30: Drive Sales by Investing in Your Personal Brand w/ Dale Dupree

February 13, 2019 00:19:51
30: Drive Sales by Investing in Your Personal Brand w/ Dale Dupree
B2B Revenue Acceleration
30: Drive Sales by Investing in Your Personal Brand w/ Dale Dupree

Feb 13 2019 | 00:19:51


Show Notes

What does being a major signed heavy metal musician and an amazing salesperson  have to do with each other?


Dale Dupree is widely known as the Copier Warrior as well as being the host of the Selling Local Podcast and leader of the Sales Rebellion. Dale understands personal branding in a way that many in the corporate world do not.

On a recent episode of The B2B Revenue Acceleration Podcast, Dale joined me to discuss personal branding. Particularly the critical need for authenticity, transparency, and creativity.

While it may cost you in the short term, these branding traits are critical. They will set you apart and drive more sales.

He explains how developing his authentic brand has led to more closed deals, the push back he has received from corporate culture, despite record sales, his best practices for personal brand building, and how all mistakes are good.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.520 --> 00:00:07.080 You were listening to be to be revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated to helping 2 00:00:07.120 --> 00:00:10.990 software executives stay on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. 3 00:00:11.029 --> 00:00:16.149 Let's get into the show. Hi, welcome to be to be a revenue 4 00:00:16.190 --> 00:00:20.109 exceleration. My Name is opinion with you and I'm up today with del Dupre, 5 00:00:20.589 --> 00:00:23.859 also known as the Cup your Wayo. Are You doing today? They 6 00:00:24.100 --> 00:00:27.379 doing great. Thanks for having me on. No problem at tour. So 7 00:00:27.940 --> 00:00:32.820 today we will be talking about from muting your personal brand to increase sex. 8 00:00:32.939 --> 00:00:36.929 But before we get into details, can you please introduce yourself to all agience 9 00:00:37.250 --> 00:00:42.369 and tell US small about whys? The Cup your wire? Absolutely, I'm 10 00:00:42.409 --> 00:00:45.969 happy to so. My Name's Dale Dupree. I live and have been born 11 00:00:46.130 --> 00:00:50.039 and raised, which is unheard of by most people in Orlando, Florida. 12 00:00:50.280 --> 00:00:54.320 Typically people that are from Florida came from a cold state and they came here 13 00:00:54.359 --> 00:00:57.079 to get away from the snow, but I was actually born in a hospital 14 00:00:57.119 --> 00:01:00.320 down the street from where I live. The copyer ware. His origins start 15 00:01:00.359 --> 00:01:02.799 with my father. In one thousand nine hundred and eighty four. My father 16 00:01:02.920 --> 00:01:04.310 found it a small business. It was a copyer firm. And then I 17 00:01:04.349 --> 00:01:07.670 was born in one thousand nine hundred eighty five, and so people like to 18 00:01:07.750 --> 00:01:10.750 say that toner was running through my blood from the day that I came out 19 00:01:10.790 --> 00:01:14.790 of the room. So inevitably I went and I worked with my father throughout 20 00:01:14.790 --> 00:01:18.510 my upbringing and I actually ended up, around the time I was seventeen, 21 00:01:19.019 --> 00:01:22.780 touring the world with my band, who was assigned to a major record label. 22 00:01:22.900 --> 00:01:25.700 We played heavy metal music, which a lot of people here that and 23 00:01:25.739 --> 00:01:30.140 then look at me and go what. Yeah, but about the time I 24 00:01:30.180 --> 00:01:33.650 was twenty one, twenty two, I decided that the music scene wasn't where 25 00:01:33.650 --> 00:01:36.290 I wanted to spend the rest of my career, that I wanted to create 26 00:01:36.370 --> 00:01:38.530 something a little bit bigger than and what I had done in that scene as 27 00:01:38.530 --> 00:01:42.849 well too, I wanted to honor my father's legacy be a little bit closer 28 00:01:42.890 --> 00:01:45.890 to my family, and so I made the choice to come back and and 29 00:01:46.049 --> 00:01:49.000 work for my dad, which was easy at the same time too, so 30 00:01:49.680 --> 00:01:51.799 because I knew my dad would hire me, because I would just tell my 31 00:01:51.879 --> 00:01:53.560 mom if he wouldn't in the first place and get him in trouble. So 32 00:01:55.239 --> 00:01:59.680 so I spent the next about ten years with my father, working alongside of 33 00:01:59.719 --> 00:02:02.510 him in the copyer industry and even through an acquisition when we sold the company. 34 00:02:02.790 --> 00:02:07.390 And that's that's me in a nutshell. Okay, so they I know 35 00:02:07.469 --> 00:02:09.870 that you've been walking for them as a cookie records you just mentioned, but 36 00:02:10.110 --> 00:02:15.939 many people, we also knew you as being the host of the selling local 37 00:02:15.060 --> 00:02:20.300 podcast was it will be familiar with you as the leader of the sense rebellion. 38 00:02:20.580 --> 00:02:24.020 So I'd like to learn more about our running these power and projects alongside 39 00:02:24.060 --> 00:02:30.250 your daily joke and you to drive more sales, more reputation to what was 40 00:02:30.330 --> 00:02:34.330 you? I think it's a great question because it was one of the first 41 00:02:34.370 --> 00:02:38.969 focuses that I had to have in that if we're passionate about something and we 42 00:02:38.050 --> 00:02:42.250 want to make a career out of it, but we also have these five 43 00:02:42.289 --> 00:02:46.280 six other things we want to do, we can get lost inside of that. 44 00:02:46.479 --> 00:02:49.879 And so for me, who the copyer warrior is and what the selling 45 00:02:49.919 --> 00:02:53.520 local podcasts and also what the sale the concept of the sales rebellion is is 46 00:02:53.080 --> 00:02:58.159 that they all compliment back to to me to deal dupre when and at the 47 00:02:58.159 --> 00:03:00.710 end of the day, that's who lays down and goes to sleep. And 48 00:03:00.870 --> 00:03:04.629 so when I started the selling local podcast, because I decided that I wanted 49 00:03:04.669 --> 00:03:08.229 to start speaking to my audience a little bit more, and my audience being 50 00:03:08.270 --> 00:03:13.379 my buyers. I wanted them to see deeper into my thought process as a 51 00:03:13.419 --> 00:03:15.580 salesperson and I thought that it would build rapport with them. And so in 52 00:03:15.699 --> 00:03:20.979 selling local, I tell my stories about my sales triumphs and failures. I 53 00:03:21.139 --> 00:03:23.740 talked about my my theories behind sales. I talked about a lot of different 54 00:03:23.740 --> 00:03:29.889 things that typically we would just want other salespeople to hear, but not me, 55 00:03:30.050 --> 00:03:32.969 because I'm an open book and I like transparency and I love vulnerability. 56 00:03:34.009 --> 00:03:37.409 I think that it builds a better relationship and I think that people buy from 57 00:03:37.490 --> 00:03:39.849 those that they like and they trust. So so I decided to start selling 58 00:03:39.930 --> 00:03:43.680 local so that people can see more of my culture and get that look, 59 00:03:43.840 --> 00:03:46.159 you know, behind the curtain, the sales rebellion. You know, I 60 00:03:46.199 --> 00:03:49.719 started earning the nickname of being the leader of the sales rebellion just because my 61 00:03:49.879 --> 00:03:52.280 whole life really I've been a rebel, you know, from the time that 62 00:03:52.319 --> 00:03:55.110 I was in music to the to coming home with for my father, I've 63 00:03:55.150 --> 00:04:00.750 always justin belt against the norm. So I wasn't about to say Av Midwood 64 00:04:00.789 --> 00:04:03.509 and rebellion seems to be like going way together. Yes, they do. 65 00:04:03.669 --> 00:04:06.830 So I again, I just I've run with with that over the years as 66 00:04:06.909 --> 00:04:11.300 well too. But recently I have made a transition inside of my career that 67 00:04:11.379 --> 00:04:15.580 I haven't announced to anybody yet, and I'm essentially I'm running a little bit 68 00:04:15.620 --> 00:04:18.459 further and deeper into the thought of being the leader of the seals rebellion instead 69 00:04:18.459 --> 00:04:21.540 of it just being a concept. And again I'll be announcing soon what I'm 70 00:04:21.540 --> 00:04:27.170 doing. But I think I prefer that most people get imaginative with what's going 71 00:04:27.250 --> 00:04:31.329 on. I like the experience behind work and and life. I like the 72 00:04:31.529 --> 00:04:34.930 thought of it being an adventure. I like I don't like the doll and 73 00:04:34.970 --> 00:04:40.199 the mundane and the bland. And so I've been launching this new project for 74 00:04:40.279 --> 00:04:43.720 about thirty days and people are messaging me gaily and going hated, I miss 75 00:04:43.759 --> 00:04:46.360 your announcement, but the truth is is that I'm going to run it until 76 00:04:46.759 --> 00:04:50.720 people are so curious that they're about to explode. I like it. Oh, 77 00:04:50.879 --> 00:04:54.990 that's the Tis a fall audience. So he good. Yeah, everybody 78 00:04:55.069 --> 00:04:58.430 should follow you now on the daily basis. Ree fresh, refresh, refresh. 79 00:04:58.470 --> 00:05:01.670 Okay, good, but obviously know this the sending real code and this 80 00:05:01.709 --> 00:05:05.589 set is rebillion of them. The actually generated business for you. You can 81 00:05:05.709 --> 00:05:10.939 can you say to tell Agians for a probably me. Okay, I've actually 82 00:05:10.980 --> 00:05:15.699 cruised that deal. All that piece of business came from me being out done, 83 00:05:15.779 --> 00:05:17.860 bringing up my own bread. Yes, absolutely so. The and the 84 00:05:17.939 --> 00:05:23.170 copyer Warrior in general as a brand has also been huge for me because if 85 00:05:23.209 --> 00:05:26.170 you think about copiers, most people will say, well, that's a commodity 86 00:05:26.250 --> 00:05:29.810 product that twenty people sell in my area and they knock on my door or 87 00:05:29.889 --> 00:05:32.050 they call my phone all the time. And then the most annoying, obnoxious 88 00:05:32.089 --> 00:05:35.040 people that I can think of, although there are some good ones out there. 89 00:05:35.079 --> 00:05:39.839 I'm not bashing all copy yourselves reps, but because of our heart industrious 90 00:05:40.000 --> 00:05:43.680 is such a commodity we are. We are trained and taught to dial Dow 91 00:05:43.759 --> 00:05:46.759 Dow, Dow Dow until we find an opportunity and then press as hard as 92 00:05:46.800 --> 00:05:50.550 we can full court to get that deal done so that we can cash a 93 00:05:50.589 --> 00:05:53.829 check and then get to the next, get to the next, get to 94 00:05:53.870 --> 00:05:56.829 the next. So for me, I decided to slow that down and I 95 00:05:56.990 --> 00:05:59.269 said, wow, you know, I'm going to create the copyer warrior. 96 00:05:59.310 --> 00:06:01.029 And so when I walk in and I'm the twenty guy out of the other 97 00:06:01.149 --> 00:06:04.540 nineteen that show up before me, that's they will look at me differently, 98 00:06:04.660 --> 00:06:09.819 that I will cause curiosity, that I will be this undeniable force and my 99 00:06:09.980 --> 00:06:13.939 industry for my buyer and for no other reason, and not for my boss, 100 00:06:14.100 --> 00:06:16.019 not for my company, but for my buyer, to serve my buyer, 101 00:06:16.180 --> 00:06:19.569 to give them an experience and to help them to understand the mists of 102 00:06:19.610 --> 00:06:23.730 the industry, all the things that they have known to be, quote unquote 103 00:06:23.730 --> 00:06:28.050 true for so long that really are false. And so, using the selling 104 00:06:28.089 --> 00:06:31.170 local podcast, I did occasionally have a guest on here and there and still 105 00:06:31.290 --> 00:06:34.879 do, that will be aligned with me so that I can talk to their 106 00:06:34.959 --> 00:06:40.120 audience and and maybe even speak with their company a little bit more about what 107 00:06:40.199 --> 00:06:44.240 I do. So the idea of the podcast is again that to help people 108 00:06:44.240 --> 00:06:46.310 to see a little bit closer and deeper into who I am, but because 109 00:06:46.350 --> 00:06:49.670 people enjoy listening to it, especially in my area here, when I knock 110 00:06:49.709 --> 00:06:54.110 on your door, people know the copyr Warrior, they listen to the PODCAST, 111 00:06:54.149 --> 00:06:56.910 they've heard of it still from billion. So it's been both good with 112 00:06:57.069 --> 00:07:00.500 inbound and in my ouebound efforts and helping people to recognize me. I think 113 00:07:00.500 --> 00:07:04.500 he's very refreshing because there's orders for some. So I would say a touch 114 00:07:04.540 --> 00:07:08.139 of humor in the way you go about it, which which I think is 115 00:07:08.220 --> 00:07:13.740 very important in the community, potentially boring market, if you will. Yeah, 116 00:07:13.899 --> 00:07:16.410 so being a little bit different, I'm trying to search for the world 117 00:07:16.649 --> 00:07:19.569 eccentric, should I say. I think that's there is what absolutely like. 118 00:07:19.930 --> 00:07:25.769 Absolutely it's just it's just refreshing. It's just refreshing because you know people would 119 00:07:25.810 --> 00:07:29.329 like on the personal level and I think that's that's that's makes the whole difference. 120 00:07:29.410 --> 00:07:33.279 Dosus yours legate coming white shirts, but maybe Red Tie? All dressing 121 00:07:33.360 --> 00:07:36.360 the same, all looking the same, will probably very sad. So yeah, 122 00:07:36.480 --> 00:07:40.079 I think, I think. I think putting putting a smile on people 123 00:07:40.240 --> 00:07:44.389 face when the open up the dice is important. But around the podcast and 124 00:07:44.470 --> 00:07:47.829 and at all idea of your personal brand and all that, I'm interesting you 125 00:07:48.029 --> 00:07:53.670 to tondersand the origin of it is. It wasn't your own personal initiatives that 126 00:07:53.790 --> 00:07:58.230 was it part of the company strategy I would that all started and a company 127 00:07:58.269 --> 00:08:01.339 probably would have preferred, not so much my dad company, who I was 128 00:08:01.420 --> 00:08:05.019 with for four years before he sold, and then and again. I've been 129 00:08:05.019 --> 00:08:07.060 in the copy industry for thirteen years as a salesperson at this point, so 130 00:08:07.180 --> 00:08:11.420 it's been quite some time. But I had four years under his wing doing 131 00:08:11.939 --> 00:08:13.769 my own thing and being a copyer warrior. When I showed up to another 132 00:08:13.850 --> 00:08:16.689 company, I did realize that I was going to get lost in this bullpen 133 00:08:16.769 --> 00:08:20.290 if I wasn't careful and and the company probably would have preferred that I just 134 00:08:20.490 --> 00:08:24.290 do what they ass but when I started bringing in the big box, and 135 00:08:24.610 --> 00:08:28.879 I did within the first year, I became the number one rapid company that 136 00:08:28.199 --> 00:08:33.000 bought us and I never came off of that mantle and eventually became the VP 137 00:08:33.120 --> 00:08:35.679 of sales for their company as well too. So I think that they were 138 00:08:35.759 --> 00:08:39.000 okay with what I did, but you know, they didn't give me a 139 00:08:39.120 --> 00:08:41.830 budget and help me promote it, or I did it all on my own 140 00:08:41.870 --> 00:08:46.389 accord. I did it because, again, nobody cares as much as you 141 00:08:46.870 --> 00:08:50.389 and I wanted to change the game. I wanted to be something different. 142 00:08:50.750 --> 00:08:54.509 So I knew that personal responsibility was going to come in to play and and 143 00:08:54.590 --> 00:08:56.179 that I was just going to have to make choices to run with this, 144 00:08:56.460 --> 00:09:01.299 even if it meant sacrificing out of my own pocket and and maybe even, 145 00:09:01.340 --> 00:09:03.740 some days, not being able to put gas in my car. But those 146 00:09:03.779 --> 00:09:07.539 days were few and far between, because being off and pick and going out 147 00:09:07.580 --> 00:09:09.769 and investing in myself, people saw that, because I was willing to do 148 00:09:09.929 --> 00:09:13.009 that, that they knew that I would be willing to put in the time 149 00:09:13.049 --> 00:09:16.049 and effort to serve them appropriately. So it translated. Okay. And and 150 00:09:16.370 --> 00:09:20.090 when they may not to supported you financially or you know, I could just 151 00:09:20.210 --> 00:09:24.720 try to strategize around it. I did try to stop you. I've got 152 00:09:24.799 --> 00:09:26.519 at any point, people as Youtube, to stop doing what you're are doing 153 00:09:26.600 --> 00:09:30.919 and concentrate on your job. Or what he what he quotes. Yeah, 154 00:09:31.240 --> 00:09:33.600 I have. I have had a leader come to me and tell me that 155 00:09:33.879 --> 00:09:37.840 he didn't like the way that I was portraying myself and wanted me to change 156 00:09:37.200 --> 00:09:41.750 my pad. That happened to me. Obviously I'm a sales rebel and so 157 00:09:41.909 --> 00:09:45.549 I didn't really listen to it, but I'd love it, how enough, 158 00:09:45.590 --> 00:09:48.309 to talk to him. I'd love to talk to that my own one of 159 00:09:48.389 --> 00:09:52.389 the boring center is right, I guess old school boring. And Yeah, 160 00:09:52.830 --> 00:09:56.620 don't hold know some that the centricity sometimes would it excited plans and get them 161 00:09:56.740 --> 00:09:58.700 to to choose you of our someone else. Right. Well, and I 162 00:09:58.779 --> 00:10:03.259 think the other thing is is that that corporate culture wants to control the way 163 00:10:03.340 --> 00:10:05.940 that it looks to the market place, but they forget that the market place 164 00:10:05.940 --> 00:10:09.690 wants to do business with actual human beings. Yeah, don't want to call 165 00:10:09.809 --> 00:10:13.769 eight hundred number to get a robot to dial eight different extensions, to leave 166 00:10:13.850 --> 00:10:18.690 four different voicemails and be transferred ten times. That's the way that they look 167 00:10:18.690 --> 00:10:22.279 at it. And so I was bringing that change into our market place and 168 00:10:22.360 --> 00:10:24.799 having a lot of success out of it. But I understand. I understand 169 00:10:24.840 --> 00:10:28.480 why corporate culture does it. You know, you and II, though, 170 00:10:28.519 --> 00:10:31.679 would think it's crazy. But this is the truth. Is that even with 171 00:10:31.879 --> 00:10:35.750 numbers that were Earth Shattering, and I'm sure it's true for some people listening 172 00:10:35.830 --> 00:10:39.190 to this that have been in my shoes as well, you know, the 173 00:10:39.549 --> 00:10:41.029 corporate culture comes to you and says, Hey, we love your numbers, 174 00:10:41.070 --> 00:10:43.190 but we don't like how you're getting them. So we're going to have to 175 00:10:43.269 --> 00:10:46.789 ask you to stop. Yeah, I thought about that rig in the past, 176 00:10:46.830 --> 00:10:50.139 but it's a it's interesting because I think, you know, when a 177 00:10:50.299 --> 00:10:56.139 company should be very careful and and US operatic as a company while being we 178 00:10:56.259 --> 00:10:58.980 want to confort the way people will speak about us. Elle sees what we 179 00:11:00.100 --> 00:11:03.059 do. All use OCAS and all that. So everything that is all the 180 00:11:03.179 --> 00:11:07.730 VC's solution product. We want a little bit of controtb all that. However, 181 00:11:07.850 --> 00:11:11.570 when it comes to the individual, you know, I guess anyone can 182 00:11:11.649 --> 00:11:13.970 do whatever they wants. You know, is and obviously for what you do 183 00:11:15.090 --> 00:11:18.330 is a little bit more public. And I've not listen to all the episode 184 00:11:18.370 --> 00:11:20.279 of telling local podcast of you know so, so I don't know if it's 185 00:11:20.279 --> 00:11:24.080 some place you had some crazy idea. These some crazy stuff. I don't 186 00:11:24.080 --> 00:11:26.399 know. But I think when in Shan stuff, you know, people can 187 00:11:26.480 --> 00:11:30.440 truly stuff you. Everybody's got to be is everything. Go do things on 188 00:11:30.879 --> 00:11:35.029 the site, you know, and I think you can truly interact with that 189 00:11:35.549 --> 00:11:37.750 and all interject with it. And then, I end of the day, 190 00:11:37.750 --> 00:11:41.830 if it's bringing the numbers and people are speaking about you, you maybe it's 191 00:11:41.870 --> 00:11:45.470 creating journalism on anythingens. But there you go. So, coming back to 192 00:11:45.590 --> 00:11:48.700 what you've done and and your experience in doing it, and you know I 193 00:11:48.820 --> 00:11:52.179 want you to ask you question to Ondstan if it was a painful process, 194 00:11:52.220 --> 00:11:56.659 if you was supported by the company, by individual and an undostomity, was 195 00:11:56.740 --> 00:12:00.899 not as simple as you know people may think. So what advice would you 196 00:12:01.059 --> 00:12:05.730 give to us or individuals that are planning to invest in the personal brand to 197 00:12:05.769 --> 00:12:11.850 drive more sels, and also, is there any platforms, tactics, way 198 00:12:11.970 --> 00:12:16.200 of doing it in in basically, what are your best practices? Yeah, 199 00:12:16.320 --> 00:12:22.360 so number one, my best advice to people's to find mentors and creative people 200 00:12:24.080 --> 00:12:28.360 they can surround themselves with when developing a personal brand. A personal brand is 201 00:12:28.440 --> 00:12:31.909 not just your opinion or your way of looking at life, it's also that 202 00:12:31.990 --> 00:12:37.509 you have to have this creative backbone in order to be able to translate it 203 00:12:37.710 --> 00:12:41.190 to everyone, because not everybody sees the world the same way. So it's 204 00:12:41.230 --> 00:12:46.820 important to understand the psychology behind a personal brand, in the psychology behind your 205 00:12:46.860 --> 00:12:50.299 buyer and the creative impact that you can truly have by thinking outside the box 206 00:12:50.340 --> 00:12:54.740 when putting your personal brand together. And so the coloration of and color scheme 207 00:12:54.779 --> 00:12:58.529 or Swatch of your of your brand itself, the look in the feel of 208 00:12:58.610 --> 00:13:01.850 when someone heads to your website, when you hand them the business card, 209 00:13:03.129 --> 00:13:05.850 when you radically educate them on a first touch cold call, they should be 210 00:13:07.049 --> 00:13:11.210 able to understand who you are and it should be nuanced from start to finish 211 00:13:11.330 --> 00:13:16.720 throughout the process, and so my advice, first and foremost, is to 212 00:13:16.840 --> 00:13:20.360 hire people to help you. That's what I did. I surrounded myself with 213 00:13:20.519 --> 00:13:24.840 some of the best creative types and I am a very imaginative person and, 214 00:13:26.000 --> 00:13:28.230 like I mentioned to you, I played in a band and we weren't, 215 00:13:28.269 --> 00:13:30.789 just, you know, yelling and screaming at the top of our lungs. 216 00:13:30.830 --> 00:13:35.909 We were playing very intricate music. We were creating perfection on a daily basis. 217 00:13:35.990 --> 00:13:37.269 Is the way that we looked at it, and you have to look 218 00:13:37.309 --> 00:13:41.149 at your personal brand from the same perspective. You have to you have to 219 00:13:41.230 --> 00:13:43.860 have an arrogance about your personal brand, a healthy one, so that you 220 00:13:45.139 --> 00:13:48.460 take pride in the way that it is portrayed to other people, but that 221 00:13:48.820 --> 00:13:52.740 you also have done your due diligence and had others held you accountable. Now, 222 00:13:52.980 --> 00:13:54.500 just because you think it's cool, doesn't mean that everybody else will. 223 00:13:54.659 --> 00:13:58.610 Is kind of my rule when it comes to a platform. Linkedin was huge 224 00:13:58.730 --> 00:14:01.769 for me. There's not a lot of people posting on Linkedin. Are Using 225 00:14:01.850 --> 00:14:05.649 linkedin from a content space, and when I got on it it was definitely 226 00:14:05.690 --> 00:14:09.450 less than one percent of the of the linkedin world. And because of that, 227 00:14:09.490 --> 00:14:13.000 as people, I interacted with people and they added me on Linkedin or 228 00:14:13.120 --> 00:14:16.320 they found me through the Algorithm, which is a beautiful thing. The linkedin 229 00:14:16.360 --> 00:14:20.759 algorithm is is one of the most amazing things out there for for marketing and 230 00:14:20.840 --> 00:14:24.029 sales people, as far as being able to push out your message and your 231 00:14:24.070 --> 00:14:28.110 brand. Suddenly I had nine thousand followers on my linkedin overnight, within a 232 00:14:28.149 --> 00:14:33.789 year, and in the process of doing so, it bled into other platforms 233 00:14:33.830 --> 00:14:37.669 such as my instagram and my twitter. At the end of the day, 234 00:14:37.669 --> 00:14:39.220 if people want to consume your content, they will. I mean I even 235 00:14:39.259 --> 00:14:43.220 have a youtube channel that people find, they go and they watch my video. 236 00:14:43.220 --> 00:14:46.860 I have tons of videos on there, but the idea is, again, 237 00:14:46.940 --> 00:14:50.539 that I am creating. So, more than anything, the tactics, 238 00:14:50.620 --> 00:14:52.860 the secret sauce, as people like to call it, it, is to 239 00:14:52.970 --> 00:14:56.769 actually go and do the work not just to have a picture of the copyer 240 00:14:56.850 --> 00:15:00.730 warrior on a site, but to have four hundred pieces of content that they 241 00:15:00.730 --> 00:15:03.129 can go and interact with and feel overwhelmed by, but feel educated through, 242 00:15:03.529 --> 00:15:07.639 feel empowered by and and again to new wance who it is that you are 243 00:15:07.759 --> 00:15:11.600 so that they're in a healthy way and doctrinated by your brand. So I 244 00:15:11.720 --> 00:15:16.039 wouldn't specify one one platform, though at the same time I have friends that 245 00:15:16.120 --> 00:15:20.879 have built their brand on instagram or on facebook or on a different platform. 246 00:15:20.919 --> 00:15:24.750 But what I would say is that remember that human interaction is so important, 247 00:15:24.269 --> 00:15:30.070 even in sending a message through your social media, as you are interacting with 248 00:15:30.149 --> 00:15:33.470 another human being. And so remember that as you're building your brand and you're 249 00:15:33.509 --> 00:15:37.779 creating content, that interact team with others is the most important side of it. 250 00:15:37.820 --> 00:15:41.299 It's the action. You can't just sit back and expect people to like 251 00:15:41.580 --> 00:15:45.659 you. You can't build a brand in a local territory that you're dialing people 252 00:15:45.860 --> 00:15:48.419 on the phones that don't know what you look like, haven't, yeah, 253 00:15:48.539 --> 00:15:52.289 seen your website, have no idea who you are. You have to radically 254 00:15:52.330 --> 00:15:54.610 educate these folks and you have to have a completely different mindset. Okay, 255 00:15:56.289 --> 00:16:00.490 any naive mistakes that you would advise people who are looking at reading of the 256 00:16:00.809 --> 00:16:04.879 personal brand to avoid? But what's on the easy misticks who make? I 257 00:16:04.960 --> 00:16:10.360 would say that all mistakes are good when when creating your personal brand. Honestly, 258 00:16:10.440 --> 00:16:12.919 I made a ton of them and they helped me to learn over time 259 00:16:14.480 --> 00:16:18.039 what it was specifically that my market place didn't want to see from me, 260 00:16:18.480 --> 00:16:22.950 and it also helped me to understand that that there were certain people in my 261 00:16:22.070 --> 00:16:26.350 market place that I really didn't want to do business with. But I didn't 262 00:16:26.350 --> 00:16:30.269 know until I started to do these things. Yeah, you see that side 263 00:16:30.350 --> 00:16:33.100 of them that they wouldn't show you otherwise. So, but I will say 264 00:16:33.179 --> 00:16:37.419 this that the biggest mistake people make is that they when they hear me say, 265 00:16:37.500 --> 00:16:41.820 hire somebody to help you, and they go and they hire just anybody 266 00:16:41.820 --> 00:16:45.820 or their brotherinlaw. And not to say that your family isn't trustworthy branded right, 267 00:16:45.899 --> 00:16:49.450 but you need to basically, the idea is is to make sure that 268 00:16:49.570 --> 00:16:52.850 this is a person that you would follow, that you trust that, if 269 00:16:52.889 --> 00:16:56.330 they have their own personal brand, that you they're doing the things that you're 270 00:16:56.409 --> 00:16:59.850 trying to do in the first place. Yeah, there's not a lot of 271 00:16:59.929 --> 00:17:02.919 people out there doing what the copy or warrior does, and so it took 272 00:17:03.000 --> 00:17:06.960 me time to find somebody that just got it, and I found a few. 273 00:17:07.000 --> 00:17:08.880 You know, I a company called one hundred and forty two productions, 274 00:17:10.000 --> 00:17:11.799 is one of my favorite people to produce my videos through, because when I 275 00:17:12.400 --> 00:17:15.910 write a script and send it to them, they show up and they know 276 00:17:17.069 --> 00:17:19.869 exactly who I am, what I want done and how it will make me 277 00:17:21.069 --> 00:17:25.349 happy to translate it to my consumer base. They also know when I've done 278 00:17:25.390 --> 00:17:29.109 things that won't work and they tell me in the and right because they know. 279 00:17:29.150 --> 00:17:32.220 They say, these are book you can't do it this way because of 280 00:17:32.339 --> 00:17:34.740 what you want to accomplish, and I trust them with that. So align 281 00:17:34.819 --> 00:17:38.740 yourself with folks that will hold you accountable in the beginning again, but but 282 00:17:38.940 --> 00:17:42.380 also don't settle for less. And again, you know, I'll say ray 283 00:17:42.460 --> 00:17:48.450 that mistakes are imminent and they're important because they will help you to see, 284 00:17:48.849 --> 00:17:51.329 okay, I don't need to be doing it this way, because you just 285 00:17:51.490 --> 00:17:53.289 gotta do it right. You got it. You just got to suck it 286 00:17:53.329 --> 00:17:56.210 up and go out there and start doing it. And if you're terrible out 287 00:17:56.250 --> 00:18:00.680 of in the beginning, don't worry, it'll get better. Absolutely I'm really 288 00:18:00.720 --> 00:18:06.000 agree with that, sincefor that they really appreciate your time and despective. Today's 289 00:18:06.680 --> 00:18:10.839 it's just for the refreshing and I'm really Drei the chets. So I'm sure 290 00:18:10.880 --> 00:18:14.950 you are very easy to find that if anyone wants to learn more about you 291 00:18:15.509 --> 00:18:18.509 on this, on your current project and like the foot truck that you are 292 00:18:18.589 --> 00:18:21.950 current here, anning for you. You keep yourself busy. I like it, 293 00:18:22.190 --> 00:18:25.710 but I did what wasn't the best way to get in touch with they 294 00:18:25.829 --> 00:18:27.819 did you pret the best way to get in touch with me as anywhere on 295 00:18:27.940 --> 00:18:33.059 Social Linkedin, I'm Dale too, prey, but instagram, facebook, twitter, 296 00:18:33.099 --> 00:18:37.619 I'm at Copyr Warrior. My Youtube is copyr warrior, but also head 297 00:18:37.660 --> 00:18:41.849 over to Copyr WARRIORCOM and go there now, because it'll be changing within the 298 00:18:41.890 --> 00:18:45.490 next couple of months into something completely different. So go see my origins, 299 00:18:45.569 --> 00:18:48.049 but also you can find my cell phone number and there. So if you 300 00:18:48.089 --> 00:18:49.009 really want to get ahold of me, you want to learn more about me, 301 00:18:49.089 --> 00:18:52.289 you want me to help you with some of your projects, I'm happy 302 00:18:52.289 --> 00:18:53.890 to reach out to me. Well, you're just good. She'll send for 303 00:18:53.890 --> 00:18:57.720 a new instagram for the one my serve, so that you go so great. 304 00:18:57.759 --> 00:19:00.839 So again, many things for your thing today. Really good to have 305 00:19:00.960 --> 00:19:03.920 youngdusual excellent. Thank you so much for having me on. I appreciate you. 306 00:19:06.440 --> 00:19:12.029 operatics has redefined the meaning of revenue generation for technology companies worldwide. While 307 00:19:12.069 --> 00:19:18.470 the traditional concepts of building and managing inside sales teams inhouse has existed for many 308 00:19:18.549 --> 00:19:22.990 years, companies are struggling with a lack of focus, agility and scale required 309 00:19:23.069 --> 00:19:30.460 in today's fast and complex world of enterprise technology sales. See operatics can help 310 00:19:30.500 --> 00:19:36.500 your company accelerate pipeline at operatics dotnet. You've been listening to be to be 311 00:19:36.619 --> 00:19:41.130 revenue acceleration. To ensure that you never miss an episode, subscribe to the 312 00:19:41.170 --> 00:19:45.210 show in your favorite podcast player. Thank you so much for listening. Until 313 00:19:45.289 --> 00:19:45.690 next time,

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