26: 5 Tactics to Avoid the Holiday Sales Slump w/ Alex Jakobitsch

January 02, 2019 00:23:47
26: 5 Tactics to Avoid the Holiday Sales Slump w/ Alex Jakobitsch
B2B Revenue Acceleration
26: 5 Tactics to Avoid the Holiday Sales Slump w/ Alex Jakobitsch

Jan 02 2019 | 00:23:47


Show Notes

Many B2B sales leaders and reps believe the holidays put a dip in their sales revenue. As the holiday spirit increases attitude, it often decreases productivity at the office. Some accept the decrease in sales revenue as a sunk cost — holiday slowdown is an inevitability.

Alex Jakobitsch is here to debunk that myth.  

We’ve had a few requests for him, so we asked him to join us for this holiday episode on B2B Revenue Acceleration.

Alex shares his top motivational tools for sales during the holidays. He debunks myths, gives tactics, and ultimately shows that the holidays give more opportunity, not less.
Alex is the VP of EMEA operations here at Operatix, having worked his way through the ranks, starting out setting appointments, then onto managing a team, before he took over the entire EMEA territory.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.520 --> 00:00:08.349 You were listening to bb revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated helping software executive stay 2 00:00:08.390 --> 00:00:12.189 on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. Let's get into 3 00:00:12.230 --> 00:00:15.550 the show. Hi, welcome to be to be a re a new acceleration. 4 00:00:15.830 --> 00:00:18.469 My name is earlien, with you, and I'm here today with Alex 5 00:00:18.469 --> 00:00:22.140 Jacobach from operatics. How are you, Alex? I'm very well. Thank 6 00:00:22.140 --> 00:00:25.660 you right. Thanks for having me. No problem at you are one guest 7 00:00:25.780 --> 00:00:29.179 that I probably the guest since the beginning of the podcast that I know the 8 00:00:29.260 --> 00:00:32.380 best somewhere, that I'm actually working with on the daily basis, because you 9 00:00:32.500 --> 00:00:37.450 are vp of operation in Europe. They are Toperatics, but we've had a 10 00:00:37.729 --> 00:00:42.409 quite a few requests from listen else and also some of our guests, suggestion 11 00:00:42.609 --> 00:00:47.090 about sharing some of the best practices and the intelligence and and giving some of 12 00:00:47.210 --> 00:00:50.880 her top of our secrets away. As to our we we manage to do 13 00:00:50.960 --> 00:00:54.240 what we do. We are toparatic, so we weo be a great way. 14 00:00:54.719 --> 00:00:58.880 Who Have you're taking into the podcast and we picked a topic around motivating 15 00:00:59.000 --> 00:01:03.320 your sales team in stressful times. But before we got started, can you 16 00:01:03.399 --> 00:01:06.790 just tell us a little bit more about yourself and your journey was in operatics. 17 00:01:07.269 --> 00:01:10.390 Yeah, sure, so I've got an interesting journey and I think a 18 00:01:10.469 --> 00:01:12.469 bit of an advocate here in terms of what we like to do, which 19 00:01:12.510 --> 00:01:15.829 is, and I think I speak for nearly everybody in the senior management position, 20 00:01:17.150 --> 00:01:19.900 which is our ethos. And I started at the bottom, and by 21 00:01:19.980 --> 00:01:23.900 that I mean I was employed as a business development executive. I had a 22 00:01:23.980 --> 00:01:26.900 couple of clients and I was on the phone's. I had to earn my 23 00:01:26.099 --> 00:01:30.900 money by delivery meetings, just like every new rape to which I found. 24 00:01:30.060 --> 00:01:34.409 I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the challenge and I enjoyed being able to book, 25 00:01:34.489 --> 00:01:37.170 you know, quality meetings for our clients. I was lucky enough, 26 00:01:37.170 --> 00:01:42.489 after a relatively short period of time, to then take a small team and 27 00:01:42.730 --> 00:01:46.409 manage them directly, and then, as time has gone on, I've been 28 00:01:46.609 --> 00:01:49.719 able to expand that team. We've grown as a business. I've learned a 29 00:01:49.799 --> 00:01:55.359 lot around business and how to run a small business unit and as our reputation 30 00:01:55.560 --> 00:01:59.680 is spread and our good workers come to the for now, after around a 31 00:01:59.680 --> 00:02:01.510 year and a half of managing a smaller subset of the team, I was 32 00:02:01.629 --> 00:02:07.270 promoted to the vice president of a mere operations. Now we've got around seventy 33 00:02:07.349 --> 00:02:13.150 people in Europe reporting directly in to me and a lot of clients and a 34 00:02:13.229 --> 00:02:16.099 fantastic journey so far over the last two and a half years and long may 35 00:02:16.139 --> 00:02:20.939 it continue. Yeah, well, I've been witnessing the journey and you've definitely 36 00:02:20.979 --> 00:02:23.580 ever done away from a from appointment setter, which this kind of the lowest 37 00:02:23.620 --> 00:02:27.939 can of frank you can get with you operatics, to now managing the team 38 00:02:28.020 --> 00:02:31.729 and basically being number one in Europe from an operation prospective is is definitely impressive. 39 00:02:31.810 --> 00:02:35.849 So congratulation to you. So what we want you to talk about? 40 00:02:35.930 --> 00:02:39.330 We are meet December at the time well of recording this podcast, and we 41 00:02:39.490 --> 00:02:45.599 all know that the Christmas and only days player is often ectic and very stressful 42 00:02:45.800 --> 00:02:51.719 as people are on the pressure to meet target deadline and the often lack focused 43 00:02:51.759 --> 00:02:54.159 to get everything done in take. So it's extremely stressful for everyone. We 44 00:02:54.240 --> 00:02:59.310 also have that tly day feeling. So we know that restore seas and individ 45 00:02:59.430 --> 00:03:04.150 yours maybe thinking about their Christmas Funny Day, paying some presents for their familian 46 00:03:04.189 --> 00:03:07.590 or as at great stuff. It's a little bit of an interesting player of 47 00:03:07.629 --> 00:03:10.030 the year. But what would be your advice to sends executive to kid the 48 00:03:10.150 --> 00:03:15.180 focus and concentrate their efforts into it, shooting their targets is are getting distracted. 49 00:03:15.539 --> 00:03:20.419 These are the pressure or the UN needy Paiot. Yeah, and again 50 00:03:20.500 --> 00:03:23.020 we get the same kind of thing in summer, really, and to that 51 00:03:23.139 --> 00:03:25.979 I say well, ironically, actually, the December in the summer months to 52 00:03:27.060 --> 00:03:30.449 some of our best months as a business, and there's a very simple reason 53 00:03:30.490 --> 00:03:31.689 for that. Is it is exactly what you just said. They're right, 54 00:03:32.050 --> 00:03:37.849 and that is people think that everyone's got that holiday feeling and everybody no one's 55 00:03:37.889 --> 00:03:39.849 going to be there and everybody shuts down. But actually that's some of the 56 00:03:39.969 --> 00:03:45.039 best times to call because because everyone else thinks that, they don't bother to 57 00:03:45.159 --> 00:03:47.199 make that extra effort, they don't bother to reach out, they don't put 58 00:03:47.240 --> 00:03:53.240 that call in at six o'clock. And perfect example is just coming into this 59 00:03:53.400 --> 00:03:55.949 now, and I can say this with complete sincerities one of our guys, 60 00:03:57.430 --> 00:04:00.789 but to meetings after thirty of the UK market yesterday and already we've got a 61 00:04:00.990 --> 00:04:04.349 response from the client saying fantastic, can't believe this has happened, and it's 62 00:04:04.389 --> 00:04:08.669 just a testament because people are around. In fact they're in a good mood. 63 00:04:08.909 --> 00:04:12.819 It's Christmas. So if people use that as a negative, I've got 64 00:04:13.020 --> 00:04:16.620 very simple philosophy when it comes to motivating and getting people to maybe revisit their 65 00:04:16.899 --> 00:04:20.259 initial thought structure when it comes to our this is going to be hard. 66 00:04:20.300 --> 00:04:24.370 I'm not no, no, no, older that is just already built. 67 00:04:24.449 --> 00:04:28.209 It excuse. You've got nice and and they're ready for people. Or if 68 00:04:28.290 --> 00:04:30.970 you get question on activity, there's no excuse for not put the same activity 69 00:04:31.050 --> 00:04:35.569 and if anything, you should be looking at this as negative to positive, 70 00:04:35.689 --> 00:04:39.959 and that's one of the yard sticks, I say when it comes to motivating 71 00:04:40.079 --> 00:04:43.839 any team, regardless of it being sales. But in our particular environment, 72 00:04:43.879 --> 00:04:46.759 you've got to look at every single roadblock as a chance to get over and 73 00:04:46.800 --> 00:04:49.279 how you're going to do it. So for me, you look at that 74 00:04:49.519 --> 00:04:53.910 common theory of no one's going to be around to say well, actually, 75 00:04:54.389 --> 00:04:57.509 if everyone else thinks that, then surely is a chance for me to try, 76 00:04:57.870 --> 00:05:00.509 and that's what we do. So it's e easy for me to sit 77 00:05:00.629 --> 00:05:03.670 here and say that, but I pushed the team to put that extra activity 78 00:05:03.829 --> 00:05:08.060 in and also I say, well, what pressure? More pressure we talking 79 00:05:08.100 --> 00:05:10.379 about here, the pressure to go and earn money. I mean, there's 80 00:05:10.579 --> 00:05:13.660 that's what the job is here in the first place. You've done it throughout 81 00:05:13.699 --> 00:05:15.860 the year. I'm telling you that you can do it at this time of 82 00:05:15.899 --> 00:05:18.819 year because we've proven it as a business that these are some of our best 83 00:05:18.860 --> 00:05:23.610 months. That watch. It happened and I put a couple of incentives in 84 00:05:23.689 --> 00:05:27.209 place there as well. And Yeah, and I'm happy to say that most 85 00:05:27.250 --> 00:05:30.170 people realize very quickly that if they put that activity in, the pressures soon 86 00:05:30.410 --> 00:05:34.209 go away. Absolutely my activity, what work. We tend to see with 87 00:05:34.329 --> 00:05:39.600 then to see prospects and by els to be probably more inclined to have a 88 00:05:39.639 --> 00:05:43.079 conversation, I think. I think must of our clients, and it's going 89 00:05:43.120 --> 00:05:46.240 to kind of the main next question, but the wrong the accuses of the 90 00:05:46.319 --> 00:05:50.230 only day. But first of our clients tend to associate a Christmas player as 91 00:05:50.269 --> 00:05:53.670 a Dead Bay. And and I think if you look at it from a 92 00:05:54.269 --> 00:05:58.269 closing perspective, of course, if you don't have a deal already in the 93 00:05:58.389 --> 00:06:00.670 pay plane in octob ill, said thumber, I even June, I even 94 00:06:00.750 --> 00:06:04.740 January from the previous from that year, depending on the lengths of your Sol 95 00:06:04.819 --> 00:06:08.660 say call you will have no chance to find a new bottomunity and because it 96 00:06:08.740 --> 00:06:12.860 in December. However, I do believe in as you said, we see 97 00:06:12.980 --> 00:06:15.980 through the stats and through the Sixer twiving and Bost some of piling Christmas absolutely 98 00:06:16.019 --> 00:06:19.569 from testic paint on Gach. So that's kind of bitting. To my next 99 00:06:19.569 --> 00:06:24.050 question, which is, do you believe that people use the excuse of fully 100 00:06:24.050 --> 00:06:28.569 day to let kick start some projects? I'll delay some of them after the 101 00:06:28.649 --> 00:06:30.250 only day. And and then, most importantly, because I think your answer 102 00:06:30.329 --> 00:06:33.600 will be yes, most importantly, Oh, do you think that can be 103 00:06:33.680 --> 00:06:38.720 avoided? Yeah, exactly. So I think it's amazing how many times that 104 00:06:38.800 --> 00:06:42.079 kind of comes up, and the beauty of that excuse is a lot of 105 00:06:42.120 --> 00:06:45.480 it's based on some of that maybe hasn't been here that long or is made 106 00:06:45.720 --> 00:06:47.670 ten calls that day or has tried it, you know, let's say, 107 00:06:48.230 --> 00:06:51.230 for the first week of July, and then all of a sudden they come 108 00:06:51.269 --> 00:06:55.350 back and give us that feedback. It's a myth. It's a myth that 109 00:06:55.589 --> 00:06:59.990 we dispel on a early basis almost times, basically, and you've got to 110 00:07:00.069 --> 00:07:01.899 ask yourself one question where, and I know you can. You can answer 111 00:07:01.980 --> 00:07:05.259 it from a sales perspective as well, in terms of new business, which 112 00:07:05.259 --> 00:07:09.379 is well, I'm working, you're here, we're talking about it. So 113 00:07:09.500 --> 00:07:12.060 first of all, you're in the office and all of a sudden, in 114 00:07:12.220 --> 00:07:15.220 what world do we live in where all of the sea level people, all 115 00:07:15.300 --> 00:07:17.689 senior management, all decide to go off on a holiday for two months? 116 00:07:18.170 --> 00:07:20.850 Of course it doesn't happen. I mean, I don't know anybody that does 117 00:07:20.970 --> 00:07:24.529 that or has the chance to do it again. And I just repeat what 118 00:07:24.610 --> 00:07:27.569 I said before. It's that chance. Where are if people are assuming that, 119 00:07:27.730 --> 00:07:30.160 then brilliant. Long May it continue. I want them to keep thinking 120 00:07:30.240 --> 00:07:33.040 that, because the longer that they think that, we will just keep cleaning 121 00:07:33.040 --> 00:07:36.920 up and we'll speak to all the people that are at their desks who probably 122 00:07:38.040 --> 00:07:42.480 have maybe a bit more time on their hands in this period because less people 123 00:07:42.519 --> 00:07:46.790 are bothering to contact them for the very reasons that we've discussed. So it's 124 00:07:46.790 --> 00:07:49.589 a myth, easy one to dispel from my perspective, because the stats are 125 00:07:49.589 --> 00:07:53.230 there and the evidence is there. But, like I said, as long 126 00:07:53.269 --> 00:07:55.949 as it as long as the myth keeps going, I'd be happy for people 127 00:07:55.990 --> 00:07:58.509 to keep assuming that, otherwise, you know, it might get a bit 128 00:07:58.550 --> 00:08:01.339 tougher for us to do our job. But again it goes to activity and 129 00:08:01.459 --> 00:08:05.100 it goes to this, the same kind of things we say. When some 130 00:08:05.180 --> 00:08:07.339 of our clients actually say, well, I'm not sure, it's a difficult 131 00:08:07.379 --> 00:08:09.540 period, I'll say, well, okay. Well, if you have much 132 00:08:09.620 --> 00:08:11.899 pipeline, have you got what you need, what you need to close? 133 00:08:11.060 --> 00:08:13.810 If you don't want to start things in December because you think it's a dead 134 00:08:13.850 --> 00:08:16.970 month, we're then going to start it in January and then there's a ramp 135 00:08:18.009 --> 00:08:20.769 up period. Well, why don't we start it now? We're going to 136 00:08:20.810 --> 00:08:24.050 get some results before genuary. The moment generally, the second comes, we're 137 00:08:24.050 --> 00:08:28.120 going to be absolutely on fire being able to be a step ahead rampart period. 138 00:08:28.279 --> 00:08:31.800 There is no negative, it's all positive. Okay. So we've been 139 00:08:31.839 --> 00:08:35.240 focusing very much on the end of her and if I had our probably even 140 00:08:35.279 --> 00:08:39.360 be more relaxed. And thatckening of the schedule that they've got more thim in 141 00:08:39.480 --> 00:08:43.110 your fear. So they wouldn't be more reactive to I can be selling thatches. 142 00:08:43.190 --> 00:08:46.909 I can be his marketing to Chiss such as you mail chorus for a 143 00:08:46.950 --> 00:08:48.950 short touches and all, let's have great so so appreciate that. We spoke 144 00:08:48.950 --> 00:08:52.950 about the best section of our clients, while like well, no, we 145 00:08:52.070 --> 00:08:56.340 constant something in December because it's under is dead, and you know, ultimately 146 00:08:56.419 --> 00:09:01.059 I think we discuss and I think it's fair to agree that they maybe one 147 00:09:01.100 --> 00:09:03.820 week in December, which is basically the last week of December, where people 148 00:09:03.820 --> 00:09:09.179 are getting into the festive fired. But executives, people will really make decision. 149 00:09:09.460 --> 00:09:11.809 Even if they are ways, still need to keep that finger on the 150 00:09:11.889 --> 00:09:15.330 pulse and maybe more reachable during that time that any years of time of the 151 00:09:15.330 --> 00:09:18.490 year. So you see that as an opportunity. Now let's turn towards the 152 00:09:18.570 --> 00:09:22.529 AL team and your people, because that's another element. You know, it's 153 00:09:22.570 --> 00:09:24.799 all good to have that, you can have people being available, etc. 154 00:09:26.039 --> 00:09:28.000 Etc. But you kind of a very bad mindset in L T in what 155 00:09:28.120 --> 00:09:33.080 people are just wearing a Christmas jumper, wants to go to our parties, 156 00:09:33.279 --> 00:09:37.320 wants to have shortter days, the all that sort of great things that come 157 00:09:37.399 --> 00:09:41.629 with the festive spirit. So I want to ask you the question. If 158 00:09:41.909 --> 00:09:45.830 do you believe in motivation, because I've seen you in action. And I 159 00:09:45.870 --> 00:09:48.629 know, as you believe in motivation, and particularly for what we do, 160 00:09:48.789 --> 00:09:52.710 motivation is key. But how can you, as a selles video, make 161 00:09:52.710 --> 00:09:56.379 sure that's your team is feeling motivated through that festive fire, that that break 162 00:09:56.419 --> 00:10:00.379 up? We also spoke about the summer. So let's not just focus on 163 00:10:00.500 --> 00:10:03.019 Christmas, but let's also focus on the summer time where people are only day, 164 00:10:03.019 --> 00:10:07.370 etc. Etc. Because it's a rumor, it's that Meth. But 165 00:10:07.570 --> 00:10:09.289 I'll do you. Make sure that you break that myth and get them to 166 00:10:09.409 --> 00:10:11.889 deliver, get them to be focused on what they do. Well, there's 167 00:10:11.889 --> 00:10:16.889 a I mean there's a business. We've obviously got certain KPIS and things that 168 00:10:16.009 --> 00:10:20.370 we have to hit internally here anyway. So in terms of keeping because, 169 00:10:20.409 --> 00:10:24.000 because you're right, it can be again, you can talk all you like 170 00:10:24.120 --> 00:10:26.159 and and get people to believe it if you like, but the proof, 171 00:10:26.200 --> 00:10:30.200 the proofs always in the pudding. But very simply, we've got upset of 172 00:10:30.240 --> 00:10:33.440 KP eyes as a certain amount of actions that I expect people to do every 173 00:10:33.480 --> 00:10:37.269 day and we monitor that. We Monitor it closely. So there isn't really 174 00:10:37.309 --> 00:10:41.389 ever going to be an avenue where people can't put the activity in in terms 175 00:10:41.429 --> 00:10:46.309 of the motivation. Of course. Then that in turn goes to making sure 176 00:10:46.350 --> 00:10:50.340 that they're doing the basics correctly. So what we would do is will put 177 00:10:50.379 --> 00:10:52.580 a bit more emphasis, let's say, in those months, around making sure 178 00:10:52.620 --> 00:10:56.740 that the guys plan ahead make sure that they structure the day accordingly. So 179 00:10:58.259 --> 00:11:00.899 a lot of our focus when it comes to the end of it each day, 180 00:11:00.980 --> 00:11:03.220 for instance, will be making sure that the moment they get into work 181 00:11:03.289 --> 00:11:07.370 the next day, they've got the next fifteen people that they know that they 182 00:11:07.370 --> 00:11:09.929 can ring and they've got a chance to booking it. So why is that 183 00:11:09.009 --> 00:11:13.090 important? Why does it help with motivation? Well, if you come into 184 00:11:13.129 --> 00:11:16.769 the office and somebody's already got two leads, five leads, seven leads and 185 00:11:16.850 --> 00:11:20.919 it's not even nine o'clock, then that motivates you to try and challenge each 186 00:11:20.919 --> 00:11:24.200 other and it also gives everybody the confidence that the meetings are there, the 187 00:11:24.279 --> 00:11:28.240 leads are there, the engagements are there and the people are there. So 188 00:11:28.679 --> 00:11:31.639 I think it's a bit of a Cliche, but it's very true in how 189 00:11:31.720 --> 00:11:35.190 to motivate a team is success breaths success and if you see your colleagues doing 190 00:11:35.230 --> 00:11:37.230 it, just if you're in a mine. If I'd like to think that 191 00:11:37.350 --> 00:11:39.870 if you're in my team or in our team, you're going to have that 192 00:11:39.990 --> 00:11:46.629 natural competitiveness that comes with being at every good salesperson hand. So it goes 193 00:11:46.669 --> 00:11:48.700 back at you know, we want to go back a little bit further. 194 00:11:48.779 --> 00:11:50.899 Very quickly. It would be around one. What do I see in the 195 00:11:50.940 --> 00:11:54.580 interviews? I want to see that competitiveness on a see inquisitiveness, honestly, 196 00:11:54.980 --> 00:11:58.860 curiosity. I want to see energy. So if I've got those things as 197 00:11:58.899 --> 00:12:03.450 a as a yard stick from the team, all you really need to do 198 00:12:03.850 --> 00:12:07.490 is just put in a couple of incentives. Leaving early, that's fine, 199 00:12:07.570 --> 00:12:09.809 that can happen, but I think more along a long time at team incentives 200 00:12:09.850 --> 00:12:15.759 and getting the team together as one and understanding the best practices. So what 201 00:12:15.879 --> 00:12:18.240 we'll do is we'll have a breakaway session at the end of every day and 202 00:12:18.279 --> 00:12:20.919 we'll say right, okay, what work today for you? What were? 203 00:12:22.039 --> 00:12:24.399 We share best practices and then all of a sudden everybody feels that are part 204 00:12:24.440 --> 00:12:28.600 of a successful unit and a team that's willing to share, as you know, 205 00:12:28.840 --> 00:12:33.549 share knowledge and everybody's out to look after each other. You know, 206 00:12:33.629 --> 00:12:35.190 we're not in an a kind of a jump over each other, wolf of 207 00:12:35.230 --> 00:12:39.269 all street scenario. When it comes to that kind of thing's a very supportive 208 00:12:39.309 --> 00:12:43.870 atmosphere. So I think if you create those things, really the motivation comes 209 00:12:43.909 --> 00:12:48.179 from within and people become self motivated. But you've got to put that environment 210 00:12:48.299 --> 00:12:52.419 there to make sure people feel that they're supported. Okay, well, that's 211 00:12:52.820 --> 00:12:56.019 very good and very comprehensive. Now in some of the incentive you mentioned, 212 00:12:56.059 --> 00:13:01.009 if you you mentioned money, name of Fush are fighting the back and everything. 213 00:13:01.049 --> 00:13:05.169 If you work the big one and just for given advise to our audience, 214 00:13:05.370 --> 00:13:09.049 which one would you say is the one that drive teams the best to 215 00:13:09.169 --> 00:13:15.960 get treason sid of them in in that myth Yud that is is a Christmas 216 00:13:16.320 --> 00:13:18.600 on the summer? That's a very good question. So, without kind of 217 00:13:18.840 --> 00:13:22.879 ignoring that and not giving you an answer fuck that, I'm going to pick 218 00:13:22.919 --> 00:13:26.039 a couple of options, if you don't mind. So what I would say? 219 00:13:26.039 --> 00:13:28.070 It does come down to the virginal individual. We know we're all human 220 00:13:28.110 --> 00:13:31.870 beings at the end of the day. And you know what member of my 221 00:13:31.029 --> 00:13:35.190 team might be a young man that wants to go and watch a football game. 222 00:13:35.710 --> 00:13:39.429 So for me that's a very easy thing to do. Tickets depends where 223 00:13:39.429 --> 00:13:41.309 you go. Of course, if you're a Chelsea fan like me, you 224 00:13:41.429 --> 00:13:43.259 got to save up for three years to go to one game. But let's 225 00:13:43.299 --> 00:13:46.580 just say that. You know, I know for a fact that that that 226 00:13:46.659 --> 00:13:50.659 might be as motivation. I'll put an intensive in there to say, well, 227 00:13:50.700 --> 00:13:54.740 if you overachieve your target by twenty percent, obviously we're in sales here. 228 00:13:54.779 --> 00:13:56.529 I'm never going to say just hit your target, over achieve your target, 229 00:13:56.610 --> 00:14:00.970 then you can go to a Chelsea game. Whatever the next one and 230 00:14:01.169 --> 00:14:03.450 I'll or the next one will be right. Okay. It's a mother of 231 00:14:03.570 --> 00:14:07.049 three take a children to their talk and to house or something like other zoo. 232 00:14:07.169 --> 00:14:11.799 So you look at that and you look at what different things incentivized people 233 00:14:11.919 --> 00:14:16.039 for number one. But I'm afraid will it's a lot of the time it's 234 00:14:16.120 --> 00:14:18.399 money. It and it should be money. But we got a brilliant job 235 00:14:18.519 --> 00:14:22.759 right. We've got a job where you can talk to people, you can 236 00:14:22.840 --> 00:14:26.230 get people to do things that they're necessarily didn't want to do when they woke 237 00:14:26.269 --> 00:14:30.070 up and it's step for their benefit. That and itself is a buzz and 238 00:14:30.190 --> 00:14:33.429 people actually pay you for that buzz. I mean that's what I say to 239 00:14:33.470 --> 00:14:35.110 the team to why don't you want more of it? Do More, and 240 00:14:35.190 --> 00:14:39.460 when they think of it that way generally, when they start to see their 241 00:14:39.500 --> 00:14:43.019 commission, they think, yeah, actually, this, this kind of speaks 242 00:14:43.019 --> 00:14:46.500 for itself. Time off is always going to be a good one, because 243 00:14:46.740 --> 00:14:48.179 who wants to be at work at the end of the day? You know, 244 00:14:48.259 --> 00:14:50.299 we got the weekends, we got the evenings. You know, what 245 00:14:50.419 --> 00:14:54.730 more do they want? But it's tobably on this toy understanding what makes that 246 00:14:54.809 --> 00:14:58.409 individual take and in time of your focus, you drive, you are so 247 00:14:58.769 --> 00:15:03.450 possible. Thanks for answering the question and I agree with you and I think 248 00:15:03.490 --> 00:15:05.690 you need to adapt the incentive to the people you've gotten your team, because 249 00:15:05.690 --> 00:15:09.200 if you've got an incentive for our next box, but you've got lots of 250 00:15:09.240 --> 00:15:11.039 people who don't play video games, I mean, I would you expect to 251 00:15:11.159 --> 00:15:16.000 motivate themselves that? That makes perfect sense and need to adapt to what they 252 00:15:16.000 --> 00:15:18.879 want in that personality. Now my other question still around the insanity, because 253 00:15:18.879 --> 00:15:24.669 I think it's important to produce into this incentives in place and see people being 254 00:15:24.710 --> 00:15:28.950 successful this incentives. Where do you put your focusing time of incentive do you 255 00:15:28.990 --> 00:15:33.029 put your focus in some of the productivity or the quality of the production? 256 00:15:33.269 --> 00:15:35.590 So I guess there is two things you can do. You can you can 257 00:15:35.669 --> 00:15:37.299 just get a lot of volumes, you can get rids of factions, you 258 00:15:37.340 --> 00:15:39.740 can get people and say well, look, if you do, if you 259 00:15:39.899 --> 00:15:46.740 do hundred and fifty actions per day, calls, social emails, whatever, 260 00:15:46.899 --> 00:15:50.409 touches, which is probably twenty five sorty possible and what we would expect the 261 00:15:50.490 --> 00:15:54.409 rest of the year, I'm going to give you that much money. I 262 00:15:54.450 --> 00:15:58.450 would. I give you that. These are that are you actually looking at 263 00:15:58.490 --> 00:16:02.529 the results of the walk and say, well, look, is you can 264 00:16:02.610 --> 00:16:03.840 do as many touch as you want, but for me is really the quality 265 00:16:03.879 --> 00:16:07.840 that matters. Well, do you, or do you focus on both? 266 00:16:07.120 --> 00:16:11.360 Well, yeah, again, yeah, it's pretty much, I'd say, 267 00:16:11.799 --> 00:16:15.080 one of the biggest parts of my job and to use a sporting analogy which 268 00:16:15.120 --> 00:16:18.629 I hope sums it up, it would be troubles for show, doubles for 269 00:16:18.750 --> 00:16:22.470 dough and what I mean by that is you can in Dart, you can 270 00:16:22.549 --> 00:16:26.549 hit the travel twenty as much as you can get down to a finish, 271 00:16:26.669 --> 00:16:30.629 but if you can't finish on a double, all of that stuff that goes 272 00:16:30.669 --> 00:16:33.980 before is a meaningless so what do I mean by that? As an analogy, 273 00:16:33.179 --> 00:16:37.100 so you can book thousands of meetings, you can do hundreds of calls, 274 00:16:37.500 --> 00:16:41.019 but if those are meetings don't happen and they're not of the requisite quality 275 00:16:41.220 --> 00:16:45.899 that I expect and our clients expect, it is meaningless. It's a waste 276 00:16:45.940 --> 00:16:49.210 of time, it's a waste of energy and that's not how we built our 277 00:16:49.250 --> 00:16:55.850 business. So absolutely, we've got some monestor activity because that's our that's our 278 00:16:55.850 --> 00:16:57.809 yard stick, and then we can exactly like you said. They're a you 279 00:16:57.889 --> 00:17:02.759 can start looking at where you can tweak and help and that and make people 280 00:17:02.840 --> 00:17:07.799 more productive. But people buy from people. We build our relationships and sales 281 00:17:07.920 --> 00:17:10.920 is built on trust. That's why, when you go for high level jobs, 282 00:17:11.279 --> 00:17:14.680 people want to know what your contacts are and what your networks like, 283 00:17:15.039 --> 00:17:18.190 otherwise they wouldn't bother and it's the same with us. We need you need 284 00:17:18.269 --> 00:17:22.990 to understand that quality is what keeps our clients and will always keep our clots. 285 00:17:22.029 --> 00:17:25.829 Of course we've got on SLA we expect to hit. We're going to 286 00:17:25.910 --> 00:17:27.269 lose money if we don't hit that SLA in a lot of cases, so 287 00:17:27.349 --> 00:17:33.099 that goes without saying. But you must always endeavor to do the best job 288 00:17:33.180 --> 00:17:36.380 that you can and for me that means that your meetings, if, should 289 00:17:36.420 --> 00:17:38.980 you put them, are attended, are exactly as you said that to the 290 00:17:40.059 --> 00:17:44.019 client that they would be, and there off with the sole intention of getting 291 00:17:44.099 --> 00:17:48.170 our wide and essentially close net new business for our clients. So for me 292 00:17:48.609 --> 00:17:52.609 that will always be the yard stick or to which I look to the team. 293 00:17:52.930 --> 00:17:56.809 Okay, but that that sounds very, very fair. In so we 294 00:17:56.890 --> 00:18:00.640 spoke about the stressful times and we had a bit of a focus in the 295 00:18:00.680 --> 00:18:03.680 conversation because it's worst seasonal I guess, and we're also looking at it from 296 00:18:03.720 --> 00:18:08.839 from the attic of European business, because you add of a European operations. 297 00:18:10.319 --> 00:18:14.109 When do you think are the most stressful time over the cross of the year? 298 00:18:14.150 --> 00:18:15.950 And I think you know it could be stressful time for us, it 299 00:18:17.029 --> 00:18:18.509 could be stressful time for our clients because at the end of the day we 300 00:18:18.589 --> 00:18:22.630 walk with sales people. So I'm expecting them to be, on the other 301 00:18:22.670 --> 00:18:25.710 started amount of stress Agen of the quarter. I'm expecting them to be under 302 00:18:25.710 --> 00:18:27.740 a certain amount of stress at the end of the year, but if you 303 00:18:27.859 --> 00:18:32.859 were to just if we were to defocus from Christmas and look at the whole 304 00:18:32.900 --> 00:18:36.779 year, so if we took two thousand and nineteen, for example, can 305 00:18:36.819 --> 00:18:41.650 you pinpoint for us an audience, when the stressful moments are likely to open? 306 00:18:41.970 --> 00:18:45.809 Because I guess at the end of the days it's about planning. Probably 307 00:18:45.849 --> 00:18:48.849 amounts two months in advance of the stressful moment to make sure, as you 308 00:18:48.849 --> 00:18:51.970 don't have a dumb terms, it's communicating with your team and not waiting the 309 00:18:52.089 --> 00:18:53.650 fifteen of decembers. Tell them all, look, Christmas is coming. Do 310 00:18:53.769 --> 00:18:57.000 anything about it. So you know that twelve our listen, not planning. 311 00:18:57.039 --> 00:19:00.640 Could you, could you pin point when the stressful moment are from your perspective, 312 00:19:00.799 --> 00:19:06.200 and all will be into thousand and nineteen? Yes, and I'll give 313 00:19:06.240 --> 00:19:10.750 you two different response based on a reperspective and and I suppose in terms of 314 00:19:10.789 --> 00:19:15.029 a team and mere perspective for my side. So for my side it would 315 00:19:15.029 --> 00:19:18.990 always be they shouldn't be a time when it should be particularly stressful, very 316 00:19:18.029 --> 00:19:21.990 simply. But and the only time it will do would be if I'm not 317 00:19:22.069 --> 00:19:26.619 planning ahead accordingly. They'll always be dips. That always been changes let's say 318 00:19:26.140 --> 00:19:30.019 in terms of our clients needs and expectations. That's just life. But I 319 00:19:30.099 --> 00:19:33.140 think if, as long as you're making sure that you've got a solid structure, 320 00:19:33.220 --> 00:19:37.180 you plan, you know, like my resourcing is done a month in 321 00:19:37.259 --> 00:19:41.490 advance. Things can change and sometimes I change in my resourcing five times in 322 00:19:41.569 --> 00:19:42.970 a day. That's what I'm paid to do. But you've got to keep 323 00:19:42.970 --> 00:19:47.809 a levelhead and you can't let anything deviate you from from your end goal, 324 00:19:47.890 --> 00:19:52.650 which is making sure that you you plan accordingly. So I would say as 325 00:19:52.690 --> 00:19:55.920 long as you're doing that, you should be able to mitigate against any stress 326 00:19:55.920 --> 00:19:59.599 that may count come your way. I don't look at it in a seasonal 327 00:19:59.680 --> 00:20:02.160 point of view. I look at it from a, you know, a 328 00:20:02.200 --> 00:20:06.319 language point of view, that it may be that there's a requirement urgently and 329 00:20:06.359 --> 00:20:07.269 I'll be honest and I'll say, look, if we can't do it, 330 00:20:07.390 --> 00:20:10.950 we can do it, and I think that that plays a big part in 331 00:20:10.990 --> 00:20:14.390 it. From a reprospective and again I can use my own experience. My 332 00:20:14.549 --> 00:20:18.190 second month was not as good as my first month and I think the biggest 333 00:20:18.190 --> 00:20:22.099 challenge that the reps have in terms of when they find stress is when they're 334 00:20:22.140 --> 00:20:26.700 not performing maybe to their colleague standard or to their own personal standard, and 335 00:20:27.099 --> 00:20:32.460 it's very, very easy to get to motivated and to not pick up that 336 00:20:32.619 --> 00:20:36.289 phone like you would have done before. And that's really where people need to 337 00:20:36.369 --> 00:20:40.450 feel that they've got a supportive environment around them, and that's where myself and 338 00:20:40.529 --> 00:20:42.690 the team will revisit things ago. Right, let's get back to basics a 339 00:20:42.769 --> 00:20:45.769 little bit here. Let's look at how you're structuring the way that you work 340 00:20:47.049 --> 00:20:51.240 and really you take their mind off the stress and you give them activities to 341 00:20:51.279 --> 00:20:56.119 do, you give them a process to follow and by that time they've forgotten 342 00:20:56.119 --> 00:21:00.920 about the stress because they're embedded in other actions. And that requires a lot 343 00:21:00.960 --> 00:21:04.150 of maintenance on a daily basis because, again, you're dealing with human beings 344 00:21:04.190 --> 00:21:07.150 that are going to be up and down, just like you know any business 345 00:21:07.190 --> 00:21:11.269 that relies on a client set, there's going to be things out of your 346 00:21:11.349 --> 00:21:14.509 control. As long as you've got enough in the pipeline, and that means 347 00:21:14.670 --> 00:21:18.190 that you business, that means pipeline for our clients and that means net you 348 00:21:18.309 --> 00:21:21.380 reps coming in. As long as you're on top of that, then you 349 00:21:21.460 --> 00:21:25.579 should be at a position where any stressful events to come, you'll be able 350 00:21:25.619 --> 00:21:30.180 to already have a plan in place to mitigate against them. Okay, so 351 00:21:30.259 --> 00:21:33.250 there is no stressful thing. It's all about being prepared. I like that. 352 00:21:33.809 --> 00:21:36.569 Well, it's like that's the duck analogy. Isn't all this one analogy? 353 00:21:36.609 --> 00:21:40.009 You know, underneath the water the legs are flapping away, but there's 354 00:21:40.009 --> 00:21:44.650 a calm exterior above the water. Like always say to you, rail I'd 355 00:21:44.690 --> 00:21:47.559 love black hair when I joined and now I've got I've got hard any hair 356 00:21:47.599 --> 00:21:49.359 and it's all white. So I'll let you get the charge of whether it's 357 00:21:49.359 --> 00:21:53.279 stressful. Well, main judgment is it's just to look fromtistic so that we 358 00:21:53.319 --> 00:21:56.480 all good. So thanks for all of the legs, I think. I 359 00:21:56.519 --> 00:22:00.319 think it was justseful and I'm charging is taking a look from your advice and 360 00:22:00.799 --> 00:22:03.509 your way of doing things. Basically. Now, if anyone wants to connect 361 00:22:03.509 --> 00:22:08.349 with you, you know doctor long a little bit more about trading sells team 362 00:22:08.470 --> 00:22:12.789 and planning for dreading sells team and are around the boratics. What weld be 363 00:22:12.829 --> 00:22:15.700 the best way to connect with you? Well, I probably say linked tin's 364 00:22:15.700 --> 00:22:19.299 a good way. I'm quite active on Linkedin. Always free to connect with 365 00:22:19.380 --> 00:22:23.700 anybody that wants on a sample, and I'm also also very interested in other 366 00:22:23.740 --> 00:22:29.059 people's ideas when it comes to their thoughts and experiences, but it comes to 367 00:22:29.140 --> 00:22:32.809 either running a team or advice. Because, yeah, I mean we talked 368 00:22:32.849 --> 00:22:37.009 about the challenges that come across as and I think anybody that works in operations 369 00:22:37.130 --> 00:22:40.529 will always know that you've got to juggle all the things at the same time. 370 00:22:40.730 --> 00:22:44.130 It is a fine art, but it's one where I would never change 371 00:22:44.170 --> 00:22:47.680 it, because every day is different and not a lot of jobs. Can 372 00:22:47.720 --> 00:22:52.119 say that I'm contactable by the website as well and all of my contact details 373 00:22:52.119 --> 00:22:55.480 or linked in. Should anybody wants to engage with me further, be happy 374 00:22:55.559 --> 00:22:59.390 to talk. Okay, excellent, what many things again, Alex. it 375 00:22:59.589 --> 00:23:03.910 was great to have younger ship today. Thanks right, operatics has redefined the 376 00:23:03.990 --> 00:23:11.470 meaning of revenue generation for technology companies worldwide. While the traditional concepts of building 377 00:23:11.470 --> 00:23:17.059 and managing inside sales teams inhouse has existed for many years, companies are struggling 378 00:23:17.099 --> 00:23:22.420 with a lack of focus, agility and scale required in today's fast and complex 379 00:23:22.539 --> 00:23:29.089 world of enterprise technology sales. See How operatics can help your company accelerate pipeline 380 00:23:29.130 --> 00:23:34.569 at operatics dotnet. You've been listening to BEDB revenue acceleration. To ensure that 381 00:23:34.609 --> 00:23:38.450 you never miss an episode, subscribe to the show in your favorite podcast player. 382 00:23:40.009 --> 00:23:41.319 Thank you so much for listening. Until next time.

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