85. How to Align Sales & Marketing w/ Andy Culligan

August 27, 2020 00:26:59
85. How to Align Sales & Marketing w/ Andy Culligan
B2B Revenue Acceleration
85. How to Align Sales & Marketing w/ Andy Culligan

Aug 27 2020 | 00:26:59


Show Notes

Whose fault is it when sales & marketing aren’t aligned?

Not sales… not marketing…

100% of the time, it’s leadership.

In this episode, we interview Andy Culligan, CMO at Leadfeeder, about how to align sales and marketing.

We talked about: Sales & marketing don’t talk because their leaders don’t talk, the role of the CEO, CMO, CRO, and CFO in creating alignment, and 4 steps to creating the alignment you desperately need.

To hear this interview and many more like it, subscribe to The B2B Revenue Acceleration Podcast on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or on our website.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.520 --> 00:00:08.349 You were listening to bb revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated helping software executives stay 2 00:00:08.390 --> 00:00:12.189 on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. Let's get into 3 00:00:12.230 --> 00:00:16.989 the show. Hi, welcome to be to be able of a new acceleration. 4 00:00:17.390 --> 00:00:20.510 My name is Eli and with Ken and yet today with Andy, could 5 00:00:20.510 --> 00:00:24.660 again TMO at lit FIDO. How are you today? Had done well, 6 00:00:24.859 --> 00:00:27.539 done well, my how are you? I'm very good. Thank you, 7 00:00:27.660 --> 00:00:32.140 very good. And our discussion today will be about out align sales and marketing. 8 00:00:32.659 --> 00:00:36.929 The sensitive to pick, isn't it? Absolutely? Absolutely, and you 9 00:00:37.009 --> 00:00:40.049 are CMO. So we'll see if you if you get any if you take 10 00:00:40.049 --> 00:00:43.130 any party or if you if you you know, you should get a meet 11 00:00:43.210 --> 00:00:45.770 in the middle. We will discuss as in a minute. But before we 12 00:00:45.850 --> 00:00:49.649 go into a conversation, can you preasy introduce yourself in a little bit more 13 00:00:49.649 --> 00:00:53.039 details, as well as your company, Leado? Yeah, no worries. 14 00:00:53.479 --> 00:00:56.320 So, as you mentioned, my name is Andy Colligan. I'm an Irishman 15 00:00:56.640 --> 00:01:00.560 living in Vienna, because I've been living in Austria for for eleven years now. 16 00:01:00.119 --> 00:01:04.709 So my main focus is connecting the doctor train sales and marketing teams. 17 00:01:04.750 --> 00:01:08.549 That's typically what I do. That's something that I specialize in and that's why 18 00:01:08.590 --> 00:01:11.030 it was interesting lead fleer for me to come on board as well. So 19 00:01:11.109 --> 00:01:15.510 I'll be a lead feeder and air for since December of last year, so 20 00:01:15.549 --> 00:01:19.379 I'm coming into my eighth month. And what I typically do is is a 21 00:01:19.459 --> 00:01:22.819 line all the marketing efforts back into the sales efforts, which will start talking 22 00:01:22.819 --> 00:01:25.099 about. And a couple of minutes when we're talking about a line between sales 23 00:01:25.140 --> 00:01:29.980 and marketing works, my background is actually in sales. So I find in 24 00:01:30.819 --> 00:01:34.969 that if there's there are some marketers that to start with it with the background 25 00:01:34.969 --> 00:01:38.049 in sales and that those that have spoken to have really benefited when trying to 26 00:01:38.049 --> 00:01:42.730 align sales and marketing teams, to have understood what's happening over the other side 27 00:01:42.730 --> 00:01:45.689 of the fence. Yeah, and typically a lot of market is just got 28 00:01:45.689 --> 00:01:48.400 straight into marketing after doing a marketing degree. So my background is I did 29 00:01:48.480 --> 00:01:53.319 a marketing degree, I went straight into an str roll, did str work 30 00:01:53.359 --> 00:01:57.200 for nearly two years. Like every other str have my hopes and downs. 31 00:01:57.239 --> 00:02:00.879 Want to shoot myself in the face some days because it's so difficult, whereas 32 00:02:00.920 --> 00:02:02.829 other days you know completely on top of the world because you manage to get 33 00:02:02.870 --> 00:02:07.230 so many connects. It's a real total job, you know. Then I've 34 00:02:07.269 --> 00:02:10.750 been an account management then I've I've specialized in it. So after after being 35 00:02:10.789 --> 00:02:15.939 in sales and I went to specialize again in marketing, more focusing on email 36 00:02:15.979 --> 00:02:20.699 marketing systems and in the early days of the email so myself and a colleague 37 00:02:20.740 --> 00:02:23.300 actually build an email marketing system that we used in order to sell. So 38 00:02:23.419 --> 00:02:27.460 it was like there was always a sales sales element to it. And then 39 00:02:27.860 --> 00:02:31.210 I then became a champion at a company from Marquetto so then I'll really learn 40 00:02:31.250 --> 00:02:36.009 the ropes around marketing automation. Then digital marketing came on board, as well 41 00:02:36.009 --> 00:02:40.050 as offline marketing events and so on. So I started working like across a 42 00:02:40.129 --> 00:02:44.479 mia in a marketing role, and then after that I went into the tech 43 00:02:44.520 --> 00:02:46.319 industry, and in the Tech Industry I've been sort of lead generation to my 44 00:02:46.439 --> 00:02:52.400 generation focus now for the past seven eight years. So that's my backings. 45 00:02:52.439 --> 00:02:58.439 dolting your carrol sixty years ago, you're getting so fresh. If you wanted 46 00:02:58.479 --> 00:03:00.430 to know what I took, I've done all types of jobs. I like 47 00:03:00.669 --> 00:03:07.669 it remember Jim memberships on the street on commission in December in Ireland. One 48 00:03:07.030 --> 00:03:13.740 and GERALDS per gym membership only being paid on commission in December in the rain 49 00:03:14.060 --> 00:03:19.819 in Dublin. We wasn't sis. I'm interested membership, though, absolutely absolutely. 50 00:03:19.900 --> 00:03:22.740 But yeah, I like so I've done every time of my job at 51 00:03:22.740 --> 00:03:24.020 lead. feeded out, like yea said, what we do and leave you 52 00:03:24.099 --> 00:03:28.530 know. So I leave here. We we recognize the visitors that are coming 53 00:03:28.569 --> 00:03:30.969 to your side. So typically, mouse companies will only convert. When I 54 00:03:31.009 --> 00:03:34.409 say convert, people come to a website, fill out a form, give 55 00:03:34.449 --> 00:03:38.530 you their details. Only two percent of your visitors will actually do that typically, 56 00:03:38.610 --> 00:03:40.370 right, some companies are converting a three percent. You're doing a great 57 00:03:40.370 --> 00:03:43.879 job, right, but still, though, that still means out of every 58 00:03:43.879 --> 00:03:46.039 hundred people that are coming to your site you're only really getting the details of 59 00:03:46.159 --> 00:03:50.199 three of them. If we doing a fantastic job. So leave, father. 60 00:03:50.319 --> 00:03:52.360 What we do is we feel the gap there. So, right, 61 00:03:52.520 --> 00:03:54.280 we recognize the rest of the traffic as well as the traffic that's converted. 62 00:03:54.360 --> 00:03:58.590 With the rest of the traffic that's coming. What pages they've been looking at, 63 00:03:58.909 --> 00:04:00.389 how long they've been on the side for? How many people from that 64 00:04:00.469 --> 00:04:04.069 specific company of Com and what you can do with that information as a company 65 00:04:04.150 --> 00:04:09.030 is really see those high intent leads. So companies which are coming to your 66 00:04:09.030 --> 00:04:11.659 side, which are interacting with a lot of content, which maybe haven't been 67 00:04:11.699 --> 00:04:15.099 filling out form so you haven't recognized too they are which you still see. 68 00:04:15.099 --> 00:04:16.860 Hey, this company has been looking at my pricing page, they've been looking 69 00:04:16.860 --> 00:04:20.740 at XYZ product pages. I can I can then drill into where that company 70 00:04:20.779 --> 00:04:25.449 or where that that visitor is from, so you can really understand, okay, 71 00:04:25.689 --> 00:04:29.370 the specific location and then you drill into the user personas from that specific 72 00:04:29.529 --> 00:04:31.529 oak is that you typically sell to, and then do your average is the 73 00:04:31.569 --> 00:04:36.490 sales person to them. So we really show that first party data, high 74 00:04:36.529 --> 00:04:41.160 intent data, so data the two on which I was intent purchase from you, 75 00:04:41.680 --> 00:04:44.639 and that's what we do. So really a tool of prioritization for the 76 00:04:44.879 --> 00:04:47.839 SDL. So yourself starting from Abcdini, or is you just going to go 77 00:04:47.920 --> 00:04:51.399 into people have looked at your website? That maybe the better position to buy 78 00:04:51.439 --> 00:04:55.829 you at least of an interest or Yourster for sure. Yeah, exactly. 79 00:04:56.230 --> 00:05:00.149 Perfect. Well, thanks for that. In this so marketing and cells alignment. 80 00:05:00.589 --> 00:05:04.350 Right. So all was an interesting to pick. As we mentioned, 81 00:05:04.750 --> 00:05:10.300 everybody speaks about it. Sounds like a cant base marketing and all that, 82 00:05:10.899 --> 00:05:14.860 but only if you organization get it right. Okay, and I think it 83 00:05:15.180 --> 00:05:17.220 depends on lots of things. Personally, Abe, you know, personalities can 84 00:05:17.259 --> 00:05:21.610 get involved, flash of personality, size of the organization, but also the 85 00:05:21.689 --> 00:05:26.250 leadership. I think the leadership can also bridge the gaps and times between cells 86 00:05:26.290 --> 00:05:30.290 and marketing, which it many times you are keeps or just simply not aligned 87 00:05:30.329 --> 00:05:32.810 with each other. So it makes things very difficult. But in your in 88 00:05:33.129 --> 00:05:38.680 your opinion, why is it so important to to other alignment between certain marketing 89 00:05:38.759 --> 00:05:43.120 and where are people failing in making it walk? Okay, so they need 90 00:05:43.160 --> 00:05:46.560 to start with the why. So the why as US just mentioned. So 91 00:05:46.160 --> 00:05:50.829 the most important reason why is because if you don't have a line of between 92 00:05:50.870 --> 00:05:54.550 Partos, ors are going to go off and do two different things. So 93 00:05:54.670 --> 00:05:59.269 it's inefficient. Actually it's an efficient to be nonaligned between sales and marketing, 94 00:05:59.310 --> 00:06:02.269 to have mess alignment. And so what will what will typically happen is, 95 00:06:02.350 --> 00:06:05.100 and this is a this is the thing which I see quite a bit across 96 00:06:05.180 --> 00:06:10.060 organizations, is that sales will say, I'm just going to ignore the leads 97 00:06:10.060 --> 00:06:12.579 that are coming in from marketing, because the shit anyway. You know, 98 00:06:12.660 --> 00:06:14.939 you hear that. You hear that. Also, adults market leads of Shit. 99 00:06:14.980 --> 00:06:16.899 They're not qualified, they're not coll company. I'm not that interested. 100 00:06:16.980 --> 00:06:20.250 Last week anywhere, the good for the rest of us be bad, exactly, 101 00:06:20.449 --> 00:06:25.370 exactly. So I think there needs to be like this says so simple, 102 00:06:25.610 --> 00:06:29.730 like simple rule set between marketing and says is like just a communication allowing 103 00:06:29.810 --> 00:06:31.810 on that. So, yes, I understand it from a sales perspective, 104 00:06:31.810 --> 00:06:34.480 where they say, Hey, the leads that I'm getting in are and aren't 105 00:06:34.480 --> 00:06:39.120 good quality. Right. My typical response to this is as a marketer, 106 00:06:39.480 --> 00:06:42.480 I said, well, what's the percentage of leads that I'm giving to you 107 00:06:43.319 --> 00:06:46.839 out of all the leasers you're getting from a marketing team? Whilst the percentage 108 00:06:46.879 --> 00:06:49.310 which are bad, and that typical, like what I've had in the past, 109 00:06:49.509 --> 00:06:53.829 is I'll hear, like, you know, like all, probably like 110 00:06:54.029 --> 00:06:57.069 thirty five, forty percent of the leaves that I get are just crap, 111 00:06:57.709 --> 00:07:01.540 and I say that is fantastic news, because I expect sixty percent of the 112 00:07:01.579 --> 00:07:03.980 leads so you get that you should be getting should be crap. So, 113 00:07:04.139 --> 00:07:09.939 like typically like. It's like it's known across like a benchmarks you should be 114 00:07:09.980 --> 00:07:13.339 focusing on. is like sixty percent of stuff you're probably going to end up 115 00:07:13.379 --> 00:07:15.730 in sales cues aren't stuff that you're going to be able to use. My 116 00:07:15.810 --> 00:07:18.769 fit into a right industry in might fight injury is ISP but it may not 117 00:07:18.930 --> 00:07:23.889 be like or ICP, it may not be ready to buy, there might 118 00:07:23.930 --> 00:07:26.529 be many reasons, may not be the right person, whatever it might be, 119 00:07:27.209 --> 00:07:31.600 and sixty percent of those we will never convert, whereas forty percent it's 120 00:07:31.600 --> 00:07:34.720 stuff that the sales team can probably move forward with. But you're always going 121 00:07:34.759 --> 00:07:39.079 to remember as a sales person or as a person generally. Human beings will 122 00:07:39.079 --> 00:07:42.879 always remember the crap that you've gone you always remember, Hey, you know 123 00:07:43.279 --> 00:07:45.629 this level. I got this in last week, can ID. That was 124 00:07:45.670 --> 00:07:47.230 terrible, but I also but I also got three other ones in up a 125 00:07:47.269 --> 00:07:49.790 brilliant I'm not gonna remember the billion once. Im going to remember the crappy 126 00:07:50.029 --> 00:07:54.189 because that's a human traits. That's just how it is. You know happen. 127 00:07:54.350 --> 00:07:58.310 So and what's the expectations in them of qualification? Because that's the as 128 00:07:58.310 --> 00:08:01.779 a thing. I mean sometimes we and need and I appreciate there is a 129 00:08:01.819 --> 00:08:05.180 spectrum here. Okay, so I think I believe that you know, based 130 00:08:05.220 --> 00:08:09.459 on on knowing you guys at leat feeder and all that, I would expect 131 00:08:09.500 --> 00:08:13.410 yourself cycles to be already least swift, smooth and shot. People is I 132 00:08:13.529 --> 00:08:16.689 want it or don't want it. You are not really intrusive. You can 133 00:08:16.930 --> 00:08:22.930 get plug a plug and play. You don't cut tens of thousand amounts of 134 00:08:22.089 --> 00:08:26.399 maintenance of whatever, custophernership and all that. So you you must have a 135 00:08:26.480 --> 00:08:31.759 pretty straightforward, pretty quick, pretty cell cycle with lots of velocity basically, 136 00:08:33.000 --> 00:08:35.759 and people, maybe you know, qualifying in or qualifying out. But then 137 00:08:35.799 --> 00:08:39.399 you've got the use of spectrum of people will sal multimillion dollar deals and stuff 138 00:08:39.399 --> 00:08:43.230 like that. Well, obviously it's probably butch even more difficult to produce leads 139 00:08:43.389 --> 00:08:48.629 in the sense of the leads and the opportunity. So I'll do that walk 140 00:08:48.710 --> 00:08:52.990 in them of qualification. From your perspective, you think there is a sliding 141 00:08:52.070 --> 00:08:56.940 scale? Do you think the expectation of selves should change based on, you 142 00:08:58.019 --> 00:09:01.539 know, if they are my count manager always twenty accounts of will sister Sen 143 00:09:01.659 --> 00:09:03.820 spells, so that he's managing a batch of five cells and the accounts for 144 00:09:03.899 --> 00:09:07.379 me? Yeah, for sure, for sure. So, like I come 145 00:09:07.419 --> 00:09:09.370 from both worlds. Prior to my time at lead feed or I've been in 146 00:09:09.450 --> 00:09:15.370 that space of enterprise or or Perrid market to enterprise sales. So when we 147 00:09:15.529 --> 00:09:18.690 first met or anything like, I would be working at a company. Yeah, 148 00:09:18.090 --> 00:09:22.690 I working at a company College Bonia and a Exponia. We were focused 149 00:09:22.690 --> 00:09:26.840 on on working with like the biggest retailers across across the globe and sell them 150 00:09:26.879 --> 00:09:31.399 in the marketing up exactly really top sales, long sale cycles. So you 151 00:09:31.440 --> 00:09:35.039 could be anywhere nine to twelve month sale cycles. With the bigger retailers you'd 152 00:09:35.080 --> 00:09:39.909 be talking about eighteen to twenty four month sale cycles. Average deal size you're 153 00:09:39.909 --> 00:09:43.909 probably like with the smaller, like let's say mid market size retailers, you're 154 00:09:43.909 --> 00:09:48.669 talking about a minimum of like a hundred k a year. And then I 155 00:09:48.830 --> 00:09:52.070 did did the larger size, you're looking up to sort of million dollar per 156 00:09:52.070 --> 00:09:56.820 year contracts. So for the enterprise size retailers. So like the there will 157 00:09:56.820 --> 00:10:01.019 be variations. They're like what I tried to do, or what we tried 158 00:10:01.059 --> 00:10:07.450 to do during that time was just try to simplify it as much as possible. 159 00:10:07.490 --> 00:10:11.330 So, like you asked me if there was some form of lead qualification 160 00:10:11.570 --> 00:10:13.289 that we like. That that like. That change is based on if it's 161 00:10:13.289 --> 00:10:18.809 enterprise or not. Like you're always going to have some level of automated qualification, 162 00:10:18.970 --> 00:10:22.519 okay, which is going to help you, like, sift through immediate 163 00:10:22.879 --> 00:10:26.200 warning signs that quality is poor. Okay. So you can use various tools 164 00:10:26.240 --> 00:10:30.399 for that. You can do you can use the data ending tools such as 165 00:10:30.440 --> 00:10:33.600 built with or e data source or a number of different tools which will basically 166 00:10:33.639 --> 00:10:39.190 tell you, hey, things like are people that have just down something from 167 00:10:39.190 --> 00:10:43.029 us or interacted with us, are they using a competitor technology to what we 168 00:10:43.149 --> 00:10:46.830 offer? So, during my days back at Exponia, what we would look 169 00:10:46.830 --> 00:10:50.379 at, Hey, are they using a Marsis? So, they using sales 170 00:10:50.419 --> 00:10:54.419 force marketing clouded? They using Adobe Marketing Cloud? Are they using something that's 171 00:10:54.460 --> 00:10:58.340 a competitor technology tools? If they were, then that will be a first 172 00:10:58.379 --> 00:11:03.259 sign to say this is interesting. Second sign would be would have to beat 173 00:11:03.259 --> 00:11:05.049 down a human torch, and that's where an SDR comes in. You're going 174 00:11:05.049 --> 00:11:11.129 to have to have some level of human interaction on leads from an str and. 175 00:11:11.649 --> 00:11:13.289 If you, if you try to automate everything, you will for sure 176 00:11:13.289 --> 00:11:18.279 start having like really leaky final and I'll end up not fight, not being 177 00:11:18.320 --> 00:11:22.360 able to follow up on leads account because of leads to fall true gaps basic. 178 00:11:22.519 --> 00:11:24.519 So you need to probably have the way that we did. It was 179 00:11:24.600 --> 00:11:30.279 that we had like the SDRs reported into marketing, which first of all we're 180 00:11:30.279 --> 00:11:33.309 talking about marketing and sales alignment. That works really well for me. It 181 00:11:33.549 --> 00:11:37.950 took up a huge amount of my time managing an str team, because the 182 00:11:37.110 --> 00:11:41.710 str team are super difficult to manage and they're all very young and they all 183 00:11:41.789 --> 00:11:45.750 don't want to be strs. But with that, though, it allowed me 184 00:11:46.269 --> 00:11:50.179 to make sure that anything that my marketing guys were bringing in was immediately getting 185 00:11:50.220 --> 00:11:54.899 looked up by the SDRs because I could control that fire process. Make sense 186 00:11:54.500 --> 00:12:00.379 now the strs they were like because when I first started that they weren't getting 187 00:12:00.539 --> 00:12:03.610 that many leads and then my focus is truly generation, I started pumpany leads 188 00:12:03.610 --> 00:12:07.129 at them, too many leads to them to handle almost right and then we 189 00:12:07.169 --> 00:12:11.690 started to have to bring in further qualification. But the one thing, if 190 00:12:11.690 --> 00:12:15.330 you ask about qualification, is if you're selling an enterprise sales. You need 191 00:12:15.370 --> 00:12:20.559 to make sure there's one level of automated qualification. My opinion on lead scoring 192 00:12:20.759 --> 00:12:26.200 is it's fine, but don't depend on your lead scoring model because typically, 193 00:12:26.200 --> 00:12:28.679 let's say, for example, let's say for that's say, for example, 194 00:12:28.720 --> 00:12:31.990 somebody's going into an RFP and they're doing the research and you happen to be 195 00:12:33.070 --> 00:12:35.029 one of the smaller vendors in the market and they end up falling onto your 196 00:12:35.070 --> 00:12:37.509 website and they end up looking at a couple of things down Ala a couple 197 00:12:37.509 --> 00:12:41.909 of ebooks during the research, but they haven't been doing much stuff up until 198 00:12:41.950 --> 00:12:45.259 then and they're rushing to get everything in place for an RP. You may 199 00:12:45.299 --> 00:12:46.940 miss out if you put them into a lead scoring things to say that they'll 200 00:12:46.980 --> 00:12:52.379 only get contacted when they get over at threshold so many points, for example, 201 00:12:52.779 --> 00:12:54.779 righty, things like that. So, like, I wouldn't be bead 202 00:12:54.820 --> 00:12:58.169 scoring is fine. I had a boss in the past, though, at 203 00:12:58.169 --> 00:13:01.250 a marcist that told me if I ever mentioned lead scoring to mcguinny, fire 204 00:13:01.330 --> 00:13:07.610 me. Who didn't use we didn't use lead scoring. So I I think, 205 00:13:07.450 --> 00:13:11.879 like my advice would be if you're selling to that to that upper or 206 00:13:11.919 --> 00:13:15.519 sort of enterprise level sales, you need to have a couple of layers, 207 00:13:15.559 --> 00:13:20.320 so automatic layer in any human layer. Qualification str's then to be almost like 208 00:13:20.440 --> 00:13:24.720 hungry dogs and and and like to be given a couple of bonds in terms 209 00:13:24.720 --> 00:13:28.029 of good qualities, but they're still going to have to sift through some level 210 00:13:28.070 --> 00:13:31.990 of, you know, unqualified storere but that's always going to be part of 211 00:13:33.029 --> 00:13:35.429 the job. Always. Sure, yeah, that makes sense. That makes 212 00:13:35.470 --> 00:13:39.029 sense. So coming back to the alignment. So if there is no alignment 213 00:13:39.110 --> 00:13:45.139 between sales and marketing, what would you say? is to blame leadership on 214 00:13:45.419 --> 00:13:50.659 percent, one hundred percent of a time, marketing and sale don't talk to 215 00:13:50.740 --> 00:13:54.419 one another because marketing and sales leaders, I'll talk to one other. Oh, 216 00:13:54.580 --> 00:13:56.730 you mean, so he suddenly lead a sheep? A buon didn't. 217 00:13:56.730 --> 00:13:58.570 So you do it, says, we be a CFO or CEO. It 218 00:13:58.610 --> 00:14:03.649 would be. You would yet really do the CMO and this cro technically nut. 219 00:14:03.929 --> 00:14:07.090 I'm giving with it. They're they're not on the same page. So 220 00:14:07.289 --> 00:14:11.240 it starts. So my experience would be it starts off with a with a 221 00:14:11.279 --> 00:14:15.559 mutual agreement. It starts on going to meet you in the GRAEM between marketing 222 00:14:15.639 --> 00:14:16.759 and sales with the very top. So what would happen is you sit in 223 00:14:16.840 --> 00:14:20.159 the board room and you'd look at your you look at your targets for the 224 00:14:20.200 --> 00:14:26.149 corresponding year and sales and marketing should say whoever's running the sales or, let's 225 00:14:26.149 --> 00:14:28.870 say this, the chief revenue officer, and then whoever's are in the marketing 226 00:14:28.909 --> 00:14:31.549 or the SEMOL would sit down together and say, okay, we're creating the 227 00:14:31.669 --> 00:14:35.710 targets together for next year and this is how much I'm going to help your 228 00:14:35.830 --> 00:14:39.860 guys populate the pipeline with. And that for me in the past has been, 229 00:14:41.259 --> 00:14:43.700 you know, Journey Exponi. At times it was like I sat down 230 00:14:43.740 --> 00:14:46.019 with you, who was the VP sales, and I was a PPM marketing, 231 00:14:46.500 --> 00:14:50.299 and we would decide on a number and based on you know, this 232 00:14:50.419 --> 00:14:52.529 is the number that we need to grow by next year, which means we 233 00:14:52.570 --> 00:14:56.809 need to open up this amount of pipeline. Marketing can help contribute towards a 234 00:14:56.850 --> 00:15:00.409 pipeline, whether or not it's this much or this which depends on whether or 235 00:15:00.409 --> 00:15:03.370 not I take on the the STR team. Then we came up with a 236 00:15:03.490 --> 00:15:07.000 very simple attribution model, very very simple to say whether or not we would 237 00:15:07.320 --> 00:15:13.080 say something has been created by marketing ourselves, when by an opportunity. So 238 00:15:13.200 --> 00:15:16.240 what we would do is, every week we'd go and look at every single 239 00:15:16.360 --> 00:15:20.509 new business opportunity which was created, understand the lead up to that opportunity actually 240 00:15:20.509 --> 00:15:24.350 being created and then understand if it was actually sales self generated or if it 241 00:15:24.470 --> 00:15:28.830 was something to do with marketing or the str group on that from an inbent 242 00:15:28.870 --> 00:15:33.309 perspective or an outland perspective, and then, based on that, we had 243 00:15:33.389 --> 00:15:35.220 some very top level percentage. For example, when I was use it, 244 00:15:35.259 --> 00:15:39.259 when I had the SDR team, I would promise back to you say I'm 245 00:15:39.259 --> 00:15:41.899 going to deliver seventy percent of your pipeline. Yeah, because the SDR team 246 00:15:41.940 --> 00:15:48.179 should be booking meetings with those target accounts and we, from a marketing respective, 247 00:15:48.179 --> 00:15:50.850 should also be doing our marketing campaigns towards those accounts. So we did 248 00:15:50.889 --> 00:15:56.009 an account past marketing initiative as well. So what we would do is then 249 00:15:56.090 --> 00:16:00.169 we'd make sure that betwitch points in each of those accounts. Then we'd have 250 00:16:00.210 --> 00:16:03.730 a discussion myself and you like we're not talking about a tails and opportunities a 251 00:16:03.809 --> 00:16:07.159 week, we're talking about maybe forty. Look into each those opportunities say, 252 00:16:07.279 --> 00:16:11.320 okay, that came in because it was an x xyzd e book download plus 253 00:16:11.360 --> 00:16:15.320 an str follow up, plus SD arbitruity, retaate a, not a camp 254 00:16:15.320 --> 00:16:18.159 for x. Why xyzed amount of time, and you could say, okay, 255 00:16:18.629 --> 00:16:21.549 what we're doing from the marketing and and SDR S it is working. 256 00:16:21.870 --> 00:16:25.710 Therefore, this is populating into your sales team's pipelines. Yeah, makes sense. 257 00:16:26.269 --> 00:16:30.029 So, speaking about the is Theyah, would you believe is the rule 258 00:16:30.509 --> 00:16:33.139 in the Indus Citizen Marketing Alignment? And also, would you think this should 259 00:16:33.139 --> 00:16:37.500 a report? Two sells a market team? So that's that's a good question. 260 00:16:37.659 --> 00:16:41.539 So in terms of how important their role is, I think they're role 261 00:16:41.659 --> 00:16:48.009 generally is like it's a really important role within any organization because they are the 262 00:16:48.529 --> 00:16:52.330 next line of attack when it comes to lead generation. So, like marketing 263 00:16:52.370 --> 00:16:55.250 will do their job and bring it in the league. Then the SDR is 264 00:16:55.289 --> 00:16:57.049 the one that's really you know, it's up to them to really get it 265 00:16:57.090 --> 00:17:00.049 up to the next level in terms of getting into a meeting book. Without 266 00:17:00.090 --> 00:17:03.600 ask our teams, you're going to have a lot of account executive sitting on 267 00:17:03.639 --> 00:17:07.440 their hands when not a know times booked in their Colendar to speaker prospects. 268 00:17:07.599 --> 00:17:11.240 So I think from that perspective they're the ASDR team is really important. From 269 00:17:11.279 --> 00:17:17.269 there, from the alignment perspective, how do SDRs fuel that alignment? Well, 270 00:17:17.349 --> 00:17:21.470 they're the ones that they're sort of like the middleman between the the marketing 271 00:17:21.509 --> 00:17:26.630 team and the account executives. So if you have that, typically in the 272 00:17:26.670 --> 00:17:30.579 business that you just mentioned, in enterprise sales, you'd have an SDR team 273 00:17:30.579 --> 00:17:33.900 whichould be populated the calendars of the of the of the account exacutims. Me 274 00:17:33.900 --> 00:17:36.339 If we know. We don't quite have that. Like we we just have 275 00:17:36.460 --> 00:17:38.259 one layer. Do just you know, marketing stuff goes directly to sales, 276 00:17:38.339 --> 00:17:41.660 then sales to direct outreach. That's it. Because it's quicker velocity, as 277 00:17:41.660 --> 00:17:45.809 you mentioned, and another longer sales cycles. You're going to have to have 278 00:17:45.490 --> 00:17:49.009 str's there in the middle. Asdrs will take the stuff that the marketing team 279 00:17:49.049 --> 00:17:52.849 are bringing in. They'll work is created up to the next level, next 280 00:17:52.890 --> 00:17:56.049 level being a meeting books for example, and then that will then go across 281 00:17:56.089 --> 00:18:00.000 over to account executives. Okay, so something's not working there in the middle 282 00:18:00.000 --> 00:18:03.519 of the SDR team. The stuff that the marketing team are bringing in isn't 283 00:18:03.519 --> 00:18:08.000 going to necessarily work right. Or from the AE's perspective, the account executive 284 00:18:08.039 --> 00:18:11.519 perspective, they're looking at stuff that's coming in from marketing. It's be hall 285 00:18:11.559 --> 00:18:14.829 over the SCR team. It's not converting into meetings. So the AE's are 286 00:18:14.869 --> 00:18:17.750 thinking, what the hell of the marketing team doing? They're not. They're 287 00:18:17.750 --> 00:18:19.829 not populating my cup, my pipeline, you know. So like in terms 288 00:18:19.869 --> 00:18:23.069 of in terms of how important the str role is in the line a piece, 289 00:18:23.190 --> 00:18:27.859 massively important. In there's of who they should report into. It depends 290 00:18:27.940 --> 00:18:32.259 on who has, you know, did the patients and time to get them 291 00:18:32.299 --> 00:18:34.339 up to that level. Like I think if you look at it from that 292 00:18:34.460 --> 00:18:37.380 perspective, what I the way that I just mentioned. But I'm also biased. 293 00:18:37.700 --> 00:18:41.289 I think it's a good idea to have them report into marketing because the 294 00:18:41.410 --> 00:18:45.930 say, if somebody is on top of the sales or chief revenue officer, 295 00:18:45.609 --> 00:18:48.849 they're not going to have a good overview of the stuff that's coming in from 296 00:18:48.890 --> 00:18:52.690 the INBENT perspective and they don't really care. They just want to see the 297 00:18:52.730 --> 00:18:55.410 stuff turn into pipe and and turn into revenue. That's what they should be 298 00:18:55.410 --> 00:18:59.079 concerned about. That's why chief marketing officers there to make sure that Lee Jen 299 00:18:59.200 --> 00:19:02.079 is work and the man Jin's working, all their outbound stuff is working, 300 00:19:02.119 --> 00:19:06.279 etc. Etc. So you like you've got that piece to know, hey, 301 00:19:06.559 --> 00:19:08.599 if I'm bringing it leads that they getting the follow up right, I've 302 00:19:08.599 --> 00:19:11.269 got an overview of that as a CMO. If they're not getting followed up, 303 00:19:11.309 --> 00:19:15.430 but I see it right. On top of that, you also want 304 00:19:15.470 --> 00:19:18.829 to control the message. So typically, like one of the one of the 305 00:19:18.869 --> 00:19:22.789 pain points that I've had in the past is if you don't have good alignment 306 00:19:22.829 --> 00:19:26.180 between marketing and sales, what happens in sales that create their own message, 307 00:19:27.099 --> 00:19:33.180 which doesn't necessary arely fit inline with what marketers want to say about the company 308 00:19:33.420 --> 00:19:36.980 right now. There's many reasons why that could be, like why that's happening, 309 00:19:37.339 --> 00:19:40.210 but one of the reasons that I've seen in the past is because they 310 00:19:40.289 --> 00:19:41.809 think, okay, I don't agree with the marketing message and therefore I'm going 311 00:19:41.809 --> 00:19:45.609 to go off my own tangent and therefore I'm going to sell a different product 312 00:19:45.609 --> 00:19:48.730 to what I think what what the actual product is right. What happens then 313 00:19:48.809 --> 00:19:52.009 is you have this like chain of events. Further than the line that you 314 00:19:52.089 --> 00:19:57.400 may be not able to deliver what's being promised and that it causes issues across 315 00:19:57.400 --> 00:20:02.759 a number of different teams from from customer success to consultants to exact or etc. 316 00:20:03.039 --> 00:20:04.759 Whatever. Well, how many laryers you're having your company after the sale 317 00:20:04.839 --> 00:20:11.069 happens? So it's like almost you know, if an SDRs is creating their 318 00:20:11.069 --> 00:20:14.029 own messaging and promises on that the product can't deliver, it has, you 319 00:20:14.150 --> 00:20:17.789 know, major side effects them. Bit Further on the forum. Yeah, 320 00:20:17.990 --> 00:20:22.299 and what about the rule of ceosfos in the India, alignment between selves and 321 00:20:22.339 --> 00:20:25.619 marketing? You think they can play? They can play. Your roared you, 322 00:20:25.819 --> 00:20:29.859 you know, from the recruitment to to the engagement sitting of the rules 323 00:20:29.859 --> 00:20:33.299 of engagement. But was supposed the responsibility team making shade. There is no 324 00:20:33.460 --> 00:20:37.690 break on the bridge between a between Bost function. So let's start with the 325 00:20:37.809 --> 00:20:41.049 CEO. Like I think from a CEO was respective. Yeah, they need 326 00:20:41.089 --> 00:20:45.650 to hire the right people to do it. So, like if you're looking 327 00:20:45.730 --> 00:20:49.599 for advice for CEOS that are hiring a Cemol because typically you'll have a chief 328 00:20:49.599 --> 00:20:53.359 revenue officer there already before you hire cmol or. You'll have somebody that's managing 329 00:20:53.440 --> 00:20:57.079 the revenue side of things before you go to the Chief Marketing Officer Direction, 330 00:20:57.319 --> 00:21:00.599 and a couple of things I'd look out for would be, does that person 331 00:21:00.720 --> 00:21:06.069 have experience in sales themselves? Do they understand the pain points from the sales 332 00:21:06.069 --> 00:21:10.470 ORC yeah, you know, what are their typical KPIS? Things like it's. 333 00:21:10.470 --> 00:21:15.029 So do they do they understand what the KPIS of the sales organization are, 334 00:21:15.069 --> 00:21:18.059 and how well do they aligned their efforts towards what the sales organization you're 335 00:21:18.059 --> 00:21:23.779 doing? So if it like it's as you would offer or you'd ask somebody 336 00:21:23.819 --> 00:21:26.140 in a sales interview to give you a three thousand and sixty nine to day 337 00:21:26.180 --> 00:21:30.420 plan, you should also ask the same of a specific marketer to do that, 338 00:21:30.660 --> 00:21:33.369 to do the exact same and also look out for for signs like in 339 00:21:33.569 --> 00:21:37.529 the early stage, is, is that person asking you about your revenue targets 340 00:21:37.569 --> 00:21:42.009 for the year? Is Are they are they interested in understanding how well marketing 341 00:21:42.049 --> 00:21:47.519 or delivering back towards those revenue targets right now? What are those numbers looking 342 00:21:47.559 --> 00:21:49.799 like? You know what what what's the tipic like questions that they could ask? 343 00:21:49.920 --> 00:21:52.960 Is What your typical sales cycle? Are we talking about sixty nine two 344 00:21:52.960 --> 00:21:56.519 days? What are we talking about here? Is it a sixmonth sales cycle? 345 00:21:56.920 --> 00:22:00.710 Like typical questions that you would be asked of within an interview from when 346 00:22:00.750 --> 00:22:07.630 you're hiring a sales role. Typically that would be good initial signs that that 347 00:22:07.910 --> 00:22:11.630 marketer has been aligning themselves to the sales organization before in the past. As 348 00:22:11.710 --> 00:22:15.380 well as that, you should be asking them about their relationship with the current 349 00:22:15.420 --> 00:22:19.099 head of sales, wherever they are. So how? So one typical question 350 00:22:19.140 --> 00:22:22.380 would be how often you speak put the other head of sales and what are 351 00:22:22.380 --> 00:22:23.819 you guys talking about? As I mentioned, it doesn't need to be rocket 352 00:22:23.859 --> 00:22:29.059 science, but it needs to be a pipeline review of every opened new business. 353 00:22:29.099 --> 00:22:33.609 This opportunity from x amount of time and having like a pipeline council almost 354 00:22:33.009 --> 00:22:37.250 to understand where the pipeline is coming from and how can they double down to 355 00:22:37.329 --> 00:22:41.210 get more of that type of pipeline in right so so things like that. 356 00:22:41.329 --> 00:22:45.400 You could see that that if they if they are having those conversations, like 357 00:22:45.559 --> 00:22:48.559 they could say. The reason why I say ask them what are the discussing 358 00:22:48.599 --> 00:22:49.759 on that particular cause because people can lie and say, Oh, yeah, 359 00:22:49.799 --> 00:22:52.440 speak with the head of sales all the time. But then okay, so 360 00:22:52.599 --> 00:22:56.400 what are you guys talking about? where? We're speaking about where opportunities are 361 00:22:56.400 --> 00:23:00.109 sourcing from and whether those opportunities can be attributed to marketing our sales and getting 362 00:23:00.109 --> 00:23:03.829 feedback in the sales organ tires of watts work and what isn't working ex yeah, 363 00:23:03.990 --> 00:23:10.230 and so like. So from a CEO's perspective, the hiring is the 364 00:23:10.269 --> 00:23:14.579 most important part because typically Cemil will have to report to the CEO. Just 365 00:23:14.700 --> 00:23:17.819 look out for those signs in terms of are they actually well aligned to to 366 00:23:18.140 --> 00:23:23.299 a sales or from like an ongoing perspective, management perspective, I think CEO 367 00:23:23.420 --> 00:23:29.450 should always make sure that amongst the troops that everything is going well right, 368 00:23:30.009 --> 00:23:34.009 and a CEO will see within the revenue side of things if things are moving 369 00:23:34.049 --> 00:23:40.170 in the right direction or not right like they like. If things are growing, 370 00:23:40.490 --> 00:23:42.839 then you can be pretty sure that the CRO and the Cemo were working 371 00:23:42.920 --> 00:23:47.640 well together. If things are not growing, then there's an issue somewhere you 372 00:23:47.680 --> 00:23:49.880 need to go investigate. But I don't think the CEO needs to be holding 373 00:23:51.000 --> 00:23:55.240 hands between the crow and the CMO. It needs to be filled within them 374 00:23:55.279 --> 00:23:57.190 to go and do it themselves. Yeah, the FO, see, if 375 00:23:57.269 --> 00:24:03.029 I was important and in the way that CFO will be, will be, 376 00:24:03.430 --> 00:24:07.829 will and should be involved in any discussions around revenue growth and how much it 377 00:24:07.990 --> 00:24:11.740 costs to get to that revenue growth, because marketing are going going to go 378 00:24:11.779 --> 00:24:15.220 out and spend and you're going to have three people in bomb that conversation. 379 00:24:15.259 --> 00:24:18.500 You're going to have the chief revenue officer, who's, you know, main 380 00:24:18.579 --> 00:24:22.500 target is obviously revenue growth, the CMO, who's whose main target should be 381 00:24:22.500 --> 00:24:25.329 aligned to that revenue growth, and then both of those guys are going to 382 00:24:25.369 --> 00:24:26.930 be going and speaking with the CFL saying how much money they need to get 383 00:24:26.970 --> 00:24:30.690 there and tivity. The marketer will need money for programs. It's some head 384 00:24:30.730 --> 00:24:34.529 count. The curl will need money for headcount. Yeah, and both of 385 00:24:34.569 --> 00:24:37.210 them are working together to say, okay, CR says, okay, we 386 00:24:37.250 --> 00:24:41.720 need to grow by let's say five percent per month. Therefore I need to 387 00:24:41.759 --> 00:24:44.359 hire this amount of people. Then the CML says, okay, in order 388 00:24:44.359 --> 00:24:45.839 for to grow but a five perfercent per month, then what we need to 389 00:24:45.839 --> 00:24:48.799 do is bring in x mental leads in order for to get those ex mental 390 00:24:48.799 --> 00:24:52.400 leads me to make the investments here here and here. Here's how much the 391 00:24:52.480 --> 00:24:55.670 investment's going to be. Does that mean that our customer requisition costs are going 392 00:24:55.670 --> 00:24:59.869 to be okay, conversations going back and forth between curl and see semo and 393 00:24:59.950 --> 00:25:03.150 then when you get that plan together, you typically going to the CFO and 394 00:25:03.230 --> 00:25:06.670 the schools in those plans together and he'll say okay or she'll say, okay, 395 00:25:06.750 --> 00:25:08.700 we have border to do that. We need to go for another rundom 396 00:25:08.740 --> 00:25:11.259 investment, whatever it might be. Well, some the C if I would 397 00:25:11.259 --> 00:25:14.980 work in that type of capacity and a sort of advisory capacity in terms of 398 00:25:15.259 --> 00:25:18.740 if it will work from a money perspective to hit the targets the CMO and 399 00:25:18.819 --> 00:25:23.529 the CROOR setting. Okay, make sense, that makes perfect sense. Well, 400 00:25:23.890 --> 00:25:27.049 it's it's it's sort of of in say. So thank you very much 401 00:25:27.210 --> 00:25:30.970 and yes, of fault for the audience to take away today. If anyone, 402 00:25:32.490 --> 00:25:34.490 if anyone's story, wants to get in touch with you as to any 403 00:25:34.529 --> 00:25:37.680 fells or question, although on a bit more about lead, be the I'll 404 00:25:37.799 --> 00:25:40.960 just want to have a check because you was the best way to connect in 405 00:25:41.039 --> 00:25:44.359 the so best way to get lead fears. Leafiercom. You sign up for 406 00:25:44.440 --> 00:25:47.240 free try. We've got two week free trial there. All you need to 407 00:25:47.279 --> 00:25:49.109 do is this, add a small snipper code to to the head or your 408 00:25:49.150 --> 00:25:52.349 size, and then you're going to go your truck and leads are coming to 409 00:25:52.390 --> 00:25:55.069 your size. Yeah, may personally, if you want to reach out to 410 00:25:55.109 --> 00:25:56.630 me directly, the best place to get me on Linkedin. So if I 411 00:25:56.710 --> 00:26:00.589 me Andy Colligan, so that's Andy with a why, and then see you 412 00:26:00.670 --> 00:26:04.380 lll ign and and yeah, just feel free to reach outs. I know 413 00:26:04.460 --> 00:26:07.460 be having to have a conversation. I'm very accomomic doing so. So that's 414 00:26:07.539 --> 00:26:10.700 great. Thank you very much for your thing today. What it was an 415 00:26:10.700 --> 00:26:15.700 absolute pleasure fully on the Showandi. Thanks mate. operatics has redefined the meaning 416 00:26:15.740 --> 00:26:22.930 of revenue generation for technology companies worldwide. While the traditional concepts of building and 417 00:26:22.049 --> 00:26:27.529 managing inside sales teams inhouse has existed for many years, companies are struggling with 418 00:26:27.650 --> 00:26:33.200 a lack of focus, agility and scale required in today's fast and complex world 419 00:26:33.480 --> 00:26:40.960 of enterprise technology sales. See How operatics can help your company accelerate pipeline at 420 00:26:41.079 --> 00:26:47.079 operatics dotnet. You've been listening to BEDB revenue acceleration. To ensure that you 421 00:26:47.190 --> 00:26:49.829 never miss an episode, subscribe to the show in your favorite podcast player. 422 00:26:51.430 --> 00:26:52.750 Thank you so much for listening. Until next time,

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