3: Adding a Human Touch in a Digital Sales World w/ Rob Billington

July 10, 2018 00:16:54
3: Adding a Human Touch in a Digital Sales World w/ Rob Billington
B2B Revenue Acceleration
3: Adding a Human Touch in a Digital Sales World w/ Rob Billington

Jul 10 2018 | 00:16:54


Show Notes

Getting the most out of your sales technology tools and your lead generation partner relationship takes planning and communication.  To execute on your prospecting efforts, you have to put the tools in the hands of the right people and then provide consistent feedback to tweak the process.

Rob Billington shares how to effectively build this process and help your salesforce communicate your value and your company culture in a crowded marketplace.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.080 --> 00:00:04.320 It's still comes down to people by people. First, someone needs to be 2 00:00:04.440 --> 00:00:12.750 able to build a repport and open a relationship. You're listening to BB revenue 3 00:00:12.750 --> 00:00:18.070 acceleration, a podcast dedicated helping software executive stay on the cutting edge of sales 4 00:00:18.109 --> 00:00:23.539 and marketing in their industry. Let's get into the show. Hi, welcome 5 00:00:23.620 --> 00:00:26.980 to be to be a rivn acceleration. My name is onion with you and 6 00:00:27.019 --> 00:00:30.260 I'm here today with Rub Billington from macmhon, how are you roup today? 7 00:00:30.379 --> 00:00:33.659 Yeah, very well, thanks, right. Perfect. So, ROB, 8 00:00:33.740 --> 00:00:37.929 today we wanted to take some time with you to talk about the human touch 9 00:00:38.250 --> 00:00:42.289 in a in a digital sellers world. But before we go into the details 10 00:00:42.329 --> 00:00:44.929 of and get into the question, can you please give us a bit of 11 00:00:45.210 --> 00:00:49.130 background for yourself as well as mcmun and what the company does? Yeah, 12 00:00:49.210 --> 00:00:52.280 sure, thanks. That right. So, my name is Rob Billington and 13 00:00:52.359 --> 00:00:57.960 the UK country manager for macmon. I joined the company last year really to 14 00:00:58.079 --> 00:01:00.960 take on the platform that we'd already built in the UK and to accelerate the 15 00:01:02.039 --> 00:01:06.549 growth for that where European company headquartered out of Berlin. We've been going for 16 00:01:06.709 --> 00:01:11.230 fifteen years. Have a very strong footprint in mainland Europe with over nine hundred 17 00:01:11.469 --> 00:01:17.390 clients and the idea now is to emulate some of that in the UK as 18 00:01:17.430 --> 00:01:21.140 a company where in the knack space, which is network access control, and 19 00:01:21.219 --> 00:01:25.739 we're helping companies to get full visibility of every thing on their network, which 20 00:01:26.219 --> 00:01:30.180 is becoming more and more critical with the rise of Iot, bring your own 21 00:01:30.219 --> 00:01:33.890 device and a whole load of things that are just coming on to networks. 22 00:01:33.930 --> 00:01:41.010 It's give people visibility from the perspective of security network infrastructure and compliance is obviously 23 00:01:41.010 --> 00:01:44.290 a key thing for them. So that's what we're all about. Okay, 24 00:01:44.450 --> 00:01:48.959 very, very interesting and thanks for that. So let's dive into the conversations. 25 00:01:49.439 --> 00:01:53.840 We had the opportunity to discuss this offline, but we all know that 26 00:01:53.200 --> 00:02:00.400 over the last few years the technology landscape to help cells and marketing professionals as 27 00:02:00.879 --> 00:02:06.109 incredibly evolved. We know that there is many amazing tools that are supposed to 28 00:02:06.189 --> 00:02:12.110 support business acceleration, marketing acceleration, replace the human touch and in a way 29 00:02:12.509 --> 00:02:20.219 accelerate pipeline generation or reduce the administration time from a marketing ourselves individual to increase 30 00:02:20.300 --> 00:02:23.379 their productivity in speaking with prospect and I guess you know what I'd like to 31 00:02:23.460 --> 00:02:27.300 start with to us. You a wide open question, but based on your 32 00:02:27.460 --> 00:02:30.930 your experience, and I know that Mac money is not your first GIG and 33 00:02:30.169 --> 00:02:34.849 you you've been in the cells industry for for a little while yourself. What 34 00:02:35.009 --> 00:02:38.689 are your sorts on all these technology and the way the market is going? 35 00:02:38.169 --> 00:02:43.050 That's a great question and I think the first thing I'd say is that when 36 00:02:43.090 --> 00:02:50.800 I started in it sales and sales before that, marketing technology when I started 37 00:02:50.919 --> 00:02:53.680 was a fresh yellow pages. who were so it certainly come on a long 38 00:02:53.719 --> 00:02:59.349 way since then and you're absolutely right. There are some fantastic tools out there. 39 00:02:59.750 --> 00:03:04.550 When we look at how crm has developed, the amazing range of plugins 40 00:03:04.669 --> 00:03:09.990 for Crm, whether that be tools that crawl around for new stories, that 41 00:03:10.150 --> 00:03:14.300 come up with new contact names for us, that put all of that sort 42 00:03:14.419 --> 00:03:17.699 of thing together, it's great and those tools are really important and do have 43 00:03:17.819 --> 00:03:22.740 a place yet. However, where I think it comes back to is that 44 00:03:22.860 --> 00:03:25.419 they are just tools and, like any tool, that needs a skilled, 45 00:03:25.699 --> 00:03:30.729 trained, motivated operator to use it effectively. Again, going back to it, 46 00:03:30.930 --> 00:03:36.530 when I started telesales and telemarketers, we're very much seen as an entry 47 00:03:36.530 --> 00:03:39.210 level. In twy t sales, it was the bottom run of the sales 48 00:03:39.250 --> 00:03:44.439 ladder and they were given the yellow pages and given the task of generating leads. 49 00:03:44.919 --> 00:03:50.000 I think now they've become a much more important business critical function. So 50 00:03:50.680 --> 00:03:53.719 actually to not just have the tools but to have the people around those tools 51 00:03:53.800 --> 00:03:58.789 and implementing them properly. We all know it's a lot more difficult to get 52 00:03:58.909 --> 00:04:02.030 hold of key contacts within an organization. It used to be they could hide 53 00:04:02.030 --> 00:04:08.110 behind a gatekeeper. Now that gatekeeper isn't someone that you can be nice to 54 00:04:08.310 --> 00:04:11.020 and butter up and find out when a boss is going to be available. 55 00:04:11.219 --> 00:04:15.180 That gatekeepers an electronic voice smile. It's people continually not being in the office. 56 00:04:15.420 --> 00:04:18.540 Even if you've got their mobile number. It can be a real struggle 57 00:04:18.579 --> 00:04:24.220 to get hold of people. So it needs a very diligent, persevering approach 58 00:04:24.769 --> 00:04:29.329 to how we communicate with our prospects. So, yes, whilst the tools 59 00:04:29.370 --> 00:04:31.970 are good, all the technology in the world won't be able to qualify an 60 00:04:31.970 --> 00:04:38.529 opportunity that you know, something like Marquetta or ranking won't be able to test 61 00:04:38.569 --> 00:04:43.680 understanding and to build rapport with a customer and to get that level of understanding 62 00:04:43.920 --> 00:04:47.160 commitment needed to build a long term relationship with a client. And the other 63 00:04:47.240 --> 00:04:51.399 thing on it is that, as the whilst these tools are useful, they're 64 00:04:51.399 --> 00:04:57.670 expensive and for a single organization to buy an array of tools and make that 65 00:04:57.790 --> 00:05:02.069 sort of investment is a very difficult call to to take. So I'm all 66 00:05:02.149 --> 00:05:08.860 for the development of them and see them as really useful, but unless those 67 00:05:08.899 --> 00:05:14.060 key personnel or there to understand what they're seeing in terms of the information that's 68 00:05:14.100 --> 00:05:18.259 being provided and utilize that, they sit there as tools that need to be 69 00:05:18.339 --> 00:05:23.170 utilized. Absolutely I think that makes a lot of sense. Is it almost 70 00:05:23.209 --> 00:05:27.810 sounds like it's. There is a big arsenal of tools that are available to 71 00:05:27.889 --> 00:05:30.449 use, but like any tool, you need to put them in the right 72 00:05:30.490 --> 00:05:33.209 ends. And that kind of fleed me to some of the conversation that's Una 73 00:05:33.410 --> 00:05:39.600 and adding the past and obviously for some of our listener we rub an I 74 00:05:39.680 --> 00:05:42.600 at your bottom. Need to walk together in the person to support each other, 75 00:05:43.120 --> 00:05:48.439 and I remember you always speaking about intelligent led lead generation process and the 76 00:05:48.600 --> 00:05:55.509 influence of the individual in that marketing process as well as in that cells process. 77 00:05:56.189 --> 00:05:58.910 From your perspective, and again, from while you're sitting right now, 78 00:05:58.990 --> 00:06:03.069 where do you see the humantage being the most critical or the most important as 79 00:06:03.230 --> 00:06:09.139 part of the process, because I completely agree with you. amachined ultimately cannot 80 00:06:09.139 --> 00:06:13.699 qualify your Manchine or not yet. Cannot close a dealer machine, cannot get 81 00:06:13.740 --> 00:06:17.500 into a complex cell cycles. But what would you say? The humantage is 82 00:06:17.540 --> 00:06:21.009 the most important from your perspective? Brought on the marketing and the cells aspect. 83 00:06:21.610 --> 00:06:26.730 Now that's right, and it's still comes down to people by people. 84 00:06:26.970 --> 00:06:31.089 First, someone needs to be able to build a repport and open a relationship. 85 00:06:31.370 --> 00:06:35.839 When we're talking about getting through to decision makers, it's still needs someone 86 00:06:35.920 --> 00:06:42.079 to be able to broach that first conversation and start moving things forward. And 87 00:06:42.160 --> 00:06:45.759 if you look at this particular industry that we're in in the text base, 88 00:06:46.199 --> 00:06:49.550 I read a report the other day that there are over five hundred new tech 89 00:06:49.629 --> 00:06:55.069 vendors that will be trying to get into the UK market in the next twelve 90 00:06:55.189 --> 00:07:00.149 months. So that's a huge volume of new vendors creating phone calls, putting 91 00:07:00.149 --> 00:07:05.180 out messages. There'll be lots and lots of electronic marketing and unless there is 92 00:07:05.259 --> 00:07:10.500 someone that can pick up a phone and strike up a conversation to cut through 93 00:07:10.620 --> 00:07:14.180 the rest of the volume, the message that Mac mom wants to put across 94 00:07:14.620 --> 00:07:19.850 to customers about our fantastic services really becomes very diluted and amongst the noise of 95 00:07:20.089 --> 00:07:24.089 everything else that's going on. And of course those five hundred are going to 96 00:07:24.129 --> 00:07:27.569 be competing with the companies that are already here, and some of those are 97 00:07:27.649 --> 00:07:31.319 big players that are very established. I think from a personal point of view, 98 00:07:31.360 --> 00:07:35.720 with Mac one we've then got the the added challenge we've got one thing 99 00:07:35.879 --> 00:07:40.560 to talk about, which is network access control. So when we start a 100 00:07:40.759 --> 00:07:46.310 conversation with someone when we're obviously going to talk about network access control, it's 101 00:07:46.350 --> 00:07:49.790 what we do and we don't discover necessarily all the other things that are going 102 00:07:49.910 --> 00:07:56.189 on in that organization. We don't perhaps find out about the the big network 103 00:07:56.310 --> 00:08:00.459 refresh they're going to do, about the anti virus work, about upgrading their 104 00:08:00.579 --> 00:08:03.300 fire walls, and that's the same for all of these other companies that are 105 00:08:03.740 --> 00:08:09.740 talking about single things. A lot of the information they hear they can't utilize 106 00:08:09.779 --> 00:08:13.769 because it doesn't apply to them. So so much of the conversation is almost 107 00:08:13.769 --> 00:08:18.769 an irrelevance to what it is you're trying to get out. But that first 108 00:08:18.850 --> 00:08:24.850 initial conversation with a client. So for me, intelligence led is all about 109 00:08:24.850 --> 00:08:31.759 an organization like operatics having multiple conversations around multiple topics with multiple end users, 110 00:08:33.120 --> 00:08:37.279 and what that means is that actually you end up with this huge pool of 111 00:08:37.360 --> 00:08:41.269 knowledge and it might well be that one of your staff is talking to a 112 00:08:41.429 --> 00:08:46.909 potential customer about anti virus and that guy goes you know what, I'm not 113 00:08:46.070 --> 00:08:50.549 spending any money on anti virus for the next twelve months because everything I'm doing 114 00:08:50.669 --> 00:08:56.139 is is a big network refresh and for the Anti Virus Guy that's not great 115 00:08:56.220 --> 00:09:01.179 news, but you've got other clients that suddenly that becomes really useful information for. 116 00:09:01.620 --> 00:09:07.620 So it's that intelligence led marketing is is to have really that sort of 117 00:09:07.659 --> 00:09:11.009 three hundred and sixty view of the market and be able to put all of 118 00:09:11.129 --> 00:09:16.330 those loose ends together and be able to build pictures that make sense to somebody 119 00:09:16.730 --> 00:09:18.850 cap's. That's really where I come in it from and where I see the 120 00:09:18.929 --> 00:09:24.840 value of an organization like operatics to us, and thanks for I think it's 121 00:09:24.480 --> 00:09:28.360 we always the other concept and I actually agree with it. I think the 122 00:09:28.840 --> 00:09:35.399 traditional way of doing daily marketing. For me, day marketing means called calling 123 00:09:35.600 --> 00:09:41.629 in a very intelligent ways. I you are contacting someone and you are repeating 124 00:09:41.669 --> 00:09:45.470 the same thing other another gain with dear friend people, and so we are 125 00:09:45.470 --> 00:09:48.950 offender to the marketing is dead and I agree with it. We often that 126 00:09:48.070 --> 00:09:50.909 it's a number game and I don't agree with is that. I think it's 127 00:09:50.950 --> 00:09:54.940 actually a quality game. It's about the quality of the engagement rather than number 128 00:09:54.980 --> 00:09:58.419 of engagement, because you could, you could engage with hundred people a day 129 00:09:58.460 --> 00:10:03.460 if they're at the right individual. Ultimately they won't give you anything, and 130 00:10:03.500 --> 00:10:07.169 it's often what we see from the technology led the technology like like actually the 131 00:10:07.210 --> 00:10:11.610 human touch. It's all about finding the right people and having an intelligent conversation 132 00:10:11.769 --> 00:10:16.850 with that individual and being able to interact with that individual, ie, if 133 00:10:16.889 --> 00:10:20.480 they say yes or no, what you go next? That's the concept of 134 00:10:20.559 --> 00:10:24.240 telemarketing, the concept of a to jump on the back of what you said, 135 00:10:24.240 --> 00:10:30.080 of that intelligence led Lee Generation, is really about giving the power to 136 00:10:30.200 --> 00:10:33.399 people. Are Giving the tools to people to have that business conversation, leading 137 00:10:33.480 --> 00:10:39.110 the conversation, potentially challenging the preconcert ideas of the prospect and to see what 138 00:10:39.269 --> 00:10:41.149 we can get out of it, but also build up a relationship with this 139 00:10:41.269 --> 00:10:46.029 individual because, as you rightly said, and probably is the case for you, 140 00:10:46.509 --> 00:10:50.500 you receive thousands of emails every day. As those five hundred companies that 141 00:10:50.580 --> 00:10:54.100 you're mentioning, I mean it's going to be thousands of marketing COMPAIS and the 142 00:10:54.179 --> 00:11:00.580 same people fighting after the same message, that same regulation, that's attack, 143 00:11:00.700 --> 00:11:03.779 that happen in the market or that same this is what we do in terms 144 00:11:03.820 --> 00:11:07.690 of making you more efficient, excter, etc. So basically everybody is fighting 145 00:11:07.769 --> 00:11:11.490 the same corner and and that wantage, that relationship, that engagement, that 146 00:11:11.850 --> 00:11:16.129 attention to the prospect by doing your research before you engage Rehi them, is 147 00:11:16.289 --> 00:11:20.240 is, from our perspective as a business, becoming mine more important. One 148 00:11:20.279 --> 00:11:26.480 of the things that obviously we praised you over the years for doing with our 149 00:11:26.559 --> 00:11:28.799 team. I mean you are one of the clients that I said would probably 150 00:11:30.159 --> 00:11:33.549 work the best with the people we've got, and I think it's often because 151 00:11:33.549 --> 00:11:39.590 you worked with very good individuals, but you also have that way of motivating 152 00:11:39.870 --> 00:11:45.070 on gaging that team. I personally think that it probably comes from the fact 153 00:11:45.110 --> 00:11:48.580 that you've done the job yourself and you know what it is you you've been 154 00:11:48.620 --> 00:11:52.820 strung formember. I'd like to get your views because again, you've been very 155 00:11:52.860 --> 00:11:54.940 good at it. So, for Li'Sten I could you share the tips of, 156 00:11:56.340 --> 00:12:00.340 I guess, how to engage best with the resources. Is a resources 157 00:12:00.419 --> 00:12:03.649 of a company like operatics are your own resources, because at the end of 158 00:12:03.649 --> 00:12:05.049 the day, you know, these are comes for us. Are they could 159 00:12:05.049 --> 00:12:09.169 be on resources. But what's the best way to engage with this individual as 160 00:12:09.250 --> 00:12:13.730 well as keep them motivated? Yeah, I think a lot of it just 161 00:12:13.889 --> 00:12:18.600 comes down to a management style. I think if you if you ask someone 162 00:12:18.679 --> 00:12:22.639 to do a job and leave them to get along to do it by themselves 163 00:12:22.720 --> 00:12:26.519 without any input, the reality is that probably not going to do the job 164 00:12:26.639 --> 00:12:30.990 that you want. So it's about working with individuals and in a lot of 165 00:12:31.070 --> 00:12:35.029 ways, the sort of things that we do salesman. It's about testing understanding 166 00:12:35.070 --> 00:12:37.990 as you go. It's about qualifying that they've got the message and that they're 167 00:12:39.029 --> 00:12:41.909 comfortable with it and helping them to find their own message. So, you 168 00:12:41.990 --> 00:12:46.019 know, the start of a campaign with operatics, the way that otherwise worked 169 00:12:46.100 --> 00:12:50.820 is to get together with the the operatics team make sure that they really understand 170 00:12:52.299 --> 00:12:54.980 what it is that I would like them to be able to do for us. 171 00:12:56.299 --> 00:12:58.299 You know, at the end of the day. We can't make any 172 00:12:58.340 --> 00:13:01.330 bones about it. It's a service that we pay for and I'm equally sort 173 00:13:01.370 --> 00:13:05.730 of cognizant to the fact that I've got to report to someone if the results 174 00:13:05.769 --> 00:13:09.210 are bad. So so I've got a vested interest in making sure it works. 175 00:13:09.250 --> 00:13:15.000 So daily communication then with a team of operatics is important to really make 176 00:13:15.080 --> 00:13:18.679 sure you're praising when they get it right, to look at how we can 177 00:13:18.000 --> 00:13:22.879 we can change things around if things aren't working, and through that daily communication 178 00:13:24.279 --> 00:13:28.389 it means that you're always testing and keeping a finger on the pulse of what's 179 00:13:28.429 --> 00:13:31.070 happening and how those conversations are going. So the thing I would say to 180 00:13:31.190 --> 00:13:37.389 anyone looking to engage with operatics is to bring the team of people into in 181 00:13:37.710 --> 00:13:41.500 operatics into your own business. Make them part of that sales process. If 182 00:13:41.500 --> 00:13:46.740 you're doing a team events, invite the operatics guy along. If you're doing 183 00:13:46.820 --> 00:13:50.019 a show, have the operatics guy on the stand so he really feels part 184 00:13:50.059 --> 00:13:54.539 of the team and he's immersing himself not just in knowledge but also culture, 185 00:13:54.889 --> 00:13:58.690 because a lot of what we talked about as companies when we're selling is is 186 00:13:58.809 --> 00:14:05.610 selling our culture. So if the person making the first initial contact doesn't understand, 187 00:14:05.769 --> 00:14:09.600 doesn't get that culture. We're missing an opportunity there and that prospect is 188 00:14:09.759 --> 00:14:16.240 missing out on an opportunity to buy into something that we team is really important. 189 00:14:16.320 --> 00:14:20.000 So I think the short answer is just daily involvement and really bringing people 190 00:14:20.080 --> 00:14:26.429 into into a framework of a team. Yeah, well, and it's something 191 00:14:26.509 --> 00:14:30.950 that, as we say, we drink on Champagne or wet on doc foot. 192 00:14:31.110 --> 00:14:35.029 But basically I also have a team with no operatics that do what they 193 00:14:35.070 --> 00:14:37.509 do to you to me. So you know, for me, is which 194 00:14:37.620 --> 00:14:43.019 is helping me to engage with prospect and the way described it the best these 195 00:14:43.059 --> 00:14:46.139 guys that they are an extension of me. I need to keep my finger 196 00:14:46.220 --> 00:14:48.379 on the pulse with them. I need to make sure that turn the stand 197 00:14:48.620 --> 00:14:54.970 when things are going right things are not going right. If celebrating success absolutely 198 00:14:54.090 --> 00:15:01.970 critical, discussing issues, calibration also critical, but having that's ongoing relationship, 199 00:15:03.009 --> 00:15:05.690 giving them a call when you come out of a meeting or you come out 200 00:15:05.730 --> 00:15:09.000 of a call, to give them a feedback, for it's about empowering these 201 00:15:09.120 --> 00:15:11.559 people and it's also showing them what's happening, what is the results of that 202 00:15:11.720 --> 00:15:15.519 walk? So I do completely agree with you and I think I mean again, 203 00:15:15.720 --> 00:15:18.559 you've done a fantastic job with our guys. We was very, very 204 00:15:18.600 --> 00:15:22.509 interesting for me to listen to your insight and I'm sure that the audience as 205 00:15:22.590 --> 00:15:26.269 well probably picked up quite a few interesting takeaway from what we discussed today. 206 00:15:26.470 --> 00:15:30.909 Rob Just so if if some of our listen, I want to get in 207 00:15:31.070 --> 00:15:33.870 touch with you, what's is the best way to get old of Rub Billington? 208 00:15:35.110 --> 00:15:37.299 Yeah, so the best way to get hold of me generally is email. 209 00:15:37.740 --> 00:15:43.740 So that's Roberts top Billington at MAC MON DOT EU. Okay, and 210 00:15:45.059 --> 00:15:46.659 that'll get there. If you want to have a look at our offering that 211 00:15:46.820 --> 00:15:52.970 it's WWWMAC MON DOT EU and I'll take you to our website. There you 212 00:15:52.049 --> 00:15:56.929 go. Well, that was wonderful, rob so thank you very much for 213 00:15:56.970 --> 00:15:58.889 your time today. You know inside it from my best but you was in 214 00:15:58.929 --> 00:16:03.049 very able I find and I hope all this I will find this time way. 215 00:16:03.450 --> 00:16:06.159 But thank you very much again for your time today. Right. Thank 216 00:16:06.200 --> 00:16:10.799 you very much being pleasure talking with it. Thank you. operatics has redefined 217 00:16:10.960 --> 00:16:17.080 the meaning of revenue generation for technology companies worldwide. While the traditional concepts of 218 00:16:17.200 --> 00:16:22.549 building and managing inside sales teams inhouse has existed for many years. Companies are 219 00:16:22.590 --> 00:16:26.870 struggling with a lack of focus, agility and scale required in today's fast and 220 00:16:27.029 --> 00:16:33.580 complex world of enterprise technology sales. See How operatics can help your company accelerate 221 00:16:33.620 --> 00:16:41.539 pipeline at operatics dotnet. You've been listening to BEDB revenue acceleration. To ensure 222 00:16:41.620 --> 00:16:45.139 that you never miss an episode, subscribe to the show in your favorite podcast 223 00:16:45.259 --> 00:16:48.409 player. Thank you so much for listening. Until next time,

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