36: The B2B Marketing ABM Competency Model w/ Joel Harrison

April 17, 2019 00:21:17
36: The B2B Marketing ABM Competency Model w/ Joel Harrison
B2B Revenue Acceleration
36: The B2B Marketing ABM Competency Model w/ Joel Harrison

Apr 17 2019 | 00:21:17


Show Notes

ABM continues to attract attention globally. What began as a B2B marketing phenomenon in the US, has penetrated European markets.

If you google “account-based marketing,” you’ll find just over half a billion results. Breathe easy. We brought in an expert, Joel Harrison, Editor-in-Chief at B2B Marketing.

B2B Marketing is an organization dedicated to serving B2B marketing professionals. As they continue to research the state of ABM around the globe, they’ve developed the ABM Competency Model. Joel broke down the entire model for us on B2B Revenue Acceleration.

And, he did it in sales terminology.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.520 --> 00:00:08.349 You're listening to B Tob Revenue Acceleration, a podcast dedicated helping software executives stay 2 00:00:08.390 --> 00:00:12.189 on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. Let's get into 3 00:00:12.269 --> 00:00:17.710 the show. Hi, welcome to be to be a revenue acceleration. My 4 00:00:17.789 --> 00:00:21.500 name is Ornim with you and I'm the are today with Jorda Harrison, editor 5 00:00:21.579 --> 00:00:24.339 in chief. I'd be to be marketing. How are you today, John? 6 00:00:24.500 --> 00:00:27.019 I'm really good, really good, delights to be here. Thank you. 7 00:00:27.739 --> 00:00:33.420 So today we will be talking about the bit to be marketing ABM competency 8 00:00:33.539 --> 00:00:37.009 model. Okay, so that's an interesting topic. I'm really looking forward to 9 00:00:37.090 --> 00:00:40.289 to we are more about that, but before we go into detail, can 10 00:00:40.329 --> 00:00:44.850 you please introduce yourself to our audience and tell us more about your role and 11 00:00:45.210 --> 00:00:48.929 also what be to be marketing is. So I'm editor in chief, which 12 00:00:48.969 --> 00:00:52.479 is a very grandiose title, but I'm, I guess, responsible for all 13 00:00:52.479 --> 00:00:56.560 the content at the top level that my organization presents. And what we do 14 00:00:56.960 --> 00:01:02.840 is we're an information portal, information provider for all be to be marketers on. 15 00:01:02.960 --> 00:01:04.950 Our objective is to help me to be marketers be more successful, the 16 00:01:06.469 --> 00:01:10.349 more effective and help their organizations in tern be successful, and we do that 17 00:01:10.430 --> 00:01:14.510 through a variety of different channels. We run the conferences, we do training, 18 00:01:14.989 --> 00:01:18.349 we produce sort of content, we have a magazine, we do webinars, 19 00:01:18.620 --> 00:01:23.060 all kinds of and we have an advisory offering around ABM in particular to 20 00:01:23.140 --> 00:01:26.540 help people get started with it. So our aim is to be the kind 21 00:01:26.540 --> 00:01:29.939 of central touch form for B tob marketers and to help them on their journey 22 00:01:29.980 --> 00:01:33.090 and to be more successful and better markets in the future. That's one was 23 00:01:33.129 --> 00:01:37.329 interesting. So, Jupe of other last few years you've developed a long study 24 00:01:37.810 --> 00:01:42.090 to under Sun out ABM has been deployed in Bob Organizations. Based on this 25 00:01:42.250 --> 00:01:48.319 research, you've built which you call the ABM competency model. Can you please 26 00:01:48.439 --> 00:01:52.079 share his audience? I would. This study was conducted our many companies got 27 00:01:52.280 --> 00:01:57.879 involved in using the model and assisting where they were with their ABM journey. 28 00:01:57.519 --> 00:02:00.840 So yeah, so this this greatly came about three or four years ago. 29 00:02:00.879 --> 00:02:05.709 We noticed the real massive increase in interest in account base marketing. We wants 30 00:02:05.750 --> 00:02:08.349 to kind of understand it and document it because it's it was definitely certainly on 31 00:02:08.469 --> 00:02:10.789 this side of the Atlantic, things a bit more of Vanced in the US 32 00:02:12.229 --> 00:02:15.110 at the kind of beginning of the journey with ABM. So it was a 33 00:02:15.150 --> 00:02:17.460 great time to kind of to help track its development and help understand it and 34 00:02:17.539 --> 00:02:23.139 and help and help that journey, help that evolution and acceleration along the journey. 35 00:02:23.379 --> 00:02:24.979 So what we've do? What we've done is we've over a couple of 36 00:02:25.020 --> 00:02:28.340 year as that we are now. We're starting to do our third one now 37 00:02:28.500 --> 00:02:30.770 for we should be launched later in the year. We've done a census of 38 00:02:31.530 --> 00:02:35.490 our audience and we have about Ninetyzero B to be markets in our in our 39 00:02:35.490 --> 00:02:39.250 audience. I'm looking at their use of ABM and how and how it's developing 40 00:02:39.289 --> 00:02:43.530 and how sophisticated it is. And I think what we've shown is that initially, 41 00:02:43.530 --> 00:02:46.199 at least, you know, a couple of years ago, it was 42 00:02:46.240 --> 00:02:49.879 a relatively low level. People were really only getting to grips with ABM. 43 00:02:49.960 --> 00:02:53.759 They there was a lot of lack of understanding or misunderstanding about what it actually 44 00:02:53.919 --> 00:02:55.919 was. who were starting to see that develop and they're the framework, or 45 00:02:57.000 --> 00:03:00.310 the model rather, is designed to really encapture all of those learnings and and 46 00:03:00.789 --> 00:03:05.150 now people to see both where they are in the journey and what they've where 47 00:03:05.150 --> 00:03:08.150 they've come from as compared to other people, but also to help people see 48 00:03:08.349 --> 00:03:10.669 where they might be going in the challenges they're going to be facing in the 49 00:03:10.750 --> 00:03:14.699 future. So it kind of does two things. All as you to benchmark 50 00:03:14.740 --> 00:03:17.539 yourself against the kind of the average be to be market or the average beating 51 00:03:17.620 --> 00:03:21.099 be marketing firm, and then allows you to see where you might be going 52 00:03:21.219 --> 00:03:23.340 in the challenges you're going to face and then give you a kind of help 53 00:03:23.379 --> 00:03:27.930 you start frame up how you're going to address those challenges. Okay, and 54 00:03:28.050 --> 00:03:30.490 if you have a mix of B to be marketers from each side of the 55 00:03:30.610 --> 00:03:35.090 Atlantic, or was the focus of the study very much on the UK s 56 00:03:35.090 --> 00:03:38.689 lush European marketers? It was weighted towards the decided Atlantic, definitely, and 57 00:03:39.169 --> 00:03:43.680 and then that turn weighted to the UK. It's about seventy five percent over 58 00:03:43.719 --> 00:03:46.800 this side. And so, and I think so it's reflective of what of 59 00:03:46.879 --> 00:03:50.039 where IBM is over here right now. Abium looks a bit different in the 60 00:03:50.080 --> 00:03:52.919 states. I think it's more technologically driven, whereas the kind of a lot 61 00:03:52.960 --> 00:03:55.270 of the weight of interest over here is more around the kind of the strategic 62 00:03:55.550 --> 00:04:00.030 the one to one type of Aba. Absolutely, and I think it's probably 63 00:04:00.270 --> 00:04:03.310 due to the the nature of the territory and the volume of facunds and the 64 00:04:03.310 --> 00:04:06.389 volume of contact that we can go after. But we do feel the same 65 00:04:06.710 --> 00:04:10.620 when we angage with our clients and we speak about I can't beg it seems 66 00:04:10.620 --> 00:04:14.259 that the Europe and models tend to be a little bit more they lodge. 67 00:04:14.539 --> 00:04:16.379 You know, you men May in a way, where in the US is 68 00:04:16.500 --> 00:04:19.500 try to scale US through technology. is so yet that that that's something. 69 00:04:19.620 --> 00:04:23.579 Well, I mean he always and let's that's a really good point. Actually, 70 00:04:23.579 --> 00:04:26.370 around the year size of the market, I mean we the other factor 71 00:04:26.410 --> 00:04:30.089 I think that's playing into that is that the technology vendors are fantastic at marketing, 72 00:04:30.250 --> 00:04:36.529 and I'm sure you can recognize that scenario at all solutely. Absolutely don't 73 00:04:36.569 --> 00:04:42.160 know what you're taking about. Or they were people like demand base people, 74 00:04:42.160 --> 00:04:45.639 I can gage you are people at terminus are doing a fantastic job in the 75 00:04:45.720 --> 00:04:48.439 US and have been doing it there for longer, to evangelize around why people 76 00:04:48.480 --> 00:04:53.230 use to should use their technology and as a kind of a starting point in 77 00:04:53.430 --> 00:04:55.709 a PM, whereas, and I don't know if you've see this, but 78 00:04:55.990 --> 00:04:59.949 over here. Often the kind of programmatic aspect of it tends to come in 79 00:05:00.269 --> 00:05:02.670 when people have got their heads around the strategic side of things and looking to 80 00:05:02.670 --> 00:05:06.029 kind of approach whatevery, and I think it's also the question of the daytime. 81 00:05:06.069 --> 00:05:10.740 Mean we've seen, I don't want to mention any vendors, but we're 82 00:05:10.779 --> 00:05:14.740 walking with lots of vendors worked really originally from the US and what they would 83 00:05:14.740 --> 00:05:17.579 ever see a more base in the US and it's here a team in Europe 84 00:05:17.860 --> 00:05:23.970 trying to replicate the success or trying to replicate the strategy of the US market, 85 00:05:24.290 --> 00:05:27.730 and we often see vendors using solution and not on the Sunning way do. 86 00:05:27.930 --> 00:05:30.569 Solutions are not as performance as die in the US markets, and I 87 00:05:30.649 --> 00:05:33.569 think there is few things behind that that are privacy being one of them. 88 00:05:33.889 --> 00:05:36.639 I think there is far less data, and even if you use the discover 89 00:05:36.720 --> 00:05:40.639 that org and the ranking and the zoom, we seems to be the some 90 00:05:40.759 --> 00:05:44.920 company now anyway, but the depth of data, the depth of intelligence is 91 00:05:45.000 --> 00:05:48.279 not as rich as in the US. It's also the consumption of people. 92 00:05:48.319 --> 00:05:51.870 I think you've got because you've got less the volumes are not as great and 93 00:05:51.990 --> 00:05:55.949 because it's part I get here. The think you need to need to sharpen 94 00:05:56.069 --> 00:06:00.629 your pencil and and and Findal STRATEGICTI is probably little bit more direx sometimes and 95 00:06:00.750 --> 00:06:04.660 going on gage with them with a Morti Lot approach, as I'm just waiting 96 00:06:04.740 --> 00:06:10.420 for technology to tell you who's got an interest in your solution. And particularly, 97 00:06:10.459 --> 00:06:14.339 I think, when you are maybe, believe I guess, when you 98 00:06:14.379 --> 00:06:17.889 are targetting and you want to start your Ibam approach with really executive touches, 99 00:06:18.290 --> 00:06:21.769 really it to ches. It's not the gay that will be doneloading content and 100 00:06:23.089 --> 00:06:26.970 reading your white papers and all that sort of great stuff. Sometimes good to 101 00:06:27.250 --> 00:06:29.850 find us a way to get in front of them and to be pertinent in 102 00:06:29.930 --> 00:06:34.439 their context, and that does take quite a strong cells and marketing coalitions, 103 00:06:34.600 --> 00:06:40.160 as well as lots of efforts and sinking process. But coming back to your 104 00:06:40.240 --> 00:06:46.720 study and the ABM competency model, in the map you build you outline five 105 00:06:46.000 --> 00:06:51.269 elements of delivery in an account bas approach. Can you please share with us 106 00:06:51.310 --> 00:06:57.470 what dose five elements are and also briefly explain why they are so important? 107 00:06:58.230 --> 00:07:00.430 Okay, well, thank you. Thank you. And Yeah, we wanted 108 00:07:00.509 --> 00:07:03.139 to try and to demonstrate the key things, the key areas which are what 109 00:07:03.339 --> 00:07:09.019 you contribute towards a successful account base marketing program and so, just to run 110 00:07:09.100 --> 00:07:11.300 through those from the top level, that the five that we've selected, and 111 00:07:11.339 --> 00:07:13.660 there are lots, by the way, but these are the ones which we, 112 00:07:14.060 --> 00:07:18.490 having spoken to another market and and have you be helping the companies doing 113 00:07:18.529 --> 00:07:23.209 avm ourselves. These are the ones which we think are the most the PROTC 114 00:07:23.290 --> 00:07:25.930 most important to focus on, and they also have got up to a certain 115 00:07:25.930 --> 00:07:29.529 extent as well. So these are alignment, account definition, data and insight 116 00:07:29.930 --> 00:07:33.600 technology and then lastly, program and content execution. So to go back to 117 00:07:33.680 --> 00:07:38.560 the top with those, the alignment one is is around is specifically, as 118 00:07:38.600 --> 00:07:42.439 you'd expect, around sales a marketing alignment, which is obviously a hot topic 119 00:07:42.519 --> 00:07:46.470 in BTB and always has been an unfortunately, possibly always will be. But 120 00:07:46.550 --> 00:07:48.550 it's also, yeah, I think we can all, we can all share 121 00:07:48.589 --> 00:07:51.430 that pain, Acou't we? And then, but also it's there's an element 122 00:07:51.430 --> 00:07:55.230 of alignment with other people, like the cease, with CEO and the CEA 123 00:07:55.230 --> 00:07:59.300 sweet making sure everybody understands what at all actually means and how what success is 124 00:07:59.379 --> 00:08:01.259 going to look like. And you know, and the alignment. The kind 125 00:08:01.300 --> 00:08:05.259 of nature of the alignment challenge changes over time. I guess we'll look at 126 00:08:05.300 --> 00:08:07.060 the different stages in a moment. So that's the alignment piece, and then 127 00:08:07.100 --> 00:08:11.420 they kept the next ones account definition, and this is the this is actually 128 00:08:11.660 --> 00:08:15.689 understanding what an ideal account would look like and looking at the size and type 129 00:08:15.769 --> 00:08:18.850 and type and number of different accounts. You're going to work one, work 130 00:08:18.050 --> 00:08:22.649 on targeting. So I guess this probably pertains to strategy to a certain extent 131 00:08:22.689 --> 00:08:24.649 as well. You know, are you going to be strategic one to one? 132 00:08:24.689 --> 00:08:26.920 Are you going to going to be like is one too few, or 133 00:08:28.079 --> 00:08:31.120 going to be programmed so many, so so? Again, this can change 134 00:08:31.240 --> 00:08:33.639 and this is probably will change as you go, as you're more competent and 135 00:08:33.799 --> 00:08:37.559 more comfortable with this. The third one is data and insight, and again 136 00:08:37.600 --> 00:08:41.389 this is around the pulling of information which both the sales and marketing teams have 137 00:08:41.629 --> 00:08:46.549 and continue to accrue, and how to and kind of creating means of which 138 00:08:46.629 --> 00:08:50.509 to keep big, diving deeper into those insights, mapping them, understanding of 139 00:08:50.629 --> 00:08:54.789 the gaps are cleaning them up, sharing them, making them available, creating 140 00:08:54.830 --> 00:09:00.340 this kind of virtuous circle of or feedback and content of feedback and incited to 141 00:09:00.419 --> 00:09:03.860 allow the program to get more and more sophisticated. The fourth on is technology, 142 00:09:05.019 --> 00:09:07.620 and we all know about marketing technology. We've mentioned it just now, 143 00:09:07.740 --> 00:09:11.009 and the UN role. If you're starting out with ABM at strategic level, 144 00:09:11.090 --> 00:09:16.409 you probably don't need any specific marketing technology or as the ABM technology, you 145 00:09:16.490 --> 00:09:20.129 probably can just be using what you might be using for demand generation, crum 146 00:09:20.370 --> 00:09:24.639 crm and marketing automation of possibly social tools. But as you become more sophisticated 147 00:09:24.679 --> 00:09:28.519 to start and particular if you start doing going down the programmatic group, you'll 148 00:09:28.559 --> 00:09:31.440 probably start to align more and more on technology. And then the last piece 149 00:09:31.559 --> 00:09:35.679 is the program is the program and content execution. So this is around all 150 00:09:35.720 --> 00:09:39.389 the activities, all the content you're producing, the white papers and microcides, 151 00:09:39.470 --> 00:09:43.990 the direct mail, all of those things which actually are going out to the 152 00:09:43.070 --> 00:09:46.830 audience prove performing, the the outreach in the and the the actual kind of 153 00:09:48.029 --> 00:09:52.149 engagement marketing which people going know and will respond to and which you'll drive and 154 00:09:52.230 --> 00:09:54.179 trust, and all the sales and able sales support activities as well. So 155 00:09:54.539 --> 00:09:58.580 so those are those are which we think of the five elements. Ray What 156 00:09:58.659 --> 00:10:01.019 do you think about those? Are there any that you think I've missed or 157 00:10:01.059 --> 00:10:03.460 any or any comments about how we structure someone? I think, I think, 158 00:10:03.500 --> 00:10:07.970 I think it's a it's a nice it's a it's a good way to 159 00:10:07.129 --> 00:10:11.129 describe the journey is that it's, you know, it's under faith Geer lements. 160 00:10:11.169 --> 00:10:15.009 I think make question is more around and it's a bit of a leading 161 00:10:15.049 --> 00:10:18.049 question because I may have an idea about when the answer is from my perspective. 162 00:10:18.289 --> 00:10:22.240 But which one of those five elements do you believe is the most challenging 163 00:10:22.639 --> 00:10:26.559 for the average be to be marketer? Well, I think they get they 164 00:10:26.639 --> 00:10:30.000 become more challenging at different times, you know, and I don't think so. 165 00:10:30.159 --> 00:10:31.720 I'm going to if you had to talk about all the across the journey, 166 00:10:31.919 --> 00:10:35.750 I'm probably going to say data and insight, because this is always been 167 00:10:35.789 --> 00:10:39.190 a challenge for be to be marketers. Beating marketing is never been as data 168 00:10:39.350 --> 00:10:41.509 or insight savvy as it should be. But you know, you can't get 169 00:10:41.509 --> 00:10:45.789 at it. But then the technology piece becomes more challenging as you go on. 170 00:10:46.190 --> 00:10:48.309 Program constant execution part is probably what marks has already been doing. The 171 00:10:48.470 --> 00:10:52.220 just dope you doing it better. And the top too. Well, the 172 00:10:52.259 --> 00:10:54.779 alignment piece and definition piece out of kind of foundations. If you haven't got 173 00:10:54.860 --> 00:10:58.700 that, you're never going to get anywhere, or at least now you're very 174 00:10:58.779 --> 00:11:01.299 far. So it would you most challenging. I think you alignment is if 175 00:11:01.620 --> 00:11:07.649 we feel, we feel at our clients, partners and prospects, people we 176 00:11:07.769 --> 00:11:11.049 speaking to win the market in general. I've a little bit of an issue 177 00:11:11.090 --> 00:11:15.730 with your alignment and I think it's about sometimes it's the alignment not just with 178 00:11:15.850 --> 00:11:18.440 the cells team. Is Your alignment with your board, is the alignment with 179 00:11:18.519 --> 00:11:22.080 your management? I would do you get people to know, to understand, 180 00:11:22.159 --> 00:11:26.480 in a in a business, that you've got to change the way you you 181 00:11:26.679 --> 00:11:28.759 measure yourself as a sable or as a bit, as a bit to be 182 00:11:28.840 --> 00:11:31.870 market or in general. Okay, if we don't account by the approach, 183 00:11:33.070 --> 00:11:37.110 but let's not talk about marketing, qualified Lise, let's not talk about meetings, 184 00:11:37.230 --> 00:11:41.470 let's not talk about the way we used to evaluate our self or evaluate 185 00:11:41.590 --> 00:11:45.509 marketing, but let's try to find new KPIS. I think we've seen a 186 00:11:46.230 --> 00:11:50.100 few be to be marketers finding it difficult to change the mentality in time of 187 00:11:50.259 --> 00:11:54.419 how they will measure and how the success would be measured. And then it's 188 00:11:54.419 --> 00:11:58.860 about getting the you can get the buy and I think cell steam get it. 189 00:12:00.259 --> 00:12:03.450 I think channel team would get it as well, depending on the model 190 00:12:03.450 --> 00:12:07.250 you've got. But it's about getting that glue between what we want to do 191 00:12:07.409 --> 00:12:11.250 from a theoretical perspective and then keeping the consistency going. So I think people 192 00:12:11.330 --> 00:12:15.370 would be telling us that all be to be marketers will be telling us that 193 00:12:15.409 --> 00:12:18.080 they don't really have an issue in running the cell cell steam around them and 194 00:12:18.200 --> 00:12:22.840 even sometimes our management around them for part of three to six months. But 195 00:12:22.360 --> 00:12:28.960 if there is no real achievement done within straight to six months, which is 196 00:12:28.039 --> 00:12:31.830 tough because we're talking about business closed there right. I would say that to 197 00:12:31.909 --> 00:12:35.309 average clients will have an average deal value. If I was take all our 198 00:12:35.350 --> 00:12:39.309 clients, I think my gut feel would be to say around ninety two hundred 199 00:12:39.309 --> 00:12:43.429 and twenty eight dollars. We don't close that sort of deals in a couple 200 00:12:43.429 --> 00:12:45.899 of weeks. You know, it takes you times to go and create the 201 00:12:45.940 --> 00:12:48.779 Demi and the more destructive you are as a solution or as a product, 202 00:12:50.460 --> 00:12:54.460 the more difficulty is to close the deal. So it's about having enough thing 203 00:12:54.539 --> 00:13:00.409 to prove themselves and to prove the viability the Pertin ends of the Avm, 204 00:13:00.690 --> 00:13:05.490 as well as kind of sometime changing the way marketing is measure of it's like 205 00:13:05.649 --> 00:13:07.769 being the Messaiah. You know you've got to come up, and so we're 206 00:13:07.769 --> 00:13:11.049 going to do something new. But I've got the bad news. It went 207 00:13:11.129 --> 00:13:15.759 up and of our nights easy as that's the tough when I think absolutely agree, 208 00:13:15.759 --> 00:13:18.559 and I think it's always, I mean it's for any other issue. 209 00:13:18.600 --> 00:13:22.360 You know, marketings align with the rest of the business, particularly sales. 210 00:13:22.440 --> 00:13:24.960 You know, this is it's almost it's almost a Cliche, and we continue 211 00:13:24.000 --> 00:13:26.389 to hope it will get better. You know, we hoped it would get 212 00:13:26.389 --> 00:13:30.789 better with marketing automation and it and in some ways it did, because it 213 00:13:30.870 --> 00:13:33.350 created a new kind of environment and a new language people to talk, but 214 00:13:33.470 --> 00:13:37.750 also quoting new kinds of conflict. You know, it kind of these often 215 00:13:37.750 --> 00:13:41.700 the kind of language and the metrics that were using creative opportunities to conflict, 216 00:13:41.940 --> 00:13:45.379 whereas to do Aybim properly really has to be harmonious and, as you say, 217 00:13:45.379 --> 00:13:48.379 it's a very different way. It doesn't happen quickly and bad burgess is 218 00:13:48.379 --> 00:13:50.659 one of the leading lights and a them. I think she you know, 219 00:13:50.860 --> 00:13:52.899 she had and great analogy. You know that a new exactly touched that just 220 00:13:52.980 --> 00:13:56.210 then. If you tell you know, you might the say you're able to, 221 00:13:56.370 --> 00:14:00.129 can you want to do abm? You convinced to see the CEO that 222 00:14:00.210 --> 00:14:03.009 were you're going to do it and it's going to be very effective, and 223 00:14:03.090 --> 00:14:05.769 then they're going to they think that it's that it's going to make a change 224 00:14:05.809 --> 00:14:07.409 over night and and it doesn't do that. You know, it does take. 225 00:14:07.450 --> 00:14:13.240 It takes time, commitment, perseverance, all of those unfortunate things which 226 00:14:13.639 --> 00:14:16.600 which we all assume, things that scres outs quickly. No one wants to 227 00:14:16.720 --> 00:14:18.320 know what to sell you a message that it's going to say I seen months 228 00:14:18.399 --> 00:14:22.919 because now I'm really but we've seen. You know, we've seen, we've 229 00:14:22.960 --> 00:14:26.710 seen. We take another analogy because we've seen companies, and particularly a larger 230 00:14:26.909 --> 00:14:31.549 one, they've got what I would call a Ferrarey of the account based marketing. 231 00:14:31.669 --> 00:14:35.509 So they've got, they've got, they've got it all figured out in 232 00:14:35.629 --> 00:14:37.940 time of do I want to go one too few, one two, one, 233 00:14:39.139 --> 00:14:41.539 one too many. Actually, are going to take this free approach because 234 00:14:41.659 --> 00:14:45.980 you know, for the most strategic people, I will go for the one 235 00:14:46.139 --> 00:14:48.139 to one, the one in the middle, I will go for the one 236 00:14:48.179 --> 00:14:50.940 too few, the one at the bottom that I still need to influence. 237 00:14:50.460 --> 00:14:54.210 I will take the one too many. And they create all those beautiful content 238 00:14:54.529 --> 00:14:58.250 and journeys and quite frankly, this is a fer area of and I can't 239 00:14:58.250 --> 00:15:01.370 bea the approach to all the beauty, for everything is beautiful. The prime 240 00:15:01.409 --> 00:15:05.250 they've got that they've got no patrol, they've got no guests to put in 241 00:15:05.330 --> 00:15:07.159 the car, and that's that's the that an insight. And then there is 242 00:15:07.240 --> 00:15:11.759 no drivers or there is no one, which is said, well, actually, 243 00:15:11.799 --> 00:15:13.440 you know what, I'm gonna take the driving seats and will take your 244 00:15:13.440 --> 00:15:18.480 driving and we do feel in what we do at operatics having no part of 245 00:15:18.600 --> 00:15:22.029 what we do is being what I would call a business development function and internal 246 00:15:22.230 --> 00:15:26.230 cells function. We believe that that part is actually very critical, because this 247 00:15:26.470 --> 00:15:30.669 is that. But that will get you use first engagement, but then you've 248 00:15:30.669 --> 00:15:33.909 got the cell steam being involved, when the cells team being involved, need 249 00:15:33.950 --> 00:15:37.059 to push us from the driving seat, take the driving seat for one hour 250 00:15:37.220 --> 00:15:39.220 two our worlds when they meet with the prospect then come back to US and 251 00:15:39.340 --> 00:15:41.980 marketing. We sit around the car and we say, okay, this is 252 00:15:43.059 --> 00:15:45.779 what happened at the meeting, what this is what we need to drive now, 253 00:15:45.860 --> 00:15:48.820 and then you need to find another driver to get into the cars. 254 00:15:48.059 --> 00:15:52.009 That's the end reade that we take. You've got that fantastic car, the 255 00:15:52.409 --> 00:15:54.490 bitch really in the war, but you still need a driver and it's it's 256 00:15:54.490 --> 00:15:58.889 a lot of factor that gets involved. And if the car is convertive, 257 00:15:58.889 --> 00:16:00.970 what you need to need to have some sound out there as well. So 258 00:16:00.690 --> 00:16:04.639 it's it's you. I guess you know what I mean. With the energy, 259 00:16:06.200 --> 00:16:07.960 the US are fair. I'm really keen to all about because, as 260 00:16:08.039 --> 00:16:11.200 the that's the other one where we've got to sue analogy. On top of 261 00:16:11.279 --> 00:16:17.039 the five elements of delivery, you also divide the model in faith stages. 262 00:16:17.519 --> 00:16:21.509 Yeah, in the ABM Journey. So could you, could you please take 263 00:16:21.549 --> 00:16:25.830 us through loose five pages and and again, you know, explained a little 264 00:16:25.830 --> 00:16:27.870 bit, you know, about which every single one of them is. Yeah, 265 00:16:27.870 --> 00:16:33.139 and that's thank you. And you know these five stages are to they 266 00:16:33.220 --> 00:16:37.700 stay. Hopefully they reasonably. The pretty straightforward you with the first one is 267 00:16:37.899 --> 00:16:41.740 they go from stage one, understanding, stage two, preparing stays three, 268 00:16:41.779 --> 00:16:45.820 delivering, stage for upscaling, stage by perfecting. And these are relatively arbitrue, 269 00:16:45.899 --> 00:16:48.850 right, you know, they could and they're not. They're not necessarily 270 00:16:48.929 --> 00:16:52.250 defined. People could define the slightly differently, but we define them. Really 271 00:16:52.409 --> 00:16:57.129 is around the understanding piece, is really trying to really kind of scoping opportunities 272 00:16:57.169 --> 00:17:00.720 for account Bost Marketing, understanding what it means for you, probably auditing what 273 00:17:00.759 --> 00:17:04.119 it is that you do already, because so much about account based marketing, 274 00:17:04.200 --> 00:17:08.599 again, to quote their Burgess, is just good marketing. And so people 275 00:17:08.680 --> 00:17:11.920 will be doing it. They should have been doing it always, Malcolm, 276 00:17:11.079 --> 00:17:15.279 Malcolm was Donald, professor, Michael dnswers. It's just doing what marketing should 277 00:17:15.279 --> 00:17:18.269 always have been doing. And some of that is naturally doing it anyway, 278 00:17:18.349 --> 00:17:21.430 but it's often in kind of things. I think I call it accidental ABM, 279 00:17:21.710 --> 00:17:25.509 but it's not necessarily planned out. So understanding what's happening already and what 280 00:17:25.869 --> 00:17:30.339 and what whether these pockets of best practice exist. And the next phase is 281 00:17:30.420 --> 00:17:34.579 preparing, so creating an ABM team, getting stakeholders on board, running a 282 00:17:34.700 --> 00:17:38.140 pilot you know, setting some sales and marketing objectives, and that's the state. 283 00:17:38.299 --> 00:17:41.539 So that's that's kind of just getting getting beyond the inurse or actually getting 284 00:17:41.539 --> 00:17:47.569 something moving. Delivering is actually having this stage three, having a collaborative relationship, 285 00:17:47.769 --> 00:17:49.849 delivering on some objectives. It's probably to your point just now, is 286 00:17:49.849 --> 00:17:53.089 probably not around revenue because you know you make a very, very good point. 287 00:17:53.170 --> 00:17:56.329 So much should be to be revenues are kind of eighteen months. You 288 00:17:56.410 --> 00:18:00.039 know, can be six to eighteen months in terms of there even longer in 289 00:18:00.119 --> 00:18:03.400 some situation. So it's probably around more around the engagements and the kind of 290 00:18:03.400 --> 00:18:07.279 pipeline generation and all those kind of things, or opportunity creation or whatever. 291 00:18:07.519 --> 00:18:11.759 And then stage four is upscaling. So you've proven the model, probably, 292 00:18:12.309 --> 00:18:15.549 bearing in mind our audience is perspective. You've probably proven it in it in 293 00:18:15.589 --> 00:18:19.309 a strategic abm capacity, and so you're looking to move to you may even 294 00:18:19.349 --> 00:18:22.869 gone to a kind of a want of few. So you look at to 295 00:18:22.869 --> 00:18:25.789 go to one, to one too many, and so this stage you're looking 296 00:18:25.829 --> 00:18:30.059 to get greater budgets, more resources and there's lots of internal champions. So 297 00:18:30.140 --> 00:18:33.500 you've really proven this is as a major plank of your marketing and sales delivery 298 00:18:33.619 --> 00:18:37.859 and the last day about sage five, is about affecting what you've got. 299 00:18:37.940 --> 00:18:42.650 So and so it's total collaboration understood across the organization. You're probably using some 300 00:18:42.730 --> 00:18:47.049 of the most sophisticated technology and you're a very much of the bleeding edge, 301 00:18:47.250 --> 00:18:48.650 and it's worth saying there are a very few people at that state. There 302 00:18:48.690 --> 00:18:52.170 are some people there, but there are very few, at least in the 303 00:18:52.210 --> 00:18:55.170 UK, around that. So but I don't think it's impossible to get there 304 00:18:55.250 --> 00:18:57.920 and far from it. But it requires, as a said, consistency, 305 00:18:59.160 --> 00:19:03.880 persistence and buying. Absolutely agree with you. I'll get thanks for that, 306 00:19:03.920 --> 00:19:06.559 joid. I mean, I really appreciate your claim and all I didn't say 307 00:19:06.599 --> 00:19:10.509 that you've been you've been sharing with us today. Now, if anyone would 308 00:19:10.549 --> 00:19:14.589 like to engage with you, carry on the conversation but aentually come back to 309 00:19:14.670 --> 00:19:17.630 some of the points we discuss with you and going to a little bit more 310 00:19:17.670 --> 00:19:22.029 details. What is the best way to discuss with you on gage, with 311 00:19:22.190 --> 00:19:25.180 you, get your attention and start a conversation with you? Well, you 312 00:19:25.259 --> 00:19:26.700 can, you can. I'd love to love to get any feedback, any 313 00:19:26.779 --> 00:19:30.220 comments and suggestions around this and you know you can. Hope we can. 314 00:19:30.339 --> 00:19:33.420 You can download them this framework for free. I have a look at that. 315 00:19:33.500 --> 00:19:37.940 It's also a kind of a light version of the census report we did 316 00:19:37.019 --> 00:19:41.329 with some some kind of top line findings, which is which is available as 317 00:19:41.369 --> 00:19:44.849 well. I hope we can make it avail of all around this podcast, 318 00:19:45.210 --> 00:19:48.369 but that we fantastic. We'd really appreciate that. You can tweet me at 319 00:19:48.410 --> 00:19:51.569 Joel underschool be to be editor. That's not to be. There's another Joel 320 00:19:51.609 --> 00:19:56.000 Harris and on twitter who's a whiskey connissear. I'm not him, by the 321 00:19:56.039 --> 00:19:57.680 way. I don't particularly like whiskey. I'm more of a beer person, 322 00:19:57.759 --> 00:20:02.720 so don't get me confused with him. I'm the Joe of his. It's 323 00:20:02.759 --> 00:20:04.079 a I got friends. I got send some whiskey for him, by the 324 00:20:04.119 --> 00:20:07.119 way, once, which is quite nice, to gated to remember the team. 325 00:20:07.119 --> 00:20:10.829 I never to be aged to work out why I got it's take and, 326 00:20:11.190 --> 00:20:12.789 yeah, yeah, we've bet if it was beer and or you can 327 00:20:12.829 --> 00:20:15.750 get on Linkedin. You can do me quite easily there. or email me 328 00:20:17.150 --> 00:20:21.859 Joel Dot Harrison at be to be marketing DOTNET. Joeld or Harrison a be 329 00:20:22.019 --> 00:20:25.420 to be marketing dotnet. But that's wonderful. Many thanks again, Joel, 330 00:20:25.539 --> 00:20:27.539 and yeah, it was great to have you on the show today. Thank 331 00:20:27.539 --> 00:20:33.660 you very much, really interesting conversation. Thanks for having on. operatics has 332 00:20:33.740 --> 00:20:40.569 redefined the meaning of revenue generation for technology companies worldwide. While the traditional concepts 333 00:20:40.609 --> 00:20:45.009 of building and managing inside sales teams inhouse has existed for many years, companies 334 00:20:45.049 --> 00:20:51.240 are struggling with a lack of focus, agility and scale required in today's fast 335 00:20:51.400 --> 00:20:56.519 and complex world of enterprise technology sales. See How operatics can help your company 336 00:20:56.559 --> 00:21:03.960 accelerate pipeline at operatics dotnet. You've been listening to be to be revenue acceleration. 337 00:21:03.670 --> 00:21:07.750 To ensure that you never miss an episode, subscribe to the show in 338 00:21:07.789 --> 00:21:11.990 your favorite podcast player. Thank you so much for listening. Until next time. 339 -->

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