60: It’s Time to Value Sales Development and its Role in B2B Marketing Success w/ Garrett Mehrguth

October 02, 2019 00:24:05
60: It’s Time to Value Sales Development and its Role in B2B Marketing Success w/ Garrett Mehrguth
B2B Revenue Acceleration
60: It’s Time to Value Sales Development and its Role in B2B Marketing Success w/ Garrett Mehrguth

Oct 02 2019 | 00:24:05


Show Notes

The reality of an Amazon and Yelp world is that people are going to do informational searches before they visit your website.

If you’re only measuring whether your brand shows up when people are searching for it, you’re completing ignoring whether it’s what your searcher wants in the first place.

On this episode of B2B Revenue Acceleration, I interview Garrett Mehrguth, CEO at Directive Consulting, about why sales development is so undervalued in B2B marketing — and what we can do about it.

What we talked about:

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.520 --> 00:00:08.349 You were listening to bb revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated helping software executives stay 2 00:00:08.390 --> 00:00:12.189 on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. Let's get into 3 00:00:12.230 --> 00:00:16.789 the show. Hi, welcome to be to be a revenue acceleration. My 4 00:00:16.870 --> 00:00:19.710 name is Ahny. Am with you and I'm yet today with Garrett me. 5 00:00:19.870 --> 00:00:23.820 Good see you a directive consulting. How are you doing today, Garret? 6 00:00:24.179 --> 00:00:28.500 I'm doing well. Thanks for having me excited to cheality ray and glad a 7 00:00:28.539 --> 00:00:32.299 beer. Yeah, that's the absolute pleasure as well on my side. So 8 00:00:32.899 --> 00:00:38.770 I'll topic for today is it's time to value self development and its role in 9 00:00:38.969 --> 00:00:43.890 BTB marketing success. It's a long title, but I like the ID behind 10 00:00:43.969 --> 00:00:47.649 it and I'm very excited about that conversation today. But before we go into 11 00:00:47.649 --> 00:00:51.960 the detail, Garrett, could you present introduce yourself as well as, you 12 00:00:52.079 --> 00:00:56.240 know, give us more information about your company directive? Yeah, so I 13 00:00:56.320 --> 00:00:59.159 started directing about five years ago, almost six actually, as like five and 14 00:00:59.200 --> 00:01:03.640 a half years ago, and we do search marketing for enterprise brands a lot 15 00:01:03.679 --> 00:01:07.870 in the BBB space storically last two three years and really focus on BBB. 16 00:01:07.390 --> 00:01:11.469 And Yeah, we essentially partner with inhouse marketing teams in the BBB space a 17 00:01:11.510 --> 00:01:17.310 lot of times demand generation and help them hit their goals and their kpiyes around 18 00:01:17.349 --> 00:01:19.819 leads and opportunity stills and revenues. Yeah, we focus a lot in that 19 00:01:19.939 --> 00:01:25.420 area and mostly Seo and PBC. Excellent what that's and that's what it's quite 20 00:01:25.459 --> 00:01:30.980 intriguing for me because today we would have expected to probably have more conversation with 21 00:01:32.140 --> 00:01:36.409 your on digital marketing and Seo. But I like the fact that your company 22 00:01:36.489 --> 00:01:38.650 on the stand that their job is not just to deliver leads, it's you 23 00:01:38.810 --> 00:01:44.129 care as an organization about what actually happens to the leads after you end the 24 00:01:44.209 --> 00:01:47.760 mover to to the cells development team of your clients, and I think that's 25 00:01:47.959 --> 00:01:51.840 in valuable. But you know, we know that when the cells development to 26 00:01:51.959 --> 00:01:55.560 do leads on, obviously there will be different kind of outcome that you can 27 00:01:55.640 --> 00:01:59.760 expect. It could be an opportunity, it could be a not turing opportunity 28 00:01:59.920 --> 00:02:02.590 or it could be no portunity. Wrong person, wrong company, won't wrong 29 00:02:02.670 --> 00:02:07.509 contact. But coming back to my main question and my opening question, why 30 00:02:07.629 --> 00:02:13.430 is it time to value selves development and why do you think it isn't valued 31 00:02:13.430 --> 00:02:16.060 enough? At the moment selves. Development goes couple ways right. So a 32 00:02:16.099 --> 00:02:20.539 lot of times the reason cells development, I wouldn't say selles on isn't necessarily 33 00:02:20.580 --> 00:02:25.819 valued in high growth organizations. I think in legacy organizations, sells development isn't 34 00:02:25.819 --> 00:02:29.300 as valued, and I think one of the reasons is you know in be 35 00:02:29.460 --> 00:02:31.370 to be when you have a hired purchase. Like I've learned, two things 36 00:02:31.490 --> 00:02:35.930 are really important to why cells development works or not. One of the things 37 00:02:35.969 --> 00:02:38.569 that's important for sales development works or not is timing. I found that the 38 00:02:38.689 --> 00:02:43.210 most important thing cells development is getting the time right. With some cool tactics 39 00:02:43.569 --> 00:02:45.840 that we do, the OPT here to get the timing right more often. 40 00:02:46.400 --> 00:02:50.479 So that's really important. But it depends if you're a replacement pro or an 41 00:02:50.599 --> 00:02:53.879 add on product, or replacement service or an add on service. So if 42 00:02:53.919 --> 00:02:57.280 you were a replacement service, that means intrinsically for someone to hire you, 43 00:02:57.360 --> 00:03:00.430 they have to fire someone. And if your industry relies on more long term 44 00:03:00.509 --> 00:03:02.509 contracts or six or twelve month contracts, then once again it goes back to 45 00:03:02.590 --> 00:03:06.509 timing, because they couldn't even hire you even if they wanted to a lot 46 00:03:06.550 --> 00:03:08.349 of the times, and so you have to start to understand and sale development. 47 00:03:08.349 --> 00:03:13.139 When you have high purchase prices a replacement product, you have to learning 48 00:03:13.219 --> 00:03:14.780 at the time. You right, and so there's a lot of things that 49 00:03:14.819 --> 00:03:16.060 go in to it. And if you don't understand all that and you kind 50 00:03:16.099 --> 00:03:19.939 of think that you're just going to send out a hundred emails and get free 51 00:03:20.020 --> 00:03:23.819 responses and then set two meetings and get one deal, it doesn't actually work 52 00:03:23.900 --> 00:03:25.780 like that. And so I think a lot of times people go in with 53 00:03:25.900 --> 00:03:30.250 the wrong expectations and they don't realize that takes six months to ramp up and 54 00:03:30.409 --> 00:03:32.689 SDR sometimes, or it could take, you know, two years of investment 55 00:03:32.729 --> 00:03:37.009 to build out the team before they even get to positive Roi and a lot 56 00:03:37.009 --> 00:03:39.530 of people don't want to invest that type of capital. Yeah, and if 57 00:03:39.610 --> 00:03:45.120 in detaining is key, you know we we've seen you tour and prior res 58 00:03:45.400 --> 00:03:50.759 so have you. But I think if someone done a load twenty pages white 59 00:03:50.840 --> 00:03:54.439 paper, following up with them within five minutes of them doing the done lad 60 00:03:54.560 --> 00:03:59.110 might not be a ready relevance because nobody can read it. That it's okay. 61 00:03:59.710 --> 00:04:00.990 However, deals are end. You know, we were so deal with 62 00:04:01.189 --> 00:04:04.830 chat. So we may have someone coming up onto a chat and the problem 63 00:04:04.870 --> 00:04:08.990 we charted that you often have people asking you question about the product the already 64 00:04:08.990 --> 00:04:12.900 guts and that's pretty trained to buy stops for chat. All you know, 65 00:04:13.180 --> 00:04:15.379 you maysob a lot of time in waist of but we chat, you need 66 00:04:15.420 --> 00:04:17.939 to be very quick because if I want, if I'm doing a chat, 67 00:04:18.019 --> 00:04:21.819 and actually at an example in my personal life, while was trying to deal 68 00:04:21.899 --> 00:04:27.290 with someone and the chat window open for probably at five minutes and then what 69 00:04:27.370 --> 00:04:29.689 should do? You Open another window and you carry on your day, you 70 00:04:29.730 --> 00:04:31.490 do something else and then when you come back the chet is finished. So 71 00:04:31.569 --> 00:04:35.529 yeah, you've got to stop the process again. So tell me a little 72 00:04:35.529 --> 00:04:40.120 bit more about the timing and and what you see as best participt. I 73 00:04:40.279 --> 00:04:42.879 agree with you at there is a wide wrench. We may be a tricky 74 00:04:42.879 --> 00:04:46.600 question, but we just develop a little bit more or share with us a 75 00:04:46.680 --> 00:04:51.199 few wall stories about where you see the timing being very important and and successful 76 00:04:51.360 --> 00:04:56.310 for your clients. Yeah, one of the things we found timing is it's 77 00:04:56.509 --> 00:05:00.430 critical to map accounts, and so what we learned is a lot of times 78 00:05:00.470 --> 00:05:05.709 when you're trying to sell someone or build a relationship, we oftentimes we ask 79 00:05:05.829 --> 00:05:10.980 for too much. We start the conversation with asking for their time, which 80 00:05:11.019 --> 00:05:14.180 is the most valuable thing to any professional you're actually trying to get their business 81 00:05:14.220 --> 00:05:16.500 from, and so we ask for a meeting with for fifty minute call about 82 00:05:16.540 --> 00:05:21.610 the time here intro calls, and what I found is it's actually better to 83 00:05:21.730 --> 00:05:27.329 learn about their current situation. Do they have an agency or not? Are 84 00:05:27.370 --> 00:05:30.569 you already using a sales platform? Okay, when's that contract of are you 85 00:05:30.649 --> 00:05:33.850 the best person talk with? So we actually focus on here at directed mapping 86 00:05:33.930 --> 00:05:39.759 accounts. That's our primary initial KPI, and by mapping accounts we can then 87 00:05:39.920 --> 00:05:44.519 building our sales force database. We know when every account is up and we 88 00:05:44.680 --> 00:05:47.639 know then we can essentially give ourselves development team. Okay, in six months 89 00:05:47.680 --> 00:05:51.870 this contracts up and eventually they have thousands of accounts where they actually already know 90 00:05:53.029 --> 00:05:57.350 when the timings right, which makes us incredibly successful that way. So it's 91 00:05:57.350 --> 00:06:00.750 kind of a great spellus be felt that renew what. He's Jewish. We 92 00:06:00.829 --> 00:06:04.060 feel that some way is gonna run you something in January two thousand and twenty 93 00:06:04.660 --> 00:06:08.180 and you know that you've got to two months set of psych ors. You 94 00:06:08.259 --> 00:06:11.579 probably want to contact them, me Doctorbo to say hey, do you remember 95 00:06:11.620 --> 00:06:15.660 the conversation we had? We appreciate that you're doing. That makes sense. 96 00:06:15.939 --> 00:06:20.050 That phasement product right. You couldn't remember if you're asking for an intro call 97 00:06:20.449 --> 00:06:24.170 and they can't even hire you. You know what they do, right? 98 00:06:24.170 --> 00:06:27.730 That's the ninety seven percent of people that don't respond. And so we do 99 00:06:28.569 --> 00:06:32.439 is less engage with the people that aren't responding because they don't have any timing. 100 00:06:32.639 --> 00:06:36.519 It's not that the message isn't necessarily relevant and they wouldn't hire us to 101 00:06:36.600 --> 00:06:41.199 set the timing so wrong that they can't even worry about it right now. 102 00:06:41.560 --> 00:06:45.839 So instead we ask questions that are not timing dependent to learn more about them 103 00:06:45.879 --> 00:06:47.990 and then we can get the timing right and then not bug them. And 104 00:06:48.069 --> 00:06:54.269 it doesn't feel salesy because they're actually genuinely thinking about a new organization, new 105 00:06:54.310 --> 00:06:57.870 software, New Agency to support them at that time. And so when we 106 00:06:57.990 --> 00:07:00.750 reach out, we get to have a lovely conversation, we get a meeting 107 00:07:00.029 --> 00:07:03.060 and then we get to help them make a purchasing decision because we know the 108 00:07:03.180 --> 00:07:06.860 timings right. That's a really important part. So he has something that you 109 00:07:06.939 --> 00:07:11.779 do short like a progressive profiling type of approach. So I don't know. 110 00:07:11.899 --> 00:07:15.339 You've got, let's say you've got funored of question to ask me, you 111 00:07:15.420 --> 00:07:16.850 know, in order to put me in the right segment, in order to 112 00:07:16.930 --> 00:07:21.290 disposition me as a contact for your organization. Does that mean that every single 113 00:07:21.410 --> 00:07:25.290 time you've got an interaction with me, you would ask me a defriend question? 114 00:07:25.689 --> 00:07:29.290 So as time goes by and and while you may not be getting my 115 00:07:29.410 --> 00:07:31.879 time yet, but you may be getting information that we help you to go 116 00:07:32.079 --> 00:07:38.120 further and further into with that guy with what is he doing in the company 117 00:07:38.199 --> 00:07:40.480 and what does you really care about? That is that's what you guys do. 118 00:07:40.839 --> 00:07:44.040 We go more relational. So we'll just try to learn about you, 119 00:07:44.509 --> 00:07:47.790 will find out what you like, will probably send you a gift, will 120 00:07:48.029 --> 00:07:54.189 call you linkedin message, you will email, you will show up in person. 121 00:07:54.670 --> 00:07:59.060 Will eventually figure out when. We will figure out if very wants to 122 00:07:59.060 --> 00:08:01.220 hire an agency, if he doesn't, if he currently has one and if 123 00:08:01.259 --> 00:08:05.500 he does currently have one, when's that contract up? We don't want to 124 00:08:05.540 --> 00:08:07.139 bug you, we just want to let you know that we exist and we 125 00:08:07.220 --> 00:08:09.860 want to get the timing right so that you can focus on what you do 126 00:08:11.220 --> 00:08:13.009 and that you know about us when you focused on what we do. And 127 00:08:13.449 --> 00:08:18.129 yet, by aligning ourselves in that way, it makes us less salesy and 128 00:08:18.209 --> 00:08:20.129 more helpful, and we just learned about you. We build a relationship and 129 00:08:20.209 --> 00:08:22.490 we figure out when the timing is right and then we don't bug you. 130 00:08:22.610 --> 00:08:26.410 We might shoot you a case study every month, every two months, but 131 00:08:26.490 --> 00:08:28.240 we let you do your job and we know as long as we reach out 132 00:08:28.319 --> 00:08:31.919 six days, ninety days before, you're going to make the purchasing decision. 133 00:08:33.200 --> 00:08:35.320 Now you can start to have a sales conversation before that. We have relational 134 00:08:35.399 --> 00:08:39.759 conversations, absolutely, and I think it's the right way to do it. 135 00:08:39.840 --> 00:08:43.230 It's the right way to do it because you want people, particularly your line 136 00:08:43.230 --> 00:08:46.870 of business is very similar to all and of business. At operatics we sell 137 00:08:46.990 --> 00:08:52.549 services and unfortunately there is lots of people in my domain, as there is 138 00:08:52.590 --> 00:08:56.059 a lot in your domain, that make that make your the main look bad, 139 00:08:56.220 --> 00:08:58.820 and made the main look bad because there is lots of people that will 140 00:08:58.860 --> 00:09:05.379 come with crazy business model, crazy solutions and probably over sale, overpromising on 141 00:09:05.460 --> 00:09:09.049 the deliver which you then kind of impact us because we speak to people who 142 00:09:09.090 --> 00:09:11.809 have had their finger bonds. Yeah, and now I gotta agree with you. 143 00:09:13.370 --> 00:09:15.970 Yeah, you know, I agree with you. I mean I get 144 00:09:16.009 --> 00:09:20.250 actually even sometimes contacted by companies, will direct competitors of us, and they 145 00:09:20.289 --> 00:09:24.720 ask me if any do services. And I'm sure you've got the same and 146 00:09:24.639 --> 00:09:28.559 it's the same with, I think, recruitment and and all the other type 147 00:09:28.639 --> 00:09:33.639 of services that are little bit more whether is lots of competition. And I 148 00:09:33.759 --> 00:09:35.720 think there is two things. Not only you've got to respect the prospect, 149 00:09:37.080 --> 00:09:41.509 but you also need to add the outset very, very quickly. Put in 150 00:09:41.629 --> 00:09:46.669 front of them what makes unique in the market and what change, what difference 151 00:09:46.750 --> 00:09:50.789 you can create for them, and and then those difference should be probably two 152 00:09:50.830 --> 00:09:54.539 US three little stones that they've got in their shoe and as they're carrying on 153 00:09:54.620 --> 00:09:56.740 with the current supplier, get the carry on with another are. Yeah, 154 00:09:56.899 --> 00:10:01.980 is we just studying the shoe or the student they get off that actually did 155 00:10:03.100 --> 00:10:05.139 into do something about it now. But but we do use this an approach, 156 00:10:05.299 --> 00:10:11.330 that a soft touch approach, of respectful approach, because I think that 157 00:10:11.649 --> 00:10:15.649 a professional you are now, you would treat the prospect, which ultimately is 158 00:10:15.889 --> 00:10:18.769 is quite important, I believe. Yeah, I just you know, the 159 00:10:18.090 --> 00:10:22.600 Insula is that weird place right it balancing volume so you can get the timing 160 00:10:22.639 --> 00:10:26.159 right more often, and then personal where you where you're building relationships, and 161 00:10:26.240 --> 00:10:30.480 so you'll for us we segment and we say, okay, each SDR has 162 00:10:30.480 --> 00:10:35.240 a hundred and ten accounts that we know by name that we fully mapped and 163 00:10:35.320 --> 00:10:37.909 those are the accounts that are really focused on. That if we get them 164 00:10:37.990 --> 00:10:39.830 now or if we get them in five years, we still want them and 165 00:10:39.950 --> 00:10:43.309 it's worth it, and so we invest a lot there and then we use 166 00:10:43.350 --> 00:10:48.029 other things to scale up our volume for the rest of that market. So 167 00:10:48.149 --> 00:10:52.659 that, yeah, we always have essentially our account based cell development model as 168 00:10:52.700 --> 00:10:54.740 well as kind of a vertical base sales development model, and we kind of 169 00:10:54.779 --> 00:11:00.379 blended to help us it volume goals as well as personal goals. That makes 170 00:11:00.460 --> 00:11:05.370 perfect sense. And we should the set of development teams report to primarily from 171 00:11:05.409 --> 00:11:09.889 your perspectives, you think they should report to marketing or do you thinkish with 172 00:11:09.970 --> 00:11:13.610 report to sells? Oh, I think they need to report to sales, 173 00:11:13.610 --> 00:11:16.409 but I think they can report to like with the way we rock operators. 174 00:11:16.730 --> 00:11:20.080 I have shared goals between marketing and sales development and we do a lot of 175 00:11:20.200 --> 00:11:24.360 events. We do a lot of like so we do two events a month 176 00:11:24.480 --> 00:11:28.360 in almost every major city. That from our map to accounts based on like 177 00:11:28.480 --> 00:11:31.679 where the geography, and so we'll do two events a month. And then 178 00:11:31.759 --> 00:11:35.669 what that does is it gives our SDR team a way to decrease psychological friction 179 00:11:35.710 --> 00:11:39.190 because now they're giving the prospects something to send, they're inviting them to something 180 00:11:39.230 --> 00:11:41.990 instead of asking them for something, and so it changes the relationship of SDR 181 00:11:43.029 --> 00:11:46.309 and then marketing as the host event, and then they share essentially opportunities. 182 00:11:46.549 --> 00:11:50.659 So we have an opportunities, deals and revenue goal for the entire Growth Department 183 00:11:50.860 --> 00:11:54.220 that marketing and sales development share. Right I found sales development struggles with messaging, 184 00:11:54.460 --> 00:12:00.340 marketing struggles sometimes with quotas and Kpis, and so we kind of blend 185 00:12:00.419 --> 00:12:03.450 the to but with their idea of a director of sales development and I do 186 00:12:03.570 --> 00:12:07.129 have the director of marketing and then I have a separate account executive team which 187 00:12:07.129 --> 00:12:09.490 you're just kind of senior guys that operate a little bit on their own, 188 00:12:09.090 --> 00:12:13.649 but all three exist within a growth department which I still head up, and 189 00:12:13.690 --> 00:12:16.399 so I'm kind of like tef revenue officer in that sense, and then I 190 00:12:16.440 --> 00:12:20.399 have a director of marketing, a senior account executive, a client facing account 191 00:12:20.399 --> 00:12:22.360 executive, and then, you know, a director of sales development, and 192 00:12:22.480 --> 00:12:28.240 then those people essentially reported to me. They're all sharing the same numbers actually, 193 00:12:28.919 --> 00:12:30.830 of course. Yet and that's make of that. What do you think 194 00:12:30.950 --> 00:12:35.070 is the you mentioned? There is a there is a requirement fun agreement between 195 00:12:35.110 --> 00:12:39.549 starters, marketing and set of development. So at that Magic I plan generation 196 00:12:39.789 --> 00:12:43.379 triangle, what are the key Kpis that you would recommend to Alligence to look 197 00:12:43.379 --> 00:12:46.340 at? And then she's a question that to ask could nuts in that podcast, 198 00:12:46.419 --> 00:12:50.379 because so important. Amos, on that Trinity. What you should look 199 00:12:50.379 --> 00:12:54.059 at quite a tea velsus quanty tete is. It's sort of as a big, 200 00:12:54.860 --> 00:12:58.379 a big question, but he is there anything in Poltic Cadat? Shoot, 201 00:12:58.379 --> 00:13:01.210 you look at in them a flignments and KPIS. Yeah, so I 202 00:13:01.490 --> 00:13:05.570 track counts mapped because, remember, I really want to build my data set 203 00:13:05.610 --> 00:13:09.769 and no one contracts are up, because then I can crack the timing code 204 00:13:09.809 --> 00:13:11.610 and it makes it so much easier to sell. So it counts. MAPPS 205 00:13:11.730 --> 00:13:16.720 is a really important API to me. INTRO calls. So essentially can like 206 00:13:16.799 --> 00:13:20.879 not conversations, but like essentially initial meetings. Then proposals or demos, so 207 00:13:20.960 --> 00:13:24.879 opportunities. So we call anything where proposals given, we call it an opportunity. 208 00:13:24.159 --> 00:13:28.190 And then deals and revenue and that's it. I tried to actually I 209 00:13:28.309 --> 00:13:31.389 let my director sales development track a lot of other things like conversation length and 210 00:13:33.110 --> 00:13:37.710 dials and emails. What I've realized is if you create two strict of a 211 00:13:37.789 --> 00:13:43.460 recipe for sales development rep every sales development repped has inner personal and things that 212 00:13:43.700 --> 00:13:46.460 make them unique as a person, as a human, and a lot of 213 00:13:46.500 --> 00:13:50.299 times set input numbers like two hundred dolls or fifty dollars or two hundred emails 214 00:13:50.299 --> 00:13:54.539 with her. It doesn't allow one person where a woman might be phenomenal on 215 00:13:54.659 --> 00:13:56.970 Linkedin and she can just hit her numbers every time doing just linked in. 216 00:13:58.009 --> 00:14:00.490 Another guy's terrible and like did, but he's world class on the phone. 217 00:14:00.649 --> 00:14:03.570 Another guy's terrible in the phone but he's amazing and writing copy. And what 218 00:14:03.649 --> 00:14:07.730 I found is if I try to make all three of them the same Sdr 219 00:14:07.210 --> 00:14:11.200 I get lower performance. So so I really worry a lot more about my 220 00:14:11.240 --> 00:14:15.240 output management that I do on my input management, and so I give people 221 00:14:15.240 --> 00:14:20.720 a lot of freedom to hit their accounts mapped in Tro call and opportunity goals 222 00:14:20.879 --> 00:14:26.309 on the sales development side more than heading their call goals or their email goals. 223 00:14:26.350 --> 00:14:28.029 And if they're not calling emailing and they're not hitting their numbers, then 224 00:14:28.070 --> 00:14:31.149 you can kind of do a performance review or let them go. You have 225 00:14:31.269 --> 00:14:33.549 to give them the freedom to figure out if they're better on the phones, 226 00:14:33.590 --> 00:14:37.830 are better on the email or better on social and then just hit their opportunity 227 00:14:37.870 --> 00:14:41.700 deals a revenue goal from there. Of course, of course not. That's 228 00:14:41.700 --> 00:14:45.460 makes perfect sense. I'm going to move on. Anyt bit from from Das 229 00:14:45.460 --> 00:14:48.379 d btls there as develop mentioned general or, and I know that You'all strong 230 00:14:48.460 --> 00:14:52.250 believing the concept and why you need to focus your attention on your brand and 231 00:14:52.450 --> 00:14:58.769 and not only on your search results. Can you please allaborates on that, 232 00:14:58.889 --> 00:15:01.409 fall audiince? Yeah, so you work with a lot of software companies, 233 00:15:01.450 --> 00:15:05.250 right? HM, yes, we do. You most most of all come 234 00:15:05.330 --> 00:15:09.919 sectually. Probably Eighty five percent of Faulk Lens also Talk Company. So yes, 235 00:15:09.960 --> 00:15:11.799 we do pretty much the same. With myself, I'd say I'm about 236 00:15:13.000 --> 00:15:16.240 you know, seventy five percent SASS. And what I found is like, 237 00:15:16.240 --> 00:15:22.190 if you go on Google right now and you search top ARP software orcle Microsoft 238 00:15:22.230 --> 00:15:26.590 Dynamics and whoeversults in that space, they don't rank. And that's not because 239 00:15:26.669 --> 00:15:30.870 Oracle and Microsoft have terrible websites and terrible brands and no pages and no SEO. 240 00:15:31.230 --> 00:15:35.269 It's because Google has decided that at the bottom of the funnel, when 241 00:15:35.309 --> 00:15:39.299 people are looking for a purchasing type decision, they're doing comparison shopping. People 242 00:15:39.299 --> 00:15:43.899 want to look at review sites. That's get crowd software advice Cap Tera. 243 00:15:43.019 --> 00:15:46.899 These are sites a you might scrape a or you might be doing for list 244 00:15:46.980 --> 00:15:50.250 building. These are on by Gardner, forester and other players in the space. 245 00:15:50.730 --> 00:15:52.690 I point is that calls the yelp in the Amazon effect. If we 246 00:15:52.809 --> 00:15:56.250 look at yelped before we buy a five dollar breakfast Burrito, we sure as 247 00:15:56.289 --> 00:16:00.330 hecker going to look at software advice before we buy a quarter million dollar software. 248 00:16:00.809 --> 00:16:04.159 And so it doesn't matter if your website shows up or your brand shows 249 00:16:04.200 --> 00:16:07.000 up. The point is that you're discoverable. And so what we help these 250 00:16:07.000 --> 00:16:11.840 organizations learn and we measure and we manage for them is how often their brands 251 00:16:11.879 --> 00:16:15.159 are showing up when people are searching, because if you're only measuring if your 252 00:16:15.200 --> 00:16:18.149 website shows up but Google saying your website isn't going to show up because that's 253 00:16:18.149 --> 00:16:22.909 not what our searcher wants, then you're trying to do something that isn't actually 254 00:16:22.909 --> 00:16:26.110 feasible. So if you're telling that your client, obviously the client's going to 255 00:16:26.149 --> 00:16:27.870 fire you because you didn't do what you said you would. It's nothing to 256 00:16:27.909 --> 00:16:30.669 do with your ability as everything to do with your reality. And so we 257 00:16:30.909 --> 00:16:34.419 look at the reality of a search engine, the reality of a buying journey, 258 00:16:34.539 --> 00:16:38.179 and then we position our clients to be discovered at every point of that, 259 00:16:38.340 --> 00:16:42.860 whether there's informational intent or purchase intent, and then we essentially measure that 260 00:16:44.059 --> 00:16:48.929 reality funds and time and effort so that our clients drastically increased pipeline and then 261 00:16:48.009 --> 00:16:52.450 grow opportunities, deals and revenue. And we've been hyper effective with brands like 262 00:16:52.490 --> 00:16:55.769 Zumo, logic and sure well, we're just started working with Betterman. We 263 00:16:55.809 --> 00:16:59.370 do everything for all state and Cisco and Samsung and ten cent and, you 264 00:16:59.450 --> 00:17:03.679 know, count with Sass companies in the mid markets and enterprise space by helping 265 00:17:03.759 --> 00:17:07.839 them essentially be discoverable and from their grow exceptionally. I mean you're in the 266 00:17:07.880 --> 00:17:11.839 sales space. We worked with exactly for over two years. When we first 267 00:17:11.839 --> 00:17:14.480 start with them, we grew their pipeline by over three hundred percent in the 268 00:17:14.559 --> 00:17:18.829 first quarter by just helping them get on review sites and be more discoverable and 269 00:17:18.910 --> 00:17:22.109 show up when it mattered, and they're hyper successful. It really does work 270 00:17:22.470 --> 00:17:25.950 and that makes perfect sensition. I mean this is I'm moving into a new 271 00:17:26.029 --> 00:17:29.589 house now and my wife, he's asking me to buy you a new I 272 00:17:29.750 --> 00:17:33.539 was looking for wine fridge. They thought that sounds very, very cliche for 273 00:17:33.619 --> 00:17:37.220 a Frenchman, but that you go and I had no idea what a good 274 00:17:37.220 --> 00:17:40.700 dwine f Jays and I need exactly what you mentioned. I mean you took 275 00:17:40.859 --> 00:17:44.140 the example of Arom Barrito, which our slight, but I went on comparison 276 00:17:44.180 --> 00:17:48.769 websites and basically both the frange that I think was pleasing most of the people 277 00:17:49.089 --> 00:17:52.690 that like the central to as I do. Right, exactly, go to 278 00:17:52.769 --> 00:17:56.170 their website. Right. You just wanted to review site, you learned about 279 00:17:56.170 --> 00:17:59.559 and then you went to their website. Yeah, yeah, we marketing in 280 00:17:59.799 --> 00:18:03.680 growth. People want people to first go to their website. That's not actually 281 00:18:03.759 --> 00:18:07.720 how a purchasing journey works. And so but the problem is is because they 282 00:18:07.799 --> 00:18:11.519 can't track how well they're doing another site, they don't value it because they 283 00:18:11.559 --> 00:18:18.390 have to report on metrics and because they become so Kypi obsessed and so obsessed 284 00:18:18.430 --> 00:18:21.829 on the metrics that they can report on, they don't value the things that 285 00:18:21.869 --> 00:18:25.069 are actually going to grow the most important metrics, like opportunities, deals and 286 00:18:25.150 --> 00:18:27.500 revenue. And so we try to help educate people and we help them measure 287 00:18:27.660 --> 00:18:33.420 in track it using sequel databases and our kind of engineering team to actually show, 288 00:18:33.539 --> 00:18:36.980 look, we can actually track those third party sites, show the value 289 00:18:37.339 --> 00:18:41.690 and allow you to be a much better demand generation or search marketer and drive 290 00:18:41.930 --> 00:18:45.049 opportunities, deals and revenue for your SASS company. Of course, then I'm 291 00:18:45.089 --> 00:18:48.890 interesting to us. You want to last question. I that's a wrong marketing 292 00:18:48.930 --> 00:18:52.730 attribution. We've got to large pot of all audience. While marketing professionally in 293 00:18:53.329 --> 00:18:59.440 software companies, all you know be to be I lovel savvycs type of companies 294 00:19:00.000 --> 00:19:03.160 and we often speak to them about marketing attribution and bots running when you do 295 00:19:03.200 --> 00:19:07.279 a lot of online stuff, a PR and all that sort of great things. 296 00:19:07.359 --> 00:19:11.789 But how can you truckt your investments in brand do the thing and attributed 297 00:19:11.910 --> 00:19:15.349 back to marketing after a convulsion into a posts our revenue? You can do 298 00:19:15.430 --> 00:19:19.589 it in certain areas, like with you through conversions. So by setting up 299 00:19:19.589 --> 00:19:22.430 the script properly, interest you can see you through. But here's what I 300 00:19:22.430 --> 00:19:26.740 would argue a we need to just take a deep breath and use comments and 301 00:19:26.940 --> 00:19:33.220 sometimes, and the problem is really attributed yet that well, but because we're 302 00:19:33.259 --> 00:19:37.809 so desperate to attribute everything, we forget about the value of brand. And 303 00:19:37.890 --> 00:19:41.970 what I mean by that is we want to be the largest company, but 304 00:19:42.089 --> 00:19:45.890 we don't ever think about being the most wellknown company. You know, it's 305 00:19:45.930 --> 00:19:49.650 crazy. Right in two thousand and nineteen we forgot about all the basics of 306 00:19:49.690 --> 00:19:53.880 advertising and marketing that have worked so well. The reason why Super Bowl commercials 307 00:19:53.920 --> 00:19:59.079 are still a thing, the reason why there we all purchased from brands we 308 00:19:59.160 --> 00:20:03.279 recognize. Imagine how much more successful in effective sales development is when you call 309 00:20:03.400 --> 00:20:06.559 people and when you say who you are, they've heard of you before like 310 00:20:06.720 --> 00:20:11.309 that is a huge factor. Then close rate and a acquisition of new business. 311 00:20:11.549 --> 00:20:15.230 Yet because we can't say, oh, which added they see before they 312 00:20:15.269 --> 00:20:19.390 saw it. We stopped investing in brand building because we can't measure it perfectly 313 00:20:19.789 --> 00:20:25.380 to the deal, and we then invest in higher acquisition channels like Seo and 314 00:20:25.460 --> 00:20:29.140 PPC, which I also a hundred percent believe in, but then we d 315 00:20:29.180 --> 00:20:32.859 value brand. Right now, my business is getting twenty million impressions for four 316 00:20:32.900 --> 00:20:36.450 thousand dollars a month and we've had enterprise brands that we dreamed about fill out 317 00:20:36.450 --> 00:20:40.490 our form since launching the campaigns who didn't fill out our form before because they've 318 00:20:40.490 --> 00:20:41.690 heard of us now. And not only have they heard of us, when 319 00:20:41.690 --> 00:20:45.970 they search for SEO agency, when they search for PBC agency, they find 320 00:20:45.009 --> 00:20:48.609 us and now, instead of being the brand they haven't heard of, now 321 00:20:48.690 --> 00:20:52.039 are the brand they've seen, they've heard of and has great reviews and now 322 00:20:52.119 --> 00:20:53.680 we're able to work with them. They have our positioning right, we have 323 00:20:53.759 --> 00:20:57.960 our awareness and it equals revenue generation. The other way, they can track 324 00:20:59.000 --> 00:21:00.880 at the rate, because I don't want it to be like you can't track 325 00:21:00.880 --> 00:21:03.470 it at all. You can use the view through conversions and you can look 326 00:21:03.470 --> 00:21:07.349 at your direct traffic to your brand. So you can go look at direct 327 00:21:07.349 --> 00:21:10.990 traffic in Google and see if that's growing ak more people just knowing about you. 328 00:21:11.349 --> 00:21:14.509 You can look at a tool like sem rush or a trefs and then 329 00:21:14.710 --> 00:21:17.829 search your brand name and see how many people are searching that a month and 330 00:21:17.869 --> 00:21:19.259 then you can measure if that goes up or down. There's a lot of 331 00:21:19.299 --> 00:21:22.099 ways to do it and I'm actually building a software that will be launching sometime 332 00:21:22.220 --> 00:21:26.900 next six months that measures your brand discoverability across versus you and your top two 333 00:21:26.900 --> 00:21:32.059 competitors. So you can put in a thousand keywords and see how often your 334 00:21:32.059 --> 00:21:33.529 brand shows up, not just your website. So if you show up on 335 00:21:33.569 --> 00:21:37.049 somebody else's site, if you show up an ads, if you show up 336 00:21:37.049 --> 00:21:37.730 on a review side, if you show up in the map, if you 337 00:21:37.970 --> 00:21:41.849 show open shopping campaigns, will be able to measure all of that in the 338 00:21:41.970 --> 00:21:45.690 benchmarkt against your competition and every month you'll see if you're becoming more or less 339 00:21:45.690 --> 00:21:49.160 discoverable. And I do believe that the future search marketing is making brands discoverable 340 00:21:49.720 --> 00:21:52.680 for keywords that people are looking for, and it's going to be a crucial 341 00:21:52.720 --> 00:21:56.519 part that is not being valued nearly enough today, and I agree with you 342 00:21:56.680 --> 00:22:02.029 absolutely. Under percent what unfortunately we coming to the end of foure. Shame 343 00:22:02.069 --> 00:22:04.029 because I probably can't think about another twenty question I can ask you, but 344 00:22:04.269 --> 00:22:07.750 you know we need to keep them a shell. If that's you can that 345 00:22:07.950 --> 00:22:11.750 we we're just coming out of the attention spam or all the the sell seeming 346 00:22:11.829 --> 00:22:15.220 its commute. Love all the right Jodan's, but I want you to thank 347 00:22:15.220 --> 00:22:18.099 you for your insight today. Get Right. I really appreciate the defided you 348 00:22:18.140 --> 00:22:23.099 to your time to get to get always me and and share all your swords 349 00:22:23.180 --> 00:22:26.859 and onto all the question that I get to ask you. If anyone wants 350 00:22:26.859 --> 00:22:32.250 to get in touch with you to follow up speak about directive, just as 351 00:22:32.289 --> 00:22:34.329 your question about which we discussed today. What's the best way to get hold 352 00:22:34.329 --> 00:22:38.930 of you? Yeah, you just go to directive consultingcom and you know we 353 00:22:38.970 --> 00:22:41.849 have life chat. We have a form there. You can also email us 354 00:22:41.970 --> 00:22:47.759 for new business at sales at directive consultingcom. Do you just want to chat, 355 00:22:47.880 --> 00:22:51.200 feel free to connect from on Linkedin or twitter. It's G and then 356 00:22:51.240 --> 00:22:53.599 my last named Marygoot across all those platforms. Garrett, Mary, you you'll 357 00:22:53.599 --> 00:22:56.920 find me. I'm the only one in the world so love the chat with 358 00:22:56.000 --> 00:22:59.950 you. Love to connect answer any questions you have if you're trying to think 359 00:22:59.950 --> 00:23:03.109 about how to grow your lead volume or give your sales development team better leads, 360 00:23:03.349 --> 00:23:07.430 Potter leads, warmer leads and just grow over overall pipeline at assass company 361 00:23:07.470 --> 00:23:11.950 or in an enterprise brand. We would love to support you and the love 362 00:23:11.990 --> 00:23:14.619 the chat and see if it's a fit. Sounds Great. Well, many 363 00:23:14.700 --> 00:23:17.339 things. Once again, eat. was great to have you unders with today. 364 00:23:17.339 --> 00:23:21.940 Guard all right, thank you so much. Right, operatics has redefined 365 00:23:22.099 --> 00:23:27.210 the meaning of revenue generation for technology companies worldwide. While the traditional concepts of 366 00:23:27.329 --> 00:23:33.690 building and managing inside sales teams inhouse has existed for many years, companies are 367 00:23:33.769 --> 00:23:37.970 struggling with a lack of focus, agility and scale required in today's fast and 368 00:23:38.170 --> 00:23:45.720 complex world of enterprise technology sales. See How operatics can help your company accelerate 369 00:23:45.759 --> 00:23:51.480 pipeline at operatics dotnet. You've been listening to be to be revenue acceleration. 370 00:23:52.200 --> 00:23:55.480 To ensure that you never miss an episode, subscribe to the show in your 371 00:23:55.480 --> 00:23:59.509 favorite podcast player. Thank you so much for listening. Until next time,

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