49: 5 Keys to Evolving Your Channel Business in the Cloud Era w/ Timm Hoyt

July 17, 2019 00:15:07
49: 5 Keys to Evolving Your Channel Business in the Cloud Era w/ Timm Hoyt
B2B Revenue Acceleration
49: 5 Keys to Evolving Your Channel Business in the Cloud Era w/ Timm Hoyt

Jul 17 2019 | 00:15:07


Show Notes

Cloud may be a dream for developers & vendors. But for resellers, distributors, and customers, it can often represents unwanted change.

How can vendors of cloud products and services, and their channel partners, maximize their offerings and profitability in the cloud era?

That’s what we asked Timm Hoyt, VP of Global Partner Sales & Alliances at Druva.

On this episode we discuss cloud vendors, channel partners, margin models, overcoming change resistance, end-user experience, and more.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.520 --> 00:00:07.549 You were listening to be tob revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated to helping software 2 00:00:07.589 --> 00:00:11.789 executives stay on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. Let's 3 00:00:11.789 --> 00:00:16.670 get into the show. Hi, welcome to be to be a revene acceleration. 4 00:00:17.030 --> 00:00:20.589 My name is audium hip and I'm up today with Tim hot, global 5 00:00:20.629 --> 00:00:24.660 VP. Bought knows and audiences are drove up. How are you doing today's 6 00:00:24.660 --> 00:00:28.059 team earlier doing great. Thanks for taking the time. Well, that's a 7 00:00:28.179 --> 00:00:32.140 pleasure and again today I keep on saying that for every single podcast, waste 8 00:00:32.179 --> 00:00:36.810 part because the team is doing a great job. will be talking about fantastic 9 00:00:36.890 --> 00:00:42.210 of fascinating topic, which is the evolving your channel or business in the cloud. 10 00:00:42.250 --> 00:00:45.929 Eram but before we go into the conversation team, would you mind introducing 11 00:00:46.049 --> 00:00:49.210 yourself, as well as your company, drew? Sure so, my name 12 00:00:49.210 --> 00:00:54.159 is Tim, point, part of through the leading the organization and respond for 13 00:00:54.439 --> 00:00:59.880 our Global Park. So those partners are made up of solution reselling and integrators 14 00:00:59.960 --> 00:01:06.629 as well as strategical, I warners, and help us ultimately deliver solutions that 15 00:01:06.790 --> 00:01:11.030 are morphing customers and their cloud journey. What room it does we provide a 16 00:01:11.230 --> 00:01:15.549 platform for data protection and management for the cloud era. So we're one hundred 17 00:01:15.590 --> 00:01:21.060 percent built on top of a WS and and deliver. Are Offering as a 18 00:01:21.180 --> 00:01:29.420 service globally interm scalability, providing great realmcy and security for a customers data. 19 00:01:29.459 --> 00:01:34.010 Right, we think that the data is the number to answer any organization, 20 00:01:34.370 --> 00:01:38.609 one of the employees posy, followed by the data. So how customers protect 21 00:01:38.689 --> 00:01:45.290 that data and ultimately are able to use that data for information insight? What 22 00:01:45.450 --> 00:01:49.560 through is providing to customers together with our sluting channel partners? Well, that 23 00:01:49.640 --> 00:01:53.760 sounds fantastic and that's kind of a good link to my first question, because 24 00:01:55.120 --> 00:01:57.079 you probably because you use it every day, you know as well as me 25 00:01:57.519 --> 00:02:02.510 the value that the cloud can bring is absolutely huge interim of flexibility in term 26 00:02:02.629 --> 00:02:07.829 of in time of costs, in time of efficiency, in term of custophoenership 27 00:02:07.310 --> 00:02:12.669 and and and ultimately we see a lot of prospect of I've been hearing a 28 00:02:12.710 --> 00:02:15.979 lot of lots of end user it kind of being called into moving too much 29 00:02:15.979 --> 00:02:20.620 short, too quickly to the clouds due to the security element or the security 30 00:02:20.699 --> 00:02:24.500 aspect and and potentially the risk of moving information to the cloud. But we 31 00:02:24.659 --> 00:02:30.449 also know that from a general perspective, it means you change, and I'm 32 00:02:30.530 --> 00:02:35.169 in the preparation of this podcast I did mention to you my personal experience of 33 00:02:35.530 --> 00:02:39.610 walking with with Microsoft and at the time one Microsoft was moving from an on 34 00:02:39.770 --> 00:02:44.719 premises to a cloud or trying to push cloud solution, and we saw a 35 00:02:45.080 --> 00:02:49.719 lot of presistance in the channel. Obvious prison because young premises model is is 36 00:02:50.080 --> 00:02:53.080 was a model that the used to the level and and change is difficult to 37 00:02:53.159 --> 00:02:58.319 operating small business story set all business, but also because of the value of 38 00:02:58.439 --> 00:03:02.870 the contract and and probably the bottners making more services on premises or the mystery 39 00:03:04.189 --> 00:03:09.870 the problems making more profits delivering on premises services rather than pushing the cloud. 40 00:03:10.150 --> 00:03:15.860 So could you please show his audience how you've seen this channel revolution evolving over 41 00:03:15.900 --> 00:03:19.819 the last few years moving to the cloud? Yeah, really think it's a 42 00:03:19.860 --> 00:03:23.740 great kind of rewinding some history there. And mean, ultimately I think the 43 00:03:23.900 --> 00:03:28.449 most important lend is to look through is in the of the end user and 44 00:03:28.610 --> 00:03:32.689 what business outcome are being driven through the text back and even text backs, 45 00:03:32.689 --> 00:03:38.129 your may be, that is is being offered by vendors and opening the channel 46 00:03:38.169 --> 00:03:43.759 partner community right those the type of partners that we thrive with the most the 47 00:03:43.840 --> 00:03:49.360 ones that have the best interests of their end users in mind, not leading 48 00:03:49.520 --> 00:03:53.919 with what's the best interest of means channel, reason or, in my margin, 49 00:03:55.030 --> 00:03:59.229 my comfort zone. Right. So the beauty about what happens in our 50 00:03:59.229 --> 00:04:05.270 industry is that's constantly evolving and there's always new innovations that allow recently consulting partners 51 00:04:05.389 --> 00:04:13.659 to help you uminate those new solutions or technologies for their customers because they know 52 00:04:13.860 --> 00:04:17.379 those customers business and understand the business outcomes that the customers trying to drive and 53 00:04:17.420 --> 00:04:25.050 then they are delivering the best offerings to help achieve those goals versus being a 54 00:04:25.410 --> 00:04:31.569 vendor reseller. So that's a very important I think deliation between the ecosystems out 55 00:04:31.610 --> 00:04:36.529 there in the small and even large resign community right cloud is just the next 56 00:04:36.610 --> 00:04:45.639 step in how customers business is evolving in the ultimately write the IT operations there 57 00:04:45.800 --> 00:04:50.519 to support that function and objective. Absolutely so I guess one of the what 58 00:04:50.639 --> 00:04:54.949 I'm hearing from your response size is ready to fight that depart now. Should 59 00:04:54.990 --> 00:04:57.470 not think about them sin, but they would think about the guy and use 60 00:04:57.949 --> 00:05:00.750 put them sid in the shoes of g and user and then, obviously I 61 00:05:00.870 --> 00:05:05.029 dubbed the clouded embrace the cloud. But if you add any use OL advice 62 00:05:05.629 --> 00:05:10.100 for channel part also, it's basically at community that you probably meet, must 63 00:05:10.100 --> 00:05:14.500 be meeting on a daily basis to drive in the cloud era. What would 64 00:05:14.540 --> 00:05:17.620 that be? What would they be sure? I think first and foremost is 65 00:05:18.060 --> 00:05:24.370 is for that partner is to look what the core value prop is that they 66 00:05:24.449 --> 00:05:28.529 offer, and that can be on the business process, consulting, that can 67 00:05:28.569 --> 00:05:32.850 be technology experience ants, and then connect the dots around this cloud era and 68 00:05:33.009 --> 00:05:40.240 the digital transformation. What youth cases and what workloads are the most ripe for 69 00:05:40.920 --> 00:05:46.720 early adaptation and adoption by their customers, because you could be uniquely value lawt 70 00:05:46.319 --> 00:05:53.110 and and so if reselling communities is connecting those dots around where their course skill 71 00:05:53.230 --> 00:05:58.550 set is combined to where there's business outcomes to the customer, that's where I 72 00:05:58.629 --> 00:06:03.459 think good things happened. The partner ultimately is delivering a unique value to that 73 00:06:03.660 --> 00:06:09.379 customer. For with you the trade is and it is in profitability for the 74 00:06:09.420 --> 00:06:15.019 value services. Any any true free market capitalism story. And so the place 75 00:06:15.139 --> 00:06:19.449 that drove operates and I think is interesting for the post years. Your listeners 76 00:06:19.529 --> 00:06:25.569 and certainly those parts of working with today is data protection and backup is not 77 00:06:25.689 --> 00:06:30.850 a new work right has been around for decades. What is new is the 78 00:06:30.009 --> 00:06:36.759 modern relation of customers infrastructure, where data reside, the applications and workflow and 79 00:06:38.319 --> 00:06:44.199 traditional backup and data protection offerings cannot scale for the cloud era and that's where 80 00:06:44.199 --> 00:06:46.470 I think the drewest story is uniquely valuable to our partners and, ultily, 81 00:06:46.509 --> 00:06:53.389 customers, because for our partners they may have decades and dozens of staff experience 82 00:06:53.550 --> 00:06:58.430 and back up and restore and information management, but you know, your offer 83 00:06:58.629 --> 00:07:01.379 is connecting those dots to the Modern World of clouds and that deployment, and 84 00:07:01.500 --> 00:07:06.339 so there's a unique bridge we offer to many resellers that are in the market 85 00:07:06.420 --> 00:07:11.980 today. That makes perfect sense. I've got to as a question for your 86 00:07:12.019 --> 00:07:15.699 on the distribution mode also, as I'm almost to all agents know, there 87 00:07:15.769 --> 00:07:18.009 is there is one your model. Well, ven dog can walk directly with 88 00:07:18.170 --> 00:07:21.769 resellers and then on angels and users and there is a Tutia model. What 89 00:07:21.889 --> 00:07:26.490 you've got distribution. If I was to do a bit of a Cliche, 90 00:07:26.769 --> 00:07:30.879 but back in the days, who I would remember distribution being a big Waw. 91 00:07:31.040 --> 00:07:38.759 So we'd have pullets of potentary salvos and and fire walls and CD ROMS 92 00:07:38.800 --> 00:07:41.480 into boxes and all that sort of things. But obviously all that is gone 93 00:07:41.560 --> 00:07:46.990 now with the cloud. So what well do you see the the role of 94 00:07:46.029 --> 00:07:50.870 the distributor I evolving in the cloud era? So you have really interesting topic 95 00:07:50.990 --> 00:07:57.430 that is being shape literally as we speakers. Is A DISPU in the staff 96 00:07:57.790 --> 00:08:03.620 getting cloudier and you what we find is some of the core principles that have 97 00:08:03.740 --> 00:08:07.980 made discucingiable of vendors like through verse still remain intact. Right. It may 98 00:08:07.060 --> 00:08:11.100 not be the warehouse in the supply artistics, as you mentioned, a traditional 99 00:08:11.220 --> 00:08:16.610 and premi hardware, but the axis in the bailability, the trusted network, 100 00:08:16.689 --> 00:08:22.730 a distitution has weird re selling partners and consulting partners that are vendor in the 101 00:08:22.810 --> 00:08:26.009 cloud here says may not have Y is one of the greatest, I think, 102 00:08:26.089 --> 00:08:31.200 assets and intellectual property, if you will, that distribution has off okay, 103 00:08:31.360 --> 00:08:35.039 and from an end use of standpoints, I'm just like a going a 104 00:08:35.080 --> 00:08:37.279 little bit of wrong from the reason I know that these free, but from 105 00:08:37.279 --> 00:08:43.830 an end use or standpoint, you see anything else that is brooking and us 106 00:08:43.909 --> 00:08:46.870 off from really moving to the clouds because, again, we know the benefits, 107 00:08:48.070 --> 00:08:50.509 the benefits of messive. You don't need to have a self room. 108 00:08:50.549 --> 00:08:54.870 You don't have the Eddech of running over that and and that's fantastic. If 109 00:08:54.909 --> 00:08:58.539 you can also sway the blue us or use a platform of the nature, 110 00:08:58.659 --> 00:09:03.419 it benef if it's a great now we still see people, we still see 111 00:09:03.460 --> 00:09:09.779 the move is progressing, it's growing, but you see, or do you 112 00:09:09.169 --> 00:09:15.690 about anything? Stills not stopping but refraining and use of from fully embracing the 113 00:09:15.690 --> 00:09:18.769 kind of actually putting or dine future trying the cloud. I think a lot 114 00:09:18.850 --> 00:09:24.399 of it is oriented around things in it's even things, things often uncomfortable for 115 00:09:24.519 --> 00:09:30.000 us, are right and maybe you know less than right reasons. So I 116 00:09:30.120 --> 00:09:33.720 think operational we has play one of the biggest thought process you that any users 117 00:09:33.879 --> 00:09:41.710 are going how they transform and leverage clouds, what workloads make sense and why 118 00:09:41.070 --> 00:09:45.870 right. And then you know, there's the people's side of as well, 119 00:09:45.950 --> 00:09:50.830 the operators one right, but then the management and executive team is if there's 120 00:09:50.830 --> 00:09:56.419 a way to dramatically lower costs right, increase the experience and the value of 121 00:09:56.659 --> 00:10:03.419 the service and maybe reprovision the human capital onto more value knowledge worker efforts in 122 00:10:03.460 --> 00:10:07.169 the IP organization versus maybe running some more month in tasks. That's brilliant. 123 00:10:07.210 --> 00:10:13.090 So I think modern modernization like the cloud is providing for certain workloads and data 124 00:10:13.129 --> 00:10:18.450 protection being examples. And so it's really, I think, organizations standing their 125 00:10:18.490 --> 00:10:24.679 own business, their own operating procedures, their own people in talents and skills, 126 00:10:24.720 --> 00:10:28.519 and that's a you know, certainly an area that a lot of our 127 00:10:28.879 --> 00:10:35.789 reselling consulting corners are highly engaged with being those consultants and helping and users see 128 00:10:35.509 --> 00:10:41.070 the force, the trees and that in that metaphor that says Christ thanks for 129 00:10:41.149 --> 00:10:43.309 showing that. That's what shot. That good for you. is been coming 130 00:10:43.389 --> 00:10:48.909 back to shut no businesses evolving in the cloud era. Could you pre show 131 00:10:48.029 --> 00:10:54.100 his Algin some six stories that you've seen for your carrier where you waitness that 132 00:10:54.220 --> 00:10:58.179 shift walking out very successfully? So I think you know, there's been a 133 00:10:58.220 --> 00:11:03.529 number of I think major and in my time in the IT market right at 134 00:11:03.769 --> 00:11:07.970 a moving from main family client server, moving from physical servers the virtualized servers, 135 00:11:09.129 --> 00:11:13.970 moving spinning disc arrays into off last rays, and I think cloud is 136 00:11:15.009 --> 00:11:20.279 another major market movement and I'll go back to where I began. I think 137 00:11:20.399 --> 00:11:24.960 you know, the major successes from the channel community come when its partners are 138 00:11:26.200 --> 00:11:30.720 constantly innovating themselves and the same the core DNA of what they bring from a 139 00:11:30.879 --> 00:11:33.629 business value and with their technical competence. You and Johns are, and then 140 00:11:33.750 --> 00:11:39.389 looking around where there's places them to help modernize for their customers but also their 141 00:11:39.429 --> 00:11:45.230 own operation. And so you're being being thoughtful and adaptive. Is Super Important 142 00:11:45.269 --> 00:11:50.100 to all of this, because just because it's the what we've done for the 143 00:11:50.179 --> 00:11:52.860 past years doesn't mean it's the right same. Now, you think about the 144 00:11:52.940 --> 00:11:58.340 move physical service to virtualized service, or that was there was a great fear 145 00:11:58.460 --> 00:12:01.529 and paranoia on many way of the reseller community that hey, this is going 146 00:12:01.610 --> 00:12:07.970 to greatly reduce my possibility, my revenue flow, because allows the customers to 147 00:12:09.049 --> 00:12:11.610 do more with the same asset, which ultimately and actually was quite different, 148 00:12:11.850 --> 00:12:16.600 and freed up the ton of new capital investment from T to go drive this 149 00:12:16.799 --> 00:12:22.840 virtualization and virtual bastion and spun off number of other ant Hilaria, you text 150 00:12:22.919 --> 00:12:31.509 acts and services off that these channel consulting partners ultimately had sustained long term profitability 151 00:12:31.029 --> 00:12:35.470 as a result of that so looking at cloud as another one of these tectonic 152 00:12:35.509 --> 00:12:39.149 plates kind of shifting. And then where are the spots for the partners to 153 00:12:39.269 --> 00:12:43.500 work with? Is is how we see the most innovative and, ultimately, 154 00:12:43.539 --> 00:12:48.340 I think, the most successful partners in our community showcasing that kind of behavior. 155 00:12:50.340 --> 00:12:52.299 I that's on. saw that well. Thanks for that. Tim At 156 00:12:52.340 --> 00:12:56.179 this age of the poodcast, what was as the seven question and we have 157 00:12:56.379 --> 00:13:00.690 lots of all adience who get in touch with geest, who post to the 158 00:13:00.730 --> 00:13:03.370 conversation. Is Up to have a chat with you, an ast you of 159 00:13:03.409 --> 00:13:07.570 Smal question or potentially to speak about your company, drew. Now, drew, 160 00:13:07.649 --> 00:13:11.330 I could day them to accelerate or seq the journey to the clouds. 161 00:13:11.409 --> 00:13:16.120 So what's the best way to get in touch with your team? If any 162 00:13:16.159 --> 00:13:18.679 of our listener wants to, wants to to carry on the conversation with you, 163 00:13:20.039 --> 00:13:22.759 I appreciate that. It has certainly something we would would love to entertain. 164 00:13:22.840 --> 00:13:26.629 I mean the space for in here's a fifty billion dollars orus one market. 165 00:13:26.870 --> 00:13:31.350 Over, the pundits, the analysts and, most importantly, the customers 166 00:13:31.389 --> 00:13:35.309 are telling us that amount of third of that market is ripe and ready by 167 00:13:35.350 --> 00:13:39.190 two thousand and twenty to be point cloud made of the protection and management operation. 168 00:13:39.309 --> 00:13:43.299 That's right our sweet spot. So we are actively seeking the right type 169 00:13:43.340 --> 00:13:48.899 of partners to, I think, display and demonstrate some of the attitude side 170 00:13:48.980 --> 00:13:52.700 mentioned around, you know, thinking for the customer first, being consultative, 171 00:13:52.980 --> 00:13:56.529 which we'd love to engage there. The best way to them, for them 172 00:13:56.570 --> 00:13:58.370 to reach out, is probably just through an alias that will get to myself 173 00:13:58.889 --> 00:14:03.289 my team globally, who can then respond pretty quickly. That email is simply 174 00:14:03.690 --> 00:14:11.039 partners thertn rs, truecom, druv A, partners of Ducom, is the 175 00:14:11.120 --> 00:14:16.360 best way for somebody that shows interest and follow up promptly from there. What 176 00:14:16.679 --> 00:14:18.879 team? Many things. Once again, eat was up, soucy Fundesta Tros, 177 00:14:18.919 --> 00:14:20.879 you on the show today. Thank you. Mail people, Clu. 178 00:14:22.080 --> 00:14:28.990 Thank you. operatics has redefined the meaning of revenue generation for technology companies worldwide. 179 00:14:28.029 --> 00:14:33.669 While the traditional concepts of building and managing inside sales teams inhouse has existed 180 00:14:33.789 --> 00:14:39.179 for many years, companies are struggling with a lack of focus, agility and 181 00:14:39.379 --> 00:14:45.899 scale required in today's fast and complex world of enterprise technology sales. See How 182 00:14:45.899 --> 00:14:52.659 operatics can help your company accelerate pipeline at operatics dotnet. You've been listening to 183 00:14:52.820 --> 00:14:56.610 be tob revenue acceleration. To ensure that you never miss an episode, subscribe 184 00:14:56.649 --> 00:15:01.169 to the show in your favorite podcast player. Thank you so much for listening. 185 00:15:01.210 --> 00:15:01.370 Until next time.

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