96: Getting Your Lead Research Right w/ Mark Colgan

February 04, 2021 00:27:19
96: Getting Your Lead Research Right w/ Mark Colgan
B2B Revenue Acceleration
96: Getting Your Lead Research Right w/ Mark Colgan

Feb 04 2021 | 00:27:19


Show Notes

Just because a prospect matches your buyer persona, it doesn’t mean they want to buy your product.

You’ve got to find triggers or signals to get in front of accounts more likely to be in the market for a solution like yours.

In this episode, we interview Mark Colgan, Co-Founder and CRO at Speak On Podcasts and Outbound Prospecting Coach at Sales Impact Academy, about how to get your lead research right.

What we talked about:

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.520 --> 00:00:08.349 You were listening to bb revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated helping software executive stay 2 00:00:08.390 --> 00:00:12.189 on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. Let's get into 3 00:00:12.230 --> 00:00:16.030 the show. Hi, welcome to be to be a Roman new acceleration. 4 00:00:16.350 --> 00:00:20.269 My name is already a mutier and I'm here today with Mark Colgan, Co 5 00:00:20.429 --> 00:00:26.780 founder at speak on podcast and out bomb prospecting coach at the cells Impact Academy. 6 00:00:27.059 --> 00:00:29.379 How are you today, mark? I'm very good. Ray. Thank 7 00:00:29.420 --> 00:00:32.060 you. I mean Lisbon, Portugal, and the sun is shining, so 8 00:00:32.140 --> 00:00:37.609 I can't complain. May Be Jealous about that. I in parley, south 9 00:00:37.729 --> 00:00:42.649 of London, and son is definitely a training however, it's raining out there 10 00:00:42.770 --> 00:00:47.049 and it's absolutely miserable. So now this, buddy is a great great is 11 00:00:47.090 --> 00:00:49.490 a great place. I'll come you out there. I mean, do you 12 00:00:49.649 --> 00:00:53.119 live in this burner? Yeah, I do. Now I am escaping Brexit, 13 00:00:53.320 --> 00:00:57.799 so I applied for residency in Portugal and managed to secure that just before 14 00:00:57.840 --> 00:01:00.119 the end of the year. So I'm going to be saying in there's been 15 00:01:00.200 --> 00:01:03.239 for the foreseeable are you flirting Portuguese yet? Not, not just yet, 16 00:01:03.310 --> 00:01:07.030 but I can practice with cat maybe, and somehow some other people around here. 17 00:01:07.670 --> 00:01:11.510 Yeah, that's great. Last that's a good idea. Why not? 18 00:01:11.069 --> 00:01:15.549 I'm sure Portugal is a I mean LISB. He's a fantastic city, great, 19 00:01:15.590 --> 00:01:18.269 great city. ARD wonder for the first time of three hours ago I 20 00:01:18.430 --> 00:01:21.780 was a Naze, just beautiful, full of his story. Food is great. 21 00:01:22.019 --> 00:01:25.739 What are Nice? You know nothing. Yeah, you can walk everywhere 22 00:01:25.780 --> 00:01:29.219 in around twenty minutes and in fact I was here for the first lockdown last 23 00:01:29.219 --> 00:01:32.180 year and I had the choice to go back to the UK or stay in 24 00:01:32.700 --> 00:01:34.930 Lisbon, and I thought I'm going to stay in there'sbend and see how the 25 00:01:36.010 --> 00:01:38.569 Portuguese dealt with it, and fortunately they dealt with it a lot better than 26 00:01:38.650 --> 00:01:42.810 other countries at the time. So I thought it was a good choice. 27 00:01:42.650 --> 00:01:48.680 and was a situation with covid nineteen bodyguard. Is that it contained or you'll 28 00:01:48.719 --> 00:01:53.359 have unfortunately, the numbers are rising up now and it's actually their affected a 29 00:01:53.439 --> 00:01:56.840 lot worse than they were the first time round and they believe it's because they 30 00:01:56.879 --> 00:01:59.760 kind of release some of the restrictions for Christmas and the years, so a 31 00:01:59.799 --> 00:02:02.989 lot of people spend time together. So there will be a new lockdown coming 32 00:02:04.030 --> 00:02:06.790 in. I think the government are going to be announcing it today, so 33 00:02:07.390 --> 00:02:12.069 it's kind of wait and see. That still well, well guide goes off. 34 00:02:12.990 --> 00:02:15.659 Anyway, let's get down to business, mark, so today we will 35 00:02:15.780 --> 00:02:21.860 be talking about how to get your lead research right. Search an important key, 36 00:02:21.939 --> 00:02:25.699 a limit of success is getting the research right. Absolutely. But before 37 00:02:25.740 --> 00:02:29.900 we get into the conversation, could you please tell us a little bit more 38 00:02:30.009 --> 00:02:35.129 about yourself, mark, and your career in the Vito beat says one of 39 00:02:35.250 --> 00:02:38.610 course. Yeah, so my career actually started around thirteen years ago, where 40 00:02:38.610 --> 00:02:40.849 I started in sales, pretty much as a business development wrap, but in 41 00:02:40.889 --> 00:02:45.560 the world of recruitment. So really you're selling two things, just selling an 42 00:02:45.560 --> 00:02:50.080 opportunity to a candidate and you're also selling a person to the hiring manager. 43 00:02:50.520 --> 00:02:53.120 So being able to sell probably one of the hard the things, which is 44 00:02:53.159 --> 00:02:57.879 a person with emotions and decisions and changing changing their decisions. They really gave 45 00:02:57.919 --> 00:03:01.550 me some very solid foundations in sales. I later in my career moved into 46 00:03:01.629 --> 00:03:06.830 marketing, but always been closely aligned with sales, and then more recently I 47 00:03:06.909 --> 00:03:09.110 ran a company called task drive, which is all about lead research and data 48 00:03:09.110 --> 00:03:12.979 Richmond. So in the just over the year that I spent there. I 49 00:03:13.060 --> 00:03:16.060 looked into over a hundred outbound campaigns to help our customers get more with the 50 00:03:16.099 --> 00:03:21.379 data that they were researching, which is where I develop these lead sourcing playbooks 51 00:03:21.819 --> 00:03:23.979 that we're going to talk about today. And then, just outside of that, 52 00:03:24.060 --> 00:03:27.530 I run an agency. Can speak on podcast. I do some work 53 00:03:27.610 --> 00:03:30.530 with product on boarding for SASS companies and I meant to start up screw growth, 54 00:03:30.569 --> 00:03:35.409 mental and scale wise. There you go. You never sleep, basically, 55 00:03:35.969 --> 00:03:38.210 no, I said, having having no family, no children, it 56 00:03:38.210 --> 00:03:42.520 gives me a little bit more time. So tell me about I've got two 57 00:03:42.560 --> 00:03:46.919 of US and yeah, it's it's it's challenging. Nothing to compare about that. 58 00:03:46.000 --> 00:03:49.599 Great Kids, but yeah, they does change your life for a little 59 00:03:49.639 --> 00:03:55.189 bit of Heere you touch on I'm actually my first question around the leadsourcing playbook. 60 00:03:55.270 --> 00:03:59.870 So you know, I guess we've all been there. I mean I 61 00:03:59.990 --> 00:04:01.710 have, maybe not all are listen out to their been there. But we 62 00:04:01.870 --> 00:04:06.150 know the importance of getting your research right before you engage. You you contress, 63 00:04:06.189 --> 00:04:10.860 relay on data days, the good old day of speaking or targeting an 64 00:04:10.900 --> 00:04:15.219 excel spreadsheet and got in contact by contact. Going to the next one saying 65 00:04:15.300 --> 00:04:17.699 the same thing to a lots of people. That number of volume gay and 66 00:04:17.899 --> 00:04:21.980 stuff like that was maybe a thing in the sights. But you know, 67 00:04:23.060 --> 00:04:25.529 now you've got to walk a little bit harder. You need to look at 68 00:04:25.610 --> 00:04:28.129 triggirls, you to look at by your person as, you need to look 69 00:04:28.129 --> 00:04:31.649 at personal journey. You've got multie by your personal cycle. It is a 70 00:04:31.769 --> 00:04:36.410 little bit more complicated. You've got more milliums as well to touch people. 71 00:04:36.649 --> 00:04:41.879 So yeah, I guess. First question, and you your bridge quite nicely. 72 00:04:42.680 --> 00:04:46.360 Could you please walk us through some of the lead sourcing playbooks that you 73 00:04:46.480 --> 00:04:49.879 developed? Of course, of course, and where these lead sourcing playbers or 74 00:04:49.879 --> 00:04:53.430 where the inspiration came from? As I read, and I'm not sure if 75 00:04:53.470 --> 00:04:56.670 you've read, that the chet homes the ultimate sales machine. I came out 76 00:04:56.709 --> 00:04:59.350 and about two thousand and seven, but it's still as relevant as it was 77 00:04:59.430 --> 00:05:02.550 then a as is today. And in that book he mentions that only three 78 00:05:02.629 --> 00:05:08.220 percent of your market are actively buying. Seven percent may be interested in buying, 79 00:05:08.420 --> 00:05:11.939 but the remaining ninety percent just aren't in an active buying mode. So 80 00:05:12.019 --> 00:05:15.180 I started to ask myself the question, how do I find people who are 81 00:05:15.180 --> 00:05:17.819 more likely to buy? And the answer that I fell upon is relevance and 82 00:05:17.980 --> 00:05:23.769 timing. So when I started think about how do I identify relevancy and how 83 00:05:23.769 --> 00:05:27.449 do I identify timing, I started to think about, I guess, the 84 00:05:27.569 --> 00:05:31.370 triggers, all the events happening in my prospects lives that would be would signal 85 00:05:31.490 --> 00:05:34.759 that they're more likely to buy. So some of the lead sourcing players, 86 00:05:34.839 --> 00:05:36.839 and what I do is I'll name a few of them and we can dive 87 00:05:36.959 --> 00:05:41.199 into some that in a bit more detail. So they'll be something that you've 88 00:05:41.199 --> 00:05:46.040 heard before. I listened to Michael Hanson's podcast from a few weeks ago when 89 00:05:46.079 --> 00:05:48.759 you talked about the triggers. So raising around of funding is often a good 90 00:05:48.800 --> 00:05:53.910 sign that company is growing in therefore, they have new targets which they have 91 00:05:54.389 --> 00:05:57.430 they have to change the way that they've been working to achieve those targets. 92 00:05:57.750 --> 00:06:00.990 Another signal would be if they're currently hiring. So if they're growing into the 93 00:06:00.110 --> 00:06:04.379 in their team and they're expanding their team again, they may need new solutions. 94 00:06:05.259 --> 00:06:10.579 Other ones around the company is technology that they use. And then, 95 00:06:10.620 --> 00:06:14.180 from a persona point of view, so the actual prospect themselves, if they've 96 00:06:14.220 --> 00:06:17.060 just started a new role, that's a really good time to initiate conversations with 97 00:06:17.100 --> 00:06:20.410 a potential prospect because most people, when they start a new role, I 98 00:06:20.490 --> 00:06:25.370 have the motivation to change things, to do things differently and to really have 99 00:06:25.490 --> 00:06:28.649 a large impact on the business they're joining. So they have high much more 100 00:06:28.850 --> 00:06:31.569 likely to be in a buying mode as well. The technology they use, 101 00:06:31.610 --> 00:06:35.399 as I mentioned before, is another good one, but then also one one 102 00:06:35.439 --> 00:06:39.759 of my favorite ones, is that I called it the social expansion, with 103 00:06:39.959 --> 00:06:44.199 linkedin being such the platform is. There's lots of influences on their talking about 104 00:06:44.279 --> 00:06:48.029 various different topics and when a lot of people in their linkedin posts say, 105 00:06:48.629 --> 00:06:54.430 comment here to find out more. So if somebody's commenting on SAS pricing, 106 00:06:54.509 --> 00:06:58.269 for example, and the people are saying, and they've said comment here if 107 00:06:58.310 --> 00:07:01.620 you want the PDF, those three hundred people that wanted that pdf about SAS 108 00:07:01.779 --> 00:07:06.540 pricing obviously interested in learning more about SAS pricing and they may be looking for 109 00:07:06.620 --> 00:07:12.100 a new solution. So it's thinking about what happens, what are these events? 110 00:07:12.180 --> 00:07:15.610 What information can I see and really taking just a hypothesis that these people 111 00:07:15.689 --> 00:07:21.209 may be more likely to be interested in your product or solution or they have 112 00:07:21.329 --> 00:07:26.129 a problem that you can solve. Yeah, that mixed perfect sense and I 113 00:07:26.250 --> 00:07:29.370 believe that you've got a run fought. You know, display books. That's 114 00:07:29.370 --> 00:07:32.000 right, m yeah, there is, and I've put them all into a 115 00:07:32.160 --> 00:07:34.879 Webinar which we can link up to in the show notes. It's not behind 116 00:07:34.959 --> 00:07:39.319 a form or anything is. But anybody to listen to us about twenty minutes 117 00:07:39.319 --> 00:07:43.600 of me talking and explaining each other play books in a bit more detail interesting. 118 00:07:43.600 --> 00:07:45.910 Yeah, I'd like to. I'd like to get the letted it to 119 00:07:46.029 --> 00:07:48.470 look at them in detail. They had in the preparation of today at a 120 00:07:48.550 --> 00:07:51.870 dear friend day, tours and the kind of spirit abide, but they have 121 00:07:51.949 --> 00:07:56.350 not rais and to every single one of them, for I should definitely give 122 00:07:56.430 --> 00:07:59.939 it a good goal. Maybe you can orient me as well out of this 123 00:08:00.180 --> 00:08:05.100 faulting blade books. Which one did you see companies getting the bed the best 124 00:08:05.339 --> 00:08:07.779 result from? Yeah, so it really does. As you know, with 125 00:08:07.980 --> 00:08:11.220 the companies and clients you work with, every company is very different. I'll 126 00:08:11.220 --> 00:08:15.970 give some examples of some of the campaigns I work with our customers. One 127 00:08:16.089 --> 00:08:18.250 was actually a friend of mine, was a cold email copywriter, and you'd 128 00:08:18.329 --> 00:08:22.970 think that they wouldn't be short of work, but they were looking to work 129 00:08:22.009 --> 00:08:26.199 with better, better companies and clients. So what we actually did, with 130 00:08:26.720 --> 00:08:30.600 what I helped my friend with, is I looked on product hunt, which 131 00:08:30.639 --> 00:08:33.080 is a website where lots of products are launched, and we looked at the 132 00:08:33.559 --> 00:08:39.120 cold email outreach tools such as lemolst mail, old shake, replied, I 133 00:08:39.279 --> 00:08:43.789 oh outreach, sales off and saw the people that were up voting and interacting 134 00:08:43.990 --> 00:08:48.750 with those products. So what we took the hypothesis was if somebody is up 135 00:08:48.789 --> 00:08:52.110 voting this type of product, then they're interested in using it and therefore they're 136 00:08:52.110 --> 00:08:54.740 interested in cold email. So we sent out a message to each of what 137 00:08:54.899 --> 00:08:58.259 we enrich the data and sent out message to each of those people once we 138 00:08:58.299 --> 00:09:03.299 quite kind of qualified them, to say we will review your cold email. 139 00:09:03.980 --> 00:09:07.019 So your cold email copy and if we think of an if we can think 140 00:09:07.019 --> 00:09:09.529 of any improvements, we will suggest those for you. We actually had to 141 00:09:09.570 --> 00:09:15.090 stop that campaign because after only about thirty messages the my boyfriend was just too 142 00:09:15.169 --> 00:09:18.970 busy to deal with any more inbound leads. And again it's because we were 143 00:09:18.009 --> 00:09:22.169 targeting people that we knew were interested rather than targeting every vp of sales in 144 00:09:22.289 --> 00:09:26.200 London, of which there's tens of thousands of on Linkedin. So it's really 145 00:09:26.320 --> 00:09:33.279 narrowing that three percent. Another another one that I've used quite successfully as the 146 00:09:33.559 --> 00:09:39.149 new technology. So we were working with a hub spot agency. So they 147 00:09:39.230 --> 00:09:43.309 help with hub spots, CMS and and the marketing automation. So what we 148 00:09:43.429 --> 00:09:46.990 did is we set up a trigger alert using similar tech, and similar tech 149 00:09:46.990 --> 00:09:50.750 allows you to say tell me when company and this location of this website size 150 00:09:50.789 --> 00:09:56.379 starts using a particular technology. We obviously chose hub spot, and then we 151 00:09:56.899 --> 00:10:00.820 we use that as the trigger to send out an automated email with some personalization, 152 00:10:01.059 --> 00:10:05.259 not not to personalize, which offered some value in the terms of content 153 00:10:05.379 --> 00:10:09.049 which we're here. Are the things to avoid when getting started with hub spot. 154 00:10:09.490 --> 00:10:13.929 And what they were doing was investing in depositing the good will and giving 155 00:10:13.009 --> 00:10:16.330 value in the in their prospects, so that when they did have a need, 156 00:10:16.409 --> 00:10:20.090 when they did have a challenge, these were the people that they thought 157 00:10:20.169 --> 00:10:24.320 of to come and work with. Another one of example before I take a 158 00:10:24.399 --> 00:10:30.399 pause, is we were working with a company in the cloud security space and 159 00:10:30.720 --> 00:10:35.750 they wanted to target people specifically that had this certification. So we looked at 160 00:10:35.789 --> 00:10:39.710 linkedin learning, where there was a pause about this particular piece of technology in 161 00:10:39.750 --> 00:10:43.230 the certification and we use that as the reason to reach out to people because 162 00:10:43.230 --> 00:10:46.149 we knew that they were certified, we knew that they would have the problem 163 00:10:46.230 --> 00:10:50.580 that the the software help them overcome. So it's all about thinking what is 164 00:10:50.659 --> 00:10:56.179 happening in my prospects life before they need the solution that I sell. Yeah, 165 00:10:56.659 --> 00:11:00.779 there's about find the tricker to the trigger to really get to the people 166 00:11:00.820 --> 00:11:05.610 who work in the market of maybe that buying, but at least interested to 167 00:11:05.690 --> 00:11:09.049 have a conversation the people. I can give you a yes or not. 168 00:11:09.769 --> 00:11:11.490 When do we do? When you do with the rest of the population. 169 00:11:11.730 --> 00:11:18.480 So do any of your playbooks are supporting people who are mine and tape off. 170 00:11:18.600 --> 00:11:22.440 I count they stape off approach where you know you can of good eat, 171 00:11:22.440 --> 00:11:24.799 two good years our way, where you're like, look, I really 172 00:11:24.919 --> 00:11:28.559 want to get into that company, then I need to find a trigger. 173 00:11:28.600 --> 00:11:31.080 I need to find a way to engage with them. So it's not about 174 00:11:31.120 --> 00:11:33.509 saying okay, what this is what I'm saying and this is what you push 175 00:11:33.750 --> 00:11:37.190 the arrested. So let's go and do some reverse search to trade to a 176 00:11:37.230 --> 00:11:41.950 notify the personage of the population, as you mentioned, at three five percent. 177 00:11:41.429 --> 00:11:46.149 But when you when you have to get in, do you have playbooks 178 00:11:46.149 --> 00:11:48.460 that support? That's in your in your you asked. Yeah, so there's 179 00:11:48.500 --> 00:11:52.419 a number of different software providers out there, but look at kind of the 180 00:11:52.700 --> 00:11:56.740 company level update. So where they raise around funding, there's mergers and acquisition 181 00:11:56.820 --> 00:12:01.019 activity, the opening up new offices, that hiring aggressively. They've raised around 182 00:12:01.059 --> 00:12:03.250 a funding. All of those are triggers that people can use to reach out 183 00:12:03.289 --> 00:12:07.529 and sometimes in some campaigns you can mention that. Other Times you may not 184 00:12:07.610 --> 00:12:11.129 want to mention it and it just happens to be good timing that you're reaching 185 00:12:11.169 --> 00:12:13.250 out at that time. So that's often the follow up question I get asked 186 00:12:13.370 --> 00:12:16.799 is do you reference the trigger? And I think in some cases you can 187 00:12:16.919 --> 00:12:20.440 and in other cases you don't need to, but that's typically when your total 188 00:12:20.519 --> 00:12:24.320 addressable market might be a little bit smaller and you can spend a little bit 189 00:12:24.320 --> 00:12:28.399 more time doing research as well, especially if you're taken an account based marketing 190 00:12:28.399 --> 00:12:31.909 approach. Yeah, we do a found onto this. I think the first 191 00:12:31.950 --> 00:12:37.990 of it actually good that talization was probably Po back in two seals and probably 192 00:12:37.070 --> 00:12:41.789 five or six and I remember sitting next to a guy, British guy, 193 00:12:43.070 --> 00:12:48.139 was prospecting in the in the UK as a bdard the time myself and and 194 00:12:48.299 --> 00:12:50.860 he really wanted to get into British showers. He wanted to get some I 195 00:12:50.940 --> 00:12:54.179 can't remember what you were saying. I got frommember we which was a was 196 00:12:54.259 --> 00:12:58.210 the find where you really wanted to go into British always and a ton of 197 00:12:58.330 --> 00:13:05.529 research. And he was reading their their company public account announcement, like that 198 00:13:05.570 --> 00:13:11.690 quarterly announcement, and you know they kind of speak about what their strategic directions 199 00:13:11.809 --> 00:13:15.200 are. But then it just went on to Google and I think he was 200 00:13:15.320 --> 00:13:18.120 probably relatively new at the time. I don't know if Google was was just 201 00:13:18.279 --> 00:13:22.039 doing it or what, but he just got he found the news article. 202 00:13:22.279 --> 00:13:26.120 He managed to get to to look at news and if on an article in 203 00:13:26.190 --> 00:13:33.750 the financial time where they were speaking about British Airways requiring to do saving all 204 00:13:33.789 --> 00:13:37.509 across the business because the cost of carols and was going up. Okay, 205 00:13:37.909 --> 00:13:41.659 and obviously carn is what you put in the plane. And I remembering taking 206 00:13:41.659 --> 00:13:46.980 all that information, pissing it together and going straight at the top and se 207 00:13:46.100 --> 00:13:50.860 look based on what I've read all my desk research. You are looking at 208 00:13:50.940 --> 00:13:54.820 reducing cause I've been speaking with search and search vendor and we believe we can 209 00:13:54.899 --> 00:13:58.769 reduce your cost on that part for by approximatively twenty five percent. But I 210 00:13:58.850 --> 00:14:03.330 also believe that you promi spent around six to ten million peryer on there. 211 00:14:03.370 --> 00:14:07.690 So basically I've got two hundred million maybe of saving to suggest to you. 212 00:14:07.169 --> 00:14:11.200 Who is the best person to speak to about that, and people will actually 213 00:14:11.200 --> 00:14:16.679 helping to find the right guy, because at the time linkedin was not as 214 00:14:16.720 --> 00:14:20.840 predominant and people who wanted to Linkedin and and you had to prospect by his 215 00:14:20.919 --> 00:14:24.309 face to people. You spent to someone, you page them, they tell 216 00:14:24.389 --> 00:14:28.350 you something else, you speak to a PA, you page them and maybe 217 00:14:28.429 --> 00:14:31.909 it was another way of doing it and he actually managed to get a meeting 218 00:14:31.909 --> 00:14:35.470 and actually proves a Deil and I was a witnessing that yet sitting next to 219 00:14:35.549 --> 00:14:39.899 him. But you know, and that's really when I got the big click 220 00:14:39.980 --> 00:14:41.700 about look, it's not about me and what I've got to tell them, 221 00:14:43.139 --> 00:14:46.659 it's about them and what they're experiencing. How can I find, how can 222 00:14:46.700 --> 00:14:52.860 I find technically the trigger that, as you say you could. You could 223 00:14:52.860 --> 00:14:54.289 do a reverse such we could be based on the people. They dress, 224 00:14:54.330 --> 00:15:00.049 retreating someone new, dire in a new head of cell the they are speaking 225 00:15:00.090 --> 00:15:03.570 about doing a new talent program or they are raising some money for what's up, 226 00:15:03.610 --> 00:15:09.000 whatever reason. But for the larger company, like like like, like 227 00:15:09.639 --> 00:15:11.440 the Ba of this one and everything, it's often about what's happening in the 228 00:15:11.519 --> 00:15:16.360 accounts, it's about often what's happening in the news. It's everything is linked 229 00:15:16.519 --> 00:15:22.269 with the market share and all drive more from your market share. This is 230 00:15:22.389 --> 00:15:26.269 really what interested he suite because there public organization and as I started to document 231 00:15:26.429 --> 00:15:33.070 myself and really go with that approach to market and and and that helped me 232 00:15:33.149 --> 00:15:35.700 drastically not only in my career as a Videre but also, you know, 233 00:15:37.019 --> 00:15:39.700 understanding more what's happening at the c suite and really the conduction that people are 234 00:15:39.740 --> 00:15:45.019 having. Yeah, I think as well. You can do still pretty much 235 00:15:45.220 --> 00:15:48.379 most department subjectives, most that I've sold into the past, is either to 236 00:15:48.580 --> 00:15:52.330 make more money, so increase our revenue or reduce costs or be more efficient. 237 00:15:52.769 --> 00:15:58.330 So there's three objectives there that you could really target on when reaching out. 238 00:15:58.330 --> 00:16:00.370 An example of another customer that I've worked in the past. They're in 239 00:16:00.450 --> 00:16:04.960 the pricing intelligence so they work with ECOMMERCE brands and retail stores and they help 240 00:16:06.320 --> 00:16:10.399 analyze what the competitors are doing. So they they're in a unique position where 241 00:16:10.399 --> 00:16:11.720 they have all this data. They just need to be pointed in the right 242 00:16:11.720 --> 00:16:17.799 direction to then to produce the valuable reporting from it. Their deal sizes are 243 00:16:17.799 --> 00:16:21.590 rather large, which means they're total and their total dresser market is fairly large 244 00:16:21.590 --> 00:16:23.669 as well. But they can take a very, very personalized approach their outreach. 245 00:16:25.110 --> 00:16:29.669 So what they do is they reach out to the five big leaders in 246 00:16:29.870 --> 00:16:33.659 whatever category that they're targeting and then offer to produce a competitor report for them. 247 00:16:34.019 --> 00:16:37.179 And it's producing value. And you know, yes, that requires some 248 00:16:37.299 --> 00:16:41.940 work. Does it scale? Not Really, but when the deal size justifies 249 00:16:41.980 --> 00:16:44.899 the effort that it takes to create that report, then it's worth it. 250 00:16:45.580 --> 00:16:48.649 Absolutely, absolutely. Yet next perfect sense mark, and you know, I 251 00:16:48.769 --> 00:16:55.490 would you suggest to sells people do use the context of the research when they 252 00:16:55.570 --> 00:16:59.649 reach out to company that they don't surveyed the most riven. So what's the 253 00:16:59.769 --> 00:17:03.679 best way to package it? I mean you mentioned could email, you know, 254 00:17:03.079 --> 00:17:08.440 but is there a better delivery method, a bit or sequence, a 255 00:17:08.559 --> 00:17:12.319 better basically, I would you go abody if there is a myth a Su 256 00:17:14.119 --> 00:17:18.109 yeah, so I still believe cold calling is one of them fight most effective 257 00:17:18.109 --> 00:17:21.549 channels when it comes to sales, but it really just depend who you're selling 258 00:17:21.630 --> 00:17:25.750 to as well. If you're selling to trade these like electricians and planners, 259 00:17:25.750 --> 00:17:27.789 they're not going to be answering email, so I wouldn't suggest email. Picking 260 00:17:27.829 --> 00:17:30.299 up the phone and speaking to them is going to be more helpful, but 261 00:17:30.460 --> 00:17:34.539 at the same time, depending on your the immaturity of the prospects, you 262 00:17:34.619 --> 00:17:37.700 don't want to spook them. Okay, so I think for sales and marketing 263 00:17:37.779 --> 00:17:41.819 people they know what reverse Ip look up is, which is when somebody visits 264 00:17:41.859 --> 00:17:45.130 your site from an office, you can tell that person's a Putt your website, 265 00:17:45.410 --> 00:17:49.450 whereas a teacher or maybe even a HR manager may not be that technically 266 00:17:49.490 --> 00:17:53.650 a technology be aware of the technology. So it really does depend on the 267 00:17:53.730 --> 00:17:59.839 prospect I think you can reference certain certain triggers if they're raised, if they're 268 00:17:59.960 --> 00:18:03.920 if they raise around a funding, if they've if they're currently hiring, because 269 00:18:03.920 --> 00:18:07.279 it's obvious it's public data. Anybody can see that the key is, though, 270 00:18:07.359 --> 00:18:10.160 not to pitch your product or service. It's really to start with a 271 00:18:10.200 --> 00:18:12.990 question. I think my main methodology when it comes out bound is that it's 272 00:18:14.029 --> 00:18:18.190 not about a booking appointment, it's about starting conversations. So I always like 273 00:18:18.309 --> 00:18:21.150 to lead with questions, to really probe on the pain that I think that 274 00:18:21.230 --> 00:18:26.190 they may be experiencing by asking them, are you experiencing this pain? Yeah, 275 00:18:26.430 --> 00:18:29.380 that makes sense. Well, you know what, even some days whatever, 276 00:18:29.380 --> 00:18:33.539 seen walking on May sad these getting ahead of the calf. So, 277 00:18:33.900 --> 00:18:40.299 you know, made be funding? May it be made beer from a technology 278 00:18:40.339 --> 00:18:42.089 best big, if so, founding example. You know, one of the 279 00:18:42.170 --> 00:18:48.930 things that we do radicts we actually try to engage with company prefunding. We 280 00:18:48.049 --> 00:18:53.769 spend a amount of time working with cubators and trying to meet with people who 281 00:18:53.769 --> 00:18:56.920 are basically they don't have any money, they've got Alpha functional product but a 282 00:18:57.000 --> 00:19:00.039 great big ide and we start speaking to them about what the market is like 283 00:19:00.200 --> 00:19:04.759 our then we start the conversation really early, because what we see. We 284 00:19:04.799 --> 00:19:10.750 see that some triggirls like foundings on crunch base are being absolutely used and abused 285 00:19:10.750 --> 00:19:15.349 by thousands of people. Literally the day it's announced you've got. I don't 286 00:19:15.349 --> 00:19:18.150 know, many alierts going out. Everyone is too late. People are just 287 00:19:18.349 --> 00:19:22.750 overweent and all those that we not speak to them prior to them getting any 288 00:19:22.750 --> 00:19:26.380 money are now very interesting to speak to them and and that's why we try 289 00:19:26.460 --> 00:19:30.980 to get early. But we've also seen it sometimes using a bit of a 290 00:19:30.059 --> 00:19:33.900 change or self speech, and I think one of the best example was the 291 00:19:33.059 --> 00:19:38.049 first one where we really recognize that. We worked with with a company called 292 00:19:38.089 --> 00:19:44.569 trend micro. have been a client for a while, but at some points 293 00:19:44.650 --> 00:19:48.250 of the d their life cycle they are called a company called Sub Brigade that 294 00:19:48.450 --> 00:19:53.599 was managing vulnerabilities in virtualize environment. Okay, that's kind of the idea like, 295 00:19:55.480 --> 00:19:59.359 but back to when we back in the days, everybody was doing a 296 00:19:59.400 --> 00:20:03.119 bit of your astralization, but people would just have a couple of servers doing 297 00:20:03.160 --> 00:20:04.720 that realition, not a lot of your realization. I was the beginning of 298 00:20:04.799 --> 00:20:10.029 m were okay, and we are just getting that resistance of people not getting 299 00:20:10.069 --> 00:20:11.990 it, and what we decided to do is to change the message around. 300 00:20:12.029 --> 00:20:17.029 And so look, it's very simple. If you have not at least certain 301 00:20:17.150 --> 00:20:21.460 percent of your park virtual eyes, if you're not embracing the journey to yourtrualization. 302 00:20:21.539 --> 00:20:25.700 Let's not waste any more time. You're not a pioneer and of person 303 00:20:25.779 --> 00:20:27.460 we want to speak to. Plus, you don't have the attic of managing 304 00:20:27.500 --> 00:20:32.140 vulnerabilities. You probably put part of your infrastructure, if you don't care about 305 00:20:32.539 --> 00:20:34.500 on the virtualize enrollment. So, you know, let's not talk to you. 306 00:20:34.730 --> 00:20:37.970 I just want to assess that and by saying that you can of make 307 00:20:38.049 --> 00:20:41.529 them think my, my, doing the right thing, and also you will 308 00:20:41.569 --> 00:20:44.609 have people as well. Look, no, I'm not, but in the 309 00:20:44.690 --> 00:20:47.849 next two to three as I'm planning on doing it. And then trend, 310 00:20:47.890 --> 00:20:49.720 as a client, was good enough to say we want to speak to those 311 00:20:49.720 --> 00:20:53.240 people early. We want to tell them about the jolley. Why? Because 312 00:20:53.279 --> 00:20:59.039 they needed security. would be a foot on the break for the journey to 313 00:20:59.119 --> 00:21:02.440 your autualization. Like, like you mentioned, with your cloud security. Customers. 314 00:21:02.799 --> 00:21:04.670 Security is the foot of the break for the move to the cloud. 315 00:21:04.950 --> 00:21:08.269 You know, most people don't do it because it's probably better to ever server 316 00:21:08.390 --> 00:21:17.029 on the tape in a in a in a in some sort of safe whatever. 317 00:21:17.269 --> 00:21:19.500 Sayf say safely. You have to be made a big door whatever. 318 00:21:19.940 --> 00:21:25.299 But that's the things. Once you get this trigger you can really speak about. 319 00:21:25.380 --> 00:21:26.740 Look, why are you in your journey? I am led to belie 320 00:21:26.819 --> 00:21:30.180 that organization of your size, the people I'm speaking to, any organization, 321 00:21:30.299 --> 00:21:33.289 they are really leading to the cloud. You'R chies that I don't nor Mus 322 00:21:33.369 --> 00:21:37.930 you are pushing. So are you the leader or follower when it comes to 323 00:21:37.049 --> 00:21:41.329 plant and then you you can have get the feeling and it's about getting them 324 00:21:41.369 --> 00:21:45.369 at the right time. But sometimes what we've seen very for the largest dives, 325 00:21:45.730 --> 00:21:49.720 for the disruptive, for the mocks, more complex sense is to get 326 00:21:49.799 --> 00:21:55.680 people involved before the actually of the trigger. So really when they're in the 327 00:21:55.759 --> 00:21:57.720 planning of thinking, okay, I really should push that, but this is 328 00:21:57.759 --> 00:22:00.279 already issue of God less of us off things to do, and you're going 329 00:22:00.319 --> 00:22:03.109 to give them label moment while they're like, okay, you know what, 330 00:22:03.509 --> 00:22:08.349 that's actually putting most of my consult at race now. So let's actually accelerate 331 00:22:08.430 --> 00:22:11.630 that, because that would really live on value for my business. Yeah, 332 00:22:12.269 --> 00:22:15.380 I think it's a really it's a really good example and I want to share 333 00:22:15.420 --> 00:22:19.259 an example which I wasn't involved in, but I listen to the story and 334 00:22:19.420 --> 00:22:23.660 it's a software called gorgeous. Their help their software for ECOMMERCE, orcause. 335 00:22:25.019 --> 00:22:27.259 Gorgeous. Yeah, yeah, are you familiar with them? No, no, 336 00:22:27.579 --> 00:22:32.210 no, no, anyone. I think it's a French company. So 337 00:22:32.250 --> 00:22:34.289 I may have announced it wrong, but I'm reading it as it as it 338 00:22:34.410 --> 00:22:40.410 looks. I'm saying as it looked. They they essentially use the trigger of 339 00:22:40.529 --> 00:22:45.200 somebody installing a live chat software on their ECOMMERCE site, so shopify in particular. 340 00:22:45.279 --> 00:22:48.559 So it looked at all shopify sites that had started using live chat. 341 00:22:48.079 --> 00:22:52.480 Now, when somebody just starts using live chat, that's not the time for 342 00:22:52.599 --> 00:22:55.720 gorgeous. It doesn't help them when they've just got one or one or two 343 00:22:56.079 --> 00:22:59.670 chats coming in an hour. It really hurt. They it really come. 344 00:22:59.750 --> 00:23:02.950 The product really comes into its own once it has high volume and it uses 345 00:23:03.029 --> 00:23:06.549 ai to help understand the the sentiment and all the different questions. You know, 346 00:23:06.589 --> 00:23:08.549 there's got I'm not a salesperson gorgeous, so I'm probably butchering their pitch. 347 00:23:08.910 --> 00:23:12.619 However, what they did is they started to build that relationship with these 348 00:23:12.700 --> 00:23:17.980 shopify store owners as they were growing and they geared a lot of their content 349 00:23:18.140 --> 00:23:21.940 to say here's how you grow your ecommerce brand. So here's how you market 350 00:23:22.059 --> 00:23:25.220 your etommost. Here's how, here's the ultimate guide to facebook ads in two 351 00:23:25.259 --> 00:23:27.930 thousand and eighteen, whatever it may be. Again, this company isn't a 352 00:23:29.009 --> 00:23:33.210 FACEBOOK AD agency. It's not selling them that service, but they're providing value 353 00:23:33.250 --> 00:23:37.210 to help get their customers to the point where they would need a solution like 354 00:23:37.289 --> 00:23:40.170 gorgeous. And again, who's the person that they're going to go to when 355 00:23:40.170 --> 00:23:42.440 they're saying, well, my help desk is overwhelming, I need to employ 356 00:23:42.559 --> 00:23:47.519 more customer experience professionals, or do I just need a solution that can help 357 00:23:48.039 --> 00:23:52.240 find the efficiencies in the support that we were giving? And that's actually how 358 00:23:52.240 --> 00:23:56.230 they grew very quickly and generates their first a thousand customers. Was Investing in 359 00:23:56.630 --> 00:24:00.950 providing value and, like I say, the Challenger cell. They're of like 360 00:24:00.349 --> 00:24:04.069 helping people, asking questions, making sure that they are are they aware of 361 00:24:04.150 --> 00:24:07.910 what we do and how we do it? But yeah, that's the story 362 00:24:07.950 --> 00:24:11.339 of how gorgeous created their first thousand customers. And just another example, slightly 363 00:24:11.380 --> 00:24:15.700 away from sales, I used to work in the data center industry for a 364 00:24:15.740 --> 00:24:18.619 design and build company. So they built data centers or design and build them, 365 00:24:18.940 --> 00:24:22.220 and there's a huge conference every year in that the XCEL and London. 366 00:24:22.220 --> 00:24:26.289 It's almost a Kloma along. It's a huge exhibition. One year we decided 367 00:24:26.410 --> 00:24:30.690 not to go and get the big stand that they normally did and I managed 368 00:24:30.690 --> 00:24:33.490 to secure around two Thousan pounds to put behind a bar. And the reason 369 00:24:33.529 --> 00:24:37.490 I did that is because I knew the majority of people are middle aged men 370 00:24:37.569 --> 00:24:41.680 and they like golf so and they like beer. So we put on a 371 00:24:41.720 --> 00:24:47.039 happy hour, we rattled off a golf trip ticket. But really what people 372 00:24:47.039 --> 00:24:49.519 are interested in is finding out what other what their peers are doing, and 373 00:24:49.720 --> 00:24:55.069 especially in this world of the data center industry. From that, from that 374 00:24:55.150 --> 00:24:57.990 event we ran the company was able to build the relationship with a prospect that've 375 00:24:57.990 --> 00:25:02.269 been trying to reach and the turn into a ten million dollar deal. And 376 00:25:02.349 --> 00:25:06.309 then that actually replicated into a further ten million dollar deal. After they delivered 377 00:25:06.349 --> 00:25:10.700 the data center, they were asked to replicate it in America. So almost 378 00:25:10.740 --> 00:25:14.859 twenty minute, twenty million dollars off two thousand pounds ad spend, again just 379 00:25:14.940 --> 00:25:18.619 by connecting people and putting peers in the same room, giving them some beer 380 00:25:18.980 --> 00:25:22.210 and the opportunity to win a golf trip. So again it's going back to 381 00:25:22.250 --> 00:25:26.089 your point, is about thinking about what do they really want? They want 382 00:25:26.089 --> 00:25:27.089 to learn, they want to know whether they're doing a good job. They 383 00:25:27.089 --> 00:25:32.849 want to understand from you, who has a unique insight into hundreds of campaigns, 384 00:25:32.890 --> 00:25:36.319 a hundreds of customers, and learning from your insights is one of the 385 00:25:36.359 --> 00:25:40.200 best ways to kind of build yourself at sorry, position yourself as a trusted 386 00:25:40.240 --> 00:25:44.039 advisor and not that salesperson. Yeah, yeah, I knew there is bier 387 00:25:44.160 --> 00:25:47.480 involved. You make thing even better. So the happy days. Yeah. 388 00:25:48.359 --> 00:25:52.190 So thanks for that, Mark. It was a great chat. which we 389 00:25:52.230 --> 00:25:55.069 do at the stage of the of the conversation and just to close off, 390 00:25:55.190 --> 00:25:59.630 is to ask our guests to tell us how our listen. I can get 391 00:25:59.710 --> 00:26:03.150 in touch with them they wish to carry on the conversation or if they want 392 00:26:03.190 --> 00:26:07.900 to speak to you about speak on podcasts or the sensine back acaded me show 393 00:26:07.900 --> 00:26:10.900 up, except as rock. So what is the best way to get to 394 00:26:10.940 --> 00:26:14.180 hold of your bout? Yeah, the best way to reach me is Linkedin, 395 00:26:14.299 --> 00:26:15.940 so you can search for Mark Colgan and there's not too many of the 396 00:26:17.019 --> 00:26:19.289 Mark Hogan's on there. And if you want to find out about some of 397 00:26:19.329 --> 00:26:22.730 the other projects, I'm working on. Then I have a website, Mark 398 00:26:22.849 --> 00:26:26.490 Colgan dot code at UK. Perfect. Well, it was great to have 399 00:26:26.609 --> 00:26:30.130 you on the podcast today, so thank you very much for your time. 400 00:26:30.490 --> 00:26:36.079 Thank you very really appreciate it. Take a operatics has redefined the meaning of 401 00:26:36.240 --> 00:26:41.720 revenue generation for technology companies worldwide. While the traditional concepts of building and managing 402 00:26:41.799 --> 00:26:47.950 inside sales teams inhouse has existed for many years, companies are struggling with a 403 00:26:48.029 --> 00:26:52.829 lack of focus, agility and scale required in today's fast and complex world of 404 00:26:52.950 --> 00:27:00.069 enterprise technology sales. See How operatics can help your company accelerate pipeline at operatics 405 00:27:00.269 --> 00:27:06.380 dotnet. You've been listening to be tob revenue acceleration. To ensure that you 406 00:27:06.500 --> 00:27:10.140 never miss an episode, subscribe to the show in your favorite podcast player. 407 00:27:10.740 --> 00:27:12.059 Thank you so much for listening. Until next time,

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