71: What Venture Capitalists Look for When Investing in Tech Companies w/ Anoushka Vaswani

February 26, 2020 00:20:12
71: What Venture Capitalists Look for When Investing in Tech Companies w/ Anoushka Vaswani
B2B Revenue Acceleration
71: What Venture Capitalists Look for When Investing in Tech Companies w/ Anoushka Vaswani

Feb 26 2020 | 00:20:12


Show Notes

It’s a confusing world for tech companies. Especially for new tech startups looking for venture capital.

How do you set yourself apart from the rest of the tech companies out there? How do you make your company stand apart so that you ensure that you get that crucial injection of venture capital? 

Thankfully it’s not quite as much of a mystery as it may seem. 

On a recent episode of the B2B Revenue Acceleration podcast, we sat down with Anoushka Vaswani, a partner at Lightspeed Venture Partners for a discussion all around:

To hear this interview, and many more like it, you can subscribe to The B2B Revenue Acceleration Podcast on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or on our website.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.560 --> 00:00:08.349 You were listening to bb revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated helping software executives stay 2 00:00:08.390 --> 00:00:12.189 on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. Let's get into 3 00:00:12.189 --> 00:00:17.309 the show. Hi, welcome to be to be a revenue acceleration. My 4 00:00:17.390 --> 00:00:21.190 name is only in with yer and I'm yet today with an Anushka. That's 5 00:00:21.269 --> 00:00:25.059 whenny, but not a light speed venture partners. How are you today? 6 00:00:25.140 --> 00:00:28.460 But Miska, I'm doing very well, very excited to be on the show. 7 00:00:28.859 --> 00:00:31.780 It's a pleasure to have you. So today we will be talking about 8 00:00:31.940 --> 00:00:37.929 what venture capitalis look for when investing in tech companies, which is probably a 9 00:00:38.369 --> 00:00:42.649 very white topic, but we'll see how we can tackle that. But before 10 00:00:42.689 --> 00:00:47.090 we get into the conversation, Inderstey, could you please introduce yourself a little 11 00:00:47.130 --> 00:00:50.799 bit more to Aologians as well as the company as you represent, make speed 12 00:00:50.960 --> 00:00:55.799 venture partners. So first on light speed. Light speed is a nine billion 13 00:00:55.840 --> 00:01:00.439 dollar venture fund based in Menlo Park, or global. We have offices in 14 00:01:00.560 --> 00:01:04.590 India, China, Europe and Israel to and actively invest in all of those 15 00:01:04.629 --> 00:01:10.549 geographies. We're also a full stack venture fun so we're investing out of a 16 00:01:10.590 --> 00:01:14.790 seven hundred and fifty million dollar venture fun and a one point four billion dollar 17 00:01:14.909 --> 00:01:18.900 growth fun today. And so, internally, the mission is to be able 18 00:01:18.980 --> 00:01:23.859 to partner with every great tag founder looking to build the next generation public company, 19 00:01:25.340 --> 00:01:29.859 whether it's, you know, the your first round of funding, your 20 00:01:29.900 --> 00:01:34.250 seed round or your pre IPO round. And then the other thing internally, 21 00:01:34.730 --> 00:01:38.489 the one standard we hold ourselves too, is that if we invest, we 22 00:01:38.730 --> 00:01:42.650 want the entrepreneur to be able to say that we've meaningfully impacted the trajectory of 23 00:01:42.689 --> 00:01:48.040 their business. So, in addition, for investment team that you know works 24 00:01:48.040 --> 00:01:52.319 day today with a particular company, we have a whole services or such as 25 00:01:52.359 --> 00:01:56.239 a marketing team, a business development team to help, you know, be 26 00:01:56.359 --> 00:02:00.709 to be company potentially crack certain customers that they haven't been able to get into. 27 00:02:00.750 --> 00:02:07.109 Let's leverage the lightspeed network, a talent, talent infrastructure team and then 28 00:02:07.150 --> 00:02:10.550 a network of two thousand CIOS. Okay, and so that's kind of lights 29 00:02:10.590 --> 00:02:15.270 be my background. So I'm a partner here where I focus on our growth 30 00:02:15.349 --> 00:02:20.259 stage investing efforts, and so I typically kind of get involved once a company 31 00:02:20.300 --> 00:02:24.419 has found product market fit. It is really thinking about go to market scaling. 32 00:02:25.139 --> 00:02:30.009 You know, when you're at twenty million and are are and looking to 33 00:02:30.090 --> 00:02:32.210 get to a hundred. What does that journey look like? Fire a light 34 00:02:32.289 --> 00:02:37.370 speed. I worked at an early stage firm called Matrix partners, where again 35 00:02:37.409 --> 00:02:40.729 I was predominantly focused on enterprise software intet. I also got to spend some 36 00:02:40.849 --> 00:02:46.120 time as a product manager, a masterclass as the company scaled from fifty to 37 00:02:46.280 --> 00:02:52.479 eighty employees. And then I start my career covering tech clients at McKenzie and 38 00:02:52.560 --> 00:02:54.520 Golden. And then, you know, personal background for me, like I 39 00:02:54.599 --> 00:02:59.430 come from a family that's moved around a time. So was born in Dubai, 40 00:03:00.229 --> 00:03:04.349 lived in Istanbul for several years, did a short student Brussels before moving 41 00:03:04.389 --> 00:03:08.430 to the state, and so definitely have like a big appreciation for different people, 42 00:03:08.629 --> 00:03:13.979 different backgrounds, different personalities, and really do feel like there isn't, 43 00:03:14.060 --> 00:03:19.099 you know, one founder archetype that can create a great business that makes sense 44 00:03:19.180 --> 00:03:22.659 and and definitely an interesting background it. I think you'll learn a lot when 45 00:03:22.699 --> 00:03:25.099 you when you when you travel, particularly at an early age, from from 46 00:03:25.180 --> 00:03:30.810 countries to countries. So yeah, definitely an interesting background. So I know 47 00:03:30.930 --> 00:03:35.490 salt lay speed is as invested of you know, those three hundred and fifty 48 00:03:35.530 --> 00:03:40.479 companies in the past twenty years and obviously multiple technology sector. So when I'm 49 00:03:40.479 --> 00:03:46.479 sure that there is numerous elements that you would take into consideration in your assessment 50 00:03:46.759 --> 00:03:50.719 before you you didn't make a move or you decided to companies, was in 51 00:03:50.840 --> 00:03:53.159 this mean? You know, it would be good if you could just take 52 00:03:53.199 --> 00:03:55.550 a show it from your perspective. All do ski elements that you are looking 53 00:03:55.590 --> 00:04:01.110 at what makes a company works, while the investment? Yeah, so I 54 00:04:01.229 --> 00:04:06.349 think it differs a little bit on early and growth furnally and so early, 55 00:04:06.870 --> 00:04:11.500 you know, sometimes there isn't even a product. You know, you're just 56 00:04:11.819 --> 00:04:15.580 going based on a team and we spend a lot of time thinking through founder 57 00:04:15.699 --> 00:04:19.459 product bit and so you know, what knowledge or skills that can you bring 58 00:04:19.579 --> 00:04:24.769 to solving this problem that maybe fifty other people can? Are you uniquely kind 59 00:04:24.810 --> 00:04:30.689 of situated to build something here? And then, you know, ultimately the 60 00:04:30.810 --> 00:04:33.730 success of a company is often dependent on the people you hire. Can you, 61 00:04:33.889 --> 00:04:38.089 as a founding team, you know, hire and attract or World Class 62 00:04:38.209 --> 00:04:42.000 team? You know, are you going after a big market? And you 63 00:04:42.079 --> 00:04:44.800 know, if you do have a product, what does that initial product look 64 00:04:44.839 --> 00:04:46.439 like? You know, how does it function? where it is it fit 65 00:04:46.759 --> 00:04:51.360 on growth at light speed. I think, very different from, you know, 66 00:04:51.480 --> 00:04:57.149 other growth stage investors. We take a very venture oriented lens to everything 67 00:04:57.230 --> 00:05:00.149 we do here, again, where it really is about kind of team product 68 00:05:00.189 --> 00:05:04.509 market first, and then we also will look at, you know, metrics, 69 00:05:04.670 --> 00:05:10.819 understand, you know, some of the business and performance fundamentals historically, 70 00:05:11.459 --> 00:05:15.019 and then internally, we actually spend a lot of time talking about Outli our 71 00:05:15.060 --> 00:05:20.610 businesses. And so one thing my partners will really push you on when you're 72 00:05:20.610 --> 00:05:25.889 bringing in a company is can this be an iconic, you know company? 73 00:05:26.329 --> 00:05:29.569 So I think kind of part of that Bush. Let us to invest in 74 00:05:29.649 --> 00:05:34.569 companies like Snapchat, you'll soft APP dynamics, new tannics, which you know, 75 00:05:34.689 --> 00:05:39.839 have really reshape the spaces that they're in, and so that's kind of 76 00:05:39.879 --> 00:05:44.800 a question that's often asked through the process. Okay, and when it comes 77 00:05:44.839 --> 00:05:49.000 to valuation, so we we've seen a we witnessed some valuation and I guess 78 00:05:49.189 --> 00:05:54.829 from from people at all outside of the the VC world, we tend to 79 00:05:54.870 --> 00:05:58.790 look at valuation of Company and Wow, that's a big valuation for a company 80 00:05:58.829 --> 00:06:01.310 as May not have done, you know, a turn yet in the market. 81 00:06:01.870 --> 00:06:05.740 Or maybe we consider that revenue and and and only look at that. 82 00:06:05.860 --> 00:06:11.779 So what's your take on that, because we do feel that sometimes the valuation 83 00:06:11.899 --> 00:06:15.660 can be Little Bit inflated. Would you agree with you disagree with what's share? 84 00:06:15.899 --> 00:06:17.540 What are your sorts on that? I mean, I mean I definitely 85 00:06:17.730 --> 00:06:23.769 think one thing that's true and comes to valuation is it is pretty dependent on 86 00:06:23.970 --> 00:06:26.930 kind of where you are in the market, in the market cycle, and 87 00:06:27.689 --> 00:06:30.410 I would say the past couple of years, you know, we've been in 88 00:06:30.529 --> 00:06:34.439 a really heated market and so you know we will look, for example, 89 00:06:34.439 --> 00:06:40.959 at public pomps when looking at either growth or sometimes an early stage deal. 90 00:06:41.720 --> 00:06:45.480 But then you spend a lot of time also looking at kind of private comps 91 00:06:45.560 --> 00:06:49.470 and like for companies in this category. You know what has that look like, 92 00:06:50.029 --> 00:06:56.310 and so it's definitely been a very, very heated competitive market, I 93 00:06:56.389 --> 00:07:00.589 would say. And then at the early stage I think folks often think about, 94 00:07:00.110 --> 00:07:04.420 you know, being like a core partner through the founder and think about 95 00:07:04.459 --> 00:07:10.620 valuation in terms of a company wants to raise x amount. Ideally we want 96 00:07:10.660 --> 00:07:15.620 to own x amount. What Rual Umpire Valuation. At the growth stage we 97 00:07:15.730 --> 00:07:20.970 don't really have ownership targets or threshold it really is about being part of a 98 00:07:21.089 --> 00:07:25.009 great company. And then at the growth stage, I think you do start 99 00:07:25.089 --> 00:07:28.490 to look a little bit more, you know, high growth public comps and 100 00:07:28.970 --> 00:07:31.279 even though public comps, if you, you know, think about software, 101 00:07:33.000 --> 00:07:36.879 are rating, you know, at all time eyes right now, and you 102 00:07:36.959 --> 00:07:42.000 know it does fluctuate month over month. But but yeah, I think that's 103 00:07:42.079 --> 00:07:46.470 something we trouble and I think it's an interesting it's valuation is depending from where 104 00:07:46.470 --> 00:07:48.110 you look at it. You know, I guess if you look at it 105 00:07:48.149 --> 00:07:51.029 from the Entre Prenol, the evaluation is got to be very high. Should 106 00:07:51.029 --> 00:07:54.949 again, from your perspective, is got to be fair. You know, 107 00:07:55.509 --> 00:07:59.660 I guess, Lu and I it's got to be. It's got deep difficult 108 00:07:59.740 --> 00:08:03.660 and I'm getting into it in remember, my next question is really around around 109 00:08:03.699 --> 00:08:07.620 technology, you know, trends and what's you know thatty innovative with was disruptive, 110 00:08:07.699 --> 00:08:11.459 and I guess he's got to be even more complex when you're looking at 111 00:08:11.500 --> 00:08:16.529 a disruptive technology at is. We have some vendors that we work with in 112 00:08:16.610 --> 00:08:18.610 different space. Could be big data, I could be cyber I could be 113 00:08:20.129 --> 00:08:24.250 even analytics or whatever. Were really kind of creating the marketplace that creating the 114 00:08:24.329 --> 00:08:28.839 nish. And you know, when there is not a market yet, it's 115 00:08:28.879 --> 00:08:31.840 got to be even more difficult to us as really what suppose the actual potential 116 00:08:31.960 --> 00:08:35.200 of that company and and to a t except what the valuation is. But 117 00:08:35.360 --> 00:08:39.840 but getting into that, that question, I mean, what of this slogan 118 00:08:39.879 --> 00:08:43.990 that I looked at online when doing my research on late speece more all good 119 00:08:45.070 --> 00:08:48.429 today and I'd expect that one of late speeds mission is to be able to 120 00:08:48.470 --> 00:08:52.470 Wa don't see, if I do, innovative technology companies that can dis from 121 00:08:52.549 --> 00:08:56.259 the market. So, from your perspective, what are the trends that's you 122 00:08:56.379 --> 00:09:05.019 look out for? blunderstand if the destructive ID we actually strive of Ai? 123 00:09:05.059 --> 00:09:11.169 Yeah, one question we spend a lot of time in during any investment discussion 124 00:09:11.850 --> 00:09:18.210 is around why now? And so why can this be a massive company today 125 00:09:18.370 --> 00:09:20.529 and why hasn't this been created before? And you know, what does that 126 00:09:20.690 --> 00:09:26.320 look like? And so what is that? This location change trend in the 127 00:09:26.399 --> 00:09:31.639 market that is enabling, you know, this business and and that comes up, 128 00:09:31.879 --> 00:09:35.399 you know, all the time. So, for example, in the 129 00:09:35.480 --> 00:09:39.350 UK and Europe, PSD two is a huge kind of regulation that's taken over 130 00:09:39.389 --> 00:09:45.029 up intact. And so, yeah, bank now need to allow other companies 131 00:09:45.149 --> 00:09:50.629 to basically read someone's kind of account history and reading right transactions to their account. 132 00:09:50.070 --> 00:09:56.419 And so the proprietary advantage banks had in terms of being able to underwrite 133 00:09:56.899 --> 00:10:03.659 or offer a constant customer products because they were the sole older of all of 134 00:10:03.740 --> 00:10:09.289 the customers data, no longer exists. And so you know that that change 135 00:10:09.450 --> 00:10:13.610 will enable, and is enabling, a whole new generation of in tech companies 136 00:10:13.090 --> 00:10:18.809 being created, which is fascinating to watch. And so I think those dislocations 137 00:10:18.850 --> 00:10:24.799 are things we definitely follow and think about when evaluating and looking at companies. 138 00:10:24.279 --> 00:10:28.840 Okay, that makes sense. So ascw question is more spacific. From your 139 00:10:28.960 --> 00:10:33.519 prospects, Youve what all the technologies that are out doubt the moment that we 140 00:10:33.720 --> 00:10:37.549 just from the markets? Yeah, I think. I mean, I think 141 00:10:37.549 --> 00:10:41.389 they're there are a number. So I mean one area I've been very focused 142 00:10:41.429 --> 00:10:46.230 on is, you know, over the past like pen fifteen years there's been 143 00:10:46.389 --> 00:10:52.980 this whole rise of application software and different tools and APPS that individuals use, 144 00:10:52.460 --> 00:10:56.139 you know, as a consumer or in the enterprise. And you know, 145 00:10:56.299 --> 00:11:01.460 one fascinating stat to watch is if you look at the number of APPS per 146 00:11:01.539 --> 00:11:07.610 employee being used within a different company. Ought to actually puts out an annual 147 00:11:07.690 --> 00:11:11.490 survey on this and that that number is just like steadily risen. And so 148 00:11:11.049 --> 00:11:16.330 now one really interesting question is with, you know, this huge pliferation of 149 00:11:16.409 --> 00:11:22.600 APP today, there aren't really great ways to make these applications talk to each 150 00:11:22.600 --> 00:11:26.879 other or integrate or create workflows, and so we're now seeing a bunch of 151 00:11:28.039 --> 00:11:33.350 really interesting earlier stage companies, whether it's a Zap year or whether it's you 152 00:11:33.429 --> 00:11:37.190 know, we're caught out a number of other really interesting companies that are doing 153 00:11:37.909 --> 00:11:43.590 this integration work and enabling that, and I think will continue to see that. 154 00:11:43.070 --> 00:11:48.340 If from like a pure technology perspective, one really interesting trend that's playing 155 00:11:48.379 --> 00:11:54.700 out is around streaming data. And so typically, when a company would, 156 00:11:54.700 --> 00:11:58.100 you know, incorporate data or analyze it, it would typically done be done 157 00:11:58.139 --> 00:12:01.929 in batches. You'd analyze all your data grab insights from it, but there's 158 00:12:01.929 --> 00:12:09.129 so many things that are continuously gathering ongoing data, whether it's like a sensor 159 00:12:09.129 --> 00:12:13.450 at a truck or, you know, even website clicks. And there are 160 00:12:13.450 --> 00:12:18.399 a lot more companies now enabling others to work with streaming data and to derive 161 00:12:18.440 --> 00:12:24.279 actions and analytics from them, and that was something that previously, you know, 162 00:12:24.840 --> 00:12:28.679 companies struggled with. How do you store, manage, monitor this data? 163 00:12:28.799 --> 00:12:33.070 And so if you didn't have kind of that foundation, doing analytics on 164 00:12:33.149 --> 00:12:37.669 streaming data is very, very hard. But that's kind of this really interesting 165 00:12:37.830 --> 00:12:41.549 like back change that's continuing to take place. Naturally, you know, everyone 166 00:12:41.629 --> 00:12:46.539 talks about like enablements and AI and machine learning. Yes, big thing. 167 00:12:46.700 --> 00:12:50.259 There are a lot of, you know, applications incorporating, you know, 168 00:12:50.379 --> 00:12:54.019 those types of technologies in different ways. We have an investment in this, 169 00:12:54.299 --> 00:12:58.610 you know, we have multiple investments in the space. One of our investments 170 00:12:58.610 --> 00:13:03.210 in the space is, at any vision that's operating in the World Faf recognition, 171 00:13:03.490 --> 00:13:07.169 which is, you know, increasingly being used in a public safety, 172 00:13:07.570 --> 00:13:13.960 you know security context with kind of cameras and doing facial identification, and that's 173 00:13:13.960 --> 00:13:16.720 kind of becoming this emerging trend, and so I think there are a number 174 00:13:16.720 --> 00:13:20.639 of things, dependent on kind of what space you're looking at, that are 175 00:13:20.639 --> 00:13:24.279 kind of changing and involving that area. Yeah, not at that. That's 176 00:13:24.320 --> 00:13:30.470 makes fascinating space. So I would I would concer with which you you just 177 00:13:30.629 --> 00:13:35.470 said. I'm sure we'll have lots of people do to the Wi you are 178 00:13:35.549 --> 00:13:39.549 and the company you represent. I'm sure with have lots of CEOS, of 179 00:13:39.669 --> 00:13:45.179 thunders of companies or people are start up a different words and position of maybe 180 00:13:45.259 --> 00:13:48.340 people were even invested and show or those of that sort of company at all 181 00:13:48.700 --> 00:13:54.059 listening to the podcast on this podcast. So if you are any an advice 182 00:13:54.179 --> 00:13:58.450 for those people, what would you tell them? Is, you know, 183 00:13:58.649 --> 00:14:01.649 what are the ways would you give to a start up funder that is looking 184 00:14:01.929 --> 00:14:05.250 to get funding for that company? Why should this starts? What do they 185 00:14:05.289 --> 00:14:09.809 need to think about and how do they get in touch and the start the 186 00:14:09.850 --> 00:14:13.360 process? So I think regardless of stage, you want to be very, 187 00:14:13.360 --> 00:14:18.320 very pressed on your story to articulate kind of where yours a company and where 188 00:14:18.360 --> 00:14:22.559 you're going, and I think that's kind of the first step. And then 189 00:14:22.600 --> 00:14:26.549 the second step is to kind of come up with a list of investors you 190 00:14:26.750 --> 00:14:31.830 think could be great partners for you, who specifically you think would be a 191 00:14:31.870 --> 00:14:35.990 great partner for you and kind of the right introduction in. And then at 192 00:14:35.029 --> 00:14:39.659 the early stage, you know, I think a lot of founders get get 193 00:14:39.700 --> 00:14:43.899 advice about like you know, don't spend too many cycles talking to investors. 194 00:14:43.299 --> 00:14:46.740 You know, pick one time to do your fundraising, get the right intro 195 00:14:46.899 --> 00:14:50.340 in, kind of speak to a bunch of investors. Closed around that, 196 00:14:50.539 --> 00:14:52.769 you know you can go back to focusing on your business, which I think. 197 00:14:52.809 --> 00:14:58.009 I think it's true at both stages. I think one thing that's more 198 00:14:58.169 --> 00:15:01.970 true, I think, at the later stage, is that often times it 199 00:15:01.730 --> 00:15:07.200 is based on longer term relationship. So, yeah, growth investors will know, 200 00:15:07.840 --> 00:15:11.799 you know, all the company for long periods of time. I think 201 00:15:11.200 --> 00:15:16.039 they'll often be like multiple touch points in an ongoing dialog and it is kind 202 00:15:16.080 --> 00:15:20.629 of a much larger check size, and so it's very helpful to kind of 203 00:15:20.669 --> 00:15:26.350 have an ongoing kidence with a couple of firms or people that you might be 204 00:15:26.429 --> 00:15:31.070 interested in partnering with down the road. That's definitely how I think about you 205 00:15:31.149 --> 00:15:35.269 know, think about your never were thinking about or watership. Would it mean 206 00:15:35.350 --> 00:15:37.340 that, for example, you you may speak to a company that you think 207 00:15:37.379 --> 00:15:41.299 he's interesting, but you you probably are maybe six months, twelve months, 208 00:15:41.340 --> 00:15:46.899 eighteen months down the light from investing with it, because that relationships. You 209 00:15:46.940 --> 00:15:50.250 want to see the journey and basically you can a full most do a bit 210 00:15:50.330 --> 00:15:54.529 of diligence prior to do the prop conversation that you that's what you're saying. 211 00:15:54.649 --> 00:15:58.129 You know, I think that's true. And oftentimes, like the companies we 212 00:15:58.210 --> 00:16:02.330 might be speaking to on the growth stage, don't need to raise money. 213 00:16:02.409 --> 00:16:07.519 You know, some companies might be profitable, some might have raised a large 214 00:16:07.600 --> 00:16:11.320 round and you know, I'm thinking about raising any time soon, and so 215 00:16:11.399 --> 00:16:15.360 I think that often often drives it, or you might you know, typically, 216 00:16:15.360 --> 00:16:18.830 you know, we wouldn't. On the growth stage. A company typically 217 00:16:18.870 --> 00:16:22.990 finds product market fit and then we get involved at a slightly later stage. 218 00:16:22.110 --> 00:16:29.750 But having that longstanding relationship from those early stages is just kind of Nice to 219 00:16:29.830 --> 00:16:33.299 build the relationship because, yeah, you know, yes, on our end 220 00:16:33.820 --> 00:16:37.980 we're partnering with the Entrepreneur, but on the entrepreneurs and you know, you're 221 00:16:37.019 --> 00:16:42.500 making a lifetime commitment or a ten year commitment with an investor and so you 222 00:16:42.620 --> 00:16:48.370 want to feel really comfortable about your fit with the ember erm and you know 223 00:16:48.490 --> 00:16:52.289 life is too short and you want to surround yourself with kind of the right 224 00:16:52.370 --> 00:16:56.330 people and people you enjoy, you know, having that regular cadence with. 225 00:16:56.769 --> 00:17:00.409 And so I think it's super important on both sides. Yeah, no, 226 00:17:00.610 --> 00:17:02.919 no, agree with you, and I think it's almost like bringing you. 227 00:17:03.080 --> 00:17:06.680 You can of bringing new bomb Membo as well, as they will be a 228 00:17:06.720 --> 00:17:10.279 voise that will be constantly with you for the for the foreseeable should show. 229 00:17:10.359 --> 00:17:14.200 So it's it's like any relationship where you need to make sure I shoot you 230 00:17:14.279 --> 00:17:18.309 know exactly what you are gets your engage reason and I think it's it's going 231 00:17:18.630 --> 00:17:23.789 to be the probably the best setup is when you've got the entrepreneur really selecting 232 00:17:25.069 --> 00:17:27.230 the investor and the investor you. It's kind of almost like a marriage, 233 00:17:27.309 --> 00:17:30.339 if you will, and everybody is up, everybody wants to get together, 234 00:17:30.460 --> 00:17:34.299 which is which is good. And what about these advice on on spending the 235 00:17:34.420 --> 00:17:37.140 money? I mean, I know that you guys say, you say, 236 00:17:37.180 --> 00:17:41.460 you mentioned early on, and which Keta. You've got different element like business 237 00:17:41.539 --> 00:17:45.650 development, marketing, and you've got probably a ton of people that can support 238 00:17:45.690 --> 00:17:48.289 you, which mean that you probably don't just look at the investment from a 239 00:17:48.569 --> 00:17:52.450 spreadsheet perspective, but but also you've got some human power out the back end 240 00:17:52.490 --> 00:17:56.329 to support the the entrepreneurs. You're wrong, but do you have like a 241 00:17:56.730 --> 00:18:02.119 set of rules in time of how the the investment needs to be invested, 242 00:18:02.359 --> 00:18:04.359 or do you let the entrepreneur completely go? Is it just a key by 243 00:18:04.480 --> 00:18:08.240 case by case basis? I think it really depends on the entrepreneur. So 244 00:18:08.720 --> 00:18:12.630 ultimately kind of they're the one running a real element day to day of the 245 00:18:12.710 --> 00:18:18.109 business and thinking through, you know, the right way to allocate that capital. 246 00:18:18.190 --> 00:18:22.549 And so some businesses you need to spend, you know, significant amounts 247 00:18:22.549 --> 00:18:26.390 and sales and marketing. I think that's true for a lot of businesses and 248 00:18:26.509 --> 00:18:29.660 some, you know, there might be like a big, R and d 249 00:18:29.700 --> 00:18:33.420 element or, you know, a success element, and so I think it 250 00:18:33.539 --> 00:18:38.299 really depends on kind of each company and where they're out of their life cycle, 251 00:18:40.339 --> 00:18:41.009 and I agree with you. Think that makes sense. I was just 252 00:18:41.130 --> 00:18:45.329 wondering if there is a some sort of a formula, but they're reason not. 253 00:18:45.490 --> 00:18:51.250 So I'm glad you you can on me, so please love me know. 254 00:18:51.769 --> 00:18:52.730 Yeah, well, you know it would be with the sort of thing 255 00:18:52.730 --> 00:18:56.640 about officials. So I just wanted to thank you for your insight to that, 256 00:18:56.640 --> 00:18:59.359 Nich cat. I really appreciated the fine that you take the time. 257 00:18:59.359 --> 00:19:03.039 Unfortunately, we getting to the end of all station today, but if anyone 258 00:19:03.279 --> 00:19:07.039 was listening to the these postcasts would like to get in touch with you, 259 00:19:07.319 --> 00:19:10.789 you know, engage with late to preventure. What was the best way to 260 00:19:11.109 --> 00:19:14.829 tongage revengers, cat? I think email is usually easiest. On No SHKA 261 00:19:14.990 --> 00:19:18.910 at lsbpcom. Yeah, perfect. Well, once again, thank you very 262 00:19:18.910 --> 00:19:22.430 much for our thing today. It was absolutely a pleasure to have you on 263 00:19:22.470 --> 00:19:25.539 the show. Yeah, thanks so much for I really enjoyed this too. 264 00:19:26.140 --> 00:19:33.819 operatics has redefined the meaning of revenue generation for technology companies worldwide. While the 265 00:19:33.940 --> 00:19:38.609 traditional concepts of building and managing inside sales teams inhouse has existed for many years, 266 00:19:40.009 --> 00:19:44.849 companies are struggling with a lack of focus, agility and scale required in 267 00:19:44.930 --> 00:19:51.170 today's fast and complex world of enterprise technology sales. See How operatics can help 268 00:19:51.210 --> 00:19:57.400 your company accelerate pipeline at operatics dotnet. You've been listening to BEDB revenue acceleration. 269 00:19:59.119 --> 00:20:02.200 To ensure that you never miss an episode, subscribe to the show in 270 00:20:02.240 --> 00:20:06.440 your favorite podcast player. Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, 271 -->

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