94: A Playbook for Cloud Enterprise Sales Professionals w/ Paul Melchiorre

January 07, 2021 00:25:41
94: A Playbook for Cloud Enterprise Sales Professionals w/ Paul Melchiorre
B2B Revenue Acceleration
94: A Playbook for Cloud Enterprise Sales Professionals w/ Paul Melchiorre

Jan 07 2021 | 00:25:41


Show Notes

What does it take to be successful in Cloud Enterprise Sales?

How will the enterprise cloud sales market look like the next 5 to 10 years?

Recently on B2B Revenue Acceleration, we spoke with Paul Melchiorre, Operating Partner at Stripes, about the qualities of cloud sales professionals and the future of the market.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.560 --> 00:00:08.349 You were listening to bb revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated helping software executive stay 2 00:00:08.390 --> 00:00:12.189 on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. Let's get into 3 00:00:12.230 --> 00:00:17.190 the show. Hi, welcome to be to view revenue acceleration. My name 4 00:00:17.230 --> 00:00:23.460 is areniamutier and I'm here today with Pull Mail Cure, a operating partner tribes 5 00:00:23.780 --> 00:00:27.579 and couthor of the book selling the clouds. How are you doing today, 6 00:00:27.620 --> 00:00:32.100 pulled Aurli, and I'm doing fantastic. It's just it's been a great two 7 00:00:32.100 --> 00:00:35.219 thousand and twenty. A little up and down, but they say, I 8 00:00:35.380 --> 00:00:40.609 call this the the year of resilience. So and I believe that chapter twelve. 9 00:00:40.770 --> 00:00:45.009 So this is definitely one where you have to have reajolion, a real 10 00:00:45.609 --> 00:00:48.289 so it's almost true. You know, we've got a months enough to go. 11 00:00:48.450 --> 00:00:52.200 We've got Christmas on the way, sens giving will be so, I 12 00:00:52.320 --> 00:00:55.759 hope. So. Yeah, so today we will be will be talking about 13 00:00:55.880 --> 00:01:02.200 show recently launch book selling the clouds. But before we go into that conversation, 14 00:01:02.399 --> 00:01:06.549 it would be great if you could introduce yourself in more detail to our 15 00:01:06.629 --> 00:01:10.829 audience and also can of tell us a little bit more about your twenty five 16 00:01:10.989 --> 00:01:15.109 plus years. Sorry about that. As it is it's a rich on the 17 00:01:15.189 --> 00:01:21.420 pro time carrier and things of class as yeah, sure, litte twenty five 18 00:01:21.420 --> 00:01:23.420 years would be good. It's probably more like thirty five and I like thee 19 00:01:23.540 --> 00:01:26.939 my girl five and us is better. Yeah, said, yeah, but 20 00:01:27.379 --> 00:01:32.500 actually started you almost thirty years ago right here in Philadelphia, where I spend 21 00:01:32.540 --> 00:01:36.730 most of my time, born and raised here, when a small company called 22 00:01:36.890 --> 00:01:42.609 systems applications and data processing came from Germany to the US, formerly known back 23 00:01:42.689 --> 00:01:47.599 then it's sat now of course it's sap. So I was one of the 24 00:01:47.640 --> 00:01:51.079 first employees there. So sometimes I always say it's better to be lucky and 25 00:01:51.120 --> 00:01:53.840 good. And I started, you know, working with them as one of 26 00:01:53.879 --> 00:01:57.040 the first employees here in Philadelphia, here in the US. And in one 27 00:01:57.079 --> 00:02:00.640 thousand nine hundred and ninety it was a just a concept and idea. By 28 00:02:00.879 --> 00:02:05.629 One thousand nine hundred and ninety seven we were kind of a worldwide phenomenon and 29 00:02:06.150 --> 00:02:08.229 you know, it just happened to be swept up in that opportunity and was 30 00:02:08.310 --> 00:02:16.659 running the global sales efforts. And great opportunity to leverage that experience to go 31 00:02:16.780 --> 00:02:21.139 to a start up in Silicon Valley, which was my first tour of duty. 32 00:02:22.180 --> 00:02:25.780 They're at Ariva. And then we went public and if you remember, 33 00:02:25.860 --> 00:02:30.250 back in thecom era and early two thousand, two thousand and one, it 34 00:02:30.409 --> 00:02:35.009 was just fantastic. And then, you know, two thousand and one it 35 00:02:35.129 --> 00:02:38.610 wasn't fantastic and we went from thirty eight hundred people to eight hundred people. 36 00:02:38.650 --> 00:02:44.090 So really challenging times. Through that what we called new deler winner and eventually 37 00:02:44.210 --> 00:02:46.400 we survived, got it back up and sold it TESTAP. In Two Thousand 38 00:02:46.400 --> 00:02:50.360 and twelve, I thought I was going to go into private equity and I 39 00:02:50.479 --> 00:02:53.840 did and within about three months they they kind of said, okay, you're 40 00:02:53.879 --> 00:02:57.840 doing great, we want to put you in as president of a an operating 41 00:02:57.840 --> 00:03:00.550 company called I pipe line, and actually spend a lot of time over in 42 00:03:00.629 --> 00:03:04.669 London, as we did that for a little over three years. And then 43 00:03:04.710 --> 00:03:07.629 I said I was going to go back in do pe, and then my 44 00:03:07.710 --> 00:03:10.189 old boss called me from Reba and went to on a plan and we took 45 00:03:10.270 --> 00:03:15.099 them public in two thousand and eighteen and finally in two thousand and nineteen I, 46 00:03:15.460 --> 00:03:17.340 you know, I said okay, I've done operational activities and I'm going 47 00:03:17.340 --> 00:03:21.819 to go work for P firm and work with a bunch of very young, 48 00:03:22.099 --> 00:03:25.419 exciting companies really in Europe and and in the US here and having a great 49 00:03:25.460 --> 00:03:28.969 time doing it. You know, I spend most of my time here in 50 00:03:29.050 --> 00:03:32.009 Philadelphia. When the weather gets a little chilly, right around now I started 51 00:03:32.050 --> 00:03:37.289 moving down to south Florida where the weather's a little nicer. And Yeah, 52 00:03:37.409 --> 00:03:42.919 four children ranging from twenty nine to fourteen. So pretty busy guy. Yeah, 53 00:03:43.319 --> 00:03:46.039 I can. I only got two kids. And Yeah, it's fall 54 00:03:46.199 --> 00:03:50.520 thoughts, the chosen number. All scals made it to a bit. So 55 00:03:50.719 --> 00:03:53.560 so when don't? I have two wives, so makes it the lease. 56 00:03:53.639 --> 00:04:00.349 I got to work all right. So poor you, you and mock pitch 57 00:04:00.349 --> 00:04:03.990 roosy recently now show young you book or sending the clouds, I think the 58 00:04:04.430 --> 00:04:09.030 yonder line. He's a play book for six sets in glass up to I 59 00:04:09.069 --> 00:04:13.699 don't the Prie sent. So obviously we do another of that, a touparatics. 60 00:04:14.300 --> 00:04:16.620 We had put up of clients in that space, but it you know, 61 00:04:17.339 --> 00:04:20.459 we also in the books you are sharing your your key methods, what 62 00:04:20.699 --> 00:04:26.970 you've refined, what you've identified and and withother that's twenty five feels to become, 63 00:04:27.050 --> 00:04:30.170 like I said, as lead in that space. But whether I make 64 00:04:30.250 --> 00:04:32.689 long though some before we even get stuffed in going to a details. What's 65 00:04:32.930 --> 00:04:39.759 actually motivated you to write these book and what are the key to week that 66 00:04:39.839 --> 00:04:44.439 you are covering, just just for the you know, but the the interreligence? 67 00:04:45.439 --> 00:04:47.720 Yeah, you know, the motivation is interesting. Early and my mom 68 00:04:47.839 --> 00:04:51.839 has been telling me for ten years or twenty years, maybe you should write 69 00:04:51.839 --> 00:04:57.069 a book with all your experiences, you know, operating in all these different 70 00:04:57.189 --> 00:05:00.949 global venues with these large companies and learned so much, obviously, over those 71 00:05:00.990 --> 00:05:04.990 years and it just really wasn't motivated. But I did start to write kind 72 00:05:05.029 --> 00:05:10.500 of a notebook down what I called key topics and areas that I thought would 73 00:05:10.500 --> 00:05:15.420 be helpful to eventually put in a book. And then I knew Mark Petruzi 74 00:05:15.500 --> 00:05:17.379 when we first started. I was at sap, he was at the Lloyd 75 00:05:17.939 --> 00:05:23.290 and you know, we remain friendly and then we kind of lost track and 76 00:05:23.370 --> 00:05:27.250 then I ran into him early on in Myana plank where in like two thousand 77 00:05:27.290 --> 00:05:30.410 and sixteen and Seventeen, and the first thing he said to me is this. 78 00:05:30.490 --> 00:05:31.529 You know, Paul, all your experiences, you should write a book 79 00:05:31.529 --> 00:05:35.279 and I should mark you sound like my mom, you know, and it 80 00:05:35.439 --> 00:05:39.199 and he just said no, now you know, you have so all these 81 00:05:39.240 --> 00:05:42.120 experiences, you have all of this information in your head, if you can 82 00:05:42.160 --> 00:05:44.519 put it into in two words. And I said, you want to help 83 00:05:44.560 --> 00:05:46.040 me, and he see, I absolutely do. So that was kind of 84 00:05:46.079 --> 00:05:49.790 the motivation for it. And then we started thinking about all the books that 85 00:05:49.870 --> 00:05:55.509 are out there. Are they in and there's just so many business process and 86 00:05:55.750 --> 00:06:00.550 sales process and tips and tricks and methodologies and and honestly, they're all kind 87 00:06:00.589 --> 00:06:04.379 of the same and just thousands of different variations. And I said, well, 88 00:06:04.500 --> 00:06:08.420 last one it. Last thing I want to do is do something like 89 00:06:08.540 --> 00:06:11.980 that. So we wanted to kind of look at what would the key topics 90 00:06:12.100 --> 00:06:16.220 be that can really appeal to a very large audience, those that, you 91 00:06:16.339 --> 00:06:21.250 know, literally would be very new to sales or the selling profession or even 92 00:06:21.370 --> 00:06:25.970 not in the profession thinking about it, or somebody who's a thirty plus year 93 00:06:25.970 --> 00:06:30.250 veteran like myself. And so we thought about putting this holistic playbook together that 94 00:06:30.410 --> 00:06:34.519 everyone can get value from. And then some of the key topics we wanted 95 00:06:34.639 --> 00:06:40.160 to focus on, you know, not really the tactical aspects of selling, 96 00:06:40.439 --> 00:06:43.120 like, because they're sending plenty of books out there, but kind of the 97 00:06:43.240 --> 00:06:47.189 soft stuff. What are the things that the characteristics of a successful sales professional? 98 00:06:47.230 --> 00:06:50.949 And it is a profession. So what is it that every day when 99 00:06:50.949 --> 00:06:56.670 you get up the mindset that trust some of those key areas that are in 100 00:06:56.870 --> 00:07:00.509 the book that we kind of focus on, and then we drilled down downt 101 00:07:00.629 --> 00:07:04.220 on to make sure people understand that these are the things that make up this 102 00:07:04.459 --> 00:07:09.779 ideal sales professional. And you know, are you good at these things? 103 00:07:09.860 --> 00:07:12.939 Can you be better at some of these topic areas? And so I think 104 00:07:12.980 --> 00:07:16.730 it really comes down to understanding what it is that makes, you know, 105 00:07:17.009 --> 00:07:23.170 especially enterprise selling, successful, because I think sales are very broad profession, 106 00:07:23.410 --> 00:07:27.209 but when you get into enterprise, especially cloud based selling, it just is 107 00:07:27.209 --> 00:07:30.439 a different level, kind of like the Champions League, I like to say, 108 00:07:30.560 --> 00:07:33.920 and football out. Yeah, and that's you know, it's is the 109 00:07:34.040 --> 00:07:38.360 Champions League. But I think you know that the reason why I think your 110 00:07:38.399 --> 00:07:44.629 book is Bret Evant and playbook is relevant in that spaces because you just reget 111 00:07:44.829 --> 00:07:47.550 in the three events, cloud events. You know, I remember to Sa 112 00:07:47.670 --> 00:07:51.350 you speak about two thousand started really to get to do the events in two 113 00:07:51.389 --> 00:07:56.110 thousand and eight, two thousand and ten mays. And Yeah, I'm not 114 00:07:56.189 --> 00:08:00.300 at the twenty five placy. I answer points and some points we will. 115 00:08:00.620 --> 00:08:03.060 Maybe I will write to book as well when I get that right. You 116 00:08:03.139 --> 00:08:09.779 know, I remember going to places like the Muscuny Center in California and Zain 117 00:08:09.819 --> 00:08:11.970 San Francisco and you know, you see like maybe on droid on around fifteen 118 00:08:11.970 --> 00:08:15.490 n adults. You go back to the sense of this year, or let's 119 00:08:15.529 --> 00:08:20.569 show or whatever it's in an easier enough eight hundred thousand five hundred and and 120 00:08:20.649 --> 00:08:26.529 I guess my point here, Paul, is that we volume must come mediocrity, 121 00:08:26.160 --> 00:08:28.720 you know, because I think you've got you've got, you've got on 122 00:08:28.839 --> 00:08:33.120 too price. Sense from a perspective is you don't have a play book for 123 00:08:33.159 --> 00:08:37.200 it, you don't have a blue print for it, you don't have a 124 00:08:37.039 --> 00:08:41.320 school for it. You know, you can do an Mba of enterprise serves. 125 00:08:41.399 --> 00:08:46.830 You can do an in master bachelow in enterprise serves. You know, 126 00:08:46.309 --> 00:08:50.029 you don't see those guys coming out of school on a on a conveyor belt. 127 00:08:50.110 --> 00:08:52.750 You know, ready to go is that tie on and get the phase 128 00:08:52.830 --> 00:08:56.539 on, not yarm right. So, and that's and I know it's a 129 00:08:56.620 --> 00:09:00.259 big issue because, you know, you spoke about P as well. You 130 00:09:00.299 --> 00:09:03.139 spoke about all those things. So all that community that are investing millions in 131 00:09:03.820 --> 00:09:09.340 soft Towell startups, a cloud startups, and you know, when the Invest 132 00:09:09.419 --> 00:09:13.129 Money, they need to recruit twenty, thirty, forty on too, praisers, 133 00:09:13.210 --> 00:09:16.649 guys and world. I had as well, and you know, I 134 00:09:16.769 --> 00:09:20.809 think the offer is much lower than the demons. So I think you know, 135 00:09:20.929 --> 00:09:28.120 I mean almost play books, some sort of blueprint that you could use 136 00:09:28.200 --> 00:09:33.159 to putentially get IDs and get people to become good or get people to to 137 00:09:33.320 --> 00:09:37.279 educate themselves and probably changed the way they are doing. Is Very important and 138 00:09:37.360 --> 00:09:41.710 I don't know what you think about that. Yeah, are in. I 139 00:09:41.789 --> 00:09:43.590 canot agree more and I think that was really you know, you talked about 140 00:09:43.590 --> 00:09:48.590 the inspiration for the book. If you think about you go to universities now, 141 00:09:48.830 --> 00:09:52.700 there's not a lot of curriculum in these universities. You know, forget 142 00:09:52.740 --> 00:09:56.019 about enterprise selling, just selling in general. Right. I mean, you 143 00:09:56.100 --> 00:10:01.419 know there's a marketing curriculum, but it's really teaches you very different things than 144 00:10:01.779 --> 00:10:07.409 and it does not prepare you to go into selling, let alone enterprise selling. 145 00:10:07.769 --> 00:10:11.610 And you had mentioned the the supply and demand, and Marsconi center is 146 00:10:11.649 --> 00:10:15.570 a great epicenter in San Francisco. If you think about sales force, you 147 00:10:15.649 --> 00:10:18.450 know, in the early days it was this tiny little company. Now it 148 00:10:18.570 --> 00:10:22.039 takes over entire city and you know, literally there's just thousands and thousands of 149 00:10:22.159 --> 00:10:28.799 companies that are tied to that ecosystem that also require these kinds of selling professionals. 150 00:10:28.840 --> 00:10:33.879 And I remember, you know, back many years ago and companies like 151 00:10:33.960 --> 00:10:39.789 Xerox and IBM and a DP and others would put a lot of money into 152 00:10:39.870 --> 00:10:46.269 training sales professionals right out of college or university. There really isn't those types 153 00:10:46.350 --> 00:10:50.419 of companies anymore that are investing in this new set of salespeople. You know, 154 00:10:50.460 --> 00:10:54.460 they're coming out and they're on their own and you know, maybe they 155 00:10:54.500 --> 00:10:56.179 get two or three weeks of training at a company and then that's it, 156 00:10:56.740 --> 00:11:01.259 but they don't go into the the market with that playbook. And I think 157 00:11:01.299 --> 00:11:05.889 if we can help get people jump started and if, you know, help 158 00:11:05.009 --> 00:11:13.330 them be more effective more quickly, the time time that it takes the fssful 159 00:11:13.610 --> 00:11:18.570 to start to sell to start to get that success. If we can accelerate 160 00:11:18.679 --> 00:11:22.399 that time to value, if you will, it makes a big impact on 161 00:11:22.559 --> 00:11:26.840 these companies, especially these small mints size companies are really trying to grow, 162 00:11:26.480 --> 00:11:30.399 and I think this is what you know, this playbook, if you will, 163 00:11:30.519 --> 00:11:33.590 is is just so critical at this time, so coming to the people, 164 00:11:33.669 --> 00:11:37.549 and that's what I'm really interesting in, because I think you know the 165 00:11:37.669 --> 00:11:41.830 key characteristick and I guess you'll teemate you without like to undose tones, I 166 00:11:41.909 --> 00:11:45.950 will go with my question first, because I preparably question for you. But 167 00:11:46.029 --> 00:11:48.580 what I'd like to Ondos on Electronos, if you could pretty much get anyone 168 00:11:48.740 --> 00:11:52.220 to become a good on top right selves person in the cloud space. On 169 00:11:52.299 --> 00:11:58.340 the pride cloud sends. But before I got there, in one of the 170 00:11:58.419 --> 00:12:03.370 Chapter Uil Key characteristick that ends sell people to strive, okay, and that's 171 00:12:03.889 --> 00:12:11.289 empathy, authenticity, creativity, resilience. We spoke about residients, Hup Totwell, 172 00:12:11.370 --> 00:12:16.200 I believe, but can you please develop on those characteristic to start with 173 00:12:16.360 --> 00:12:22.679 and also maybe in in that response to the the question of on the side 174 00:12:22.759 --> 00:12:30.230 note, do you think anyone can become a good clouds enterprise sales person. 175 00:12:31.230 --> 00:12:37.110 Yeah, I think you know there are some characteristics that you're born with, 176 00:12:37.110 --> 00:12:41.070 but I think all of these elements that you just mentioned, and I'll do 177 00:12:41.389 --> 00:12:46.059 well in you know, you can learn them and you can refine them and 178 00:12:46.179 --> 00:12:48.820 you can affect them. But I always felt that sales as a profession that 179 00:12:50.580 --> 00:12:54.299 if you have a common, you know, baseline for it, you can 180 00:12:54.340 --> 00:12:58.460 either become a great sales personson or or terrible. So it's not something like 181 00:12:58.539 --> 00:13:03.169 you're born in sales. But I think you know now athletics, you probably 182 00:13:03.210 --> 00:13:05.889 have to be born with that athletic skill to get into the Champions League. 183 00:13:07.330 --> 00:13:11.370 I think in sales, as long as you have these things in you and 184 00:13:11.450 --> 00:13:13.679 you strive to perfect them, you know, and I'll go through a few, 185 00:13:13.720 --> 00:13:18.759 I mean and to the especially in today's selling environment, are the you 186 00:13:18.840 --> 00:13:22.399 know, you have to put yourself in your customers mindset and if you don't 187 00:13:22.840 --> 00:13:28.870 you're really not going to be effective in this personal selling. Even today that 188 00:13:28.990 --> 00:13:33.509 we're not facetoface, you can still have empathy for your customer. And when 189 00:13:33.509 --> 00:13:35.389 I say customer, it's the end of vis duel. You're selling to, 190 00:13:35.750 --> 00:13:39.750 not necessarily the company, because those people move from place to place and you 191 00:13:39.830 --> 00:13:43.100 know, you'd be surprised how many people over thirty plush here's. I've sold 192 00:13:43.139 --> 00:13:46.379 two, three, four five times at four or five different companies. So 193 00:13:46.860 --> 00:13:52.700 if you have that empathy and you can develop it and you're authentic, authenticity 194 00:13:52.860 --> 00:13:56.250 so important. Today the buyer is there so much more advanced than they were 195 00:13:56.409 --> 00:14:01.409 years ago. You know, people have said all sales is come such a 196 00:14:01.570 --> 00:14:05.009 long way. I think people have underestimate that. The buyers and obviously being 197 00:14:05.090 --> 00:14:09.649 at a rebook for so long, we train buyers and the buying software. 198 00:14:09.970 --> 00:14:13.799 They just have gotten so much more effective at you know, how they operate 199 00:14:15.679 --> 00:14:18.159 in their knee for salespeople is much different than it was maybe ten or fifteen 200 00:14:18.200 --> 00:14:22.200 years ago, where was for a source of information. Now they click on 201 00:14:22.320 --> 00:14:26.070 the Internet and they get more information. They probably know more about your company 202 00:14:26.110 --> 00:14:31.230 as a buyer than you do as the cell so authenticity is so important and 203 00:14:31.549 --> 00:14:35.909 the virus he right through you. You know nothing to I talk about creativity. 204 00:14:37.269 --> 00:14:41.139 You know there are these playbooks and even when an amazing playbook like selling 205 00:14:41.220 --> 00:14:45.379 the cloud, you still have to be creative because each one of these companies 206 00:14:45.419 --> 00:14:50.700 is different. The way they buy as unique people are unique in these environments. 207 00:14:50.940 --> 00:14:52.970 And so I always say that, you know, you can have all 208 00:14:52.009 --> 00:14:56.809 these sales methodologies, all all these playbooks, but at the end of the 209 00:14:56.850 --> 00:14:58.809 day, if you have a good high Eq, I call it, not 210 00:14:58.929 --> 00:15:05.009 Iq but Eq, and your creative then I think you could be very successful 211 00:15:05.009 --> 00:15:09.399 in the complex world of selling. And and last but not least, it 212 00:15:09.480 --> 00:15:13.919 is the last chapter, but I talked about resilience. And this is not 213 00:15:13.960 --> 00:15:16.080 a nine to five job, right, and if you think sales is nine 214 00:15:16.120 --> 00:15:20.279 hundred and twenty five, that probably not going to be successful in any kind 215 00:15:20.320 --> 00:15:24.870 of selling. You know, as a salesperson, we here know a lot 216 00:15:24.909 --> 00:15:28.070 more than we hear. Yes, and it's very challenging. I mean it's 217 00:15:28.110 --> 00:15:30.909 the pressing, right. You go in the work every day and you know 218 00:15:31.429 --> 00:15:35.509 you don't have success every day. So it's very difficult. And if you 219 00:15:35.629 --> 00:15:37.500 look at, you know, the best sports teams in the Champions League, 220 00:15:37.779 --> 00:15:43.659 you know they really do have that resilience and that's what friendships the winners from 221 00:15:43.740 --> 00:15:46.860 the losers, and I think that is even more important, especially today. 222 00:15:48.500 --> 00:15:50.129 Yeah, I agree with you. I agree with you. I think we 223 00:15:50.529 --> 00:15:56.289 we do the beginning of the presence and even in the liking of the process. 224 00:15:56.409 --> 00:16:00.529 You know, we have a we have a fair amount of for Rooven. 225 00:16:00.610 --> 00:16:04.440 You as a compartite, is coming from helping on top rice sells people 226 00:16:04.600 --> 00:16:10.440 mainly in the cloud, to Iliypen upport Meity to identify your postumity is basically 227 00:16:10.519 --> 00:16:15.080 opening the door to the individual of the service process and in that setup, 228 00:16:15.159 --> 00:16:19.269 you know, I think one of the one of the one of the the 229 00:16:19.789 --> 00:16:23.830 key of the key element is really doing, as you're right, the persistence 230 00:16:23.870 --> 00:16:30.590 and the resilience, but a persistence based on curiosity and genuine curiosity, not 231 00:16:30.669 --> 00:16:33.940 about systems, being the guy with wise always past to you and absolutely want 232 00:16:33.940 --> 00:16:40.419 to get to the next steps, et ceter etcetera genuine curiosity and an individual 233 00:16:40.500 --> 00:16:45.100 at actually are convinced themselves that and I guess that's that's the empathy and your 234 00:16:45.179 --> 00:16:49.490 senticity. Well, that's going and said that, that solution that they are 235 00:16:49.570 --> 00:16:55.330 bringing to market is should be a fit for that customer. Right, you've 236 00:16:55.370 --> 00:16:57.450 got to be. You've got give be in the minds. I believe to 237 00:16:57.570 --> 00:17:00.960 sell something, need to believe in your product, need to believe in the 238 00:17:02.039 --> 00:17:04.279 solution, need to believe that what you're doing is changing the world. You 239 00:17:04.359 --> 00:17:08.279 know it's a cliche right to say that, but it I guess. I 240 00:17:08.400 --> 00:17:12.319 guess this is so important because if you don't believe in what you are doing, 241 00:17:12.359 --> 00:17:15.630 if you don't believe it's you take the energy of spot quite, you 242 00:17:15.710 --> 00:17:18.670 know, Champions League and all that. Let's say, let's say you are 243 00:17:19.910 --> 00:17:23.589 your boxer, you know, and you're just about to you just about to 244 00:17:23.670 --> 00:17:27.029 step in the train in Las Vegas. Millions of people watching on TV, 245 00:17:29.029 --> 00:17:33.660 millions of people paying a fortune. Celebrity isn't the first on the first row. 246 00:17:33.740 --> 00:17:37.140 They're looking at you. You know. You'RE NOT gonna go on that 247 00:17:37.299 --> 00:17:41.660 train thinking that deals again will destroy you. You can't. You've got to 248 00:17:41.779 --> 00:17:44.569 be convinced that you will win, and I think you know that. That 249 00:17:44.809 --> 00:17:48.089 that's that's truly I mean, I think, with empathy or sentthicity, creativity 250 00:17:48.130 --> 00:17:52.609 and resilience. That's why it's not the regilius actually stopped. From my perspective 251 00:17:52.690 --> 00:17:56.289 before the process is, how do you prepare yourself to go and get there? 252 00:17:56.849 --> 00:18:03.160 I did believe and I did clean my my my studio management degree, 253 00:18:03.200 --> 00:18:07.240 like a business school if you're in France, and I did believe that. 254 00:18:07.480 --> 00:18:08.880 You know, good sells. People are people can speak, you know, 255 00:18:08.920 --> 00:18:14.069 they can charge you as they speak, you know. And and what I 256 00:18:14.150 --> 00:18:17.230 realized that actually good salves people are the one that listen, you know, 257 00:18:17.470 --> 00:18:19.950 is the one that can have a good openor get people to speak, get 258 00:18:21.069 --> 00:18:26.230 to pick going and then ask wide open questions. People Start speaking about their 259 00:18:26.269 --> 00:18:30.099 issue and then it's a doctor. So once you know about the issue, 260 00:18:30.140 --> 00:18:32.180 you want to push a little bit on the pain and say, Hey, 261 00:18:32.539 --> 00:18:33.940 maybe I've got the pill, but I'm not sure make pell will work for 262 00:18:34.019 --> 00:18:37.420 you, but maybe we can do something with my pin and that stuff, 263 00:18:37.460 --> 00:18:40.859 and then you may have some plus toss coming from the services that you can 264 00:18:40.940 --> 00:18:44.250 bring in some mos of people around and then you end up in that solution 265 00:18:44.410 --> 00:18:48.009 type of selling tape of things. And I do believe it's on art and 266 00:18:48.089 --> 00:18:51.890 actually as well a speaking else thinking maybe with your business I need to actually 267 00:18:51.930 --> 00:18:55.960 create a sealer university. I'm sure there is some already, but imagine that, 268 00:18:56.200 --> 00:19:00.960 because I still believe, and speaking with clients and looking at what's happening 269 00:19:00.000 --> 00:19:03.839 in the market and looking at some people being recruiting or moving from companies to 270 00:19:03.960 --> 00:19:11.150 companies, I do believe like the actual really fantastically good sales people. They 271 00:19:11.230 --> 00:19:15.109 easier, gets rich too quickly and then they don't read it to work anymore, 272 00:19:15.390 --> 00:19:18.589 you know, because you get to get good reward inside. Oh, 273 00:19:18.990 --> 00:19:22.190 Oh, you've got the averagement that you know, made you like eighteen months 274 00:19:22.230 --> 00:19:25.980 to years in a job and then move to the other one, and then 275 00:19:26.019 --> 00:19:29.660 move to the other one and then moved to the other one. But I 276 00:19:29.859 --> 00:19:33.980 do believe that there is, there is, there is a shortage and and 277 00:19:33.140 --> 00:19:38.170 of course the playbook is is very usefully. And now I would like to 278 00:19:38.210 --> 00:19:42.650 speak to you about the future. Right. So, and I don't know, 279 00:19:45.450 --> 00:19:48.130 I don't just mindful of speaking about the future. I've got twenty twenty. 280 00:19:48.289 --> 00:19:52.440 You know, it's been it's like what really are we going to plan 281 00:19:52.519 --> 00:19:56.480 again? I we're going to take a kind of trying to plant something and 282 00:19:56.559 --> 00:20:00.440 then take a massive slap across the face. I'm going to go with anyway. 283 00:20:02.079 --> 00:20:06.759 Your prediction, the UN to price glout says market in the next five 284 00:20:06.920 --> 00:20:10.910 to pinions of onny. If you can predict the next five to ten minutes. 285 00:20:11.430 --> 00:20:14.869 Yeah, be a Las Vegas at the Casino and predicting the winner. 286 00:20:14.869 --> 00:20:17.990 It's it's been pretty crazy, but I think it's easy to see where this 287 00:20:18.109 --> 00:20:21.430 is going in the next five or ten years, because if you think about 288 00:20:21.460 --> 00:20:26.460 the last five to ten years, you saw a lot of trends, you 289 00:20:26.579 --> 00:20:30.220 know, towards the where we are today now with this two thousand and twenty 290 00:20:30.339 --> 00:20:36.569 covid situation. All those trends were just accelerate, right. I mean everyone 291 00:20:36.690 --> 00:20:41.410 was doing online with Amazon and Ali Baba and things like that, but it's 292 00:20:41.450 --> 00:20:45.369 got accelerate because you couldn't go to the stores they were closed. So if 293 00:20:45.369 --> 00:20:48.529 you see that in the business of consumer role, same thing in the business 294 00:20:48.609 --> 00:20:55.319 to business environment, as large financial institutions, large corporate companies, global enterprises 295 00:20:55.400 --> 00:21:00.680 were moving off of their own premise systems into cloud based software. They were 296 00:21:00.759 --> 00:21:06.190 doing it in a quality, piecemeal approach. Maybe take this one division or 297 00:21:06.230 --> 00:21:11.069 this application or this area, and then all of a sudden in the past 298 00:21:11.430 --> 00:21:15.910 five months we've had acceleration. Like look, we didn't have to past five 299 00:21:15.910 --> 00:21:19.539 years. So I see that this acceleration that was happening over the past decade 300 00:21:19.539 --> 00:21:22.700 or so is not only is it going to happen over the next five or 301 00:21:22.779 --> 00:21:27.579 ten years. I believe all those areas will be accelerated and I think that 302 00:21:27.779 --> 00:21:33.250 transition will bring you know, a lot more opportunities to cloud based companies. 303 00:21:33.450 --> 00:21:38.170 And talk about the shortage you're mentioning. It's even going to get worse, 304 00:21:38.210 --> 00:21:44.049 right. So you're supply and demand, which is already bad. If you're 305 00:21:44.089 --> 00:21:48.240 looking at the supply side not being there and the demand being very high, 306 00:21:48.359 --> 00:21:52.000 demands only going to increase and accelerate. And then how do we get the 307 00:21:52.079 --> 00:21:55.200 supply? And that's why I think books like selling the cloud at least help 308 00:21:55.720 --> 00:22:00.519 prepare a better supply base of of good enterprise sales people to come into the 309 00:22:00.599 --> 00:22:03.509 market, because I think this market is going to really continue to accelerate. 310 00:22:03.549 --> 00:22:07.750 And if you look at the stock market per se, you know the cloud 311 00:22:07.829 --> 00:22:14.829 based companies, the technology companies, that AAI and artificial intelligence or machine learning 312 00:22:14.910 --> 00:22:19.859 companies, data companies, security companies, all of those firms, of course 313 00:22:21.059 --> 00:22:23.940 zoom, which were on now, or you know my old company, docus, 314 00:22:25.299 --> 00:22:30.210 that are many years they're experiencing just, you know, enormous growth and 315 00:22:30.289 --> 00:22:33.690 accelerated growth because of the new normal or next normal that we're seeing. so 316 00:22:33.769 --> 00:22:41.849 I anticipate the next five to ten years to be just that dramatically more productive 317 00:22:41.930 --> 00:22:47.440 for these cloud based companies. Anyone around big data, data integrity, data 318 00:22:47.519 --> 00:22:53.039 security, artificial intelligence, Chen learning, any any ability to take legacy applications 319 00:22:53.640 --> 00:22:59.670 that have traditionally worked in an on premise environment or they were kind of hosted 320 00:22:59.789 --> 00:23:03.190 in the cloud. But there I call him the fake cloud. Those will 321 00:23:03.230 --> 00:23:07.470 be either disrupted by rapidly or new cloud offerings will come in and take over. 322 00:23:07.670 --> 00:23:11.710 So I just see this as a early stages of a much more rapid 323 00:23:11.750 --> 00:23:17.779 acceleration into enterprise cloud software. So it's a great time to be in our 324 00:23:17.859 --> 00:23:21.259 business, for sure. Yeah, and I agree with you. I agree 325 00:23:21.420 --> 00:23:23.539 with you. Let's have good things opening, so on, Hatton. Maybe 326 00:23:23.619 --> 00:23:27.809 we should develop about that. That's the idea of showing university fil sense people. 327 00:23:27.890 --> 00:23:30.490 Yeah, I like that idea. I'd love to go back to college. 328 00:23:33.609 --> 00:23:36.690 So as things for that board and it was a recent great to chat 329 00:23:36.809 --> 00:23:41.170 with you today. Now, if anyone to followins wants to get old of 330 00:23:41.289 --> 00:23:45.279 the book, if they want to pusue the conversation with you, get in 331 00:23:45.359 --> 00:23:52.599 touch with you. What's the best way to get into treat you? Yeah, 332 00:23:52.720 --> 00:24:00.269 so I'm at Paul at Stripescom CEO, notcom just cee and be happy 333 00:24:00.390 --> 00:24:04.150 to, you know, reach out and assist any of your listeners in any 334 00:24:04.190 --> 00:24:10.019 way and you know, on Amazon selling the cloud, it's one of the 335 00:24:10.099 --> 00:24:14.619 top sellers and I just would invite all of your listeners to go check it 336 00:24:14.740 --> 00:24:17.779 out. You know, downloaded to the kindle. You know, we ship 337 00:24:17.859 --> 00:24:22.420 putting all over the world now and soon we'll have the audible verb for, 338 00:24:22.660 --> 00:24:26.809 you know, the runners and the folks that like the drive around Kay here. 339 00:24:27.690 --> 00:24:30.009 People who do want to do want to read that do we can, 340 00:24:30.130 --> 00:24:33.369 because I just, you know, eating too many emails during the week and 341 00:24:33.450 --> 00:24:37.680 too much, too much content. That that makes it fun. I'd love 342 00:24:37.720 --> 00:24:41.920 to get the deboard Russian define and another another goose for it's so as soon 343 00:24:41.960 --> 00:24:45.119 as it's available, I will make sure you're the first to get there. 344 00:24:45.200 --> 00:24:48.079 You Go. I'm looking forward to ex look, it was great to have 345 00:24:48.119 --> 00:24:51.680 you under sure today, so thank you so much for coming board. It's 346 00:24:51.680 --> 00:24:53.549 much appreciated. Thank you, arling. was great to meet you. Thank 347 00:24:53.549 --> 00:25:00.750 you so much. operatics has redefined the meaning of revenue generation for technology companies 348 00:25:00.950 --> 00:25:07.900 worldwide. While the traditional concepts of building and managing inside sales teams inhouse has 349 00:25:07.940 --> 00:25:11.579 existed for many years, companies are struggling with a lack of focus, agility 350 00:25:11.779 --> 00:25:18.380 and scale required in today's fast and complex world of enterprise technology sales. See 351 00:25:18.420 --> 00:25:26.210 How operatics can help your company accelerate pipeline at operatics dotnet. You've been listening 352 00:25:26.250 --> 00:25:30.450 to be tob revenue acceleration. To ensure that you never miss an episode, 353 00:25:30.730 --> 00:25:33.450 subscribe to the show in your favorite podcast player. Thank you so much for 354 00:25:33.569 --> 00:25:36.039 listening. Until next time,

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