Why You Should Listen to B2B Revenue Acceleration

June 18, 2018 00:09:56
Why You Should Listen to B2B Revenue Acceleration
B2B Revenue Acceleration
Why You Should Listen to B2B Revenue Acceleration

Jun 18 2018 | 00:09:56


Show Notes

In this intro episode, host Aurelien Mottier explains what listeners can expect from the brand-new B2B Revenue Acceleration podcast.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.560 --> 00:00:07.549 You were listening to be tob revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated to helping software 2 00:00:07.589 --> 00:00:11.789 executives stay on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. Let's 3 00:00:11.789 --> 00:00:15.470 get into the show. Welcome to the very first episode of the B Tob 4 00:00:15.789 --> 00:00:20.149 Revenue Acceleration show. We're here today with Aralian Martian. He's the host of 5 00:00:20.190 --> 00:00:23.260 the show. My name is Jonathan Green. I'm actually one of the producers. 6 00:00:23.539 --> 00:00:26.820 Today I'll be talking to Aralian about what you, the listener, can 7 00:00:26.940 --> 00:00:30.140 expect from this podcast. But before we jump into that, Aralian, thank 8 00:00:30.140 --> 00:00:33.060 you so much for taking some time at your schedule allowing me to interview today. 9 00:00:33.340 --> 00:00:36.729 And am I pronouncing your name correctly? Well, thank you very much, 10 00:00:36.770 --> 00:00:41.090 Nathan. Yes, actually it's a very good pronunciation of my very complex 11 00:00:41.409 --> 00:00:45.170 first French name. But to make your life easy, my nickname is actually 12 00:00:45.210 --> 00:00:49.689 a race. So why as a shot for already and which is in use 13 00:00:49.770 --> 00:00:53.000 by most of most of the people I walk with, prospect clients, and 14 00:00:53.439 --> 00:00:56.759 I go by by you re already, and so whatever you find is simplest 15 00:00:56.799 --> 00:01:00.640 for you, just go and use it. Will Perfect. Will will start 16 00:01:00.719 --> 00:01:03.640 with ray then. So right, maybe you can tell us a little about 17 00:01:03.679 --> 00:01:07.310 yourself. Sure. So, the CEEU and Co found the autoporatis and, 18 00:01:07.829 --> 00:01:11.829 I guess, the most important and in the context of this podcasts, I've 19 00:01:11.870 --> 00:01:17.109 had the opportunity over all the course of my career to walk every single step 20 00:01:17.349 --> 00:01:22.019 of the seals and marketing process for Bob Software companies. So when I started 21 00:01:22.379 --> 00:01:25.980 insides, are really started at the, guess, at the deep bottom of 22 00:01:26.219 --> 00:01:30.739 the pipeline generation, the cells generation, the demon generation, which was really 23 00:01:30.099 --> 00:01:34.730 picking up the phone, sending email, prospecting from cold prospects and all the 24 00:01:34.769 --> 00:01:40.250 yether've been progressing to at of sales and of marketing up to who I am 25 00:01:40.370 --> 00:01:45.170 now as the CEO of operatics. So quite a full on view and hopefully 26 00:01:45.250 --> 00:01:49.359 lots of experience around certain marketing to share with everyone that will be listening to 27 00:01:49.439 --> 00:01:52.959 this podcast. Yeah, absolutely, that's beantas. Second where you did you 28 00:01:53.040 --> 00:01:57.519 know you have mentioned opera addicts. So they're actually the ones responsible for producing 29 00:01:57.680 --> 00:02:00.280 this podcast. Maybe you can tell us a little about what you and your 30 00:02:00.319 --> 00:02:02.989 team do at operatics? Yeah, that's correct, general and so a tooporatics 31 00:02:04.230 --> 00:02:07.030 in innocence. What we do? We helped be to be software companies, 32 00:02:07.030 --> 00:02:12.430 or B to be oudware companies in the IT industry to do three things. 33 00:02:12.469 --> 00:02:15.699 Really accelerate their on top price revenue, and that will be through on top 34 00:02:15.740 --> 00:02:22.099 price DMA generation, program account based marketing, account base selling activities. We 35 00:02:22.500 --> 00:02:27.099 also helped organization to accelerate the mid market revenue, and that would be through 36 00:02:27.139 --> 00:02:31.330 the identification of opportunities that we can then pass onto that team up to operatics, 37 00:02:31.409 --> 00:02:36.409 being able to close off the cell cycles and bring the revenue in, 38 00:02:36.650 --> 00:02:40.129 if you will, ease out directly or fulfilling through a channel partner and less 39 00:02:40.169 --> 00:02:44.599 Lee what we do. The last type of services that we provide for our 40 00:02:44.680 --> 00:02:47.840 clients is around the channel. Well, we ELP our clients in accelerating the 41 00:02:47.960 --> 00:02:53.639 recruitment of new channel partners, accelerating the enablement of those general partners, but 42 00:02:53.840 --> 00:03:00.469 also work on what we call the channel activation, which ultimately means bringing the 43 00:03:00.629 --> 00:03:02.710 partners to revenue. So that's what we do for our clients. I guess 44 00:03:02.750 --> 00:03:07.030 what we would also add, which I think is really important from a from 45 00:03:07.069 --> 00:03:09.669 a US Peo perspective, is the fact that we've got the ability to deliver 46 00:03:09.710 --> 00:03:14.900 our services all across Europe with a team of native speakers, as well as 47 00:03:14.939 --> 00:03:17.740 in North America and Latin America. So we've got office is in San Jose, 48 00:03:19.060 --> 00:03:23.819 Dallas and London and we've got some exciting planet about opening more phaces in 49 00:03:23.900 --> 00:03:25.860 Europe coming soon. That's fantastic. Well, you know, and sort of 50 00:03:25.939 --> 00:03:30.289 obviously based on what you and your team do, based on your experience, 51 00:03:30.409 --> 00:03:34.210 based on obviously the name of the show that you know, the BB revenue 52 00:03:34.250 --> 00:03:38.849 acceleration show, if starting a paint kind of a picture, but maybe you 53 00:03:38.969 --> 00:03:43.120 can tell sort of why you wanted to start this podcast in particular. Sure. 54 00:03:43.319 --> 00:03:46.639 Well, with matting, we sat down and I guess we define free 55 00:03:47.120 --> 00:03:52.680 real key area in as pe, the reason why we wanted to get this 56 00:03:52.800 --> 00:03:55.990 podcast together. The first one is about sharing our experience and best practices with 57 00:03:57.229 --> 00:04:00.550 the audience to give them relevant content. As we meet with new prospect as 58 00:04:00.590 --> 00:04:04.789 we meet with clients, were often told that our level of knowledge of the 59 00:04:04.909 --> 00:04:10.819 market, on level of experience, the best practices that we share are really 60 00:04:10.819 --> 00:04:14.060 valuable and I guess you would be a little bit saddy. Who are to 61 00:04:14.099 --> 00:04:17.220 keep that all for us? So so objective number one is ready to share 62 00:04:17.300 --> 00:04:21.259 that knowledge, to share that experience that we we've developed over the years with 63 00:04:21.459 --> 00:04:26.970 the audience. The seconds angle that we add in mind is really about giving 64 00:04:27.009 --> 00:04:32.129 a platform for clients and partners to share the market knowledge as well as their 65 00:04:32.250 --> 00:04:36.009 findings in the market. So, as you would imagine, operatics on its 66 00:04:36.050 --> 00:04:41.879 own is just one element of the BTB cells and marketing mix. We've got 67 00:04:41.959 --> 00:04:46.120 a ton of partners that we work with. It goes from equipment agencies to 68 00:04:46.519 --> 00:04:51.079 P agencies, to channel acceleration companies to distribute us, and these goes on, 69 00:04:51.399 --> 00:04:55.750 and these people like us because we like to work with people who are 70 00:04:55.790 --> 00:04:59.509 like minded, are coming with a a full lots of experience and all full 71 00:04:59.550 --> 00:05:03.389 los of best practices, and we also want to give a platform to those 72 00:05:03.470 --> 00:05:10.019 partners for themselves also to share with the audience. So not focusing only on 73 00:05:10.100 --> 00:05:13.579 operatics and what we do, but focusing on the market and the really issues 74 00:05:13.939 --> 00:05:15.819 that the market come across. And the last reason why we want it to 75 00:05:15.899 --> 00:05:21.610 study this podcast is about building a community of people who are passionate by the 76 00:05:21.930 --> 00:05:26.370 Bob Software Industry. Well, that's fantastic, right. I know it's fantastic 77 00:05:26.490 --> 00:05:31.170 that you are sort of giving a platform to this huge network expertise and thought 78 00:05:31.209 --> 00:05:34.370 leaders that you have that you've built this community, as you mentioned, and 79 00:05:35.079 --> 00:05:39.480 you're going to be sharing all that knowledge with your listeners, with your audience. 80 00:05:39.680 --> 00:05:43.639 So I think that's Antascic Ray. What can your listeners sort of expect 81 00:05:43.759 --> 00:05:46.439 here as they listen from episode the episode? That's that's a very good question. 82 00:05:46.560 --> 00:05:51.269 And the B to be reven new acceleration is really a podcast dedicated to 83 00:05:51.389 --> 00:06:00.269 helping software executives to stay in touch or undercutting age of cells and marketing techniques 84 00:06:00.589 --> 00:06:04.300 in our industry, whether they are looking to follow emerging trends in the bit 85 00:06:04.379 --> 00:06:12.540 to be technology or to learn from venture capital experts about their later strategies or 86 00:06:12.819 --> 00:06:17.930 ear about pipline and Revenue Acceleration tactics are best practices, as we mentioned earlier 87 00:06:17.970 --> 00:06:23.009 on, or simply get more mileage out of their own demand generation, or 88 00:06:23.089 --> 00:06:26.050 they don't need to work for wizards, or they don't need to use our 89 00:06:26.089 --> 00:06:30.290 services or the services of our partners. But to kind of summarize, this 90 00:06:30.490 --> 00:06:34.360 podcast is is really for you issue. You are again passionate about B to 91 00:06:34.439 --> 00:06:42.240 be software sales marketing and you have a really willingness in increasing return on the 92 00:06:42.319 --> 00:06:46.199 investment that you are currently making as an organization, just to give a little 93 00:06:46.240 --> 00:06:49.389 bit more smitt on the the Bonia. You know the I guess we're expecting 94 00:06:49.550 --> 00:06:56.149 each episode to feature US topics such as channel strategy, be to be marketing 95 00:06:56.310 --> 00:07:01.259 tactics, account by selling, seal overl demand generation, engagement, account based 96 00:07:01.339 --> 00:07:06.980 marketing, account based selling. Will also have new concept about artificial intelligence, 97 00:07:08.379 --> 00:07:13.420 apply to cells, apply to marketing automation. But all in all it's about 98 00:07:13.420 --> 00:07:19.529 spipelined revenue growth, accelerating market and renew market entry and getting more, as 99 00:07:19.569 --> 00:07:25.129 I mentioned earlier, around from your existing investment, getting more from your existing 100 00:07:25.209 --> 00:07:27.970 team. That's fantastic. Ray, I know that you are, as you 101 00:07:28.089 --> 00:07:32.399 said, very passionate about sales and marketing and revenue acceleration. I know that 102 00:07:32.519 --> 00:07:36.959 you're also sort of passionate about, like you said earlier, community and connecting 103 00:07:38.040 --> 00:07:41.000 with your community, connecting with your listeners, is definitely going to be one 104 00:07:41.040 --> 00:07:44.079 of your priorities through this show. So, Ray, how can your listeners 105 00:07:44.120 --> 00:07:47.189 may be connect with you in case they have ideas for potential episode topics or 106 00:07:47.230 --> 00:07:50.269 even guess that they think you should feature on the show? Sure that would 107 00:07:50.310 --> 00:07:55.509 be very, very valuable. Like we've got the website, thelu DOT operatics 108 00:07:55.550 --> 00:07:59.980 dotnet and I've got to marketing team working with me. We've done a fantastic 109 00:08:00.100 --> 00:08:03.100 job at having a tons of cold to action to get in touch with us, 110 00:08:03.300 --> 00:08:07.620 and I'm also working very closely to our own sales and marketing team. 111 00:08:07.699 --> 00:08:11.379 So it's really rare that if an inquiry is directed to me, doesn't come 112 00:08:11.500 --> 00:08:13.689 to my inbox. So is that given to me? So one of the 113 00:08:13.810 --> 00:08:18.930 first way to engage with me with the through our website. You can start 114 00:08:18.970 --> 00:08:22.529 a chat session with one of our guys. You can send us a contact 115 00:08:22.610 --> 00:08:24.689 form and we will get in touch with you very, very shortly after that. 116 00:08:26.129 --> 00:08:28.279 The second way to engage with me would this re Linkedin. I am 117 00:08:28.680 --> 00:08:35.919 very big Linkedin user. We do post quite a lot of content articles linkedin 118 00:08:35.159 --> 00:08:39.039 and it's probably a solution that I'm using on the daily basis. So if 119 00:08:39.039 --> 00:08:43.909 you want to email me, if you want to connect with me, please 120 00:08:43.029 --> 00:08:48.149 go ahead and do it. I'd be useful to just put a shot message 121 00:08:48.190 --> 00:08:50.309 as about the reason why. So I can, I can, I can 122 00:08:50.389 --> 00:08:54.509 connect the dots together, but my linkedin is actually my full French name, 123 00:08:54.779 --> 00:09:01.980 which is brilliant Mutier, and the first name is a you are elie en 124 00:09:01.379 --> 00:09:07.940 so named M O t tieer. That's how to find me. That's fantastic, 125 00:09:07.259 --> 00:09:09.809 and again, I ween. I know that this show is actually going 126 00:09:09.809 --> 00:09:13.490 to be helping to feel some of that linkedin content, so you, ever, 127 00:09:13.570 --> 00:09:16.129 will be able to find it there. Again, we've been talking to 128 00:09:16.169 --> 00:09:20.889 you a realien Montier. He is the new host of the Bab Revenue Acceleration 129 00:09:20.929 --> 00:09:22.690 show, and that's actually going to wrap it up for the introductory episode. 130 00:09:24.009 --> 00:09:26.679 Ray, you're going to be the one taking over the reins for episode one 131 00:09:26.799 --> 00:09:28.799 and beyond. I think and I know that this is going to add a 132 00:09:28.840 --> 00:09:31.720 ton of value to your listeners and I, for one, am very excited 133 00:09:31.799 --> 00:09:35.399 to not only be a part of producing the show but see it grow. 134 00:09:35.440 --> 00:09:37.320 So thank you again so much for being here today and thanks to your just 135 00:09:37.399 --> 00:09:43.629 nothing you've been listening to be tob revenue acceleration. To ensure that you never 136 00:09:43.710 --> 00:09:48.990 miss an episode, subscribe to the show in your favorite podcast player. Thank 137 00:09:48.029 --> 00:09:50.110 you so much for listening. Until next time,

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