134: Identifying, Training and Managing Sales Development Talent

August 25, 2022 00:30:43
134: Identifying, Training and Managing Sales Development Talent
B2B Revenue Acceleration
134: Identifying, Training and Managing Sales Development Talent

Aug 25 2022 | 00:30:43


Show Notes

In an age where LinkedIn is at our fingertips, building a stellar team of sales development representatives may seem easy, but it is far more complex than it appears. There is much more to the task than simply scrolling through people’s prior experience, recruiting the most qualified candidates and leaving them to their own devices.

Rather, defining and identifying key characteristics is vital - but that’s only the first step in creating a successful sales team. Your job is not only to find the right fit for the job, but also to shape and mentor them to truly reach their potential.

In this episode of B2B Revenue Acceleration, our host Aurelien Mottier (Co-Founder and CEO at Operatix) sits down with Dave Sherry (Senior Manager Business Development & Sales – EMEA at Gong) to discuss identifying, training and managing sales development representatives.

Join the conversation as they dive into what traits make a great SDR and how to find them, as well as how to help them develop their skills.

To hear this interview and many more like it, subscribe to B2B Revenue Acceleration on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, our website, or anywhere you get podcasts.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:01.080 --> 00:00:05.639 You weren't listening. To be to be revenue acceleration a podcast dedicated to helping 2 00:00:05.639 --> 00:00:09.599 software executives stay on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. 3 00:00:10.080 --> 00:00:15.000 Let's give into the show. This podcast is sponsored by Gong. Gong empowers 4 00:00:15.039 --> 00:00:21.120 your entire go to market your organization by Operationalizing Your Most Valuable Asset, your 5 00:00:21.160 --> 00:00:27.039 customer interactions. Transform your organization into a revenue machine, or unlocking reality and 6 00:00:27.120 --> 00:00:32.000 helping your people reach their full potential. Get started now at Gong dot Io. 7 00:00:32.880 --> 00:00:35.399 Hi, welcome to be. To be a revenue acceleration. My name 8 00:00:35.439 --> 00:00:40.240 is antier and I'm here today with Dave Sherry, send your manager Business Development 9 00:00:40.320 --> 00:00:43.759 and sells e at Gong. How are you today, Dave? Very well 10 00:00:43.880 --> 00:00:47.320 or how are you? I'm good. Thanks, very very good. So 11 00:00:47.359 --> 00:00:51.759 today we'll be speaking about managing seales development talents, but before we get going, 12 00:00:51.960 --> 00:00:54.479 it would be lovely if you could give us an introduction to yourself. 13 00:00:54.799 --> 00:00:58.759 I don't know if you need to introduce Gong that you know what you all 14 00:00:58.840 --> 00:01:02.600 mean. If someone's living onto our rock for the last for the last five 15 00:01:02.679 --> 00:01:06.760 years, you may as well speak about maybe not about gun but maybe what's 16 00:01:06.840 --> 00:01:10.680 new at gun? Yeah, absolutely. So. Yeah, I think gone 17 00:01:10.799 --> 00:01:12.439 was a really good job of getting its name out there as well. So 18 00:01:12.799 --> 00:01:17.680 look a little bit about me. been working in tech sales for nine years. 19 00:01:17.840 --> 00:01:21.519 Started off with in marketing technology, working for a company called Ad Role. 20 00:01:22.000 --> 00:01:25.640 Started as a sales development rep there, moved into an account executive role 21 00:01:26.200 --> 00:01:30.000 after four years of working there and working with a kind of trailblazing product in 22 00:01:30.040 --> 00:01:33.680 a new category, and so joined a company called amplitude at a very early 23 00:01:33.719 --> 00:01:38.439 stage in Europe and over in Amsterdam. Worked as an enterprise account executive there 24 00:01:38.480 --> 00:01:42.000 before moving into sales development management role. Did that for around two and a 25 00:01:42.040 --> 00:01:46.400 half years and then I don't know if you can say the peak of covid 26 00:01:46.519 --> 00:01:49.840 because we've had so many peaks, and in the middle of twenty I decided 27 00:01:49.879 --> 00:01:53.760 to finish up with amplitude and go all in on on kind of working as 28 00:01:53.760 --> 00:02:00.120 a freelance consultant helping early stage SAS companies in Europe build out sales pro to 29 00:02:00.159 --> 00:02:04.959 see so founder lad sales or early stage sales teams decide on sales frameworks, 30 00:02:04.959 --> 00:02:07.800 methodologies and what tools to use and so on. So I love that. 31 00:02:08.000 --> 00:02:12.639 Did that for around eighteen months and then I definitely wanted to be part of 32 00:02:12.639 --> 00:02:16.240 a team again, and so the opportunity presented itself to one move back to 33 00:02:16.280 --> 00:02:20.840 Ireland, where I'm from, from Amsterdam and and and secondly, to to 34 00:02:20.960 --> 00:02:23.319 join a great company like God. So, Um, yeah, I'd used 35 00:02:23.360 --> 00:02:25.960 I'd heard of God. I think everyone's heard of Gong, but I'd used 36 00:02:25.960 --> 00:02:30.159 it as a power user and I thought I was using it too, it's 37 00:02:30.199 --> 00:02:32.319 it's full capability, until I joined the company and realized that I was kind 38 00:02:32.319 --> 00:02:36.000 of only scratching its surface. But yeah, I've been at the company now 39 00:02:36.000 --> 00:02:40.520 since November of last year and I managed the sales development team and we are 40 00:02:40.560 --> 00:02:45.319 now a team of ten strong, getting to seventeen by the end of the 41 00:02:45.439 --> 00:02:47.479 year. I think a lot of people will instantly think of, you know, 42 00:02:47.560 --> 00:02:52.919 linkedin posts, funny linkedin posts, people working at gongs posting on Linkedin, 43 00:02:53.039 --> 00:02:55.280 and they will instantly think of recording on calls. Yes, that is 44 00:02:55.319 --> 00:02:59.919 a part of what we do, Um, but now we are developing the 45 00:03:00.000 --> 00:03:04.319 product naturally into other areas where we're seeing, UM, some some very exciting 46 00:03:04.360 --> 00:03:09.560 things happening, the most recent being are our launch of forecasting, where companies 47 00:03:09.599 --> 00:03:15.960 can now actually leverage the power of going to identify what deals in their pipeline 48 00:03:16.000 --> 00:03:22.039 are real, are real based on reality based insights. So what is actually 49 00:03:22.039 --> 00:03:24.919 going to close versus what is just a rep saying it is going to close? 50 00:03:25.240 --> 00:03:29.240 And so that is a whole new kind of exciting territory that we've recently 51 00:03:29.960 --> 00:03:34.599 launched in and, based on initial results and feedback, it's it's going really, 52 00:03:34.639 --> 00:03:37.759 really well. So yeah, I love working on there's there's a lot 53 00:03:37.840 --> 00:03:39.719 happening. I love the world of sales developments and no doubt that we're going 54 00:03:39.759 --> 00:03:43.479 to touch on some of those areas today. That sounds great. What going 55 00:03:43.599 --> 00:03:46.039 is, in fact one of the sponsor of the punk guests. Thank you 56 00:03:46.080 --> 00:03:50.120 so much for that gas you're putting us. And Yeah, like the new 57 00:03:50.159 --> 00:03:54.120 functionates, you will technically be welcomed by sales directors. Surely they've got that 58 00:03:54.120 --> 00:03:59.280 that breach pipeline in place. So they you've been managing a lot of teams 59 00:03:59.360 --> 00:04:00.759 and some of some of the people you know would be good, some of 60 00:04:00.759 --> 00:04:03.919 them will be bad. When you are recruiting, when you're trying to get 61 00:04:03.960 --> 00:04:11.159 the Talentin, what sort of skills, are competencies of values are you looking 62 00:04:11.159 --> 00:04:13.639 at getting from this individual. What, what, what is that you are 63 00:04:13.680 --> 00:04:16.360 looking for, and maybe you can speak about what number one priority and the 64 00:04:16.480 --> 00:04:19.199 nice to have as well. Be Great to have your opinion on that. 65 00:04:19.319 --> 00:04:24.040 So I might start by defining the two types of kind of profiles I will 66 00:04:24.079 --> 00:04:27.560 look at and then, within those profiles, once we kind of connect, 67 00:04:27.759 --> 00:04:31.240 what are the key consistent characteristics I would look for across these two profile types 68 00:04:31.279 --> 00:04:35.199 that I consider like my non negotiables and when it comes to to hiring. 69 00:04:35.319 --> 00:04:41.160 So firstly, the two profile types, let's call a profile water profile too, 70 00:04:41.319 --> 00:04:46.079 very creative and profile one is typically someone who, yes, who is 71 00:04:46.079 --> 00:04:49.759 is a lot greener in their career. It's someone who you know hasn't gotten 72 00:04:49.759 --> 00:04:55.120 an str role yet with a company, but they've gone, you know, 73 00:04:55.199 --> 00:04:58.839 perhaps maybe they've gone to a good university, or perhaps they've gone and you 74 00:04:58.839 --> 00:05:00.079 know if they it's okay if they have gone to a good university, but 75 00:05:00.160 --> 00:05:04.480 you can clearly see from their linked in profile or their CV or resume that 76 00:05:04.560 --> 00:05:10.120 they have tried something entrepreneurial, they've tried something themselves, to create something themselves 77 00:05:10.240 --> 00:05:15.560 and they've show an entrepreneurial traits Um and that they're showing curiosity towards the world 78 00:05:15.560 --> 00:05:18.120 of sales. So there's a lot of certifications you can get now to develop 79 00:05:18.160 --> 00:05:21.519 your learning of of of the world of SDR. You know, hope spot 80 00:05:21.519 --> 00:05:26.600 of certifications Linkedin, have linkedin learnings and so on. You want to make 81 00:05:26.600 --> 00:05:30.160 sure that there's someone who is showing interest in that field. So someone who 82 00:05:30.160 --> 00:05:32.639 has that. We're ultimately trying to find like a superstar before they're superstar. 83 00:05:33.160 --> 00:05:39.959 The next profile, too, is someone who has a bit more relatable functional 84 00:05:40.000 --> 00:05:45.199 experience working as an SDR and ideally in a company where you're pretty confident that 85 00:05:45.120 --> 00:05:48.040 that that they've gone through some great trainings so they're quite polished. So one 86 00:05:48.079 --> 00:05:54.839 of the larger tech companies, for example. However, the potential to actually 87 00:05:54.920 --> 00:05:58.759 get promoted within these companies is quite long. It might be a two to 88 00:05:58.920 --> 00:06:01.319 three year play, and so we also really want to find someone who who 89 00:06:01.319 --> 00:06:05.120 wants to grow their career fast but knows that in one of these larger companies 90 00:06:05.160 --> 00:06:08.839 where they're having great training and they're very polished, that it's going to take 91 00:06:08.839 --> 00:06:10.839 a lot of time. So we want to try and find someone there to 92 00:06:10.879 --> 00:06:13.360 bring it. So there are the two types of profile. Types I would. 93 00:06:13.360 --> 00:06:15.759 I would go after and Linkedin is obviously a big focus for that and 94 00:06:15.800 --> 00:06:20.759 we have a naturally we have a recruiting team and a sourcing team that goes 95 00:06:20.800 --> 00:06:24.600 out there to the field to try and get in touch with people and but 96 00:06:24.720 --> 00:06:28.399 also I get involved as the hiring manager. And you know, uh, 97 00:06:29.040 --> 00:06:31.199 sometimes it can, it can pack a bigger punch if we see a great 98 00:06:31.240 --> 00:06:34.480 candidate, if they're getting hit up by a recruiter, but then me as 99 00:06:34.519 --> 00:06:36.800 the hiring managers, saying hey, that we really want to speak with you. 100 00:06:36.879 --> 00:06:39.639 It doesn't always work, you know, some people tell me to go 101 00:06:39.680 --> 00:06:42.399 away, but absolutely, I think we all work in sales right. So 102 00:06:43.160 --> 00:06:45.800 there are the profile types that we look at, the characteristics. I have 103 00:06:45.920 --> 00:06:48.600 three kind of primary characteristics that I look for and then I would have kind 104 00:06:48.600 --> 00:06:54.319 of two secondary ones. The three primary ones are first, urgent curiosity, 105 00:06:54.480 --> 00:06:59.560 so like people who are just like they're like undeniably curious and they and when 106 00:06:59.560 --> 00:07:02.040 it comes the time of me meeting them, they've researched the hell out of 107 00:07:02.079 --> 00:07:05.959 not only gone but the space we operate the industry. And then they've researched 108 00:07:05.959 --> 00:07:10.000 me. They've researched the individuals they're interviewing with, but they have like this 109 00:07:10.199 --> 00:07:14.319 authentic and urgent curiosity to understand the why behind everything, and so that's the 110 00:07:14.399 --> 00:07:17.079 key thing that I would look for. Secondly, is coachability. Naturally want 111 00:07:17.120 --> 00:07:21.480 to and bring on someone who can, you know, absorb and be willing 112 00:07:21.519 --> 00:07:25.120 to take on the feedback you you give and apply it. I think this 113 00:07:25.160 --> 00:07:28.680 is a really important one because it depends on the context the product you're selling. 114 00:07:28.839 --> 00:07:32.519 Gone is arguably not as technical a product as you know, maybe something 115 00:07:32.519 --> 00:07:36.279 that is suitable for data scientists or something that is related to the world of 116 00:07:36.360 --> 00:07:41.759 databases and so on, and I think it's important for whatever SDR is interviewing, 117 00:07:41.759 --> 00:07:45.079 for whatever type of product, that they can grasp that product and being 118 00:07:45.120 --> 00:07:46.519 able to be, you know, coachable on that product. So I will 119 00:07:46.560 --> 00:07:50.199 deliberately give things in an interview and in the hope that the SDR will give 120 00:07:50.199 --> 00:07:54.759 it back to me later on in the conversation. And then thirdly, is 121 00:07:55.399 --> 00:08:00.560 just an undeniable, you know objective to be actually held accountable to a number. 122 00:08:00.639 --> 00:08:03.439 So someone who wants to their work to be impactful and to be held 123 00:08:03.480 --> 00:08:07.000 accountable to that number. So someone who wants to be measured someone who has 124 00:08:07.160 --> 00:08:11.839 is yeah, it wants to know that if they're successful, their team and 125 00:08:11.839 --> 00:08:15.800 business is successful, and also someone who takes on the responsibility that if they're 126 00:08:16.079 --> 00:08:18.920 unsuccessful, the team hurts, the business arts. So there are there three 127 00:08:20.040 --> 00:08:22.759 things, and that the three primary things, and then the secondary things, 128 00:08:22.079 --> 00:08:24.279 and I'll finish up with this, is like, yeah, resilience, you 129 00:08:24.279 --> 00:08:26.879 know, Grit. You just want to make sure that sales is tough, 130 00:08:28.000 --> 00:08:31.879 especially right now. You know you need to get through fifty knows. I 131 00:08:31.920 --> 00:08:33.080 you know, sometimes it's not just a know, sometimes it's like hey, 132 00:08:33.320 --> 00:08:37.080 piss off, you know, like you need to get through that to get 133 00:08:37.080 --> 00:08:39.919 to the s and for for a lot of people who had a lot of 134 00:08:39.039 --> 00:08:43.759 success in their you know, in their time and education or early stage of 135 00:08:43.759 --> 00:08:46.720 their career, sales can be a smack in the face, and so resilience 136 00:08:46.720 --> 00:08:50.639 is keeping. And then the second secondary one is just yet team player, 137 00:08:50.759 --> 00:08:54.759 someone who's just not a lone wolf, someone who is willing to go the 138 00:08:54.799 --> 00:08:58.240 extra yards so someone else can be successful in the team. And it's that 139 00:08:58.480 --> 00:09:01.200 for me as a manager, that's just icle as we go through this team 140 00:09:01.200 --> 00:09:07.039 building phase. Agree with you. Dave through the five kind of characteristic traits 141 00:09:07.039 --> 00:09:11.399 of you know, you know, things that is engraved in the in the 142 00:09:11.759 --> 00:09:16.039 person. Which one do you think can be transferred through training and mentoring and 143 00:09:16.279 --> 00:09:18.440 which one do you think, you know, this is basically the way you've 144 00:09:18.480 --> 00:09:20.799 been brought up? So, for example, curusity, is that something that 145 00:09:20.840 --> 00:09:24.960 you can develop in someone? Accountability, is that someone that you can develop 146 00:09:24.960 --> 00:09:28.559 into someone? Resilience, Tim Player, I mean all these things. Do 147 00:09:28.559 --> 00:09:31.159 you think there are things that, if you've got it missing at the interview 148 00:09:31.240 --> 00:09:33.600 process, but they're good on the other four, you would still take the 149 00:09:33.639 --> 00:09:37.799 personal and trade to develop? Or do you think there's a characteristic that you 150 00:09:37.240 --> 00:09:41.240 individual have or just don't have? Yeah, no, it's it's it's a 151 00:09:41.240 --> 00:09:46.200 great question. I do think a lot of those things are are sold skills 152 00:09:46.519 --> 00:09:50.279 right, and I think a lot of them are are are naturally an age 153 00:09:50.320 --> 00:09:52.679 and a lot of people, I think, naturally, like not everyone that 154 00:09:52.759 --> 00:09:56.360 we would like, you know, hire or interview or feel good about it 155 00:09:56.399 --> 00:10:01.440 has like an equal spread across those characteristics. And if we feel, you 156 00:10:01.440 --> 00:10:03.679 know, you know, when we debrief as an interview panel and we talk 157 00:10:03.759 --> 00:10:07.399 about these key areas, if we see that someone is like very strong and 158 00:10:07.480 --> 00:10:11.559 kind of curiosity, but and they're very like, you know, their team 159 00:10:11.600 --> 00:10:15.559 player and they have, you know, they really want to be measured and 160 00:10:15.600 --> 00:10:18.799 so on, but they're just not coachable at all. Like that's that's a 161 00:10:18.799 --> 00:10:20.759 big red flag because it's going to create a challenge, but for the for 162 00:10:20.799 --> 00:10:24.240 the rep for the leader and so on. And so I think a lot 163 00:10:24.279 --> 00:10:26.720 of these things that I've mentioned. They're they're not the easiest thing to to 164 00:10:26.879 --> 00:10:31.840 coach and train and so on. So I would argue that probably know, 165 00:10:31.000 --> 00:10:35.559 these are the things that we would need in the individual as kind of true 166 00:10:35.600 --> 00:10:37.879 characteristics, because if we can take care of that, those is those individual 167 00:10:39.120 --> 00:10:43.519 if that individual is good in those key areas, then any kind of future 168 00:10:43.519 --> 00:10:46.399 training or any kind of coaching or any kind of transferable of any kind of 169 00:10:46.399 --> 00:10:50.879 skills, I am very confident they'll be able to absorb and apply very, 170 00:10:50.960 --> 00:10:54.960 very well. Okay, so you know what this is. This is music 171 00:10:54.000 --> 00:10:58.960 to my heal because we we kind of thought about that and about people in 172 00:10:58.039 --> 00:11:01.240 my team. You know, when you've got a managerity is really kiss and 173 00:11:01.240 --> 00:11:05.559 now I'm gonna I'M gonna train the people to that person to become coachable. 174 00:11:05.919 --> 00:11:07.480 I'M gonna train the person to be a bit more curious. I think you 175 00:11:07.600 --> 00:11:11.440 just can't. This is not transferable. Is is the way you've been brought 176 00:11:11.519 --> 00:11:13.840 up. Is I don't know what sort of chemical you need to have in 177 00:11:13.879 --> 00:11:16.480 your body, but you is a curious or you're not curious. People who 178 00:11:16.519 --> 00:11:18.279 are forcing themselves to be curious will be curious for a week and then they 179 00:11:18.320 --> 00:11:22.120 go back to not being that curious after so I completely agree with you. 180 00:11:22.320 --> 00:11:26.080 In fact, one one thing that was added to that, to that list, 181 00:11:26.279 --> 00:11:31.360 and I was quite surprised about, is naturally introverts, for organic introverts, 182 00:11:31.399 --> 00:11:35.240 and that's the conversation that we had with with one of one of our 183 00:11:35.240 --> 00:11:37.960 previous guests on the podcast, where what they were saying they was and we're 184 00:11:37.960 --> 00:11:41.159 looking for people who are quite introverted because they listen better and usually the introvert 185 00:11:41.200 --> 00:11:45.240 has played in more curious than the extravers, because they will want to ask 186 00:11:45.279 --> 00:11:46.799 you more questions, they would really want to understand, they would have a 187 00:11:46.799 --> 00:11:50.639 little bit more of emotional intelligence, which agains are like on the soft skilled 188 00:11:50.679 --> 00:11:54.440 type of things, probably not the must have, but nice to have, 189 00:11:54.720 --> 00:11:56.840 but I guess, but for audience, because we probably have a lots of 190 00:11:56.840 --> 00:12:00.759 people who are biders and they will live and do that and, Oh my 191 00:12:00.799 --> 00:12:03.279 God, you know, I'm a curious enough conchab enough. I'm a good 192 00:12:03.320 --> 00:12:05.480 team player. I don't really they can, you know, make a little 193 00:12:05.600 --> 00:12:09.759 for that and then. But for the SDR managers, what I'd like to 194 00:12:09.759 --> 00:12:13.480 speak about is the techniques that you use to kind of go through that in 195 00:12:13.519 --> 00:12:16.039 the interview process. So you mentioned about the curiosity. You've got someone coming. 196 00:12:16.039 --> 00:12:20.720 They've done the research, they know what Dave is, they know who 197 00:12:20.799 --> 00:12:24.399 going is. When you you finished the intervigences, you have question for me 198 00:12:24.399 --> 00:12:26.879 to say? Yes, actually, let me take my piece of paper. 199 00:12:26.919 --> 00:12:30.919 I've got plenty of questions for you. They really want to know what the 200 00:12:31.000 --> 00:12:33.480 job is about and it's probably the people that you try to interview, you 201 00:12:33.799 --> 00:12:37.679 versus Shue, interview in them. So so that's the curious. Now how 202 00:12:37.720 --> 00:12:41.440 do you do coachable? So first and foremost, and I think for any 203 00:12:41.519 --> 00:12:45.879 kind of change, for any kind of change to happen, there needs to 204 00:12:45.879 --> 00:12:50.759 be acknowledgement that something is not doing well it needs to change. So I 205 00:12:50.759 --> 00:12:52.679 would firstly start off with the question. Okay, can you help me understand 206 00:12:54.279 --> 00:12:56.440 an objective that you set out for yourself, like as if it was a 207 00:12:56.440 --> 00:13:00.440 project or something you wanted to do, but you failed in a chieving it. 208 00:13:00.720 --> 00:13:03.639 So you firstly want to see are they like humble enough to accept that 209 00:13:03.720 --> 00:13:07.159 they failed? What went wrong? So that there it shows this kind of 210 00:13:07.200 --> 00:13:09.960 self awareness that they're not doing something, that they didn't do something. And 211 00:13:11.039 --> 00:13:13.799 you have you have the people who are so that because you're touching them, 212 00:13:13.799 --> 00:13:16.480 two things. Now we're get involved aline accountability. Yeah, that's that question. 213 00:13:16.480 --> 00:13:20.440 Inter and people are like, m the last time I've failed, web 214 00:13:20.480 --> 00:13:24.799 flag, web flag, I'll fail every day. So can you fail every 215 00:13:24.879 --> 00:13:28.399 day? It must be like some small failure. Absolutely exactly. So I 216 00:13:28.399 --> 00:13:31.440 would just ask, okay, so a failure. So that that's a really 217 00:13:31.480 --> 00:13:35.960 important piece. And then the second piece is okay. So on the topic 218 00:13:35.000 --> 00:13:39.480 of things not going so well, can you provide me with an example where 219 00:13:39.120 --> 00:13:45.919 you've received some form of constructive feedback from a manager, a fellow colleague about 220 00:13:46.000 --> 00:13:48.759 something that you didn't do so well? And then I would ask some follow 221 00:13:48.840 --> 00:13:50.879 up questions to a, one, how did I feel getting that feedback? 222 00:13:52.559 --> 00:13:56.039 To what did you do as a result of getting it? And three, 223 00:13:56.039 --> 00:13:58.919 what was the result of doing I'm sorry, I'm aguous. Even say like 224 00:13:58.960 --> 00:14:01.159 what did you do one? You got the feedback. So I don't want 225 00:14:01.200 --> 00:14:03.240 to lead them into applied it and you know I got this result. I 226 00:14:03.240 --> 00:14:07.759 want them to get there on their own. So that coachability piece is critical. 227 00:14:07.759 --> 00:14:11.360 And if I feel I haven't gotten, if I'm interviewing someone who is 228 00:14:11.360 --> 00:14:13.080 at the very early stage in their career and they haven't got so much feedback 229 00:14:13.080 --> 00:14:16.240 from like managers and so on, there should be a time when they've received 230 00:14:16.320 --> 00:14:18.639 some sort of feedback, whether it's from, you know, a family member 231 00:14:18.679 --> 00:14:22.879 about doing something or whether it's sports like there is feedback happening and I think 232 00:14:24.000 --> 00:14:26.399 it's a concern to me if someone has issues kind of giving a solid examples 233 00:14:26.399 --> 00:14:31.279 and that because I really want folks to be coming into going to realize like 234 00:14:31.320 --> 00:14:33.080 Hey, I'm trying all these things, I really need to make sure if 235 00:14:33.080 --> 00:14:37.120 I'm doing a good job or not, and can you give me some feedback? 236 00:14:37.360 --> 00:14:39.120 I I think. I think those individuals who come in and we'll just 237 00:14:39.159 --> 00:14:43.960 do work and wait for the feedback to come miss out on a great opportunity. 238 00:14:43.240 --> 00:14:46.279 And so that question gets to the coach ability side of things, and 239 00:14:46.320 --> 00:14:50.679 you mentioned some things. Coming back to your characteristic what we found very successful 240 00:14:50.759 --> 00:14:54.840 for us it is people who with a spotting background space. So people have 241 00:14:54.519 --> 00:14:58.159 what ideally need a team. You would have some individual but then you may 242 00:14:58.399 --> 00:15:01.120 find a lot wolves. So if you've got someone who's really good at martial 243 00:15:01.279 --> 00:15:05.000 art or, I don't know, playing tennis and things like that, you 244 00:15:05.039 --> 00:15:07.360 may have a bit of a lone wolf. So someone who's really you know 245 00:15:07.440 --> 00:15:09.360 themselves and they are really good on their own and they may be less of 246 00:15:09.360 --> 00:15:13.440 a team player. But people who don't rugby football and then you look at 247 00:15:13.440 --> 00:15:16.480 that position on the pitch. You know what we are they doing on the 248 00:15:16.480 --> 00:15:18.559 pitch and they find number ten, some sort of person that kind of organize 249 00:15:18.559 --> 00:15:20.039 the things, and people say, well, you know what, I was 250 00:15:20.080 --> 00:15:24.360 the captain of my team. So you've got all those things that can be 251 00:15:24.399 --> 00:15:28.159 like God, I remember those things being a little plus one that we are 252 00:15:28.200 --> 00:15:31.519 looking for, because you've got team player, you probably have resilience. These 253 00:15:31.519 --> 00:15:33.159 are people, as well told you, one day, you know what, 254 00:15:33.200 --> 00:15:35.720 you're gonna be benched because you actually was not right or because you didn't play 255 00:15:35.759 --> 00:15:37.960 well. So that to take it that to take it in front of the 256 00:15:37.960 --> 00:15:41.399 group and that's kind of probably building a little bit of something inside them. 257 00:15:41.519 --> 00:15:43.840 But I think there is also the accountability and part of a team. So 258 00:15:43.840 --> 00:15:48.600 also spotting background is a good one. And for resilience, I remember my 259 00:15:48.559 --> 00:15:52.120 every single interview. Closing it. It's a very old school trick that I 260 00:15:52.200 --> 00:15:56.720 was told by by by someone that lens cells in the in the eighties. 261 00:15:56.759 --> 00:16:00.440 You know, the people who sell printers and stuff like that. You got 262 00:16:00.480 --> 00:16:02.440 to the end of GENTLN say that. If you know what, on the 263 00:16:02.480 --> 00:16:04.799 personal level, I really get on with you. I think you are a 264 00:16:04.799 --> 00:16:07.679 great guy, but I'm fifty. Fifty, I don't think you've got any 265 00:16:07.720 --> 00:16:12.159 text. So, but if I'M gonna make decisions, take you on and 266 00:16:12.159 --> 00:16:15.720 then you throw and see what happened. If they their back and go, 267 00:16:17.000 --> 00:16:21.240 you're gonna you want to push the table, break doors, puns something, 268 00:16:21.519 --> 00:16:23.919 because they were a really good but technically under resilience and what you wanted that 269 00:16:23.960 --> 00:16:29.360 stage. Someone say, are you mad? Yeah, take me. That 270 00:16:29.440 --> 00:16:30.879 obvious before you take me and they're fighting for it. And if they say 271 00:16:32.000 --> 00:16:37.759 that, you know you start on Monday. That's fantastic. I'm not trial 272 00:16:37.840 --> 00:16:41.120 that. Yeah, on the topic of leadership, so so that's the topic 273 00:16:41.159 --> 00:16:45.519 of kind of, you know, getting the people in Um and we agree 274 00:16:45.559 --> 00:16:48.879 that some of the skills, in fact most of them, you can't fully 275 00:16:48.919 --> 00:16:51.200 teach them. You know, these are skills that are they need, they 276 00:16:51.200 --> 00:16:53.960 need to be in a things that you are, you do, things that 277 00:16:55.039 --> 00:16:56.960 made you. When you want to progress these people, you know, when 278 00:16:56.960 --> 00:17:00.279 you want to take them to the next stage? Are you looking for issuing 279 00:17:00.279 --> 00:17:04.680 all skills, additional traits or behavior for them to progress within your team? 280 00:17:04.720 --> 00:17:10.279 Because it's all good to be a fantastic Strvida, but taking on responsibility to 281 00:17:10.319 --> 00:17:15.880 manage more can be difficult, and then moving to an a is even again 282 00:17:15.920 --> 00:17:18.960 more difficult, and then enterprise, e. and potentially becoming a leader of 283 00:17:19.200 --> 00:17:23.839 enterprise people. It's kind of the journey that people want to take because that's 284 00:17:23.880 --> 00:17:26.400 what we are told. Okay, it's like, Oh, if you're a 285 00:17:26.400 --> 00:17:29.559 boy, you should play with little cars, if you're a girl you should 286 00:17:29.559 --> 00:17:30.640 play with adult you know, it's kind of the thing that you are told. 287 00:17:30.720 --> 00:17:34.920 You've got to go with the but I don't think that everybody can progress 288 00:17:34.920 --> 00:17:37.960 and accurately. Some people are really good at one role and and it takes 289 00:17:38.000 --> 00:17:41.599 time to progress the next one. What are your thoughts on on developing new 290 00:17:41.720 --> 00:17:45.160 students and what do you think need to have on top of the cost, 291 00:17:45.200 --> 00:17:48.480 the five cost skills? You you you mentioned to go to the next page 292 00:17:48.559 --> 00:17:53.000 and progress within your team. Absolutely, and it's a very reliable conversation to 293 00:17:53.160 --> 00:17:56.720 the context of God in Europe at the moment. You know, everyone on 294 00:17:56.759 --> 00:18:00.519 my and the STR team is with the company in less than a eight months, 295 00:18:00.640 --> 00:18:03.720 okay, and so we're now looking at the progression paths and so on. 296 00:18:03.799 --> 00:18:08.079 I think in my experience managing str teams, like from the best days 297 00:18:08.079 --> 00:18:12.200 and worst days for me are when someone moves into another role, because I'm 298 00:18:12.240 --> 00:18:15.960 like, like it's like a graduation, like brilliant, but it's also the 299 00:18:15.960 --> 00:18:18.359 worst day because I'm like we've lost the top perform and someone who's been so 300 00:18:18.400 --> 00:18:22.119 instrumental on the on the team. But for me, even for myself selfishly 301 00:18:22.160 --> 00:18:26.599 thinking about it, like the most significant promotion I've ever had was moving into 302 00:18:27.279 --> 00:18:30.279 an a role from str. I think it just made such a big impression 303 00:18:30.319 --> 00:18:33.920 on me and it just it was it was so huge, and I think 304 00:18:33.960 --> 00:18:37.039 that's a consistent team with a lot of folks who had spoken to but to 305 00:18:37.079 --> 00:18:38.799 come back your your question. More specifically, I think first and foremost, 306 00:18:38.799 --> 00:18:44.440 it's it's it's it's really understanding every individual SDRs. Like why? Like what 307 00:18:44.559 --> 00:18:45.960 is their motivator like? where? Like, like why are they firs? 308 00:18:45.960 --> 00:18:48.519 See why they here and where are they trying to get to? We have 309 00:18:48.599 --> 00:18:52.160 some folks who don't know whether they want to be an a e, whether 310 00:18:52.200 --> 00:18:55.200 they want to go into enablement, where they want to go into customer success, 311 00:18:55.200 --> 00:18:57.160 whatever the case may be, and so I very much encourage and, 312 00:18:57.240 --> 00:19:00.440 like, I never want to prescribe what they should do. You, like 313 00:19:00.559 --> 00:19:03.799 we work in flat organizations. Go Talk to people in those areas of business. 314 00:19:04.279 --> 00:19:07.559 Is Understand what their day to day is, what their month to month 315 00:19:07.680 --> 00:19:11.160 is like, what the challenges and wins they they have from being in their 316 00:19:11.240 --> 00:19:12.799 role. And then, you know, when you get to the nine month 317 00:19:12.839 --> 00:19:15.799 mark and the SDR or let's let's make a call and we're like okay, 318 00:19:15.920 --> 00:19:21.039 firstly, where do you have aspirations to go to move into? How what 319 00:19:21.119 --> 00:19:22.960 has your performance been like? If things are going great, well, then 320 00:19:23.039 --> 00:19:26.759 let's actually start working on a plan to get you into that area of the 321 00:19:26.759 --> 00:19:32.599 business. So what why would then do is approach the managers of those particular 322 00:19:32.680 --> 00:19:36.319 organizations and identify, like here, where the are the key gaps that you 323 00:19:36.359 --> 00:19:38.880 see from strs moving into your parts of the business, like where do you 324 00:19:40.039 --> 00:19:42.079 the areas you want them to focus on most, and then we'll look at 325 00:19:42.359 --> 00:19:47.279 and typically those areas would be around kind of like you know, deeper discovery, 326 00:19:47.519 --> 00:19:51.359 demoing and you know, the negotiations and stuff can come a little bit 327 00:19:51.440 --> 00:19:53.400 later on, but a lot of it is deal execution. So we're working 328 00:19:53.440 --> 00:19:59.480 now on putting certifications in place to help people and fill those gaps that they 329 00:19:59.480 --> 00:20:03.680 don't have being an SDR what are necessary for them to be successful in this 330 00:20:03.960 --> 00:20:07.720 role, whatever it may be. So when I think about a e if 331 00:20:07.759 --> 00:20:11.279 someone who's going to go into the world of a we need to and get 332 00:20:11.279 --> 00:20:17.319 them set up on demo certifications, true discovery and certifications and then also maybe 333 00:20:17.400 --> 00:20:21.599 introduce them to some smaller deals to run with and to get their toes wet 334 00:20:21.640 --> 00:20:23.720 and so on. In the world of CS it's a little bit different and 335 00:20:25.160 --> 00:20:29.920 naturally the conversations are different versus selling. However, there needs to be a 336 00:20:29.960 --> 00:20:34.039 lot more kind of consultative based conversations, and so we and the goal is 337 00:20:34.079 --> 00:20:37.920 to put some certifications in place for that and but we're still at the at 338 00:20:37.960 --> 00:20:42.039 the early stages of that. So I think certifications are a great stamp of 339 00:20:42.079 --> 00:20:48.000 approval to say that this person is working on these skills, these you know, 340 00:20:48.240 --> 00:20:52.079 discovery skills, demoing skills and and kind of deal execution skills and then 341 00:20:52.119 --> 00:20:56.160 also, for the c side of things, consultative based skills as well. 342 00:20:56.400 --> 00:20:59.359 We have a very similar APPROACHT. So we we could in the operatics to 343 00:20:59.400 --> 00:21:03.680 getting me a thing for the apiece. So we are working on the APIS. 344 00:21:03.799 --> 00:21:06.920 We don't do a ourselves. We've got a few sales people and and 345 00:21:06.920 --> 00:21:10.079 in fact all of our selveses. Team is a people that have been successful 346 00:21:10.119 --> 00:21:11.480 in our video as the ARTI that a're moving to our selves team. And 347 00:21:11.599 --> 00:21:15.880 you know there are as for operatics, but of our requirement fise is probably 348 00:21:17.000 --> 00:21:21.920 a couple of years. You know, maximum maybe three UH and that may 349 00:21:21.960 --> 00:21:25.039 increase in the future. But with the level of people, with three hundred 350 00:21:25.039 --> 00:21:26.920 people, you've got much popable at once to progress to a so we've got 351 00:21:26.960 --> 00:21:30.480 three rule for maybe twenty people that would want to become a major in that 352 00:21:30.640 --> 00:21:33.759 year. So what we've been thinking of doing is saying wow, if those 353 00:21:33.799 --> 00:21:38.119 people want to become a and I know the feeling of you are great resource 354 00:21:38.160 --> 00:21:41.640 and you want to leave me, you want, but at sometimes I feel 355 00:21:41.079 --> 00:21:45.240 like you. It's like we've done something together. You've been a great soldier. 356 00:21:45.440 --> 00:21:48.400 You work really out. You did some great stuff. You help us 357 00:21:48.440 --> 00:21:52.200 to have a great relationship with customers. You deserve the next step. We 358 00:21:52.200 --> 00:21:56.440 should all work together and if if it's not within our organization, within operatics, 359 00:21:56.640 --> 00:22:00.720 we should help you to find a good place to get into an unfortunately, 360 00:22:00.759 --> 00:22:03.079 we've been you know, our guys when they start looking for a job, 361 00:22:03.240 --> 00:22:08.200 they just get a's money. They're like Oh, they just go okay, 362 00:22:08.319 --> 00:22:11.880 Um, and they often don't end up in the right company. They 363 00:22:11.960 --> 00:22:15.599 end up doing a video as Dr Job for six months and they've been promised 364 00:22:15.640 --> 00:22:18.079 the a year role, but there is no real training, there is no 365 00:22:18.160 --> 00:22:22.880 certification like you guys have. So and then things change. Maybe your owner 366 00:22:22.920 --> 00:22:26.839 financing is that coming? So they're not really and they always come back to 367 00:22:27.039 --> 00:22:30.519 us saying always promised the world and got absolutely nothing, pretty much a'mstein and 368 00:22:30.680 --> 00:22:34.400 the video. So to try to avoid that, we kind of listed a 369 00:22:34.400 --> 00:22:37.960 few clients that we know value human capital as much as we do and we 370 00:22:38.000 --> 00:22:41.119 are vetting them and checking them and understanding how they're gonna move toose people not 371 00:22:41.200 --> 00:22:45.039 only from junior a s to, you know, enterprise as, but even 372 00:22:45.079 --> 00:22:48.440 potentially further ap they don't eve in the past. They have a structure and 373 00:22:48.480 --> 00:22:52.680 then we have a program where one of the things that we want to implement 374 00:22:52.759 --> 00:22:56.640 is actually understanding the life of an aid. Okay, because I think when 375 00:22:56.640 --> 00:23:00.079 you an SDR BDA, you've got that sort of satisfy on the daily basis. 376 00:23:00.160 --> 00:23:04.119 You know, that little bit of Oxy Persin in your bloody when you've 377 00:23:04.160 --> 00:23:07.960 got like a short term success. You book a meeting with someone or you 378 00:23:07.559 --> 00:23:11.519 an opportunities that it is identified with someone, and that can happen pretty much 379 00:23:11.519 --> 00:23:15.119 every day. So every day you can come back home with a yes, 380 00:23:15.160 --> 00:23:18.119 I've done it. If you're an A and you're saying complex stuff, you 381 00:23:18.160 --> 00:23:22.720 may have the oxydacin doesn't exist anymore because you spend eighteen months raying to close 382 00:23:22.759 --> 00:23:25.680 that dial even if it's twelve months, and by the time you close it 383 00:23:25.880 --> 00:23:30.319 you exhausted, you just don't feel anything. So we try to really so 384 00:23:30.400 --> 00:23:33.880 that's one of the examples, but we really tried to tell them look, 385 00:23:33.160 --> 00:23:37.759 okay, that looks super pretty, that looks Super Shiny, but let's look 386 00:23:37.799 --> 00:23:41.519 at the other side, the dark side of the role, because you need 387 00:23:41.559 --> 00:23:44.160 to understand what you're stepping into. Do you really want to do that? 388 00:23:44.599 --> 00:23:47.720 So and as part of the cursores, will try to have to work with 389 00:23:47.720 --> 00:23:52.319 our customers so we can have a's to come and speak about what they're doing, 390 00:23:52.720 --> 00:23:55.559 but not in a in the show off way, in the way of 391 00:23:55.640 --> 00:23:57.039 this is why the job is different, this is why, this is when 392 00:23:57.079 --> 00:24:00.720 my mentor else was not great. This is what this and that and you 393 00:24:00.759 --> 00:24:06.119 know, people really open up about about about the experience and we hope that 394 00:24:06.559 --> 00:24:10.680 it's like the Navy Seale. We think that probably around thirty percent of the 395 00:24:10.680 --> 00:24:14.079 people that will sign up for the course we'll just say, you know what, 396 00:24:14.400 --> 00:24:17.480 I'm going to go back to do sdrbd for or six months and then 397 00:24:17.519 --> 00:24:19.880 we'll see again. But then the people will stick with it within the course, 398 00:24:19.880 --> 00:24:23.559 then we will invest in them like you do, and maybe like a 399 00:24:23.599 --> 00:24:26.759 street or six months course to get them to an a and when they get 400 00:24:26.759 --> 00:24:30.079 there we can then transfer them to a client that can take them as an 401 00:24:30.079 --> 00:24:34.599 a. So almost becoming like not a resourcing company, because I don't think 402 00:24:34.640 --> 00:24:38.440 we have the scale to become a resourcing company, but a conveyor belte of 403 00:24:38.440 --> 00:24:42.759 talents and and we've did. We've done fifteen donald promotion in the last eighteen 404 00:24:42.759 --> 00:24:47.400 months within operatics, you know. So so that's not bad because eighteen months 405 00:24:47.440 --> 00:24:51.359 ago we were twenty people in the organization. So it's pretty much fifty percent 406 00:24:51.400 --> 00:24:55.079 of what we started with that has been promoted internally, but it's not enough 407 00:24:55.960 --> 00:24:59.440 and people want to promote quickly. My last question for you, Dave, 408 00:24:59.680 --> 00:25:03.079 is that I'm frame. So you and I have been in the business for 409 00:25:03.200 --> 00:25:07.880 little while, and do you think the expectation in some of time frame to 410 00:25:07.079 --> 00:25:11.400 progress with an organization is becoming shorter and shorter? Yeah, it's a good 411 00:25:11.480 --> 00:25:15.960 question. So it varies a lot, you know, as I mentioned, 412 00:25:15.960 --> 00:25:18.720 there are some organizations where it's like a three year promotion before you're in closing 413 00:25:18.759 --> 00:25:23.240 deals. Others it's, you know, maybe nine months. I think that 414 00:25:23.279 --> 00:25:27.119 your your question. Is it getting shorter? Is the expectation shot? So 415 00:25:27.279 --> 00:25:32.720 I'm talking about the company, but the expectation of the individual with someone who's 416 00:25:32.799 --> 00:25:37.160 joining you. Yes, Short, and it was five years ago in some 417 00:25:37.319 --> 00:25:40.279 of the expectation to be promoted to something else if they're doing a good job. 418 00:25:40.440 --> 00:25:41.920 Yeah, I wonder, is that a generation thing that they just want 419 00:25:41.920 --> 00:25:47.440 results, they want things now. I don't want to say it's yeah, 420 00:25:47.680 --> 00:25:49.880 no, no. I think a lot of it does depend on the on 421 00:25:49.960 --> 00:25:56.400 the complexity of the product itself. I think if you're selling a true enterprise, 422 00:25:56.559 --> 00:26:00.799 very technical based product for an str straight out of college, for example, 423 00:26:00.920 --> 00:26:04.599 to expect to go into this, into a closing role, you know, 424 00:26:04.720 --> 00:26:08.519 twelve months in, where you're dealing with super technical people at a very 425 00:26:08.559 --> 00:26:12.440 high level for potentially multimillion dollar deals, is it's not a reality. I 426 00:26:12.440 --> 00:26:15.440 think a lot of it does does relate to the I suppose, the environment 427 00:26:15.440 --> 00:26:19.519 and the context of the product you are selling, and I think that like 428 00:26:19.559 --> 00:26:23.960 my high of my view on it like a sweet spot, and I will 429 00:26:25.000 --> 00:26:29.519 always convey like that the teams that I've managed that you know, nothing is 430 00:26:29.559 --> 00:26:33.240 gonna Happen, like no promotion is going to happen in less than twelve months, 431 00:26:33.079 --> 00:26:37.599 but if you're still in this seat, you know in twenty four months 432 00:26:37.640 --> 00:26:41.279 there's a problem like this. It's it's not good for you. It's like 433 00:26:41.480 --> 00:26:44.720 for me it's not good for the company. Okay, so in my sweet 434 00:26:44.759 --> 00:26:48.480 spot is somewhere between twelve and eighteen months and and and and I will I 435 00:26:48.519 --> 00:26:52.680 don't want to say that's exactly what it's going to happen with a team, 436 00:26:52.759 --> 00:26:59.559 but I think that is when I think about a company that is fast moving 437 00:26:59.599 --> 00:27:03.880 scale up, likely have very kind of large, big, audacious goals and 438 00:27:03.039 --> 00:27:08.359 which require an SDR profile that runs a million miles an hour in terms of 439 00:27:08.359 --> 00:27:14.440 like activity and effort, I think in my mind eighteen months around that period 440 00:27:14.680 --> 00:27:18.240 is like that's the time that we could probably use that energy to it to 441 00:27:18.400 --> 00:27:22.680 its fullest. And I'm a true believer of promoting SDRs because it relates to 442 00:27:22.720 --> 00:27:26.359 things that you said. The opportunity calls to bring someone externally in versus. 443 00:27:26.359 --> 00:27:32.240 Promoting an SDR is just it's huge because the SDR has not only the kind 444 00:27:32.240 --> 00:27:36.880 of the product, knowledge and so on, but they have this just undeniable 445 00:27:36.960 --> 00:27:42.400 like attention to detail and hunger with not leaving any loose ends, and which 446 00:27:42.440 --> 00:27:45.640 can translate really well to deal execution. What I mean by that is if 447 00:27:45.680 --> 00:27:48.640 they get a sniff of blood in the water, they'll just be on it 448 00:27:48.720 --> 00:27:52.559 straight away. Or if like, they will never let a conversation end without 449 00:27:52.559 --> 00:27:56.960 the next step being in the calendar, confirmed and so on, whilst, 450 00:27:56.000 --> 00:28:00.920 you know, maybe a ease that are coming from different organizations where, Um, 451 00:28:00.200 --> 00:28:03.839 you know, some organizations might sell differently, some organizations they might, 452 00:28:04.200 --> 00:28:08.200 you know, be okay without having the next step on a call and so 453 00:28:08.279 --> 00:28:11.279 on, because they've seen that they you know, a call does happen in 454 00:28:11.319 --> 00:28:14.559 the end. That's a challenge. So yeah, I've seen. We've seen 455 00:28:15.039 --> 00:28:17.880 not only a don but the last two companies I've been with as well. 456 00:28:18.279 --> 00:28:22.559 That the true success stories and have been those folks that we've promoted from the 457 00:28:22.680 --> 00:28:26.680 SDR work within. But what I like about what you said is setting up 458 00:28:26.720 --> 00:28:30.119 the expectation, you know, from the beginning, from the interview process, 459 00:28:30.359 --> 00:28:33.799 when they start, when the down bodied and just said look, if you 460 00:28:33.839 --> 00:28:36.960 expect anything in less than twelve months, if you're gonna get it, you 461 00:28:36.960 --> 00:28:41.279 know you may if you are absolutely exceptional, but he's such you would be 462 00:28:41.279 --> 00:28:42.400 such an I no idea that I don't even want to speak about it. 463 00:28:42.440 --> 00:28:45.240 So setting up expectation, I think, is key. I guess the prime 464 00:28:45.240 --> 00:28:48.519 we've got the recruitils potentially getting into the inbox and said, well, you 465 00:28:48.519 --> 00:28:51.480 know, you've been up on nine months, you've not progressed. Are you 466 00:28:51.519 --> 00:28:53.319 considering, you know, doing some stuff? And we've seen this message because 467 00:28:53.359 --> 00:28:56.240 they get forwarded to us when we've got people in the tone that look, 468 00:28:56.279 --> 00:28:59.279 I'm not interested in moving, but just so you know, this is what 469 00:28:59.640 --> 00:29:03.039 that's the pitch. But I think we covered most of the topic really, 470 00:29:03.240 --> 00:29:04.680 so I want to thank you for your insight, Dave. I think you've 471 00:29:04.720 --> 00:29:07.759 been very, very, very very good to to us today and to audience. 472 00:29:07.799 --> 00:29:11.480 You gave us a lot of tips, executable things that we can do, 473 00:29:11.640 --> 00:29:15.359 but purely around the interview process and what to look for. Um. 474 00:29:15.480 --> 00:29:19.000 I think that's super important. I love what you had to say also about 475 00:29:19.480 --> 00:29:22.839 about the certification. I think that's so good that you've got that in place 476 00:29:22.880 --> 00:29:26.319 and really I wouldn't courage in your organization to do the same thing. Just 477 00:29:26.400 --> 00:29:30.599 make sure you don't promote people just because they are good at the previous row 478 00:29:30.680 --> 00:29:32.880 into a new role. That doesn't mean that it will be good. You 479 00:29:32.880 --> 00:29:37.200 could turn an a player into a c player very easily do that. But 480 00:29:37.279 --> 00:29:38.279 yeah, I want to thank you for your time and your insight. Today 481 00:29:38.319 --> 00:29:41.640 was wonderful to a young show. Thank you very much. Really love the 482 00:29:41.720 --> 00:29:47.160 chat and yeah, I follow a lot what operatics do as well. UH, 483 00:29:47.279 --> 00:29:49.240 Catarina has been great to deal with as well and look forward to continuing 484 00:29:49.279 --> 00:29:53.119 the partnership and so on, and hopefully meaning in person, some safe so 485 00:29:53.319 --> 00:29:56.920 yeah, we should have we should come to the being. Yeah, absolutely. 486 00:29:57.200 --> 00:30:00.559 Yeah, bring your drink, bring your drinking jacket, as we say. 487 00:30:00.079 --> 00:30:03.079 Yeah, I should be that actually in September, I think. So 488 00:30:03.240 --> 00:30:06.440 I'll give you a call, please do. Absolutely upset. Thank you so 489 00:30:06.480 --> 00:30:10.559 much for your time, Dave. Thank you all the best. You've been 490 00:30:10.559 --> 00:30:14.680 listening to B two B Revenue Acceleration. To ensure that you never miss an 491 00:30:14.680 --> 00:30:18.799 episode, subscribe to the show in your favorite podcast player. Thank you so 492 00:30:18.880 --> 00:30:22.960 much for listening. Until next time. This podcast is sponsored by Gong. 493 00:30:22.519 --> 00:30:29.839 Gong empowers your entire go to market organization by Operationalizing Your Most Valuable Asset, 494 00:30:30.319 --> 00:30:36.119 your customer interactions. Transform your organization into a revenue machine by unlock in reality 495 00:30:36.319 --> 00:30:41.359 and helping your people reach their full potential. Get started now at Gong dot Io.

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