87: How COVID-19 Has Impacted the ISV Ecosystem w/ Michelle Auchinachie, Steve Jemmott, and Michael Ford

September 23, 2020 00:33:49
87: How COVID-19 Has Impacted the ISV Ecosystem w/ Michelle Auchinachie, Steve Jemmott, and Michael Ford
B2B Revenue Acceleration
87: How COVID-19 Has Impacted the ISV Ecosystem w/ Michelle Auchinachie, Steve Jemmott, and Michael Ford

Sep 23 2020 | 00:33:49


Show Notes

There is no doubt that businesses all around the world have been impacted by COVID-19. But how has it impacted the ISV community? And how have vendors reacted to support their partners to thrive? 

To find out the answers to these questions, we invited Michelle Auchinachie, Head of ISVs - UK at Sage, as well as two of Sage’s ISVs: Steve Jemmott, Sales Manager at Sicon, and Michael Ford, Founder & CEO at Castaway Forecasting.

You’ll hear from Michelle about the vendor side of supporting their strategic partners. Steve provides an ISV perspective on how he felt supported to continue growing and operating successfully, while Michael talks to us about how other vendors have handled the situation. 

To hear this interview and many more like it, subscribe to The B2B Revenue Acceleration Podcast on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or on our website.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.520 --> 00:00:08.349 You were listening to bb revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated helping software executive stay 2 00:00:08.429 --> 00:00:12.189 on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. Let's get into 3 00:00:12.230 --> 00:00:16.629 the show. Hi, welcome to be to be a revenue acceleration. My 4 00:00:16.670 --> 00:00:20.350 name is Niam, with you and I'm pleased to be will coming today's free 5 00:00:20.390 --> 00:00:25.140 special guests on our show to discuss how the ISS v Ecosystem has been impacted 6 00:00:25.620 --> 00:00:30.100 covid nineteen and what vendors have been doing to support a partner. So, 7 00:00:30.379 --> 00:00:33.500 from a vendor side, I'd like to welcome Michelle or in, a key 8 00:00:33.780 --> 00:00:38.009 with aid of issvs at sage in the UK, to welcome to the show, 9 00:00:38.009 --> 00:00:40.810 Michelle. Hi, nice to meet today and be on the show. 10 00:00:40.890 --> 00:00:45.530 Thanks for having so on pleasure. And from the LB side we are welcoming 11 00:00:45.649 --> 00:00:51.640 Michael Fort from the and see you and castaway forecasting and Steve Jemmott, sales 12 00:00:51.719 --> 00:00:55.200 manager at psychon. Welcome to the show, my collective. All right, 13 00:00:55.280 --> 00:00:57.840 how are you? Thank you very very good, guys. Very good. 14 00:00:58.039 --> 00:01:02.439 So, before we get going, always ask my guests to introduce themselves. 15 00:01:02.799 --> 00:01:04.430 Some of them take five videites, some of them to quite minute. Can 16 00:01:04.510 --> 00:01:10.150 a s feeture, just a ten, fifteen sortistagons. Just introduce yourself briefly, 17 00:01:10.590 --> 00:01:14.109 I guess, your role, but also, in a couple of sentences, 18 00:01:14.230 --> 00:01:17.670 tell us what your respective companies are doing. Should we start with you, 19 00:01:17.709 --> 00:01:19.900 Michelle? Yes, sure, and yes, I my name them self 20 00:01:19.980 --> 00:01:23.540 are can I, Kei and I had a I see, for say, 21 00:01:23.620 --> 00:01:27.219 to in the UK, and stage is a market leader for technology that provide 22 00:01:27.219 --> 00:01:33.010 right smaller medium businesses with visibility, flexibility and efficiency to manage, finance, 23 00:01:33.090 --> 00:01:37.769 operations and people. I see consistem really plays a key part in this as 24 00:01:37.849 --> 00:01:42.129 well. And we've got it. We've got a really wide ecosystem of isasds 25 00:01:42.689 --> 00:01:48.000 that we curate, integrate with their products, validate the integration and and then 26 00:01:48.079 --> 00:01:51.319 and then publish it to our own market place and and really have the benefit 27 00:01:51.359 --> 00:01:57.239 our customers that are looking to extend their their experience with sage makes perfect and 28 00:01:57.319 --> 00:02:00.590 thank you, Michelle. Michael. Should we ask to the next on? 29 00:02:00.750 --> 00:02:06.430 Michael Ford, on the CEO of castaway forecasting. We're a small APP that 30 00:02:06.590 --> 00:02:10.389 helps people create budgets, podcasts and business models. Helps we help people see 31 00:02:10.509 --> 00:02:15.069 into the future so they can design a bit of future. We take the 32 00:02:15.150 --> 00:02:19.139 pain out of doing numbers. We are, as you can tell, Australian 33 00:02:19.340 --> 00:02:22.539 that we sell cast way all over the world and with a real love focus 34 00:02:22.740 --> 00:02:25.219 this year, particularly on the UK. Okay, thank you, my good 35 00:02:25.539 --> 00:02:30.330 and Steve Laughs like that say the best for last absolutely so money to speak 36 00:02:30.930 --> 00:02:36.930 on sales manager. Here it's cycle we are leading restell. If be the 37 00:02:37.009 --> 00:02:40.050 stage in tract we only developed a stage would be poor UK products, which 38 00:02:40.090 --> 00:02:44.090 is sage two hundred perfect. Thank you very much to you. What sends 39 00:02:44.129 --> 00:02:46.719 gain for your introduction. The reason why we wanted to record these cipis up 40 00:02:46.759 --> 00:02:51.960 today is because that, you know, we longer done that. Covid nineteen 41 00:02:52.000 --> 00:02:55.319 as impacted a lot of businesses, but we've never really looked at the relationship 42 00:02:55.479 --> 00:03:00.030 between is a V and Vendo, and I don't think we've been speaking enough 43 00:03:00.069 --> 00:03:06.069 about what measures vendo are taking to support their strategic botnurs. So, starting 44 00:03:06.150 --> 00:03:10.469 with Yu Michell, it would be great to under stormed a little bit more 45 00:03:12.150 --> 00:03:15.580 how your I ve ecosystem looks like a sage. Before we get going. 46 00:03:15.740 --> 00:03:21.020 How many strategic Bob know do you manage? How do you support your your 47 00:03:21.099 --> 00:03:25.979 partners from a sales and marketing perspective? And and also what are your general 48 00:03:27.060 --> 00:03:30.889 reviews on how the market has been affected by by covid nineteen? Yeah, 49 00:03:30.930 --> 00:03:36.810 sure, and so in the UK our sage ice ecosystem fans across our entire 50 00:03:36.889 --> 00:03:40.370 product portfolio and so you've got sage business slide accounting, which is our entry 51 00:03:40.409 --> 00:03:46.080 level cloud solution for four startup companies, all the way through to x three, 52 00:03:46.159 --> 00:03:51.639 which is designed for for customers but like manufacturing, distribution and you really 53 00:03:51.719 --> 00:03:55.870 complex operational lead and all along the portfolio we have ice these integrated to our 54 00:03:55.870 --> 00:04:00.389 various products. And I say its ecosystems really so first as well. So 55 00:04:00.550 --> 00:04:05.789 we work with and Tech Startup companies that are cloud native and we work with 56 00:04:06.310 --> 00:04:11.780 some companies that regularly appear on the Gardner Magic quadrants. And then we've got 57 00:04:11.900 --> 00:04:15.500 long term partners of sage that would have integrated to our own prime products originally, 58 00:04:15.620 --> 00:04:18.819 and I've kind of come on a cloud transformation journey with us as well. 59 00:04:18.860 --> 00:04:25.009 So it is really interesting and the ice these to provide and a vast 60 00:04:25.050 --> 00:04:30.689 number of solutions. We've got everything from business intelligence, forecasting, manufacturing, 61 00:04:30.329 --> 00:04:34.370 ecommerce, everything that you can really think off and I think it makes my 62 00:04:34.449 --> 00:04:39.519 job really interesting dealing with so many different types of companies. Numbers Wise, 63 00:04:39.639 --> 00:04:44.800 we've got about three hundred developers and is fees in the UK and off those 64 00:04:45.000 --> 00:04:48.639 there's about twenty that we've got strategic and commercial relationships in place with them, 65 00:04:48.759 --> 00:04:54.709 so psychonic, hastaway and or two of those, and with the ice these 66 00:04:54.709 --> 00:04:59.430 that we've got strategic commercial relationships with. Their sales teams. Work really closely 67 00:04:59.509 --> 00:05:03.589 with them, both their direct teams and also are indirect teams and reseller channels. 68 00:05:03.629 --> 00:05:06.420 And I is is be solution that we sell. It goes to our 69 00:05:06.459 --> 00:05:11.540 sales people's are sales teams quota and I guess it really encourages them try to 70 00:05:11.620 --> 00:05:14.139 have the right behavior, get to know that ice these a lot better in 71 00:05:14.180 --> 00:05:17.339 the solution and understand what type of value it can really add to the customer 72 00:05:17.420 --> 00:05:21.689 as well. In the last six months we've really tried to kick off ice 73 00:05:21.810 --> 00:05:27.529 feed marketing in the UK and with their ecosystem. We've been running a lot 74 00:05:27.569 --> 00:05:30.769 of ice bee enablement sessions to our sales teams and channel and we ran a 75 00:05:30.850 --> 00:05:34.449 virtual customer event recently as well. We're all our ice bees were there to 76 00:05:34.569 --> 00:05:39.560 demo and meet with the customers and kind of share the experience of the ecosystem 77 00:05:40.240 --> 00:05:44.759 and we're building out during customer case studies together. And I guess another key 78 00:05:44.839 --> 00:05:47.319 thing we started to do during covid is to really and bring our isps into 79 00:05:47.360 --> 00:05:51.949 our stage foundation program where we help out charities in our local community. So 80 00:05:53.029 --> 00:05:57.430 we've been coming together online to do some charitable activity as well. And then 81 00:05:57.470 --> 00:06:00.829 told them a little bit about how the market's been affected during COVID. I 82 00:06:00.870 --> 00:06:04.459 guess it's said it's been really interesting. Once lockdown CINDIC kicked in, we 83 00:06:04.620 --> 00:06:08.899 took a really strong stance that we were here to support our customers. We 84 00:06:09.019 --> 00:06:14.980 stopped all proactive sales and marketing activity completely. A lot of our reseller channel 85 00:06:15.220 --> 00:06:17.810 partners and our ISS these took the same stance. We just wanted to figure 86 00:06:17.810 --> 00:06:23.050 out how can we help and support each other, our partners and our colleagues 87 00:06:23.089 --> 00:06:27.889 as well. We created a covid hub, so basically it was a place 88 00:06:27.970 --> 00:06:30.730 for all customers and partners to go to to find out everything that was happening. 89 00:06:30.730 --> 00:06:33.319 Every day. When there was an EC government update coming out, our 90 00:06:33.319 --> 00:06:38.439 customers cut log on and learn about it, and we had webinars running daily 91 00:06:38.560 --> 00:06:43.399 so customers can understand how government changes and the lockdown was kind of impacting their 92 00:06:43.480 --> 00:06:46.480 business. Yet we have massive turn outs. I think we two thousand people 93 00:06:46.519 --> 00:06:48.750 on one of our webinars. That came once the furlough scheme was announced. 94 00:06:48.790 --> 00:06:53.709 So I'm yeah, really, really good, good turning. Yeah, so 95 00:06:53.870 --> 00:06:58.350 I guess we took a lot about what we were doing with customers and internally, 96 00:06:58.430 --> 00:07:00.389 what the colleagues at stage, and try to use that with our ice 97 00:07:00.459 --> 00:07:04.019 ecosystem as well. So again, like like us, all our eyes, 98 00:07:04.100 --> 00:07:08.500 these were kind of working from home a lot of people, some people were 99 00:07:08.540 --> 00:07:12.220 working by themselves. Didn't really have that kind of system. We had. 100 00:07:12.300 --> 00:07:15.529 It said, we were all connected together, so we built up virtual coffee 101 00:07:15.610 --> 00:07:19.970 mornings and happy hours and just to get everyone together kind of talk about person 102 00:07:20.089 --> 00:07:25.009 only, how we were finding things and how we were fining things from business 103 00:07:25.050 --> 00:07:29.250 perspective, how we were adapting and I guess talking a little bit about how, 104 00:07:29.370 --> 00:07:32.240 yeah, how our businesses were being impacted as well, and I think 105 00:07:32.240 --> 00:07:35.920 that worked really well. I guess we had isps, even Steven Michael Letter 106 00:07:36.000 --> 00:07:40.279 on this call that they probably would never have met each other in personal even 107 00:07:40.319 --> 00:07:43.800 on an event. They maybe would have like been introduced, but they would 108 00:07:43.839 --> 00:07:46.350 never have built the relationship that we have. So so I think that's really 109 00:07:46.389 --> 00:07:49.069 good and I guess they can talk about it a little bit more. But 110 00:07:49.310 --> 00:07:54.269 one thing we that came out of the coffee mornings and and from speaking to 111 00:07:54.310 --> 00:07:59.019 other colleagues and partners that stage just how quickly businesses have had to accelerate their 112 00:07:59.060 --> 00:08:03.379 digital transformation journey and during Covid, and I'm Michael can probably cover this as 113 00:08:03.420 --> 00:08:07.899 well, but I need for isps and the business intelligence and forecasting space. 114 00:08:07.379 --> 00:08:11.060 I guess they've seen that businesses and our customers have found that they've needed to 115 00:08:11.620 --> 00:08:16.889 be able to reef work ast daily or or weekly really is, as new 116 00:08:16.930 --> 00:08:20.769 changes came out. And then we've got other customers that may have always sold 117 00:08:20.689 --> 00:08:26.009 business to business, that never explored business to consumer and that kind of switched 118 00:08:26.050 --> 00:08:30.519 on during covid. So again they had to switch everything around. They needed 119 00:08:30.600 --> 00:08:35.559 ECOMMERCE, they needed warehousing, they needed distribution tools, the gistical tool. 120 00:08:35.639 --> 00:08:39.559 So yeah, everything really, I guess, accelerate it from a digital perspective. 121 00:08:39.639 --> 00:08:41.990 But I'm I'm sure Steven and Michael can talk a little bit more about 122 00:08:41.990 --> 00:08:46.309 it as well on their own perspectives. Sure, yeah, that sounds great. 123 00:08:46.309 --> 00:08:48.389 I mean seems that you're ready tried to put the company together and to 124 00:08:48.429 --> 00:08:52.750 keep everyone still involved. I think you know what you mentioned. If I've 125 00:08:52.789 --> 00:08:58.779 got to summarize, and what we've seen from successful businesses now and what we 126 00:08:58.860 --> 00:09:05.139 see you, successful business owner and and sales leader and marketing leader, telling 127 00:09:05.179 --> 00:09:07.019 us is adaptation. No, we haven't. You know, it was not 128 00:09:07.100 --> 00:09:11.730 business as usual. So yes, our clients may ever to refecast, but 129 00:09:11.850 --> 00:09:16.330 we also had to review what we are doing product Chrodma investment, and I 130 00:09:16.450 --> 00:09:18.529 think everybody has kind of done that pretty much as you sound the daily basis 131 00:09:20.049 --> 00:09:24.559 or weekly or monthly basis, which I think is actually quite good, you 132 00:09:24.600 --> 00:09:28.039 know, because it allows you to probably get closer to each other in a 133 00:09:28.120 --> 00:09:33.279 way, you know, and despite the firet are not in person, and 134 00:09:33.399 --> 00:09:35.279 all the things that you've done with the the morning get together, I know 135 00:09:35.440 --> 00:09:41.029 that has probably brought the community together and people are probably eager for your next 136 00:09:41.309 --> 00:09:45.230 physical event to actually go and chaken and never built together, which I think 137 00:09:45.309 --> 00:09:48.149 is fantastic and it's Steven, I think, my crea. Finally at that 138 00:09:48.309 --> 00:09:50.590 one. There you go, to see if coming back to you now, 139 00:09:50.990 --> 00:09:58.019 pycnd offers innovative additions and solution for sage customers. So technically, the larger 140 00:09:58.299 --> 00:10:01.899 the sage customer base is, the better idea for you. As an exclusive 141 00:10:01.940 --> 00:10:07.529 stage, I is V partner. How did cove it affect your business and 142 00:10:07.730 --> 00:10:13.009 what kind of support did you get at second to continue growing and operating successfully? 143 00:10:13.009 --> 00:10:16.129 Yeah, I think I think it's a great question. Coming into it, 144 00:10:16.529 --> 00:10:22.159 I think probably is everyone did. We just assumed companies were batten the 145 00:10:22.200 --> 00:10:26.120 hatches and so everything could slow down. So for us is as an organization, 146 00:10:26.279 --> 00:10:31.960 we just come off the back of a record sales year for for us. 147 00:10:31.360 --> 00:10:35.149 So planning coming into before you know it, realized it was going to 148 00:10:35.190 --> 00:10:39.190 affect us. We were planning great sort of extra growth, what we're going 149 00:10:39.230 --> 00:10:41.070 to do with a product. Of course, when it hit with that mindset 150 00:10:41.149 --> 00:10:46.629 of I think companies, well will just stop spending, we actually change the 151 00:10:46.669 --> 00:10:50.419 budget. So we've just got a flat line for a certain number of months. 152 00:10:50.460 --> 00:10:52.340 With things picking up now. We had a decision to make or not. 153 00:10:52.460 --> 00:10:56.980 We've the directors of the business had a decision to make should be utilized 154 00:10:56.299 --> 00:11:01.539 government's furlough scheme. Actually, the directors decided to use that as an investment 155 00:11:01.580 --> 00:11:05.809 opportunity in our people. Are Not putting us on furlough, but using that 156 00:11:05.009 --> 00:11:09.690 time to look at our internal processes. Now as a business that differently, 157 00:11:09.850 --> 00:11:13.929 I'm going to love getting out and about. So first lockdown piers up behind 158 00:11:13.009 --> 00:11:18.529 to death every day with was not my idea of idea of fun. abously 159 00:11:18.529 --> 00:11:20.440 got used to it now and I think it's probably gone the other way. 160 00:11:20.799 --> 00:11:24.440 We weren't once we did their demonstrate because a lot of hours was on site. 161 00:11:24.559 --> 00:11:26.840 So all of a sudden we had to use lives technology and I think 162 00:11:26.840 --> 00:11:31.279 that's one of the first bits where they age very much supportive and set the 163 00:11:31.320 --> 00:11:35.590 bar using teams calling us in. So we looked at utilize in that technology 164 00:11:35.590 --> 00:11:39.269 here now that investment. We looked at internal processes, we looked at testing 165 00:11:39.350 --> 00:11:43.190 of the products to make them better, but more importantly, looking at what 166 00:11:43.309 --> 00:11:46.830 collateral could we give. Sup bought our part us and our partners are the 167 00:11:46.830 --> 00:11:50.860 same as sages partner. So we sell to that' stay ecosystem to ensure that 168 00:11:50.019 --> 00:11:54.379 when they came back and we started to see it up to that they were 169 00:11:54.860 --> 00:11:56.899 they were able to hit the ground hit the ground running and we giving them 170 00:11:56.899 --> 00:12:01.570 as much collateral as possible to support those activities and for their customers. What 171 00:12:01.690 --> 00:12:07.649 actually has transpired is we are tracking last year. So that whole emphasis and 172 00:12:07.690 --> 00:12:15.090 I think what's happened is through the mediums that we've got through businesses and again 173 00:12:15.129 --> 00:12:18.279 taking a leak from stage, whereby working and Co supporting the customers, I 174 00:12:18.360 --> 00:12:22.919 think directors and owners have had to look at there in their businesses a lot 175 00:12:22.039 --> 00:12:26.879 closer, just as you've stay in their ray to look at their internal processes 176 00:12:26.960 --> 00:12:31.509 and they've actually looked distance. So we were instantly busy from from sales side 177 00:12:31.509 --> 00:12:37.149 of things to support bought them demonstrations and how our solutions can then help them 178 00:12:37.190 --> 00:12:39.950 become more efficient. So I think that's so for us in terms of what's 179 00:12:41.509 --> 00:12:46.259 how how covid affected slightly different. I think from a people perspective it's been 180 00:12:46.299 --> 00:12:48.860 a huge impact because it's changed to change our lives. And from a business 181 00:12:48.940 --> 00:12:54.700 side it's helped to refocus those processes and had a mental many years ago who 182 00:12:56.059 --> 00:12:58.169 they called it the business triangle and they said if you focus on your people, 183 00:12:58.409 --> 00:13:03.529 give them the training internally and given the the the autonomy to to provide 184 00:13:03.570 --> 00:13:07.450 excellent customer service and then the customers feel that the value, the number takes 185 00:13:07.529 --> 00:13:11.850 care of itself and I think that's really helped us reset that. Now second 186 00:13:11.889 --> 00:13:16.159 part, think to your two questions, are how sage supported us. Firstly, 187 00:13:16.559 --> 00:13:20.519 is the Moret of the weekly coffee mornings. You know we're shall and 188 00:13:20.559 --> 00:13:24.120 the team of putting that's been that's been fantastic because, first off, you're 189 00:13:24.120 --> 00:13:28.830 absolutely right. Never been to Australia. So sorry, Michael, probably would 190 00:13:28.830 --> 00:13:31.710 never have never met you, although Sydney Harbor curtains down to bottom, marvelous, 191 00:13:31.950 --> 00:13:35.429 marvelous place, but so we would never have met. Didn't realize the 192 00:13:35.509 --> 00:13:39.230 depth and breadth of that. I se community outside of the two hundred arena 193 00:13:39.269 --> 00:13:43.580 that we that we play it. So having those being able to share these 194 00:13:43.659 --> 00:13:48.820 stories and realize actually it's not just our customers that are thing that it's also, 195 00:13:48.940 --> 00:13:50.940 you know, what Michael Seeing and and it's all your you'll see when 196 00:13:50.980 --> 00:13:54.259 we comeing to Michael, the forecasting in the insight they were to provide what's 197 00:13:54.259 --> 00:13:58.289 happening with the market really how solidify that we were doing the right things and 198 00:13:58.330 --> 00:14:03.450 hopefully we'd help the other partners. And then working closely with the sales teams 199 00:14:03.570 --> 00:14:11.120 absolutely endorsed. Say Stopping proactive selling was perfect thing to do. It really 200 00:14:11.159 --> 00:14:13.879 helped to think that that base how promote stage in the in the right way 201 00:14:13.919 --> 00:14:18.159 as well, in people's minds that it was a supportive community. Of course 202 00:14:18.200 --> 00:14:22.240 we're part of that. And then we worked to delay orders, you know, 203 00:14:22.320 --> 00:14:24.909 so working with sage. If they were how can we support the mutual 204 00:14:24.990 --> 00:14:28.629 customers? There was a lot that. Well, that happened. But yeah, 205 00:14:28.629 --> 00:14:33.029 it's been I think looking back now, the viewpoint going into the whole 206 00:14:33.070 --> 00:14:37.350 covid situation was it's very different to to how I see it now retrospectively. 207 00:14:37.389 --> 00:14:41.019 Yeah, thank you very much. I mean that's that's very useful of men 208 00:14:41.220 --> 00:14:45.779 A. You're writer the we kind of done the same atoporatics. While we 209 00:14:45.860 --> 00:14:48.620 say, well, we should just keep the revenue a float. There is 210 00:14:48.700 --> 00:14:52.419 no point in trying to do more. Trained to go out and selling. 211 00:14:52.009 --> 00:14:56.970 We've done that for probably amounts. But then what we realize very quickly that 212 00:14:56.250 --> 00:15:00.929 in our in our business, which is sells and marketing, a lot of 213 00:15:01.049 --> 00:15:05.409 people who are actually completely confused about what to do and the other wout. 214 00:15:05.529 --> 00:15:07.720 All the events that I had plan are not happening anymore. So I've got 215 00:15:07.840 --> 00:15:13.159 no Leeds coming from that. All the partners to that I had plan are 216 00:15:13.200 --> 00:15:16.000 not happening anymore because in the channel, and maybe more into the more traditional 217 00:15:16.159 --> 00:15:20.549 channel, I these tree resellers, very add reseller and all that. Most 218 00:15:20.590 --> 00:15:22.950 of it is physical. You know, people like to go and have a 219 00:15:24.029 --> 00:15:26.909 beer with each other. I'll be with their customer, with Das v Vendor 220 00:15:28.070 --> 00:15:31.149 relationship, e. could be slightly different. But you know, partners work 221 00:15:31.230 --> 00:15:35.179 well because they are in the granularity, geographical granularity, they are close to 222 00:15:35.220 --> 00:15:39.100 their clients and basically we completely this. Say to good the other way, 223 00:15:39.139 --> 00:15:43.220 which is, let's have a lot of conversation. We know that we are 224 00:15:43.220 --> 00:15:46.100 not expecting our toppling to go now, but let's have a lot of conversation 225 00:15:46.259 --> 00:15:52.129 and let's pick with all those prospect share Id these tread could not create because 226 00:15:52.169 --> 00:15:56.169 we're already had one, but develop our community and share best practices of what 227 00:15:56.330 --> 00:15:58.809 people are doing and what's working, what's not working and what lots of conversation 228 00:15:58.970 --> 00:16:03.129 as what kind of non reven you generating. Conversation. They were just like 229 00:16:03.210 --> 00:16:06.159 kind of a this is what we see in your market, this is how 230 00:16:06.279 --> 00:16:08.320 we see the type of prospect that you are selling to buying it. And 231 00:16:08.440 --> 00:16:11.279 this is a tactics that we've been using with clients, or some clients that 232 00:16:11.399 --> 00:16:15.879 be using as a stand alone without us to be successful. And I was 233 00:16:15.960 --> 00:16:18.830 it. You know, will spend thirty minutes an hour with prospect and not 234 00:16:18.909 --> 00:16:22.549 get anything out of it, which is crazy if you think about it, 235 00:16:22.629 --> 00:16:25.750 because you know, you obviously want to send stuff to people. But guess 236 00:16:25.789 --> 00:16:29.830 what, you know, came July, came a gust. We could not 237 00:16:29.950 --> 00:16:33.100 cope with the dement and I think you know the team. You put a 238 00:16:33.179 --> 00:16:37.100 person mail links in. Well, we speaking about thirty five plus New York. 239 00:16:37.179 --> 00:16:37.980 For that, we had to get on, you know, in the 240 00:16:38.019 --> 00:16:41.460 lass four to six weeks, which is incredible, and I think all that 241 00:16:41.580 --> 00:16:47.610 time invested in actually having conversation, trying to help people, is not coming 242 00:16:47.649 --> 00:16:48.809 back to us. Well, people are like look, when I was a 243 00:16:48.850 --> 00:16:52.610 little bit doubting about what to do, or tray some musil stuff, exceeter, 244 00:16:52.769 --> 00:16:56.649 etc. Now want to go back and I want to walk with you, 245 00:16:56.730 --> 00:17:00.169 because you seem to be an extension and you can bring that you know, 246 00:17:00.289 --> 00:17:03.080 and I think that's this is not something that we would have done or 247 00:17:03.080 --> 00:17:06.880 would have sought off without covid nineteen, but definitely something that we would do 248 00:17:06.920 --> 00:17:10.839 more moving forward because we realize that, you know, people want to buy 249 00:17:10.920 --> 00:17:14.400 from salt leader and they don't just want to buy from the company has got 250 00:17:14.440 --> 00:17:17.670 the best preview on g two and got the best people and the best stuff, 251 00:17:17.670 --> 00:17:19.109 you know from the face of paint, and the best references. Right. 252 00:17:19.710 --> 00:17:23.269 So I see, as we've learned, our amounts on our so, 253 00:17:23.430 --> 00:17:30.539 Michael, guest away is is a stand alone solution that can walk independently as 254 00:17:30.619 --> 00:17:37.619 well as integrated with different technologies such as stage. You mentioned that sage is 255 00:17:37.660 --> 00:17:41.180 one of your major outler and you see a lot of gross with sage in 256 00:17:41.180 --> 00:17:44.140 the UK. I'm sure you're not just saying that because Michell is on the 257 00:17:44.140 --> 00:17:49.049 lane with us on the kidding, but we know that you're solution also integrate 258 00:17:49.130 --> 00:17:53.450 with those all vendors. So you'd be good to understand what you've seen from 259 00:17:53.490 --> 00:17:56.450 us, our vendors. I've they been? I've they been, you know, 260 00:17:56.890 --> 00:18:00.519 trying to reach out to you as much as sedges don't? Have they 261 00:18:00.599 --> 00:18:03.319 been trying to support you as much as you know, Steve has been explaining 262 00:18:03.400 --> 00:18:07.319 in them of what's he got and the initial has been being able to taking 263 00:18:07.359 --> 00:18:10.400 us through. It would just be good to understand what you've seen from us, 264 00:18:10.440 --> 00:18:12.029 our vend or any of our best practices, but also maybe some of 265 00:18:12.069 --> 00:18:15.630 the bad stuff, without naming anyone, of course, but where you see 266 00:18:15.670 --> 00:18:19.190 maybe people maybe not doing the right things, are being a little bit clumsy 267 00:18:19.349 --> 00:18:22.910 in the way they manage relationship with you. Thank you right. It's been 268 00:18:22.950 --> 00:18:27.420 a really interesting year for us. For us, three thousand twenty was the 269 00:18:27.460 --> 00:18:30.819 year that we were going to break into the UK. I flew to the 270 00:18:30.900 --> 00:18:36.980 UK in January spend some time around the country. We were looking to employ 271 00:18:37.140 --> 00:18:40.140 some people who are setting up an office. We were trying to build our 272 00:18:40.180 --> 00:18:44.049 presence. We've been attempting to work in the UK the last four or five 273 00:18:44.089 --> 00:18:45.930 years, being able to trade chosen a like, but this here, two 274 00:18:47.009 --> 00:18:48.769 thousand and twenty was the year we were going to make the break. And 275 00:18:49.009 --> 00:18:52.769 then covid hit. I came back from my trip in January and there was 276 00:18:52.930 --> 00:18:57.720 nothing. We couldn't employ people because we wanted to fly Australians so the kind 277 00:18:57.759 --> 00:19:03.599 of help build a cultural connection, and that wasn't possible, and so our 278 00:19:03.720 --> 00:19:11.430 entire plan for two zero twenty was in a mess. Now we're a forecasting 279 00:19:11.710 --> 00:19:15.710 a piece of software. You'd think we could forecast, and the answer is 280 00:19:15.869 --> 00:19:19.670 we can forecastings. Not about predicting, because I think nobody could have predicted 281 00:19:21.309 --> 00:19:26.059 what came in in in two thousand and twenty. forecastings about preparing. So 282 00:19:26.140 --> 00:19:29.220 as soon as covid started to impact the world, we sat down and said, 283 00:19:29.220 --> 00:19:32.059 well, what do we do now? We still want to attack the 284 00:19:32.099 --> 00:19:36.339 UK market in a big way. Coming from Australia, that's complicated. There's 285 00:19:36.380 --> 00:19:38.730 a preference definitely for dealing with people on the ground in the UK. We've 286 00:19:38.769 --> 00:19:42.009 been talking with sage for quite some time. So we doing it in a 287 00:19:42.089 --> 00:19:47.289 great with sage business cloud accounting. We also integrate with other tools like zero, 288 00:19:47.450 --> 00:19:51.690 one with and so we also integrate with other tools like zero and quick 289 00:19:51.730 --> 00:19:53.759 books, as well as excel. So via excel we kind of integrate with 290 00:19:53.839 --> 00:19:57.200 everything. But we've been talking in sage for a while and when I was 291 00:19:57.240 --> 00:20:03.039 there in January we came to an an agreement and actually it just became for 292 00:20:03.200 --> 00:20:08.710 us the place we wanted to place our energy. So sage has been strong 293 00:20:08.750 --> 00:20:12.589 as a partner and actually they opened up a pathway for us to launch hard 294 00:20:12.750 --> 00:20:18.390 in the UK this year without being there physically. None of the other vendors 295 00:20:18.430 --> 00:20:22.779 we're dealing with had that opportunity. None of them have been as proactive from 296 00:20:22.779 --> 00:20:27.140 our perspective as sage o. But I'm not just saying this because Michelle's on 297 00:20:27.140 --> 00:20:32.740 the call either. It has been a market difference that we've invested in that 298 00:20:32.859 --> 00:20:37.490 relationship and I think there's been an investment back from sage as well. So 299 00:20:37.650 --> 00:20:41.970 my plan had been to visit the UK four times this year January, February, 300 00:20:42.450 --> 00:20:47.009 March and then May. May We were going to a big trade show 301 00:20:47.049 --> 00:20:52.079 called Accountacht. That's our major annual event in the UK, and suddenly all 302 00:20:52.160 --> 00:20:56.319 of those are those on the ground opportunities were lot. We weren't able to 303 00:20:56.359 --> 00:20:59.440 run physical training, we weren't able to go face to face with the people 304 00:21:00.279 --> 00:21:03.440 we would normally go facetoface with, because a lot of our business model has 305 00:21:03.480 --> 00:21:07.869 been face to face conversations with large organizations, large accounting firms, large businesses, 306 00:21:08.390 --> 00:21:11.470 and so we had to actually reinvent the way we sell, the way 307 00:21:11.509 --> 00:21:15.549 we connect to the market, and I've got to say we couldn't have done 308 00:21:15.589 --> 00:21:19.700 that without the work that we've done with sage. So in that same time 309 00:21:19.740 --> 00:21:23.500 I was meant to be in the UK several times. We've done a trade 310 00:21:23.539 --> 00:21:27.619 show, but it was a virtual trade show. We've had introductions and work 311 00:21:27.740 --> 00:21:33.329 with major accounting firms across the UK. We've sold cast Y, introduced castway 312 00:21:33.410 --> 00:21:37.529 in partnership arrangements with major accounting firms and sage has been there to help us 313 00:21:37.569 --> 00:21:41.930 through that process. Either they've introduced through their key account managers to those those 314 00:21:41.970 --> 00:21:47.680 key accounts, or there's been situations where we've had connections already with those key 315 00:21:47.720 --> 00:21:52.359 accounts but sage is just had some additional contact which is helped push the customer 316 00:21:52.480 --> 00:21:56.119 over the edge and that's been for us a really good thing. It helps 317 00:21:56.160 --> 00:21:59.160 solve the problem. How do we launch, because two thousand and twenty was 318 00:21:59.200 --> 00:22:02.910 such an important year for his how do we launch hard but without actually physically 319 00:22:03.390 --> 00:22:07.630 being there? I think in any sales or marketing campaign you need a combination 320 00:22:07.750 --> 00:22:11.190 of different things. We couldn't put people on the ground that we were able 321 00:22:11.269 --> 00:22:15.619 to access a whole bunch of customers in the UK via the sage account network. 322 00:22:17.140 --> 00:22:19.900 We've also obviously been on the ISS be marketplace so we've had some some 323 00:22:21.460 --> 00:22:25.700 some coverage by a marketplace. On top of that, I think you know, 324 00:22:25.859 --> 00:22:30.089 equing the things that the Deva said in Michelle said being able to connect 325 00:22:30.690 --> 00:22:33.890 virtually with people around the world, other eyes bees around the world, has 326 00:22:33.930 --> 00:22:38.170 been something really, really interesting. I remember sitting there one day and we 327 00:22:38.210 --> 00:22:44.880 were counting monkeys, counting monkeys as part of the Sage Foundation program now this 328 00:22:44.960 --> 00:22:51.519 might not sound like a strong sales activity, but actually it's an incredible opportunity 329 00:22:51.559 --> 00:22:55.640 through through sage foundation, to build connections and to have some fun with other 330 00:22:55.720 --> 00:22:57.789 eyes fee partners and that's been Nice, you know, for us around the 331 00:22:57.869 --> 00:23:03.309 world. Going to trade shows is always fantastic for meeting customers, but one 332 00:23:03.309 --> 00:23:06.549 of the key things for us is meeting other eyes bees, other people on 333 00:23:06.630 --> 00:23:11.910 the same journey as arts, because actually this business is difficult and there's not 334 00:23:11.029 --> 00:23:15.579 that many people understand how complex this business can be. And so met a 335 00:23:15.700 --> 00:23:18.019 trade shows has been fantastic to meet people. No trade shows this year, 336 00:23:18.099 --> 00:23:22.099 so no chance to meet. And yet these coffee mornings in the like of 337 00:23:22.180 --> 00:23:26.539 really helped that. We've created opportunities to for other eyes of these through these 338 00:23:26.579 --> 00:23:30.609 coffee meetings and they've created opportunities for us. One of the other things I 339 00:23:30.769 --> 00:23:34.130 think that this camera and and rare. You've mentioned this from your own business 340 00:23:34.170 --> 00:23:40.769 perspective. Your work has turned into education. We all stopped selling hard and 341 00:23:41.009 --> 00:23:44.839 started educating as thought leader's and I think that's been an amazing thing. We've 342 00:23:45.359 --> 00:23:48.160 we've recognized that we can deal globally with a note, with a with an 343 00:23:48.160 --> 00:23:52.559 audience from our office here in Sydney, Australia, and do it exceptionally effectively. 344 00:23:52.119 --> 00:23:56.789 We had to, because forecasting is never been more important. This year. 345 00:23:57.190 --> 00:24:03.150 I think forecasting is the tool that helps people build pathways through covid it 346 00:24:03.230 --> 00:24:07.150 helps create the backbone for all the conversations you need to think about strategically, 347 00:24:07.789 --> 00:24:11.180 and so the world's never needed more what we do and our challenge has been 348 00:24:11.220 --> 00:24:14.980 how to get to the world and I think that's been a really interesting learning 349 00:24:15.059 --> 00:24:18.019 this year. We switch quickly and it's ended up being a successful year. 350 00:24:18.059 --> 00:24:22.019 In fact, it's been a record year for us. We've never been busier. 351 00:24:22.539 --> 00:24:25.650 Congratulation. It's going to make up. Yeah, thank you very much. 352 00:24:25.650 --> 00:24:27.650 Fun To make read. It does make our it does make a lot 353 00:24:27.730 --> 00:24:30.130 of sense and he's good. That he's good to other trail in a regards 354 00:24:30.130 --> 00:24:33.970 of me. Will also on truck at the moment. But you know, 355 00:24:33.089 --> 00:24:37.250 we just again. We don't want to speak Aboux record. We don't want 356 00:24:37.250 --> 00:24:41.759 to speak about doing too well. We which try to keep it and would 357 00:24:41.759 --> 00:24:44.559 like to put more on meat and all that. But we when we see 358 00:24:44.559 --> 00:24:48.319 some Muslim businesses around there's not doing the technology space. I think we've got 359 00:24:48.400 --> 00:24:51.519 lots of thick of clients and you know, we're really appear about that. 360 00:24:52.079 --> 00:24:55.029 We are in the right space. I think all of us know the technology 361 00:24:55.109 --> 00:24:59.069 space. Gays are in forecasting finance. You still need that. This is 362 00:24:59.269 --> 00:25:03.990 bad bonds of organization. We've got lots of crimes winding for a structure security. 363 00:25:03.750 --> 00:25:07.660 What gets what? The hackers are not stopping. They'll still going really 364 00:25:07.700 --> 00:25:08.900 out. In fact they are going out of they probably have more time in 365 00:25:08.980 --> 00:25:14.019 their hands walking from the bedroom while els in the in the world. So 366 00:25:14.500 --> 00:25:17.819 you know, I think our plants have not really seen a lack of activity 367 00:25:17.940 --> 00:25:22.690 or lack of interest. Is more the fluctuation term of WHO's doing what. 368 00:25:23.049 --> 00:25:26.089 Are you speaking to a company? Would the budget be pulled out at the 369 00:25:26.130 --> 00:25:30.450 last minute and you know it's the insertainty. That, I think, is 370 00:25:30.529 --> 00:25:34.529 the issue and I think we have been speaking with squad a few people even 371 00:25:34.569 --> 00:25:40.480 like private equity firms and VC is that we walk with, and I think 372 00:25:40.559 --> 00:25:42.960 we all agree that. You know now, we know what the insertainty look 373 00:25:44.000 --> 00:25:48.240 like. You know. But remember when Donald Trump was kind of saying, 374 00:25:48.240 --> 00:25:51.230 wow, you know, should we? You can go to work, you 375 00:25:51.269 --> 00:25:52.710 can go to Auboritions, and was also a good one in the UK. 376 00:25:52.950 --> 00:25:56.829 I leave. Well, I was listening to the thing at six pms of 377 00:25:56.950 --> 00:26:00.509 what did he say? Look that my words, the interest we should go 378 00:26:00.589 --> 00:26:03.509 to walk tomorrow, were not supposed to good to what's going on and he 379 00:26:03.630 --> 00:26:04.980 was like well, you should, you could, but it's not a you 380 00:26:06.099 --> 00:26:10.660 must or your cars. You know it, and it's it was. I 381 00:26:10.740 --> 00:26:12.940 think that's built up a lot of uncertainty. And then we saw that the 382 00:26:14.019 --> 00:26:17.099 lockdown would be three weeks for weeks and then he ended up being two months 383 00:26:17.700 --> 00:26:21.490 and I think as what bit more than that actually. But as we got 384 00:26:21.609 --> 00:26:25.609 into into June, people started to say hey and we started to go in 385 00:26:25.690 --> 00:26:30.210 the new normal right, which is now boring down. Is that could anymore? 386 00:26:30.529 --> 00:26:33.680 But you know, I do really believe that now we know a deal 387 00:26:33.759 --> 00:26:36.920 certainty look like, and I do believe that, even if there is another 388 00:26:37.160 --> 00:26:40.720 lockdown, which could happen, because if it's press you nice, we would 389 00:26:40.720 --> 00:26:42.119 be the right thing to do and the government would be writing doing so, 390 00:26:42.240 --> 00:26:45.559 even if we would impact businesses, of course. I think people are much 391 00:26:45.559 --> 00:26:48.670 more prepared. I don't think I will be running to my local shop to 392 00:26:48.710 --> 00:26:52.470 get toilet, pepper and pasta right. I think I know that I want 393 00:26:52.549 --> 00:26:56.349 to start. I I you know, and that panic could be different. 394 00:26:56.549 --> 00:26:59.990 Now we know what to deal with kids at all. So I think we 395 00:27:00.069 --> 00:27:03.220 actually, I've land much more skills were personal level and from a business perspective, 396 00:27:03.660 --> 00:27:07.420 and that the adaptability, hopefully, will stay with us and we'll stay 397 00:27:07.460 --> 00:27:11.619 with most businesses, which is kind of leading me to my next question to 398 00:27:11.700 --> 00:27:15.250 you, mischell. From your perspective, what are the most positive outcomes and 399 00:27:15.289 --> 00:27:18.609 lesson long from that, from that to pier then also, which is which 400 00:27:18.609 --> 00:27:22.650 is the most important? I guess in part of my question. What are 401 00:27:22.690 --> 00:27:26.250 the lesson learn? Are Best Practices that you've learned over the course of the 402 00:27:26.369 --> 00:27:32.039 lockdown and covered Naineteen, that you will keep going, that you will keep 403 00:27:32.119 --> 00:27:34.759 pushing, because you actually been seeing them successful and and you see them being 404 00:27:34.880 --> 00:27:40.640 ongoing on an ongoing bases being successful. Yeah, it's very interesting, or 405 00:27:40.680 --> 00:27:42.240 you've been saying. I kind of agree with this. A lot of us 406 00:27:42.359 --> 00:27:45.230 am, I think, for me, community in relationships. I think the 407 00:27:45.269 --> 00:27:49.990 importance of that's been really highlightess and not just business. Like I live in 408 00:27:49.990 --> 00:27:53.789 a small village, your disco spoiler. I've got a lot of elderly people 409 00:27:53.910 --> 00:27:57.900 surround me. I mean I our village came together to help each other out, 410 00:27:59.259 --> 00:28:02.900 those that were shielding. We delivered food to them and it just feels 411 00:28:02.940 --> 00:28:06.380 like people started to care about each other and come together a lot more during 412 00:28:06.500 --> 00:28:08.700 covid so I think that's something that really stood out for me and I see 413 00:28:08.779 --> 00:28:12.130 that. I see that internally. It's sage. We've come together a lot 414 00:28:12.210 --> 00:28:15.809 more. I speak, communities come together a lot more and yeah, I 415 00:28:17.170 --> 00:28:19.450 hate that's really keen. I guess we're a business perspective. When I look 416 00:28:19.450 --> 00:28:25.690 at our I see ecosystem. We have the marketplace platform and of course we 417 00:28:25.769 --> 00:28:29.000 want to sell and we want to market together, but I think a really 418 00:28:29.319 --> 00:28:33.119 big differentiator for us who's is these relationships we've created and it's trust that we've 419 00:28:33.160 --> 00:28:37.759 built among each other and I feel like we have each each other's backs now 420 00:28:37.799 --> 00:28:41.240 when we care about each other as people as well. Yeah, I guess 421 00:28:41.279 --> 00:28:44.829 that kind of reflects what you were saying as well. It's more people buying 422 00:28:44.869 --> 00:28:48.349 from people again rather than it's been very like just a digital journey where you 423 00:28:48.349 --> 00:28:52.990 don't speak to people. It's people wanting to to build relationships with people. 424 00:28:52.470 --> 00:28:56.740 So guess what, we're going to keep going and we're going to keep going 425 00:28:56.859 --> 00:29:00.500 with our virtual coffeme warnings and happy hours. I mean it's really simple concept 426 00:29:00.619 --> 00:29:04.819 and I'd flow at the idea of stopping them in the lockdown restrictions he's but 427 00:29:06.539 --> 00:29:08.299 all the ice these want to keep it going and we're going to go that 428 00:29:08.380 --> 00:29:11.690 and hopefully one day we can start doing these again in real life. I 429 00:29:11.849 --> 00:29:17.049 really like to share what we've created with our customers and our work wider partner 430 00:29:17.130 --> 00:29:19.890 base. I think our customers could get to know where ice the ecosystem really 431 00:29:19.930 --> 00:29:23.519 well as people and understand why we're working with these created, I. is, 432 00:29:23.599 --> 00:29:27.000 fees and they've all got interesting business stories to help and I think they 433 00:29:27.039 --> 00:29:32.480 can learn a lot from them, and I guess we're collaborating a lot more 434 00:29:32.559 --> 00:29:37.000 scatter as well. So if I take us even doing FY Twenty one planning 435 00:29:37.039 --> 00:29:41.589 around marketing with their ICES. Before we would have just done this internally. 436 00:29:41.630 --> 00:29:45.230 We probably wouldn't have spoken to the IRCS too much about it. But we 437 00:29:45.309 --> 00:29:51.549 completely flip that around. We whenever coffee wearning sessions to brainstorm with the whole 438 00:29:51.630 --> 00:29:56.700 ice community to sporce their ideas and listen to each other and and bounce ideas 439 00:29:56.740 --> 00:29:59.660 off each other, and the plan that we've pulled together is based on on 440 00:30:00.339 --> 00:30:03.539 all that feedback. So yeah, I guess that's another thing that we're definitely 441 00:30:03.579 --> 00:30:07.849 going to keep going as much as we can. That's pretty good. Thanks 442 00:30:07.890 --> 00:30:11.009 for as me should not and I think you know, on the personal perspective 443 00:30:11.049 --> 00:30:14.490 it. We didn't mention that, but yet I'll being helping each other on 444 00:30:15.369 --> 00:30:17.849 this. Is this is this is good. You Know Sonny diary. Some 445 00:30:17.970 --> 00:30:19.769 of you had that. I think we needed a little bit as a as 446 00:30:19.769 --> 00:30:25.319 a little slip across the face. And and the first he's been kind of 447 00:30:26.079 --> 00:30:29.119 riply gating in the business environment. Could can only be good. You know, 448 00:30:29.480 --> 00:30:33.160 it's only a good thing, unfortunately coming from a bad thing, but 449 00:30:33.319 --> 00:30:34.680 you know, it's a good thing. So let's look at the busy teeth. 450 00:30:34.829 --> 00:30:40.109 That lets you out full, isn't it? So we're going to to 451 00:30:40.190 --> 00:30:45.109 the ENN F comversation. I could have got on for much stronger but because 452 00:30:45.150 --> 00:30:48.950 I think the content of which you gets, what we discussed the Ay was 453 00:30:48.990 --> 00:30:52.579 really interesting and and what we do at the end of feature for forsation or 454 00:30:52.619 --> 00:30:56.700 each other for podcast, is to ask you guys to just tell our audience 455 00:30:56.859 --> 00:31:00.740 what would be the best way to get in touch with you. So, 456 00:31:02.980 --> 00:31:04.329 Michell, let's start with you. We've been, you know, ladies first. 457 00:31:04.369 --> 00:31:07.210 We've done that. But guess it, let's keep it going. We 458 00:31:08.369 --> 00:31:15.529 Free Gentlemen here. So if people want to push the conversation with you, 459 00:31:15.130 --> 00:31:19.039 Michelle, and and discuss further or whatever, I could get an existing as 460 00:31:19.039 --> 00:31:22.799 v. We could be someone wanted to become an Isev could get us or 461 00:31:22.799 --> 00:31:26.720 vendor having an asv program but maybe being a little bit less much or than 462 00:31:26.799 --> 00:31:30.240 yours. What's the best way to get all of your mission? And Yeah, 463 00:31:30.359 --> 00:31:33.390 probably Linkedin is probably the easiest. With my confusing surname, is just 464 00:31:33.509 --> 00:31:41.470 one of me and we sought some Shell and then AUC hi and achie see 465 00:31:41.630 --> 00:31:44.990 here make the claim guys. I've longed that. I've longed that at the 466 00:31:45.029 --> 00:31:48.380 beginning of the call today. Very good, name by it's good to be 467 00:31:48.420 --> 00:31:52.460 different. I say that because my name is different as well. Steve, 468 00:31:52.500 --> 00:31:56.299 over to you. What's the best way to get all of you, Steve 469 00:31:56.500 --> 00:32:06.690 and yeah, to two to continue the conversation with you? Probably tender again. 470 00:32:06.809 --> 00:32:10.369 Linked A. Nothing to me. Right, Steve Gemmot so, JEM 471 00:32:10.809 --> 00:32:14.490 putty, and use the surname, so I should be the only yeah, 472 00:32:14.730 --> 00:32:16.519 the only one, or hopefully top of the search list anyway, but certainly 473 00:32:16.519 --> 00:32:20.680 linkedin. More than happy. Two People Che Connect that one. Wonderful. 474 00:32:20.799 --> 00:32:23.720 Thanks, Steve and and for you make or find out more about cost to 475 00:32:23.759 --> 00:32:30.309 I. You can go to the website www castaway forecastingcom, and also what 476 00:32:30.470 --> 00:32:34.029 not to make it three out of trade over at Linkedin. Michael Ford, 477 00:32:34.069 --> 00:32:37.710 I'm the CEO of castaway forecasting. Find me a lot. I'd be happy 478 00:32:37.710 --> 00:32:39.750 to connect. Be Good. I want them an you may go thought there 479 00:32:39.829 --> 00:32:46.380 is on Linkedin, though. Well, we say yeah, all right, 480 00:32:46.420 --> 00:32:51.220 you guys of Statistics and Ma gap on the spot. So I've just done 481 00:32:51.259 --> 00:32:54.819 that. Good job. Great well, many thanks once again for all of 482 00:32:54.859 --> 00:32:59.289 your gays. You was great to have you undership today. Say Thank you. 483 00:32:59.609 --> 00:33:07.049 Enjoy this thanks R it's fantastic operatics has redefined the meaning of revenue generation 484 00:33:07.289 --> 00:33:14.400 for technology companies worldwide. While the traditional concepts of building and managing inside sales 485 00:33:14.480 --> 00:33:19.200 teams inhouse has existed for many years, companies are struggling with a lack of 486 00:33:19.279 --> 00:33:24.960 focus, agility and scale required in today's fast and complex world of enterprise technology 487 00:33:25.039 --> 00:33:31.509 sales. See How operatics can help your company accelerate pipeline at operatics dotnet. 488 00:33:32.349 --> 00:33:37.710 You've been listening to be tob revenue acceleration. To ensure that you never miss 489 00:33:37.750 --> 00:33:40.819 an episode, subscribe to the show in your favorite podcast player. Thank you 490 00:33:40.859 --> 00:33:43.859 so much for listening. Until next time.

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