> 00:16:52.639 a must have in the recission. So how can the strategy, Sprint method 221 00:16:53.240 --> 00:16:59.960 improve or help them to improve their operation model and still support them in striving 222 00:17:00.000 --> 00:17:02.879 as a business? Yes, so in the in the last two years, 223 00:17:02.960 --> 00:17:07.880 we had to build additional modules to help cope with these particular situations. So, 224 00:17:07.920 --> 00:17:11.680 on the one side there are some some areas that are losing momentum and 225 00:17:11.720 --> 00:17:19.240 losing sales. For them we are helping them buy competitors. So explore inorganic 226 00:17:19.279 --> 00:17:26.920 growth, buying competitors and incorporate them and integrate them, or buying a d 227 00:17:27.119 --> 00:17:34.720 a cent, things that help them deliver things needed now quicker. So an 228 00:17:34.839 --> 00:17:41.319 organic growth is one option that we're helping our clients with, mergers and acquisition 229 00:17:41.359 --> 00:17:47.640 and integration. And on the other side there are opportunities popping up and because 230 00:17:47.920 --> 00:17:53.359 your competitors are having a liquidity crisis, so many players, whatever your industry 231 00:17:53.440 --> 00:17:57.680 is, many players will not be around in three months. So there is 232 00:17:57.680 --> 00:18:03.039 opportunity and there we look at all right, what is going on? Is 233 00:18:03.119 --> 00:18:07.799 this temporary? What's the length of the cycle? This is basic strategy work, 234 00:18:07.839 --> 00:18:11.880 like scenarios. Length of the cycle? Do we hop on the next 235 00:18:12.200 --> 00:18:17.000 s curve or not? We we draw s curves with them and say, 236 00:18:17.000 --> 00:18:19.559 okay, can we win this curve? Then we jump on that or we 237 00:18:19.640 --> 00:18:23.599 just leave that curve to our competitors and we focus on this one. So 238 00:18:23.799 --> 00:18:30.200 it's back to strategy work. And positioning and then changing the offer accordingly to 239 00:18:30.319 --> 00:18:34.480 what's going on right now in their in their scenario. And an additional thing 240 00:18:34.920 --> 00:18:38.880 that we have started now. It's an own module in the Sprint University. 241 00:18:38.920 --> 00:18:44.839 It's the investing module. That means Treasury if you're investing your company's money, 242 00:18:44.920 --> 00:18:49.240 because you have to keep it around. Inflation. How we calculate it, 243 00:18:49.240 --> 00:18:53.240 it's fifteen percent that you're losing money every year if you just have it on 244 00:18:53.240 --> 00:18:57.640 your bank account. So you have to do treasury and cash flow management in 245 00:18:57.640 --> 00:19:03.279 a different way, both as as a firm, that's treasury, but also 246 00:19:03.400 --> 00:19:06.599 as a private person, as a CEO. If you have kids and if 247 00:19:06.640 --> 00:19:11.279 you want your wealth to be around in fifteen years, then you have to 248 00:19:11.319 --> 00:19:17.000 create a completely different portfolio and some parts of it must be inflation hedges, 249 00:19:17.640 --> 00:19:21.920 like commodities, like Bitcoin, like gold, etcetera. And we help them 250 00:19:21.960 --> 00:19:26.480 really create that investing system that they feel well with, that has that level 251 00:19:26.720 --> 00:19:32.880 of passivity or activity that is the right for them and that still lets them 252 00:19:33.119 --> 00:19:38.839 sleep well knowing that they have uncorrelated assets or whatever happens, some some parts 253 00:19:38.880 --> 00:19:42.519 will always be in the green and long term, of course, they have 254 00:19:42.599 --> 00:19:45.480 the growth that they want to have. So you do much more than the 255 00:19:45.519 --> 00:19:49.440 ninty days. Basically. I mean it's Um from a perspective. This is 256 00:19:49.759 --> 00:19:55.279 actually a bigger business running their strategy in the much more longer term. So 257 00:19:56.039 --> 00:20:00.119 other ninety days kind of a wait for you to come in, inject some 258 00:20:00.279 --> 00:20:04.039 energy, show some quick reserns and then you stay in, maybe on a 259 00:20:04.119 --> 00:20:07.640 less intensive basis, as an advisor to the business. Is that the strategy 260 00:20:07.720 --> 00:20:11.119 really that you gaze up with your clients. We are out, but the 261 00:20:11.319 --> 00:20:17.200 systems they keep on giving. You know, when you when you create an 262 00:20:17.240 --> 00:20:22.279 on boarding system, a hiring system and investing system, those systems they stay 263 00:20:22.319 --> 00:20:26.079 around. It's your Google docs, your google sheets, the videos stay with 264 00:20:26.160 --> 00:20:30.759 them. So it's their systems. It's how they run their weekly meeting, 265 00:20:30.839 --> 00:20:36.519 it's how they decide their monthly priorities. is how their goal setting system becomes. 266 00:20:36.640 --> 00:20:40.079 Ninety days, three goals. That stays with them. They continue doing 267 00:20:40.079 --> 00:20:42.119 it. That's the beauty of systems. People can get in and out, 268 00:20:42.480 --> 00:20:48.759 systems still work. So and they have written it down in their sup playbook, 269 00:20:48.880 --> 00:20:51.960 as we call it, and that stays with them. So after ninety 270 00:20:52.000 --> 00:20:55.279 days they don't really need us some do a second sprint just for fun, 271 00:20:55.359 --> 00:20:57.599 because they say we just like our coach. It's it's much more fun to 272 00:20:57.680 --> 00:21:02.359 have a weekly per son who is our pacemaker. We feel like athletes. 273 00:21:02.440 --> 00:21:04.440 We have this s pacemaker here. It's it's cool, let's do a second 274 00:21:04.519 --> 00:21:08.079 round, but in terms of needing they don't need us actually in the second 275 00:21:08.119 --> 00:21:11.960 sprint. And some people stay around in our mastermind. We have eighty four 276 00:21:12.559 --> 00:21:15.799 for the eight people in our mastermind right now. So some people, after 277 00:21:15.839 --> 00:21:18.720 the sprint, say I still want to hang out, I still want to 278 00:21:18.759 --> 00:21:25.599 discuss investment ideas, cash flow ideas, Um you know, retirement plans, 279 00:21:25.680 --> 00:21:29.759 et Cetera. How do I enjoy life now that I have a business that 280 00:21:29.880 --> 00:21:33.240 runs itself? Hang out with other cool entrepreneurs. So yes, they they 281 00:21:33.279 --> 00:21:37.240 hang out still with us. But the sprint itself, the ninety days, 282 00:21:37.359 --> 00:21:42.079 installs the key systems and they keep on working. I wanted to build something 283 00:21:42.400 --> 00:21:47.359 that is, you know, where you are independent. I don't want consultants 284 00:21:47.359 --> 00:21:51.720 to be around every week, around my team. Give me the tools, 285 00:21:51.799 --> 00:21:53.960 build something that works with me and then I continue doing it and if I 286 00:21:53.960 --> 00:21:56.200 want to book you again, I book you again. That makes sense. 287 00:21:56.359 --> 00:22:02.200 So you work with lots of entrepreneurs and and and founders and people who are 288 00:22:02.240 --> 00:22:04.400 probably, you know, doing a little bit of everything at the outset. 289 00:22:04.720 --> 00:22:11.039 What's the most common mistake that you see this individual making? Doing too much 290 00:22:11.519 --> 00:22:17.000 marketing and not doing enough sales, because actually, if you just do a 291 00:22:17.039 --> 00:22:22.079 couple hours sales every day, you are much better off. The people listening 292 00:22:22.160 --> 00:22:27.880 right now. You're much better off doing a few revenue systems properly and not 293 00:22:27.960 --> 00:22:33.880 having any social media presence and not caring about any social media for just not 294 00:22:33.000 --> 00:22:37.319 more than ten minutes per week. You are probably better off. But most 295 00:22:37.359 --> 00:22:44.119 people they're constantly in the social media world and they are not really prospecting and 296 00:22:44.160 --> 00:22:48.680 talking to the people who really need them. So that's the main problem that 297 00:22:48.759 --> 00:22:52.559 I see out there. Everybody thinks marketing is the thing and forget sales. 298 00:22:52.799 --> 00:22:56.680 We need to put opposite familiar off. So I'm smiling because we are in 299 00:22:56.720 --> 00:23:00.799 fact two years ago, so we've been we've been running the business for eight 300 00:23:00.880 --> 00:23:03.599 years, you know, self funded business and everything, and two years ago 301 00:23:03.720 --> 00:23:07.480 we brought some new boat advisor and they told me you've got to stop selling, 302 00:23:07.720 --> 00:23:10.599 you have to stop and I found it very difficult because for a pariod 303 00:23:10.640 --> 00:23:12.079 of time I was the top sales guy, you know, and I'd love 304 00:23:12.119 --> 00:23:17.000 to bring business and had some lovely clients, built up some great relationship and 305 00:23:17.480 --> 00:23:19.079 you know, it's difficult because I don't need to pick up the phone anymore. 306 00:23:19.160 --> 00:23:22.079 You know, we I have people we have worked within the past. 307 00:23:22.200 --> 00:23:25.960 The company may have been acquired that they went through an ap Oh, so 308 00:23:26.000 --> 00:23:29.680 we started working with them for any reason and then they go to another company 309 00:23:29.960 --> 00:23:32.640 and obviously they call us and say, Hey, the first school is not 310 00:23:32.720 --> 00:23:34.000 about Canna use yourselvice. Is the first school? Is that? Look, 311 00:23:34.160 --> 00:23:37.359 this is the target I've got to reach. Is A team I've got, 312 00:23:37.480 --> 00:23:40.240 this is this is the context, this is what I think of doing. 313 00:23:40.400 --> 00:23:41.559 Do you think it's the right things? What would you do if you had 314 00:23:41.599 --> 00:23:45.559 my shoes, etcetera, etcetera. So the first school is relatively consulted. 315 00:23:45.599 --> 00:23:48.279 Even then, we we kind of because we generate pipeline for our clients, 316 00:23:48.279 --> 00:23:52.279 that our business is actually generating pipeline. We often end up working with them. 317 00:23:52.440 --> 00:23:56.839 So is that organic type of business coming in? And I also think 318 00:23:56.880 --> 00:24:02.200 I love the energy of selling it. Give me, give me a boost, 319 00:24:02.240 --> 00:24:04.519 to give me it probably dropped some chemical in my bodies that are really 320 00:24:04.680 --> 00:24:08.720 enjoy the presence of so Um. It was very difficult for me to stop 321 00:24:08.759 --> 00:24:11.599 selling and you know, up until now, you know I think that this 322 00:24:11.799 --> 00:24:15.960 quarter, next quarter, so starting on the first of July, is going 323 00:24:15.039 --> 00:24:19.119 to be the first quarter in ten years. But telling Alphare that actually don't 324 00:24:19.119 --> 00:24:22.839 have a seen QUARTA. I don't make it feel good about it because you 325 00:24:22.880 --> 00:24:25.400 know, I kind of I like to be in the trenches and I like 326 00:24:25.440 --> 00:24:27.519 to see what's going on and I think it's very important because when you're on 327 00:24:27.640 --> 00:24:33.319 social media, of course everybody it's more like you pretend to be something that's 328 00:24:33.359 --> 00:24:37.240 just being in the real conversation. I think for me, I'm learning much 329 00:24:37.279 --> 00:24:41.960 more from my market, from the real issues that people are facing, having 330 00:24:41.240 --> 00:24:47.279 conversation with individual in the situations, having conversation with the bus of the conversation 331 00:24:47.319 --> 00:24:49.519 with peace, because they tell you stuff that they would not put on linked 332 00:24:49.519 --> 00:24:52.680 in, that they would not put on Instagram, that they would not put 333 00:24:52.720 --> 00:24:56.279 on Tiktok. You know the real nobody goes on social media and Hey, 334 00:24:56.319 --> 00:25:00.119 these are my three problems. We're doing very bad at the moment. We 335 00:25:00.119 --> 00:25:03.400 need to fix them, but when you have that one to one with an 336 00:25:03.440 --> 00:25:07.400 individual and and you kind of create that safe zone while you're almost like the 337 00:25:07.440 --> 00:25:11.559 doctor and they can speak about where they have the pain, it's incredible how 338 00:25:11.599 --> 00:25:14.359 much people open up and it's incredible how much you learn. And then what 339 00:25:14.480 --> 00:25:18.920 you realize is everybody's got the same issues. Right. So everything looks good 340 00:25:18.960 --> 00:25:22.200 from the outside, but when you look inside, nobody is really happy with 341 00:25:22.240 --> 00:25:25.000 the pain that we need to change something. And there is that you've got 342 00:25:25.000 --> 00:25:27.759 the perfectionist and and I think that's that's why I agree with you. I 343 00:25:27.799 --> 00:25:32.400 think selling is probably the most important. Marketing is something that we brought in. 344 00:25:32.640 --> 00:25:34.200 You know, you probably will think, who are crazy. We brought 345 00:25:34.279 --> 00:25:40.599 marketing maybe threels after starting the business. Our first website was horrendous, with 346 00:25:40.799 --> 00:25:44.319 a picture of someone taking a jump on the B M x for some reason 347 00:25:44.480 --> 00:25:47.599 and nothing to do with what you know. It's just but but then this 348 00:25:47.759 --> 00:25:51.079 marketing focus just having and just told us. And then when people saying we 349 00:25:51.079 --> 00:25:52.359 need to work on the brand, and what, what do you mean working 350 00:25:52.359 --> 00:25:56.039 on the brand? What's there was the written and investment of doing that and 351 00:25:56.319 --> 00:26:00.880 then a year later you start to see the return. So it's interesting how 352 00:26:00.920 --> 00:26:03.519 the things work, but I think when you've got a very good points you 353 00:26:03.519 --> 00:26:07.400 need to stop by setting. Never Stop Setting. And you know if you 354 00:26:07.519 --> 00:26:11.839 can't sell your products, there is no point of a product, there is 355 00:26:11.839 --> 00:26:15.160 no point of in a business, so you may as well stop selling. 356 00:26:15.160 --> 00:26:21.440 You Start Um amplifying yourself instead of you are not the bottleneck of sales anymore. 357 00:26:21.839 --> 00:26:25.960 So you start bringing in people who sell with you. First again, 358 00:26:26.079 --> 00:26:29.720 you write down how you sell, you hand it over and then for a 359 00:26:29.720 --> 00:26:33.880 while you sell together, and then, when they are capable of selling alone, 360 00:26:34.200 --> 00:26:40.000 now you pull yourself out of selling and you do bigger things. You 361 00:26:40.039 --> 00:26:44.799 do the joint ventures with the NIKES and googles and who are and salesforces or 362 00:26:44.799 --> 00:26:48.359 whoever is your dream list of the joint venture partner. You start writing, 363 00:26:48.400 --> 00:26:52.720 you know, the books that will reach more people and make your brand stronger. 364 00:26:52.920 --> 00:26:57.839 You will be either on many podcasts per day of other people or you 365 00:26:57.960 --> 00:27:03.640 start your own podcast if it's brand strengthening and if it opens doors for you 366 00:27:03.759 --> 00:27:08.079 to be more of service or to connect to the right people. And then 367 00:27:08.680 --> 00:27:15.400 these things you do while you have now a sales systems where other clothes in 368 00:27:15.480 --> 00:27:18.720 the quality and in the conversion rate that you had. So, yes, 369 00:27:18.880 --> 00:27:23.559 pulling yourself out of sales, but that means creating a sales system. That 370 00:27:23.680 --> 00:27:30.359 is more than you do. You believe that there is different types of CEOS 371 00:27:30.720 --> 00:27:34.119 and all in general, leaders that you would have to take that it's more 372 00:27:34.119 --> 00:27:37.440 operational. You know, they love that, to put their sleeves up and 373 00:27:37.519 --> 00:27:41.680 deal with issues and not content to go on a call with the customers and 374 00:27:41.720 --> 00:27:45.279 get things resolved. And when there is a problem, you know, as 375 00:27:45.279 --> 00:27:49.079 you are saying earlier on, I'm gonna lead you because I can't deal with 376 00:27:49.119 --> 00:27:52.799 it myself, but we're gonna do it together and I'm going to teach you 377 00:27:52.960 --> 00:27:56.960 so that the more operational leader Varsus little at a more. Not that they're 378 00:27:56.960 --> 00:28:00.000 not operational, but they're probably doing model, the the institution or CEO type 379 00:28:00.000 --> 00:28:03.960 of role, which is okay, let's get the name out there, let's 380 00:28:03.000 --> 00:28:07.960 walk on personal branding, let's walk on, as you mentioned, a adventure 381 00:28:07.039 --> 00:28:10.599 and spend a lot, not a lot of time, to spend enough time 382 00:28:10.599 --> 00:28:12.759 on the right amount of time. Maybe ten, twenty post off may time 383 00:28:12.799 --> 00:28:18.720 speaking about company evaluation and where we're adding up and strategy and who could be 384 00:28:18.759 --> 00:28:22.960 our partners into Austriels? Could we do a liquidity event the merger and acquisitional 385 00:28:23.079 --> 00:28:26.880 selves, Etcetera, Etcetera. Do you see those two types and do you 386 00:28:27.119 --> 00:28:30.559 do you guys help? Maybe one type, which I think you've got to 387 00:28:30.599 --> 00:28:33.240 start with, the operational type. I don't think you can really have a 388 00:28:33.279 --> 00:28:37.599 company just trying to do too much institutional stuff at the beginning. Probably need 389 00:28:37.680 --> 00:28:41.519 to get your dirty. So so, if there is two types, could 390 00:28:41.559 --> 00:28:45.480 you move the operational to the more institutional or do you have to say to 391 00:28:45.519 --> 00:28:48.000 the operation you're looking, you know what, keep an operational role, but 392 00:28:48.079 --> 00:28:49.960 let's bring someone else that can help you with the more institutional role, the 393 00:28:51.000 --> 00:28:55.920 more you grown up strategy stuff. I see a million types. That's what 394 00:28:56.039 --> 00:28:57.640 I was struggling with my question in a way. But I see a million 395 00:28:57.680 --> 00:29:02.279 types and everybody of us is different and you have to go with your superpower. 396 00:29:02.480 --> 00:29:07.359 So because that's unique. So I simplify the business and say, okay, 397 00:29:07.400 --> 00:29:11.279 what does the business need? The business does need marketing, sales, 398 00:29:11.279 --> 00:29:18.039 operations and CEO, and CEO Means Vision, hiring, scaling, that's it. 399 00:29:18.240 --> 00:29:22.359 Performance Systems, improving the performance systems. That's it. It's four tasks. 400 00:29:22.519 --> 00:29:26.680 So you pick right. Which one is your superpower? One of these 401 00:29:26.720 --> 00:29:30.480 four. That's what you are made for. Go with that. Don't touch 402 00:29:30.519 --> 00:29:34.000 the rest. And this question with with everybody in the team. What's your 403 00:29:34.000 --> 00:29:37.480 superpower? What's your superpower? What's your superpower? And so they pick that 404 00:29:37.559 --> 00:29:42.839 area that they need and there they can unfold, they can blossom, and 405 00:29:42.880 --> 00:29:49.920 these are very different personalities and very different skills and if you like the one, 406 00:29:49.960 --> 00:29:55.079 you usually don't like the other, and it's really important that everybody sticks 407 00:29:55.200 --> 00:30:00.880 just to their superpowers. I'm I I simplify to this four tasks of every 408 00:30:00.920 --> 00:30:07.680 company and help people pick there their right position. Yeah, I agree to 409 00:30:07.799 --> 00:30:12.000 believe it's being in the position myself at the moment. It's Um, it's 410 00:30:12.079 --> 00:30:15.039 interesting. Or you've got to grow through the journey. You know, the 411 00:30:15.079 --> 00:30:18.319 things that you used to go and there is no electorally in the toilet, 412 00:30:18.319 --> 00:30:22.039 I go to the shop and get some, you know, because it needs 413 00:30:22.079 --> 00:30:22.759 to be done. We've got no one to do it, you know, 414 00:30:22.799 --> 00:30:26.640 and not expecting my employee to do it. There is no milk in the 415 00:30:26.680 --> 00:30:27.640 fridge. We go and do that. That's not a problem. To the 416 00:30:27.720 --> 00:30:32.400 point where or not maybe we need to go and speak with investors, but 417 00:30:32.480 --> 00:30:34.920 there is a big, big gap. And Uh, and I'm speaking. 418 00:30:36.680 --> 00:30:41.279 I've been on a lot of CEO Group where we speak, and I think 419 00:30:41.319 --> 00:30:45.599 it's difficult for people to evolve. Lots of people tend to think, okay, 420 00:30:45.599 --> 00:30:48.839 well, I have my superpower, but I can still do your stuff 421 00:30:48.920 --> 00:30:52.960 very well. They may not do it properly, so so. So I 422 00:30:52.000 --> 00:30:55.640 think you've got a good point with the superpower. And what I would just 423 00:30:55.680 --> 00:31:00.720 add to that as a you've got to be able to realize what you're shortcomings 424 00:31:00.799 --> 00:31:04.759 are and bring a team around you. We are people in that team are 425 00:31:04.839 --> 00:31:08.759 better that super power than yourself. I think sometimes you give the task and 426 00:31:08.839 --> 00:31:11.920 say, one, I've got to I've got to do the iron, but 427 00:31:11.960 --> 00:31:15.799 I'm really struggling with it. I've never for that role before, but I'm 428 00:31:15.799 --> 00:31:18.559 gonna do it anyway. Okay, is that the right thing to do? 429 00:31:18.720 --> 00:31:21.000 The wrong thing to do? Technically, is your job. You should do 430 00:31:21.039 --> 00:31:22.759 it with the CEO. You get, you're the guy that you know the 431 00:31:22.839 --> 00:31:26.759 box stop, which you've got to do it right. And it turned stages. 432 00:31:27.119 --> 00:31:33.160 There are stages. So before per month, so before attraction, you 433 00:31:33.240 --> 00:31:37.119 have to do everything in the moment where you hit thirty five K, you 434 00:31:37.160 --> 00:31:41.799 will not touch any operation anymore. If, if you are coached by us, 435 00:31:42.359 --> 00:31:47.000 we will help you divide into marketing, sales, operations and CEO, 436 00:31:47.160 --> 00:31:49.799 and then you just pick yours and we have to get you two levels about 437 00:31:49.799 --> 00:31:55.960 fulfillment. So you will never do the task that is just urgent and is 438 00:31:56.000 --> 00:32:00.200 popping up. You will not go to to the supermarket and take anything from 439 00:32:00.240 --> 00:32:04.440 the supermarket, because that's not the CEOS job. The CEOS has only four 440 00:32:04.480 --> 00:32:10.079 tasks and needs full concentrations on those and every word needs to be the best 441 00:32:10.440 --> 00:32:17.599 possible manifestation of the brand and every word needs careful calibration because it will make 442 00:32:17.680 --> 00:32:22.759 the difference in investing budget. It will make the difference if people want to 443 00:32:22.799 --> 00:32:28.160 work for your team or not, if you have twelve applications per amount to 444 00:32:28.200 --> 00:32:32.920 your team or four hundred. And that's why full presence to this four task 445 00:32:34.039 --> 00:32:38.319 and same thing with operations, full presence to operations. Every detail will matter. 446 00:32:38.440 --> 00:32:43.440 How you write an email, how you've read the title of a calendar 447 00:32:43.640 --> 00:32:46.480 entry, how you follow up asking if the room is prepared or if there 448 00:32:46.519 --> 00:32:51.720 is something missing. Can I make sure that the checklist really arrived to you. 449 00:32:52.079 --> 00:32:57.880 That's the operational excellence. And then there is marketing excellence, playfulness, 450 00:32:57.920 --> 00:33:02.119 openness, triggering the conversation. It's like a dance. And then there is 451 00:33:02.160 --> 00:33:09.240 the sales excellence, and sales is creating value in every relationship, lighting up 452 00:33:09.279 --> 00:33:15.519 every relationship, sometimes in a very disciplined and serious way by showing them what's 453 00:33:15.559 --> 00:33:20.400 what's coming in their industry and how they can do it, and sometimes in 454 00:33:20.440 --> 00:33:25.079 a more curiosity and hunting way, Hey, let's explore this, and sometimes 455 00:33:25.119 --> 00:33:30.599 just very practical and say these are the three blueprints that you have to implement 456 00:33:30.759 --> 00:33:36.200 next week, these are the different excellences in those four different areas and we 457 00:33:36.279 --> 00:33:40.680 need a hundred percent presents and precisition there and and really caring about that. 458 00:33:40.960 --> 00:33:44.359 Yeah, every month. I guess my point is that it doesn't sta. 459 00:33:44.480 --> 00:33:47.039 so certify if you can appreciate that, it's probably around. What if it's 460 00:33:47.079 --> 00:33:53.119 if you're looking in dollars, you're looking at your looking at from stree point, 461 00:33:53.200 --> 00:33:58.519 seven million dollars per view of revenue bio and you're recurring. So the 462 00:33:58.559 --> 00:34:01.759 annual revenue will check angel all the time. Hopefully every quarter we will double 463 00:34:01.799 --> 00:34:06.839 the revenue. Absolutely right. Now, this month you're doing thirty five k. 464 00:34:07.240 --> 00:34:12.760 that's the moment when you have start getting yourself two levels above fulfillment. 465 00:34:12.880 --> 00:34:15.320 Now you get the marketing report, the sales report, the operations report, 466 00:34:15.400 --> 00:34:21.280 and you don't touch them. But my point is that I think that's probably 467 00:34:21.280 --> 00:34:23.239 the first sprint. I think when you get to five millions of revenue, 468 00:34:23.519 --> 00:34:27.199 you've got another barrier, when you get to seven an hour, if you've 469 00:34:27.199 --> 00:34:30.639 got another barrier when you get at ten, twelve and a half, and 470 00:34:30.760 --> 00:34:35.119 we are at twenty five right now, and literally every six to nine months 471 00:34:35.159 --> 00:34:37.400 we've got to think about the leadership structure. How do it, because it's 472 00:34:37.519 --> 00:34:40.519 you're built the things, but you still have to manage these people and help 473 00:34:40.559 --> 00:34:44.360 them to build on downs them as well. Okay, and that's what I 474 00:34:44.480 --> 00:34:49.280 was more going into. It's like the and particularly if you grow quickly. 475 00:34:49.679 --> 00:34:52.000 You know, let's say you've got a fifty percent growth of PC, growser 476 00:34:52.039 --> 00:34:57.840 on your so technically, add what you are doing or double what you are 477 00:34:57.880 --> 00:35:01.199 doing on here and and particularly your people business, which we are. You 478 00:35:01.199 --> 00:35:05.119 know, we we we really on people and humans to delevo the job. 479 00:35:05.480 --> 00:35:07.039 Of course we've got automation. But you know, at the end of the 480 00:35:07.119 --> 00:35:10.199 day, we we we said, we said man hours and man dates. 481 00:35:10.239 --> 00:35:15.679 It's a big metamorphics from, you know, the serty five care run rate 482 00:35:15.840 --> 00:35:19.679 to, you know, we're just getting to the UK at one million pounds, 483 00:35:19.679 --> 00:35:22.480 so one point, one point to one points three million dollars in six 484 00:35:22.719 --> 00:35:25.440 D k. So I was like one point eight, one point eight million 485 00:35:25.519 --> 00:35:30.639 dollars. No amounts of recurring revenue. It's not a different structure. It's 486 00:35:30.679 --> 00:35:32.519 just the same thing on the next level, on the next level, on 487 00:35:32.599 --> 00:35:36.840 the next level, we still have to double from there. We still have 488 00:35:37.039 --> 00:35:42.679 to delegate automate the next processes. So whenever you get to the next level, 489 00:35:42.679 --> 00:35:45.840 the first is thirty five, the second is seventy and then you go 490 00:35:46.000 --> 00:35:52.199 up in the same structure at every level. Your current systems will break and 491 00:35:52.280 --> 00:35:57.480 you have to re organize for the next complexity. That's why sometimes when you 492 00:35:57.519 --> 00:36:00.360 grow too fast, we have seen this with facebook, etcetera, with many 493 00:36:00.400 --> 00:36:07.280 companies in their first year when they're when they were hyper growing, they it 494 00:36:07.360 --> 00:36:12.280 was pretty hard for them not to fall apart and it's like, you know, 495 00:36:12.400 --> 00:36:17.400 the the Nautilus, this creature underwater. They and then he has these 496 00:36:17.480 --> 00:36:23.079 chambers, the chambered Nautilus is how the people call it. So he lives 497 00:36:23.079 --> 00:36:28.440 in that. And why he lives there. He creates the next chamber because 498 00:36:28.719 --> 00:36:31.719 he's growing and but he's still living in that. And then he creates the 499 00:36:31.760 --> 00:36:36.039 next chamber and the next chamber. And when you look at it, after 500 00:36:36.719 --> 00:36:39.960 ten chambers, so at twenty five million it's ten chambers and when you look 501 00:36:40.000 --> 00:36:46.039 at it, it's a it's beautiful because it has the FIBONACCI sequence in there 502 00:36:46.519 --> 00:36:52.400 and in the golden ratio, but it's the same structure. It's just getting 503 00:36:52.440 --> 00:36:58.719 a little bit bigger, but it's the same structure in terms of it's it's 504 00:36:58.719 --> 00:37:02.119 the same. FIBONACCI is here, is so, and from twenty five you 505 00:37:02.320 --> 00:37:07.400 have to do the same thing next and next and next and next, and 506 00:37:07.440 --> 00:37:12.199 then you will have one major rupture, which is when you decide if to 507 00:37:12.280 --> 00:37:16.800 go public or not, and then again everything will break. And then so 508 00:37:17.159 --> 00:37:23.039 every level of complexity breaks the current systems and you have to again work on 509 00:37:23.119 --> 00:37:27.239 form fit and function of sales system work, form fit and function of marketing, 510 00:37:27.280 --> 00:37:30.400 form fit and function of operations. The process is always the same and 511 00:37:30.639 --> 00:37:36.400 for most people listening. The most important one is from thirty five two, 512 00:37:36.639 --> 00:37:39.280 from zero to thirty five, and from thirty five to seventy. That inflection 513 00:37:39.360 --> 00:37:45.239 point. But you are right, it will continue to break and you have 514 00:37:45.360 --> 00:37:51.320 to create your next chamber. Absolutely so in the book and it's gonna be 515 00:37:51.320 --> 00:37:55.559 my last question. You mentioned three habits that, Um, you know you 516 00:37:55.559 --> 00:38:00.400 you would expect seeo entrepreneur to to have or to focus on. Could you 517 00:38:00.440 --> 00:38:04.880 just tech audience through what do sabbits are and what do you believe the impoted 518 00:38:05.159 --> 00:38:08.119 as the CEO is not in your control. So what is really in your 519 00:38:08.159 --> 00:38:13.159 control? The three habits, daily habit, weekly habit, monthly habit, 520 00:38:13.320 --> 00:38:16.519 daily habit. Everybody writes down. How are we allocating our time and what 521 00:38:16.719 --> 00:38:23.400 will I delegate tomorrow? Weekly habit is show me the marketing number, the 522 00:38:23.400 --> 00:38:28.760 sales number and the operations number of this week. So weekly dashboard with these 523 00:38:28.760 --> 00:38:32.800 three numbers. The whole team sees these three numbers every seven days, usually 524 00:38:32.800 --> 00:38:38.679 on a Friday. And then the monthly is a strategic analysis and competitive analysis. 525 00:38:38.920 --> 00:38:43.760 Which of our features are winning against our competitors, which are losing? 526 00:38:44.199 --> 00:38:47.760 How can we cut fifteen percent from next month's budget from the ones where we're 527 00:38:47.800 --> 00:38:52.760 losing and reinvest them where we're winning, because if this month we're winning and 528 00:38:52.920 --> 00:39:01.000 we put in fift more resources, money and time and tension, then we're 529 00:39:01.079 --> 00:39:06.199 unbeatable. We're crushing it. there. That's the monthly check. It's half 530 00:39:06.199 --> 00:39:07.880 an hour. Where we're winning, where we're losing? How can we double 531 00:39:07.920 --> 00:39:12.800 down on what we're winning? These three habits, these are the three things 532 00:39:12.840 --> 00:39:15.559 that are in your control. Everything else is not really in your control, 533 00:39:15.760 --> 00:39:21.760 and these are the three things that you can do under any circumstance. Recession, 534 00:39:21.920 --> 00:39:24.320 bear market, ball market. These are the three habits. You stick 535 00:39:24.360 --> 00:39:30.519 to them, you have an operating system for whatever the world throws at you. 536 00:39:30.880 --> 00:39:32.599 Makes Sense. The whole reporting in in fact, you know us, 537 00:39:32.719 --> 00:39:37.920 the big issue is getting the numbers in the first place. Uh then then, 538 00:39:37.239 --> 00:39:42.280 not just getting the number, because there is genus in simplicity and it 539 00:39:42.400 --> 00:39:45.079 was. Getting the number is one thing, getting the number explained is another. 540 00:39:45.559 --> 00:39:50.280 You know, getting twenty spreadsheet is great, all lots of information, 541 00:39:50.360 --> 00:39:53.079 someone walked up, but really what it is the analysis. So now appreciate 542 00:39:53.119 --> 00:39:55.880 what you're saying. Is Great, great advice. Now, Simon, if 543 00:39:57.079 --> 00:40:00.559 anyone wants to post you the conversation with you, or even, you know, 544 00:40:00.800 --> 00:40:04.400 try to engage with your organization. What's the best way to get all 545 00:40:04.440 --> 00:40:07.440 of your saying? Strategist prints dot com is where you find us and you 546 00:40:07.440 --> 00:40:09.920 can talk to us. If you want to get the book, it's on 547 00:40:09.960 --> 00:40:14.920 Amazon strategies prints and if you do that, leave us an Amazon Review. 548 00:40:15.000 --> 00:40:16.599 Amazon loves it. Yeah, well, I'M gonna get the book myself. 549 00:40:16.840 --> 00:40:20.719 Do you have a new Jib book version or just it's just a paperback, 550 00:40:21.239 --> 00:40:24.480 just paperback for now. Maybe next year and all your version also. It's 551 00:40:24.480 --> 00:40:28.639 been attend to. H I tend to listen to my j book in the 552 00:40:28.639 --> 00:40:31.000 car, but it's it's so soon. It's gonna be holiday seasons. I 553 00:40:31.000 --> 00:40:35.440 should pack your book in my bag and and read that by the by the 554 00:40:35.440 --> 00:40:37.360 pull side. Uh Simon, it was an absolute pleasure to have you on 555 00:40:37.360 --> 00:40:40.480 the show. Thank you so much for your energy and for for all the 556 00:40:40.519 --> 00:40:45.800 insighters you provide it to us today. Thank you and keep rolling. Everybody 557 00:40:45.320 --> 00:40:50.079 you've been listening to be to be read a new acceleration. To ensure that 558 00:40:50.119 --> 00:40:52.960 you never miss an episode, subscribe to the show in your favorite podcast player. 559 00:40:53.519 --> 00:40:58.760 Thank you so much for listening until next time. This podcast is sponsored 560 00:40:58.760 --> 00:41:05.639 by Gone Gone empowers your entire go to market organization by Operationalizing Your Most Valuable 561 00:41:05.639 --> 00:41:10.760 Asset, your customer interactions. Transform your organization into a revenue machine by unlocking 562 00:41:10.800 --> 00:41:15.760 reality and helping your people reach their full potential. Get started now at Gong 563 00:41:15.960 --> 00:41:16.519 dot Io.

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