90: Building Relationships in a Virtual World w/ Deirdre McGinn

November 05, 2020 00:19:06
90: Building Relationships in a Virtual World w/ Deirdre McGinn
B2B Revenue Acceleration
90: Building Relationships in a Virtual World w/ Deirdre McGinn

Nov 05 2020 | 00:19:06


Show Notes

During the lockdown, it has been a challenge for most of us to build relationships with employees, clients, suppliers, and teams in our new virtual world.

That’s because most of us have yet to grasp that virtual presence is important — and trainable.

Recently on B2B Revenue Acceleration, we interviewed Dieirdre McGinn, Executive Coach and Founder at StepUpStepIn, about building relationships in a virtual world.

We talked about the 2 foundations of virtual presence, Deirdre’s virtual presence framework (See, Hear, & Feel), and how to deepen virtual relationships with trust.

To hear this interview and many more like it, subscribe to The B2B Revenue Acceleration Podcast on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or on our website.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.960 --> 00:00:06.519 You were listening to bb revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated to helping software executive 2 00:00:06.559 --> 00:00:10.349 stay on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. Let's give 3 00:00:10.349 --> 00:00:13.910 him the show. Hi, welcome to be to be a revenue acceleration. 4 00:00:14.349 --> 00:00:17.989 My name is Ohnim with you and I'm here today with day dream again, 5 00:00:18.550 --> 00:00:23.140 executive cush and founder at step up, step in. How are you today? 6 00:00:23.179 --> 00:00:26.179 Day Drenk, Good Morning Ray. Thank you. I'm great today. 7 00:00:26.219 --> 00:00:30.260 Actually, I'm in Dublin. It's a beautiful morning. It's very autumnal outside 8 00:00:30.300 --> 00:00:33.100 my window right now, so I'm looking at some beautiful colors on the tree. 9 00:00:33.299 --> 00:00:35.929 So happy, so good to day. The first question for you is 10 00:00:35.969 --> 00:00:39.289 I've been swimming in the city this morning on a tip. Today, not, 11 00:00:39.570 --> 00:00:43.049 not yet today, the tides are not working, but yesterday morning I 12 00:00:43.369 --> 00:00:47.729 was in the sea quite early and it was just beautiful, gorgeous. Very 13 00:00:47.729 --> 00:00:51.119 very brave of you, very braveful. So I'll discussion today is quite to 14 00:00:51.240 --> 00:00:55.719 be collectually and it's about building relationship in a virtual world. I'm very, 15 00:00:55.799 --> 00:00:59.000 very, very, very keen to have young today because I have found it 16 00:00:59.119 --> 00:01:04.469 myself relatively difficult to build relationship with employees, with clients, with sup players 17 00:01:04.549 --> 00:01:07.870 during the lockdown and I think we all getting a little bit better at it. 18 00:01:08.109 --> 00:01:11.909 But before we step into the conversation day, Drek, would you like 19 00:01:11.989 --> 00:01:14.750 to give us a bit more information as to know you are, where you 20 00:01:14.790 --> 00:01:17.629 come from, but also tell us a little bit more about step up step 21 00:01:17.750 --> 00:01:21.459 in your company? Sure. So, for the last twenty five years my 22 00:01:21.980 --> 00:01:26.260 career has been in the technology industry. So I've worked in sales roles and 23 00:01:26.459 --> 00:01:32.890 sales leadership roles in in arcle IBM and the most recent was with Linkedin. 24 00:01:32.969 --> 00:01:34.489 I was with Linkedin and four, four and a half years, okay, 25 00:01:34.569 --> 00:01:40.370 so very much a tech background and a sales background. About a year ago, 26 00:01:40.569 --> 00:01:44.530 Ray, I found myself. I probably did a bit burnt out, 27 00:01:44.530 --> 00:01:47.400 if I'm honest. I was just exhausted and tired. I was doing a 28 00:01:47.640 --> 00:01:51.719 an executive coaching course here in Dublin and as part of that you go through 29 00:01:51.760 --> 00:01:55.680 your own personal coaching journey and it as was, I realized that I wasn't 30 00:01:55.719 --> 00:02:00.120 as excited about working in the organization as I as I had once been. 31 00:02:00.200 --> 00:02:02.189 So I left and I took a year off and I studied. I did 32 00:02:02.269 --> 00:02:06.549 two diplomas. I went swimming in the sea every day, I did lovely 33 00:02:06.590 --> 00:02:08.469 things. I traveled all over the world and then last year, are as 34 00:02:08.550 --> 00:02:12.349 this year, actually in February this year, I decided that I wasn't ready 35 00:02:12.349 --> 00:02:15.099 to go back into big corporates. So I started my own organization, which 36 00:02:15.099 --> 00:02:20.020 is step up step in which initially I was around. I'm a big I'm 37 00:02:20.020 --> 00:02:23.740 a huge advocate for women, especially women in sales organizations, just to help 38 00:02:23.780 --> 00:02:27.699 them yes up into bigger jobs, and a lot of the coaching that I 39 00:02:27.780 --> 00:02:30.889 had done over the years was a lot of it was around helping women see 40 00:02:30.930 --> 00:02:34.449 that they could help them, I supposed developed their confidence so that they could 41 00:02:34.530 --> 00:02:38.370 see that they had an opportunity to do something bigger within the organization. So 42 00:02:38.810 --> 00:02:40.770 that's what makes my heart saying if I can help a woman, and a 43 00:02:40.810 --> 00:02:46.000 woman specifically, do something amazing in her career, then that just makes me 44 00:02:46.080 --> 00:02:50.840 happy. Besides that, I do a lot of work with organizations around executive 45 00:02:50.879 --> 00:02:54.560 presence and virtual presence. So through one on one coaching, but also through 46 00:02:54.759 --> 00:03:00.550 working with sales teams, I help them understand why the virtual persons important and 47 00:03:00.110 --> 00:03:04.710 what are the elements of that that they need to really focus on. To 48 00:03:04.830 --> 00:03:08.310 help them present themselves and be heard and seeing on calls with clients and help 49 00:03:08.349 --> 00:03:12.830 build those relationships. Yeah, now, that makes perfect sense. So somethings 50 00:03:12.860 --> 00:03:15.539 for that. Yeah, as I was saying my introduction, I felt it 51 00:03:15.780 --> 00:03:20.379 myself. I feel it on the day to day basis, as I'm a 52 00:03:20.419 --> 00:03:23.060 usual advocate of face to face engagement. I don't know why, I always 53 00:03:23.139 --> 00:03:27.060 loved it. You know, some call me old school and lots of make 54 00:03:27.099 --> 00:03:30.889 California and clients I tually find a little bit bizarre when I could them and 55 00:03:30.889 --> 00:03:32.330 say hey, I will be in California, I'd love to have a coffee 56 00:03:32.370 --> 00:03:36.689 with you. Just a WHA, we can do a zoom. Even prepending 57 00:03:36.770 --> 00:03:39.569 it. I always value the lot the importance of meeting in person, looking 58 00:03:39.569 --> 00:03:43.759 at people in the eyes, and I think it is really important to build 59 00:03:43.800 --> 00:03:46.439 relationship but also to build trust. I needed to build trust, but in 60 00:03:46.599 --> 00:03:50.400 this new world and that we are just to it, there is no way 61 00:03:50.439 --> 00:03:53.000 around getting in front of people. You know, it's very difficulty. would 62 00:03:53.000 --> 00:03:55.030 be dangerous. You would been considerate and of cost. Real this theffing that 63 00:03:55.150 --> 00:04:00.349 that something at we can do. From your perspective, what is the importance 64 00:04:00.430 --> 00:04:05.069 of building a virtual presence and how can people make sure that they continue building 65 00:04:05.189 --> 00:04:11.139 strong relationship, even if it's the actual so, like you, relationships, 66 00:04:11.259 --> 00:04:14.860 you know, I believe relationships are everything, especially in any organization. So 67 00:04:15.539 --> 00:04:18.459 what I've observed ray over the last six months, initially when we went into 68 00:04:18.540 --> 00:04:23.540 lock down, globally, a lot of organizations will really focus just on getting 69 00:04:23.939 --> 00:04:27.329 their teams set up at home. So, yeah, with the technology work, 70 00:04:27.529 --> 00:04:30.970 making sure that they were looking after their team's mental health, making sure 71 00:04:30.009 --> 00:04:33.810 that everybody was comfortable in the environment that they had found themselves in, and 72 00:04:33.889 --> 00:04:39.120 it's been really difficult. So what I'm seeing now is that organizations are starting 73 00:04:39.160 --> 00:04:42.560 to look and see that, okay, so we've done all that, this 74 00:04:42.720 --> 00:04:45.399 is here to stay. It's not going anywhere and we're going to be in 75 00:04:45.519 --> 00:04:47.560 this situation, I would say, for at least another twelve months. So 76 00:04:47.600 --> 00:04:51.360 now we need to focus on our teams and make sure that we're giving them 77 00:04:51.399 --> 00:04:56.709 their tools and techniques to start building those relationships and to build that trust, 78 00:04:56.949 --> 00:04:59.189 and I suppose that's a lot of the work that I do. So the 79 00:04:59.230 --> 00:05:02.230 virtual presence is about it's about inspiring confidence. That's how I describe it. 80 00:05:02.430 --> 00:05:06.660 So if I'm presenting myself in this small little box that we all find ourselves 81 00:05:06.699 --> 00:05:11.459 in. Yeah, in the best possible way, and it's inspiring confidence and 82 00:05:11.540 --> 00:05:15.860 building confidence in you as my client. That starts to build a relationship, 83 00:05:15.860 --> 00:05:18.540 it starts to build a trust and then you go deeper into what does that 84 00:05:18.699 --> 00:05:21.569 look like? So what do people see? Because you know, the minute 85 00:05:21.610 --> 00:05:26.009 you've seen me this morning, you created an impression of me, because we 86 00:05:26.129 --> 00:05:30.329 build judgments of people, yeah, in the first nanoseconds of meeting them. 87 00:05:30.529 --> 00:05:33.689 So there's an opportunity there, especially in the first engagement with a client, 88 00:05:34.009 --> 00:05:38.480 is to make sure that we're creating that first impression and the judgment that they're 89 00:05:38.519 --> 00:05:42.319 making is the judgment that you want them to make. So for me there's 90 00:05:42.360 --> 00:05:46.040 two things. I think in terms of virtual presence, there is intensions. 91 00:05:46.279 --> 00:05:49.189 What's my intention coming on this call this morning with you? How do I 92 00:05:49.310 --> 00:05:51.750 want to help you? How do I want to make you see you? 93 00:05:53.029 --> 00:05:55.910 And we forget about this because we think about ourselves when we're going on calls 94 00:05:55.949 --> 00:05:57.910 for clients. We think about what do I want to get out of it? 95 00:05:58.110 --> 00:06:00.870 Yeah, my intention is how do I want you to feel on this 96 00:06:00.990 --> 00:06:02.910 call? How do I want you to perceive me on this call. And 97 00:06:02.990 --> 00:06:05.819 then the second bit is being present. I don't know, I see it 98 00:06:05.860 --> 00:06:10.259 all the time and I appreciate that. We're all zoom fatigue now at the 99 00:06:10.300 --> 00:06:13.660 stage and you could spend eight hours on zoom every day. So it's really 100 00:06:13.699 --> 00:06:15.699 easy to get distracted. And you know, I've got this beautiful view at 101 00:06:15.740 --> 00:06:19.009 my window, so it's very easy for me to just glance at there or 102 00:06:19.089 --> 00:06:21.490 my phone. I never have my phone on my desk when I want to 103 00:06:21.529 --> 00:06:26.370 call because it's just too easy. Yeah, and I'm not present and the 104 00:06:26.449 --> 00:06:30.170 minute my eyes go down, especially in this world, because we're seeing more 105 00:06:30.129 --> 00:06:33.680 in this environment than we're ever seen in an office or in a meeting room 106 00:06:33.800 --> 00:06:38.639 because it's so intense. Yeah, so if my eyes drift down to my 107 00:06:38.720 --> 00:06:42.480 phone, you know already that I'm gone. Like I'm not present on the 108 00:06:42.560 --> 00:06:46.759 call. So having sort of an intention in your mind and being present for 109 00:06:46.879 --> 00:06:50.990 me at the foundations of creating a good virtual presence now absolutely now compacting on 110 00:06:51.069 --> 00:06:55.029 the some that and I think it's kind of commen sense in a way, 111 00:06:55.110 --> 00:06:58.709 because you're right, you know, you may be in yourn living room, 112 00:06:58.829 --> 00:07:01.220 you may be in your own office. I think it's a main set as 113 00:07:01.259 --> 00:07:04.540 well. If you present well, I always been a big bivow that if 114 00:07:04.620 --> 00:07:10.100 you present well, you act well, and we always say to our team 115 00:07:10.139 --> 00:07:12.339 when they come in, when they used to come in the office. So 116 00:07:12.420 --> 00:07:15.339 we need to present well. We want we want people to our shots. 117 00:07:15.379 --> 00:07:17.050 We want people to look smart. We don't want people to come and, 118 00:07:17.410 --> 00:07:21.009 you know, wearing trainnails and chuggings and, you know, go on the 119 00:07:21.089 --> 00:07:25.569 office with hoodies and cap and flip flops and stuff like that. You know, 120 00:07:25.610 --> 00:07:29.449 it's with not between the right mindset technically, but also we've got clients 121 00:07:29.529 --> 00:07:31.639 coming all the time in the office and we want to show them that you 122 00:07:31.720 --> 00:07:33.839 are bullished, we all slick. You know that, all the sort of 123 00:07:33.920 --> 00:07:36.439 things. So that that makes topics as in, and of course we should 124 00:07:36.439 --> 00:07:39.839 take you to the the actual war, but it's come in sense, I 125 00:07:39.959 --> 00:07:43.480 agree. But what I've seen, Ray, is in the first six months 126 00:07:43.519 --> 00:07:46.350 a lot of things became acceptable. So yes, actually pants, the hoodies, 127 00:07:46.589 --> 00:07:51.750 the Jessy made doug children running in and I appreciate that all of that. 128 00:07:53.029 --> 00:07:55.310 Not all of us have offices, you know, we're all living at 129 00:07:55.350 --> 00:07:57.990 home in the one house, so it can be quite difficult, but I 130 00:07:58.069 --> 00:08:01.819 think as we move forward some of that's not just going to be acceptable anymore. 131 00:08:01.980 --> 00:08:05.579 So we can't look like we just rolled out yet we can't look on 132 00:08:05.740 --> 00:08:07.939 shaven hair all over the place, you know, sitting there in a Hoodie 133 00:08:09.060 --> 00:08:11.930 in front of a client. For me, yes, it's not inappropriate way 134 00:08:11.970 --> 00:08:16.129 of presenting yourself now. Absolutely, I agree. So you developed a virtual 135 00:08:16.290 --> 00:08:20.610 presence framework. See here and feel. Can you please took us through the 136 00:08:20.730 --> 00:08:26.209 free stages of this from work? Sure so, the first agency and that's 137 00:08:26.250 --> 00:08:28.759 the appearance that you see on the screen. So it's how you groomed yourself, 138 00:08:30.160 --> 00:08:33.600 it's your background, it's the lighting. So we forget about the space 139 00:08:33.639 --> 00:08:37.879 around ourselves and lighting. The lighting is hugely important because if you've got lovely 140 00:08:37.919 --> 00:08:43.190 natural life spancing off your face, that creates energy in your fix. So 141 00:08:43.350 --> 00:08:46.830 you look more interested, you look more alive, you look more engaged when 142 00:08:46.870 --> 00:08:50.870 you're having conversation. If you've got like behind you, it can darken your 143 00:08:50.909 --> 00:08:54.990 face, if there's any sort of shading or darkness over your face, you 144 00:08:54.029 --> 00:08:58.700 can look a bit shady and you know into that's what the goods right now. 145 00:08:58.980 --> 00:09:03.179 My good the only yeah, so it's the most appropriate place for you 146 00:09:03.299 --> 00:09:07.299 is to be facing into the window. Yeah, you face into the window, 147 00:09:07.620 --> 00:09:11.210 you'll see a different light bounds off yourself there, you God. Yeah. 148 00:09:11.289 --> 00:09:13.690 So, and if you don't have that beautiful natural light that you have, 149 00:09:13.169 --> 00:09:16.690 then having some sort of a lamp, especially going into winter now, 150 00:09:16.929 --> 00:09:18.970 you need to have some really good lightings so people can see your face, 151 00:09:20.210 --> 00:09:22.450 because we don't have very much to work with. We've got our head, 152 00:09:22.490 --> 00:09:26.399 we've got our shoulders, we've got our hands, so all of that piece 153 00:09:26.639 --> 00:09:30.639 we need to present in the best possible way. It's our body posture, 154 00:09:31.080 --> 00:09:33.480 you know. Do we look relaxed? Are we slumped looking into the screen, 155 00:09:33.519 --> 00:09:37.629 or are we sitting up in a confident manner? Or shoulders showing that 156 00:09:37.750 --> 00:09:41.470 were relaxed? And there's all sorts of tips and techniques that you can use 157 00:09:41.629 --> 00:09:46.549 to demonstrate confidence in your body. So the second part is here, which 158 00:09:46.549 --> 00:09:50.509 is our communication. So it's how we communicate in this environment and I've been 159 00:09:50.509 --> 00:09:54.139 very lucky over the years to manage lots of virtual teams, so I've had 160 00:09:54.220 --> 00:10:00.100 lots of practice building relationships and communicating in this environment, which is fantastic. 161 00:10:00.179 --> 00:10:05.100 So it's quite natural for me to use my voice and the human voice. 162 00:10:05.259 --> 00:10:07.250 There's all sorts of interesting things we can do with the human voice. So 163 00:10:07.289 --> 00:10:11.450 our pitch is really important. If we're pitching too high, it can come 164 00:10:11.490 --> 00:10:15.289 across as nervous. If we're to know, we could bore the pants off 165 00:10:15.409 --> 00:10:18.450 somebody. You know, our tone, so we can bring emotion into our 166 00:10:18.450 --> 00:10:20.799 voice. And again, all of this we don't have a lot to work 167 00:10:20.840 --> 00:10:26.639 with. So when we're communicating, so our voice becomes really important and building 168 00:10:26.639 --> 00:10:30.840 energy and expression into your voice and using your body to do that. So 169 00:10:31.360 --> 00:10:33.519 that's why it's so important to sit up when you're talking, because it opens 170 00:10:33.559 --> 00:10:37.269 your dire fragm and allows you to breathe right into your belly, which allows 171 00:10:37.309 --> 00:10:41.750 you to project your voice in a much better way. So communication is about 172 00:10:43.190 --> 00:10:46.549 how do we use our eye contact, how do we use voice, how 173 00:10:46.549 --> 00:10:50.700 do we use facial expressions and our body to communicate and energy and our message, 174 00:10:50.779 --> 00:10:54.539 and then feels about that emotional connection piece. It's about building those relationships 175 00:10:54.580 --> 00:10:58.139 and it's not about how you feel, it's about how you make other people 176 00:10:58.139 --> 00:11:01.139 feel. And so how do you build those relationships? How do you and 177 00:11:01.379 --> 00:11:03.889 for me, as I said, it's about intention, it's about presence and 178 00:11:05.090 --> 00:11:09.450 trust. It's all about trust and it's about really understand the dimensions of trust 179 00:11:09.610 --> 00:11:11.889 and what are the sort of the five different dimensions of trust and how do 180 00:11:11.929 --> 00:11:16.450 you work through those in a relationship, because the more trust you have, 181 00:11:16.610 --> 00:11:20.519 more influence you have and within a sales organization influences everything. Right, so 182 00:11:22.399 --> 00:11:24.080 absolutely a lot of time on that trust piece. Yeah, now, that 183 00:11:24.200 --> 00:11:28.399 makes perfect sense. Again, it's interesting because the way you phrame is so 184 00:11:28.720 --> 00:11:31.399 stress common sense. But again, I don't make we all think about it 185 00:11:31.559 --> 00:11:35.669 all the time, you know, and in fact I'm thinking about it because 186 00:11:35.669 --> 00:11:39.230 I moved. I used to have my yourmo FIS in. I just moved 187 00:11:39.269 --> 00:11:41.830 outs. In my previous House, my Om fist was literally in front of 188 00:11:41.909 --> 00:11:45.629 the window and I would love to have a little bit of certain in in 189 00:11:45.710 --> 00:11:48.179 the morning, you know, thirty ten o'clock at that sudden comes through and 190 00:11:48.259 --> 00:11:52.100 I always had lights. And now I moved to my new house where by 191 00:11:52.139 --> 00:11:54.620 your face is in front of the wall and the window. It's a little 192 00:11:54.659 --> 00:11:56.860 bit on the side of and I was I'm always trying to kind of move 193 00:11:56.940 --> 00:12:01.059 closer to the scream so I can use them the light of the scream. 194 00:12:01.419 --> 00:12:03.049 Yeah, and I'M gonna change that. You say, so I'm going to. 195 00:12:03.090 --> 00:12:07.289 I'm going to make action from our conversation today, just from the lighting, 196 00:12:07.330 --> 00:12:09.169 because I agree with you so much. Important to have the right lighting. 197 00:12:09.210 --> 00:12:13.129 It's important for people to see you, because you can't feel the emotion 198 00:12:13.210 --> 00:12:16.039 that you would have in person. And I also hundred person agree with you. 199 00:12:16.120 --> 00:12:20.200 I think it's something sad to say, but as human being, within 200 00:12:20.320 --> 00:12:24.679 the first few seconds of seeing someone we make an opinion of that someone. 201 00:12:24.960 --> 00:12:28.240 That opinion can be changed, but you would take much more time to change, 202 00:12:28.519 --> 00:12:31.029 you know, an opinion rather than creating a good one, a good 203 00:12:31.070 --> 00:12:35.909 impression to start with. So, yeah, absolute common sense. Can I 204 00:12:35.990 --> 00:12:39.309 suggest you by yourself a ring life? So there're about twenty bucks, not 205 00:12:39.429 --> 00:12:41.389 expense what I was thinking. I was thinking about this. You know, 206 00:12:41.470 --> 00:12:45.220 I don't call them ring later. I think what you're speaking about that it's 207 00:12:45.299 --> 00:12:48.100 like instagram light, when you see people doing like a yeah, they've got 208 00:12:48.139 --> 00:12:50.779 a little light in the eyes. I'M gonna get one for the stuff of 209 00:12:50.860 --> 00:12:54.659 them. I'm gonna get one for everyone. I'm going to buy your bulk 210 00:12:54.019 --> 00:12:56.899 bring like. I think. I think, I think that makes sense. 211 00:12:56.139 --> 00:13:00.129 We should have that and you know, I have had some group session with 212 00:13:00.250 --> 00:13:03.049 the team recently because, again, we want to try new things and I 213 00:13:03.169 --> 00:13:07.169 can't walk in the office anymore. I can't take a plan to go to 214 00:13:07.769 --> 00:13:11.450 Dallas California anymore to meet the people at work for us. So we are 215 00:13:11.490 --> 00:13:13.519 doing it online now and I find it very, very, very difficult, 216 00:13:13.840 --> 00:13:16.799 even you know, I'm gonna wait that a little bit, but even to 217 00:13:16.879 --> 00:13:20.039 it'll be true, when I do a session and people don't put that camera 218 00:13:20.200 --> 00:13:24.559 on because I don't think and then you mentioned something. Is Not about how 219 00:13:24.600 --> 00:13:26.039 you feel, this about how you make the other people feel and I just 220 00:13:26.120 --> 00:13:30.750 feel bad that people don't want to help me in that session. You know, 221 00:13:30.830 --> 00:13:33.710 if you do a training session with someone, we cannot want to eld 222 00:13:33.789 --> 00:13:35.429 the gays weeks with training. If you were got on training, you know 223 00:13:35.470 --> 00:13:41.070 how difficult it is your training and to keep people on Gage. And I 224 00:13:41.190 --> 00:13:43.820 find it's a borderline rod really when people don't thund that camera, because I 225 00:13:43.860 --> 00:13:48.100 cannot need that energy to get my energy up Indus training session. So a 226 00:13:48.139 --> 00:13:52.299 way around that rays just to you know, set the parameters before you even 227 00:13:52.299 --> 00:13:54.299 go on the calls. Just say I have tried that. I'm gonna do 228 00:13:54.340 --> 00:13:58.049 it again. I'm gonna do it again and again and again. Yeah, 229 00:13:58.129 --> 00:14:01.769 now, okay, so give people plenty of advance because you don't know what's 230 00:14:01.809 --> 00:14:05.929 going on and people's homes right it could be like yourself today having the cleaner 231 00:14:05.570 --> 00:14:09.200 hoovering behind you. So you know, there might be a reason, but 232 00:14:09.320 --> 00:14:13.840 I would, I would if you're going and you and you're making the effort 233 00:14:13.919 --> 00:14:16.440 to bring that energy to that training and you're dead rights. It's about respect, 234 00:14:16.480 --> 00:14:20.720 but make sure that you give people plenty of warning and advance. That 235 00:14:20.000 --> 00:14:24.350 camera is a necessity. Okay, yeah, make sense. Let's quish that. 236 00:14:24.389 --> 00:14:28.350 I've got for you is, could you suggest how we can connect emotionally 237 00:14:28.429 --> 00:14:33.190 with our clients to enns engagement and different relationship? Virtually sure. So, 238 00:14:33.549 --> 00:14:37.789 as I mentioned earlier, there's five dimpensions to building trust for me, and 239 00:14:37.909 --> 00:14:43.059 their credibility, reliability, respect, vulnerable and empathy. So they're the five. 240 00:14:43.340 --> 00:14:46.620 The first credibility is you know, you know your stuff. You're in 241 00:14:46.740 --> 00:14:52.059 the job because you've got there for a reason. You either have the qualifications 242 00:14:52.100 --> 00:14:56.090 or the experience to do your job, and that's the starting point of creating 243 00:14:56.169 --> 00:14:58.409 trust. Is I know what I'm doing you can you can trust me that 244 00:14:58.409 --> 00:15:03.690 I will deliver a service to you. The second is reliability, and I 245 00:15:03.730 --> 00:15:07.720 think this is hugely important and we don't we underestimate the power of reliability and 246 00:15:07.840 --> 00:15:11.799 this is the one thing that can really a road trust. And it's the 247 00:15:11.120 --> 00:15:15.279 say do gap. That's what I call it, and it's you say you're 248 00:15:15.320 --> 00:15:18.440 going to do something and then you don't do it because like gets in the 249 00:15:18.480 --> 00:15:20.200 way. So, and it might be the smallest little thing, like I'll 250 00:15:20.240 --> 00:15:24.389 send you that report that I spoke about and I'll send it to you by 251 00:15:24.470 --> 00:15:28.350 this evening, and then you come off this zoon call, you go straight 252 00:15:28.470 --> 00:15:31.350 onto the next one. You forgot to take a note of it and it's 253 00:15:31.429 --> 00:15:33.990 lost. So then, yesterm are the client comes chasing you to have that 254 00:15:35.070 --> 00:15:37.500 report and that's not good. So I would say don't say it if you're 255 00:15:37.500 --> 00:15:41.340 not going to do it. I would say, what's that expression? Under 256 00:15:41.379 --> 00:15:46.500 deliver and although promise, beliey promise and under deliver in terms of I've got 257 00:15:46.580 --> 00:15:50.409 the leadership position, which is the team about exactly that today. Brilliant. 258 00:15:50.490 --> 00:15:54.009 But yeah, I think it's messy if, you know, not meeting expectations 259 00:15:54.049 --> 00:15:56.370 or promoting something to someone. I think to be chased by your client is 260 00:15:56.450 --> 00:16:00.889 my Watt Mat now worst nightmare. I would absolutely do with it. It's 261 00:16:00.929 --> 00:16:03.570 heard. For me is respect, so that's, you know, respect to 262 00:16:03.649 --> 00:16:06.639 me is trying to up on time, presenting yourself in the right way, 263 00:16:07.159 --> 00:16:11.399 making sure that your tune into the needs of the individual. You've got your 264 00:16:11.480 --> 00:16:15.279 present and your intentional on the call. Then we've got vulnerability, and that, 265 00:16:15.440 --> 00:16:18.309 for me, is just it's about authenticity. It's about, if I'm 266 00:16:18.350 --> 00:16:22.429 not being real with you today, Ray your feet through me in a nanosecond. 267 00:16:22.470 --> 00:16:26.669 Right. So it's about not putting on a persona to get something off 268 00:16:26.750 --> 00:16:30.789 somebody. It's about showing up for you, because I think you're in that 269 00:16:30.870 --> 00:16:34.059 job for a reason. Your personality will take you to the place that you 270 00:16:34.139 --> 00:16:37.259 need to go with Ye, and so I think authenticity is usually important. 271 00:16:37.500 --> 00:16:41.580 And then the last and the most important empathy. And I think for salespeople, 272 00:16:42.259 --> 00:16:47.330 when we're talking to clients and we hear a client talk about a problem, 273 00:16:47.570 --> 00:16:49.730 will jump in straight because we love problems, because we're problem solvers. 274 00:16:49.850 --> 00:16:53.210 If I'm talking to you and I hear something about okay, I'm just going 275 00:16:53.210 --> 00:16:56.250 to get in there now, because I know exactly how I'm going to solve 276 00:16:56.289 --> 00:17:00.600 raise problem and we miss the nuance of the conversation because we're not listening. 277 00:17:00.840 --> 00:17:04.160 So for me empathy is about listening and it's about not jumping in, not 278 00:17:04.240 --> 00:17:07.759 trying to solve problems, but it's really listening to what's going on and it's 279 00:17:07.759 --> 00:17:12.359 about understanding the impact on the individual. So if your client is coming and, 280 00:17:12.880 --> 00:17:17.150 like you said earlier, you know you're performing at eighty percent but they're 281 00:17:17.150 --> 00:17:18.869 not happy that you're not at a hundred percent, there's something behind that and 282 00:17:18.950 --> 00:17:23.430 it's not about a hundred percent, because they recognize that nobody will ever get 283 00:17:23.430 --> 00:17:26.269 to a hundred percent. But there's something going on behind it for them and 284 00:17:26.349 --> 00:17:32.140 if you're listening, you'll find out what that impact is on the individual and 285 00:17:32.539 --> 00:17:34.380 on their organization. And I think if you can figure that out, then 286 00:17:34.460 --> 00:17:37.900 you start to create empathy with that person and you sit on the other side 287 00:17:37.940 --> 00:17:41.460 of the table with them, not opposite to them, and that's what you 288 00:17:41.500 --> 00:17:44.180 want to do. You Watch the same side of the table as the client. 289 00:17:44.289 --> 00:17:48.730 So I think for me a relationships is that trust bit and empathy. 290 00:17:48.930 --> 00:17:52.569 Empathy and reliability probably the most two most important element of building trust and once 291 00:17:52.609 --> 00:17:56.250 you have trust, you have that relationship and you'll be able to influence. 292 00:17:56.289 --> 00:18:00.839 Yeah, so nicely put Dadaab that music to my hears. You know, 293 00:18:00.920 --> 00:18:04.680 again, very common sense way to put it together and very illow quents and 294 00:18:04.880 --> 00:18:07.640 in the delivery. So now I think, I think that that's that's wonderful. 295 00:18:07.920 --> 00:18:11.200 Really appreciate that. Look becoming to the NFL session today, which is 296 00:18:11.240 --> 00:18:14.829 a little bit unfortunate because I think, you know, it's we could have 297 00:18:14.910 --> 00:18:18.509 probably gone on far it a longer. Very excited about the conversation, Whiley 298 00:18:18.710 --> 00:18:22.430 so far, but if any of our audience would let to engage Reasu or 299 00:18:22.430 --> 00:18:26.549 engage with step up step in post through the conversation, what is the best 300 00:18:26.589 --> 00:18:30.980 way to get old of you? So linkedin is the best way to contact 301 00:18:30.059 --> 00:18:33.819 me. So it's deered on again and cut a name. Step up step 302 00:18:33.900 --> 00:18:36.579 in, as you said, if you could direct messagely on Linkedin, that 303 00:18:36.660 --> 00:18:38.619 would be perfect. I'm still in the process of building a website, so 304 00:18:40.099 --> 00:18:44.769 not quite there yet and my email address is dear draft as step up Stependu 305 00:18:44.890 --> 00:18:48.970 ie on the F one. Many things once again, lots of great and 306 00:18:48.049 --> 00:18:52.210 say to them it was great to have under show my pleasure. Thank you, 307 00:18:52.250 --> 00:18:56.279 Ray. You've been listening to BEDB revenue acceleration. To ensure that you 308 00:18:56.440 --> 00:19:00.079 never miss an episode, subscribe to the show in your favorite podcast player. 309 00:19:00.680 --> 00:19:03.960 Thank you so much for listening. Until next time.

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