66: How a Challenger Sales Strategy Impacts Organizations w/ Bill Bice

December 12, 2019 00:23:04
66: How a Challenger Sales Strategy Impacts Organizations w/ Bill Bice
B2B Revenue Acceleration
66: How a Challenger Sales Strategy Impacts Organizations w/ Bill Bice

Dec 12 2019 | 00:23:04


Show Notes

Bill started his first company when he was 18. Since then, he’s founded and/or advised 27 different companies.

He doesn’t need a marketer to paint lipstick on his product — his experience speaks for itself. And, he’s taken that experience into action as the CEO of boomtime, a company that specializes in word-of-mouth marketing. But Bill Bice has a message for B2B sales teams: Be consultants. Use the challenger sales methodology.

And he came on this episode to tell us how to do it.

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This is an interview with Bill Bice from boomtime.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.040 --> 00:00:03.439 And the market materials the companies are producing just aren't actually getting used in the 2 00:00:03.480 --> 00:00:07.389 field, and the most successful sales reps are building their own marketing materials. 3 00:00:10.150 --> 00:00:15.230 You were listening to be tob revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated to helping software 4 00:00:15.269 --> 00:00:19.429 executives stay on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. Let's 5 00:00:19.429 --> 00:00:24.579 get into the show. Hi, welcome to be to be a revenuw acceleration. 6 00:00:24.859 --> 00:00:28.339 My name is Ohnim with Ye and I'm yet today with bill by see 7 00:00:28.420 --> 00:00:32.420 you at boom time. How we doing to they've been doing great. Wonderful 8 00:00:32.420 --> 00:00:35.020 to be here with you. I like the name of the company, boom 9 00:00:35.060 --> 00:00:39.649 time. It's something that sounded really good. So, before we get going, 10 00:00:39.850 --> 00:00:43.570 and the top that we want to discuss today's is around the challenge ourselves 11 00:00:43.689 --> 00:00:46.609 impact is it's a topy that we love. We love the challenge or cell. 12 00:00:47.170 --> 00:00:51.799 It's every day ear in use at operatics. But before we get started, 13 00:00:51.840 --> 00:00:55.200 would you mind introducing yourself and your company, boom time, in more 14 00:00:55.240 --> 00:00:59.119 details, please, Bill. Yeah, so I'm a an entrepreneur hard I 15 00:00:59.200 --> 00:01:03.039 feel like I was born that way. Started by first software company when I 16 00:01:03.240 --> 00:01:07.109 was eighteen and I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. And you 17 00:01:07.150 --> 00:01:12.790 know, I've since gone on to found or be a principal advisor and investor 18 00:01:12.909 --> 00:01:18.269 and in twenty seven companies, and the reason for boom time is because of 19 00:01:18.430 --> 00:01:23.579 my frustration in getting great marketing for those companies. So I'm a I'm a 20 00:01:23.659 --> 00:01:27.500 programmer at Hart wrote the platform for that for software company and and so I 21 00:01:27.579 --> 00:01:33.530 tackle marketing as as a from the same point of the data and so we've 22 00:01:33.569 --> 00:01:37.409 taken a very, you know, data driven, it orative approach to really 23 00:01:37.450 --> 00:01:42.049 figure out what works and do the thing that the really causes that frustration and 24 00:01:42.209 --> 00:01:48.040 marketing, which is that this is a discipline that just really resists attempts at 25 00:01:48.079 --> 00:01:51.040 scale and efficiency and, like you know, all the other elements in our 26 00:01:51.079 --> 00:01:53.799 business. And so I wanted to I wanted to change that. That makes 27 00:01:53.879 --> 00:01:57.719 perfect sense, that makes that fixt sense. So so be do you. 28 00:01:57.840 --> 00:02:00.000 You recently wrote a Nuzi quote about the challenge I set as approach. Can 29 00:02:00.079 --> 00:02:02.750 you took to us a little bit more about about that? That, e. 30 00:02:02.829 --> 00:02:07.150 coode and the steed that you would advise in implementing a successful challenge? 31 00:02:07.229 --> 00:02:12.030 U Sets Methodologies through day to day at walk you know. Well, we 32 00:02:12.110 --> 00:02:16.379 have found is that if you take the challenger sale approach and infuse it into 33 00:02:16.500 --> 00:02:22.900 your marketing that it really helps wherever your cells process is at. It helps 34 00:02:22.939 --> 00:02:25.460 you move forward. Now, ideally, of course, you really embrace the 35 00:02:25.500 --> 00:02:30.729 Challenger sale and you do training with your sales team and you really hire with 36 00:02:30.050 --> 00:02:37.250 with that mindset. But we have found tremendous value it in for every sales 37 00:02:37.330 --> 00:02:40.770 team in implementing the Challenger sale approach, because what it does is it create 38 00:02:40.849 --> 00:02:46.360 sales opportunities it wouldn't otherwise exist if that's how your marketing works. And so 39 00:02:46.439 --> 00:02:51.639 that's that's really what I'm advocating is, you know, read the Challenger Sale 40 00:02:51.840 --> 00:02:54.080 and take you know, there's a stat in there there's just astounding, which 41 00:02:54.120 --> 00:02:59.830 is that the vast majority of the marketing materials that you know, the challenge 42 00:02:59.909 --> 00:03:04.430 sale comes out of large companies. Are Experiences is taking these concepts and implementing 43 00:03:04.469 --> 00:03:07.110 them more and the sort of you know, two to twenty million dollar your 44 00:03:07.189 --> 00:03:13.500 company shilling and we we see the same kind of success and in the marketing 45 00:03:13.539 --> 00:03:15.939 materials that companies are producing just aren't actually getting used in the field and the 46 00:03:15.979 --> 00:03:21.340 most successful sales reps are building their own marketing materials. You know the Challenger. 47 00:03:21.780 --> 00:03:24.860 The challenger Rep, as as the book defines it, typically spends a 48 00:03:24.939 --> 00:03:28.889 third of their time building their own marketing materials because that's what they need to 49 00:03:28.969 --> 00:03:31.689 do to be successful. So just imagine if the company, who's in a 50 00:03:31.729 --> 00:03:37.449 much better place to implement the Challenger approach, to leverage the experience of the 51 00:03:37.530 --> 00:03:40.759 executive team and all of the sales people, as opposed to one rep doing 52 00:03:40.800 --> 00:03:44.960 it one off. Not only do you give your best rep to more time 53 00:03:45.360 --> 00:03:49.840 to sell, but you also bring much more perspective at insight to that Challenger 54 00:03:49.960 --> 00:03:52.919 approach when you apply it company, you know, company wide, to your 55 00:03:52.960 --> 00:03:55.270 marketing. Yeah, I would agree with you. I think we've seen the 56 00:03:55.270 --> 00:04:00.789 challenge on mode or walking very well many times, but it's coming from the 57 00:04:00.909 --> 00:04:03.750 individual and I think we have all the body. I don't know, I 58 00:04:03.789 --> 00:04:06.789 don't believe there is a book about it, but people speak about the challenge 59 00:04:06.830 --> 00:04:11.020 on marketing. So I don't know if it's if it's coming from the group, 60 00:04:11.099 --> 00:04:13.900 some Group of people, but about that down quite a shit times. 61 00:04:13.979 --> 00:04:19.139 But I do believe that's most of the organization at we know all being successful 62 00:04:19.699 --> 00:04:23.980 I've been successful in implementing the challenge. I'll, says, see it all 63 00:04:24.019 --> 00:04:28.089 struggling to get on represent of the walk, false from a sets and marketing 64 00:04:28.129 --> 00:04:31.370 perspective, to actually follow the model. People still like to speak about product, 65 00:04:31.449 --> 00:04:35.329 people still like something forget about the prospect. So I guess my question 66 00:04:35.370 --> 00:04:39.920 to is, how can you change the mentality of a whole group? Is 67 00:04:39.959 --> 00:04:43.519 it should have come from from the top of the organization. Well, the 68 00:04:43.600 --> 00:04:46.319 only effective change I've ever I've ever seen work and a company does, does 69 00:04:46.399 --> 00:04:50.600 come from the the top. But the beauty of taking this approach is that 70 00:04:50.759 --> 00:04:58.029 if you were if your approach to attracting new prospective clients is based on the 71 00:04:58.069 --> 00:05:01.029 Challenger Sale, then then you're going to be setting the stage in the right 72 00:05:01.110 --> 00:05:06.300 way to support your sales team taking that more effective approach when they're working with 73 00:05:06.379 --> 00:05:10.740 those prospects. And you know, the way that I often explain it is 74 00:05:11.620 --> 00:05:15.699 so we you know, we all know that the our potential clients are in 75 00:05:15.180 --> 00:05:18.939 such a better place in terms of access to information and they so they know 76 00:05:19.060 --> 00:05:23.329 so much more now and really our choices. Do we want to be order 77 00:05:23.370 --> 00:05:26.810 takers at the end of the funnel, which is great if you're a huge 78 00:05:26.810 --> 00:05:29.889 company and you own the market, but you are, you know, if 79 00:05:29.930 --> 00:05:32.129 you're if you're trying to make ways and do something new and innovative, then 80 00:05:32.170 --> 00:05:36.480 I'm arguing you've got to be part of the educational process and you've got to 81 00:05:36.560 --> 00:05:42.560 bring those prospects along with you. And and that's really what the Challenger sale 82 00:05:42.680 --> 00:05:46.600 is is all about. And so this, you know, insight perspective driven 83 00:05:46.600 --> 00:05:50.910 approach to your marketing. They basically stops. Were what most companies due to 84 00:05:50.990 --> 00:05:56.470 the marketing on it her as a bit of a destructive question. I may 85 00:05:56.470 --> 00:05:59.910 shot myself in the footure as well because I will speak about some of our 86 00:06:00.069 --> 00:06:03.660 clients, but one of our service is is around account based selling, where 87 00:06:04.019 --> 00:06:09.540 our clients really want us to get into large accounts and support them in engaging 88 00:06:10.019 --> 00:06:13.620 at the right level of personnel to start the cells process. Okay, so 89 00:06:13.939 --> 00:06:15.699 they want to start from this, they want to start from the top and 90 00:06:16.420 --> 00:06:23.170 the asking us to go and create the dement. So when we walk with 91 00:06:23.329 --> 00:06:28.209 lot of large organization, sometimes it's a big change from a self rep that 92 00:06:28.329 --> 00:06:32.959 would be used to receive a qualified opportunity with a project in six months from 93 00:06:32.959 --> 00:06:38.319 an inside cells team in his steam that has himself been following a lead, 94 00:06:38.439 --> 00:06:44.079 creating by marketing to us, actually speaking to someone, creating a wonderful picture, 95 00:06:44.199 --> 00:06:46.829 creating the demon and then sending the cells rep to that meeting. And 96 00:06:46.910 --> 00:06:50.550 often what we realize? We realize that they actually that equipped to take that 97 00:06:50.670 --> 00:06:55.310 meeting worthy innes sence. They actually have to sell. They have to go 98 00:06:55.509 --> 00:06:58.589 and not just go through the usual propoint presentation, but they have to go 99 00:06:58.709 --> 00:07:00.980 and speak about the issues, they have to go and assess how big the 100 00:07:01.019 --> 00:07:04.899 issues and they have to then put the value proposition in the context of that 101 00:07:05.060 --> 00:07:09.500 prospect. So what I'm saying is that sometime there is a disconnect between the 102 00:07:09.620 --> 00:07:13.620 people at the top who are selling it sing all suvy season. So yes, 103 00:07:13.660 --> 00:07:15.930 we absolutely need to do that, and yet should execution on the ground. 104 00:07:15.970 --> 00:07:20.769 Will sends. People are don't, really won't, won't to go stroe, 105 00:07:20.850 --> 00:07:25.889 the I thought maybe of being a Changel said. Okay, so my 106 00:07:25.970 --> 00:07:29.129 queshtion to you is when you've got to lodge or sense team kick, can 107 00:07:29.209 --> 00:07:31.959 you actually transform that sells team from your perspective, or do you believe it's 108 00:07:31.959 --> 00:07:34.879 about replacing that sens faust and actually bring a challenge. Also, again, 109 00:07:34.959 --> 00:07:39.560 someone become a channger. All, you bomb the Challengel send oh I, 110 00:07:40.000 --> 00:07:45.350 you could absolutely become a challenger. There's there's probably twenty to thirty percent of 111 00:07:45.430 --> 00:07:50.709 the sales team that really isn't open to or doesn't have the, you know, 112 00:07:50.750 --> 00:07:56.389 the right foundational elements to make that jump. But I think this is 113 00:07:56.589 --> 00:08:00.339 one of the the areas where I don't fully agree with the Challenger sale which, 114 00:08:01.060 --> 00:08:03.420 you know, when you look at the sort of five archetypes of sales 115 00:08:03.459 --> 00:08:07.779 reps that, yeah, that they define. I what I've seen is the 116 00:08:07.939 --> 00:08:15.009 most successful sales rep is is a relationship builder that uses the Challenger approach and 117 00:08:15.649 --> 00:08:20.009 in there, you know, they really make some some some very pointed they 118 00:08:20.050 --> 00:08:24.290 have some really pointed data around relationship builders and I think it's very valid when 119 00:08:24.290 --> 00:08:28.759 you're talking about somebody who relies on the relationship to get the sale, which 120 00:08:28.399 --> 00:08:31.519 that used to work. That sales approach used to be very effective, and 121 00:08:31.879 --> 00:08:35.559 today just relying on relationship is not going to get you there. But if 122 00:08:35.600 --> 00:08:39.720 you combine the two, if you if you really good it at the relationship 123 00:08:39.279 --> 00:08:45.269 and you take this you know, insight perspective, educational approach, that is. 124 00:08:45.549 --> 00:08:48.750 That is really how you lead prospects and bring them to a new sales 125 00:08:48.750 --> 00:08:56.460 opportunity. That's what's most effective and so you can take and you know several 126 00:08:56.539 --> 00:09:00.899 of the art types are actually really good fits. So you know the lone 127 00:09:00.940 --> 00:09:05.100 wolf is can can be a very effective challenger Rep because really they're just looking 128 00:09:05.139 --> 00:09:09.250 for what's successful and if you show the model and demonstrate that it works, 129 00:09:11.009 --> 00:09:13.529 then you may not be able to force them to do it, but they'll 130 00:09:13.570 --> 00:09:16.850 take you know, they'll take on the mantle and run with it. So 131 00:09:16.009 --> 00:09:20.809 I I think it's very reasonable to pull your sales team in that direction in 132 00:09:22.250 --> 00:09:26.519 giving them the right support and framework for doing that. Is is the most 133 00:09:26.559 --> 00:09:31.720 successful way to make that happen. Yeah, so speaking about the the challenge 134 00:09:31.759 --> 00:09:35.639 off sids and deals like antgory, but the type of the fife categories we 135 00:09:35.720 --> 00:09:39.750 shop, the old walk out, the Lone Wolf, the relationship build, 136 00:09:39.750 --> 00:09:45.429 all that trends on the problem sort of all which would be from your prospective 137 00:09:45.590 --> 00:09:50.029 the key traits off a change all sends. It's just a mind shift. 138 00:09:50.230 --> 00:09:56.379 Like the each one of those has the ability to take the challenger approach as 139 00:09:56.419 --> 00:10:01.860 long as you're willing to overcome that slight discomfort that comes from sitting down, 140 00:10:01.899 --> 00:10:05.539 and so I try to explain it differently. What I want in any time 141 00:10:05.659 --> 00:10:07.889 that I sit down with the the cdeo of a business, for the WHO, 142 00:10:09.049 --> 00:10:11.610 you know, the head of marketing for a company, I want them 143 00:10:11.610 --> 00:10:15.049 to be better off because they talk to me, whether show makes any sense 144 00:10:15.129 --> 00:10:18.169 for us to work together or not. If you just take that attitude, 145 00:10:18.690 --> 00:10:22.639 then you move out of a sales mode in into you know, I'm an 146 00:10:22.679 --> 00:10:28.919 expert, I'm a I have deep knowledge and experience in this area and even 147 00:10:28.960 --> 00:10:33.399 though you might be the CEO of an incredible company, you know you're really 148 00:10:33.440 --> 00:10:37.389 consumed with running that company and and yet I work with hundreds of thousands of 149 00:10:37.470 --> 00:10:41.990 companies like yours, and so I can bring perspective and insight to you that's 150 00:10:41.029 --> 00:10:46.190 enormously valuable and I think just looking at it that way really helps the sales 151 00:10:46.230 --> 00:10:50.259 rep and make this jump. And you know just a classic stat that is 152 00:10:50.779 --> 00:10:56.659 is really amazing is that, you know, Consultative Sales Reps get three times 153 00:10:56.740 --> 00:11:01.580 more referrals than traditional sales reps. just just changing that approach that you take, 154 00:11:01.179 --> 00:11:05.009 you know, changes the trajectory of your career. Tremendously. Yeah, 155 00:11:05.009 --> 00:11:11.570 absolutely, I think, and it's also some things about the relationship building it. 156 00:11:11.769 --> 00:11:16.049 The change of think is a mindsets and of weakness. What a false 157 00:11:16.090 --> 00:11:20.600 sets. Guy was feeling the challenge up type. I think a conversation with 158 00:11:20.840 --> 00:11:24.080 a with a clients on next clients will just moved to a new company and 159 00:11:24.360 --> 00:11:26.919 that clients was just setting in. Look, we won't be able to use 160 00:11:26.919 --> 00:11:31.440 yourselvices because we have been asked to build the team. Tell that he and 161 00:11:33.149 --> 00:11:35.870 and what he's done is this. Look, this is fine. You've been 162 00:11:35.870 --> 00:11:39.750 a client for for out of time and I really appreciate that and I respect 163 00:11:39.830 --> 00:11:43.190 that. Is Anything that they can do for you and they head yours around 164 00:11:43.269 --> 00:11:45.990 just a well, I don't know, but I've never done it before, 165 00:11:45.990 --> 00:11:48.700 so I don't even know what to start. And that sells guy with I 166 00:11:48.779 --> 00:11:52.940 think, is a challenge at all, but loves what he's doing and as 167 00:11:52.940 --> 00:11:58.100 a very consultative way of doing what he's doing and loves to share his consultative 168 00:11:58.259 --> 00:12:03.850 force, his best practices and what he loves over the years actually help that 169 00:12:03.049 --> 00:12:05.889 same gay to build up a plan of what they should do, what they 170 00:12:05.889 --> 00:12:09.129 should start to the time friend behind it and you didn't take him too much 171 00:12:09.129 --> 00:12:11.129 because it is what he does, for leaving, if you will. But 172 00:12:11.330 --> 00:12:15.960 he did that for a client that's had respectful because it's been a long term 173 00:12:16.080 --> 00:12:20.600 clients, and took a bit of this time to probably do something that should 174 00:12:20.639 --> 00:12:24.080 not have resulted, resulted in inner cell, but eventually did result in yourself, 175 00:12:24.440 --> 00:12:28.799 because that, that planet he built, was then presented to the CEO 176 00:12:28.000 --> 00:12:33.909 and the CFO of that that organization, where our old clients, of laps 177 00:12:35.029 --> 00:12:37.669 clients, happened to be walking now and they said, look, we love 178 00:12:37.750 --> 00:12:41.190 your take on it. You know, we actually think we've sought aboudy and 179 00:12:41.230 --> 00:12:45.419 we would like you to to take on the whole project with us and, 180 00:12:45.700 --> 00:12:48.220 if everything goes well, we would like to transform all the resources and then 181 00:12:48.259 --> 00:12:52.460 do it on our own. So I think that consultative approach is so important, 182 00:12:52.580 --> 00:12:56.940 is that passion about what you are doing and being able to give information 183 00:12:58.139 --> 00:13:01.090 and something not just focus on the next steps. I know it's contact productive, 184 00:13:01.129 --> 00:13:05.250 but I think it's very important to have a read by should fault for 185 00:13:05.330 --> 00:13:09.289 that concert active approach. But that's also driving me to another question which you 186 00:13:09.450 --> 00:13:16.080 mentioned the in new Arti Code. You mentioned that the key inside driven approach, 187 00:13:16.120 --> 00:13:22.960 which and takes taking a concert that's even needership approach is very successful. 188 00:13:22.519 --> 00:13:26.710 How best can one loan from that method? But that method? Yeah, 189 00:13:26.750 --> 00:13:31.669 so what? I really love your example and even if that hadn't turned into 190 00:13:31.669 --> 00:13:33.669 a direct sale, the referrals that would have created in the future would have 191 00:13:33.710 --> 00:13:37.870 been, you know, well worth tremend that the invest. Absolutely, it's 192 00:13:37.909 --> 00:13:41.659 about reputation and you won't those gays in your team because you are seen as 193 00:13:41.659 --> 00:13:45.299 a company, as a sort leader and then as a format. That specifies. 194 00:13:45.299 --> 00:13:48.460 I agree with you. He is God and that's really what we're what 195 00:13:48.620 --> 00:13:50.779 we want to do with taking this approach on our marketing, which is position 196 00:13:50.940 --> 00:13:56.090 the the company and particular leaders within the company as thought leaders. We do 197 00:13:56.210 --> 00:14:00.730 a tremendous amount of work on on Linkedin and it works much better. So 198 00:14:00.850 --> 00:14:05.289 it's never about the company page, it's about the people in the company. 199 00:14:05.370 --> 00:14:07.970 That's who we want to connect with. And you know, and if you're 200 00:14:09.570 --> 00:14:11.799 in sales and a company, the best thing you can do is is get 201 00:14:11.919 --> 00:14:18.200 your executive team to enlist in doing this because if, if they become thought 202 00:14:18.200 --> 00:14:20.000 leaders, it's going to make yourselves process that much better. It's can be 203 00:14:20.039 --> 00:14:24.549 that much easier for you to be a thought leader in the in the company 204 00:14:24.629 --> 00:14:28.149 me and, and I just want to I use that as a specific example 205 00:14:28.190 --> 00:14:31.870 because it really demonstrates how valuable this is. So if you go build your 206 00:14:31.950 --> 00:14:37.750 network on Linkedin, and and I look at Linkedin, is like the just 207 00:14:37.909 --> 00:14:41.340 the ideal networking event because you get to connect with exactly the people you want 208 00:14:41.340 --> 00:14:45.419 to connect with and you don't have to eat high calori food at the same 209 00:14:45.419 --> 00:14:48.100 time. But then if you take what we're talking about here and this sort 210 00:14:48.139 --> 00:14:52.970 of insight driven approach to your marketing, you regularly flow that in to this 211 00:14:52.490 --> 00:14:56.850 now perfect audience of prospects that who've built on Linkedin. And what you're doing 212 00:14:56.929 --> 00:15:01.929 is you're not selling them, you're you're just sharing your expertise, you're demonstrating 213 00:15:01.929 --> 00:15:05.809 the value, just just like in your example, but you're doing it at 214 00:15:05.850 --> 00:15:11.799 scale. Now what we're really doing is is creating word of mouth at scale. 215 00:15:11.840 --> 00:15:15.360 We're ample because we're all digitally connected. We can now amplify this effect 216 00:15:15.399 --> 00:15:20.399 of this really wonderful thing of word of mouth, and that's really what the 217 00:15:20.679 --> 00:15:24.950 the value that I see in the challenger sale is the ability to apply this 218 00:15:24.070 --> 00:15:28.750 approach. The end result is that we create more word of mouth, because 219 00:15:28.750 --> 00:15:33.870 what we're really doing is is creating social currency. We're giving people a reason 220 00:15:33.070 --> 00:15:37.259 to talk about us. That that makes perfect sense. So I'm show you 221 00:15:37.659 --> 00:15:43.659 you've been fermenting to the mood of the change. I'll set at a boom 222 00:15:43.740 --> 00:15:46.179 time. What's that? The resarts. Have you seen out that? It's 223 00:15:46.500 --> 00:15:50.850 so this is the the challenging part of doing this, which is that you 224 00:15:50.049 --> 00:15:54.169 you have to do it as a long term commitment. You're not going to 225 00:15:54.289 --> 00:16:00.409 see a significant change thirty days, sixty days and your you're very likely to 226 00:16:00.529 --> 00:16:03.289 get some early wins that you celebrate and show that you're going in the right 227 00:16:03.360 --> 00:16:07.679 direction, but you have to commit to this approach, to to the long 228 00:16:07.759 --> 00:16:12.039 term, and the end result of that is it just it just changes the 229 00:16:12.240 --> 00:16:18.990 whole sales culture and approach and relationship with prospective clients and instead of being in 230 00:16:18.149 --> 00:16:26.029 this sort of back and forth sales negotiation approach, it's it's just like your 231 00:16:26.110 --> 00:16:30.590 example. It becomes a partnership and a consultative approach. So if you walk 232 00:16:30.669 --> 00:16:37.580 into every prospect of meeting with simply the goal of making that person better off, 233 00:16:37.740 --> 00:16:41.659 because they met with you. Well, your your marketing needs to do 234 00:16:41.779 --> 00:16:45.860 the same thing. Somebody takes the time to read something that you wrote, 235 00:16:45.500 --> 00:16:49.210 you're you're not just given them a sales pitch, you're giving them something that 236 00:16:49.370 --> 00:16:53.250 it's that's really valuable, that's can be helpful in their company, their career, 237 00:16:53.690 --> 00:16:59.330 and so it just changes the way that people think about and and see 238 00:16:59.409 --> 00:17:03.600 your company. But you know, the only downside is it does it takes 239 00:17:03.639 --> 00:17:07.039 it takes time to do it, but this is the one approach to marketing 240 00:17:07.359 --> 00:17:11.640 that that what I've seen in the data is that you can invest in long 241 00:17:11.680 --> 00:17:15.000 term and get and really get a return on it. Yeah, absolutely, 242 00:17:15.710 --> 00:17:21.029 I'll bust agree with your think it's I think one of the criterity it's also 243 00:17:21.069 --> 00:17:25.670 in is also important is is having no fia in a sary cycles. I 244 00:17:25.750 --> 00:17:30.259 think sometimes, and particular in the space we evolved into, which is technology 245 00:17:30.380 --> 00:17:34.299 cells, and we have a fair few clients while start up organization and start 246 00:17:34.339 --> 00:17:40.420 up organization your vcs, that I injecting money and when money is injecting results 247 00:17:40.460 --> 00:17:45.450 I expected. So you can just spend your time being consult that even having 248 00:17:45.490 --> 00:17:48.490 conversation with people that actually lead to nothing. You have to cross some business. 249 00:17:48.650 --> 00:17:52.329 You can just be a some sort of a problem solver either way, 250 00:17:52.769 --> 00:18:00.640 without without closing any business. But what do you think other factor that can 251 00:18:00.720 --> 00:18:06.799 impact someone in actually putting the methodology in place properly? As a cells on 252 00:18:06.880 --> 00:18:10.000 marketing person, apart from the pressure that I just mentioned, the pressure of 253 00:18:10.039 --> 00:18:12.630 the numbels, what do you see as the excellent fact that I can impact 254 00:18:12.750 --> 00:18:18.750 or or interact negatively with a change just as approach? Well, what I'd 255 00:18:18.789 --> 00:18:23.190 like to actually just tackle what we see as the biggest barrier to do in 256 00:18:23.349 --> 00:18:27.660 this well over and over again, which is you can buy into the concept, 257 00:18:27.740 --> 00:18:32.660 you can, you can see how successful has been for other companies and 258 00:18:32.779 --> 00:18:36.980 then you sit down to actually do it and you know, the hardcore is 259 00:18:37.059 --> 00:18:41.380 staring at a blowing screen. Realize in the the only thing that makes this 260 00:18:41.569 --> 00:18:45.690 work is is consistency. I mean it's to be. That's The for mistake 261 00:18:45.769 --> 00:18:49.650 in marketing the companies make over and over again, as is not committing to 262 00:18:49.690 --> 00:18:53.809 a strategy and executing on it consistently. And and you just you have to 263 00:18:53.890 --> 00:18:57.160 do that. And that means you have to have a regular stream of really 264 00:18:57.359 --> 00:19:03.000 great insight driven content, and that's very tough to do and I rarely see 265 00:19:03.079 --> 00:19:07.200 companies, you know, even large companies, do that successfully internally, unless 266 00:19:07.200 --> 00:19:11.869 they either have a lot of dedicated resources for it and in a you know, 267 00:19:11.950 --> 00:19:14.869 on a smaller company or a startup. That's just not realistic. But 268 00:19:14.950 --> 00:19:18.549 there are, you know, there's so many great resources out there and and 269 00:19:18.509 --> 00:19:22.630 so the key is to not have not fall into the copywriter trap, which 270 00:19:22.710 --> 00:19:27.259 is somebody who's really good at writing but maybe last week was working on a 271 00:19:27.859 --> 00:19:32.460 car dealership and this week is supposed to help you with your enterprise ass company. 272 00:19:32.900 --> 00:19:36.460 It's just not realistic. Like you spend all your time educating them. 273 00:19:36.859 --> 00:19:41.089 I'd much rather find somebody who already knows that audience really well, as you 274 00:19:41.170 --> 00:19:45.730 know, written for the websites and industry pubs in that market and we can 275 00:19:45.849 --> 00:19:49.650 just, you know, brain storm with the team and you know, I 276 00:19:49.690 --> 00:19:53.480 can sit down with the CEO of a company and in thirty minutes get enough 277 00:19:53.559 --> 00:19:59.880 great ideas for a sixmonth editorial calendar. It's just really difficult to do it 278 00:19:59.920 --> 00:20:03.920 internally. So we have a network of three hundred subject matter experts, which 279 00:20:03.920 --> 00:20:07.269 is which is how we address this issue. And then the next step, 280 00:20:07.309 --> 00:20:11.869 after you get your really great content, that's it's on target and you don't 281 00:20:11.910 --> 00:20:15.589 have to spend all your time fixing it and rewriting it. Is think getting 282 00:20:15.589 --> 00:20:21.819 the voice rights very difficult and we have found that that having a separate editor 283 00:20:21.980 --> 00:20:25.339 do that is really what makes it work, because then we can focus on 284 00:20:25.420 --> 00:20:27.619 an expert and knows the area really well and then we can focus on someone 285 00:20:27.660 --> 00:20:33.339 who's really great at writing and capturing the voice and making that that little bit 286 00:20:33.380 --> 00:20:38.009 of twisting perspective to match with the the Voice of the company and the the 287 00:20:40.049 --> 00:20:42.569 maybe the CEO of the company in that particular case. So to do this 288 00:20:42.769 --> 00:20:45.569 well, you have to you have to put a process in place that's going 289 00:20:45.569 --> 00:20:49.279 to allow you to tackle that problem and run with it consistently, because it 290 00:20:49.359 --> 00:20:52.359 just won't work if you do it for a month or two and then things 291 00:20:52.400 --> 00:20:56.200 get busy and you get distracted and go off and do something else, just 292 00:20:56.279 --> 00:20:59.799 like it has to happen day and the day. How. Yeah, that 293 00:21:00.000 --> 00:21:03.440 makes that makes a lot of sense to me and I appreciate your insight today, 294 00:21:03.519 --> 00:21:06.630 Bill, so thank you very much for out thing to the unfortunately, 295 00:21:06.670 --> 00:21:11.950 we getting towards the the n off the NFL conversation but if anyone wanted to 296 00:21:12.029 --> 00:21:15.549 get in touch Rese, you being and he's all pusher the conversation. We 297 00:21:15.589 --> 00:21:21.779 add all, I'll simply try to loot mobile boom date. What's the best 298 00:21:21.779 --> 00:21:23.019 way to get to one of you? Yeah, so this is obviously a 299 00:21:23.059 --> 00:21:26.740 subject I love, so you please reach out to me as CEO at Boom 300 00:21:26.819 --> 00:21:30.339 Timecom. You can find this at Boom Timecom if you want to see in 301 00:21:30.380 --> 00:21:37.890 an example the you know, like a lot of marketing companies, we until 302 00:21:37.930 --> 00:21:41.650 we got serious and started treating ourselves as a client. I mean that's that's 303 00:21:41.690 --> 00:21:44.970 when we start eating our own dog food. It really started working for ourselves. 304 00:21:45.250 --> 00:21:47.319 So if you go look me up on Linkedin, you will, you 305 00:21:47.359 --> 00:21:51.599 will see us do a exactly the things that that I am talking about. 306 00:21:52.200 --> 00:21:56.279 And you know, our our version of this is to just share exactly what 307 00:21:56.440 --> 00:21:57.839 we've learned and say this, this is what you ought to do, because 308 00:21:57.839 --> 00:22:00.829 this is what we see working for, you know, hundreds of B tob 309 00:22:02.470 --> 00:22:04.910 companies. So please check it out and I want to see as many business 310 00:22:04.910 --> 00:22:08.390 as apply this as possible. Yeah, that's that's right. Spreading to worlds 311 00:22:08.509 --> 00:22:14.710 Ik's well, many things once again being eats episode a one off for Twelvey 312 00:22:14.750 --> 00:22:17.700 on the show to day. I really appreciate you having me on. Thanks. 313 00:22:18.940 --> 00:22:25.539 operatics has redefined the meaning of revenue generation for technology companies worldwide. While 314 00:22:25.579 --> 00:22:30.970 the traditional concepts of building and managing inside sales teams inhouse has existed for many 315 00:22:30.049 --> 00:22:36.490 years, companies are struggling with a lack of focus, agility and scale required 316 00:22:36.609 --> 00:22:41.690 in today's fast and complex world of enterprise technology sales. See How operatics can 317 00:22:41.809 --> 00:22:48.000 help your company accelerate pipeline at operatics dotnet. You've been listening to be tob 318 00:22:48.119 --> 00:22:52.599 revenue acceleration. To ensure that you never miss an episode, subscribe to the 319 00:22:52.680 --> 00:22:56.720 show in your favorite podcast player. Thank you so much for listening. Until 320 00:22:56.799 --> 00:22:57.200 next time.

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