80. Sales Engagement Starts with Your TQ (Technology Quotient)

June 18, 2020 00:24:00
80. Sales Engagement Starts with Your TQ (Technology Quotient)
B2B Revenue Acceleration
80. Sales Engagement Starts with Your TQ (Technology Quotient)

Jun 18 2020 | 00:24:00


Show Notes

CEOs are getting 250+ emails a day, mostly automated. What if you knew how to leverage all of our existing technologies to create omni-channel blends?

Upping your TQ — that’s technology quotient — is the future of sales engagement.

In this episode, I interview Justin Michael, Regional VP of Sales at YouAppi, about the technology quotient missing from most reps’ skillset.

Justin Michael’s book is forthcoming in 2021, but you can actually read it now.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.560 --> 00:00:08.349 You were listening to bb revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated helping software executive stay 2 00:00:08.390 --> 00:00:12.189 on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. Let's get into 3 00:00:12.230 --> 00:00:15.910 the show. Hi, you, welcome to be too, pure of a 4 00:00:15.990 --> 00:00:20.190 new acceleration. My name is Ali much and I'm here today with just in 5 00:00:20.309 --> 00:00:24.940 my call, vp of cells at you ape and although of Tq. How 6 00:00:24.980 --> 00:00:28.100 are you? Are they just in doing well? Thanks. Yeah, another 7 00:00:28.620 --> 00:00:33.579 early morning here and in Santa Barbara, California. Yeah, work first started 8 00:00:33.619 --> 00:00:38.409 from you. So six am and seven am are my friends. That's what 9 00:00:38.530 --> 00:00:41.049 you've got to do when you are in California. Unfortunately, you know, 10 00:00:41.130 --> 00:00:44.969 wake up like these costs. So today we will be talking about your new 11 00:00:45.090 --> 00:00:50.280 book, how to achieve super human seals engagement skills. But before we can 12 00:00:50.359 --> 00:00:54.920 into that conversation, would you mind just introducing yourself audience and and just tell 13 00:00:54.960 --> 00:00:59.479 us more about your backgrounding bit tob cells? Yes, so, to put 14 00:00:59.560 --> 00:01:03.439 in a nutshell, I have been in sales for twenty years, which I 15 00:01:03.560 --> 00:01:07.870 think is not too unusual. I kind of wrote the SASS wave in two 16 00:01:07.950 --> 00:01:11.510 thousand and seven, getting into softwares of service, and I worked for Sean 17 00:01:11.629 --> 00:01:17.349 Parker and I can nonprofit fundraising tools company, and then I did work for 18 00:01:17.469 --> 00:01:22.579 sales force and Linkedin and then a dozen different startups over the years, mainly 19 00:01:22.620 --> 00:01:26.900 in mobile advertising and marketing automation, which are kind of fields that touch on 20 00:01:26.980 --> 00:01:32.659 artificial intelligence and machine learning in pretty cool ways as it comes to predictive analytics 21 00:01:32.819 --> 00:01:36.930 and programming. Customer Journey touches right. Very exciting be to be and BTC 22 00:01:37.170 --> 00:01:42.290 space about Gosh, a few years ago, three four years ago, they 23 00:01:42.329 --> 00:01:47.359 did an international search for kind of one of the leading top funnel or SDR 24 00:01:47.480 --> 00:01:49.840 minds, because there was a group of engineers that wanted to build an artificial 25 00:01:49.840 --> 00:01:56.120 intelligence that would mimic or replace prospecting. Now, if you think of dripmation. 26 00:01:56.719 --> 00:02:00.599 And so inside Salescom, which is now z an't, they do a 27 00:02:00.719 --> 00:02:04.390 contest that to survey and the number one guy in the world is bet was 28 00:02:04.510 --> 00:02:07.670 been Sardella at the times, the cofound or data and so I reached out 29 00:02:07.709 --> 00:02:10.110 to well, he was working on this stealth project and we started talking about 30 00:02:10.110 --> 00:02:15.069 these themes and we were still on the same page with our philosophies about this. 31 00:02:15.229 --> 00:02:17.139 They flew me to San Francisco and I was able to talk, similar 32 00:02:17.139 --> 00:02:21.580 to this podcast, for two to three hours about all the techniques and stacks 33 00:02:21.620 --> 00:02:23.340 that I used, and so they have decided to put me in there and 34 00:02:23.460 --> 00:02:28.860 we grew that business to about a hundred concurrent customers and what we're doing was 35 00:02:28.939 --> 00:02:32.889 automating sales development. So we replaced human beings. We really ended up augmenting 36 00:02:34.050 --> 00:02:36.449 and serving. You know, there were no str as fire. Don't worry, 37 00:02:36.490 --> 00:02:39.050 we really augmented what they were doing. But we built an artificial intelligence 38 00:02:39.090 --> 00:02:45.719 level that could simulate up on prospecting and we acquired a Swedish company that did 39 00:02:45.840 --> 00:02:51.800 personalization injection into our reach sales lups. I was running a hundred concurrent you 40 00:02:51.879 --> 00:02:57.080 know, outre sales left instances, pulling a ton of they sent a million 41 00:02:57.159 --> 00:03:00.229 emails in the year. Try to every stack you can imagine, and you 42 00:03:00.310 --> 00:03:02.990 know, it was part of this effort. The company has since been acquired 43 00:03:04.030 --> 00:03:07.789 and I've since that time been a regional vice president or vice president in AD 44 00:03:07.949 --> 00:03:15.139 tech, advertising technology companies, but I've developed systems and principles that have given 45 00:03:15.139 --> 00:03:17.419 me the ability to have the output of five people, ten people. Right 46 00:03:17.500 --> 00:03:21.219 outreach says a hundred people. So I decided to put it down the book. 47 00:03:21.539 --> 00:03:24.219 Right. I decide to look at things like, you know twenty rule 48 00:03:24.340 --> 00:03:28.770 or ways that you can figure out how to do something one time, like 49 00:03:28.810 --> 00:03:31.810 a paper prototype, like you can figure out how to create this amazing sequence 50 00:03:31.849 --> 00:03:37.490 of the email once and then scale it to an entire total addressable market. 51 00:03:37.569 --> 00:03:39.650 And so that's what the books about. It's all these growth hacks, similar 52 00:03:39.770 --> 00:03:44.639 like how Max Outra there wrote on sales at hacker and then wrote like hacking 53 00:03:44.719 --> 00:03:47.520 sales the book and explains all the technologies my book. And if you think 54 00:03:47.560 --> 00:03:52.479 about like predictable revenue, which defines the SDR and AE model, and the 55 00:03:52.639 --> 00:03:54.710 novelty of supply chain, like it was a big deal in two thousand and 56 00:03:54.710 --> 00:03:58.710 eleven for Aaron Ross to say you should have an SDR. All they do 57 00:03:58.870 --> 00:04:00.669 is open business, and then a all they do is close business, and 58 00:04:00.750 --> 00:04:04.349 so he defined that. What I'm defining is like the Jarvis Iron Man Suit 59 00:04:04.750 --> 00:04:11.219 in the paradigm where everything's str ae. We're all sitting here remote, there's 60 00:04:11.259 --> 00:04:14.180 no field sellers because no one can leave their house. Everyone has at that 61 00:04:14.539 --> 00:04:16.779 bunch of technology, whether they're in SMB and it's hub spot, or whether 62 00:04:16.819 --> 00:04:20.740 their full scale. They have outreach or lead Iq. They have all this 63 00:04:20.899 --> 00:04:25.810 technology. They're probably not using it. They probably will over relied on events 64 00:04:26.129 --> 00:04:31.209 dinners in bounds now that even knows there would have to at least found now 65 00:04:31.290 --> 00:04:34.689 with covid nineteen. Yeah, thank you enough to talk that. The site 66 00:04:34.970 --> 00:04:38.879 body through wild. Yeah. So it was just kind of rolling along and 67 00:04:39.000 --> 00:04:43.120 got a cool author with my mentor T J Hughes, who did Combo Prospecting 68 00:04:43.160 --> 00:04:46.959 and the Joshua principle. He's had some best selling books in Australia and I've 69 00:04:46.000 --> 00:04:49.639 worked with him. His BB profile Linkedin is the third is three hundred fifteen 70 00:04:49.639 --> 00:04:54.430 thousand followers. So other than Jill Conrath and Mark Henry has like this huge 71 00:04:54.509 --> 00:04:58.389 presence and we really just use this on his label, like a Harper Collins 72 00:04:58.430 --> 00:05:01.430 or something. And then all this stuff hit and so we cited crowdsource the 73 00:05:01.470 --> 00:05:04.949 book. We put into shared Google Doc. We got to twentyzero words, 74 00:05:05.029 --> 00:05:09.939 not fortyzero words. Usually sales books about sixtyzero words. And we have four 75 00:05:09.980 --> 00:05:13.019 hundred five hundred thought leaders in there, the WHO's who. These the C 76 00:05:13.180 --> 00:05:15.180 levels from all the textack technology companies. These are all the frontline wraps. 77 00:05:15.220 --> 00:05:18.740 These are all the appointment setting businesses and everybody's gone in there, left comments, 78 00:05:18.819 --> 00:05:24.410 edited it and made sure that everything's right in this right like how your 79 00:05:24.449 --> 00:05:27.490 deliverability, how many emails you can send every day, how the text acts, 80 00:05:27.850 --> 00:05:30.850 talk who's been acquired. You know, it's so relevant up to the 81 00:05:30.889 --> 00:05:34.490 minute. Yeah, the issue with releasing it in six months is all the 82 00:05:34.569 --> 00:05:40.120 tech could change because of Ma. What I really wanted to write was like 83 00:05:40.279 --> 00:05:43.240 learning how to learn. This is a Meta framework. You're sitting here in 84 00:05:43.240 --> 00:05:46.639 two thousand and twenty five, twenty thirty and your job is the hunt for 85 00:05:46.720 --> 00:05:49.949 new business and you're not going to do that single channel, single technology right 86 00:05:50.350 --> 00:05:55.110 like right now, seventy percent of your time is administrative tasks because you're to 87 00:05:55.110 --> 00:05:59.310 figure out your crm and your dialer and your sequencer and your email platform and 88 00:05:59.389 --> 00:06:02.389 your data sources, right. So a lot of companies do throughout their hands 89 00:06:02.430 --> 00:06:06.740 and hire someone like it right. Well, that for party, which is 90 00:06:06.819 --> 00:06:10.819 great, but then a lot of companies have their own internal resources and a 91 00:06:10.980 --> 00:06:14.579 heavy, heavy investment in these technology platforms and the adoption is super low. 92 00:06:14.819 --> 00:06:18.610 That's my thirty six thousand foot intro. I was a mouthful, okay, 93 00:06:18.769 --> 00:06:24.129 yeah, that's good, a ndable activation, because we see I've been part 94 00:06:24.250 --> 00:06:28.769 of the of the email exchange and and the crowd and I've not been able 95 00:06:28.889 --> 00:06:32.000 yet to contribute to it and then show my thoughts with you. I've seen 96 00:06:32.040 --> 00:06:35.600 some people erecting very well. I've seen some people kind of, you know, 97 00:06:35.800 --> 00:06:41.920 being a little bit more reticent. Does the right woe, but people 98 00:06:42.000 --> 00:06:45.560 could have and is good to see that fight of sorts and and I think 99 00:06:45.600 --> 00:06:47.990 this is what would achieve your very good and product. But but what's the 100 00:06:48.069 --> 00:06:51.029 really motivation from your side? And I guess reason why I'm asking you the 101 00:06:51.069 --> 00:06:55.949 question is because you could take all that knowledge and make a fortune for yourself 102 00:06:55.990 --> 00:06:59.269 with it. So way would you share it like that magic trick, and 103 00:06:59.470 --> 00:07:02.540 show to everyone out to do the trick what was the was motivate? You 104 00:07:02.540 --> 00:07:08.420 should pain that. Yeah, so I just turned forty and I actually spent 105 00:07:08.500 --> 00:07:12.579 the first ten years of my career doing call center stuff and working in technology 106 00:07:12.579 --> 00:07:15.850 incubators. I don't know the college degree and I use these systems to, 107 00:07:16.970 --> 00:07:19.529 you know, work all the way up to Linkedin and sales force just by 108 00:07:19.610 --> 00:07:23.769 working super hole. I work super hard, but I could work harder than 109 00:07:23.769 --> 00:07:26.529 the next person, because I use technology. I was of a brother that's 110 00:07:26.569 --> 00:07:30.079 an inventor google. So like this Stepasto runs in the family. For me, 111 00:07:30.759 --> 00:07:35.279 I am motivated to help sellers everywhere to understand this stuff. You know, 112 00:07:35.399 --> 00:07:39.759 who knows what the future is like? I really see myself as maybe 113 00:07:39.839 --> 00:07:44.709 not the next Aaron Ross, but somebody that is having that kind of impact 114 00:07:44.949 --> 00:07:48.509 on the technology sector when it comes to predictions. So one of the blogs 115 00:07:48.550 --> 00:07:51.470 I wrote was called sales runner two thousand and forty nine. I Love Blade 116 00:07:51.470 --> 00:07:56.149 runner. I've met Rector Howard. It's like my favorite movie. Yeah, 117 00:07:56.189 --> 00:08:00.379 okay, I had the laser disc with the alternate at ending with Edward James, 118 00:08:00.620 --> 00:08:03.740 almost in the favorite grain. At the end of the day, you 119 00:08:03.899 --> 00:08:05.899 thinking of the future like next to seven replicants, right? You thinking of 120 00:08:07.459 --> 00:08:11.180 two thirty five, two thousand and fifty Thomas Toungos. You're thinking of records, 121 00:08:11.220 --> 00:08:15.410 while on the singularity, there is a time in the mid T S. 122 00:08:15.649 --> 00:08:18.569 we're very similar to an uber self driving car, fast moving startups. 123 00:08:18.610 --> 00:08:22.370 A round B round raised ten million dollars. What is generated the meetings is 124 00:08:22.410 --> 00:08:28.000 pure artificial intelligence, as yours are not gone. Sales Development Reps are analysts, 125 00:08:28.199 --> 00:08:31.319 their sales engineers, they're doing sequel polls, they're sitting in front of 126 00:08:31.560 --> 00:08:35.840 the targeting programming. You've already seen the companies like Bumbora like a quantcast model 127 00:08:35.879 --> 00:08:39.840 where it's possible to see anonymized surge data, to take a Tam, a 128 00:08:39.840 --> 00:08:43.470 total addressabul market, to look at all the accounts in an ABM or an 129 00:08:43.470 --> 00:08:48.870 accounty sales development, absd perspective and see who is searching already for your service 130 00:08:50.029 --> 00:08:52.870 and the prioritize those. And so systems like Xam, like inside salescom and 131 00:08:52.950 --> 00:08:56.539 talk about in the book, they're becoming predictive. So we have these mega 132 00:08:56.659 --> 00:09:01.220 trends of, you know, the manual calling, emailing, the person doing 133 00:09:01.259 --> 00:09:05.100 all the Admin goes away. As technology becomes better, I think there's going 134 00:09:05.100 --> 00:09:09.059 to be a return to innocence which I've talked about, which is that SCR 135 00:09:09.139 --> 00:09:11.809 is now our selling full time. They're just closer to the customer. The 136 00:09:11.889 --> 00:09:15.809 technology is delivering them the leads and the appointments and they're on the phone doing 137 00:09:16.009 --> 00:09:20.970 discovery, qualification and medic so yeah, my my intention is, you know, 138 00:09:20.169 --> 00:09:22.529 really to be the best that I can be as a rep. it's 139 00:09:22.610 --> 00:09:26.879 not to tell people how I'm a better rep than you. It's to empower 140 00:09:26.120 --> 00:09:30.320 you, wherever you are, to go on this journey, Paul Walker, 141 00:09:30.360 --> 00:09:33.240 run, to fuse with your technology stack, to accept it and absorb it. 142 00:09:33.519 --> 00:09:39.710 There's a massive battle online, social selling versus cold calling, old school 143 00:09:39.750 --> 00:09:43.429 versys new school. But, like I predict in my writing, it really 144 00:09:43.470 --> 00:09:48.350 doesn't matter because the jobs as we know them right now don't exist in five 145 00:09:48.429 --> 00:09:52.309 and ten years because the technology is so advanced. You know, it's like 146 00:09:52.509 --> 00:09:56.539 it's Bots, like high frequency training, like there's just things like drift is 147 00:09:56.580 --> 00:09:58.059 a perfect example. Drift automation. You hit the front of the site, 148 00:09:58.100 --> 00:10:01.379 you start talking, you're not talking to a person, you're talking to a 149 00:10:01.500 --> 00:10:07.139 preprogram artificial intelligence with decision trees. If this in that rule's edge and it's 150 00:10:07.169 --> 00:10:09.610 crunching big data, you ask you a question, it looks at five thousand 151 00:10:09.769 --> 00:10:13.970 answers that questions, selects and then gives you an answer, you can't tell 152 00:10:13.649 --> 00:10:18.490 that you're talking to a robot. Google do plex, where the phone call 153 00:10:18.649 --> 00:10:24.600 is made with natural language processing to the restaurant to book look at dinner, 154 00:10:24.799 --> 00:10:28.919 and the person on that the set of phone can't tell that that's an artificial 155 00:10:28.919 --> 00:10:31.960 intelligence calling them. It really hard to give us straight answer. I don't 156 00:10:31.960 --> 00:10:33.320 know where I fit in all this. People read my book and thought of 157 00:10:33.399 --> 00:10:37.909 me is like John Connor and Skynet. They're like it's just too far out 158 00:10:37.909 --> 00:10:41.230 there, like this could be used for evil. Right, absolutely so. 159 00:10:41.909 --> 00:10:45.950 There is one quoting in your Buddha say we and I think you may have 160 00:10:46.070 --> 00:10:48.870 already kind of funds of that question. In a way. These book is 161 00:10:48.909 --> 00:10:56.059 about people email from the fog of failure to instead execute at universe of the 162 00:10:56.340 --> 00:10:58.220 effectiveness. What do you think? Sorts? People are sailing, and I 163 00:10:58.220 --> 00:11:03.019 would you see technology helping them to succeed, because if we mentioned, like 164 00:11:03.100 --> 00:11:07.529 all tefisher intelligence and voice like robot Foka, the outside, and I'll do 165 00:11:07.610 --> 00:11:11.970 you walking with the gas ready mentioned, but the bedality is DAB being a 166 00:11:13.009 --> 00:11:16.490 bit both, I would that the clergy empower them, if not replace them. 167 00:11:16.610 --> 00:11:20.559 Yes, so what I realized from the initial blog post is that this 168 00:11:20.720 --> 00:11:24.639 type of Futurism is fun and I'm going to be interviewed by an analyst from 169 00:11:24.720 --> 00:11:30.080 forester to talk about the more distant future. Just like we don't have flying 170 00:11:30.159 --> 00:11:33.549 cars and just like we're all in normal oovers there's a practicality to the current 171 00:11:33.629 --> 00:11:39.629 stack. Right currently, if you're a wrap or an STRAE and you're not 172 00:11:39.269 --> 00:11:43.990 logging into a sequencer every day, huge opportunity because if you figured out even 173 00:11:45.070 --> 00:11:50.779 one campaign and social or one temp that you could be taking that and expanding 174 00:11:50.820 --> 00:11:56.100 a en X. and you know right now there's a series of tools that 175 00:11:56.139 --> 00:12:01.129 are very effective that you can basically double triple your efforts. Now there's some 176 00:12:01.250 --> 00:12:05.809 authors that talk about ten x moonshots and ten x rule. If you just 177 00:12:05.090 --> 00:12:09.009 send out ten times more or work ten times harder, it's not going to 178 00:12:09.049 --> 00:12:13.850 help you. It's about first identifying the twenty percent of your activities that are 179 00:12:13.929 --> 00:12:18.399 most effective and then doubling down on those. And so x activity and action 180 00:12:18.600 --> 00:12:22.120 only really helps to scale you if you're picking the right levers and the right 181 00:12:22.159 --> 00:12:26.759 effective actions. And so these systems have analytics and the analytics are mysterious. 182 00:12:26.799 --> 00:12:30.309 Right you can send an automated campaign and you can see the your open rates 183 00:12:30.350 --> 00:12:33.950 or thirty percent and you have fifty replies. Well, without sentiment analysis, 184 00:12:35.190 --> 00:12:37.230 forty nine could say removed. So I could be a very bad campaign where 185 00:12:37.230 --> 00:12:41.269 easy exact same campaign with a different subject line could have a twenty percent, 186 00:12:41.350 --> 00:12:46.299 an open rate and five replies, but those five replies have a high propensity. 187 00:12:46.379 --> 00:12:50.419 You can an opportunity. So you know, this is all very daunting 188 00:12:50.860 --> 00:12:54.500 to a modern rap but if you just start to scratch the surface, to 189 00:12:54.659 --> 00:12:58.419 try to automy or semi aim in some rear activity, you'll be so surprised 190 00:12:58.889 --> 00:13:01.970 that the effectiveness and the productivity increase. You know, less is more more 191 00:13:03.009 --> 00:13:05.889 with us. That's what I have to do. There's a paradox as well, 192 00:13:05.929 --> 00:13:09.970 because you know, recently we've et about challenge your sale without about you 193 00:13:11.049 --> 00:13:13.279 need to do your research before you actually engage with someone. And I appreciate 194 00:13:13.320 --> 00:13:18.399 you know drift is okay if someone calls you, someone calls you in having 195 00:13:18.399 --> 00:13:22.080 an automated voice kind of leading them to the right people and all that. 196 00:13:22.200 --> 00:13:26.039 It's okay when you do an actual practive cutouts and pobs. Surely if you 197 00:13:26.080 --> 00:13:31.230 sell something in the multi dollar multimillion dollars, complex cells and and and also 198 00:13:31.309 --> 00:13:35.830 sometimes a destructive product, okay. Well, you have a concept that you 199 00:13:35.909 --> 00:13:37.429 know it's not doesn't have a category. So you're selling, I don't know, 200 00:13:37.750 --> 00:13:43.419 a selver or storage or fire wall and end point security product. You've 201 00:13:43.419 --> 00:13:45.899 got some fils is a little bit more of a pay. This is on 202 00:13:45.980 --> 00:13:48.820 your category. I didn't know that that exists. How can the see artificial 203 00:13:48.899 --> 00:13:54.019 intelligence actually support your on that, because they don't. I mean I don't 204 00:13:54.019 --> 00:13:56.809 know if they can. Maybe they do, but I would you tell or 205 00:13:56.929 --> 00:14:00.529 research out? Do you adapt the message, because artificial indigence, so we 206 00:14:00.570 --> 00:14:01.529 don't knows. On you know, it's kind of an algorithm and you say 207 00:14:01.570 --> 00:14:03.850 that you got there. So it's kind of a scripted approach. You know, 208 00:14:03.889 --> 00:14:07.049 it's an algorithm. Yes, you go there, I know you go 209 00:14:07.169 --> 00:14:11.519 down. Okay, what about that's human feeding, the research, the webving 210 00:14:11.600 --> 00:14:15.440 the conversation and feeling that he's going that way. So I will add that 211 00:14:15.600 --> 00:14:18.279 to it. Can you tell always a tificially intelligenous could you actually do the 212 00:14:18.399 --> 00:14:22.879 property properly? For two million dollar deals, and I'm gaging we see over 213 00:14:24.200 --> 00:14:28.509 sible value prospect so there's two to answer. Just that one. The technology 214 00:14:28.590 --> 00:14:33.149 is not there yet. Are The technology that we acquired had the ability to 215 00:14:33.950 --> 00:14:39.620 do things like technographics, psychographics and demographics. So let me let me answer 216 00:14:39.620 --> 00:14:43.539 this in three ways. One, our emails pass the turing test because we 217 00:14:43.620 --> 00:14:46.379 could figure out connections in common and we could connect, figure out companies in 218 00:14:46.419 --> 00:14:50.620 common and interesting common and mention those within a template in a way that the 219 00:14:50.700 --> 00:14:56.009 email was personalized enough that it was indistinguishable from having written by human. And 220 00:14:56.129 --> 00:14:58.889 there was a lot of setup that happened. For example, if I tell 221 00:14:58.970 --> 00:15:03.450 a machine to find connections in common and I start emailing my friends on Linkedin, 222 00:15:03.929 --> 00:15:07.320 it's going to reference Max ouchiler every time or it's going to reference read 223 00:15:07.360 --> 00:15:11.279 Hoffman every time. So that's a failed the system has to be smart, 224 00:15:11.320 --> 00:15:13.879 so you have to be able to stop the system and write about your most 225 00:15:13.919 --> 00:15:18.559 common nodes and connections so it knows to prioritize suppression lists and who not to 226 00:15:18.679 --> 00:15:22.470 mention. So it's doing the next order down. That's just to nail the 227 00:15:22.509 --> 00:15:26.509 connections in common. Pleas to automated. I'm just giving you an example of 228 00:15:26.669 --> 00:15:31.389 how human intervention, along with our official intelligence, preprogrammed and thoughtful, can 229 00:15:31.710 --> 00:15:35.029 work. This book is really not about that. This booking knowledges that we 230 00:15:35.070 --> 00:15:37.940 don't have the flying car. This book is about technology quotient, which is 231 00:15:39.100 --> 00:15:46.580 one's ability to become adept at the tech that exists now. So for every 232 00:15:46.700 --> 00:15:52.250 recording now they become once reading it five percent better today, with whatever the 233 00:15:52.330 --> 00:15:54.809 tech they have, with the Toub spot, sales force, sales locked outreach, 234 00:15:56.129 --> 00:16:00.049 sales navigator, lead, Iq, Zoom Info, just thinking of the 235 00:16:00.129 --> 00:16:03.490 major players. Right. I have things that connect and sell in there, 236 00:16:03.769 --> 00:16:07.759 things like connect leader in aurum right, super automated calling. We're dialing thousands. 237 00:16:08.200 --> 00:16:12.840 This addresses all the current technology, mostly because I found in a world 238 00:16:12.879 --> 00:16:17.039 where we all have the exact same technology. Like, if I'm at on 239 00:16:17.159 --> 00:16:19.789 a floor of two hundred STRs, the strs that did the best are the 240 00:16:19.870 --> 00:16:25.029 ones that obviously they are calling, but also are embracing all the technology. 241 00:16:25.110 --> 00:16:30.629 So this is going to help you rapidly assimilate and understand whatever TEXTAC you have. 242 00:16:30.870 --> 00:16:33.340 So I created Meta framework. So here's how to quickly learn any UI, 243 00:16:33.500 --> 00:16:37.740 any UX. Here's how to quickly use all these families of SOFTWA. 244 00:16:37.779 --> 00:16:41.460 They're being built. The future is far away and you're right, and that's 245 00:16:41.500 --> 00:16:45.700 like I was involved in spending a millions of dollars trying to try to figure 246 00:16:45.700 --> 00:16:48.250 out how to use AI for sales, and we never went there. We 247 00:16:48.289 --> 00:16:52.570 always said it was humans and machines, because we always acknowledge the limitations of 248 00:16:52.610 --> 00:16:56.529 of current artificial intelligence. What if is the job is really, really hard, 249 00:16:56.610 --> 00:17:00.049 like what the job actually is, if you're doing upbound hunting, is 250 00:17:00.169 --> 00:17:03.759 you're sitting looking at computer. The computers always on sales navigator because there's six 251 00:17:03.799 --> 00:17:07.319 hundred and seventy five million prospects. They're looking for the targets on navigator. 252 00:17:07.519 --> 00:17:11.720 Then they're going to email manually or their str is going to start sequences, 253 00:17:11.839 --> 00:17:15.240 and usually sales loped out reach. I like to mention Sam because inside salescom 254 00:17:15.359 --> 00:17:18.430 is pivoted and it's just really cool platform. A lot of people don't know 255 00:17:18.430 --> 00:17:22.789 what they're doing. X An t zant tertiarily, you have a data source 256 00:17:22.829 --> 00:17:25.910 because you're like any emails, because Linkedin does not give you emails. So 257 00:17:25.990 --> 00:17:27.950 you need a working email and a working phone, and then most people don't 258 00:17:27.950 --> 00:17:32.500 call to have this silent sales force. Now here's the other thing. There's 259 00:17:32.539 --> 00:17:36.660 my brothers, a technologist. In two thousand and two you had in the 260 00:17:36.740 --> 00:17:40.579 Fortune One Tho, you had like two hundred CMOS that could buy advertising technology. 261 00:17:40.700 --> 00:17:42.619 In your two hundred and thirty four vendors selling to them. Now, 262 00:17:42.700 --> 00:17:48.730 in two thousand and twenty you have seven thousand two hundred vendors, as you 263 00:17:48.769 --> 00:17:52.849 see the sales technology. So it's because similar to the music business, where 264 00:17:52.890 --> 00:17:56.769 you can make a recording as good as Michael Jackson your bedroom because a Moore's 265 00:17:56.769 --> 00:18:00.279 law and transistors. You know, basically anology is sophisticated enough that anyone start 266 00:18:00.279 --> 00:18:06.640 as ass right, with technologies like Amazon web services, anyone could just code 267 00:18:06.799 --> 00:18:10.160 a startup company in their hurrash. Right, Larry and Sergey started google starting 268 00:18:10.240 --> 00:18:14.269 a garage, right, but right now it's just so easy to start startup 269 00:18:14.309 --> 00:18:17.910 companies. So here's what you have. You have more startup companies than ever. 270 00:18:18.309 --> 00:18:21.910 Pre Corona you had the biggest funding rounds ever. Forty percent of the 271 00:18:21.950 --> 00:18:23.390 funding rounds two thousand and nineteen, wherever, a hundred million. Why? 272 00:18:23.670 --> 00:18:26.380 Because they want to do an IPO, because they don't want to show the 273 00:18:26.460 --> 00:18:30.579 fundamentals right. There's some, some massive companies that have I road and tanks 274 00:18:30.700 --> 00:18:33.420 because they were running like a startup company in Wall Street. Didn't like it. 275 00:18:33.579 --> 00:18:36.660 Now here's what Yat. When you have enough companies raising a hundred million 276 00:18:36.700 --> 00:18:40.059 dollars and enough companies that are exactly the same, commoditized, what do you 277 00:18:40.140 --> 00:18:41.769 have to do? You have to hire an army of SDRs. Can't pay 278 00:18:41.849 --> 00:18:45.569 them. One strs are gone. In a year and a half, every 279 00:18:45.690 --> 00:18:47.849 SDR of every train is trying to be in an A. I help them 280 00:18:47.849 --> 00:18:49.490 get there because they want to get fifty splits. They want the commission, 281 00:18:49.529 --> 00:18:53.769 the CFO saying I can't give big commissions to my openers because you can't bite 282 00:18:53.769 --> 00:18:56.319 the apple to many times because you ultimate close the deal. Have to have 283 00:18:56.400 --> 00:19:00.000 the margin, have to pay the AE, have to pay management. Right. 284 00:19:00.079 --> 00:19:03.000 So what started to happen is what I called the Cambrian explosion of vendors. 285 00:19:03.319 --> 00:19:06.599 And what this means is you, as the CEO, or getting two 286 00:19:06.640 --> 00:19:08.519 hundred and fifty emails a day. The majority of those emails are coming out 287 00:19:08.519 --> 00:19:11.630 of a blast sequencer, and so you have this problem. We try to 288 00:19:11.670 --> 00:19:17.589 level the playing field. All the best shops are using automation, already preprogram 289 00:19:17.750 --> 00:19:22.910 sequences. They're getting into the INBOX, usually Google is getting better better deliverability, 290 00:19:22.269 --> 00:19:26.859 so that they're sending way too many emails. They're getting spam listed. 291 00:19:26.259 --> 00:19:29.380 All of it says hope, you're doing well, reaching out. All the 292 00:19:29.460 --> 00:19:32.619 emails on exactly the same it's a white wall of noise. The sea level 293 00:19:33.220 --> 00:19:36.579 shuts off their linkedin or they put their executive assist in it. They retreat. 294 00:19:36.619 --> 00:19:37.809 They don't answer the phone. Now, if you look at phone calling 295 00:19:37.930 --> 00:19:41.490 in the US, nine times out of ten when my phone rings, it 296 00:19:41.529 --> 00:19:44.809 says Robo Call, spam callers. I answer it every time. Three, 297 00:19:44.970 --> 00:19:47.809 four, five of those calls are gone course, and Zoom Info these awesome 298 00:19:47.890 --> 00:19:51.490 reps. there's literally if my phone is flashing red, do not answer, 299 00:19:51.529 --> 00:19:53.799 Spam Hall and then it's a wrap from Zoom Info. My contact rates on 300 00:19:53.799 --> 00:19:57.400 a hundred dials prom three to five in two thousand and seven. Thirteen years 301 00:19:57.400 --> 00:20:00.920 ago my contact rates were seven out of ten. If I use robot dials 302 00:20:02.079 --> 00:20:04.440 like parallels just to dine in the connect and so I can make thousands of 303 00:20:04.480 --> 00:20:07.269 dollars and connect once and every forty three times. Here's the other thing. 304 00:20:07.549 --> 00:20:11.910 The decisionmakers and the people that have the money in this economy do not answer 305 00:20:11.990 --> 00:20:15.750 to cold email sequences and they do not pick a phone. I don't care 306 00:20:15.829 --> 00:20:18.029 what hour of the day. They become aware of things that annoy them and 307 00:20:18.109 --> 00:20:22.339 they deploy their staff go read that White Paper, but down the that they 308 00:20:22.500 --> 00:20:27.740 delegate off the rrendous task of being sold to write and it's a byars world. 309 00:20:27.859 --> 00:20:30.940 So a lot of what this book was about in Combo Prospecting, where 310 00:20:30.940 --> 00:20:34.730 I was featured, is about how leverage all the existing technologies that we have 311 00:20:34.930 --> 00:20:41.890 now to create Omni channel blends, to create multichannel outreach and to start automating 312 00:20:41.890 --> 00:20:45.609 it so that you can have some breakthrough, because there's so much stacked against 313 00:20:45.690 --> 00:20:49.480 you for affected outbound now a largely because a lot of this stuff has been 314 00:20:49.519 --> 00:20:53.720 adopted. So that's that's my answer to Ai. I think if you purely 315 00:20:53.799 --> 00:20:57.559 rely on a appointment setting, you won't get there. If you purely rely 316 00:20:57.680 --> 00:21:00.559 on just email animation, you will get there. If you purely do phone 317 00:21:00.559 --> 00:21:03.309 calls, you don't get there. You have to take your entire tech STAP, 318 00:21:03.710 --> 00:21:07.710 create flows and touch patterns where you use all the technology you have and 319 00:21:07.910 --> 00:21:11.950 create efficiency out of a be testing the blends of that technology. For me 320 00:21:12.150 --> 00:21:17.950 it sales navigator lead Iq, except the extell cell phones and something like, 321 00:21:18.509 --> 00:21:21.259 you know, maybe a persist IQ, like a boutique, you know, 322 00:21:21.380 --> 00:21:25.740 outbound mechanism for high deliverability. And then it's knowing the throttles. If you 323 00:21:25.779 --> 00:21:27.180 had too many people a day on Linkedin, they shut you up here in 324 00:21:27.220 --> 00:21:30.019 linked in jail. If you send over two hundred fifty emails and Gmail, 325 00:21:30.059 --> 00:21:34.609 they shut you off. Your your domain blacklisted. Right if you sideload you 326 00:21:34.690 --> 00:21:38.569 to me, there's issues with that. It's really really tricking out the GDPR 327 00:21:38.609 --> 00:21:41.369 and CCPA. So there's a there's a lot of pitfalls. That's all explain 328 00:21:41.450 --> 00:21:45.329 in the book. Good. Well, thanks for your inside just till I'm 329 00:21:45.329 --> 00:21:48.440 very appreciate the face. You took the time to share all your sorts with 330 00:21:48.599 --> 00:21:53.559 all audience today. Lots of foot fossils there, you know, and futuristic 331 00:21:53.680 --> 00:21:57.119 point of view, which I think is is really a some of them are 332 00:21:57.160 --> 00:22:00.920 very, very, veryiad some of them are struggling a little bit more to 333 00:22:00.960 --> 00:22:03.109 see them coming, but I'm sure you know, we time things will change 334 00:22:03.109 --> 00:22:07.470 and and and a fully on those and fully appreciate that. Now, if 335 00:22:07.549 --> 00:22:11.910 anyone wants to connect with you or, you know, get a look at 336 00:22:11.950 --> 00:22:14.750 the book, called you at conversation of flight. What's the best way to 337 00:22:15.029 --> 00:22:18.539 get old of your just say yeah, so, just good a Justin Michael 338 00:22:18.220 --> 00:22:22.700 on Linkedin and you can just send me a message and for now I will 339 00:22:23.140 --> 00:22:27.339 like email you a pdf or share the book with you technology portion. It's 340 00:22:27.380 --> 00:22:32.490 called Tq, which is distinct from IQ and Equ and we're doing this because 341 00:22:32.569 --> 00:22:34.130 it's the state of the world right now. Like the goal is to release 342 00:22:34.250 --> 00:22:37.730 it on kindle through a publisher in four to six months, but this is 343 00:22:37.809 --> 00:22:41.569 like real time information. Nothing is still in this book. It's being looked 344 00:22:41.609 --> 00:22:45.799 at right now by practitioners like you, just going adjusting, Michael and Linkedin. 345 00:22:45.400 --> 00:22:48.319 Send me a paying and invite a message and I will add you to 346 00:22:48.400 --> 00:22:51.839 the book. I'd love to even get your you know your inside and what 347 00:22:51.920 --> 00:22:55.039 you think about the stuff. It's a living document for now and I think 348 00:22:55.039 --> 00:22:57.910 it's going to help thousands of people right now do better where they are, 349 00:22:59.150 --> 00:23:02.589 which is like my altruistic and intention. No, not to sell a book 350 00:23:02.589 --> 00:23:06.630 or service for the time being, just to help people everywhere, help sellers 351 00:23:07.549 --> 00:23:10.190 on the foot of Wad. Once again, many things for all time. 352 00:23:10.230 --> 00:23:11.630 Today, just and you was an upsode pressure toy on the show. Thanks 353 00:23:11.710 --> 00:23:15.460 early and he's kind of in a really appreciate you, guys. operatics has 354 00:23:15.539 --> 00:23:22.339 redefined the meaning of revenue generation for technology companies worldwide. While the traditional concepts 355 00:23:22.380 --> 00:23:27.769 of building and managing inside sales teams inhouse has existed for many years. Companies 356 00:23:27.809 --> 00:23:33.009 are struggling with a lack of focus, agility and scale required in today's fast 357 00:23:33.170 --> 00:23:40.289 and complex world of enterprise technology sales. See How operatics can help your company 358 00:23:40.329 --> 00:23:45.720 accelerate pipeline at operatics dotnet. You've been listening to be tob revenue acceleration. 359 00:23:47.440 --> 00:23:49.680 To ensure that you never miss an episode, subscribe to the show in your 360 00:23:49.720 --> 00:23:53.759 favorite podcast player. Thank you so much for listening. Until next time,

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