29: Key Considerations for Marketers in Cyber-Security w/ Gily Netzer

January 30, 2019 00:16:33
29: Key Considerations for Marketers in Cyber-Security w/ Gily Netzer
B2B Revenue Acceleration
29: Key Considerations for Marketers in Cyber-Security w/ Gily Netzer

Jan 30 2019 | 00:16:33


Show Notes

Gily Netzer has been working in the cybersecurity sector for almost 20 years.

She’s worked with startups such as Illusive Networks and large brands, like Symantec.

As you can imagine, she’s witnessed quite the evolution in the industry.

One major challenge marketers like Gily face in the cybersecurity space is that it can be difficult to sell a product to customers who do not see the need for it.

Another challenge facing marketing VP’s like Gily is finding creative ways to break through the noise.

On today’s episode of the B2B Revenue Acceleration podcast, Gily joined us to talk about her experience with this challenge as a marketer in cybersecurity. She also shared some key considerations to keep in mind as you work towards closing deals.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.560 --> 00:00:08.349 You were listening to bb revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated helping software executive stay 2 00:00:08.390 --> 00:00:12.189 on the cutting edge of sales and marketing and their industry. Let's get into 3 00:00:12.230 --> 00:00:16.989 the show. Hi You, welcome to be to be a revenue acceleration. 4 00:00:17.309 --> 00:00:20.829 My name is Orion mutier and I'm here today with Gilli Nets, or from 5 00:00:20.870 --> 00:00:24.140 illusive networks. How are you today, Gili? Hey, right, I'm 6 00:00:24.219 --> 00:00:28.059 great. Thank you for inviting me. No Price, absolute pleasure. So 7 00:00:28.379 --> 00:00:32.979 today we will be talking about the evolution of marketing in Cyber Security, but 8 00:00:33.100 --> 00:00:36.049 before we go into details, can you please tell us a little bit more 9 00:00:36.090 --> 00:00:41.609 about you, your marketing journey within the BB cyber security market and your experience 10 00:00:41.689 --> 00:00:45.729 with net market? Sure. So, I actually have been doing marketing in 11 00:00:45.810 --> 00:00:50.280 the securities space for the last almost twenty years. We startups and also with 12 00:00:50.399 --> 00:00:55.799 technology corporates. I started with a company called Lbit. It's an international technology 13 00:00:56.039 --> 00:01:00.640 company with the defense, homelade, security and commercial programs, including see four 14 00:01:00.679 --> 00:01:07.030 I sr, which is command control, communication, computers, intelligence and surveillance, 15 00:01:07.069 --> 00:01:08.870 and then I wrote at Finn John, which is a start up that 16 00:01:10.109 --> 00:01:14.590 offered a secure web gateway solution. From there I moved to m systems, 17 00:01:14.629 --> 00:01:18.780 which is a flash storage solution company that was acquired by the leader in the 18 00:01:18.819 --> 00:01:23.340 space called Sandisk. It's an American company and although it's in storage company, 19 00:01:23.780 --> 00:01:29.299 I did work at the Mobile Security Solutions Group. So security again. After 20 00:01:29.420 --> 00:01:33.930 that point, the majority of my focused as a market here was the traditional 21 00:01:34.090 --> 00:01:38.370 marketing, like product design, packaging, user interface of the solution, events, 22 00:01:38.489 --> 00:01:44.370 conferences, public relations, website content and so on. Okay, that's 23 00:01:44.450 --> 00:01:49.719 that sounds wonderful. Something that's interest me than and is a twenty years experience 24 00:01:49.799 --> 00:01:53.840 in the stable security market and the fall Tro you've been obviously walking from different 25 00:01:55.000 --> 00:01:59.439 companies as well. So I'd like to under songs from your perspective what you've 26 00:01:59.519 --> 00:02:04.030 seen, or where you have seen the markets evolving and where, well, 27 00:02:04.150 --> 00:02:07.949 the major changes that you witnessed from a marketing perspective in the Saber Security Market. 28 00:02:08.430 --> 00:02:13.509 Yeah, that's a good question. So from a marketing perspective, around 29 00:02:14.110 --> 00:02:17.020 ten plants years ago, the marketing to a shift, you know, from 30 00:02:17.060 --> 00:02:22.659 the traditional marketing I was telling you about, into playing a bigger role from 31 00:02:22.659 --> 00:02:27.539 a business perspective, working together with sales to generate pipeline and revenues. So 32 00:02:27.900 --> 00:02:32.250 with that new systems were introduced into marketing from sales force that was used up 33 00:02:32.289 --> 00:02:38.090 to that point by sales people, through marketing automation tools like Eloqua, Marquette, 34 00:02:38.090 --> 00:02:42.490 hub spot of course more digital constant contents, indication and so on. 35 00:02:43.210 --> 00:02:47.360 The the switch for me start started in my episode with the Standis, but 36 00:02:47.560 --> 00:02:52.919 mostly it was in my time with SEMANTEC. So after Sundays Guy, I 37 00:02:53.039 --> 00:02:55.680 started working for semantic. I was there for eight years. So that's, 38 00:02:55.759 --> 00:03:00.909 you know, huge software company. At the time when I joined it was 39 00:03:00.990 --> 00:03:07.389 Twentyzero people and actually they were combination because they bought a lot of companies throughout 40 00:03:07.389 --> 00:03:09.669 the years. One of them was very task, which is a storage and 41 00:03:09.789 --> 00:03:15.219 disaster recovery company, but then half of the portfolio was security. We're talking 42 00:03:15.259 --> 00:03:20.460 about, you know, hundreds of products the semantic is offering, and so 43 00:03:20.659 --> 00:03:23.900 my career and knowledge evolved a lot with that company and with the business. 44 00:03:24.539 --> 00:03:29.090 So for the last two years with elusive as a VPPI marketing, I was 45 00:03:29.210 --> 00:03:35.009 back to the startup environment, doing everything from strategy to execution. Now getting 46 00:03:35.090 --> 00:03:38.689 to the other part of your question, from a technology perspective, there has 47 00:03:38.729 --> 00:03:42.680 been a lot of changes, but I just refer to the changes which were 48 00:03:42.879 --> 00:03:46.719 imposed due to the increased connectivity in the past few decades. So about twenty 49 00:03:46.719 --> 00:03:51.319 years ago the connectivity started to rise, you know, with the introduction of 50 00:03:51.479 --> 00:03:54.000 cell phones, Internet, set light and so on. A few years later 51 00:03:54.240 --> 00:04:00.310 connectivity became even more advanced with Wi fi, smartphones, social media, online 52 00:04:00.669 --> 00:04:04.949 shops and so on, and so these connectivity aments brought with them a lot 53 00:04:04.990 --> 00:04:10.939 of breakings, like progress and productivity for businesses and for the people. However, 54 00:04:11.060 --> 00:04:15.780 it started creating security gaps which attackers could exploit and continue to exploit, 55 00:04:15.019 --> 00:04:19.819 and so, in the past decade and simple, connectivity became more hyper and 56 00:04:19.939 --> 00:04:26.930 cross connected with the introduction of cloud thus, byod that tax surface expands. 57 00:04:27.170 --> 00:04:30.529 Is Businesses to, you know, choose to be agile and have to be 58 00:04:30.610 --> 00:04:34.410 agile and innovate, and so they adapt, they adopt mw technologies of connectivity. 59 00:04:34.810 --> 00:04:40.120 So at the end of the day, attackers leverage this increasing security gaps 60 00:04:40.199 --> 00:04:45.560 due to connectivity and the attacks become more advanced throughout the years as the organization's 61 00:04:45.600 --> 00:04:50.319 adapt this technology transformation, and so also from hacking tools where and are expots 62 00:04:50.399 --> 00:04:55.430 through the years, and so they allow even the lower level attackers to execute 63 00:04:55.470 --> 00:05:00.389 sophisticated attacks and so organization to bridge the gaps with cyber investments and this, 64 00:05:00.670 --> 00:05:03.310 you know, this is what I've been seeing in the last few years. 65 00:05:04.230 --> 00:05:09.980 That's really interesting from a marketing perspective personally because, as you just describe very 66 00:05:10.060 --> 00:05:13.779 well in a very simple web that I liked it because it was very, 67 00:05:14.180 --> 00:05:18.300 very articulate, the cyber security market has been evolving and I think what a 68 00:05:18.420 --> 00:05:24.689 witness from my perspective is that new solution are coming to solve problem that people 69 00:05:24.810 --> 00:05:30.050 have not add yet. We almost like an urance or prevention for something that 70 00:05:30.209 --> 00:05:33.050 may put in should really happen. And I think from marketing perspective, from 71 00:05:33.329 --> 00:05:39.040 doing the markets here role, you almost have to you know, it's a 72 00:05:39.160 --> 00:05:43.079 different way of selling. It's a when you add see mount take and they 73 00:05:43.160 --> 00:05:46.319 have maybe hundred product, but a good part of them may be commodity product. 74 00:05:46.680 --> 00:05:50.389 People may know. It's about pis about people being about able to find 75 00:05:50.430 --> 00:05:54.589 you. When you actually living with new solution, trying to be on the 76 00:05:54.750 --> 00:05:58.350 edge of that that market, trying to be innovator in that market, then 77 00:05:58.389 --> 00:06:01.670 you have almost to create your own market. So from a marketing perspective, 78 00:06:01.990 --> 00:06:06.779 and it's maybe also a very simple question and the most celebrate, but I'll 79 00:06:06.779 --> 00:06:12.579 go with it again. But would you think is driving the marketing strategies to 80 00:06:12.699 --> 00:06:15.339 engage with the market? Is it? Is it actually the market here that 81 00:06:15.459 --> 00:06:18.370 needs to find new tactic to create demands around new solution, or is it 82 00:06:18.490 --> 00:06:23.889 the buyer, the actual end user that you know, as you mentioned, 83 00:06:24.170 --> 00:06:28.730 everything got digit all people are telling us that. We hear from the lake 84 00:06:28.810 --> 00:06:32.000 of Gardners serious decision and all those people at customers are doing more and more 85 00:06:32.079 --> 00:06:36.199 research online before buying something. But again, if you're selling them save your 86 00:06:36.240 --> 00:06:41.000 security in a solution that they may not know about because it's not a prand 87 00:06:41.040 --> 00:06:44.639 the develop experience. Yet you got expect them to find you online of do 88 00:06:44.759 --> 00:06:46.750 a research online. So I guess, majst question is, when you are 89 00:06:46.750 --> 00:06:51.189 into that innovative parts and creating the demon do you have to add up to 90 00:06:51.269 --> 00:06:55.870 the customers or do you have to create your own tactic as a Marketerel to 91 00:06:56.310 --> 00:06:58.949 go and find them? I think you know at the end of the day, 92 00:06:58.949 --> 00:07:01.819 and I'm not sure if it's answering your question, the cyber security market 93 00:07:01.980 --> 00:07:05.860 is become very, very crowded, with a lot of companies and like you 94 00:07:05.899 --> 00:07:10.540 said, innovation that needs to breach the gap of what you know, the 95 00:07:10.860 --> 00:07:15.089 technology has created and we need to find the creative way to break through the 96 00:07:15.170 --> 00:07:20.009 noise right and to get the attention. So with all those companies, cyber 97 00:07:20.089 --> 00:07:25.370 companies and startups, of offering a great variety of solutions and they, by 98 00:07:25.410 --> 00:07:28.689 the way, they cater to the different attack life cycle stages, you know, 99 00:07:28.810 --> 00:07:32.319 from prevention to preemption, detection and response. We are all fighting. 100 00:07:32.480 --> 00:07:35.199 We, I mean the vendors or you know, we are all fighting for 101 00:07:35.279 --> 00:07:42.519 the customers budgets and attention. But we have to remember that there are different 102 00:07:42.600 --> 00:07:46.430 stakeholders for the different solutions, depending on the industries and the segments. I 103 00:07:46.589 --> 00:07:50.629 think there are a few things to think about, to name a few key 104 00:07:50.709 --> 00:07:54.750 ones right in the short time that we have. So one thing, of 105 00:07:54.870 --> 00:07:58.149 course, what is what is your go to market strategy? For example, 106 00:07:58.269 --> 00:08:01.660 do you do through the channel, partnerships or direct right sales and marketing? 107 00:08:03.220 --> 00:08:05.379 There are many other go to market decisions to make, but this is really 108 00:08:05.459 --> 00:08:11.420 completely different. Maybe episode with you. But then another consideration to make in 109 00:08:11.620 --> 00:08:16.769 your journey to get the attention of the customer. Then who is your ideal 110 00:08:16.889 --> 00:08:20.730 customer? Profile and what are the functions to play, decisionmaking or in even 111 00:08:20.810 --> 00:08:26.209 influential or functional rules that you need to interact with and how? And so 112 00:08:26.370 --> 00:08:30.399 then you need to make sure that you are clear not just on your customer 113 00:08:30.439 --> 00:08:33.720 or the ideal customer profile, but also on the use cases and the challenges, 114 00:08:33.960 --> 00:08:39.480 and then optimize your company's messaging to be balanced between the solution features and 115 00:08:39.639 --> 00:08:43.710 the benefits that they pose to the different use cases. I would say the 116 00:08:43.870 --> 00:08:48.669 next step is, you know, really rolling up your sleeves with, you 117 00:08:48.750 --> 00:08:52.029 know, tactics and execution that aim to get the attention of your customer and 118 00:08:52.389 --> 00:08:56.659 at the right time. I think the context for me is a combination of 119 00:08:56.779 --> 00:08:58.700 the use case and the timing. So you need to be there in the 120 00:08:58.740 --> 00:09:03.179 right context, in the right time and with the right, let's say, 121 00:09:03.259 --> 00:09:07.019 solution for the use stays at stake. And for me, the keys to 122 00:09:07.100 --> 00:09:13.289 deploy a combination of tactics into a multi touch approach, from leadership with speaking 123 00:09:13.330 --> 00:09:18.330 engagements, I mean thought leadership, with speaking engagement, articles, analyst relations, 124 00:09:18.450 --> 00:09:22.049 blogs, white papers, all of that kind of stuff, through demand 125 00:09:22.129 --> 00:09:26.159 generation, with conferences, events, appointment setting with be Dr's. You know, 126 00:09:26.360 --> 00:09:31.799 companies such as yourself that offers such services, contents, indication programs and 127 00:09:33.240 --> 00:09:37.830 more on the digital side, like advertisement, social post engagements, different op 128 00:09:37.909 --> 00:09:41.070 it amplifications, by the way. Today, thank you. Can See more 129 00:09:41.110 --> 00:09:45.590 and more, and I believe Gardner was mentioning that as well, they see 130 00:09:45.669 --> 00:09:50.629 twenty five percent of the marketing budget going towards the email ads, organic search, 131 00:09:50.909 --> 00:09:54.379 you know, Seo Social and so on. That's a really important pillar 132 00:09:54.700 --> 00:09:58.659 in your plan. And and finally, also not just the thought leadership and 133 00:09:58.740 --> 00:10:03.259 the demand generation, but also pipeline acceleration is also very key, because often 134 00:10:03.340 --> 00:10:07.049 you can see situation where market tars create a lot of leads but then there 135 00:10:07.090 --> 00:10:11.730 reason even even convert them into appointments and and early stage opportunities. But then 136 00:10:11.809 --> 00:10:16.169 the challenge will be to convert the early stage opportunity to the next stage and 137 00:10:16.250 --> 00:10:20.720 the next stage seeing them going up the pipe. So pipeline acceleration, whether 138 00:10:20.759 --> 00:10:26.559 it's with customer references or ABM programs, you know, targeting specific accounts. 139 00:10:28.039 --> 00:10:31.240 That's that's in the Natchell I guess. Yeah, lots. That's for you 140 00:10:31.399 --> 00:10:33.120 for I think it so to also your question. You you haven't so my 141 00:10:33.159 --> 00:10:37.710 question. I guess. The only element I would add thatuch is a the 142 00:10:37.750 --> 00:10:41.789 question I would ask you is how much of the tactics, so without going 143 00:10:41.789 --> 00:10:45.429 into the details, but how much of the tactics are a kind of trial 144 00:10:45.509 --> 00:10:50.139 and measure versus, you know, tactics that are actually you're replicating something from 145 00:10:50.139 --> 00:10:54.620 another company or from something that you've done in the past? Because we're talking 146 00:10:54.659 --> 00:10:58.940 about evolving. So with involvement, with evolution, I'm expecting a constant change. 147 00:11:00.340 --> 00:11:03.620 So I'll do you as a back it to adapt your tactic. Is 148 00:11:03.659 --> 00:11:07.809 it just about measuring the results of each compaign? Is it about listening to 149 00:11:07.889 --> 00:11:11.529 people like Gardner and going to the events and picking up ages? I would 150 00:11:11.570 --> 00:11:16.730 you evolve with the market and alogy you make sure your tactics are evolving with 151 00:11:16.889 --> 00:11:20.399 not only the cyber security market, the way by other are interacting, except 152 00:11:20.639 --> 00:11:24.200 etc. And also what we mentioned, the crowded market. So you need 153 00:11:24.240 --> 00:11:28.000 to be a bit different. So I'm interested to those on all you, 154 00:11:28.559 --> 00:11:31.799 without going into details, but how you have been able over the years to 155 00:11:31.200 --> 00:11:35.830 always keep on your tools and evolving with that market evolving around. So it's 156 00:11:35.909 --> 00:11:41.750 been different depending on the company that you work with. So you know clearly 157 00:11:41.789 --> 00:11:45.669 it's very different from a corporate to start up. But even within it start 158 00:11:45.750 --> 00:11:48.340 up, it depends if you are in a very early stage start up where 159 00:11:48.419 --> 00:11:52.740 the category is still not defined, or whether you are in a later stage 160 00:11:52.899 --> 00:11:58.860 start up when the category is defined, customers are locating budgets, analyst already 161 00:11:58.899 --> 00:12:01.370 talking about the company and so on and so forth. This really makes a 162 00:12:01.450 --> 00:12:05.730 difference, for one, the tactics that you deploy to how you measure them 163 00:12:05.850 --> 00:12:09.450 and then how you evolve. As an example, you know, the very 164 00:12:09.529 --> 00:12:16.679 early stage start up that doesn't have any any relationships with prospects, customers. 165 00:12:16.840 --> 00:12:22.960 Maybe it's even a very new category of technology. Yeah, I imagine gjority 166 00:12:22.039 --> 00:12:26.559 of these investment will will be, you know, one on the PR and 167 00:12:26.559 --> 00:12:31.269 analyst relations, but secondly, if you want to generate demand, if you 168 00:12:31.389 --> 00:12:37.269 want to collect contact in order to do some digital marketing, especially today in 169 00:12:37.309 --> 00:12:39.269 the age of GDP, are you can just, you know, buy list 170 00:12:39.429 --> 00:12:43.340 and market to them. So what you usually would be doing a lot is 171 00:12:43.539 --> 00:12:46.700 going where the customers already are, because they will not come to you. 172 00:12:48.059 --> 00:12:50.860 So you go and you spend a lot of money on events and conference sponsorships 173 00:12:50.980 --> 00:12:54.899 because the market is already there. So you just pay for a booth and 174 00:12:56.059 --> 00:13:00.049 pay to be on stage and then when you are there physically and and all 175 00:13:00.129 --> 00:13:03.210 the crowd is around there, whether you know whether your sponsor infosecurity in Europe 176 00:13:03.289 --> 00:13:07.889 or our say, or any other smaller activity in any country, then you 177 00:13:09.009 --> 00:13:13.519 go to where the customers are. Once you obtain, you know, stronger 178 00:13:13.720 --> 00:13:18.080 relationships, more thought leadership and awareness in the market and relationships possibly also with 179 00:13:18.200 --> 00:13:24.799 channel and with other partners, then you have more flexibility on what you can 180 00:13:24.879 --> 00:13:28.269 do. Clearly. Clearly, you also will invest in, you know, 181 00:13:28.789 --> 00:13:31.950 in Seo, for organic so people will find you when they search Google for 182 00:13:33.350 --> 00:13:37.590 the related topics. But as time evolves and your company evolves with you, 183 00:13:37.750 --> 00:13:43.539 you can look at additional tactics within the marketing so that your demand generation will 184 00:13:43.620 --> 00:13:48.419 not only come from these conferences and events but, idea, from a variety 185 00:13:48.460 --> 00:13:52.179 of different tactics, as I mentioned before, in sort of like almost an 186 00:13:52.259 --> 00:13:56.610 equal ways. Or you're not only dependent on one thing. You can do 187 00:13:56.769 --> 00:13:58.649 contents, indication, you can create a lot of content, you can do 188 00:13:58.769 --> 00:14:03.809 appointment setting, you can do a PM. But going back to how I 189 00:14:03.929 --> 00:14:07.129 started, it really depends on the startup, on the industry, on the 190 00:14:07.370 --> 00:14:09.960 on the category, if it exists, and really on the stage of the 191 00:14:11.000 --> 00:14:13.200 start up. But of course, today, in today's world, you always 192 00:14:13.200 --> 00:14:18.080 have to be data driven, numbers driven, check what brings you most profitability 193 00:14:18.519 --> 00:14:22.039 each campaign, each expense, and understand, you know, for one company 194 00:14:22.080 --> 00:14:24.950 Webinars will work, for another they will not work. Sure so, also 195 00:14:26.070 --> 00:14:31.389 the customer. Also the customer many times will will be the difference of what 196 00:14:31.590 --> 00:14:33.470 you choose to do. Yeah, absolutely, and I think I think to 197 00:14:33.590 --> 00:14:37.950 your point as well. Do the more of the organization, the closer you 198 00:14:37.990 --> 00:14:41.379 will be to the founder of the closer you will be with the people who 199 00:14:41.419 --> 00:14:45.500 actually spend the money and the more likely you are to be able to report 200 00:14:45.539 --> 00:14:48.019 on a return and making sure that you know if he even if you've got 201 00:14:48.100 --> 00:14:52.970 to tactic that will take a little bit of time to really develop and generate 202 00:14:52.250 --> 00:14:56.769 opportunities and deals and revene. For the cells team, you are more likely 203 00:14:56.850 --> 00:15:01.210 to be scrutinizing in a small organization and a large one. Having said that, 204 00:15:01.330 --> 00:15:03.570 we've got some very large customer scrutinize things quite a lot, which is 205 00:15:03.730 --> 00:15:07.090 really good on them, because this is the way you would work. So 206 00:15:07.200 --> 00:15:09.360 thanks for that, JEM. Really appreciate your time and insight on the on 207 00:15:09.440 --> 00:15:13.360 the question today. I think it was really useful to get your views and 208 00:15:13.600 --> 00:15:16.360 mentioned the fit is some very interesting point which kind of led me to the 209 00:15:16.440 --> 00:15:20.039 question of if someone wants to get in touch with you, so someone from 210 00:15:20.080 --> 00:15:24.149 audience, we've got a few of our listener as well, can to carry 211 00:15:24.190 --> 00:15:26.669 on the conversation. If you will be on the podcast or a due to 212 00:15:26.789 --> 00:15:31.149 the networkx or whatever, what is the best way to get old of you, 213 00:15:31.269 --> 00:15:33.110 Gideon, to find you? The best way I would be on Linkedin. 214 00:15:33.470 --> 00:15:37.700 Anyone can get in with me and I'll be happy to to chat and 215 00:15:37.820 --> 00:15:41.100 to help and thank you, of course, sorry for inviting me to this 216 00:15:41.220 --> 00:15:43.700 episode. I was very happy to participate. Many thanks for your time. 217 00:15:43.779 --> 00:15:50.769 You was great having on the show today. operatics has redefined the meaning of 218 00:15:50.970 --> 00:15:56.450 revenue generation for technology companies worldwide. While the traditional concepts of building and managing 219 00:15:56.490 --> 00:16:02.690 inside sales teams inhouse has existed for many years, companies are struggling with a 220 00:16:02.769 --> 00:16:07.559 lack of focus, agility and scale required in today's fast and complex world of 221 00:16:07.679 --> 00:16:15.799 enterprise technology sales. See How operatics can help your company accelerate pipeline at operatics 222 00:16:15.000 --> 00:16:21.350 dotnet. You've been listening to BEDB revenue acceleration. To ensure that you never 223 00:16:21.389 --> 00:16:25.669 miss an episode, subscribe to the show in your favorite podcast player. Thank 224 00:16:25.669 --> 00:16:26.750 you so much for listening. Until next time.

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