27: Short-Term Wins & Long-Term Brand-Building w/ Faye Hawkins

January 16, 2019 00:22:50
27: Short-Term Wins & Long-Term Brand-Building w/ Faye Hawkins
B2B Revenue Acceleration
27: Short-Term Wins & Long-Term Brand-Building w/ Faye Hawkins

Jan 16 2019 | 00:22:50


Show Notes

Everyone knows the value marketing has on the sales cycle. Marketing puts forth an incredible amount of effort to warm clients and accounts. Sales members strive to close deals, often under immense pressure to meet quotas. When these two teams work together, it’s magic.

So this week, we’re listening to Faye Hawkins from First Base Unlimited. Their goal? To help you strategize and determine who your real buyers are, and understand how you can best access and serve the market. On this episode of the B2B Revenue Acceleration podcast, Faye delivers these answers and more.

Faye Hawkins has been defining the face of tech brands for almost 20 years, specializing in B2B software.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.520 --> 00:00:08.150 You were listening to bb revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated to helping software executives 2 00:00:08.150 --> 00:00:11.949 stay on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. Let's get 3 00:00:11.990 --> 00:00:16.469 into the show. Hi, welcome to be. To be a reven new 4 00:00:16.510 --> 00:00:20.390 acceleration. My name is already end with you and I'm here today with Faye 5 00:00:20.550 --> 00:00:23.859 all kinds from first base. Are you doing faith? Yeah, good, 6 00:00:23.940 --> 00:00:26.699 thanks, very nice to see you. Thanks for having me on. No 7 00:00:26.980 --> 00:00:30.780 problem at all. So today we will be talking about some top tips for 8 00:00:31.059 --> 00:00:34.939 first growth marketers. But before we get to start, he can you bleef, 9 00:00:34.979 --> 00:00:37.969 tell us a little bit more about yourself, as well as your company, 10 00:00:38.130 --> 00:00:41.490 First Base? Yeah, sure, so, so fast grade marketing is 11 00:00:41.810 --> 00:00:46.009 what we're all about. So perfectly aligned to our specialist topic here. We 12 00:00:46.090 --> 00:00:51.359 work with technology, B spee companies and we're an agency that helps them put 13 00:00:51.399 --> 00:00:54.520 all the right pieces in place, so taking them to market, helping their 14 00:00:54.600 --> 00:00:58.240 buyers to actually understand what it is that they sell, what the value would 15 00:00:58.240 --> 00:01:00.200 be, getting them in front of the right target audiences, making sure that 16 00:01:00.359 --> 00:01:03.989 we get those buyers to know what it is that we're trying to sell. 17 00:01:06.069 --> 00:01:08.310 We generate the leads. That's always the number one requirement for all of our 18 00:01:08.349 --> 00:01:12.390 clients. So demand generation is very much then the kind of tactic, and 19 00:01:12.510 --> 00:01:17.310 then really just helping the clients to understand how the buyers are behaving. So 20 00:01:17.750 --> 00:01:21.659 there's a huge component of digital marketing where we're looking for, you know, 21 00:01:21.859 --> 00:01:26.420 every touch point, every action, where our buyers are really getting in touch 22 00:01:26.500 --> 00:01:30.340 with us on various channels and I'm really just helping kind of push them toward 23 00:01:30.579 --> 00:01:34.049 the sales conversation. In a nutshell, that's what we do. Excellent, 24 00:01:34.209 --> 00:01:38.730 that sounds that sounds very interesting and very close to what we do. In 25 00:01:38.849 --> 00:01:42.569 a sense, we probably are the next step after that. So that's we've 26 00:01:42.609 --> 00:01:47.129 got a good Ondo something of the value you can bring, and so we 27 00:01:47.280 --> 00:01:53.239 both work with BTB software organization and multi. Our clients, as probably your 28 00:01:53.319 --> 00:01:59.480 clients, are growing at a very first first space, with new technology consistently, 29 00:01:59.760 --> 00:02:02.269 or constantly, shall I say, coming to market. Then there guessing 30 00:02:02.310 --> 00:02:08.229 neurons of Investment Company leading needding to scale their business because they're under pressure from 31 00:02:08.430 --> 00:02:13.990 investors and needing, needing to do it in a very short time phrase in 32 00:02:14.150 --> 00:02:21.580 the first phase environment within market that can quickly adapt their approach to their clients 33 00:02:21.659 --> 00:02:27.259 into that company that companies needs. Your perspective, what are the skills and 34 00:02:27.539 --> 00:02:34.090 talents that you believe marketers in the first changing market need to add? Yeah, 35 00:02:34.370 --> 00:02:38.969 Oud question. I mean there's definitely a skills and expertise component to any 36 00:02:39.129 --> 00:02:44.210 any successful marketing program yeah, you picked up just there that you know, 37 00:02:44.400 --> 00:02:47.039 we work in the kind of industry where it's hugely competitive and you know, 38 00:02:47.080 --> 00:02:51.960 whether you're a startup or an enterprise, business is still have quite a lot 39 00:02:51.960 --> 00:02:54.599 of ground to cover from a marketing point of view. The skills that you 40 00:02:54.719 --> 00:02:59.310 need the number one thing as much as you need the kind of hands on 41 00:02:59.469 --> 00:03:01.430 expertise. Just need to be all over it. We need to have, 42 00:03:01.629 --> 00:03:07.069 you know, the attitude where you're really looking for every single opportunity and learning 43 00:03:07.110 --> 00:03:10.509 really quickly. There's all sorts of tools out there these days, so the 44 00:03:10.990 --> 00:03:16.379 Martek Revolution is absolutely upon us. So every marketer is having to learn new 45 00:03:16.419 --> 00:03:21.460 things every day and we're learning know what kind of new techniques we can put 46 00:03:21.460 --> 00:03:24.020 in place. We're having to get scripps with all the new kind of marketing 47 00:03:24.020 --> 00:03:29.569 automation platforms, different types of tracking software. So technology is really having a 48 00:03:29.650 --> 00:03:34.849 huge impact on how we actually do marketing for software and beat be tech companies. 49 00:03:35.169 --> 00:03:38.650 So it's definitely a component of just need to be quite resourceful. There's 50 00:03:38.650 --> 00:03:42.159 an answer for something everywhere, like how do we do this? What's the 51 00:03:42.240 --> 00:03:46.240 best practice way of doing it? So it's definitely a kind of high paced 52 00:03:46.479 --> 00:03:51.400 environment and you need people that really kind of have that go getting drive to 53 00:03:51.520 --> 00:03:54.240 like get stuff done and learn new things and just make stuff happen, because 54 00:03:54.479 --> 00:03:57.389 in the end that's the thing that makes the difference. You know, we 55 00:03:57.469 --> 00:04:00.830 set out our strategy for all the clients we work with and you know, 56 00:04:00.949 --> 00:04:04.270 we have to adapt really quickly. That's the other thing that we don't know 57 00:04:04.389 --> 00:04:08.550 very often when we start with companies. I mean you'll have the same thing 58 00:04:08.629 --> 00:04:11.939 yourself you start with a startup company, because they may not have done marketing 59 00:04:11.979 --> 00:04:15.780 before. We can set out a paper based plan that makes really good sense, 60 00:04:15.979 --> 00:04:17.860 but we don't know until we actually get a market and how the buyers 61 00:04:17.899 --> 00:04:20.259 are going to behave, what sort of engagement we're going to get, what 62 00:04:20.339 --> 00:04:24.889 sort of response rates we should be looking for. So there's a lot of 63 00:04:25.050 --> 00:04:28.209 optimization and and, you know, kind of looking at what's in front of 64 00:04:28.290 --> 00:04:30.850 you and picking the best path and that's a real skill. So good decision 65 00:04:30.930 --> 00:04:34.410 making short term and along the term, vision of all the things that are 66 00:04:34.529 --> 00:04:39.199 kind of needed to be successful. It's quite a long answer that. There's 67 00:04:39.199 --> 00:04:41.560 quite a lot to it. I guess. Yeah, like it's but it 68 00:04:41.680 --> 00:04:44.399 doesn't make perfect sense because I think you also tell you right. I think 69 00:04:44.439 --> 00:04:46.680 if you look at your organization, if you look at an organization like like 70 00:04:47.160 --> 00:04:53.269 operatics, we are tensions of our clients, cells and marketing to respectively. 71 00:04:53.350 --> 00:04:58.870 Right. So ultimately we would have people coming to us because they want to 72 00:04:58.949 --> 00:05:02.589 accelerate reasult they want to accelerate their route to market, they want to accelerate 73 00:05:03.029 --> 00:05:08.500 pipe and generation Lee generation before that, but ultimately they want to accelerate their 74 00:05:08.579 --> 00:05:11.259 growth. And we see it very, very often, and it's not just 75 00:05:11.459 --> 00:05:15.579 with small startup company that you would expect. You know, I've not really 76 00:05:15.620 --> 00:05:20.970 finalized the strategy. Also see it with larger organizations, some very large public 77 00:05:21.250 --> 00:05:25.649 companies that we work with, when sometimes we've tart with a strategy, but 78 00:05:25.730 --> 00:05:30.970 to along the way, through analysis of results, through voice of the customers, 79 00:05:30.290 --> 00:05:34.689 through the feeling, through our experience of working with other vendors, we 80 00:05:35.040 --> 00:05:39.639 also need to find you our protray at least. Yeah, we need to 81 00:05:39.839 --> 00:05:43.800 and share, but practice is to try to influence clients. But you find 82 00:05:43.800 --> 00:05:46.839 it, you thinkled some things between fence clients. From the writing. That's 83 00:05:46.879 --> 00:05:54.029 a bit of a tricky question. Yeah, I know exactly what you mean 84 00:05:54.069 --> 00:05:58.110 and you know putting, when I put myself in the client shoes, what 85 00:05:58.430 --> 00:06:02.069 they're looking for from us is a degree of certainty. They want to know 86 00:06:02.230 --> 00:06:05.420 and ultimately it always comes down to our way. It's if I make this 87 00:06:05.500 --> 00:06:10.500 investment in marketing or demand generation, what will I get out? And it's 88 00:06:10.579 --> 00:06:14.740 sometimes very, very difficult for the agency or for any marketer to to give 89 00:06:14.779 --> 00:06:16.899 a concrete answer to that. And I think you know a little bit of 90 00:06:18.170 --> 00:06:23.209 marketing does sometimes suffer from from that kind of attitude of it's all very kind 91 00:06:23.209 --> 00:06:27.490 of fluffy and you know, we we're not really kind of nailing our colors 92 00:06:27.529 --> 00:06:30.089 to the post on what we can achieve, but as an agency we try 93 00:06:30.129 --> 00:06:34.279 to get that predictability in place for clients where we can forecast and we can 94 00:06:34.360 --> 00:06:38.480 build a model, but the model requires data. We need to we need 95 00:06:38.519 --> 00:06:41.959 to do some marketing before we can tune it up, and that's where the 96 00:06:42.040 --> 00:06:45.720 responsiveness and the optimization comes in. You know, we have to know how 97 00:06:45.800 --> 00:06:48.069 many, what the download rate is, for instance, and how we're converting 98 00:06:48.110 --> 00:06:55.069 landing page visits to downloads to actually put a ratio in a percentage that says, 99 00:06:55.230 --> 00:06:58.350 okay, if we now increase the traffic by this much, we'll get 100 00:06:58.550 --> 00:07:01.100 this many more downloads. Otherwise, you know, we're going to say, 101 00:07:01.100 --> 00:07:04.259 okay, let's do some marketing, we'll just hope for the rest. So 102 00:07:05.060 --> 00:07:08.980 it's sure that it's quite I mean, I do you understand? You know, 103 00:07:09.019 --> 00:07:11.379 absolutely. We have to understand it from the clients point of view as 104 00:07:11.420 --> 00:07:13.540 well, and it would help, though. I think, you know, 105 00:07:13.579 --> 00:07:15.970 they're looking for certainty. We can we can give them a plan that has 106 00:07:16.009 --> 00:07:19.889 all the kind of you know, worked out strategy and loads of experience and 107 00:07:19.930 --> 00:07:23.490 best practice in there. We can give them a target and say this is 108 00:07:23.529 --> 00:07:26.449 what we think we can achieve if we go ahead and do this, but 109 00:07:26.730 --> 00:07:30.040 we're going to have to actually, you know, adapt as we go and 110 00:07:30.120 --> 00:07:32.399 learn as we go, and that's something that often yeah, I do think 111 00:07:32.439 --> 00:07:35.879 clients, you know, they don't like to have that conversation necessarily because it 112 00:07:36.240 --> 00:07:40.000 almost feels like, you know, we're not sure that it will work either, 113 00:07:40.360 --> 00:07:42.519 which there is a degree of because you know, we don't know for 114 00:07:42.600 --> 00:07:46.470 sure if it will work unless we do it. Absolutely now. Completely agree 115 00:07:46.470 --> 00:07:49.589 with you on the point you mentioned a war. That is we spoke consture, 116 00:07:49.589 --> 00:07:56.189 remember exactly in which podcast. But you mentioned flirty as an efective going 117 00:07:56.389 --> 00:08:01.339 after marketing and and I controquel exactly and I think of that conversation actually came 118 00:08:01.379 --> 00:08:05.500 up a few times. But there is almost called a fluffy marketing. Is 119 00:08:05.860 --> 00:08:09.620 More like the long term marketing, which is actually very important. Know the 120 00:08:09.779 --> 00:08:13.050 long term. What I would you build job bread, the after the short 121 00:08:13.129 --> 00:08:16.209 term, which is of the other thing that you mentioned, such as, 122 00:08:16.250 --> 00:08:20.089 okay, let's generately now. Let's get people coming onto the website less of 123 00:08:20.290 --> 00:08:24.009 to maize, that's have some compings, let's let's make it very simple for 124 00:08:24.089 --> 00:08:28.319 people to contact us and get in touch with us when the vain process. 125 00:08:28.720 --> 00:08:31.399 So I guess, man. Ex question to you is any marketer needs to 126 00:08:31.440 --> 00:08:37.639 find a balance between show of winds and long down Brend building. I'll do 127 00:08:37.720 --> 00:08:43.029 that. Yeah, that is the ultimate question from marketing. I'm so glad 128 00:08:43.070 --> 00:08:48.149 you're asked. And so it comes down to it comes down to a couple 129 00:08:48.149 --> 00:08:50.830 of things and it also comes down to being prepared to stick at it. 130 00:08:52.470 --> 00:08:54.950 Is kind of the number one thing that, you know, we've learned in 131 00:08:54.269 --> 00:09:00.179 our years of working with no tons of different technology clients and the short term 132 00:09:00.259 --> 00:09:05.620 requirement is often the justification for continuing to invest in marketing. So, for 133 00:09:05.740 --> 00:09:09.379 instance, you know we'll have a client to say we've got a fixed budget 134 00:09:09.700 --> 00:09:13.690 and we want you to go ahead and put the marketing plan together. We'll 135 00:09:13.730 --> 00:09:16.169 do what we do and we'll come back with here are the leads that we've 136 00:09:16.210 --> 00:09:18.450 generated for you. Off You go and you know, as you say, 137 00:09:18.850 --> 00:09:22.850 there might well be some kind of operatics involvement or some kind of lead development 138 00:09:22.970 --> 00:09:28.320 just to get them into them selves pipeline. But ultimately it's about it's about 139 00:09:28.320 --> 00:09:31.279 bombs on seats at that level and that is the number one thing when lots 140 00:09:31.279 --> 00:09:35.320 of clients are looking to us as an agency. We have to deliver that. 141 00:09:35.759 --> 00:09:37.080 But the other thing that goes hand in hand with it is what is 142 00:09:37.159 --> 00:09:43.070 the cost of that lead? So the cost per lead is more important, 143 00:09:43.149 --> 00:09:46.789 arguably, than how many leads have can we generate, because you know, 144 00:09:46.470 --> 00:09:48.990 you can buy as much traffic as you want. It's a question of how 145 00:09:50.070 --> 00:09:54.100 expensive should the traffic be for you to actually get the wheels to turn? 146 00:09:54.179 --> 00:09:58.179 From the marketing point of view, and this is where the longer term approach 147 00:09:58.299 --> 00:10:01.620 really can't starts to come into its own, because even if you invest in 148 00:10:01.700 --> 00:10:05.100 the short term in brand, you have this kind of juxtaposition where the better 149 00:10:05.220 --> 00:10:09.929 known the brand is, and particularly for kind of start up businesses, they 150 00:10:09.970 --> 00:10:13.570 have this equation that they have to find a balance for where you know they're 151 00:10:13.570 --> 00:10:16.049 not necessarily very well known as a brand. They might have an amazing product. 152 00:10:16.210 --> 00:10:18.730 They know exactly who they're going to go and target. But if we 153 00:10:18.850 --> 00:10:22.240 go and knock on those doors, from a marketing perspective, maybe we use 154 00:10:22.399 --> 00:10:26.039 in mail, we might use sponsored content, might use Google ads. We 155 00:10:26.120 --> 00:10:28.960 can get in front of those people, but their next question is, who 156 00:10:30.000 --> 00:10:33.200 are these guys and when will you know? Will they be around in two 157 00:10:33.200 --> 00:10:37.070 years time? If I buy their software now, what sort of service contract 158 00:10:37.070 --> 00:10:39.110 can I really expect? And that comes down to brand and you know, 159 00:10:39.190 --> 00:10:43.470 ultimately, you know we we have a lot of discussions with kind of senior 160 00:10:43.509 --> 00:10:48.389 leaders and the people who sign checks for marketing where you know we're looking at 161 00:10:48.429 --> 00:10:52.659 investing in the brand. They don't see that as a helpful thing from a 162 00:10:52.700 --> 00:10:56.379 balance sheet point of view, but it does mean that overall you'll get much 163 00:10:56.379 --> 00:10:58.940 better performance out of your marketing and you will grow faster. It's just less 164 00:10:58.980 --> 00:11:03.340 tangible in the metrics. So that's the tricky thing. The other thing, 165 00:11:03.340 --> 00:11:05.009 though, we kind of proven with a couple of plants where we work with 166 00:11:05.009 --> 00:11:09.370 them, one kind of longer term relationships. The Ideal Marketing Program is twenty 167 00:11:09.450 --> 00:11:11.769 four months in a plan. It's not six months, it's not three months, 168 00:11:13.169 --> 00:11:16.330 not even twelve. And you know, over over twenty four months, 169 00:11:16.570 --> 00:11:20.159 you can put both a short term and a long term plan together and you 170 00:11:20.279 --> 00:11:24.720 can look to bring down the cost per lead because investing in the brand means 171 00:11:24.879 --> 00:11:28.120 that you will generate more leads that are organic or are cheaper to buy. 172 00:11:28.639 --> 00:11:31.950 So overall the Roy if you look at it over a longer term period, 173 00:11:33.029 --> 00:11:35.950 that's a far better way of doing it rather than how many leads can I 174 00:11:35.029 --> 00:11:41.470 get over a short term period starting from zero? And that's always the complicated 175 00:11:41.549 --> 00:11:43.269 bit when we're they're trying to talk to clients, because it does take a 176 00:11:43.269 --> 00:11:46.820 leak of faith if you're just trying to get started in a market, particularly 177 00:11:46.860 --> 00:11:50.299 if you're a kind of fast, great business and it yeah, it's a 178 00:11:50.379 --> 00:11:56.259 difficult, difficult conversation to having a tough challenge. Absolutely, but I guess 179 00:11:56.299 --> 00:11:58.100 you saw some. My next question. Do you have what would be our 180 00:11:58.220 --> 00:12:03.850 top tips for the startups organization or those technology companies to develop a successful marketing 181 00:12:03.889 --> 00:12:07.970 strategy? And so you found us on the way with what you're saying. 182 00:12:07.970 --> 00:12:13.370 Is that really realize that on't need to long term plan, but really get 183 00:12:13.450 --> 00:12:16.960 the best of a marketing strategy which you should have is a twenty four months 184 00:12:16.039 --> 00:12:24.159 plan in which you have tactical shot up impact on pipeline as. Yeah, 185 00:12:24.799 --> 00:12:28.159 long of them, longer term strategy that will help you to put your brains 186 00:12:28.240 --> 00:12:35.350 forward, reasonates to your customers and you timately accelerate the rhythm on your technical 187 00:12:35.470 --> 00:12:37.309 compings and to that extense, redio, shocker, spalt, that isn't the 188 00:12:37.429 --> 00:12:41.830 right summ things. That's exactly what I'm saying. Brilliant. Thank you. 189 00:12:41.909 --> 00:12:48.299 Right, all, write that down. I'm listening. And but that leads 190 00:12:48.340 --> 00:12:50.299 me to it was our question around around the lead, for we we think 191 00:12:50.340 --> 00:12:56.659 about the leads and and we we always have different definition of fleets. Yeah, 192 00:12:56.779 --> 00:12:58.850 and I appreciate you know, I think you and I had conversation in 193 00:13:00.049 --> 00:13:03.649 the patterns what led to the podcast to day and in you know, knowing 194 00:13:03.690 --> 00:13:05.970 each other, which is how do we bridge the gap between the work that 195 00:13:07.090 --> 00:13:11.690 you guys do and actually sells? Okay, yeah, because and I feel 196 00:13:13.039 --> 00:13:16.600 I feel for for individual like yourself, a feel for marketers, because we 197 00:13:16.799 --> 00:13:20.679 work very closely to sell team. We work with fantastic cells. Team also 198 00:13:20.720 --> 00:13:26.120 work we sells individuals that are probably a little bit more picky come of what 199 00:13:26.240 --> 00:13:30.629 they want. We also sometimes work with teams that are a bit more tactical. 200 00:13:30.909 --> 00:13:33.950 So it could be a reseller, it could be a partner or it 201 00:13:33.029 --> 00:13:39.149 could be an insight cell steam who have sometimes they expect the leads to be 202 00:13:39.549 --> 00:13:41.980 you know, if there is not a project in three months or if there 203 00:13:41.059 --> 00:13:43.500 is at a project in six months, this is not a good lead. 204 00:13:43.820 --> 00:13:50.340 Okay, which is great if you are in the commodity business, which is 205 00:13:50.539 --> 00:13:54.259 great if you like the very low value, I. Volume, and you 206 00:13:54.340 --> 00:14:00.570 want to share and you don't have the time to have the time to what. 207 00:14:01.250 --> 00:14:03.850 Basically, you don't have space for any additional custo cells to be put 208 00:14:03.970 --> 00:14:09.409 in because the average deal values to look but how do you get that and 209 00:14:09.610 --> 00:14:13.840 shake done from a transfer of fleets perspective, to make sure that you know, 210 00:14:15.240 --> 00:14:18.519 first of all, people are actually walking the lise that you are providing 211 00:14:18.840 --> 00:14:22.000 them? Yeah, and not just from walking the lands. Doesn't mean, 212 00:14:22.080 --> 00:14:24.350 okay, I'm gonna give them a call or send them any man if they 213 00:14:24.350 --> 00:14:28.389 don't respond to such a good lead. It must be done properly. But 214 00:14:28.509 --> 00:14:31.950 I'm interesting to Amos on know you do that, because obviously I know that 215 00:14:31.269 --> 00:14:35.909 we are doing you and we're working togethering doing that for the same clients. 216 00:14:35.990 --> 00:14:39.659 But when we are not involve, what are the challenges that you see and 217 00:14:39.820 --> 00:14:43.259 what are the solution that you are bringing them? Of End of our process, 218 00:14:43.340 --> 00:14:46.379 to make sure that you know, most of the art work that you 219 00:14:46.580 --> 00:14:50.059 do is actually not only the perceived as good, but also, yeah, 220 00:14:50.659 --> 00:14:54.730 done it into good. Because, yeah, okay, when you're marketer, 221 00:14:54.250 --> 00:14:58.889 the job of marketing is that to probate qualified opportunities for me or lead. 222 00:14:58.929 --> 00:15:01.370 That is the CO unity string on six months time, easy qualified opportunity. 223 00:15:01.570 --> 00:15:05.409 So someone and should do that. Your job is to find that first touch, 224 00:15:05.529 --> 00:15:09.200 that first interest. So yeah, that's that's kind of my long wound. 225 00:15:09.240 --> 00:15:15.279 Yeah, question to you no, and again it's another really big topic 226 00:15:15.440 --> 00:15:18.759 and there's no one size fits all approached here. There's all sorts of different 227 00:15:20.360 --> 00:15:24.190 factors to consider. But I absolutely agree with you that the the role of 228 00:15:24.269 --> 00:15:30.429 marketing is to is to generate interest from buyers. We are not selling to 229 00:15:30.549 --> 00:15:33.830 people, we are helping the salespeople understand who they should be talking to to 230 00:15:33.909 --> 00:15:37.460 then go ahead and sell to them. So I completely agree with you and 231 00:15:37.500 --> 00:15:39.820 I think there's a there's a lot of, I guess, kind of industry 232 00:15:41.740 --> 00:15:46.059 confused usion, frustration maybe about some of the terminology that's really been adopted in 233 00:15:46.139 --> 00:15:52.210 B Tob. So the MQL's are mark putting qualified lead had such a massive 234 00:15:52.289 --> 00:15:56.809 range of different interpretations and definitions across our client base, and with good reason 235 00:15:56.970 --> 00:16:03.129 in part. Sometimes it reflects the sales organization that exists inside the clients. 236 00:16:03.250 --> 00:16:07.759 So, for instance, you know if you've got tons of BIZ DAD or 237 00:16:07.759 --> 00:16:12.759 lead development telemarketing inside sales team, for instance, you need more volume, 238 00:16:12.960 --> 00:16:15.559 you need less qualified leads, you just need a lot of them. And 239 00:16:15.799 --> 00:16:19.269 so the definition of mql at that point could literally just be a download. 240 00:16:19.590 --> 00:16:22.950 It's not very well qualified. But there's an expectation that's kind of set there 241 00:16:23.029 --> 00:16:26.629 between marketing and sales that quits. A high volume of them will be returned 242 00:16:26.629 --> 00:16:30.190 to marketing for nurture, and that's fine as long as it's understood. But 243 00:16:30.350 --> 00:16:33.940 we also have the opposite end of the spectrum sometimes where, you know, 244 00:16:33.019 --> 00:16:37.980 we're marketing is expected to qualify the leads, but we want them now, 245 00:16:37.299 --> 00:16:41.659 and you know that it takes time to qualify leads that come through in the 246 00:16:41.700 --> 00:16:45.500 same way because they will have, you know, come through from whatever the 247 00:16:45.740 --> 00:16:48.370 the kind of engagement is, but that doesn't mean that they want to buy. 248 00:16:48.529 --> 00:16:52.769 So we we can we can look at intent, we can understand, 249 00:16:53.049 --> 00:16:56.049 no, which channels and what sort of funnelvelocity in all these, you know, 250 00:16:56.169 --> 00:17:00.169 kind of ways of figuring out who look like the highest priority that would 251 00:17:00.169 --> 00:17:03.319 convert to sale. But at the same time it's still it's still requires a 252 00:17:03.359 --> 00:17:07.400 sales discussion, it still requires an appointment, it still requires the sales assessed 253 00:17:07.960 --> 00:17:11.119 and it's sometimes that line is quite blurred about, you know, how far 254 00:17:11.160 --> 00:17:15.750 along the whole of the buyer journey in marketing should actually continue to engage. 255 00:17:17.069 --> 00:17:18.910 It's always a good one for discussion. I mean what we do for quite 256 00:17:18.910 --> 00:17:22.509 a lot of clients is is trying to nail that down from the start, 257 00:17:22.549 --> 00:17:26.470 because it's super important for marketing and sales to get off on the right foot. 258 00:17:26.630 --> 00:17:30.099 You know, we need to all understand exactly what we mean by lead, 259 00:17:30.299 --> 00:17:33.420 to your first point, and we try to define what are the lead 260 00:17:33.500 --> 00:17:36.779 stages. Very, very often, you know, there's some kind of existing 261 00:17:36.900 --> 00:17:40.019 crm, so sales force or whatever it might be, that the sales folks 262 00:17:40.059 --> 00:17:44.259 are all used to using, and we can work with that. We just 263 00:17:44.369 --> 00:17:48.930 need to understand what that intersection point is between whenever we create a marketing lead, 264 00:17:49.490 --> 00:17:52.130 how does it actually populate? Who Does it go to? How do 265 00:17:52.210 --> 00:17:56.210 we actually put that kind of automation bit in place and complete the return path? 266 00:17:56.369 --> 00:17:59.599 So if it's not a lead, give it back, we'll have it 267 00:17:59.680 --> 00:18:02.480 back, thank you, or do some lead nature. We'll see if we 268 00:18:02.519 --> 00:18:04.680 can qualify them again and if not, then you know, what do you 269 00:18:04.680 --> 00:18:08.680 what we need to do on the marketing side. So there's definitely there's good 270 00:18:08.720 --> 00:18:11.519 kind of structure that can we can put in place to kind of set up, 271 00:18:11.799 --> 00:18:15.950 you know, what should that hand over look like between marketing and sales? 272 00:18:15.829 --> 00:18:18.430 But again, you know, it needs to fine tuning. We need 273 00:18:18.470 --> 00:18:22.910 to work out. You know what can marketing practically do and you know how 274 00:18:22.990 --> 00:18:25.750 to sales need to come to the party to do the next bit if we're 275 00:18:25.750 --> 00:18:29.099 not able to qualify. It so hard from the marketing point of view, 276 00:18:29.140 --> 00:18:32.579 I think you know, as we discussed only on because at the end of 277 00:18:32.579 --> 00:18:36.579 the COOPIG is fast growth marketers. I think, coming back to a point 278 00:18:36.660 --> 00:18:40.140 that you mentioned, what we see with most of our clients is that we 279 00:18:40.259 --> 00:18:42.529 have to adapt. We have to change this qualification. We've got to change 280 00:18:42.609 --> 00:18:45.849 the way we pass some too sleaves, we've got to change the way we 281 00:18:45.930 --> 00:18:49.529 communicate or we need to change the reporting. So you may start with a 282 00:18:49.609 --> 00:18:52.609 company and they say, you know what, we want absolutely everything because we 283 00:18:52.690 --> 00:18:56.319 need to stick to people with to get out there, and then they get 284 00:18:56.359 --> 00:19:00.480 to a position where they actually have a amount of pipeline and then they can 285 00:19:00.519 --> 00:19:03.599 want of pressure to close the business. So yeah, probably let's interested by 286 00:19:03.680 --> 00:19:11.150 the lower level or less qualified leads and then you may have an internal team 287 00:19:11.230 --> 00:19:14.710 coming in and then that internal team will just do the qualification and you know 288 00:19:15.150 --> 00:19:18.230 all it could be. Don't do puts to the channel. But the strategy 289 00:19:18.670 --> 00:19:22.190 always tend to change every six months from what we see. So I think. 290 00:19:22.230 --> 00:19:25.660 I think, coming back to the point that you mentioned earlier, that 291 00:19:25.819 --> 00:19:30.380 leading over process and that return. Look, I agree needs to be defend 292 00:19:30.380 --> 00:19:33.980 at the beginning and everybody needs to end shake sales, marketing and US professional 293 00:19:34.140 --> 00:19:38.849 services to players. But I think it's also very important to discuss about it 294 00:19:38.890 --> 00:19:42.369 on the quarterly Bas and just to make sure that it's still fitting the needs 295 00:19:42.690 --> 00:19:47.009 and fitting the requalt from the management of the clients. And to the point 296 00:19:47.049 --> 00:19:49.529 you mentioned earlier, it's about adapting, it's about adding people. It can 297 00:19:49.609 --> 00:19:53.519 do the analysis, listening to the signals from the clients, understanding all the 298 00:19:53.599 --> 00:20:00.039 structure for clients and dose fast growing company are developing and, based on the 299 00:20:00.119 --> 00:20:03.160 way they develop, provide suggestion on hey, this is all we search and 300 00:20:03.319 --> 00:20:08.269 search when they were exactly understand same stage of growth as you, we would 301 00:20:08.269 --> 00:20:11.549 suggest, but entually putting that processing place, and we actually end up doing 302 00:20:11.589 --> 00:20:15.990 a lot of that, helping also to get to the next stage. You 303 00:20:15.069 --> 00:20:18.750 know, do so almost like a staircase. You get to a certain level 304 00:20:18.789 --> 00:20:22.660 of provenue and then you need to get better and better and better and to 305 00:20:22.740 --> 00:20:26.740 go up you need to change and change. It is difficult and I guess 306 00:20:26.779 --> 00:20:30.619 the good news for organization like yours and ours is that we've been doing it 307 00:20:30.740 --> 00:20:33.900 with many clients, so we can come up with a we can come up 308 00:20:33.940 --> 00:20:37.170 with that's wonderfully well, thanks for that pain, I'm sure. I'm sorry. 309 00:20:37.170 --> 00:20:41.369 It was very useful for all audience to listen to the tips and the 310 00:20:41.450 --> 00:20:48.250 information you shall and all the intelligence around the way you perceive things. And 311 00:20:48.009 --> 00:20:52.400 now, if anyone wants to connect with you or to learn more about your 312 00:20:52.519 --> 00:20:56.279 company, first base, what's the best way to get in touch with you? 313 00:20:56.960 --> 00:21:02.799 Well, we always opened some conversations with technology companies that be looking to 314 00:21:02.839 --> 00:21:06.029 grow. So you know whether there's they were already doing marketing or you know 315 00:21:06.109 --> 00:21:08.390 right at the beginning and if that journey best way to get in touch is 316 00:21:08.430 --> 00:21:11.309 probably take a look at our website and have a look at some of the 317 00:21:11.390 --> 00:21:15.549 case studies that we've got on their various different types of client at different types 318 00:21:15.589 --> 00:21:22.059 of marketing. The website address is www dot it's hit first Basecom, hyt 319 00:21:22.619 --> 00:21:26.859 first and then be a ssaycom. You'll find quite a few different examples of 320 00:21:27.099 --> 00:21:30.700 kind of services that we offer. We do all sorts of different things for 321 00:21:30.779 --> 00:21:34.049 some clients, some clients. It's full service marketing where literally outsource all of 322 00:21:34.130 --> 00:21:37.970 it and we'll take care of hitting the number. And for others, you 323 00:21:37.009 --> 00:21:41.609 know, we fill in around existing in house expertise. So you know, 324 00:21:41.690 --> 00:21:44.410 we can add, you know, certain bits of components of the whole marketing 325 00:21:44.490 --> 00:21:47.640 programs, whatever's needed really. So, yeah, I shall look forward to 326 00:21:47.880 --> 00:21:52.599 where, yeah, continuing conversations and some of our share clients hopefully will have 327 00:21:52.640 --> 00:21:56.160 found a little collaboration here interesting to absolutely what. That's great. Many things 328 00:21:56.200 --> 00:22:00.549 again, Fada was wonderfully too. Was wonderfully twelve younger. Thank you right, 329 00:22:00.670 --> 00:22:03.470 it's great, really good fun. Thanks for having me on. Thank 330 00:22:03.509 --> 00:22:11.029 you. operatics has redefined the meaning of revenue generation for technology companies worldwide. 331 00:22:11.069 --> 00:22:17.859 While the traditional concepts of building and managing inside sales teams inhouse has existed for 332 00:22:18.019 --> 00:22:22.779 many years, companies are struggling with a lack of focus, agility and scale 333 00:22:22.180 --> 00:22:29.700 required in today's fast and complex world of enterprise technology sales. See How operatics 334 00:22:29.819 --> 00:22:36.210 can help your company accelerate pipeline at operatics dotnet. You've been listening to BEDB 335 00:22:36.329 --> 00:22:40.849 revenue acceleration. To ensure that you never miss an episode, subscribe to the 336 00:22:40.890 --> 00:22:44.920 show in your favorite podcast player. Thank you so much for listening. Until 337 00:22:45.000 --> 00:22:45.400 next time,

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