24: The Importance of Data Quality Within CRM Systems w/ Charlie Spaneas

December 12, 2018 00:20:37
24: The Importance of Data Quality Within CRM Systems w/ Charlie Spaneas
B2B Revenue Acceleration
24: The Importance of Data Quality Within CRM Systems w/ Charlie Spaneas

Dec 12 2018 | 00:20:37


Show Notes

CRM can be your best friend or an absolute monster depending on how you’re using it.  

The difficult reality is that CRM’s are only as good as the data that is in the system.

In this episode, I had Charlie Spaneas, Director, Marketing & Sales at Clear C2, Inc., on the show to discuss the importance of data sets to a well functioning CRM and some solutions to the tedious but important task of maintaining the data set.

When the CRM is used properly it can be a profound tool for your entire team.  However, sloppy treatment of data could also cost time and money, adversely affecting many elements of your team

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.560 --> 00:00:07.549 You were listening to be tob revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated to helping software 2 00:00:07.549 --> 00:00:11.789 executives stay on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. Let's 3 00:00:11.789 --> 00:00:15.630 get into the show. Hi, you welcome to be to be, a 4 00:00:15.710 --> 00:00:20.190 rever new acceleration. My name is Amotier and I'm here today with Charlie Spinas 5 00:00:20.350 --> 00:00:23.179 from CSC to. Are You doing today? Showny, Oh, I'm great. 6 00:00:23.219 --> 00:00:26.339 Right, thanks for invited me. I'm excited to be here. It's 7 00:00:26.420 --> 00:00:32.219 pleasure. So today we will be discussing the importance of data quality within CRM 8 00:00:32.340 --> 00:00:36.130 systems. But first and before we get started, can you please tell us 9 00:00:36.130 --> 00:00:39.490 a little bit more about yourself, Charlie, as well as your role and 10 00:00:39.570 --> 00:00:43.770 your company within CLEARC to? Okay, sure, right. I've been a 11 00:00:43.929 --> 00:00:48.409 sales of marketing director for the past ten years at CLEARC too. Before that, 12 00:00:48.810 --> 00:00:54.079 I worked many years in the telecommunications industry and sales and product management for 13 00:00:54.240 --> 00:00:59.479 transmission optical networker product and I've learned to leverage that experience on my current position. 14 00:00:59.520 --> 00:01:03.200 As far as CLEARC to, it's a privately health company. We've been 15 00:01:03.200 --> 00:01:07.230 around for twenty five years, begin in one thousand nine hundred and ninety three. 16 00:01:07.549 --> 00:01:11.310 So we have a lot of experience in the crm industry as well as 17 00:01:11.510 --> 00:01:15.590 sustainability. Our headquarters is located in the Dallas Texas area. It's where we 18 00:01:15.750 --> 00:01:21.340 develop, sell, implement, train and support our products directly. But that 19 00:01:21.540 --> 00:01:23.859 means is we don't have any partners that we're going to pass you off to 20 00:01:25.260 --> 00:01:29.099 and we don't have outsource any part of our offering. So so that's pretty 21 00:01:29.140 --> 00:01:32.579 much what we are at closely too. Okay, thanks for that, Charlie. 22 00:01:32.780 --> 00:01:36.329 So we are here about to talk about Crm, and Crm is always 23 00:01:36.849 --> 00:01:40.890 your best friend or monster, depending on who we engage with and which company 24 00:01:40.890 --> 00:01:45.769 will engage with. But we all know that a crm system is just as 25 00:01:45.930 --> 00:01:49.799 good as the data that is in the system, and I'll use able that 26 00:01:49.239 --> 00:01:53.280 data is. We know that it's a fantastic tool to give over all view 27 00:01:53.480 --> 00:01:59.239 of what's happening from a set spipeline management or comping, progression, sends, 28 00:01:59.400 --> 00:02:04.230 forecast data, segmentation, etc. Etc. But we also know that sells 29 00:02:04.310 --> 00:02:07.349 people sometimes, not all of them. We don't like to make generality, 30 00:02:07.509 --> 00:02:13.590 but you know, most of them are not really good at keeping crm up 31 00:02:13.629 --> 00:02:15.939 to date. Is that because they don't want to declare pipeline or they don't 32 00:02:15.979 --> 00:02:21.219 want to give visibility to dam management on the jail they're walking on, or 33 00:02:21.300 --> 00:02:23.060 maybe just because they don't like the admint ask of thing. They don't have 34 00:02:23.180 --> 00:02:28.580 the time. What have you seen as a successful technique to make sure that 35 00:02:28.740 --> 00:02:32.689 companies keep their crm systems up to date and get the most out of it? 36 00:02:34.169 --> 00:02:38.930 Well, you are correct about sales people generally have an issues with keeping 37 00:02:38.009 --> 00:02:44.840 the crum up to day because many of them frankly viewed as being stuck with 38 00:02:45.199 --> 00:02:50.639 doing the menial task of input data their potentially takes them away from being with 39 00:02:50.800 --> 00:02:55.280 their customers. So to into your question, once successful technique there are a 40 00:02:55.319 --> 00:03:04.110 lot of companies are using is gamification. gamification literally taps into the competitive spirit 41 00:03:04.189 --> 00:03:07.430 that we all have inside us and it can be an effective way to motivate 42 00:03:07.509 --> 00:03:15.580 employees, especially sales people, to pursue data integrity. It basically makes it 43 00:03:15.699 --> 00:03:21.860 a fun and friendly contest where participants can get rewarded for reaching company set goals. 44 00:03:22.659 --> 00:03:27.569 One of the by products are gamification is that it gets employees engaged and 45 00:03:28.050 --> 00:03:32.090 you are actual studies out there by Gallop. That says engaged workers, but 46 00:03:32.250 --> 00:03:38.169 twenty one percent more productive than unengaged workers. So Ray. Getting back to 47 00:03:38.210 --> 00:03:42.719 your question, when you said that some salespeople don't wanted to clear a pipeline, 48 00:03:43.159 --> 00:03:46.520 a way to combat that with to have a contest see how many sales 49 00:03:46.639 --> 00:03:53.039 opportunities can be entered into see our per month and have a monetary award attached 50 00:03:53.080 --> 00:03:57.349 to the winner. And because of this task, that will once considered not 51 00:03:57.509 --> 00:04:01.789 beneficial to salesperson and now anticipated by them. But you would expect that they 52 00:04:01.830 --> 00:04:05.310 have. I guess maybe they. They are mainly insense, you guys, 53 00:04:05.349 --> 00:04:10.460 on what they are closing Vlsius, what they are declaring a spipeline. So 54 00:04:11.060 --> 00:04:15.379 what you are saying is it adding some incentives on the glaring pipeline? Is 55 00:04:15.459 --> 00:04:20.699 it's about incentive in time of daytown three. I'll do you actually make it 56 00:04:20.779 --> 00:04:24.220 up. And because all those on the getting medication, and I appreciate that 57 00:04:24.290 --> 00:04:27.129 being a set of spell us, and you want to be Competitiv, you 58 00:04:27.209 --> 00:04:30.449 want to be the top of the needle, balld, but I guess there's 59 00:04:30.490 --> 00:04:32.129 two things are going to drive. You can drive quantity or you can drive 60 00:04:32.170 --> 00:04:34.810 quality. I'll do. You end up in the middle it would be my 61 00:04:34.889 --> 00:04:39.279 question. Or what have you seen in practice? Okay, essentially, sales 62 00:04:39.360 --> 00:04:45.079 people there rewarded monetarily whether they used the crm and not using the say rum, 63 00:04:45.399 --> 00:04:47.800 by getting sales right, they enter it into a pipeline. Now, 64 00:04:48.279 --> 00:04:53.550 according to your question, and I agree with it, some people, sales 65 00:04:53.589 --> 00:04:59.389 people, hold back on their pipeline and yo the gamification, if they're in 66 00:04:59.509 --> 00:05:03.750 a contest to say hey, the more you input into the crm for your 67 00:05:03.870 --> 00:05:09.819 pipeline, we're going to reward you even more than just getting revenue from your 68 00:05:09.899 --> 00:05:16.540 sales. And so they're are enticed to input all of their opportunities into their 69 00:05:16.620 --> 00:05:21.170 pipeline because they're going to get an additional ward, okay, for imputting it 70 00:05:21.250 --> 00:05:27.649 into the CRM. And how you measure that is usually you create a widget 71 00:05:27.730 --> 00:05:32.410 on a dashboard that everyone can see, and it's not only they getting rewarded 72 00:05:32.490 --> 00:05:38.199 for putting it in, but there's also a pride factor that everyone is looking 73 00:05:38.240 --> 00:05:42.879 at it in seeing all the results on everyone's dashboard, and so they're going 74 00:05:42.879 --> 00:05:46.240 to want it to imput in, put it into the system. Okay, 75 00:05:46.519 --> 00:05:48.639 that makes sense, that's good it. That's a good idea. Something as 76 00:05:48.639 --> 00:05:51.389 we should definitely do all sets. So, whatever think about that. On 77 00:05:51.509 --> 00:05:55.269 others, out the big at very close to it, we know that that 78 00:05:55.470 --> 00:06:01.149 are cleansing and that a segmentation are quite time consuming task and often overlooked by 79 00:06:01.670 --> 00:06:05.139 company that work with Industy RM system, which is a bit of a shame, 80 00:06:05.259 --> 00:06:09.980 because we also at the bet of the data. The most segment in 81 00:06:10.060 --> 00:06:15.180 the data, the better your marketing compaing output will be, because you will 82 00:06:15.220 --> 00:06:19.850 be able to contact people without bounce as well as if you segment when you 83 00:06:19.889 --> 00:06:24.970 should have a message. It is quite dedicated, if not tailored to a 84 00:06:25.050 --> 00:06:29.769 smaller group of people, which in redomb shouldn't increase the response rate. And 85 00:06:30.370 --> 00:06:34.079 and but that's also lead to SARM system having data it is not very accurate. 86 00:06:34.480 --> 00:06:39.439 Can you please show his audience why this is such an important task, 87 00:06:39.639 --> 00:06:44.800 that that are cleansing, Theta segmentation and why you shouldn't be overlooked? Yes, 88 00:06:44.920 --> 00:06:47.870 right, you bring up a subject that sometimes gets lost and the weeds 89 00:06:48.069 --> 00:06:53.550 until it's to a becomes a real pain point and then the work needed to 90 00:06:53.670 --> 00:06:58.430 correct it becomes, you know, a real combersome. So, to begin 91 00:06:58.550 --> 00:07:02.180 with, your data should always be addressed when you're deploy and new software. 92 00:07:02.459 --> 00:07:05.459 You need to start with a new slave. You need to ensure that you 93 00:07:05.540 --> 00:07:11.699 have data integrity, and that's really an umbrella term that includes things like data 94 00:07:11.779 --> 00:07:17.610 accuracy, sustency, validation, completeness, uniformly, those kind of things. 95 00:07:18.089 --> 00:07:23.089 Some examples are, as you were saying. Have a duplicates in your database, 96 00:07:23.290 --> 00:07:27.730 you know, bad email addresses, incorrectly formatted phone numbers, to name 97 00:07:27.769 --> 00:07:30.680 a few. If you don't address them in your system, they can recav 98 00:07:30.759 --> 00:07:35.160 it. For instance, if the email addresses are inconsistent, the company will 99 00:07:35.160 --> 00:07:40.600 suffer the cost of resenting the email or even losing customers. You can then 100 00:07:40.759 --> 00:07:44.870 further compound matters by not segment in your data, like you are saying. 101 00:07:44.949 --> 00:07:47.910 Proper data segmentation is simply, you know, taking your data filtering it so 102 00:07:48.110 --> 00:07:54.230 that it can be used more efficiently within marketing and in operations. It's making 103 00:07:54.269 --> 00:07:57.949 sure your message gets out to people who are going to buy your product. 104 00:07:58.269 --> 00:08:01.420 If it's not done properly, it can negatively affect the delivery of your messaging 105 00:08:01.860 --> 00:08:07.420 in your marketing campaigns to your customers. Now, executives also need accurate and 106 00:08:07.620 --> 00:08:13.769 complete data in the CRM system, because many of this strategic decisions are based 107 00:08:13.850 --> 00:08:16.769 off reports that are generated from that data. If the data is bad, 108 00:08:18.170 --> 00:08:24.569 the strategic decisions could be reporting potential and correct revenue streams to stockholders. You 109 00:08:24.649 --> 00:08:28.959 know, calculate and factory capacity planning generated from corrupt data, it may be 110 00:08:30.160 --> 00:08:35.080 providing incorrect product mixed to building the factory because you have inaccurate forecast. In 111 00:08:35.200 --> 00:08:41.000 these cases, you see, R M system could become counter productive if the 112 00:08:41.320 --> 00:08:46.269 corrupt date is not cleansed so administratively and consistent data, you know, can 113 00:08:46.350 --> 00:08:50.509 potentially lead to fault conclusions and, you know, bad and best smiths on 114 00:08:50.590 --> 00:08:54.029 the business world. Incorrect data can be pretty costly. But fortunately, as 115 00:08:54.070 --> 00:08:58.019 you stated, you can head off some of these subtasters by doing some data 116 00:08:58.139 --> 00:09:05.139 cleansing and scrubbing, which can be done annually by slowly coming through multiple spreadsheets 117 00:09:05.259 --> 00:09:09.009 looking for errors, or, you know, can be done faster more efficiently 118 00:09:09.090 --> 00:09:13.090 to the use of software tools. Again, you know, the best time 119 00:09:13.129 --> 00:09:18.450 to do this is during new implementation software, because you never want to Jil 120 00:09:18.690 --> 00:09:22.769 introduce bad data into the system, and then you should also perform maintenance scrubbing 121 00:09:24.289 --> 00:09:28.679 off that cleanse date of periodically. Okay, so again I'm gonna ask you 122 00:09:28.720 --> 00:09:35.120 a very particular question because it's we talking about situation we find ourselves in conversation 123 00:09:35.240 --> 00:09:39.509 with clients where we dodge this topics and people saying, yes, we've got 124 00:09:39.590 --> 00:09:43.789 lots of data now sharing system, but we've got big question mark around it 125 00:09:43.909 --> 00:09:48.110 and we don't prettishize. Not really shies good from your experience. Who is 126 00:09:48.470 --> 00:09:50.470 so appreciate that you could be done manually or I could be done true software, 127 00:09:50.549 --> 00:09:56.179 but who is the individual? Always the function within the company that should 128 00:09:56.179 --> 00:10:01.139 be responsible to actually go through that, that cleansing and the DEATA segmentation. 129 00:10:01.899 --> 00:10:05.299 Well, I can tie you specifically is the it department, the IT manager. 130 00:10:05.820 --> 00:10:11.610 When we're implementing systems with companies, the first thing we do when we're 131 00:10:11.649 --> 00:10:18.009 implementing is we're contact in the item manager to see what kind of data they're 132 00:10:18.009 --> 00:10:22.600 going to reduced from their back end system to import interracrm system, and they're 133 00:10:22.679 --> 00:10:28.840 the one specifically responsible for the data integrity of their back end system. Where 134 00:10:28.840 --> 00:10:33.679 I say backing system, could be a financial system, it could be an 135 00:10:33.759 --> 00:10:39.269 EARP system or whatever it's. We're all the master templates are for all the 136 00:10:39.389 --> 00:10:45.149 contacts and companies that they do business with, and so they're the ones that 137 00:10:45.269 --> 00:10:50.460 are tasked to make sure that there's data integrity and those systems before we can 138 00:10:50.580 --> 00:10:54.779 import them into our system. Now we always tell them they look, we 139 00:10:54.899 --> 00:10:58.460 can do it on your end or we can do it on our end, 140 00:10:58.659 --> 00:11:01.779 but it's going to be quicker and cleaner if you do the data cleansing on 141 00:11:03.019 --> 00:11:05.929 your end, you know, because it's a lot easier that way when it's 142 00:11:05.929 --> 00:11:09.250 coming, when you're doing it to the source system. So the answer your 143 00:11:09.289 --> 00:11:13.450 question is the Ike Department of the company that we do, okay, and 144 00:11:13.529 --> 00:11:18.639 then we will drive the itic department in come of the data, the DEATA 145 00:11:18.639 --> 00:11:22.320 quantity. Would it be marketing would have been said, because I would expect 146 00:11:22.320 --> 00:11:24.840 the at department, where they've got the tools and control the tools, to 147 00:11:26.000 --> 00:11:31.200 may not be aware on the type of person, not the type of individual. 148 00:11:31.320 --> 00:11:33.230 What's good data. Was Not good data. So would you also have 149 00:11:33.309 --> 00:11:37.950 an involvement from us, a function to support them up, to edit them 150 00:11:37.309 --> 00:11:41.629 in doing the job? When you ask who's driving them, you saying internally 151 00:11:41.870 --> 00:11:46.429 in their organization. Yes, I mean in done any organization. So you 152 00:11:46.509 --> 00:11:50.500 know, but basically I guess what I'm going at with those questions is there 153 00:11:50.659 --> 00:11:54.500 is a lot of people involve on the CRM system. Marketing, cells, 154 00:11:54.779 --> 00:11:58.899 management. Marketing One's the CRM system, probably because their companies goes through the 155 00:11:58.980 --> 00:12:01.889 CRM system. They use the data and they will probably put source code on 156 00:12:01.970 --> 00:12:05.450 the data. So one a campaign goes through and the lead is created, 157 00:12:05.570 --> 00:12:09.409 they can then follow it through and see the contribution to pipeline, the contribution 158 00:12:09.529 --> 00:12:13.929 to cells. Cells. will use a CRM system most of the time to 159 00:12:15.009 --> 00:12:18.559 control pipeline forecasts, look at what we've got, what we need to be 160 00:12:18.919 --> 00:12:22.080 and then every way the performance between different cells, rep cells, region, 161 00:12:22.360 --> 00:12:26.519 products, etc. Etc. Management, as you mentioned early on, is 162 00:12:26.559 --> 00:12:30.230 that over look? We want to see what we've got. We want to 163 00:12:30.230 --> 00:12:33.350 see what's working from a marketing perspective, what's working from a self perspective. 164 00:12:33.429 --> 00:12:37.350 We want to get performance. We need to be able to focus, is 165 00:12:37.389 --> 00:12:41.070 of our self, of our board of director or for the market, depending 166 00:12:41.149 --> 00:12:43.299 on the type of company they are. And on Tho side. The eight 167 00:12:43.460 --> 00:12:48.100 department is is obviously another lay of all those function but there is so many 168 00:12:48.139 --> 00:12:50.980 people touching the crm system. You know, it's not like a just a 169 00:12:52.059 --> 00:12:56.419 financial system where you've got finance people just working on it because it's a collaborative 170 00:12:56.500 --> 00:13:00.730 tool between function I was wondering if the it department can really do it on 171 00:13:00.809 --> 00:13:05.409 their own or if the other function can actually support them in doing a better 172 00:13:05.450 --> 00:13:09.450 job when it comes to cleansing and segmenting. Okay, so the common denominator 173 00:13:09.490 --> 00:13:13.639 and everything that you just said is the it department, because you're right, 174 00:13:13.759 --> 00:13:20.720 there are many different silos in the business that are touching that cram and dependent 175 00:13:20.840 --> 00:13:24.159 on how the companies using it, it could just be the sales department, 176 00:13:24.200 --> 00:13:26.350 it just could be marketing, could be both, could be customer service, 177 00:13:26.629 --> 00:13:31.269 I using it for support, tickets and so on, and so they're all 178 00:13:31.470 --> 00:13:35.429 touching the system, as you say, as a collaborative tool. But the 179 00:13:35.750 --> 00:13:41.110 department that's responsible for the integrity, okay, would be the IT department, 180 00:13:41.190 --> 00:13:46.779 because they're the ones that would also be performing any training sessions that would need 181 00:13:46.860 --> 00:13:50.299 to take place when the software bender comes out with the new features and things 182 00:13:50.340 --> 00:13:56.330 like that. So they're really the point people, okay, to the usage 183 00:13:56.370 --> 00:14:00.409 if you will, because you know that's key right there. But but you're 184 00:14:00.450 --> 00:14:03.610 right, all the other departments do have input into it, but you get 185 00:14:03.649 --> 00:14:07.289 to have a point person to where it all comes together and it's usually the 186 00:14:07.370 --> 00:14:11.639 IQ people. Makes Sense. That makes sense, okay. And what about 187 00:14:11.639 --> 00:14:13.879 the frequency? How often do you need to do it? Was the is 188 00:14:13.960 --> 00:14:18.919 all best practician time of doing it on six months bases, twelve months, 189 00:14:18.399 --> 00:14:22.120 eighteen s rails. What what do you see? I mean, I appreciate 190 00:14:22.279 --> 00:14:26.909 you will probably depend on the Industry Ali and I'll first contact. Can move 191 00:14:26.950 --> 00:14:31.750 in your industry excit like EC but he's all best practicing Indome of our often 192 00:14:31.789 --> 00:14:37.590 you should be done so typically, and what I usually say is you would 193 00:14:37.629 --> 00:14:43.820 probably have maybe monthly meetings, okay, to go over the usage clients, 194 00:14:43.860 --> 00:14:46.539 if you will, to see, you know, how people how often they're 195 00:14:46.539 --> 00:14:52.019 putting it in and whether they're putting it in properly. I would say that 196 00:14:52.659 --> 00:14:58.129 you would probably have quarterly meetings to meet with your crm bender to say hey, 197 00:14:58.210 --> 00:15:03.809 look, we've gone over that, how our requirements have changed over time 198 00:15:03.570 --> 00:15:09.639 and we want to make these changes with you, Mr Crm vender, and 199 00:15:09.960 --> 00:15:11.200 you know, have it back and forth with you. So you I'm bender. 200 00:15:11.320 --> 00:15:16.919 So. So basically it's quarterly meetings for outside, meeting to it the 201 00:15:16.960 --> 00:15:22.629 CRM bender in monthly meetings internally to discuss compliance. Okay that I think that 202 00:15:22.750 --> 00:15:26.830 makes puffix and it sounds like a very good cadence. And My last question 203 00:15:26.870 --> 00:15:31.350 for your Charney is about how to improve the crm usage. Should I say? 204 00:15:33.029 --> 00:15:35.299 I believe you wrote a block posts on that topic and it would be 205 00:15:35.460 --> 00:15:39.820 great if you can just some tips with all audience on that. Well, 206 00:15:39.980 --> 00:15:46.379 I believe the user adoption rate is probably the most single most important thing that 207 00:15:46.500 --> 00:15:52.610 affects how successful as software deployment is. Not just say RM, any software 208 00:15:52.730 --> 00:15:56.649 at CRM can have the best speeches with the latest technology, but if hardly 209 00:15:56.690 --> 00:16:00.850 anyone's using it and it's not being used properly, then it's money wasted. 210 00:16:00.129 --> 00:16:06.440 So the best way to improvacy RM usage first off is applying the proper foundation, 211 00:16:06.720 --> 00:16:11.720 which means employing and implementation methodology that's kind of foster more employee usage. 212 00:16:12.360 --> 00:16:17.879 I'm sure you've heard of the carrot and stick approach and in most cases both 213 00:16:17.919 --> 00:16:21.309 should be used, but it's going to depend on the culture of the company. 214 00:16:21.789 --> 00:16:23.750 You know, less discipline environment, we're going to require more of a 215 00:16:23.870 --> 00:16:30.230 stick, and the most effective stick is an executive edict that everyone must use 216 00:16:30.309 --> 00:16:33.220 the software. If it needs to be a culture adjustment, then that's the 217 00:16:33.379 --> 00:16:38.059 time to do it, not after the implementation. But even more important is 218 00:16:38.179 --> 00:16:42.580 the use of the carrot in the methodology. As you know, it's human 219 00:16:42.620 --> 00:16:47.970 nature to resist change. So to reverse this, the user of the system 220 00:16:48.009 --> 00:16:52.529 must feel like they're getting more either system than what they're putting it. It's 221 00:16:52.610 --> 00:16:57.330 important that they're directly involved when the software is being configured so that the data 222 00:16:57.409 --> 00:17:02.919 requirements in their processes are being incorporated. A good way to achieve this is 223 00:17:03.360 --> 00:17:07.119 to have the software been to meet with them, review with the day and 224 00:17:07.200 --> 00:17:11.319 the life is for each type of user, and then you know, once 225 00:17:11.440 --> 00:17:15.480 there's user and put into the software, they're going to recognize it as the 226 00:17:15.640 --> 00:17:21.390 system they built and they will take ownership of it. Also, another carrot 227 00:17:21.589 --> 00:17:25.670 is the gamification that I mentioned earlier, which can be built into the software 228 00:17:25.670 --> 00:17:27.710 up front, you know, and displayed in which it's on a dashboard. 229 00:17:27.910 --> 00:17:34.940 Equally as important as the Implementation Foundation is the ongoing education and monitoring is need. 230 00:17:36.420 --> 00:17:40.859 Let's face it, the the market places dynamic, never stay static in 231 00:17:41.220 --> 00:17:45.009 either way. Your Business Model, the the environment that was created during the 232 00:17:45.049 --> 00:17:51.849 initial implementation will have to constantly be monitored and modified to reflect the changes in 233 00:17:51.930 --> 00:17:55.690 the business. If that doesn't happen, then the software is going to become 234 00:17:55.730 --> 00:18:02.000 irrelevant and because all the efficiencies built into the application during the implementation that made 235 00:18:02.039 --> 00:18:07.359 it streamline will then become diminished over time and inputting into the crm becomes more 236 00:18:07.359 --> 00:18:11.279 overture and then people aren't going to start to use it as much. So 237 00:18:11.759 --> 00:18:15.869 the key to making sure that the software remains relevant is the first find us, 238 00:18:15.950 --> 00:18:19.150 as I said before. So find the crm bender who's going to stay 239 00:18:19.349 --> 00:18:25.390 constantly engage with you to make sure those changes are made without breaking the bay. 240 00:18:25.589 --> 00:18:30.460 And then tie to that should be continue and education program that includes training 241 00:18:30.619 --> 00:18:34.579 sessions as new features become available. And then, as a stated earlier, 242 00:18:34.660 --> 00:18:38.779 you should have those quarterly meetings with the vendor to discuss how, Yo, 243 00:18:40.259 --> 00:18:44.650 how and if your requirements are changing, then incorporate those changes. And then, 244 00:18:44.690 --> 00:18:48.089 of course, those internal meetings for usage compliance. Yeah, if none 245 00:18:48.130 --> 00:18:52.730 of those are deployed, is going to be a slow erosion of usage to 246 00:18:52.809 --> 00:18:56.440 the point where the executive decisions of being negatively affected and frankly, that's not 247 00:18:56.480 --> 00:19:00.839 a meeting I want to attend. So absolutely another situation. You want to 248 00:19:00.920 --> 00:19:04.359 be well Charti I want to thank you for your time today. I think 249 00:19:04.599 --> 00:19:08.960 it's been very useful and and I think some of of the tips and pustuption 250 00:19:10.069 --> 00:19:12.390 and the vision that you gave us kind of challenge some of theays that they 251 00:19:12.430 --> 00:19:15.990 add as well. Wish, I quite like about all conversation now, if 252 00:19:17.069 --> 00:19:22.750 anyone's wants to engage with you or a lot more about CLEARC to your company. 253 00:19:22.150 --> 00:19:25.660 Was the best way to connect with you? Well, where you can. 254 00:19:26.019 --> 00:19:30.220 You can go on to our website at www dot clear SCOM and connect 255 00:19:30.259 --> 00:19:34.420 with us through our contact US page or simply call. Is that nine hundred 256 00:19:34.420 --> 00:19:38.329 and seventy two, three and two four seventy one hundred. We have sales 257 00:19:38.369 --> 00:19:41.609 agents will be able to assist you, and so that's how you would reach 258 00:19:41.730 --> 00:19:45.450 this and again, thanks for having me on the show today. Appreciate it. 259 00:19:47.130 --> 00:19:49.329 What jotting minisings for your time. You was great having on the show 260 00:19:49.369 --> 00:19:57.240 today. operatics has redefined the meaning of revenue generation for technology companies worldwide. 261 00:19:57.279 --> 00:20:03.039 While the traditional concepts of building and managing inside sales teams inhouse has existed for 262 00:20:03.160 --> 00:20:07.950 many years, companies are struggling with a lack of focus, agility and scale 263 00:20:08.349 --> 00:20:15.869 required in today's fast and complex world of enterprise technology sales. See How operatics 264 00:20:15.990 --> 00:20:22.019 can help your company accelerate pipeline at operatics dotnet. You've been listening to be 265 00:20:22.259 --> 00:20:26.940 tob revenue acceleration. To ensure that you never miss an episode, subscribe to 266 00:20:26.980 --> 00:20:30.420 the show in your favorite podcast player. Thank you so much for listening. 267 00:20:30.460 --> 00:20:30.619 Until next time,

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