74. The Top 3 Challenges Facing Marketers Today

April 09, 2020 00:28:38
74. The Top 3 Challenges Facing Marketers Today
B2B Revenue Acceleration
74. The Top 3 Challenges Facing Marketers Today

Apr 09 2020 | 00:28:38


Show Notes

The coronavirus certainly makes the #1 spot on everyone’s list of challenges.

Given that, however, B2B technology marketers tend to share the same 3 non-viral challenges year-round. Those challenges, if anything, are even more formidable in 2020.

In this episode, I interview Yotam Gutman, Director of Marketing at SentinelOne, about the top 3 challenges that marketers are facing… as well as the challenge that everyone is facing now — coronavirus.

We talked about: 3 evergreen challenges for B2B marketers, tactical tips for scaling globally, entering a new territory means understanding the local culture, and coronavirus challenges and changes.

To hear this interview and many more like it, subscribe to The B2B Revenue Acceleration Podcast on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or our website.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.560 --> 00:00:08.349 You were listening to bb revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated helping software executives stay 2 00:00:08.390 --> 00:00:12.189 on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. Let's get into 3 00:00:12.189 --> 00:00:17.190 the show. Hi, welcome to be to be a revenue acceleration. My 4 00:00:17.269 --> 00:00:20.429 name is Audiam with you and I'm here today with your time. Good Man, 5 00:00:20.670 --> 00:00:23.500 director of marketing at Sentinel One. How are you to day? Your 6 00:00:23.539 --> 00:00:28.219 time? Hi, I'm fine. Thank you. Excellent accident. So today 7 00:00:28.339 --> 00:00:33.700 the two things that we decided to pick is the top street challenges that marketers 8 00:00:33.740 --> 00:00:38.009 are tacing. But before we go into the details and we jump into the 9 00:00:38.369 --> 00:00:42.890 conversation, would you mind introducing yourself in in a little bit more details? 10 00:00:42.969 --> 00:00:46.409 Your time, as well as the company at your represents set you know one. 11 00:00:46.770 --> 00:00:49.530 Sure. So, as you mentioned, my name is your Tom good 12 00:00:49.570 --> 00:00:55.240 man. I'm marketing director at Centenn on one, where cyber security company with 13 00:00:55.439 --> 00:01:00.119 officers and in mountain view, anotherland, UK and Israel, where I'm based 14 00:01:00.159 --> 00:01:04.230 here in Tel Aviv. I've been with the company for six months now and 15 00:01:04.349 --> 00:01:11.549 I'm managing the local marketing activities and help the global marketing team. I've spend 16 00:01:11.590 --> 00:01:17.430 about six and a half years at working in this industry in marketing and business 17 00:01:17.469 --> 00:01:22.939 development role and in addition to serving in sentinal one, I also manage a 18 00:01:22.980 --> 00:01:29.340 community of cybersecurity marketers, about three hundred of us, who share ideas and 19 00:01:29.859 --> 00:01:33.530 have a lot of engagement here. So we have a very strong sense of 20 00:01:33.769 --> 00:01:38.010 community. I do like that and it's needs triel the world community means a 21 00:01:38.090 --> 00:01:42.250 lot. Since we're on the topic of community and and you know something that's 22 00:01:42.290 --> 00:01:47.760 quite topical right now, which is the coronavirus which, I think at the 23 00:01:47.840 --> 00:01:53.159 time of recording today and the teens of March, it's kind of kicking off 24 00:01:53.200 --> 00:01:57.400 a little bit everywhere. How do you feel the community is reacting? How 25 00:01:57.519 --> 00:02:01.430 do you think the impact is? Our people saying it is an opportunity as 26 00:02:01.510 --> 00:02:06.469 as an issue, and was a feeling, basically. And what are the 27 00:02:06.909 --> 00:02:09.389 what are the sort of feedback that you you collect or received from the community? 28 00:02:10.030 --> 00:02:14.509 So obviously it's a big change and a big challenge to all of us. 29 00:02:15.150 --> 00:02:17.860 Specifically for marketers, I can say that we're, I think, better 30 00:02:17.939 --> 00:02:23.699 adjusted than most, especially people here in Israel. We're very well accustomed to 31 00:02:23.740 --> 00:02:30.009 work in from our home on the Goo, very mobile. We work from 32 00:02:30.129 --> 00:02:34.610 with people from all over the world. So doing as zone calls and doing 33 00:02:34.689 --> 00:02:38.050 things from remote is is practically how we live every day. However, we 34 00:02:38.250 --> 00:02:45.039 do we are aware that this is a big shift. A lot of clients 35 00:02:45.680 --> 00:02:49.719 have, I either had to stop their operation or alter the way that they 36 00:02:49.800 --> 00:02:53.319 operate. So we see a lot of a lot of help going from the 37 00:02:53.439 --> 00:02:59.030 community, between ourselves and to the customers. People are offering free services. 38 00:02:59.990 --> 00:03:04.389 Some of my colleagues have been laid off, companies are downsizing. We trying 39 00:03:04.469 --> 00:03:09.069 to help them find new positions and a lot of companies are doing what they 40 00:03:09.150 --> 00:03:13.259 can, for instance in cent in a line where I work, but also 41 00:03:13.300 --> 00:03:17.419 other companies. They're offering security products for free for the next couple of months 42 00:03:17.500 --> 00:03:22.740 to help. Companies will now have to deal with working from remote and they 43 00:03:22.740 --> 00:03:27.020 don't have the resources. So at least we're trying to ensure that they don't 44 00:03:27.020 --> 00:03:31.370 suffer any cyber attacks at the process. So we're seeing a lot of help, 45 00:03:32.129 --> 00:03:37.050 a lot of enthusiasm and, you know, we just have to push 46 00:03:37.090 --> 00:03:39.569 through this difficult times. Actually, I'm compared to agree with you. We 47 00:03:39.650 --> 00:03:43.680 have to put together off. Okay, so, coming to the topic again, 48 00:03:43.800 --> 00:03:46.719 the challenge is the free the top three challenges at marketers are facing. 49 00:03:47.520 --> 00:03:53.240 So should the community that you are running in in Israel. You promote regular 50 00:03:53.360 --> 00:03:57.110 events to discuss with us, our marketing executive and, as you mentioned, 51 00:03:57.150 --> 00:04:00.069 there is also a big part of sharing best practices experiences. I'm sure you 52 00:04:00.150 --> 00:04:03.909 speak about the vendors and experience with them and all that, which which I'm 53 00:04:03.909 --> 00:04:08.509 sure is wonderful. So if we were to come back to the main topic 54 00:04:08.590 --> 00:04:13.900 and put the Covid mainteen on the side, far sake from your experience as 55 00:04:13.979 --> 00:04:17.379 well as from what you gathered within your community, what are the stream main 56 00:04:17.459 --> 00:04:24.180 challenges you believe market halls of facing in the B to be technology space? 57 00:04:25.050 --> 00:04:29.850 So that's that's a terrific question and actually, to answer that, I actually 58 00:04:29.850 --> 00:04:33.930 ran a survey with my community. We had nearly a hundred responders. So, 59 00:04:35.610 --> 00:04:40.480 taking the liberty of altar in the results a little bit, because that 60 00:04:41.120 --> 00:04:45.120 survey ran at the end of last year and things of obviously changed, but 61 00:04:45.279 --> 00:04:50.399 the main things are roughly unchanged. And and I think the first challenge for 62 00:04:50.519 --> 00:04:57.550 US marketers and marketing departments, especially in bit to be environments, is to 63 00:04:57.709 --> 00:05:03.029 justify the marketing's role within the business side of the organization. I think that's 64 00:05:03.110 --> 00:05:08.459 the biggest and first challenge we all encounter. Second of all, once we've 65 00:05:08.500 --> 00:05:12.259 done that and we've hit the road, we start the do in campaigns, 66 00:05:12.860 --> 00:05:17.019 trying to generate lead. Then the challenge become different, and that's how to 67 00:05:17.579 --> 00:05:23.129 break through the noise. I mean, especially in times like this, everyone 68 00:05:23.329 --> 00:05:27.810 is trying to sell. I I'm very familiar with the cyber security space. 69 00:05:27.889 --> 00:05:31.930 So there are thousands of companies, about a hundred and fifty product categories and 70 00:05:32.170 --> 00:05:36.759 everyone's, you know, broadcasting on the same channel. So it's very crowded 71 00:05:38.279 --> 00:05:41.959 and it's a it's a big challenge to break through to the clients. And 72 00:05:42.160 --> 00:05:45.800 lastly, if we were able to do that, I mean as Israelis, 73 00:05:45.920 --> 00:05:49.189 I look from the local angle, then our challenge becomes different and that's how 74 00:05:49.310 --> 00:05:54.870 to scale this globally. Usually where I am in at you, at market 75 00:05:56.230 --> 00:06:01.509 and and we come from very small companies and we're good at innovating but not 76 00:06:01.750 --> 00:06:08.339 that proficient in scaling. So once you've found your voice, you broadcast to 77 00:06:08.379 --> 00:06:11.459 the right audience, how do you scale it into a really big company? 78 00:06:12.060 --> 00:06:16.060 So I think these are the main swit challenges and they're only being I think 79 00:06:16.139 --> 00:06:23.329 exaggerated as we speak now. So everything is much more acute. It be 80 00:06:23.449 --> 00:06:28.329 gonna be more difficult to justify marketing budget. It's going to be more difficult 81 00:06:28.370 --> 00:06:32.800 to break through the clutter and then to do it globally. Yeah, now 82 00:06:32.800 --> 00:06:35.040 I agree with you. I agree with you. So so if you were 83 00:06:35.079 --> 00:06:41.519 to to take hold one by one, and it's interesting because when we in 84 00:06:41.720 --> 00:06:46.879 particularly all the conversation that we had on the B Tob Revenue Acceleration podcast, 85 00:06:46.230 --> 00:06:50.029 always see a mode that that we are meeting outside of the podcasts. Is 86 00:06:50.670 --> 00:06:57.069 really the justification of my role. I'll do I improve to the main companies. 87 00:06:57.110 --> 00:07:00.029 Take older that. First of all, marketing is important, but also 88 00:07:00.069 --> 00:07:03.699 a marketing needs budget, needs a lot of budget to be successful. So 89 00:07:04.579 --> 00:07:09.620 could you elaborate on that little bit and and also share some tech takes of 90 00:07:09.699 --> 00:07:15.089 success stories of marketing? Individual have been really successful in showing the ESKPIES and 91 00:07:15.170 --> 00:07:19.129 I'm gaging with us a cold or to really get things out and and actually 92 00:07:19.209 --> 00:07:24.490 put them into a prime position from a from a functional prospective within the organization. 93 00:07:24.930 --> 00:07:28.689 Sure. So, I think you've mentioned the phrase that I think sums 94 00:07:28.730 --> 00:07:33.480 at all and that's KPI's so I key performance indicators. If, as marketers, 95 00:07:33.680 --> 00:07:40.199 we can communicate this clearly with our peers and with our executive then we 96 00:07:40.319 --> 00:07:46.990 can have a very business oriented discussions. We would like to get that much 97 00:07:48.149 --> 00:07:51.269 done in the next quarter. For this we would need, I would say, 98 00:07:51.269 --> 00:07:55.949 a thousand leads. In order to generate a thousand leads, I think 99 00:07:55.990 --> 00:08:01.939 I'll have to run five campaigns and invest I don't know how many thousands of 100 00:08:01.259 --> 00:08:07.379 euros or dollars, and that would be the result. So I think if 101 00:08:07.579 --> 00:08:13.490 if you come to such discussions prepared and have estimated Kpis for at least in 102 00:08:13.569 --> 00:08:18.170 the beginning, you wouldn't have very good estimations, but that's something that you 103 00:08:18.329 --> 00:08:24.209 can improve as you go along and then at the end of each quarter each 104 00:08:24.209 --> 00:08:28.279 year, you can review these and say, okay, those were goals, 105 00:08:28.360 --> 00:08:33.320 this is how much we spend, this is our return on investment. Okay, 106 00:08:33.840 --> 00:08:39.240 today marketers are measured by the amounts of qualified leads. Some of my 107 00:08:39.399 --> 00:08:45.309 community members are also in charge of sales development representatives and then they also have 108 00:08:45.429 --> 00:08:50.309 to schedule meeting, so there's also part of their Kpis. Other marketers are 109 00:08:50.429 --> 00:08:56.539 measured on exposure, because companies care about brain recognition. It doesn't really matter 110 00:08:56.580 --> 00:09:01.700 as long as you discuss this in advance, you recorders and then you visit 111 00:09:01.820 --> 00:09:07.340 this and revisit at the end of the process. Once you do that, 112 00:09:07.820 --> 00:09:13.570 then people presiduous part of the business process and they'll be happy to spend because 113 00:09:13.610 --> 00:09:18.809 they can see the correlation between the investment and the results. One of the 114 00:09:20.009 --> 00:09:24.169 reasons that we've ran a survey, and that's something I'd be happy to share 115 00:09:24.210 --> 00:09:28.279 with anyone interested, is that we wanted to have a benchmark. So one 116 00:09:28.320 --> 00:09:33.080 of the Nice thing about it is that we can show we have percentage. 117 00:09:33.559 --> 00:09:39.190 We can show that how much companies are spending in marketing and in different segments 118 00:09:39.269 --> 00:09:43.470 within marketing, so that marketers can go to their executives and tell them look 119 00:09:43.669 --> 00:09:48.230 for a company roughly our side. Similar company is investing three times as much 120 00:09:48.269 --> 00:09:52.740 as as we do. So please, if you want to have similar results 121 00:09:52.779 --> 00:09:56.860 of better, I need you to match this budget. So with KPI is 122 00:09:56.980 --> 00:10:01.980 with benchmark, I think that you can have an education that discussions. One 123 00:10:03.019 --> 00:10:07.409 of the companies I'm seeing here that are doing a terrific job are called Kato 124 00:10:07.529 --> 00:10:13.289 Networks. They've been doing blee generation campaigns terrific ones for about three years and 125 00:10:13.809 --> 00:10:18.250 the marketer that I know their name done, is doing just that. He 126 00:10:18.330 --> 00:10:24.559 speaks with the management in terms of KPI, of real business goals and then 127 00:10:24.000 --> 00:10:28.399 assigned the dollar value to them, and it's been very successful. I know 128 00:10:28.519 --> 00:10:33.960 that because he manages to increase his budget here near there's probably doing a good 129 00:10:33.000 --> 00:10:37.269 job. At least. I'm very happy to see this progress. That sounds 130 00:10:37.269 --> 00:10:41.990 wonderful. And when it comes to the Dioversey challenge, because that's also a 131 00:10:43.350 --> 00:10:48.870 going oversee, going into New Territories in general often an issue that that companies 132 00:10:48.870 --> 00:10:52.259 are facing, and I think from all perspects you would well see like two 133 00:10:52.299 --> 00:10:56.620 types of clients resolved. The US companies who are trying to come into the 134 00:10:56.700 --> 00:11:01.340 European market, or you've got Israeli companies trying to come to Europe and then 135 00:11:01.419 --> 00:11:05.570 go to North America. My experiences, what we see, we what I 136 00:11:05.690 --> 00:11:11.529 believe is the most difficulties to actually enter the North American market for company at 137 00:11:11.690 --> 00:11:15.330 was not born and bred there, but like to get your sorts on that 138 00:11:15.450 --> 00:11:18.399 as well. I think coming into the European market when you are Astraeli is 139 00:11:18.960 --> 00:11:26.200 probably a similar mindset in a way going into the US from a European company, 140 00:11:26.559 --> 00:11:28.919 this trading company or whatever company. It is not true as up we 141 00:11:30.000 --> 00:11:33.590 always see people struggling a little bit, and maybe it's because of the the 142 00:11:33.990 --> 00:11:39.629 investment that is required to actually get an end do a successful full work in 143 00:11:39.710 --> 00:11:43.309 the US, or maybe it's a cultural difference, but we never really been 144 00:11:43.350 --> 00:11:48.019 able to put out finger onwards the issue where. But we've seen this. 145 00:11:48.340 --> 00:11:52.419 This company is really strongly as you mentioned, is in your your your self, 146 00:11:52.860 --> 00:11:56.980 challenge of that skating globally always being an issue. So what are your 147 00:11:58.019 --> 00:12:01.100 sults on that? Do you have any, you know, war stories, 148 00:12:01.529 --> 00:12:05.889 success stories that you could share with us? So there are several aspects to 149 00:12:05.129 --> 00:12:09.929 consider here. One, as you mentioned, is that the cultural aspect of 150 00:12:11.049 --> 00:12:15.759 trying to do business in a different region or geography and and in this regard, 151 00:12:15.879 --> 00:12:18.519 I don't think it makes a lot of difference if you're trying to sell 152 00:12:18.559 --> 00:12:22.799 from Israel to Europe or foreign result to the states and vice versa. I 153 00:12:24.000 --> 00:12:30.590 think the golden rule is is that you have to have local people literally speaking 154 00:12:30.710 --> 00:12:33.429 the same legs, the local language, not just in terms of lingo, 155 00:12:33.950 --> 00:12:39.429 but they understand best the the mindset, how procum and works the Sales Cycle? 156 00:12:39.870 --> 00:12:46.299 Who's the strong person in the organization? Even small stuff that are an 157 00:12:46.340 --> 00:12:50.820 opposive to be very important but could have a big significance. I'll give you 158 00:12:50.940 --> 00:12:56.299 one example. In the states small medium businesses are called SMB's. You know, 159 00:12:56.779 --> 00:13:01.769 they're mostly returned. Refers to as SMS, Small Medium Enterprise. The 160 00:13:01.929 --> 00:13:07.409 size also the fair. So if you come to European light and say S 161 00:13:07.529 --> 00:13:11.090 and B they're probably won't understand you and you start the discussion of the wrong 162 00:13:11.169 --> 00:13:16.080 foot. Just a small cultural point because you're talking about the same thing, 163 00:13:16.519 --> 00:13:20.080 but you're not very a tune to your client. When you're talking about is 164 00:13:20.159 --> 00:13:24.840 valley companies in specifics, as I mentioned, we're very good at moving fast 165 00:13:26.399 --> 00:13:31.470 and building products at work, but we're not always fully appreciate the size of 166 00:13:31.629 --> 00:13:35.509 the companies we're working with. So, for instance, Centen and one works 167 00:13:35.590 --> 00:13:39.710 with three of the top ten fortune, five, Thou onezero companies. I 168 00:13:39.789 --> 00:13:43.700 think it's number one, three and and seven. So these are huge companies. 169 00:13:45.179 --> 00:13:48.220 When most these valley companies go and address these companies, they can go 170 00:13:48.620 --> 00:13:52.860 in, they can probably get in the door, perhaps to a proof of 171 00:13:52.980 --> 00:13:58.450 consop and then it stops and they don't really understand why. And one of 172 00:13:58.490 --> 00:14:01.929 the story is one of the battle scars that I can share is one of 173 00:14:01.970 --> 00:14:05.769 the startups I was working then with about five years ago. I, with 174 00:14:07.009 --> 00:14:11.519 a lot of effort, I managed to get our system back then into a 175 00:14:11.720 --> 00:14:18.200 major US banks fusion center. So the system was installed, it ran for 176 00:14:18.279 --> 00:14:24.350 about a week. We got like positive feedback, but the bottom line, 177 00:14:24.389 --> 00:14:26.549 and they said that straight to our face, they said, you guys are 178 00:14:26.669 --> 00:14:31.590 very nice, but you're not corporate grade, so you're not enterprise ready. 179 00:14:33.149 --> 00:14:35.629 Let than get us, and that's something I think it took me a while 180 00:14:35.669 --> 00:14:41.659 to understand what enterprise ready means. It doesn't necessarily mean that your product isn't 181 00:14:41.700 --> 00:14:46.980 good, but it lacks the scalability, it lacks the support that you commentation 182 00:14:46.500 --> 00:14:50.779 the local people on the ground as a lie, all these kinds of things 183 00:14:50.860 --> 00:14:56.370 that we don't always appreciate here because we work on a much smaller scale. 184 00:14:56.129 --> 00:15:01.090 So I think that company is looking to expand to any territory, they have 185 00:15:01.169 --> 00:15:05.450 to consider who the target audience is, who can speak to these people in 186 00:15:05.529 --> 00:15:09.960 their language, and one of the basic requirements so far us and Israel is 187 00:15:11.039 --> 00:15:13.399 like one Tipe I can give you is don't go for a fortune five thousand 188 00:15:13.799 --> 00:15:18.240 clients in the United States. Don't go for a t one banks. You 189 00:15:18.279 --> 00:15:22.429 can go for a one, tier, twoty three banks. They're as big 190 00:15:22.470 --> 00:15:26.230 as any local bank that we have here in Israel and they roughly the size 191 00:15:26.309 --> 00:15:30.669 that you can actually serve as a small start up going into a new company. 192 00:15:30.669 --> 00:15:33.389 If you go to a big enterprise, you'd be stuck in a cell 193 00:15:33.509 --> 00:15:39.059 cycle that can last twelve to eighteen months and you probably don't have the stamina 194 00:15:39.139 --> 00:15:43.659 to go through that. So aim correctly, use local people and then you 195 00:15:43.740 --> 00:15:48.179 might be able to break through on your first clients. I agree with yourself 196 00:15:48.659 --> 00:15:52.330 walking before you your run and also taking it easy at the beginning of going 197 00:15:52.370 --> 00:15:56.090 after the not going after the whales hunting, but more doing like a bit 198 00:15:56.129 --> 00:16:00.009 of a Chun now, well, fishing, elstuna fishing. So trying to 199 00:16:00.129 --> 00:16:03.600 get the deal that can move quicker and the one that hoome stuck you into 200 00:16:03.639 --> 00:16:08.080 a propriman process. Well, you will need references and and lots of those 201 00:16:08.080 --> 00:16:11.639 Ol bits and pieces to go through the hooks. That makes sense. Regarding 202 00:16:11.720 --> 00:16:18.710 territories, do you see the we again from your perspective of in lots of 203 00:16:18.750 --> 00:16:25.029 experience with the DESRAELI CMO marketing community. Well, do you see the most 204 00:16:25.070 --> 00:16:27.830 paid? You see the most pain into coming to the European market or going 205 00:16:27.870 --> 00:16:33.259 into the US market? And why? If you have themser, sure so. 206 00:16:33.460 --> 00:16:38.100 About would say ninety five percent of the companies in Israel would aim at 207 00:16:38.139 --> 00:16:44.539 the US market first for many reasons. One the investors push them that way 208 00:16:45.139 --> 00:16:49.690 to it's the largest market. The US are early adopters and they are happy 209 00:16:49.730 --> 00:16:55.769 to in experience with new technologies. But if you try to do that then, 210 00:16:55.929 --> 00:16:59.850 as I said, you have a big lip that you need to take. 211 00:17:00.370 --> 00:17:03.519 It usually doesn't work if you just have like one person on the ground 212 00:17:03.599 --> 00:17:07.880 that you supporting with the team flying in and out. So I think the 213 00:17:07.160 --> 00:17:12.200 biggest challenge if you do that, is that you need to hire fast and 214 00:17:12.279 --> 00:17:17.990 higher. Well, if you look at the European market, and that's an 215 00:17:18.029 --> 00:17:22.349 interesting perception, because a lot of the companies are the said are not well 216 00:17:22.430 --> 00:17:26.670 equipped to handle such a big leap, and they might. They should actually 217 00:17:26.910 --> 00:17:33.980 start with the more geographically closed location in Europe. Our biggest challenge is the 218 00:17:33.380 --> 00:17:38.539 diversity. So if if in the states you need to speak English. Well, 219 00:17:38.900 --> 00:17:42.220 okay, we are proficient with we are not native speakers, but it 220 00:17:42.420 --> 00:17:47.410 works well enough in Europe. Is Not going to do. We have to 221 00:17:47.490 --> 00:17:52.529 speak in several languages. You have to understand the regulation at different countries. 222 00:17:53.410 --> 00:17:59.279 Spain is very different. Let's say, southern Europe is very different than Western 223 00:17:59.359 --> 00:18:03.319 Europe, which is different than the nordics, which is then different than Eastern 224 00:18:03.359 --> 00:18:07.599 Europe and in the Middle Eastern countries. So it's a lot to take in 225 00:18:07.759 --> 00:18:12.630 and most companies, if they decide to tackle the European market, they would 226 00:18:12.670 --> 00:18:18.589 start with either the British market which, in terms of language as it's easy 227 00:18:18.710 --> 00:18:23.869 process really yeah, or the dark region, which is more cohesive. So 228 00:18:25.230 --> 00:18:30.539 we have a Germany, the Luxembourg parts of Switzerland. So roughly, if 229 00:18:30.579 --> 00:18:34.299 you have a German native you be able to to cater for the territories and 230 00:18:34.380 --> 00:18:37.980 also their fine actually sounds. So it makes a lot of sense starting there. 231 00:18:38.220 --> 00:18:41.089 Yeah, I agree with you. I'm gonna go back. I am 232 00:18:41.130 --> 00:18:45.849 so sorry. I'M gonna go back to coronavirus for sake because as we are 233 00:18:45.930 --> 00:18:48.730 speaking, my many is bubbling and I need to ask you that question. 234 00:18:48.809 --> 00:18:52.650 It's a tactical question. Less strategic to the type of topy that we with 235 00:18:52.849 --> 00:18:56.599 discussed just now. But we have had a couple of clients impacted drastically. 236 00:18:56.640 --> 00:19:00.079 So one of our large clients a company called guilt. Now you must have 237 00:19:00.160 --> 00:19:04.440 done about Golt not being in marketing. We were supporting them in driving traffic 238 00:19:04.519 --> 00:19:10.549 to events and obviously, with the recent news of coronavirus, we had to 239 00:19:10.670 --> 00:19:12.349 pose what we are doing with them because they are can setting the event, 240 00:19:12.470 --> 00:19:17.789 so there is no point having US driving people anymore. So well, that's 241 00:19:17.829 --> 00:19:22.549 not a great news. Is kind of leading me to believe that a lot 242 00:19:22.589 --> 00:19:29.980 of markets were probably banking on events taking place round table. It could be 243 00:19:30.059 --> 00:19:36.099 industry events like a Google Cloud, the the big conference in in San Francisco, 244 00:19:36.140 --> 00:19:38.569 got cancel the couple of weeks ago. I believe Info Sake in the 245 00:19:38.650 --> 00:19:44.009 UK got will get cancel. I believe that Cloud Expo was not canceled in 246 00:19:44.049 --> 00:19:48.970 the UK, but at very limited, poor attendance. I've seen some terrific, 247 00:19:48.009 --> 00:19:52.440 terrible feedback on on Linkedin and s book to people with a lute it 248 00:19:52.559 --> 00:19:56.400 was. It was not a great investment of time and money. So with 249 00:19:56.640 --> 00:20:03.319 that I'm kind of thinking that they will be a deficiency in leads created, 250 00:20:03.599 --> 00:20:08.069 in pipeline, created in prospect, engagement created or even with the partners and 251 00:20:08.109 --> 00:20:12.430 all that. So, as part of the community now and the way you 252 00:20:12.589 --> 00:20:18.750 communicate and all that, what sort of tactics do you see your peers putting 253 00:20:18.750 --> 00:20:26.579 in place in order to upset the deficits of mqls, leads, whatever we 254 00:20:26.740 --> 00:20:30.660 want to cut it, byplay generated from the traditional events type of activity? 255 00:20:32.380 --> 00:20:37.809 Yes, that's reality and and as you mentioned correctly, I think the largest 256 00:20:37.369 --> 00:20:44.690 cyber security events that we're we have witnessed this year was Rsa about a month 257 00:20:44.769 --> 00:20:49.039 ago and I don't think there's gonna be any event of this scale, even 258 00:20:49.079 --> 00:20:53.480 if the virus subsides. I think there's going to be massive constellations with scheduling. 259 00:20:53.920 --> 00:20:59.759 So in terms of event this year is pretty much devastated and we have 260 00:20:59.920 --> 00:21:04.109 been talking about this internally within our my company, within the community, and 261 00:21:04.349 --> 00:21:11.910 people realize very quickly that they need to offset that with digital activities. So 262 00:21:11.069 --> 00:21:17.630 we see in a lot of efforts going into Webbin are going into one on 263 00:21:17.829 --> 00:21:26.740 one interviews, conference calls with clients serving digital content. I'm thinking I have 264 00:21:26.940 --> 00:21:32.700 and Syne this yet, but I'm thinking that there's going to be smaller round 265 00:21:32.740 --> 00:21:36.690 table events who, once this crisis will be over and people will, at 266 00:21:36.730 --> 00:21:41.369 least locally, will feel safer to be in a company of others. I 267 00:21:41.730 --> 00:21:47.480 might even hippathize or have had an idea from new startups for, you know, 268 00:21:47.680 --> 00:21:51.400 just having a small conference room, but with separated rooms, but with 269 00:21:51.599 --> 00:21:55.960 one big video screen where everyone can can share. That's also something good work. 270 00:21:56.440 --> 00:22:00.319 I mean, people are looking for interaction, especially in how that we're 271 00:22:00.319 --> 00:22:04.390 all cooked up and and contravel. But again, that's not going to happen 272 00:22:04.509 --> 00:22:10.549 in the form of massive event, at least that's my prediction towards the end 273 00:22:10.589 --> 00:22:14.950 of this year. So a lot of digital activities, a lot of customer 274 00:22:15.069 --> 00:22:18.500 education. People still want to know who you are, people are still interested 275 00:22:18.539 --> 00:22:23.220 in your product. There's a need for all the technology that's secure and facilitate 276 00:22:23.380 --> 00:22:27.579 remote work. We're feeling the demand. Other companies are feeling it as well. 277 00:22:27.980 --> 00:22:33.650 So it's just a matter of shifting between the traditional to the more, 278 00:22:33.849 --> 00:22:37.170 let's say, digital and remote kind of interaction. Okay, that's what we 279 00:22:37.250 --> 00:22:41.650 feel. So we have the big shift in in the way we walk. 280 00:22:41.730 --> 00:22:45.359 So we in some countries. So obviously the US want much more. We'll 281 00:22:45.400 --> 00:22:51.000 be nout driven, online, demo, zoom calls and all that, because 282 00:22:51.000 --> 00:22:53.759 of the nature of the territory when it comes to Europe, actually of Europe, 283 00:22:53.799 --> 00:22:57.000 and clients tend to like face to face meeting. So we see we 284 00:22:57.079 --> 00:23:00.789 had to shift all these face to face meeting. But again, if you 285 00:23:00.869 --> 00:23:03.950 look at our hands be to be software companies, everybody is equipped with Web, 286 00:23:04.109 --> 00:23:08.109 EGS, zoom, Google and out, you know, Google Conference, 287 00:23:08.190 --> 00:23:11.670 whatever it could be. You know it is lots of solution, but everybody 288 00:23:11.789 --> 00:23:15.900 is using the solution because they are used to communicate with their Israeli colleague, 289 00:23:15.900 --> 00:23:19.579 the Indian colleague, the US colleague, there French colleague, and that's the 290 00:23:19.660 --> 00:23:23.940 way that's the way it works for me to be software companies. Having said 291 00:23:23.980 --> 00:23:30.730 that, we actually try to change the approach and every single message that we 292 00:23:30.809 --> 00:23:34.849 would send email, social of telephone, conversation, whatever I could be, 293 00:23:34.970 --> 00:23:37.890 because we sears, you know, your a more approaches will be direct. 294 00:23:38.730 --> 00:23:45.200 We trying to make we try to emphasize about the situation and I think while 295 00:23:45.240 --> 00:23:48.759 you can engage with people right now, when you can pitch them your solution, 296 00:23:49.000 --> 00:23:52.279 you can tell them where you are, you can still contact them and 297 00:23:52.680 --> 00:23:56.069 technically you know what we are saying. Well, seeing people having a little 298 00:23:56.109 --> 00:23:59.670 bit more time in the ends because they're working from home and they're not is 299 00:23:59.750 --> 00:24:04.109 a commuting or they are not into internal meetings, or they are less internal 300 00:24:04.150 --> 00:24:07.950 meetings or they are less in the operational stuff in a way, so they 301 00:24:08.230 --> 00:24:11.420 should have a little bit more time in diends. But we really try to 302 00:24:11.460 --> 00:24:15.940 emphasize on the situation and tell them brook, this is not really we're not 303 00:24:17.019 --> 00:24:19.980 trying to sell you something right now to take advantage of the situation, but 304 00:24:21.299 --> 00:24:23.019 at the same time we need to carry on, wait to put it together. 305 00:24:23.450 --> 00:24:26.009 You still need to work. You have to protect your job. I've 306 00:24:26.049 --> 00:24:29.569 got to protect my job. Obviously we don't say that, but we Gott 307 00:24:29.569 --> 00:24:32.970 of we kind of make it, make it clear in the first sentence that 308 00:24:33.529 --> 00:24:36.730 we need to carry on. In most people actually say yes, absolutely need 309 00:24:36.809 --> 00:24:38.920 to carry on, but you're writing saying that you won't send me something right 310 00:24:40.000 --> 00:24:42.160 now because for the time being, getting a coach so Altho, I getting 311 00:24:42.160 --> 00:24:45.480 the contract sign will be difficult. But we have to carry on. We 312 00:24:45.559 --> 00:24:48.519 need to look and new technology and it's actually it could be a good time. 313 00:24:48.920 --> 00:24:52.839 But like you, we hope that it will come down and we will 314 00:24:52.839 --> 00:24:55.710 be able to do small gathering, will be able to get out again and 315 00:24:56.230 --> 00:24:59.710 and and get things going in a free things should resume to normal at some 316 00:24:59.869 --> 00:25:02.589 points. Our long it would take, we don't know. But yeah, 317 00:25:02.630 --> 00:25:04.950 we've got to pull it through and keep going, I guess. Yeah, 318 00:25:06.069 --> 00:25:11.220 I think the important messages that eventually we will see the other end of this 319 00:25:11.460 --> 00:25:15.299 crisis. And then, though, big changes will definitely occur. People who 320 00:25:15.380 --> 00:25:19.660 still need the essentials, they'll go out the shop and and our clients, 321 00:25:19.779 --> 00:25:23.410 the bit to be clients, are enterprises, will want to serve these people. 322 00:25:25.089 --> 00:25:30.890 So we work with clients all over the board, from energy, telecommunication, 323 00:25:30.130 --> 00:25:33.730 retail, all these need to keep on working. Even now as we 324 00:25:33.809 --> 00:25:37.839 speak. I mean energy. Energy companies still have to pump oil and refine 325 00:25:37.920 --> 00:25:41.880 that. So they need security. They will need to sell it. And 326 00:25:41.039 --> 00:25:45.799 when the crisis is over, and and and it's important to understanding the world 327 00:25:45.920 --> 00:25:51.349 is not gonna stop, but we're probably gonna have to make adjustments both to 328 00:25:52.190 --> 00:25:56.710 how we do business and how we interact with our without clients. That the 329 00:25:56.750 --> 00:26:02.390 quicker we do the more companies will be better. Quay to get through this 330 00:26:03.150 --> 00:26:07.059 difficult situation. Yeah, yeah, and it to Benest we mean you probably 331 00:26:07.059 --> 00:26:10.420 don't know about it, but actually made the decision as a company to move 332 00:26:10.460 --> 00:26:14.859 to centinel one. Think it up and last week and I was in preparation 333 00:26:15.019 --> 00:26:18.970 of walking from home and getting getting theeed a pice as past as part of 334 00:26:19.130 --> 00:26:22.730 the something at was important for it. So, as as mentioned, you 335 00:26:22.809 --> 00:26:27.769 know, technology are important. Traces will be made based on walking from all 336 00:26:27.970 --> 00:26:33.119 audio control things out. You bring security and, as you and unfortunately hackles 337 00:26:33.599 --> 00:26:37.559 everybody, you know, people will try to take advantage. So you know 338 00:26:37.920 --> 00:26:41.359 now more than ever it's important to be secured and and if the community, 339 00:26:41.440 --> 00:26:48.150 as you mentioned, can supports and user in getting securities through free be support 340 00:26:48.309 --> 00:26:52.069 content and etc. Etc. It's IT'S A it's really all about solidarity right 341 00:26:52.109 --> 00:26:56.390 now. Yes, so thank you very much for your inside and already appreciated 342 00:26:56.430 --> 00:27:00.230 you your time today. One question that we ask towards the end of the 343 00:27:00.579 --> 00:27:04.700 of our session and our recording is if anyone wants to get in touch with 344 00:27:04.859 --> 00:27:10.779 you. I'm sure that anyone Israel probably knows you, but if in the 345 00:27:10.859 --> 00:27:14.539 marketing failed now, if anyone else want to get in touch with you, 346 00:27:15.099 --> 00:27:18.210 pick up any of the topic that we discussed today. Take their more flying 347 00:27:18.289 --> 00:27:21.650 or even a speak about scenting old one and what'Suchin one could mean to them. 348 00:27:21.849 --> 00:27:23.769 What is the best way to get all of you get him? So 349 00:27:23.970 --> 00:27:30.559 the best way would just approach me through Linkedin. Very active on the platform. 350 00:27:30.319 --> 00:27:34.039 I usually answer within minutes, so just bring me, send me a 351 00:27:34.119 --> 00:27:38.799 connection request or, you know, comment on one of my both and I'll 352 00:27:38.960 --> 00:27:45.029 gladly interact with with egon every one of you when as formed a full once 353 00:27:45.109 --> 00:27:48.309 again, your time. Thank you very much for your time today. It 354 00:27:48.470 --> 00:27:51.430 was an absolute pleasure to you on the show. Thank you for having me. 355 00:27:52.789 --> 00:27:59.380 operatics has redefined the meaning of revenue generation for technology companies worldwide. While 356 00:27:59.420 --> 00:28:03.819 the traditional concepts of building and managing inside sales teams inhouse has existed for many 357 00:28:03.900 --> 00:28:10.339 years, companies are struggling with a lack of focus, agility and scale required 358 00:28:10.460 --> 00:28:15.529 in today's fast and complex world of enterprise technology sales. See How operatics can 359 00:28:15.609 --> 00:28:22.369 help your company accelerate pipeline at operatics dotnet. You've been listening to BEDB revenue 360 00:28:22.410 --> 00:28:26.720 acceleration. To ensure that you never miss an episode, subscribe to the show 361 00:28:26.799 --> 00:28:32.039 in your favorite podcast player. Thank you so much for listening until next time. 362 -->

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