23: The Evolution of Sales Development w/ David Dulany

December 05, 2018 00:20:15
23: The Evolution of Sales Development w/ David Dulany
B2B Revenue Acceleration
23: The Evolution of Sales Development w/ David Dulany

Dec 05 2018 | 00:20:15


Show Notes

The way customers buy things is different than it was ten years ago. Our approach to getting their attention should have evolved as well.

In this episode, I talk with David Dulany, Founder and CEO of Tenbound, about the future of sales development and what he’s doing with his Sales Development Conference in San Francisco to address the future.

It’s likely that companies immune to change will be left behind.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.560 --> 00:00:07.549 You were listening to be tob revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated to helping software 2 00:00:07.589 --> 00:00:11.789 executives stay on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. Let's 3 00:00:11.789 --> 00:00:16.870 get into the show. Hi, you welcome to be to be a revenue 4 00:00:16.870 --> 00:00:20.429 acceleration. My name is a really am withier and I'm here today with David 5 00:00:20.469 --> 00:00:24.339 Delaney from ten pounds. Oh are you doing today, David? I'm duing 6 00:00:24.460 --> 00:00:27.219 well, I'm doing well. Thank you so much for having me on the 7 00:00:27.300 --> 00:00:30.699 show. That's the pleasure. That's the pleasure. So today to to be 8 00:00:30.820 --> 00:00:34.179 that we want to discuss with you, David, is the evolution of sales 9 00:00:34.219 --> 00:00:38.049 development to be it is really close to our heart, as you would expect. 10 00:00:38.329 --> 00:00:41.890 But first, can you please introduce yourself, as well as your company, 11 00:00:41.969 --> 00:00:45.409 ten bound? Sure, absolutely so. I have been in and around 12 00:00:45.450 --> 00:00:49.770 the sales and marketing industry for going on way too long. I don't want 13 00:00:49.770 --> 00:00:52.960 to say how long, a long time. Yeah, I came up through 14 00:00:53.119 --> 00:00:58.479 the ranks of selling sales training for a company called achieve global and we were 15 00:00:58.600 --> 00:01:03.040 selling the training and delivering it, taking it as everything around sales training, 16 00:01:03.239 --> 00:01:06.709 and I had, you know, born and raised in the bay area. 17 00:01:06.909 --> 00:01:10.269 So I had always wanted to get into the tech industry and I got my 18 00:01:10.349 --> 00:01:12.430 foot in the door at a company called glass door and when. Since then 19 00:01:12.469 --> 00:01:15.989 has gone on to be a big success, but at that time they were 20 00:01:15.069 --> 00:01:19.700 just starting to go to market and at the same time, you know, 21 00:01:19.819 --> 00:01:25.459 sales development was becoming a big industry with the advent of predictable revenue and, 22 00:01:25.900 --> 00:01:29.939 you know, the for tools that were coming online, especially sales force. 23 00:01:30.420 --> 00:01:34.689 So we started the initial sales development program at glass door, went on started 24 00:01:34.730 --> 00:01:40.689 a few other successful sales development programs and then about two years ago, started 25 00:01:40.769 --> 00:01:46.969 sales ten pound as a sales development training and consulting firm to really help managers 26 00:01:47.159 --> 00:01:52.719 and wraps to improve the performance of their sales development programs and and also really 27 00:01:52.760 --> 00:01:57.439 act as like an industry analysts and understanding the overall industry and helping people to 28 00:01:57.760 --> 00:02:01.590 get a better handle on their sales development programs. And so over here at 29 00:02:01.670 --> 00:02:06.829 ten pound that's what we're doing and we also do a big event, which 30 00:02:06.870 --> 00:02:10.430 is the sales development conference, which just took place this past fall and I'm 31 00:02:10.710 --> 00:02:15.780 recovering. It's been a couple months so and now. I remember meeting with 32 00:02:15.860 --> 00:02:20.300 you when you in the in the preparation of the event and yeah, it 33 00:02:20.419 --> 00:02:23.460 did look like quite to be piece to swallow. You know, it looks 34 00:02:23.659 --> 00:02:25.780 if you do an event really well, it looks easy from the outside, 35 00:02:27.580 --> 00:02:30.250 which is how it how it should be a seamless experience for everybody involved. 36 00:02:30.729 --> 00:02:35.210 But yeah, there's a lot of work that goes into it and you know 37 00:02:35.569 --> 00:02:38.210 that. We could talk more about but it was a great experience and and 38 00:02:39.129 --> 00:02:43.129 as a big success this year. So well, I'm glad you bring it 39 00:02:43.210 --> 00:02:46.560 top actually, because that's that's my that's my next question. So the next 40 00:02:46.560 --> 00:02:50.400 question that they had for you is around the sales development gone fronts that that 41 00:02:50.560 --> 00:02:53.120 you run. You're running some from C school. We had some right feedback 42 00:02:53.280 --> 00:02:58.199 from you friend people about the conference, but it would be really great if 43 00:02:58.199 --> 00:03:00.710 you could share WAZUS. So need to be mobilt. What happened at the 44 00:03:00.789 --> 00:03:04.629 conference? Why did you sit eat up in first place, and why do 45 00:03:04.710 --> 00:03:08.069 you think it's so important for the future off sets development? Yeah, you 46 00:03:08.189 --> 00:03:14.060 know, that's an interesting question. So just quick backstory. When I was 47 00:03:14.699 --> 00:03:17.979 looking at the landscape of starting a business a couple of years ago, you 48 00:03:19.060 --> 00:03:23.060 know, I kicked around some ideas about starting as software as a service company, 49 00:03:23.379 --> 00:03:27.969 you know, tool to help sales development wraps and managers to accelerate their 50 00:03:28.009 --> 00:03:30.090 progress, and I felt like, you know, that there's a lot of 51 00:03:30.210 --> 00:03:35.810 tools out there to support that, but there's not a lot of thought leadership 52 00:03:35.849 --> 00:03:40.840 around how to run a sales development program and how to train managers and wraps 53 00:03:40.960 --> 00:03:45.400 and, you know, bring up the skill level, and so I really 54 00:03:45.639 --> 00:03:49.080 wanted to focus on that with pen bound to be able to be more of 55 00:03:49.120 --> 00:03:53.919 a service business to help people who are already running sales development. And you 56 00:03:53.039 --> 00:03:57.110 know, one of the ways to get the word out is to start to 57 00:03:57.150 --> 00:04:00.629 run events. I didn't have a big network, I didn't have a database 58 00:04:00.750 --> 00:04:05.189 or anything like that, and so we started with meetups, just quarterly meetups 59 00:04:05.389 --> 00:04:10.860 to get together and talk sales development management and, you know, the the 60 00:04:11.099 --> 00:04:16.060 Best Practices for setting appointments and building pipeline and you know, it just eventually 61 00:04:16.100 --> 00:04:20.379 evolved into a conference. You know, I was sitting there one day and 62 00:04:20.660 --> 00:04:26.170 I just thought, you know, right now there's not an industry wide conference 63 00:04:26.370 --> 00:04:30.810 that's one hundred percent focused on sales development and what we do every day, 64 00:04:31.009 --> 00:04:36.970 and I felt like there's a need for upleveling this profession and really getting some 65 00:04:38.449 --> 00:04:43.600 great research and advice and events in place. And so we went ahead and 66 00:04:43.920 --> 00:04:46.319 made a goal and did our first one in two thousand and seventeen. That's 67 00:04:46.399 --> 00:04:50.639 wonderful, very really good. So and how many people did you have attending? 68 00:04:51.199 --> 00:04:54.709 What you expect next show? I'll do you expect it to grow? 69 00:04:54.750 --> 00:04:58.629 I mean we see was a stelts and I believe that this touff was re 70 00:04:58.709 --> 00:05:01.310 moven. Be On your expectations. But do you expect to come friends, 71 00:05:01.350 --> 00:05:04.550 to go to grow? Foz and fell I guess you on size, yes, 72 00:05:04.670 --> 00:05:09.139 but but by all much? Yeah, absolutely. I mean the first 73 00:05:09.220 --> 00:05:13.899 and foremost, it's it. The goal of the conference is to add value 74 00:05:14.139 --> 00:05:18.540 and help people to uplevel their sales development profession, whether they're CEO trying to 75 00:05:18.579 --> 00:05:23.009 figure out how to build more pipeline, whether there are a manager on the 76 00:05:23.089 --> 00:05:26.529 sales are marketing side, or whether they are wrap. I mean we're definitely 77 00:05:26.689 --> 00:05:30.970 we don't talk much about ten bound there. It's not a user conference because 78 00:05:30.970 --> 00:05:33.689 we don't have any software. So we're really trying to make it a valuable 79 00:05:33.689 --> 00:05:39.160 experience for the people that come and I think that philosophy will not change. 80 00:05:39.240 --> 00:05:42.639 So the first year our goal was to get, you know, maybe a 81 00:05:42.720 --> 00:05:46.879 hundred people and five or six vendors to help us to pay for the conference. 82 00:05:46.120 --> 00:05:49.629 We blew that out. We had two hundred people, probably twelve vendors. 83 00:05:50.110 --> 00:05:54.670 We almost doubled it this year we had three hundred fifty people and just 84 00:05:54.790 --> 00:05:59.110 as many vendors. We grew out of our current location at the Ritz Carlton 85 00:05:59.230 --> 00:06:01.110 and we're looking for a venue right now. We're going to do it in 86 00:06:01.149 --> 00:06:04.620 the fall of two thousand and nineteen again and shoot for five hundred people. 87 00:06:04.980 --> 00:06:11.180 You know, I could see this happening in Austin, in Denver, in 88 00:06:11.899 --> 00:06:15.540 York, you know, anywhere where people are obsessed, like me and you 89 00:06:16.139 --> 00:06:19.569 with how do we set appointments? How do we build pipeline? How do 90 00:06:19.649 --> 00:06:23.889 we generate revenue? You know, it could be really big. The Sky 91 00:06:24.009 --> 00:06:27.449 is the limit. I mean I know it's changing so fast. So yeah, 92 00:06:27.569 --> 00:06:30.810 we're really excited about it. I think it's I think it's a brilliant 93 00:06:30.889 --> 00:06:33.879 idea, as you rightly mention Audi on in the conversation. There is nothing 94 00:06:34.279 --> 00:06:38.560 like that the moment. There is a few groups down and there. It's 95 00:06:38.639 --> 00:06:42.800 online. It's not really interactive and I think people wants to meet with each 96 00:06:42.839 --> 00:06:46.240 other on exchange. We are really said this year that twd so mos o 97 00:06:46.319 --> 00:06:49.029 commitment and couldn't not come along. The'll serve but resting show that next year 98 00:06:49.029 --> 00:06:51.990 you can count see. So we've been led you to push a numbloup and 99 00:06:53.310 --> 00:06:57.790 and potentially bring print, bring more vendows as well as we probably would look 100 00:06:57.829 --> 00:07:00.149 at supporting you and getting things going, but if we can be a part 101 00:07:00.189 --> 00:07:05.339 of your success, we will definitely do whatever I takes to accomplish that at 102 00:07:05.379 --> 00:07:08.939 the confront. So again, you know, looking at it from the outset 103 00:07:09.100 --> 00:07:13.420 and and kind of reading through, it seems that a lot has been tooked 104 00:07:13.459 --> 00:07:16.529 to the belt and the new function, which is a chief sells development of 105 00:07:16.649 --> 00:07:21.009 you. So okay, can you please show with us what dis for looks 106 00:07:21.129 --> 00:07:27.569 like and if you have seen being implemented in any companies recently? Yeah, 107 00:07:27.649 --> 00:07:30.959 that is it's really funny because this is something that I put in as part 108 00:07:31.000 --> 00:07:35.399 of my keynote speech and it got the biggest round of applause from everybody because 109 00:07:35.399 --> 00:07:39.519 I think that it was just a new concept and people were like, Whoa, 110 00:07:39.680 --> 00:07:43.079 I mean, this really does have a future. We have a future 111 00:07:43.240 --> 00:07:46.670 in our career, we have a future in our industry, to get a 112 00:07:46.829 --> 00:07:49.990 seat at the table and whether that's called the chief sales development officer or something 113 00:07:50.110 --> 00:07:55.910 else, the way that I envision it is really a blending of the product 114 00:07:55.949 --> 00:08:00.300 led approach which you see at companies like at last, see in and slack 115 00:08:00.500 --> 00:08:07.220 and calendy and a number of companies that lead with product and and then bring 116 00:08:07.420 --> 00:08:11.819 people through the pipeline in a really seamless way that's customer centric and and brings 117 00:08:11.930 --> 00:08:16.889 them through to higher and higher closed one revenue. And so the reason I 118 00:08:16.009 --> 00:08:20.490 bring that up is because I think that the chief sales development officer should certainly 119 00:08:20.649 --> 00:08:26.360 have some viewpoint on how the product is developed, have some viewpoint on how 120 00:08:26.519 --> 00:08:31.439 the marketing is developed to support that product and then, of course, how 121 00:08:31.680 --> 00:08:37.480 they go about moving people through the pipeline to the sales appointment and ultimately the 122 00:08:37.840 --> 00:08:41.710 closed one revenue. And you know, there was a position that was thrown 123 00:08:41.750 --> 00:08:45.590 around a while ago. It was called the chief revenue officer, but most 124 00:08:45.629 --> 00:08:50.350 of them that I've worked with in my past we're just basically focused on sales 125 00:08:50.549 --> 00:08:54.950 and it was just a fancy title for a very high level. You know, 126 00:08:54.110 --> 00:08:58.980 evp of sales and when I think of the chief sales development officer, 127 00:08:58.340 --> 00:09:03.740 it's the whole gamut. I mean it's really, really if we want to 128 00:09:03.820 --> 00:09:07.139 really take it to the next level, it's blowing up the different departments that 129 00:09:07.220 --> 00:09:13.649 we have right now and renting the entire go to market strategy around how to 130 00:09:13.809 --> 00:09:18.490 move people seamlessly through the pipeline and how to make that a great experience for 131 00:09:18.570 --> 00:09:22.570 the customer. So would you say it's about bringing says development and the bold 132 00:09:22.649 --> 00:09:26.919 liver and table? For sure, definitely. I mean I don't think that 133 00:09:26.039 --> 00:09:30.639 it can be, because what you have right now is and it still happens. 134 00:09:30.639 --> 00:09:35.320 It's crazy because I've been aroundund for a long time and what I hear 135 00:09:35.480 --> 00:09:39.549 and what I see is you've got them product folks, you know, building 136 00:09:39.590 --> 00:09:43.110 product based on customer feedback. Great, that's perfect, and then you've got 137 00:09:43.190 --> 00:09:46.669 the marketing folks who have a whole different amount, you know, slide deck 138 00:09:46.789 --> 00:09:52.659 full of metrics that are not necessarily tied succinctly to the sales team, and 139 00:09:54.059 --> 00:09:56.419 so they could the and then the VP of sales is talking about, you 140 00:09:56.500 --> 00:10:00.179 know, how do we close the business that we have? And a lot 141 00:10:00.220 --> 00:10:03.700 of times they end up running campaigns completely separately from what marketing is doing. 142 00:10:03.940 --> 00:10:09.250 So it's very it's this very disjoy it to old school way of setting up 143 00:10:09.289 --> 00:10:13.049 organizations. And you know, it's time for a change people. I mean 144 00:10:13.090 --> 00:10:16.610 we got it like take a step back. I think we're just in almost 145 00:10:16.649 --> 00:10:22.240 like Zombie mode of following exactly how go to market organizations are structure. Yeah, 146 00:10:22.279 --> 00:10:26.120 we're not really taking a step back and going, okay, what's going 147 00:10:26.159 --> 00:10:30.879 to take someone from completely disinterested and they have no idea who we are, 148 00:10:30.919 --> 00:10:35.080 all the way through the funnel to a closed one deal? And then how 149 00:10:35.120 --> 00:10:37.629 do we scale that? And and so, you know, it's kind of 150 00:10:37.789 --> 00:10:43.990 taking it back to formula, erase the chalkboard and start over, and then 151 00:10:43.070 --> 00:10:46.309 the chief cells development officer would be, you know, pushing this forward. 152 00:10:46.789 --> 00:10:52.539 That's all field of walk of for us. It's almost common sense, but 153 00:10:52.620 --> 00:10:56.980 I think it's the direction that is taking anyway. And and the reason why 154 00:10:56.980 --> 00:11:00.340 I'm saying that is because we see more and more, particularly at this time 155 00:11:00.379 --> 00:11:03.659 of the year, and there was lots of troubling world fall sens team and 156 00:11:03.700 --> 00:11:07.730 a operation team all across the wall at the moment because everybody's play is planning 157 00:11:07.769 --> 00:11:11.210 for to sous and nineteen and while we, you know, we don't expect 158 00:11:11.330 --> 00:11:16.250 so, we to have a sit at the bolt table with our clients, 159 00:11:16.370 --> 00:11:20.360 he then participated a bold meeting the level of information that we are asked to 160 00:11:20.519 --> 00:11:24.000 provide. That will then be endulled by a chief revenue of you, Sol 161 00:11:24.120 --> 00:11:28.600 as you mentioned, a need evp sales or all the CMO marketing person is 162 00:11:28.919 --> 00:11:33.309 is getting more and more grun it up, and I think it's because people 163 00:11:33.389 --> 00:11:37.950 wants to dust on how they can build the scale ball pipeline model and, 164 00:11:37.029 --> 00:11:41.350 at the end of the day, making your revenue is great, making marketing 165 00:11:41.429 --> 00:11:43.950 compense is great, but there is that glue between cells and marketing, which 166 00:11:43.950 --> 00:11:50.100 is cells development from my perspective, and that function should be at the at 167 00:11:50.139 --> 00:11:56.019 the bodroom table. Should be challenging cells, should be challenging marketing and should 168 00:11:56.019 --> 00:11:58.700 be trying to better what they're doing, also themselves. But I do think 169 00:11:58.779 --> 00:12:03.730 that you really need the nail on the head, because it's I see it 170 00:12:03.850 --> 00:12:07.009 happening at the moment. I think it's not been formalized, but we see 171 00:12:07.370 --> 00:12:13.009 our clients, executive team, bought level team, asking more and more information 172 00:12:13.009 --> 00:12:16.360 about hey, what's that function. You know that in that part of the 173 00:12:16.480 --> 00:12:20.399 office in the corner, the other guys will a bit noisy. What what 174 00:12:20.519 --> 00:12:22.120 do they actually do, you know, and can we get them to do 175 00:12:22.200 --> 00:12:24.279 a bit more? Could they do more? How do we grow that? 176 00:12:24.559 --> 00:12:28.840 But you know, that kind of important to us because a generating pipeline and 177 00:12:28.159 --> 00:12:31.990 will be good to get it from Granula and try to see if we can 178 00:12:31.029 --> 00:12:37.429 find a formula or recipe to scale their success. So I personally think that 179 00:12:37.830 --> 00:12:41.269 it will happen. I think the faither that you bring it and the Findus 180 00:12:41.269 --> 00:12:43.779 you reach through the conferences is pretty cool, because people will go away. 181 00:12:43.980 --> 00:12:48.220 You know, we are speaking about it today, which is fantastic, which 182 00:12:48.259 --> 00:12:50.940 means it's a nice little pat on the back, I guess, for that 183 00:12:50.100 --> 00:12:54.019 that concept of yours, which is relevant. But I just wanted to finalize 184 00:12:54.059 --> 00:12:58.570 on that sort of kind of note, which is the future. And I 185 00:12:58.769 --> 00:13:03.809 see, I see the function. Personally see the function of cells development. 186 00:13:03.090 --> 00:13:09.289 I have seen it already evolving drastically over the last few years because you've got 187 00:13:09.409 --> 00:13:13.840 technology. People are diading a saying that prospect of changing the way did by 188 00:13:15.279 --> 00:13:18.399 technology. It's true. There is lots of dynamic that are changing around the 189 00:13:18.480 --> 00:13:22.799 function. But what are your view, should I say, on the sells 190 00:13:22.840 --> 00:13:28.590 development rolls evolving moving forward? How can we stay ahead of the game as 191 00:13:28.710 --> 00:13:33.149 sells development professionals? Yeah, I'll start with the bad news. I think 192 00:13:33.909 --> 00:13:39.230 I'm not traditional under the traditional way that we have it structured. It's going 193 00:13:39.309 --> 00:13:43.259 to get harder and harder, and I'll tell you why. Because there's more 194 00:13:43.379 --> 00:13:48.100 and more noise out in the market place. Prospects are reached through multiple channels 195 00:13:48.460 --> 00:13:54.220 more and more they're just kind of tuning out the traditional outreach and it's becoming 196 00:13:54.419 --> 00:13:58.929 harder and harder to stand out. And and I think that anybody involved in 197 00:13:58.009 --> 00:14:03.610 sales development, especially you would, would understand that that. You know, 198 00:14:03.730 --> 00:14:07.210 you have to put a lot more time and money and focus on it to 199 00:14:07.330 --> 00:14:11.879 get the same result that we got maybe five years ago. So so that's 200 00:14:11.960 --> 00:14:15.080 the bad news. It's just that's just the way that things are changing. 201 00:14:15.399 --> 00:14:18.200 So now we've got to understand that it's getting harder to, you know, 202 00:14:18.360 --> 00:14:22.960 get people's attention and get them to accept a meeting and we have to adjust 203 00:14:22.159 --> 00:14:28.230 in order to accommodate that. So if we're working under the true additional model 204 00:14:28.509 --> 00:14:33.350 of do some marketing, generate some interest or do some cold calling generation interest, 205 00:14:33.470 --> 00:14:37.710 try to get to people to sit down and take a fifteen minute meeting 206 00:14:37.750 --> 00:14:41.620 and move them through. If we're doing that, then we have to become 207 00:14:41.179 --> 00:14:46.539 more careful and researched with the outreach that we're putting out. We Spam, 208 00:14:48.019 --> 00:14:52.289 you know, sending out massive numbers of emails and sending out massive numbers of 209 00:14:52.409 --> 00:14:58.370 phone calls. It's just has a diminishing return, unless you're in a very 210 00:14:58.490 --> 00:15:03.049 commoditized industry where you can hopefully catch somebody and make them change. So there 211 00:15:03.169 --> 00:15:09.159 has to be more research involved on the prospects and some kind of relevant messaging 212 00:15:09.600 --> 00:15:13.120 that makes them want to stop and, you know, take your call. 213 00:15:13.200 --> 00:15:16.600 So that's just table stakes. Everybody knows that already. But I think bigger 214 00:15:16.639 --> 00:15:22.990 picture and what I would challenge people to think about is how people buy things. 215 00:15:22.190 --> 00:15:26.230 Now, look at how you buy things in your daily life. You 216 00:15:26.309 --> 00:15:31.990 know there's it's frictionless, you don't have to deal with a salesperson most of 217 00:15:31.029 --> 00:15:35.220 the time. And so when I talk about product led growth, and I 218 00:15:35.419 --> 00:15:39.779 talked about this a lot with Liz Kane, who was at the conference, 219 00:15:39.820 --> 00:15:43.259 and she's really leading the charge on this. It's setting up your product in 220 00:15:43.340 --> 00:15:48.100 a way that makes it easy for people to get into the top of the 221 00:15:48.179 --> 00:15:52.250 funnel and then bringing in the sales development folks to help them, almost like 222 00:15:52.289 --> 00:15:56.370 a concierge or, you know, help them through to understand all the different 223 00:15:56.409 --> 00:16:02.370 things that your product does and how you can continue the relationship and that potentially 224 00:16:03.169 --> 00:16:07.759 have them upgrade and buy more. I think that if you're not thinking that 225 00:16:07.919 --> 00:16:12.240 way from a product perspective, there's a very good chance that you will get 226 00:16:12.240 --> 00:16:18.070 left behind, and and so the sales development industry also has to change to 227 00:16:18.230 --> 00:16:22.470 accommodate that. But I think that is the main thing. If you're setting 228 00:16:22.509 --> 00:16:30.509 up your process that makes it difficult for prospects to engage with you and have 229 00:16:30.629 --> 00:16:33.539 to interrupt their day, you're going to be left behind because it's just not 230 00:16:33.779 --> 00:16:38.179 how people want to be approached and it's not how we buy things anymore. 231 00:16:38.500 --> 00:16:41.980 In two thousand and eighteen agree and I think. I think it's also being 232 00:16:42.100 --> 00:16:47.409 part of the process. In what you are saying, and if I was, 233 00:16:47.769 --> 00:16:49.610 if I was to read in between the line and put some walls in 234 00:16:49.690 --> 00:16:53.210 your mouth, you kind of describing the concept of a cant base setting. 235 00:16:53.250 --> 00:16:56.169 I can't base marketing, I can't base everything, which is you know, 236 00:16:56.250 --> 00:17:00.970 you've got to do your research, focus on your prospect. Is Not about 237 00:17:00.049 --> 00:17:03.679 you, it's not about your product and you need to be part of a 238 00:17:03.759 --> 00:17:07.119 process. You know, an account base marketing compaign on its own may generate 239 00:17:07.240 --> 00:17:11.799 some results, but he's feets not followed up by yourselves, development team, 240 00:17:11.200 --> 00:17:15.869 pushing the same message, pushing pushing the value, driving the cold actions. 241 00:17:17.349 --> 00:17:21.349 You know, prospect may receive something and may not re bom to it. 242 00:17:21.430 --> 00:17:23.670 They may receive a letter but they may not type. Do you already in 243 00:17:23.750 --> 00:17:26.269 the browser, because you don't have the time, and even if they think 244 00:17:26.309 --> 00:17:30.500 about doing it and if it's got the best intention, to get in touch 245 00:17:30.819 --> 00:17:34.259 the cells development for these a gag is that blue that can peace in what 246 00:17:34.460 --> 00:17:40.460 we see, increase the written on the marketing campaigns and increase the writton on 247 00:17:40.539 --> 00:17:44.690 account base for grams. So yeah, it does make a lot of sense. 248 00:17:44.769 --> 00:17:47.809 So, David, we unfortunately would have to stop to them. I 249 00:17:47.809 --> 00:17:49.890 think we would have to invate you again, because I'm thinking through the conversation 250 00:17:51.009 --> 00:17:53.130 wiving to them, thinking about another ten topics and I know that's when you 251 00:17:53.210 --> 00:17:56.089 and I met for a coffee what was going on. But we have to 252 00:17:56.170 --> 00:18:00.559 stop, unfortunately. But if any of our listener would like to get in 253 00:18:00.759 --> 00:18:03.799 touch with you, they want to discuss their seals development team potentially look at 254 00:18:03.880 --> 00:18:07.519 training, look at getting somewhere that can come and bring that breath of fresh 255 00:18:07.519 --> 00:18:11.869 air and and l them to over, like seed, what they're already achieving. 256 00:18:12.190 --> 00:18:15.109 How can they get in touch with is are yourself for your company in 257 00:18:15.190 --> 00:18:18.789 General? Ten bound? Yes, absolutely, thank you so much. It's 258 00:18:18.829 --> 00:18:23.829 just ten Bo and dcom and then there's a chat box on there. Of 259 00:18:23.910 --> 00:18:27.259 course, you got to make it easy for people and I'm usually the one 260 00:18:27.339 --> 00:18:30.619 on the chat so I would love to hear from you. Of course reach 261 00:18:30.700 --> 00:18:34.700 out. We can connect on Linkedin, twitter, all those various mediums, 262 00:18:34.779 --> 00:18:38.220 but yeah, the website is probably the best. When is the next cells 263 00:18:38.259 --> 00:18:41.130 development conference? You have a date yet, or do you have like amounts 264 00:18:41.210 --> 00:18:44.890 that you can show with us? Yeah, absolutely. So we're trying to 265 00:18:45.089 --> 00:18:48.250 fit it in right before the Oracle open world, which is a huge conference. 266 00:18:48.289 --> 00:18:52.329 So we're looking at the week of September nine, two thousand and nineteen 267 00:18:52.490 --> 00:18:56.599 and we're just trying to narrow down the date here. So next time we 268 00:18:56.799 --> 00:19:00.559 talk, we'll have an exact date, will have a location and we'll be 269 00:19:00.799 --> 00:19:03.799 ready to rock and roll. Well, for all our Lista nows that I 270 00:19:03.920 --> 00:19:08.000 involve from close to fall with the Wiz this sters development function, we would 271 00:19:08.119 --> 00:19:12.910 really recommend that you mock your agenda and go and participate to the sets development 272 00:19:14.069 --> 00:19:18.150 conference organized by ten bound at some point since Septembo. Next, Joe. 273 00:19:18.470 --> 00:19:19.990 Great. Well, that was fantastic to have you on the show today, 274 00:19:21.109 --> 00:19:23.740 Daviat. I hope we're going to have the opportunity to speak against soon, 275 00:19:23.779 --> 00:19:26.859 but yeah, thank you again, fall for taking the thing to get you 276 00:19:26.859 --> 00:19:32.859 up with us today. Thank you. operatics has redefined the meaning of revenue 277 00:19:32.940 --> 00:19:38.450 generation for technology companies worldwide. While the traditional concepts of building and managing inside 278 00:19:38.450 --> 00:19:44.410 sales teams inhouse has existed for many years, companies are struggling with a lack 279 00:19:44.450 --> 00:19:49.690 of focus, agility and scale required in today's fast and complex world of enterprise 280 00:19:49.809 --> 00:19:56.880 technology sales. See How operatics can help your company accelerate pipeline at operatics dotnet. 281 00:19:57.720 --> 00:20:02.519 You've been Li listening to be tob revenue acceleration. To ensure that you 282 00:20:02.599 --> 00:20:06.319 never miss an episode, subscribe to the show in your favorite podcast player. 283 00:20:06.920 --> 00:20:08.230 Thank you so much for listening. Until next time,

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