32: 6 Tips to Generate ROI From Trade Shows w/ Hannah Mans

February 27, 2019 00:18:51
32: 6 Tips to Generate ROI From Trade Shows w/ Hannah Mans
B2B Revenue Acceleration
32: 6 Tips to Generate ROI From Trade Shows w/ Hannah Mans

Feb 27 2019 | 00:18:51


Show Notes

Branded pens.

You’ve probably got a stash of them in your laptop bag from that last trade show you attended.

But have you ever thought about the kind of ROI companies like yours are getting from those pens? Well, really, the ROI your company is getting out of being an exhibitor at trade shows? What if there were certain steps you could take to increase that ROI?

That’s exactly what Hannah Mans came on the B2B Revenue Acceleration podcast to talk about. Hannah is the Director of Marketing at Directive, a B2B and enterprise search marketing agency. She follows a 6 step system to ensure her company gets the most ROI out of their trade show events.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.560 --> 00:00:08.349 You were listening to bb revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated helping software executive stay 2 00:00:08.390 --> 00:00:12.189 on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. Let's get into 3 00:00:12.230 --> 00:00:18.309 the show. Hi, welcome to be to be a revenue acceleration. My 4 00:00:18.429 --> 00:00:21.660 name is Owen. I am with you and I'm here today with Hannah Man's 5 00:00:21.940 --> 00:00:26.140 from directive and the Director of Marketing, actually a directive. How are you 6 00:00:26.179 --> 00:00:29.219 to Dana? I'm doing great. Thank you so much for having me. 7 00:00:29.539 --> 00:00:33.859 That's an absolute pleasure. So today we will be talking with you about the 8 00:00:34.140 --> 00:00:38.530 six tips to generate Roy from trade show. But before we get started, 9 00:00:39.049 --> 00:00:43.649 can you please introduce yourself to audience and tell us a little bit more about 10 00:00:43.649 --> 00:00:48.609 about your role at directive, but also what directive does as a business? 11 00:00:49.090 --> 00:00:53.439 Of course, my name is Hannah Man's. I am the marketing director for 12 00:00:53.640 --> 00:00:59.359 Directive. We are a bed be an enterprise search marketing agency, and my 13 00:00:59.560 --> 00:01:03.239 role is to oversee the implementation of our marketing activities, with a heavy focus 14 00:01:03.310 --> 00:01:10.549 on sales enablement and strategic partnership development. Okay, that's wonderful. Okay, 15 00:01:10.629 --> 00:01:15.510 so the topic today is quite interesting because we are a lot about people going 16 00:01:15.629 --> 00:01:19.700 to trade shows and telling us we go to trade shows to put our brands 17 00:01:19.260 --> 00:01:23.939 out there. We want to show a competition that we are, we want 18 00:01:23.939 --> 00:01:29.659 to shoot the market that we are, but they seem to be struggling in 19 00:01:30.859 --> 00:01:36.409 trucking the arrowy generated from the trade. So I understand that's real carrier, 20 00:01:36.450 --> 00:01:41.609 you've executive dozens of trade show and you've seen a button of success by following 21 00:01:41.650 --> 00:01:45.650 six steps in the process to ensure you get the most roy out of these 22 00:01:45.689 --> 00:01:49.519 events. So could you please show his augience was what the six steps are. 23 00:01:51.000 --> 00:01:53.079 Yes, I have had the pleasure and, in a few cases, 24 00:01:53.519 --> 00:02:00.040 the headache of organizing many trade show events and I do have a pretty simple 25 00:02:00.359 --> 00:02:06.109 six step system I follow, which is heavily dependent upon sales and marketing collaboration. 26 00:02:07.230 --> 00:02:12.150 The first step, or question I ask myself is what does success look 27 00:02:12.189 --> 00:02:17.020 like? It's a critical step that sales and marketing create tangible goals ceturn around 28 00:02:17.060 --> 00:02:22.300 you know, business objectives for a show. Both teams need to work together 29 00:02:22.460 --> 00:02:25.699 to identify the target accounts that will be attending, and trade shows are not 30 00:02:25.819 --> 00:02:30.330 only a great generator of new business, they're also an opportunity to strengthen your 31 00:02:30.370 --> 00:02:36.969 relationships with existing clients, and it's always wise to consult account management or client 32 00:02:37.090 --> 00:02:40.729 success to know what current clients are going to be there and if you know 33 00:02:40.849 --> 00:02:46.759 revenue generated is your your KPI or your key performance indicator. Understanding what your 34 00:02:46.800 --> 00:02:52.520 CPA is will easily help you determine success. You know one new client or 35 00:02:52.560 --> 00:02:58.830 upsell might get you to hit your target absolutely. And once you've determined what 36 00:02:58.949 --> 00:03:01.550 it is that you want to accomplish at a show, having the right people 37 00:03:01.669 --> 00:03:07.669 on the floor is so important. I've seen it time and time again where 38 00:03:07.750 --> 00:03:12.979 sales and marketing leaders you know they'll send their best closers or individual that knows 39 00:03:13.060 --> 00:03:16.500 the most about the vertical, only to be disappointed by their performance at the 40 00:03:16.539 --> 00:03:23.259 show. For trade shows, personality is just as important as subject matter expertise. 41 00:03:23.780 --> 00:03:27.969 The worst thing is to invest time and money in your show and planning 42 00:03:28.050 --> 00:03:32.009 the event, only to get there with less than optimal fits for a conference 43 00:03:32.050 --> 00:03:38.009 floor. Another common mistake I see frequently as companies only sending their sales teams. 44 00:03:38.930 --> 00:03:44.159 You want to have a representative from Your Marketing Department present. Your sales 45 00:03:44.199 --> 00:03:47.039 team is going to be no work in the floor and conducting meetings. The 46 00:03:47.280 --> 00:03:52.800 marketer or event coordinator is there to ensure that the logistics of the booth build 47 00:03:52.919 --> 00:03:57.669 and the collateral or flawless. They'll also have time to do field research, 48 00:03:57.710 --> 00:04:01.710 walk the Exhibitor Hall and Scope About What competitors are doing, and this will 49 00:04:01.750 --> 00:04:05.629 help you get a leg up on the competition. Once you've decided what you 50 00:04:05.750 --> 00:04:10.460 want to do and have the people there to do it, you're really going 51 00:04:10.659 --> 00:04:15.180 to have to do something different to stand out from the crowd. So the 52 00:04:15.300 --> 00:04:18.860 idea is you want to try to draw people in with an offer they'll actually 53 00:04:18.899 --> 00:04:24.970 care about, and this will be unique to your company's product or service. 54 00:04:25.769 --> 00:04:30.769 For example, we recently attended a show where we offered a complete onsite audit 55 00:04:30.970 --> 00:04:36.089 which included a full competitor analysis to shed light and give the attendees and understanding 56 00:04:36.209 --> 00:04:43.800 of where their company currently lied and their potential search and paid perspective. Every 57 00:04:43.839 --> 00:04:47.399 attendee who met with US walked away with the printed copy of the audit and 58 00:04:47.639 --> 00:04:53.509 we really wanted to offer something a little more valuable than branded pens or t 59 00:04:53.670 --> 00:04:57.589 shirts, for example, and you know now that you get them to the 60 00:04:57.629 --> 00:05:00.990 booth. This wouldn't be a seciment on trade show marketing if we didn't talk 61 00:05:01.029 --> 00:05:04.589 about swag. Are you familiar with swag? And we talked about swag for 62 00:05:04.709 --> 00:05:08.779 a fur trade show. I'm femi. Yeah, it was a tem swag, 63 00:05:08.899 --> 00:05:12.779 but not swat for the trade show. Big as a as a stag 64 00:05:12.899 --> 00:05:15.339 on instagram and stuff like that. Yes, so I know what the meaning 65 00:05:15.379 --> 00:05:17.779 of it, but I'm sure you're going to explain. You something very interesting 66 00:05:17.819 --> 00:05:21.689 about Oh you correlate. That was a trade show. Yes, their swag. 67 00:05:21.889 --> 00:05:27.569 I typically it refers to your promotional item that you have on at your 68 00:05:27.569 --> 00:05:30.170 chat, your on your display. You know, it's the staple of your 69 00:05:30.250 --> 00:05:34.050 trade show, of your booth, for example. I see it really common 70 00:05:34.129 --> 00:05:36.000 now at a lot of shows. It will be, you know, a 71 00:05:36.120 --> 00:05:41.600 lip bomb or mints, Note Books, any of that. That is what 72 00:05:41.800 --> 00:05:46.639 someone in trade show marketing would call your company Swag. Okay, it's important 73 00:05:46.639 --> 00:05:51.550 to come up with something exciting. Absolutely. What's the Best Swag? Because 74 00:05:51.550 --> 00:05:56.470 I go to a lot of trade show I always take the Bouncy bowlds at 75 00:05:56.550 --> 00:06:00.269 flesh because they get my dog very happy. So I always get them, 76 00:06:00.550 --> 00:06:02.870 throw them a team, you play with them for a day, destroy them 77 00:06:02.949 --> 00:06:05.540 and then I need to take another one out. But the rest of it. 78 00:06:05.819 --> 00:06:10.819 Whenever we get it is quite is the usual stress bowl or pain, 79 00:06:11.060 --> 00:06:15.980 orderly bold or the means you think. Is there any crazy ages that you've 80 00:06:15.060 --> 00:06:20.050 seen that's really you know, make that swug very much small interesting for the 81 00:06:20.209 --> 00:06:24.769 the end use of the prospective people working the flow? Yeah, so I've 82 00:06:24.810 --> 00:06:28.129 seen a couple different things I thought that were really cool. At once show 83 00:06:28.129 --> 00:06:30.810 I went to they had a full candy bar, So it was like a 84 00:06:30.889 --> 00:06:33.000 candy shop where you would walk up to their booth and you would be able 85 00:06:33.040 --> 00:06:39.079 to funnel candy into a branded bag that they had and not only now were 86 00:06:39.120 --> 00:06:42.519 you at there booth, it took you a while to fill your bag and 87 00:06:42.800 --> 00:06:46.639 left them with a really great opportunity to strike up a conversation with you. 88 00:06:46.230 --> 00:06:53.149 I thought that was that was really interesting. We also have utilized a lockbox 89 00:06:53.269 --> 00:06:58.149 game and we sponsor a show. Usually you're allowed to stick about insert into 90 00:06:58.269 --> 00:07:01.459 the show bag. What we did is stuck keys into the bag with a 91 00:07:01.500 --> 00:07:08.019 little postcard on it that invited people to come over to our booth and try 92 00:07:08.100 --> 00:07:12.860 to use their key to unlock a box where we had prizes inside, and 93 00:07:13.019 --> 00:07:16.490 that was also a really great opportunity for us to have conversations. People love 94 00:07:16.610 --> 00:07:19.689 the booth. I've even had people follow up with me wanting to get the 95 00:07:19.810 --> 00:07:24.290 information for the vendor that made the booth because they wanted to use it at 96 00:07:24.329 --> 00:07:28.529 their show, and I think that's a really testament to your creativity. That's 97 00:07:28.930 --> 00:07:35.120 a yet crazy sweat. Read them on your slug exactly. You know, 98 00:07:35.279 --> 00:07:38.959 kind of didn't want to say I need to show my team, you know, 99 00:07:39.079 --> 00:07:42.720 or I want that next year at my show. So usually at this 100 00:07:42.759 --> 00:07:46.470 point you know you've you've gotten to them to the booth. You guys are 101 00:07:46.790 --> 00:07:50.350 talking and and at this point it's really common, you know, to either 102 00:07:50.350 --> 00:07:56.470 utilize the badge scanner that the show provides to simply collect a business card, 103 00:07:56.829 --> 00:08:01.139 and a business card and a fish bull just really doesn't cut it anymore. 104 00:08:01.180 --> 00:08:05.500 Yep, and the really cool thing is we are able to remove the guesswork, 105 00:08:05.660 --> 00:08:11.100 out of attention, out of a tendee attitudes, with attendee tracking technologies. 106 00:08:11.500 --> 00:08:16.649 And if budget doesn't allow for advanced software, there are now free apps 107 00:08:16.730 --> 00:08:22.050 that make your smartphone address book more efficient by shifting the focus on managing relationships 108 00:08:22.170 --> 00:08:26.839 instead of email addresses or phone numbers. And you can even employ a simple 109 00:08:26.959 --> 00:08:31.360 google doc that managed, that's managed by your conference team. Having some sort 110 00:08:31.360 --> 00:08:37.720 of structure around the data collection at a show will your sales team qualified leads, 111 00:08:37.919 --> 00:08:43.509 optimize for conversion and eliminate any lead management headache. It makes sense. 112 00:08:43.710 --> 00:08:46.149 I like the approach. I think. I think you mentioned something that is 113 00:08:46.230 --> 00:08:50.429 absolutely key. Two things actually, let me rephrase that. Number one, 114 00:08:50.629 --> 00:08:54.070 it's the is the end shake between cells and marketing, you know, making 115 00:08:54.110 --> 00:08:58.059 sure that you've got some pair objective, making sure that you compel your notes 116 00:08:58.539 --> 00:09:01.500 on target accounts and the people you would want to meet and making some assumption 117 00:09:01.580 --> 00:09:05.299 on we would be present, what they look like. We actually seen clients 118 00:09:05.340 --> 00:09:09.450 and we do send out some of our team, from some operatics people to 119 00:09:09.570 --> 00:09:13.889 trade show and they are on the bus and they are the I guess there 120 00:09:13.889 --> 00:09:16.169 are the guys that are supposed to grab you, you know. So we 121 00:09:16.289 --> 00:09:20.330 used to have maybe five, six years ago. They would would get some 122 00:09:20.450 --> 00:09:26.360 very attractive women. No grabbing people and giving you a scanning your badget everything. 123 00:09:26.480 --> 00:09:30.080 Now I think it's changing slightly. It's getting a little bit more professional 124 00:09:30.159 --> 00:09:33.000 and you've got people we know what they're talking about, actually stop the conversation 125 00:09:33.159 --> 00:09:35.799 with you. But what work. We ask our guys we are we ask 126 00:09:35.840 --> 00:09:43.070 them to go on Linkedin and check what you're key prospect the people you want 127 00:09:43.149 --> 00:09:46.870 to to to engage with look like okay, and if you've got a picture 128 00:09:46.870 --> 00:09:50.269 of them, or if you've been able to see that picture and you even 129 00:09:50.269 --> 00:09:52.620 if you've got a hundred, two hundred pictures at least, you can always 130 00:09:52.740 --> 00:09:58.179 recognize someone and lick quickly search and then engage with and stirst. That's number 131 00:09:58.220 --> 00:10:00.980 one. So I think that that preparation is absolutely key. And the second 132 00:10:01.019 --> 00:10:03.220 thing is not tree and, as you mentioned, you should not just use 133 00:10:03.299 --> 00:10:07.289 the event for net new business. You can use the event as an opposition 134 00:10:07.409 --> 00:10:11.049 to network with people you've read the engage wis, no matter where you are 135 00:10:11.210 --> 00:10:13.330 in the sells process. If they are run and you are around, this 136 00:10:13.490 --> 00:10:18.210 is a great opportunity to meet with them and even if they're an existing clients, 137 00:10:18.250 --> 00:10:22.480 again, if everybody is there together, absolutely great opportunity to do a 138 00:10:22.559 --> 00:10:26.759 get together. I'm a quick question for you on the preparation. We do 139 00:10:26.039 --> 00:10:31.679 tend to do more and more what I would call a target in preparation to 140 00:10:31.879 --> 00:10:37.389 events, where we would, for example, try to drive meetings actually outside 141 00:10:37.389 --> 00:10:41.429 of the show, maybe hotels that are nearby. Well, our clients would 142 00:10:41.470 --> 00:10:46.870 have a suite and we can set up series of meetings with the cells team. 143 00:10:46.909 --> 00:10:48.750 So it's a little bit less eaten. Miss do you see that happening 144 00:10:48.830 --> 00:10:52.860 as well with the sort of events you your guys are running? Well, 145 00:10:52.220 --> 00:10:56.460 people are also trying to four weeks, six weeks prior to the events, 146 00:10:56.659 --> 00:11:01.059 getting their own meeting, driving people who they are suit and trying to drive 147 00:11:01.100 --> 00:11:03.649 their LoC crosser than just waiting for people to come by the bus. Oh 148 00:11:03.690 --> 00:11:09.490 yes, it's important part of our presure strategy to begin to set up meetings 149 00:11:09.570 --> 00:11:13.049 and try to reach out to anyone that you have on your list of targeted 150 00:11:13.090 --> 00:11:16.370 accounts. It also provides, you know, if you take it off the 151 00:11:16.450 --> 00:11:20.159 trade show a floor, it becomes a more intimate engagement where you can actually 152 00:11:20.200 --> 00:11:24.080 sit down, have a coffee with them, learn about what you're struggling with 153 00:11:24.480 --> 00:11:26.240 and not just have that, you know, really quick one, two, 154 00:11:26.360 --> 00:11:31.799 three, elevator pitch that you might have at your at your booth. Absolutely, 155 00:11:31.919 --> 00:11:35.470 I think you. I personally believe that this is a something that we 156 00:11:35.549 --> 00:11:39.029 do for our selves. I personally believe that you get much more out of 157 00:11:39.230 --> 00:11:41.350 taking people of the boost, not meeting them at the booze. While it's 158 00:11:41.389 --> 00:11:46.389 quite noisy. Often people may get stopped on me. He may take time. 159 00:11:46.629 --> 00:11:48.820 Depends on the scale of the event. You've got intimate events where you 160 00:11:48.899 --> 00:11:52.700 may have, I don't know, fifty hundred vendos exhibiting. We go to 161 00:11:52.820 --> 00:11:56.860 some events where there is a in the thousands of people exhibiting. Right there 162 00:11:56.980 --> 00:12:00.779 is place events like mw see in Barcelona. Now even are said the ars 163 00:12:00.779 --> 00:12:03.809 a conference, you know in San Francisco. Well, it's from one side 164 00:12:03.850 --> 00:12:07.370 to the other. It's a ten minute walk and you need to find people 165 00:12:07.490 --> 00:12:13.450 right. So actually giving them a meeting them in the meeting in a notell 166 00:12:13.529 --> 00:12:16.840 room next door. Well, it's quiet. What they can enjoy a cup 167 00:12:16.879 --> 00:12:18.960 of coffee, potentially stay a little bit longer to do a call to a 168 00:12:20.039 --> 00:12:22.039 couple of emales. Extra rise is not a bad idea. And I also 169 00:12:22.120 --> 00:12:26.399 fin it from a conversational perspective. You probably achieve much more in a quote 170 00:12:26.440 --> 00:12:31.830 environment that you will do potentially on the Shaufflaw. Yes, just to your 171 00:12:31.909 --> 00:12:33.549 point. You know you're even can take it a step further. And why 172 00:12:33.629 --> 00:12:37.350 not? You know, invite them to dinner. You know, a trade 173 00:12:37.389 --> 00:12:39.789 show is a great opportunity to, you know, be able to just do 174 00:12:39.990 --> 00:12:43.190 to talk and get to know them. And so, instead of, you 175 00:12:43.230 --> 00:12:46.100 know, just having a quick meeting, as well get some of your you 176 00:12:46.179 --> 00:12:48.700 know, the people that you're trying to engage with and invite them maybe to, 177 00:12:48.740 --> 00:12:52.779 you know, at dinner at a restaurant that's really popular in the area. 178 00:12:52.299 --> 00:12:54.179 You know, take it a step further to show, you know, 179 00:12:54.259 --> 00:12:58.529 that your interest absolutely nothing that that makes sense. I think the idea of 180 00:12:58.570 --> 00:13:03.009 the nursing is really important and the point that I wanted to make is that, 181 00:13:03.730 --> 00:13:07.250 you know, if it's a net new prospect, you can almost drive 182 00:13:07.330 --> 00:13:11.009 them to a meeting. You should actually engage with that net new prospect before 183 00:13:11.210 --> 00:13:13.840 the event and try to set up, sometimes even at your booze are outside 184 00:13:13.879 --> 00:13:16.759 of the boost, to meet with them. I think if they are an 185 00:13:16.840 --> 00:13:22.159 existing prospect but they're in the cell cycle, maybe you want to do as 186 00:13:22.159 --> 00:13:24.159 you said. You're going to be smartling to an event or a dinner or 187 00:13:24.360 --> 00:13:28.909 drink or whatever. I could be where some of your existing customer are. 188 00:13:28.990 --> 00:13:33.429 President, can speak about a great you out of this prospect and then for 189 00:13:33.509 --> 00:13:35.669 the customers that you really want to share ish that are potentially come to your 190 00:13:35.710 --> 00:13:39.669 drinks or your dinner. You can do something a bit more special again around 191 00:13:39.669 --> 00:13:43.980 the events or even invite them yourself to come. And you know budget, 192 00:13:45.059 --> 00:13:48.019 Aluiy, get everything like in that, but I do agree with you. 193 00:13:48.220 --> 00:13:52.539 I think the point here was that preparation is absolutely key. It's not just 194 00:13:52.659 --> 00:13:56.809 about preparing for the booze and getting people and getting everyone do to other same 195 00:13:56.889 --> 00:14:00.529 t shirt. I think it's you can get much more. You actually control 196 00:14:00.649 --> 00:14:03.929 your destiny by engaging with this prospect prior to the events rather than waiting for 197 00:14:05.049 --> 00:14:07.450 them, and I think that's almost the difference between fishing and hunting. If 198 00:14:07.490 --> 00:14:11.200 you just don't get prepared, you'll just be fishing, you just be waiting 199 00:14:11.240 --> 00:14:15.240 for something to bite on your line, while if you really proprise more at 200 00:14:15.279 --> 00:14:18.840 the end in the snape or approach for you can control your destiny better and 201 00:14:18.919 --> 00:14:22.000 make sure that you achieve probably better goal than and also track arrower in a 202 00:14:22.000 --> 00:14:26.389 much more effective way. Now, coming back to the conversation, obviously there 203 00:14:26.470 --> 00:14:30.429 is different types of vendors. You've got the very large is one that would 204 00:14:30.470 --> 00:14:33.830 have a very central booze, massive booze lets of people, loads of screen, 205 00:14:35.029 --> 00:14:37.429 hundreds of thousands of Dodos, and then you've got too small start. 206 00:14:37.860 --> 00:14:41.860 Okay, so different types of vendos. In your opinion, what are the 207 00:14:41.980 --> 00:14:46.019 main differences in approach depending on the company sites? You know, as you 208 00:14:46.139 --> 00:14:52.659 mentioned, company size usually directly correlates to budget allocation for an event. If 209 00:14:52.820 --> 00:14:56.730 you have a hundred thousand dollar trade show budget, the sky really becomes a 210 00:14:56.809 --> 00:15:01.889 limit. Now you're in a position to create an amazing experience in presence at 211 00:15:01.009 --> 00:15:05.490 the show, throw a networking happy hour, pick up attendees from the airport 212 00:15:05.490 --> 00:15:11.120 or in a stretch limo or a party bus, you know, take prospects 213 00:15:11.159 --> 00:15:13.639 out to, you know, the top rated restaurant in the city that the 214 00:15:13.679 --> 00:15:18.919 show is at. And this is not to say that you can't do very 215 00:15:18.039 --> 00:15:22.590 similar things on with a smaller budget. You now just have to be more 216 00:15:22.629 --> 00:15:26.509 strategic with your dollars. And you know how you can do this? Is 217 00:15:26.669 --> 00:15:31.309 identifying companies that cater the same audience with a different service offering and cohost in 218 00:15:31.350 --> 00:15:37.379 event together or cohost the dinner with hot prospects at a restaurant at the venue 219 00:15:37.460 --> 00:15:41.139 were close by. Makes Sense? That makes perfect sense. So still a 220 00:15:41.259 --> 00:15:46.019 formula to calculate our way from a trade show. What are the chemidtaries? 221 00:15:46.059 --> 00:15:50.570 You need to truck and I'll die you truck them. So trade shows are 222 00:15:50.610 --> 00:15:54.970 all about timing and whether or not it was the right time for the attendees 223 00:15:54.090 --> 00:15:58.289 to interact with your service or product. But at the end of the day, 224 00:15:58.370 --> 00:16:02.610 the most important takeaway for your company from your time at a show is 225 00:16:02.850 --> 00:16:07.519 new clients, and the best way to track this is to follow the life 226 00:16:07.559 --> 00:16:12.240 cycle of your conference contacts. Having the singular metric for marketing and sales also 227 00:16:12.360 --> 00:16:18.590 ensures alignment between the departments when discussing the outcome of a show, and this 228 00:16:18.710 --> 00:16:22.070 will obviously take time, depending on your sales cycle. Like any other aspect 229 00:16:22.110 --> 00:16:26.309 of marketing and sales, it's a marathon and and not a sprint. Yeah, 230 00:16:26.509 --> 00:16:30.350 but there is still going to be that pressure to prove some sort of 231 00:16:30.429 --> 00:16:37.620 Roy and for forecasting purposes, I would suggest meetings attended as a relevant indicator 232 00:16:37.740 --> 00:16:41.700 for success. Someone taking the time to sit with you shows a higher intent 233 00:16:41.779 --> 00:16:45.100 than someone who came by your booth to grab a giveaway and and let you 234 00:16:45.179 --> 00:16:49.850 scan their badge. I would also dive into analytics to check out your organic 235 00:16:49.929 --> 00:16:55.970 and direct website traffic and compare it to your benchmark. A spike in traffic 236 00:16:56.370 --> 00:17:00.289 after a show is a positive indication that your efforts were fruitful and that you 237 00:17:00.370 --> 00:17:04.279 made an impact. Yeah, I personally see your clear from lead collection as 238 00:17:04.279 --> 00:17:10.079 a KPI for a show. While booth traffic and leads are great, their 239 00:17:10.160 --> 00:17:14.960 vanity metrics at best and can create a false expectation of what you will deliver 240 00:17:15.160 --> 00:17:18.509 post show. And in the end this will just really help you conclude if 241 00:17:18.549 --> 00:17:22.950 a particular show makes sense to attend in the future. Absolutely think I think 242 00:17:22.950 --> 00:17:26.190 that makes sense. What thanks for that. Really appreciates your time and insight 243 00:17:26.309 --> 00:17:30.700 on the order question. Ask you to them and really enjoy the conversation. 244 00:17:30.380 --> 00:17:34.420 So if anyone wants to connect with you to learn more about what we've discussed 245 00:17:34.460 --> 00:17:40.019 today, we'll discuss about, you know, directive and engine using using you 246 00:17:40.099 --> 00:17:44.220 gage, your obviously, et ceter what would mean the best platform, best 247 00:17:44.329 --> 00:17:47.930 way, best method to get in touch with you? I love Linkedin. 248 00:17:48.049 --> 00:17:51.730 I always have it open. You can easily find me by searching my name, 249 00:17:52.170 --> 00:17:56.289 and I'm also really active on twitter. My handle is marketer man's, 250 00:17:56.809 --> 00:18:00.400 Kat on man's. I like it. Excellent that was great. Many thanks 251 00:18:00.440 --> 00:18:03.799 again, and now it was a pleasure having on this show today. Oh, 252 00:18:03.920 --> 00:18:10.079 thank you so much. operatics has redefined the meaning of revenue generation for 253 00:18:10.200 --> 00:18:15.509 technology companies worldwide. While the traditional concepts of building and managing inside sales teams 254 00:18:15.549 --> 00:18:21.349 inhouse has existed for many years, companies are struggling with a lack of focus, 255 00:18:21.589 --> 00:18:27.140 agility and scale required in today's fast and complex world of enterprise technology sales. 256 00:18:27.740 --> 00:18:34.299 See How operatics can help your company accelerate pipeline at operatics dotnet. You've 257 00:18:34.339 --> 00:18:38.579 been listening to be tob revenue acceleration. To ensure that you never miss an 258 00:18:38.619 --> 00:18:42.650 episode, subscribe to the show in your favorite podcast player. Thank you so 259 00:18:42.769 --> 00:18:45.609 much for listening. Until next time.

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