63: Why Should You Invest in Sales Coaching? w/ Richard Smith

October 30, 2019 00:27:11
63: Why Should You Invest in Sales Coaching? w/ Richard Smith
B2B Revenue Acceleration
63: Why Should You Invest in Sales Coaching? w/ Richard Smith

Oct 30 2019 | 00:27:11


Show Notes

Like many sales reps, Richard Smith was thrown into the deep end in his first sales role as an SDR. Along the way, he developed his skills via trial and error, receiving little feedback on his performance.


Sure, he made it.


But he thought, “Wouldn’t I have made it sooner if someone had coached me?”


That driving thought has been the engine for confounding Refract — a sales coaching company that analyzes sales conversations and helps “unlock the black box” of those conversations so sales leaders can effectively coach their sales teams.


Richard came on the B2B Revenue Acceleration podcast to share some insights into how sales leaders and managers can rethink sales coaching.


What we talked about:


This is an interview with Richard Smith, Cofounder & Head of Sales at Refract.


To hear this interview, and many more like it, you can subscribe to The B2B Revenue Acceleration Podcast on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or on our website.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.080 --> 00:00:04.759 I think three quarters of organizations will openly tell you that the fundamental role of 2 00:00:04.799 --> 00:00:09.750 a sales manager is to coach and improve that team. On that basis, 3 00:00:09.869 --> 00:00:14.189 why is the most important function of a sales manager not getting the priority that 4 00:00:14.269 --> 00:00:22.300 it deserves? You were listening to bb revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated to 5 00:00:22.379 --> 00:00:26.539 helping software executives stay on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. 6 00:00:26.539 --> 00:00:30.620 Let's get into the show. Hi, welcome to be to beewer of 7 00:00:30.660 --> 00:00:33.939 a new acceleration. My name is already in with you and I'm yet today 8 00:00:34.020 --> 00:00:38.130 with Richards. Me Go from done ed of sense as refracts. How are 9 00:00:38.170 --> 00:00:41.770 you today, Richards? I'm very well, reliant and yeah, really appreciate 10 00:00:41.929 --> 00:00:45.409 you having me on your show. Very much looking forward to the discussion, 11 00:00:45.450 --> 00:00:49.409 and me too, and me do because it's about seals, couching and I 12 00:00:49.810 --> 00:00:54.359 love since cotching. Lots of different methodology, also different way to go about 13 00:00:54.399 --> 00:00:58.640 it, but so as an interesting topic. But before we go into theaters 14 00:00:58.679 --> 00:01:02.240 of the conversation, Richard, would you manage producing yourself in a little bit 15 00:01:02.320 --> 00:01:06.310 more details, as well as giving an idea of what your company, refract 16 00:01:06.390 --> 00:01:11.310 does for your clients. Yeah, certainly so. Yeah, I'm the one 17 00:01:11.349 --> 00:01:14.310 of the CO founders in the the head of sales here at refract, where 18 00:01:14.310 --> 00:01:19.099 a UK technology company based in Newcastle. I've been in sales personally for about 19 00:01:19.099 --> 00:01:26.939 ten years. Started off as an stare straight out of university, really with 20 00:01:26.739 --> 00:01:30.659 in a situation like I think most people find themselves are not really knowing where 21 00:01:30.780 --> 00:01:36.810 what I wanted to do with my career and seemingly felt that my kind of 22 00:01:36.890 --> 00:01:42.530 behaviors and personality and kind of career desires we're nicely aligned with the profession of 23 00:01:42.609 --> 00:01:48.799 sales. So I worked in the Software Rena all of my career so far. 24 00:01:48.840 --> 00:01:52.719 As I said, started as a nest all, literally picking the phone 25 00:01:52.760 --> 00:01:57.000 up, booking appointments for sales people of kind of progress and develop really doing 26 00:01:57.040 --> 00:02:02.269 almost all parts of the sales process since then and now of a very grateful 27 00:02:02.349 --> 00:02:07.750 to have been founded a company and had the chance to build out my own 28 00:02:07.189 --> 00:02:12.909 sales organization here. I guess that the reason why we built refractor was all 29 00:02:13.030 --> 00:02:17.860 through my own personal experiences of trying to figure out this whole sales thing along 30 00:02:17.860 --> 00:02:22.460 the way. The challenge that I had early on in my career is is 31 00:02:22.460 --> 00:02:27.259 actually a challenge that I think is more universal. I seriously believe that my 32 00:02:27.780 --> 00:02:34.449 success in sales has been very significantly hammered by the lack of coaching and development 33 00:02:34.490 --> 00:02:38.930 that I received early on in my career. How much of my early part 34 00:02:38.969 --> 00:02:43.050 of my career was was was really about, as I said, kind of 35 00:02:43.090 --> 00:02:47.479 figuring it, figuring all out by myself, making the mistakes and really not 36 00:02:47.800 --> 00:02:55.199 benefiting from that continuous, important feedback and mentorship from sales leadership on on how 37 00:02:55.280 --> 00:02:59.469 I can improve. I think there's lots of lots of challenges as to why 38 00:02:59.550 --> 00:03:00.629 that didn't take place, which I'm sure we're going to we're going to get 39 00:03:00.629 --> 00:03:07.509 into that on the show. But this problem of sales people not regularly being 40 00:03:07.590 --> 00:03:10.229 improved and not having the coaching that that's going to set them up for successes 41 00:03:10.990 --> 00:03:15.580 is a is a problem being faced across the world and I think is a 42 00:03:16.060 --> 00:03:21.460 is a cause of many sales people not hit in quote Nott, not staying 43 00:03:21.500 --> 00:03:23.900 around at their companies for as long as they should and, ultimately, the 44 00:03:24.020 --> 00:03:28.930 the impact that has on the bottom line for any, any business out there. 45 00:03:29.210 --> 00:03:31.849 Yeah, okay, that makes sense. So refract he's basically what he's 46 00:03:31.969 --> 00:03:37.289 is it the company it does, since coutch or themation. What would you 47 00:03:37.330 --> 00:03:42.800 give the exactly? Yeah, sure so, in a nutshell, refract analyzers 48 00:03:42.919 --> 00:03:49.520 conversations that sellers are having with their prospects and customers and really unlocks the black 49 00:03:49.599 --> 00:03:54.560 box of those conversations and surface molliple in sights to sales leadership, but maybe 50 00:03:54.639 --> 00:04:00.030 even wider across the organization, about what's happening in those conversations, the topics 51 00:04:00.069 --> 00:04:03.789 that are being discussed, the competitors that are being mentioned, the questions and 52 00:04:03.870 --> 00:04:10.340 objections that seals people are facing, and really surfacing that data and making that 53 00:04:10.460 --> 00:04:15.979 more accessible for sales leadership so they can have a tighter grasp about which conversations 54 00:04:15.019 --> 00:04:19.819 they should be paying most attention to. But also leads sales leadership to coaching 55 00:04:19.860 --> 00:04:26.689 opportunities by pinpointing where those defining moments in those conversations are taking place and really 56 00:04:26.730 --> 00:04:30.610 taking the heavy lifting out of what has been perceived as quite a time consuming 57 00:04:30.649 --> 00:04:35.769 task in sales managers. Really a coaching and improving those conversations to have more 58 00:04:35.810 --> 00:04:41.720 successful outcomes make sense. So I'm recently came across one of your article, 59 00:04:41.800 --> 00:04:46.800 Richard, and and that's probably state that sends people will own coach. Our 60 00:04:46.959 --> 00:04:50.399 twenty seven person more likely to meet for that. So that's kind of a 61 00:04:51.439 --> 00:04:57.910 quarter or smaller sells than the one that I'm being coushed. So why do 62 00:04:58.029 --> 00:05:02.149 you think companies still don't see the value investing sales coach? It's a great 63 00:05:02.149 --> 00:05:05.949 question and I think the key point they're really in the keyword that you use 64 00:05:06.459 --> 00:05:11.699 phrases don't see the value. And it's interesting because when I speak, I 65 00:05:12.100 --> 00:05:15.699 spend my days speaking with sales leaders and sales managers and I very rarely come 66 00:05:15.699 --> 00:05:19.420 across anybody who says that they don't see the value and coaching. Everybody, 67 00:05:19.420 --> 00:05:25.250 everybody talks very openly about that. They they know that coaching is very valuable, 68 00:05:25.329 --> 00:05:27.209 that they should be doing it, they should be doing more of it, 69 00:05:27.490 --> 00:05:32.209 and that the problem is is that there's one thing about seeing something and 70 00:05:32.250 --> 00:05:36.560 there's another thing about actually doing it. And the reality is is that most 71 00:05:36.639 --> 00:05:41.879 companies will point to the fact that coaching is such a valuable activity that they 72 00:05:41.959 --> 00:05:45.439 know that it really moves the need in their business, but when you actually 73 00:05:45.480 --> 00:05:48.040 look behind the scenes, the reality is that it's still not happening or isn't 74 00:05:48.040 --> 00:05:51.949 happening as much or it's not as effective as it should be. So there's 75 00:05:51.990 --> 00:05:57.430 this big sort of dichotomy between what people are saying, what companies are saying, 76 00:05:57.629 --> 00:06:00.910 versus what's actually happening. And we're actually we're actually seeing this happen on 77 00:06:00.990 --> 00:06:06.899 the sales rep level as well, where most sales people say they don't receive 78 00:06:06.939 --> 00:06:12.060 any coaching whatsoever, yet their sales management are saying the opposite, that they're 79 00:06:12.060 --> 00:06:15.939 saying that they coach regularly. So I think actually a lot of it is 80 00:06:15.060 --> 00:06:19.329 the fact that sales management, what they believe they're doing is coaching, is 81 00:06:19.370 --> 00:06:24.569 not being is not being seen as that by the actual sales that their sales 82 00:06:24.649 --> 00:06:29.689 people. There's a big disparity there and I think the reasons why coaching is 83 00:06:29.769 --> 00:06:32.600 maybe not taking places is, if I'm going to be brutally honest, it 84 00:06:32.759 --> 00:06:38.480 it comes down to excuses. I'm not saying those excuses are all non valid, 85 00:06:38.639 --> 00:06:42.439 but you know people who will say that the it's a time consuming exercise, 86 00:06:43.319 --> 00:06:46.120 they don't know how to coach, they don't know where to get started 87 00:06:46.600 --> 00:06:50.269 and ultimately all these things, I think, are these things should be fixed. 88 00:06:50.350 --> 00:06:55.629 These are these excuses which can be addressed and I think when you when 89 00:06:55.629 --> 00:07:00.829 you actually consider the the the revenue impact that good, effective, quality coaching 90 00:07:00.910 --> 00:07:04.060 can have, then it's company should be should be really using less of those 91 00:07:04.060 --> 00:07:09.060 excuses and pay more attention to it. That makes sense. That makes sense. 92 00:07:09.300 --> 00:07:13.139 And another push I want you to to twist. He's around the managers. 93 00:07:13.180 --> 00:07:15.689 Actually, you spoke about them, manager, and and and we when 94 00:07:15.730 --> 00:07:18.089 you manager said is think you've got to manage a number. You've got to 95 00:07:18.129 --> 00:07:20.730 manage the people with both you. You've got to manage the people on the 96 00:07:20.810 --> 00:07:25.009 side of you see to work with your bus, you to work your CEO, 97 00:07:25.129 --> 00:07:27.889 CFO, you've got to walk with marketing, you what need to walk 98 00:07:27.970 --> 00:07:30.759 this finance, but you also have to manage your team and manage down number. 99 00:07:31.279 --> 00:07:36.160 So you know experience one of the main reasons why manager of cars or 100 00:07:36.279 --> 00:07:41.680 don't want to coach. Yeah, it's a big question to ask and I 101 00:07:41.839 --> 00:07:45.709 think from what I see it falls into two book it's first of all, 102 00:07:45.790 --> 00:07:49.110 it's it's a perceived lack of time that they see it as a time consuming 103 00:07:49.189 --> 00:07:55.629 exercise, and the other is that actually the majority of sales managers get to 104 00:07:55.709 --> 00:07:59.540 that position because they were just actually really good sales people. That they were 105 00:07:59.699 --> 00:08:03.579 high performers and by nature of them being high performers they were promoted to being 106 00:08:03.660 --> 00:08:09.500 sales managers. But actually the best, the best professionals don't always become the 107 00:08:09.579 --> 00:08:11.779 best, the best coaches. You know, we see this in the will 108 00:08:11.819 --> 00:08:13.610 in the world of football all the time. There's been some world class coutball, 109 00:08:13.970 --> 00:08:16.889 world class footballers that have been at the top of their game that when 110 00:08:16.930 --> 00:08:24.290 they have given their chance, their armor football management, they fail spectacularly. 111 00:08:24.370 --> 00:08:28.839 And because it's it's not because they were actually that they were actually poor footballers, 112 00:08:28.879 --> 00:08:31.920 that that wasn't the case. It was just that they didn't have the 113 00:08:31.039 --> 00:08:35.679 skills and capabilities to be able to lead a team. And they're very two, 114 00:08:35.840 --> 00:08:39.799 two very separate skills. And if I just address both of those individually, 115 00:08:39.919 --> 00:08:45.389 so that the time aspect, this one really frustrates me because it's not 116 00:08:45.470 --> 00:08:48.870 about a lack of time. It should actually say it's actually a lack of 117 00:08:48.029 --> 00:08:54.110 prioritization that I think three quarters of organizations will openly tell you that the fundamental 118 00:08:54.190 --> 00:09:00.059 role of a sales manager is to coach and improve their team. On that 119 00:09:00.139 --> 00:09:03.379 basis, why is the most important function of a sales manager not getting the 120 00:09:03.419 --> 00:09:07.820 priority that it deserves and we have to look at what are all the tasks 121 00:09:07.899 --> 00:09:11.129 that are managers doing that's actually stopping them all that, that is taking up 122 00:09:11.169 --> 00:09:15.250 their time, which is preventing them from doing that really crucial activity. And 123 00:09:15.330 --> 00:09:18.129 the realities that managers are spending too much time looking at boards, they're looking 124 00:09:18.129 --> 00:09:22.690 at CRMS, they're looking at activity metrics, they're in meetings, you name 125 00:09:22.769 --> 00:09:26.679 it, but they're being good and down with all is essentially admin which is 126 00:09:26.720 --> 00:09:30.360 taking them away from actually doing the things which is which are really going to 127 00:09:30.399 --> 00:09:33.440 improve the performance and move the needle. You know, I most managers will 128 00:09:33.440 --> 00:09:39.710 spend coateless amounts of time looking at stats and dashboards and talking about those metrics 129 00:09:39.789 --> 00:09:41.710 to their sales people. Yeah, they don't need to do that because those 130 00:09:41.750 --> 00:09:46.590 metrics are actually openly available for sales people to to see anyway. You know, 131 00:09:46.710 --> 00:09:50.230 I don't need to be told what my activity metrics will last week because 132 00:09:50.230 --> 00:09:52.750 I can just log into the crm and actually see them. I don't need 133 00:09:52.830 --> 00:09:56.220 my manager tell me tell me those things. What I what I want for 134 00:09:56.340 --> 00:10:00.059 my manager is I want my manager to say, okay, you know, 135 00:10:00.139 --> 00:10:03.460 you those less deals last week. Are You boot less meetings last week. 136 00:10:03.460 --> 00:10:07.450 Then then your peers. You actually you actually made a similar amount of calls 137 00:10:07.490 --> 00:10:09.809 or you know, you you've got a similarmount of pipeline and I want to 138 00:10:09.809 --> 00:10:13.970 understand, well, how come this person over there is actually what? What 139 00:10:13.129 --> 00:10:18.330 is he doing differently in his conversations and what is he what is what the 140 00:10:18.370 --> 00:10:22.200 behaviors that he has that that's making him more successful? And this is what 141 00:10:22.279 --> 00:10:26.399 coaching should be. It should be analyzing the why versus the actual, the 142 00:10:26.519 --> 00:10:31.039 actual outcome. So I think ultimate is about with prioritization, I think, 143 00:10:31.039 --> 00:10:33.840 and I think that stems from the top down as well, or Allian I 144 00:10:33.960 --> 00:10:37.269 think. I think I'm talking about the seat the C suite here and activity 145 00:10:37.309 --> 00:10:41.429 which drives the needles so significantly as coaching. They should be the top down 146 00:10:41.429 --> 00:10:46.350 should be actually telling their managers, you need a fine time and your calendars 147 00:10:46.429 --> 00:10:52.059 to to be to Ti to coaching and we're going to make sure that's prioritized. 148 00:10:52.100 --> 00:10:54.379 So that's that's kind of covers off book at Number One. I means 149 00:10:54.820 --> 00:10:58.539 that the second book it was around managers not knowing how to coach, and 150 00:10:58.580 --> 00:11:03.100 this is maybe a bigger issue in a very much more real issue and real 151 00:11:03.220 --> 00:11:07.409 excuse, because coaching is not a skill that everybody just learns overnight. You 152 00:11:07.570 --> 00:11:11.690 have to be trained how to coat, you have to learn how to give 153 00:11:11.809 --> 00:11:15.330 feedback in the right way. You need to know who you should be spending 154 00:11:15.409 --> 00:11:18.600 most time coaching in your sales team. And again, I think a lot 155 00:11:18.639 --> 00:11:20.679 of managers are just promoted to those positions and they're just told Okay, go 156 00:11:20.759 --> 00:11:24.759 ahead and coaching improve your team, but they don't know where to begin. 157 00:11:24.159 --> 00:11:30.720 And I think companies need to take more seriously about enabling their managers, giving 158 00:11:30.759 --> 00:11:33.590 them the tools and the the education on how to actually coach their reps. 159 00:11:35.029 --> 00:11:39.429 and I think when we do that, managers get more confident about coaching and 160 00:11:39.470 --> 00:11:41.590 they get more serious about what to do it too. Yeah, that makes 161 00:11:41.629 --> 00:11:46.750 sense. And for the first for the first element of your young something your 162 00:11:46.750 --> 00:11:50.580 previous question. I would you think the use of technology is actually changing the 163 00:11:50.259 --> 00:11:56.620 seals, couching, the management of resources? Do you think it's actually confusing 164 00:11:56.659 --> 00:12:00.500 things? Do you think it's something, because there is always at that saying 165 00:12:00.620 --> 00:12:03.529 of either even fish to a man every day and you will come back the 166 00:12:03.570 --> 00:12:07.210 day a dozen the day after to have a fish. You know from you 167 00:12:07.409 --> 00:12:09.090 or teaching out to fish and you will become a Fisher Manu you can go 168 00:12:09.250 --> 00:12:13.289 when they will be. So do you think technology can actually help you to 169 00:12:13.490 --> 00:12:18.759 not just give you the numbers and give you that, but also give you 170 00:12:18.919 --> 00:12:20.960 the fundamental as to the why you could change, what needs to be done, 171 00:12:22.320 --> 00:12:24.200 what needs to be cush so basically doing the end then he's in the 172 00:12:24.200 --> 00:12:28.360 number of really on dust on the areas of improvements. All is that the 173 00:12:28.440 --> 00:12:33.350 GLOGIA actually do that. And you think the ends and do think that being 174 00:12:33.669 --> 00:12:37.029 deployed sufficiently to support to support sens leaders? Yeah, it's a good question. 175 00:12:37.110 --> 00:12:41.110 I think before we look at the technology we have to just make sure 176 00:12:41.190 --> 00:12:43.230 that the culture is right in a business because if the culture isn't right, 177 00:12:43.379 --> 00:12:46.779 the technology is just not going to be valued as not going to be used. 178 00:12:48.100 --> 00:12:52.779 So companies have to make sure that they've actually got that culture of coaching, 179 00:12:52.899 --> 00:12:56.620 that they've got people in the business who want a coach, who wants 180 00:12:56.700 --> 00:13:00.610 to improve. People are sales people and they have to also have a culture 181 00:13:01.049 --> 00:13:05.049 again, from the top down, understands the the value of coaching. You 182 00:13:05.129 --> 00:13:07.330 know, if we dedicate serious time at this, then we've seen the the 183 00:13:07.690 --> 00:13:11.879 impact on quote retainment. We've seen the impact on staff retention. We've seen 184 00:13:11.960 --> 00:13:16.159 the impact on, you know, keep keeping a hold of our top performers. 185 00:13:16.840 --> 00:13:20.240 So once you've got that, that that culture, then technology just becomes 186 00:13:20.360 --> 00:13:26.470 the enabler in helping make that an effective process. And coming back to the 187 00:13:26.870 --> 00:13:31.029 challenge of time reliant is to probably one of the the number one factor is 188 00:13:31.110 --> 00:13:35.950 too why I year sales sales managers aren't coaching and I'm not seeing that people 189 00:13:35.990 --> 00:13:39.350 don't have time. Sales managers are some of the busiest people out there and 190 00:13:39.870 --> 00:13:43.299 we have to be finding ways to actually well, if we need to, 191 00:13:43.539 --> 00:13:48.179 for them to see that coaching is is not an audious process, and technology 192 00:13:48.220 --> 00:13:52.500 can help with that. So when we look at how tools like refracted being 193 00:13:52.539 --> 00:13:56.169 utilized, you know we're telling sales leaders which are the conversations that they should 194 00:13:56.169 --> 00:14:01.370 be pay most attention to. He is a thousand sales conversations over the past 195 00:14:01.370 --> 00:14:05.169 two weeks. Out of those conversations, which are the ones where there is 196 00:14:05.210 --> 00:14:09.610 the most coaching opportunity? Where the missed opportunities? Where are the conversations that 197 00:14:09.850 --> 00:14:13.240 that managers should be spending and making the most of their coaching time? So 198 00:14:13.559 --> 00:14:20.519 and in that regard, where technology is helping managers understand where they should be 199 00:14:20.600 --> 00:14:24.269 applying their their limited coaching time. But there's also benefits here, not just 200 00:14:24.830 --> 00:14:28.470 young I'm talking a lot about managers here. The Benefits of coaching can actually 201 00:14:28.470 --> 00:14:31.789 be seen on the REP level, and what I mean by that is we're 202 00:14:31.830 --> 00:14:37.830 seeing a huge trend of things like peer to peer coaching, where and sales 203 00:14:37.870 --> 00:14:41.539 people are actually can become even more effective at giving their peers feedback and helping 204 00:14:41.580 --> 00:14:46.860 to support their peers then as much as their managers can. So you know, 205 00:14:46.100 --> 00:14:50.580 as in a sales team, we're all having the same sales conversations, 206 00:14:50.659 --> 00:14:54.649 were all facing the same objections, we're all dealing with the same situations every 207 00:14:54.730 --> 00:15:00.049 single day and oftentimes just being able to give embrace peer to peer feedback give 208 00:15:00.090 --> 00:15:05.570 our colleagues the chance to give a secondary perspective. We're seeing that that approach 209 00:15:05.570 --> 00:15:07.440 being used more and more in businesses and it's actually taking a lot of the 210 00:15:07.600 --> 00:15:13.200 responsibility a way from from managers, and technology is just becoming a way to 211 00:15:13.480 --> 00:15:16.799 make that process easier for for sales people to give each other feedback, to 212 00:15:16.240 --> 00:15:22.629 to get insights and what the conversations that their peers are having. So and 213 00:15:22.750 --> 00:15:26.950 the other key thing about why technology is helpful in driving that culture is one 214 00:15:26.950 --> 00:15:31.590 of the Big Fall Downs of coaching is that coaching isn't tracked as not measured. 215 00:15:33.190 --> 00:15:35.429 If it's not if it's not measured, then it's not going to be 216 00:15:35.549 --> 00:15:41.899 effective, and technology has the ability to actually track outcomes of coaching sessions and 217 00:15:41.299 --> 00:15:46.379 gives very real metro tricks about is the is the sales person actually changing their 218 00:15:46.419 --> 00:15:50.769 behaviors? One of the things the salesperson is to work on, and how 219 00:15:50.850 --> 00:15:56.090 can we actually make that a measurable activity? So yeah, I think fundamentally 220 00:15:56.210 --> 00:16:00.009 it's about culture, but then secondly, the technology is there to really drive 221 00:16:00.090 --> 00:16:04.360 that change and really make that processes as simple as possible. And speaking about 222 00:16:04.440 --> 00:16:08.799 culture, because I think it's kind of my last question is probably wide brought 223 00:16:08.799 --> 00:16:17.039 upon question, but I think when your sales manager and sometimes individual many difficult 224 00:16:17.080 --> 00:16:19.549 to kind of clean that from the so if you go to them and say 225 00:16:19.549 --> 00:16:22.190 hey, you're managing a team, can you get them to do that? 226 00:16:22.389 --> 00:16:26.429 Why are you not them boring to do that? And you can be called 227 00:16:26.149 --> 00:16:30.870 in. Everyone ability to manage team's very easy to be called from the outside 228 00:16:30.909 --> 00:16:33.500 and particular if you've got a bit of experience, is also very difficult, 229 00:16:33.539 --> 00:16:37.700 I think, for the individual managers and and particularly they being promoted from with 230 00:16:37.899 --> 00:16:41.740 it, which is something that you mentioned only on. You know, a 231 00:16:41.820 --> 00:16:47.409 good footballer or Good Soccer Playoff or American audience may not be a good coach. 232 00:16:47.730 --> 00:16:48.889 You know, they may be a great individual and the May have front 233 00:16:48.889 --> 00:16:52.129 the stick skills, but they conty don't have the people management skills. And 234 00:16:52.330 --> 00:16:56.929 and unfortunately we all have to deal with that, you know, and we 235 00:16:56.970 --> 00:17:00.330 all love the promotion from within, because that's is building a culture from a 236 00:17:00.440 --> 00:17:06.599 perspective. Now, sometimes it's difficult to get people to change and it's difficult 237 00:17:06.599 --> 00:17:10.920 to get people to realize that, you know, they are babies are in 238 00:17:11.000 --> 00:17:15.279 a way, so which is a which is which we should seven things true 239 00:17:15.279 --> 00:17:18.269 and and and the quish that I wanted to rescue is based on that. 240 00:17:18.670 --> 00:17:22.230 So we see, it's kind of an open native question, I think. 241 00:17:22.269 --> 00:17:26.230 Would ask you, do you think he's better to get this as coaching done 242 00:17:26.509 --> 00:17:32.099 internity or getting done externally and basically having it does up all ways, which 243 00:17:32.220 --> 00:17:37.180 isn't young internal team who get what you're doing, when power people and eventually 244 00:17:37.220 --> 00:17:40.980 direction is to what you should do. Yeah, great, great question. 245 00:17:41.420 --> 00:17:45.369 I think when we look at some of the big challenges that companies have in 246 00:17:45.930 --> 00:17:49.609 creating coaches in their in their team, it's because they are not they're not 247 00:17:49.809 --> 00:17:56.450 arming their managers with the actual skills and capabilities to be effective coaches and oftentimes 248 00:17:56.529 --> 00:18:02.599 businesses they don't even have the expertise and house to be able to teach to 249 00:18:02.759 --> 00:18:07.480 coach managers to be better coaches. And in those situations I'm an advocate of 250 00:18:07.559 --> 00:18:12.230 looking for outside support, for finding people who can actually develop the skills of 251 00:18:12.269 --> 00:18:18.869 managers. And I do believe they're and we work with organizations who are essentially 252 00:18:18.869 --> 00:18:22.509 there. They're providing coaching as a service. And you know what, we 253 00:18:22.109 --> 00:18:29.859 partner with about a hundred sales coaches and consultancies who are doing that coaching as 254 00:18:29.859 --> 00:18:33.980 a service on behalf of clients who don't have the resources or the time or 255 00:18:33.059 --> 00:18:37.819 capacity capacity to be able to do that coaching on a regular on a regular 256 00:18:37.819 --> 00:18:41.170 basis and actually the that that's that's I believe that's a really great solution for 257 00:18:41.210 --> 00:18:45.650 companies who just don't have the infrastructure, the the persona's internally to be able 258 00:18:45.690 --> 00:18:49.890 to do that themselves. That being said, I don't think businesses can grow 259 00:18:51.049 --> 00:18:56.759 just being reliant on external providers to do that. I think, I think 260 00:18:56.920 --> 00:19:00.559 companies it's a great way to start and I think over time to become selves 261 00:19:00.640 --> 00:19:04.640 to sustainable, they have to at some point, you know, create that 262 00:19:04.759 --> 00:19:08.279 coaching culture because it's going to be more cost effective as an overhead in the 263 00:19:08.559 --> 00:19:11.309 in the long run, but it's also going to I think, when we 264 00:19:11.910 --> 00:19:17.710 when we when we make our own people better coaches, that builds better relationships 265 00:19:17.750 --> 00:19:21.109 with the sales reps. and when we have better relationships with the sales reps, 266 00:19:21.150 --> 00:19:22.670 they're typically going to be bet more motivated, they're going to be more 267 00:19:22.670 --> 00:19:29.740 driven and that has huge impact on on staff retention. So yeah, I 268 00:19:29.859 --> 00:19:32.980 think I think there's a place for both. But I think I'm a, 269 00:19:33.180 --> 00:19:36.619 you know, big believer in looking at for outside support if you don't feel 270 00:19:36.619 --> 00:19:40.049 like you have those capabilities internally, even at a senior level. And I 271 00:19:40.170 --> 00:19:45.650 think we're seeing a real big strend in the market of companies investing in things 272 00:19:45.690 --> 00:19:49.930 like coaching as a service without outsource providers. But I think for long gevity, 273 00:19:51.730 --> 00:19:55.000 like with anything else, they need to they need to create that coaching 274 00:19:55.119 --> 00:19:57.160 culture, because that's the thing that's you know, they're going to become more 275 00:19:57.480 --> 00:20:02.039 sustainable in the long run. Yeah, and I'm going to get carried away 276 00:20:02.079 --> 00:20:03.880 another so this is this is my last question, but that this one is 277 00:20:03.920 --> 00:20:08.549 definitely my last one. You know, I'm a big believer in self coaching. 278 00:20:08.869 --> 00:20:12.829 I've been promoting code a few few people in my teams of other as 279 00:20:12.910 --> 00:20:17.910 few years and and I've always looked at people who can who can adapt, 280 00:20:18.069 --> 00:20:21.150 you know, that chameleon in the team, someone that will rate somewhere, 281 00:20:21.269 --> 00:20:23.339 will listen someonees, will get into a podcast like the one who are recording 282 00:20:23.500 --> 00:20:27.900 just now and try to get some perspective from the outside and adapt that in 283 00:20:29.019 --> 00:20:30.619 that day to day walk. I'm a big BILLIV in self coaching and I've 284 00:20:30.619 --> 00:20:34.180 got a lots of respect for people actually take a good look at themselves in 285 00:20:34.259 --> 00:20:37.650 the mirror every day, try to on those more the gap in their skills 286 00:20:38.049 --> 00:20:41.809 are and go and try to get the information themselves that just wait for the 287 00:20:41.890 --> 00:20:45.609 manager to give it to them because, yeah, I don't think I's felt 288 00:20:45.730 --> 00:20:48.690 if you know you what your your issues are and what you need to walk 289 00:20:48.769 --> 00:20:52.759 on because you've been told you should do whatever I text to go and get 290 00:20:52.839 --> 00:20:56.240 that information. You should do whatever I text to go and develop that skip 291 00:20:56.319 --> 00:20:59.519 that. That's why perspective on fact. Now, how do you get people 292 00:20:59.799 --> 00:21:03.519 to do? I guess it's too to side the question, but how do 293 00:21:03.559 --> 00:21:06.630 you get them, first of all, to realize what the other gap induskill 294 00:21:06.710 --> 00:21:11.230 seties without without without upsetting them in a way? And also how you encourage 295 00:21:11.309 --> 00:21:15.190 people to go and self teach themselves, because there is lots of resources out 296 00:21:15.190 --> 00:21:18.339 there. You got all your books, you've got methodology, you've got lots 297 00:21:18.380 --> 00:21:22.299 of podcasts likely to be a rover, you acceleration, that you can listen 298 00:21:22.339 --> 00:21:25.700 to. But how do you actually get people to get auto motivate them to 299 00:21:25.740 --> 00:21:30.259 adapt a time to go and sell coachself? Yeah, so, you know, 300 00:21:30.299 --> 00:21:33.009 you said it yourself, a reli and being a big believer in self 301 00:21:33.089 --> 00:21:41.329 coaching, and actually I completely echoed up, because sometimes the best, best 302 00:21:41.450 --> 00:21:45.170 coaches are actually ourselves, and I'll give a great example of this. I 303 00:21:45.329 --> 00:21:51.440 see it frequently in businesses and I've had this myself with a we do you 304 00:21:51.519 --> 00:21:55.519 know weekly coaching sessions here a refract and I do want the one coaching sessions. 305 00:21:56.640 --> 00:21:59.720 What I'll do is I'll get one of my sales people for examples. 306 00:21:59.799 --> 00:22:03.430 Example, let's just take an SD on this. This happened very recently and 307 00:22:03.829 --> 00:22:07.109 they had a had a sales call and they felt they had that had a 308 00:22:07.150 --> 00:22:11.470 good conversation with the prospect. The conversation was about six minutes long, but 309 00:22:11.549 --> 00:22:15.670 the conversation didn't convert with an appointment under the the SDR kind of came off 310 00:22:15.710 --> 00:22:18.059 the course. I don't know what happened, just it all seemed to be 311 00:22:18.099 --> 00:22:22.059 going so well, had a good conversation, but the prospect was completely noncommittal. 312 00:22:22.099 --> 00:22:26.099 They didn't want to they didn't want to get demo. Can you listen? 313 00:22:26.140 --> 00:22:27.180 Can you listen to the call and tell me what what I could have 314 00:22:27.220 --> 00:22:30.609 done differently? And I said, okay, before I do that, why 315 00:22:30.650 --> 00:22:33.210 don't you just listen back to that conversation yourself and I want you to tell 316 00:22:33.210 --> 00:22:37.490 me what you think you could have done differently in that situation. So they 317 00:22:37.529 --> 00:22:40.970 said okay, so they listened back to the conversation and learn behold, they 318 00:22:41.009 --> 00:22:45.119 came back to me and said, rich is, here's four five things in 319 00:22:45.160 --> 00:22:48.759 the conversation I think I could have done differently in that situation and you know, 320 00:22:48.839 --> 00:22:52.359 they picked out points where they did missed out some key signals from the 321 00:22:52.440 --> 00:22:56.279 prospect which they could have picked up on. They identified they've just been talking 322 00:22:56.319 --> 00:23:00.630 a bit too much on the on the sales call. They felt that they 323 00:23:00.750 --> 00:23:03.230 closed the try to go for the close too late. All of these things 324 00:23:03.269 --> 00:23:07.029 were absolutely bang on the money. Like these are that these are the same 325 00:23:07.069 --> 00:23:10.710 things that I personally would have given feedback on. But the the yes, 326 00:23:10.869 --> 00:23:15.259 you are actually had identified those things themselves without me having to even point them 327 00:23:15.299 --> 00:23:18.859 out. And it's amazing what happens that when we self reflect, when we 328 00:23:18.980 --> 00:23:22.339 listen back, when we take a look at ourselves, it's amazing how much 329 00:23:22.339 --> 00:23:27.049 we can actually identify and course, correct our ourself. So I think any 330 00:23:27.130 --> 00:23:32.930 company could should be embracing that of don't just get managers to give all the 331 00:23:33.009 --> 00:23:37.130 answers, because that's not always the most effective way of coaching. Often get 332 00:23:37.210 --> 00:23:40.569 get sales people to just try and figure out the answers themselves. In ninety 333 00:23:40.609 --> 00:23:42.119 percent of the time they'll be able to bill be able to figure it out. 334 00:23:42.440 --> 00:23:48.480 And how can we encourage that more to happen in organizations? I think 335 00:23:48.000 --> 00:23:52.200 key part of this is is still ash share what what top performers do differently, 336 00:23:52.519 --> 00:23:59.269 being able to share conversations or opportunities or experiences or stories from our top 337 00:23:59.349 --> 00:24:03.509 sales people. What are those conversations sound like? But why is this person 338 00:24:03.549 --> 00:24:06.990 who's constantly top with the leaderboard? What are they doing differently? What are 339 00:24:07.029 --> 00:24:10.700 they saying? What are the questions they're asking? How do they handle objections? 340 00:24:11.299 --> 00:24:15.420 Start to expose that more across the business because, guess what, sales 341 00:24:15.420 --> 00:24:18.220 people are the very competitive that they want to they want to know why they're 342 00:24:18.220 --> 00:24:21.779 not top of the leaderboard. They want to know why this person who sits 343 00:24:21.779 --> 00:24:25.609 across the room or in another office gets so much better results than they do. 344 00:24:26.009 --> 00:24:29.329 So that's just just let's start exposing that and sharing that and let's start 345 00:24:29.730 --> 00:24:34.250 trying to take those take those examples of what those are doing and starting to 346 00:24:34.329 --> 00:24:38.480 learn off others. And I think when you get that culture of collaboration where 347 00:24:38.519 --> 00:24:44.759 you're sharing what, just simply what the top performance are doing differently than sales 348 00:24:44.759 --> 00:24:48.279 people are going to start to ask and start to seek out that information more 349 00:24:48.319 --> 00:24:52.599 and more and I think that's where we see again that that culture of coaching 350 00:24:52.680 --> 00:24:57.549 and a culture of self improvement really building and businesses. Yeah, completely agree 351 00:24:57.549 --> 00:25:00.990 with you. We thank you very much for us, Richard. So at 352 00:25:00.029 --> 00:25:04.430 the age of the conversation, because we need to close up, always as 353 00:25:04.430 --> 00:25:07.660 a question to to our guests, which is, if someone wants to carry 354 00:25:07.660 --> 00:25:11.900 on the conversation with you, take it of fly, but actually look at 355 00:25:11.940 --> 00:25:15.059 at what's refract could do for their business. Because, let's say, see 356 00:25:15.059 --> 00:25:17.740 the reason why we speak, it's because we look at freefract as a solution 357 00:25:17.900 --> 00:25:19.259 for varieties and we think it could be a great and for us, and 358 00:25:19.299 --> 00:25:23.289 I think you years of actually done a great job in the in the approach, 359 00:25:23.529 --> 00:25:27.490 in the demon creation or that. So I the believe that your since 360 00:25:27.569 --> 00:25:32.569 training is on point. But if anyone wants to want to follow up with 361 00:25:32.690 --> 00:25:36.559 you, get in touch, go through the conversation, speak about what freefract 362 00:25:36.640 --> 00:25:38.640 could do for their business. What's the best way to get rid of your 363 00:25:38.640 --> 00:25:42.039 richards? Yeah, the the best way really and is just to connect with 364 00:25:42.119 --> 00:25:45.480 you on Linkedin. I'm quite active there a I'm even if somebody just wants 365 00:25:45.519 --> 00:25:48.559 to have a conversation about coaching, know about refract. I'm you know, 366 00:25:48.720 --> 00:25:52.150 I feel like I've learned a few things along the way I'm by no means 367 00:25:52.150 --> 00:25:56.670 a coaching expert, but I have you to share any ideas, success stories, 368 00:25:56.750 --> 00:25:59.750 best practices of what we see working. If you are, you know, 369 00:25:59.829 --> 00:26:02.950 looking to build that culture, you feel like you're the something missing in 370 00:26:03.069 --> 00:26:06.339 Your Business, which is which you think, or you just feel like you 371 00:26:06.619 --> 00:26:08.420 could be doing a better job as a sales monitor, all sales leader, 372 00:26:08.779 --> 00:26:11.660 you know, just just drop me a message. I'll be happy to have 373 00:26:11.740 --> 00:26:15.339 a very informal chat. And, yeah, Linkedin Richard Smith refract, you'll 374 00:26:15.339 --> 00:26:18.569 be able to find me as the best way to contact me. The stuff 375 00:26:18.650 --> 00:26:21.930 what we twas great to Agin the short reach out. Thank you very much, 376 00:26:21.930 --> 00:26:23.930 floming today. Yeah, appreciate thanks very much. You. ratant. 377 00:26:26.170 --> 00:26:32.849 operatics has redefined the meaning of revenue generation for technology companies worldwide. While the 378 00:26:32.960 --> 00:26:37.640 traditional concepts of building and managing inside sales teams inhouse has existed for many years, 379 00:26:38.039 --> 00:26:42.880 companies are struggling with a lack of focus, agility and scale required in 380 00:26:42.960 --> 00:26:49.190 today's fast and complex world of enterprise technology sales. See How operatics can help 381 00:26:49.230 --> 00:26:56.150 your company accelerate pipeline at operatics dotnet. You've been listening. To be to 382 00:26:56.190 --> 00:27:00.789 be revenue acceleration, to ensure that you never miss an episode, subscribe to 383 00:27:00.869 --> 00:27:03.259 the show in your favorite podcast player. Thank you so much for listening. 384 00:27:03.299 --> 00:27:04.460 Until next time,

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