53: Protecting Culture During Growth w/ Thibaut Ceyrolle

August 14, 2019 00:26:03
53: Protecting Culture During Growth w/ Thibaut Ceyrolle
B2B Revenue Acceleration
53: Protecting Culture During Growth w/ Thibaut Ceyrolle

Aug 14 2019 | 00:26:03


Show Notes

All companies say, “We have a culture,” but that’s not really true.

Some companies are just a workplace.

(Which could be why Millennials keep switching jobs--because they’re looking for an authentic culture.)

I got to interview Thibaut Ceyrolle, GVP EMEA at Snowflake, about why old leadership is broken and what it means to hire based on culture.

“You have companies that will focus only on execution and numbers,” he said. “You have companies that now are focusing on culture. And you have companies that can combine the two without being fake.”

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.520 --> 00:00:08.349 You were listening to bb revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated helping software executive stay 2 00:00:08.390 --> 00:00:12.189 on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. Let's give into 3 00:00:12.230 --> 00:00:17.629 the show. Hi, welcome to be to be a revenue acceleration. My 4 00:00:17.710 --> 00:00:20.789 name is Audiam, with you, and I'm here today with Tibos at all 5 00:00:21.269 --> 00:00:25.019 VP MEA at snowflake. How are you to day table? I'm very good 6 00:00:25.100 --> 00:00:29.500 things and very appy to attend your podcast. How are you, audience? 7 00:00:29.820 --> 00:00:32.700 And, by the way, area and your English accent is way better than 8 00:00:32.780 --> 00:00:37.250 mind, from what I heard. It's a shame that we are regarding a 9 00:00:37.329 --> 00:00:41.210 podcast, we won't be able to give audience sub title on that one. 10 00:00:42.530 --> 00:00:47.570 We'll try to speak quickly. I do have lots of French clients and business 11 00:00:47.649 --> 00:00:52.280 partners and sometimes we know that when we get excited we can speak very quickly 12 00:00:52.320 --> 00:00:55.200 in English. So let's try to. Let's try to not get too excited, 13 00:00:55.280 --> 00:00:57.759 but there you go. So Tabo, today we want to speak about 14 00:00:57.799 --> 00:01:02.520 the old leadership is broken, as the topic that you selected today, and 15 00:01:02.600 --> 00:01:06.549 I think it's an interesting one. It's linked an article that you posed on 16 00:01:06.629 --> 00:01:10.870 Linkedin is disruptive. Is exactly what we like. But before we get into 17 00:01:10.870 --> 00:01:15.069 the topic, would you please just introduce yourself quickly to audience, as well 18 00:01:15.150 --> 00:01:19.739 as the company you represent, snowflake. Sure, so, in a couple 19 00:01:19.780 --> 00:01:23.219 of worlds. So my name is t bo say. Also, I'm French, 20 00:01:23.700 --> 00:01:27.819 but I leave in the UK for five years now a leading different EMA 21 00:01:27.859 --> 00:01:34.250 organization and software. So I started working for snowflake in March two thousand and 22 00:01:34.250 --> 00:01:40.250 seventeen. I'm working for the software industry now for a fly twenty years with 23 00:01:40.329 --> 00:01:45.849 different leadership positions and with companies like as a voice, with a digital marketing 24 00:01:46.049 --> 00:01:52.280 software company, BE ABC software or or HP. So snowflake is the first 25 00:01:52.280 --> 00:01:56.200 that our that our house that has been built for the cloud. So sink 26 00:01:56.359 --> 00:02:00.000 and build for the clouds. So, for people who are not familiar about 27 00:02:00.000 --> 00:02:04.150 what to be, our house is doing is where you store and when you 28 00:02:04.230 --> 00:02:07.629 where you will process your data. It's like an engine for a car. 29 00:02:07.790 --> 00:02:10.389 So where where you will have so we are not a visilation tool, we 30 00:02:10.430 --> 00:02:14.909 are not a bi tool, but they need to access to an etics database 31 00:02:15.069 --> 00:02:20.099 and this is what snowflake is doing. So we are and just to make 32 00:02:20.180 --> 00:02:23.900 this simple, I try to take the energy of sales force. What they 33 00:02:23.939 --> 00:02:27.860 did on see I'm or service now, what they did on service management. 34 00:02:28.620 --> 00:02:32.169 They were solutions seeing for the cloud and they became a solution de facto. 35 00:02:32.650 --> 00:02:37.969 They were the most disruptive and this is what we try to do for the 36 00:02:38.129 --> 00:02:42.729 market of that house. So I was the first employee outside the US. 37 00:02:42.969 --> 00:02:47.800 So it's a company based in San Mateo, close up San Francism and so 38 00:02:47.960 --> 00:02:53.400 first employee. I started alone in a very small office in the small we 39 00:02:53.680 --> 00:02:58.360 work and busy activity from there. All we are now in Europe. So 40 00:02:58.520 --> 00:03:02.590 in two years and half to anoid people. Wow, ten in ten different 41 00:03:02.710 --> 00:03:08.509 countries and and so the company is producing fast. So we have a we 42 00:03:08.590 --> 00:03:13.900 have a gross office three weeks company wide and we are we are formed persons 43 00:03:13.939 --> 00:03:19.020 of growth your over year for Yema and we just signed our own three hundred 44 00:03:19.139 --> 00:03:22.939 customer yesterday. So it's it was about in store recreation. Guys. Thank 45 00:03:22.979 --> 00:03:25.180 you. What congratulation to the company and to you, you know, starting 46 00:03:25.259 --> 00:03:30.729 on your own, two hundred people now it's it's pretty impressive. So yeah, 47 00:03:30.770 --> 00:03:34.169 it's a fantastic johnnity go. So coming back to the topic of the 48 00:03:34.250 --> 00:03:38.210 conversation and, as I mentioned, the article that we quote, our attention 49 00:03:38.289 --> 00:03:43.120 on Linkedin U. I light through your experience that companies needs to adapt the 50 00:03:43.240 --> 00:03:47.319 management style, especially in a fast growing start up. And clearly, as 51 00:03:47.439 --> 00:03:52.199 by your introduction, you are in a very fast growing startup. Okay, 52 00:03:52.800 --> 00:03:57.030 and one of the statements that caught my attention was that, and I quote 53 00:03:57.030 --> 00:04:00.349 you, a company culture is hard to put to protect during growth. So 54 00:04:00.830 --> 00:04:05.310 can I pay as few to elaborate into what you mean by that? Statements 55 00:04:05.509 --> 00:04:09.909 and and and also, how do you think that the company or what the 56 00:04:09.990 --> 00:04:14.539 company should do in order to protect the culture during growth? Yeah, so, 57 00:04:14.979 --> 00:04:16.699 as I said, I'm working in this space for like, for like 58 00:04:17.019 --> 00:04:23.259 twenty years. I went through mini company and I have an extensive network on 59 00:04:23.300 --> 00:04:27.689 software company. So what you see right now is on the market. You 60 00:04:27.769 --> 00:04:30.649 are pretty kind of companies. It's not only software, but it's in general, 61 00:04:30.810 --> 00:04:35.490 but mainly for software, and I hiper gross companies. You have companies 62 00:04:35.529 --> 00:04:40.000 that will focus only on execution and numbers, so this will be their strategy. 63 00:04:40.079 --> 00:04:45.040 You have companies that now are focusing more on culture, culture, and 64 00:04:45.360 --> 00:04:48.519 you have rare companies that can. So this is a sird category that can 65 00:04:48.560 --> 00:04:54.350 combine the two without being fake, because the problem of culture is everybody saying 66 00:04:54.670 --> 00:04:59.110 I have a culture, but are not necessary real and and I think that's 67 00:04:59.470 --> 00:05:03.029 one of the reasons I choose to start working for some flat was because they 68 00:05:03.029 --> 00:05:06.180 were able to combine the two to the right execution and the right culture. 69 00:05:06.860 --> 00:05:13.540 So most of the Times the problem occurs with growth and lack of good behavior, 70 00:05:14.060 --> 00:05:18.660 and unfortunately this can come from the sales people. So so you you 71 00:05:18.779 --> 00:05:24.370 can with the experience I have on this on this specific market. It's very 72 00:05:24.410 --> 00:05:27.850 important to the bad behavior or can come from the cell side, because they 73 00:05:27.850 --> 00:05:32.810 are anger of succeed for success and they want to make sure that they will 74 00:05:32.889 --> 00:05:35.879 do the more that they can do, and sometimes they think about them selves 75 00:05:36.000 --> 00:05:40.839 instead of thinking about the company. So the first thing is a cuture needs 76 00:05:40.879 --> 00:05:44.160 to come from the top, with humble leaders. Is Very important. So 77 00:05:44.319 --> 00:05:47.879 the humility is something extremely important. Also attracted me in these company. So 78 00:05:47.959 --> 00:05:53.550 it's coming from our fonders. They are extremely humble and they try to tend 79 00:05:54.029 --> 00:05:59.990 to apply this in the in the company. And the first thing and priorities 80 00:06:00.029 --> 00:06:02.110 that you need to have is the quality of hiring, because the culture is 81 00:06:02.629 --> 00:06:08.259 depending on the people you hire. And so advise is to never compromise on 82 00:06:08.339 --> 00:06:12.860 hiring and when I started, I try to put a in place what I 83 00:06:12.980 --> 00:06:16.060 call a no asshole policy. I ring. So what does it mean? 84 00:06:16.259 --> 00:06:19.529 It means that I want to make sure that the guys we have plenty of 85 00:06:19.769 --> 00:06:26.050 different men and women, coming from different organizations, but we are trying to 86 00:06:26.290 --> 00:06:30.490 make sure that they are not selfish, only thinking about themselves. They don't 87 00:06:30.529 --> 00:06:32.759 don't only become for the money, but they are also good people for the 88 00:06:32.839 --> 00:06:36.279 team and for the team worker. When we do in you, we ask 89 00:06:36.279 --> 00:06:40.600 a lot of example. For example, I ask some questions arning example of 90 00:06:40.680 --> 00:06:45.000 integrity. integrility is, it is for me, the first what it is 91 00:06:45.079 --> 00:06:48.870 that people needs to have and and I asked examples and during during the drings, 92 00:06:48.949 --> 00:06:54.350 interview process, and also regaining the team work and and after that we 93 00:06:54.470 --> 00:06:59.230 backed with this like three of for for references. But we need to be 94 00:06:59.389 --> 00:07:02.220 realistic. It's tough. It's our job. When you hire, and usually 95 00:07:02.300 --> 00:07:06.779 when you hire more people and and everybody can do mistakes, and I did, 96 00:07:08.220 --> 00:07:11.699 and the more you grow, the more difficult it is because you meet 97 00:07:11.899 --> 00:07:15.730 so many people and sometimes the human nature, you can cut corners and you 98 00:07:15.850 --> 00:07:20.329 can think, okay, this guy as an extensive network. You will, 99 00:07:20.569 --> 00:07:25.649 you will bring me a lot of deals short term, but I have something 100 00:07:25.730 --> 00:07:30.879 in my gut that is not necessary, necessary good and see something that you 101 00:07:30.000 --> 00:07:34.680 will always pay back badly after. So one thing will always try to think 102 00:07:34.839 --> 00:07:39.600 is when they meet people, is if there is one dubbed, there is 103 00:07:39.680 --> 00:07:44.910 no doubt, and this is something quite quite important, that to make sure 104 00:07:44.949 --> 00:07:47.629 that we will when you hire somebody's intil you needs to be simple. So 105 00:07:47.750 --> 00:07:54.629 it's a simple conversation. As soon as as its complex, it's cities agree, 106 00:07:54.709 --> 00:07:56.709 I think. I think one of the firs is interesting. So if 107 00:07:56.750 --> 00:07:59.420 I look at at what we're trying to do at operatic, so we don't 108 00:07:59.620 --> 00:08:03.379 grow as quickly as you guys grow, think we will struggle if we are 109 00:08:03.420 --> 00:08:07.459 growing by almost reex your own here. But we also have this business. 110 00:08:07.620 --> 00:08:11.459 We are people, let business and obviously we as we grow, if we 111 00:08:11.579 --> 00:08:15.889 grow by fifty percent or if we grow by on the person, we'll have 112 00:08:15.970 --> 00:08:18.730 to double the team or add, you know, Alph of that amount top 113 00:08:18.769 --> 00:08:22.689 of what we've already got and what we always try to say or what we 114 00:08:22.850 --> 00:08:26.920 try to do. What actually, what's the most important for me is ready 115 00:08:28.000 --> 00:08:31.120 to speak to people who are looking for carrier versus a job. And and 116 00:08:31.720 --> 00:08:35.399 I think if they're looking at a carrier and when you have the chance to 117 00:08:35.440 --> 00:08:41.120 be an organization like yours, with evolving very quickly, superfast space on organization 118 00:08:41.240 --> 00:08:45.669 like us, which would like to believe is growing quickly in the Inter segment 119 00:08:45.830 --> 00:08:50.669 we operating in, you don't have the opportunity to create opportunity for promotion and 120 00:08:50.870 --> 00:08:54.190 people can get promoted to roles, they can take on more responsibilities, they 121 00:08:54.269 --> 00:08:58.820 can really develop themselves, and that's what we've done here to proactics. And 122 00:08:58.820 --> 00:09:03.779 I think I'd like to say, and maybe I won't be by my team 123 00:09:03.860 --> 00:09:05.899 on saying that, but I'd like to say that we created a very strong 124 00:09:07.019 --> 00:09:11.769 culture. But that culture has come at a cuss, which is maybe we 125 00:09:11.889 --> 00:09:15.610 have slow don our growth. Maybe we'd have been quicker for me to not 126 00:09:15.809 --> 00:09:20.450 promote that gay to a manager position but get a manager that I don't know 127 00:09:20.929 --> 00:09:26.720 as MBA in in cells and marketing and could come with lots of a distexperience 128 00:09:26.840 --> 00:09:30.519 and cost me a little bit more money. So we've really made the decision 129 00:09:30.639 --> 00:09:35.000 to really promote from within and actually, apart from our finance department, absolutely 130 00:09:35.039 --> 00:09:39.269 everyone in the management team has come from the bottom and we do believe that 131 00:09:39.350 --> 00:09:41.629 that that create a very strong culture, and did. But you know, 132 00:09:41.870 --> 00:09:46.350 the cost of that is probably a little bit of a slower growth, a 133 00:09:46.429 --> 00:09:50.190 little bit more learning by mistake. But you know, I think culture, 134 00:09:50.629 --> 00:09:54.259 like you painted is, is very important for the gross of a company. 135 00:09:54.940 --> 00:09:58.500 And the last point I will make with you know, to drop up the 136 00:09:58.860 --> 00:10:03.259 topic, is I think culture is also important when you've got a newcomer into 137 00:10:03.340 --> 00:10:05.700 the team. So if you have a team that you've got the same level 138 00:10:05.740 --> 00:10:11.690 of people, the same as you mentioned, level of integrity, humility people, 139 00:10:11.730 --> 00:10:13.730 we've got a good level of teamwork, and you've got a new start 140 00:10:13.730 --> 00:10:18.210 up coming in, you've got someone who just come into a lovely environment where 141 00:10:18.450 --> 00:10:22.080 they can really benefit work with the colleague lean from that colleague, and I 142 00:10:22.200 --> 00:10:26.559 think that's actually critical in helping new starters to really get going and get to 143 00:10:26.600 --> 00:10:31.039 roven you quicker. Yeah, it's a very good point. To your point, 144 00:10:31.039 --> 00:10:35.789 things that is that try to use on one of my producement or say 145 00:10:35.830 --> 00:10:39.909 that, and I will remember this all my life, is never confuse the 146 00:10:39.029 --> 00:10:43.830 title and an opportunity, and this is something that, especially with new generation, 147 00:10:45.269 --> 00:10:48.509 right now they tend to go after you, the the title instead of 148 00:10:48.870 --> 00:10:54.220 you opportunity too quick. Yeah, he's some to remember. I agree with 149 00:10:54.299 --> 00:10:58.580 you. You know, I had the conversation actually yesterday with one of our 150 00:10:58.659 --> 00:11:03.179 clients and we're a converstion about promoting Medea people. So, you know, 151 00:11:03.259 --> 00:11:07.970 people would just doing pipe and generation that sort of activities to feel sales rape 152 00:11:07.970 --> 00:11:13.169 or to channel cells, rap, Exeter etcter and and basically what we what 153 00:11:13.330 --> 00:11:18.450 we talked about, is there is a change in time of the mentality and 154 00:11:18.570 --> 00:11:22.080 some people call them the millionaires, some people I would just call it a 155 00:11:22.159 --> 00:11:26.120 younger generation, you know. And what we used to see in the past 156 00:11:26.200 --> 00:11:30.240 you could get someone and say, look, you're gonna go and do that 157 00:11:30.399 --> 00:11:33.549 for me for three months, six months. If you do well, I'm 158 00:11:33.549 --> 00:11:35.549 going to give you the title all, I'm going to give you the pay 159 00:11:35.590 --> 00:11:37.470 increase and of you go. You know you're going to be you're going to 160 00:11:37.509 --> 00:11:41.909 be a new person, and that was working pretty well and people who actually 161 00:11:41.909 --> 00:11:46.509 work really hard to get to the milestone to actually get the opportunity. Now 162 00:11:46.220 --> 00:11:50.139 the feeling out of God is that you go to people and you almost need 163 00:11:50.220 --> 00:11:54.179 to give them the role the pay package and everything before they can even demonstrate 164 00:11:54.539 --> 00:11:58.820 the ability of taking care of the responsibilities. So I think there is I 165 00:11:58.899 --> 00:12:01.649 think you're perfectly right. There is a there is a bit of a shift 166 00:12:01.730 --> 00:12:07.450 of mindset sometimes within the the younger generation, which can make decision a little 167 00:12:07.490 --> 00:12:11.330 bit more difficult because obviously, if someone has proven themselves, it's but easier 168 00:12:11.370 --> 00:12:15.529 to give them responsibility rather than someone with was just speaking about being good. 169 00:12:15.570 --> 00:12:18.240 Basically, yeah, but it's the only things that I want to say, 170 00:12:18.240 --> 00:12:24.320 because I don't like when people are bushing too mature millionials. Why? Because 171 00:12:24.320 --> 00:12:30.190 I think this generation, and young generation right now is but probably is the 172 00:12:30.230 --> 00:12:35.309 most talented. So yes, they are these this attitude of having those things 173 00:12:35.389 --> 00:12:39.590 very fast and to switch and not necessarily the same loyalty that we had by 174 00:12:39.669 --> 00:12:45.139 the beast, but with all the business schools worldwide and with now we have 175 00:12:45.379 --> 00:12:48.899 a lot of very, very good quality people. So our responsibilities to to 176 00:12:50.139 --> 00:12:54.860 go those those people. But I'm Littali price retally impressed now with with very 177 00:12:54.980 --> 00:12:58.809 young people, on what they can do. But they can produce and if 178 00:12:58.889 --> 00:13:03.970 you trust them and if you build the team in a marital catech way of 179 00:13:03.090 --> 00:13:07.970 working, its process absolutely, and we need to adapt. You know, 180 00:13:07.090 --> 00:13:11.850 this is the I think the people at will suffer and the people at will 181 00:13:11.929 --> 00:13:15.440 complain about it. Other people had Anna tree to adapt and adapting is important, 182 00:13:15.519 --> 00:13:18.720 but talents are key and retaining talleences is critical. Funny Business. So 183 00:13:20.639 --> 00:13:26.879 another statement that caught my attention in an Indiaticle is when you mentioned that negative 184 00:13:26.960 --> 00:13:31.029 works biencies often results or more complex structure of management the world. There is 185 00:13:31.110 --> 00:13:37.830 more iarchy, which often facilitates a judgmental, imposing style of leadership that can 186 00:13:37.870 --> 00:13:43.980 also lead to pessimism and fear in the team. So how do you see 187 00:13:43.980 --> 00:13:48.259 this model changing into a more flexible, open source style of leadership, and 188 00:13:48.620 --> 00:13:52.539 why is this change so needed in a first grand company? Yeah, so 189 00:13:54.340 --> 00:13:58.330 on that specifically. So, as I said, I work in very fast 190 00:13:58.370 --> 00:14:01.730 pace with a lot of pressure, endurn mental my carry on. So I 191 00:14:01.769 --> 00:14:05.730 don't have any any column with the specsure, but some fast groups, when 192 00:14:05.730 --> 00:14:09.799 you are in Fast Green Company, obviously you have most of the time you 193 00:14:09.879 --> 00:14:15.919 have pressure behind. So I learned a lot close to great leadails. But 194 00:14:16.559 --> 00:14:20.759 what I learned quite quickly working with them it's important to remain yourself and to 195 00:14:20.879 --> 00:14:26.269 not imitate somebody and those letters, those leaders. So we can be extremely 196 00:14:26.309 --> 00:14:31.750 a caressmthe where everything is leaded by them are unique in a sense and you 197 00:14:31.830 --> 00:14:37.909 have a lot of very good examples of very strong, chismatic leader. We 198 00:14:37.950 --> 00:14:41.980 are extremely good bust A. Steve Job is one example. But what you 199 00:14:41.100 --> 00:14:46.740 have, and especially in Software Company and software sells, you have some people 200 00:14:46.059 --> 00:14:52.700 that are below and that are promoted and they can have the tendency of imitating 201 00:14:52.169 --> 00:14:58.330 them because of the charisma and the carrier track that those leaders have. But 202 00:14:58.490 --> 00:15:01.169 they don't have the same experience, they don't have the same talent and the 203 00:15:01.289 --> 00:15:09.120 problem it leads sometimes to confusing situation and possibly inappropriate compartment because they they think 204 00:15:09.519 --> 00:15:13.360 they need to control everything and if they will be tough, this will be 205 00:15:13.440 --> 00:15:18.159 positive and people will follow and do what they ask. But coming back to 206 00:15:18.279 --> 00:15:24.470 new generation, as I said previously, they buy into challenge, they buy 207 00:15:24.629 --> 00:15:28.029 into how you respect them and how you will make them go in their career 208 00:15:28.070 --> 00:15:33.629 on. So this is something they are switch generation. They can today's it's 209 00:15:33.669 --> 00:15:37.740 not complex to have a job in a software company as soon as you have 210 00:15:37.820 --> 00:15:41.940 a proper track record. So with a number of startups that are popping up 211 00:15:43.100 --> 00:15:46.740 and the number of company in the market. But the problem if they're not 212 00:15:46.860 --> 00:15:50.009 working with the right manager, if they're not working with the right company, 213 00:15:50.370 --> 00:15:54.049 if they don't learn enough, they will switch. So what we mean with 214 00:15:54.289 --> 00:15:58.169 opens is import source managements. It's not everything needs to come from this top 215 00:15:58.210 --> 00:16:03.730 leader and not only one person in the company. So this needs to come 216 00:16:03.850 --> 00:16:07.559 from different talents in the team and different titles. And you don't have to 217 00:16:07.639 --> 00:16:14.240 be shy or you don't have to be restrain of having people that will share 218 00:16:14.279 --> 00:16:18.549 some Adias, best particies, instead of tactic that taking everything yourself. And, 219 00:16:18.710 --> 00:16:22.669 for example, I try to give a lot of responsibilities to first line 220 00:16:22.710 --> 00:16:26.909 managers in my team and they will take the leader on the specific subjects, 221 00:16:27.070 --> 00:16:32.350 like I plan generation, or two weeks ago I did two days would comp 222 00:16:32.429 --> 00:16:36.460 off of training of managers that I lead. But I did that with the 223 00:16:36.539 --> 00:16:41.419 first line manager and you was you was teaching the other use are manager in 224 00:16:41.539 --> 00:16:45.460 the team. So what we mean by open source management is really the talent 225 00:16:45.500 --> 00:16:48.690 side. We're try to take benefits from them and not try to control, 226 00:16:48.690 --> 00:16:52.409 e. listen everything yourself. Of course not. Makes Perfect Sense. That 227 00:16:52.570 --> 00:16:56.370 makes perfect sense. So my next question is really around, but really also 228 00:16:56.450 --> 00:17:00.409 something that you you mention your production is is your journey within snow flake. 229 00:17:00.720 --> 00:17:06.440 So we've been speaking about about the culture of the company. We've been speaking 230 00:17:06.480 --> 00:17:11.920 about Titlelya key that opens source leadership type of management. Obviously, as you 231 00:17:12.000 --> 00:17:15.750 mentioned, you start yet snowflake as employe number one. Now you've got around 232 00:17:15.750 --> 00:17:21.710 two hundred people working with you in Europe. So what I'd like to also 233 00:17:21.910 --> 00:17:25.309 is from your own experience, how do you could you, could you just 234 00:17:25.430 --> 00:17:30.259 tell us how you've been adapting your management style? You know, did you 235 00:17:30.339 --> 00:17:33.700 feel it going from fifty two hundred one? Praise was a big difference, 236 00:17:33.859 --> 00:17:37.700 but is there any specific step of the journey in which you found it more 237 00:17:37.779 --> 00:17:44.529 difficult to adapt, as the different stages of gross of Snow Fleas in Europe? 238 00:17:44.569 --> 00:17:49.130 Yeah, so creating, creating Ami from a from scratch for US company 239 00:17:49.650 --> 00:17:55.690 is like sometimes creating your own company first, because of the US. In 240 00:17:55.769 --> 00:18:00.319 some hocy schools they wake up at it's like three cirty pm for you or 241 00:18:00.400 --> 00:18:03.400 four PM. So it's quite difficult because it means that you need to adapt 242 00:18:03.440 --> 00:18:07.599 yourself. And sometimes what does it need? It means that quite quickly you 243 00:18:07.720 --> 00:18:11.200 need to autonomy on decisions. That's you, that you need to take. 244 00:18:11.599 --> 00:18:15.670 But you already mentioned that in many podcasts that I hear already. And where 245 00:18:15.670 --> 00:18:19.509 AMA is not only one country like the US, it's multiple countries, mult 246 00:18:19.509 --> 00:18:23.430 people language, but people cut turn and you need to you need to teach 247 00:18:23.589 --> 00:18:29.019 the US also on that. So at the beginning, and I will say 248 00:18:29.420 --> 00:18:33.579 like for customers when you start. So first you need to want to do 249 00:18:33.700 --> 00:18:36.940 that. So I was your only enough to say, okay, I'm okay 250 00:18:36.980 --> 00:18:41.890 to be to start again from catch being sells again, to sell the first 251 00:18:41.970 --> 00:18:45.289 project myself and after that I will attract the talents. I was link, 252 00:18:45.329 --> 00:18:48.529 the one that had one. I forty people before draining and I I start 253 00:18:48.650 --> 00:18:51.650 team. But I was ready to do it. And what you need to 254 00:18:51.690 --> 00:18:55.049 do at the beginning in term of progression and at the beginning we need to 255 00:18:55.089 --> 00:18:59.680 find risk, risk takers. So not only for customers, but also candidates. 256 00:19:00.240 --> 00:19:03.880 And when we launched, people thought that I was setting ice cream. 257 00:19:03.319 --> 00:19:07.480 So true stories of people, littals. When you are when you are because 258 00:19:07.480 --> 00:19:11.829 you are living in London. I think oil and London you have like snowflake 259 00:19:11.950 --> 00:19:15.029 ice cream shop. So people were thinking that I was like a fortunate the 260 00:19:15.069 --> 00:19:22.430 music like that truck. So it was not that. And so now, 261 00:19:22.750 --> 00:19:27.259 obviously is the notoriety and the successes help to attract the talents more easily. 262 00:19:27.380 --> 00:19:30.660 But at the beginning and the problem we have, it's exactly when you have 263 00:19:30.740 --> 00:19:34.779 a first manage management role, you need to be careful to not do things 264 00:19:34.859 --> 00:19:41.049 too fast. So now we are working on operationalizing things everywhere and we are 265 00:19:41.089 --> 00:19:45.289 quite in advance compared to everything I saw before in in term of company. 266 00:19:45.650 --> 00:19:48.809 But at a beginning you need to be a Swiss life and you need to 267 00:19:49.369 --> 00:19:53.880 do the cells. And I remember I had some picture where I was buying 268 00:19:53.960 --> 00:19:57.880 the first turniture in Ida that I that I that I did in the in 269 00:19:57.960 --> 00:20:03.119 the office. So obviously you have dens into the team racing on operationalization. 270 00:20:03.880 --> 00:20:07.990 We are data driven company to all decisions that we are taking. At the 271 00:20:08.069 --> 00:20:11.950 beginning it was expansion. Now we are focusing on the main market. We 272 00:20:12.069 --> 00:20:18.829 are we open and we need to rasionalize every every function of the organization. 273 00:20:18.309 --> 00:20:22.420 To your question of is their difference dom of size, I would say there 274 00:20:22.539 --> 00:20:26.859 is a big difference when you are the old too, like fifty people. 275 00:20:26.500 --> 00:20:30.500 Yeah, and after that, and and so I don't see between one hundred 276 00:20:30.539 --> 00:20:34.299 and two let people necessary a big difference, but they auto. History is 277 00:20:34.420 --> 00:20:40.769 very is like a family, so you work altogether and you have dedication and 278 00:20:41.730 --> 00:20:45.890 and everybody's is like super crisis and the energy is at the beginning is extremely 279 00:20:47.130 --> 00:20:49.000 important. But you need to do everything and you need to need to a 280 00:20:49.119 --> 00:20:52.799 flexibility at the beginning, when you start, but when you when you grow 281 00:20:53.039 --> 00:20:56.960 after but this is the time where you start to say no to certain things, 282 00:20:57.200 --> 00:21:02.240 and this is something that that's is able being. The most important thing, 283 00:21:02.319 --> 00:21:06.990 whatever your size, is to remain approachable whatever you do and have an 284 00:21:07.109 --> 00:21:11.069 open door policy. So everybody needs to feel free to talk problems, about 285 00:21:11.269 --> 00:21:18.109 behaviors, certain things where they need help and see the kind of mindset that 286 00:21:18.190 --> 00:21:21.819 we try to have within the team. Okay, and you think there is 287 00:21:21.900 --> 00:21:25.859 people at a better at one stage of growth versus an knows are. So, 288 00:21:25.940 --> 00:21:30.140 for example, you may say, I consider that guy is the sort 289 00:21:30.180 --> 00:21:33.289 of get will take a company from zero two hundred million. Yes, this 290 00:21:33.410 --> 00:21:37.049 petty. You know, it's do you believe in that, or do you 291 00:21:37.170 --> 00:21:41.009 think that people can also adapt as well as the management to to grow within 292 00:21:41.049 --> 00:21:42.609 a company? Yeah, it's you know, it's a very good question. 293 00:21:42.769 --> 00:21:47.160 Why I think we are a little bit disruptive, because because of that also, 294 00:21:47.640 --> 00:21:49.400 I will say, yes, yes, I know. So what I 295 00:21:49.480 --> 00:21:53.079 mean is, for example, the crow that we have was the first man 296 00:21:53.240 --> 00:22:00.240 on the ground and is now leading the all the sales organization worldwide. But 297 00:22:00.319 --> 00:22:03.750 yet, yeah, yeah, the potential. So you grow, you grow 298 00:22:03.069 --> 00:22:07.150 with the company and I think it's changing a little bit. I don't like 299 00:22:07.430 --> 00:22:11.349 necessary is the idea and assistant come also from from Vic when the invest in 300 00:22:11.390 --> 00:22:14.630 your companions. Okay, you have this gap, now you need to change 301 00:22:14.670 --> 00:22:18.140 your team. But they realize that we were over performing and and it was 302 00:22:18.420 --> 00:22:22.660 able to adapt and be be the right guy. So obviously I try to 303 00:22:23.539 --> 00:22:27.420 do the same. But also the teams that I have now are people get 304 00:22:27.460 --> 00:22:33.490 that cant and go with with the company. So it's not necessarily one of 305 00:22:33.609 --> 00:22:36.529 a person to the reality is that we need to change. The only thing 306 00:22:36.690 --> 00:22:40.930 that I will say is when I started, I needed some specific resources with 307 00:22:41.089 --> 00:22:45.920 specific market background. That I that we need less now and the core qualities 308 00:22:47.000 --> 00:22:51.599 of cells are more important now that the market that the market competencies, and 309 00:22:51.720 --> 00:22:55.480 it is. But at the beginning you need knowledge and you need to share 310 00:22:55.559 --> 00:22:59.190 up with the team. So this this is the listen lean, I think. 311 00:22:59.589 --> 00:23:02.710 Okay, makes sense. Or thanks for that and let's that's that's my 312 00:23:02.710 --> 00:23:04.710 last question to you. WHAT WE BE? The one advice that you would 313 00:23:04.710 --> 00:23:08.630 give to leaders that are managing that team in a fast growing environment, if 314 00:23:08.670 --> 00:23:11.950 you had to sum up, what all the things we discuss, what you 315 00:23:11.029 --> 00:23:15.059 believe is the most important? The first one we will need to remain yourself 316 00:23:15.460 --> 00:23:18.140 and work on your strengths. So too many times we try to do, 317 00:23:18.380 --> 00:23:22.180 to do what what some somebody else is doing. At the beginning. Don't 318 00:23:22.220 --> 00:23:26.940 put too many processes straight away. You need to lead by example. You 319 00:23:26.019 --> 00:23:30.490 need to shoot with everybody that if you do it as we will respect you 320 00:23:30.690 --> 00:23:33.890 at the end. Especially nugien generation. They need to understand that you need 321 00:23:33.930 --> 00:23:40.170 you fight for them and you win hearts and mind before going straight to operation 322 00:23:40.529 --> 00:23:42.640 or to operation, and you need to be a problem solver for them. 323 00:23:42.839 --> 00:23:45.799 So this is a would say, yea, it's a long and swear. 324 00:23:47.079 --> 00:23:51.079 Focus on your strengths, be yourself and be a problem solver and lead the 325 00:23:51.200 --> 00:23:53.880 lead by example. Okay, but that makes all sense. That I think. 326 00:23:53.920 --> 00:23:57.750 That's there are three very important piece of advice. So amongred person behind 327 00:23:57.789 --> 00:24:00.630 you on that one. Thanks for your insight, t Bo are we appreciate 328 00:24:00.630 --> 00:24:03.430 you to the time. I know it is. Today is the last day 329 00:24:03.430 --> 00:24:07.349 of the quarter, so appreciate we can do the call today. It probably 330 00:24:07.390 --> 00:24:11.299 means that you guys have had a very good quarter if you if you're limit 331 00:24:11.500 --> 00:24:15.099 time to speact to you today. So probably congratulation for that. But the 332 00:24:15.180 --> 00:24:18.460 stage of the podcast we always have the same question. So we have some 333 00:24:18.579 --> 00:24:22.019 of our audience that like to take conversation offline with some of the people we 334 00:24:22.180 --> 00:24:25.289 invite. But we also we may have some people at may be interested to 335 00:24:25.369 --> 00:24:27.890 know more about snow flake, the company actual reprism. So what is the 336 00:24:27.930 --> 00:24:30.490 best way to get in touch with you, T bo, if anyone of 337 00:24:30.569 --> 00:24:34.490 her from our audience wanted to to connect? So so the best is is 338 00:24:34.529 --> 00:24:37.210 to you who used to use a linking them. Yes, I think I 339 00:24:37.329 --> 00:24:41.720 still have like forward the invitation spending it. But if you have the right 340 00:24:41.839 --> 00:24:45.799 message and the right I will always like said and base the way you will 341 00:24:45.240 --> 00:24:48.119 or you know yourself just as you enough when you contacting me, and I 342 00:24:48.200 --> 00:24:53.269 seen times all back you immediately. So it's if you're writing you on inking, 343 00:24:53.630 --> 00:24:57.190 I realize, be the basic way through to get in contact. This 344 00:24:57.430 --> 00:25:03.910 detail. That the other French name. Yeah, but no, Mane, 345 00:25:03.910 --> 00:25:10.740 you didn't catch these immediately. It was more the contents of operatics. Listen. 346 00:25:11.299 --> 00:25:14.059 That's QUA's great to a thank you very much for that. Many thanks 347 00:25:14.059 --> 00:25:15.980 again. He was great to have you on the show today. Thank you're 348 00:25:18.299 --> 00:25:23.970 operatics has redefined the meaning of revenue generation for technology companies worldwide. While the 349 00:25:25.089 --> 00:25:30.769 traditional concepts of building and managing inside sales teams inhouse has existed for many years, 350 00:25:30.170 --> 00:25:36.000 companies are struggling with a lack of focus, agility and scale required in 351 00:25:36.079 --> 00:25:41.319 today's fast and complex world of enterprise technology sales. See How operatics can help 352 00:25:41.359 --> 00:25:48.920 your company accelerate pipeline at operatics dotnet. You've been listening to be tob revenue 353 00:25:48.920 --> 00:25:52.269 acceleration. To ensure that you never miss an episode, subscribe to the show 354 00:25:52.349 --> 00:25:56.349 in your favorite podcast player. Thank you so much for listening. Until next 355 00:25:56.390 --> time,

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