88: Is Outsourcing Sales Development On the Rise Again? w/ Dan Seabrook

October 08, 2020 00:22:49
88: Is Outsourcing Sales Development On the Rise Again? w/ Dan Seabrook
B2B Revenue Acceleration
88: Is Outsourcing Sales Development On the Rise Again? w/ Dan Seabrook

Oct 08 2020 | 00:22:49


Show Notes

Companies are choosing to outsource services much more than they were 6 months ago. 

Particularly for sales development services, but in many other functions, too.

Recently on B2B Revenue Acceleration, we featured Dan Seabrook, VP of Sales at Operatix, on why outsourcing sales development is on the rise again.

We talked about 3 reasons people are seeking outsourcing more than 6 months ago, changing client expectations, outsourcing: Cost vs. Flexibility, and the build and  transfer model of outsourcing

To hear this interview and many more like it, subscribe to The B2B Revenue Acceleration Podcast on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or on our website.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.520 --> 00:00:08.349 You were listening to bb revenue acceleration, a podcast dedicated helping software executive stay 2 00:00:08.429 --> 00:00:12.189 on the cutting edge of sales and marketing in their industry. Let's get into 3 00:00:12.230 --> 00:00:16.070 the show. Hi, welcome to be to be a revenue acceleration. My 4 00:00:16.149 --> 00:00:20.070 name is Aldia Mutier, and today I have the pleasure to be sharing the 5 00:00:20.149 --> 00:00:24.420 microphone with Dancy Brook, with the cost of the B to be a revenue 6 00:00:24.420 --> 00:00:29.739 acceleration show, as well as our VP worldwide sales at operatics. How are 7 00:00:29.739 --> 00:00:33.299 you today? That yeah, very good. Thank you. It's end of 8 00:00:33.340 --> 00:00:36.850 another long week, but it's been a good one. So yeah, soon, 9 00:00:37.049 --> 00:00:39.609 soon, the end of quarter to be start off a new one, 10 00:00:40.049 --> 00:00:46.810 new cycle, then probably the addition of a couple more great has. Absolutely 11 00:00:47.090 --> 00:00:51.520 absolutely, but today really what we wanted to speak about, and the reason 12 00:00:51.520 --> 00:00:55.640 why we wanted to have an epizer that is with done, is because we 13 00:00:56.399 --> 00:01:00.600 we want to add rather to pick of outsourcing. We've seen a big spike 14 00:01:00.880 --> 00:01:04.310 in our services, in fact a massive spike in term of demand. Tremendous 15 00:01:04.310 --> 00:01:08.510 amount of people coming to our website, not not all of them being good, 16 00:01:08.549 --> 00:01:11.950 and I think then we'll have will address that. But basically we believe 17 00:01:11.950 --> 00:01:18.069 that the outsourcing of the Bedr as Dr Function, LDR function, is on 18 00:01:18.189 --> 00:01:22.299 the rise and the best person that I could get on the shoe to discuss 19 00:01:22.379 --> 00:01:26.260 that with me with done, simply because it's a trench. She's every day 20 00:01:26.659 --> 00:01:32.379 speak to speaking to prospect speaking to clients and discussing their strategy with them. 21 00:01:32.500 --> 00:01:37.329 So let's stay even than really and get into the conversation here. You know, 22 00:01:37.409 --> 00:01:40.370 we can speak about covid nineteen and all that. I mean this is 23 00:01:40.450 --> 00:01:42.810 it is up and down. We are lugged down, that locked down. 24 00:01:44.209 --> 00:01:49.000 The market is difficult, it's more difficult to find opportunities, etc. Etc. 25 00:01:49.760 --> 00:01:53.239 So then, from your perspective, what are the key reason why businesses 26 00:01:53.280 --> 00:01:57.799 and outsourcing mark the moment? Yeah, so I think it's worth starting with 27 00:01:57.840 --> 00:02:02.909 the point that when covid sort of first impacted the Western world, let's say 28 00:02:02.909 --> 00:02:08.110 at the beginning of March time, I wasn't actually convinced that we would see 29 00:02:08.110 --> 00:02:12.430 a shift towards outsourcing. I actually thought that we could have seen a bit 30 00:02:12.430 --> 00:02:17.379 of impact on our business negatively, just because of often the old adage is 31 00:02:17.419 --> 00:02:22.340 that marketing budgets get kept cut first and and in a lot of the cases 32 00:02:22.379 --> 00:02:24.860 we're getting paid for by marketing. Having said that, it's kind of been 33 00:02:24.860 --> 00:02:29.139 the opposite that actually so. I'm sure in some instant in marketing budgets have 34 00:02:29.259 --> 00:02:31.449 been cut. I'm sure cefods are looking at budgets across the board, but 35 00:02:31.610 --> 00:02:36.770 what we've benefited from is that there's been kind of point one really is that 36 00:02:36.849 --> 00:02:40.289 there's been a shift of marketing budgets or a repurposing in market marketing budgets. 37 00:02:40.569 --> 00:02:46.159 So whereas historically marketing teams have spent a lot of their dollars on events and 38 00:02:46.240 --> 00:02:52.159 in person activities, there's clearly been a complete reduction or in fact there is 39 00:02:52.240 --> 00:02:57.039 no longer any in person events or activities right now, and so they've had 40 00:02:57.080 --> 00:03:00.229 to find another way or a solution to generating the same amount of leads and 41 00:03:00.310 --> 00:03:05.590 fighteline and revenue, because in a lot of cases a their targets of state 42 00:03:05.629 --> 00:03:09.270 consistent. And so where where we've come in a lot of those cases that 43 00:03:09.430 --> 00:03:14.460 we are, I guess, a remote solution to pipeline generation, and so 44 00:03:14.900 --> 00:03:19.139 we've benefited from that. The second point I would make is there's a risk 45 00:03:19.340 --> 00:03:23.659 factor that comes with hiring teams internally or hiring people internally obviously we're in a 46 00:03:23.699 --> 00:03:29.250 bit of an uncertain economy right now in all parts of the world and there's 47 00:03:29.449 --> 00:03:32.490 challenges with recruitment first and foremost. But then once you get that person on 48 00:03:32.610 --> 00:03:37.530 board, there's challenges that if the economy takes a turn for the worst, 49 00:03:37.530 --> 00:03:40.719 which you know many countries it is, there's a challenges will will we actually 50 00:03:40.759 --> 00:03:45.599 still be able to maintain that person's employment in six months or nine months time? 51 00:03:46.120 --> 00:03:49.599 And so there's a kind of D risk factor, which is you can 52 00:03:49.680 --> 00:03:52.680 outsource for a period of time, and not that we like to see ourselves 53 00:03:52.719 --> 00:03:55.550 as a as an ad hoc service, but we do bring more flexibility than 54 00:03:55.590 --> 00:04:00.349 having an employment contract with with a person that you have internally, and so 55 00:04:00.430 --> 00:04:03.909 I think there's an element of d risking that pipeline generation process. The final 56 00:04:03.990 --> 00:04:06.629 point is that, and it kind of is on the same point as a 57 00:04:06.669 --> 00:04:12.099 d risking piece, which is around it gives company we give companies the ability 58 00:04:12.379 --> 00:04:15.019 to test resources before hiring internally, and I think we'll probably talk about that 59 00:04:15.100 --> 00:04:18.699 more later on, but ultimately, with the ability to run a program for 60 00:04:18.819 --> 00:04:23.899 three or six or twelve or months, really test if that resource is the 61 00:04:23.939 --> 00:04:26.970 right person to work for their business really build up a run rate of success, 62 00:04:27.209 --> 00:04:29.889 get to the point where they trust them, the communication is in the 63 00:04:29.970 --> 00:04:32.329 right place, and then it may be the at that point in time the 64 00:04:32.370 --> 00:04:35.930 economy is more stables. They have more confidence. But ultimately we give companies 65 00:04:35.970 --> 00:04:42.519 the ability to test success of this kind of function and and process before hiring 66 00:04:42.560 --> 00:04:46.519 internally. And again that gives a bit more confidence to CFOs and hiring managers 67 00:04:46.560 --> 00:04:53.589 during unstable economy whereby they can actually test the success of a of this function 68 00:04:53.670 --> 00:04:57.430 for a three month or six month or twelvemonth period before making the decision to 69 00:04:57.949 --> 00:05:01.069 bring that function internally. And that could tie in with a with a with 70 00:05:01.149 --> 00:05:04.110 an upturn in the economy. So they have more confidence that that's going to 71 00:05:04.189 --> 00:05:10.339 be a long term higher and it also gives them the ability to to actually 72 00:05:10.379 --> 00:05:14.740 be bringing somebody on board that's fully wrapped up, trained and it completely eradicates 73 00:05:14.779 --> 00:05:17.980 that that's kind of typical job abandonment or risk facts that you may see with 74 00:05:18.100 --> 00:05:21.370 bringing on board a new higher. So they're they're wid sweeping. No points, 75 00:05:21.449 --> 00:05:25.170 but there's some of the key trends are seen over the last few months. 76 00:05:25.329 --> 00:05:30.009 Okay, but does this very useful and you know, I guess you 77 00:05:30.370 --> 00:05:33.370 are used to do to the normal trends of I want to accelerate my bay 78 00:05:33.490 --> 00:05:38.639 plane. I want to get to a new region, umber European company, 79 00:05:38.759 --> 00:05:42.040 on Israeli company, I want to go to the US of a versa or 80 00:05:42.160 --> 00:05:44.920 I'm a US company and I want to grow at I've got in main down 81 00:05:45.000 --> 00:05:47.240 on market. I've already got any insight team, but I want people who 82 00:05:47.240 --> 00:05:50.029 are a bit more productive and all that which I can of do the usual 83 00:05:50.269 --> 00:05:56.069 sales player's you. You, you would have had pre covied I. is 84 00:05:56.189 --> 00:06:00.910 your message or conversation? Are Your conversation with prospect changing bays on words you 85 00:06:01.069 --> 00:06:05.540 just describe. I've you seen the expectations of client changing? Have you had 86 00:06:05.579 --> 00:06:12.300 to adapt the way you actually sell and consult with them? Yeah, definitely, 87 00:06:12.339 --> 00:06:15.819 I think. I think what it all comes back to right now in 88 00:06:15.939 --> 00:06:17.889 a lot of cases is that we're having to be, I guess, more 89 00:06:17.930 --> 00:06:23.209 like consultative and more like consultants in the cell process. So we've always been 90 00:06:23.209 --> 00:06:28.610 a, I guess, a Challenger based or consultative based sales company in in 91 00:06:28.730 --> 00:06:32.519 that sense. But what we're saying is that people that are very experienced markets 92 00:06:32.759 --> 00:06:36.839 or VP's of sales crows. Clearly they know, they know their job and 93 00:06:36.879 --> 00:06:40.839 they know their industry, but they don't really know what's working and not working 94 00:06:41.560 --> 00:06:46.680 across the market today in a changing economic environment and changing kind of landscape. 95 00:06:46.079 --> 00:06:49.670 And so the first thing is that a lot of the time people are coming 96 00:06:49.709 --> 00:06:54.589 to us and asking for our advice just in a consultative manner. And and 97 00:06:55.269 --> 00:06:59.550 the good news about operatic tives that we probably have over a hundred and ten 98 00:06:59.709 --> 00:07:03.740 active technology clients, and so we have the advantage of coming at those conversation 99 00:07:03.899 --> 00:07:08.180 from almost like a bird tide view where we can look down, look across 100 00:07:08.180 --> 00:07:12.220 them, the the market and consult based on what we're seeing working with other 101 00:07:12.259 --> 00:07:15.410 companies of a similar similar size and similar market at their targeting. Now, 102 00:07:16.129 --> 00:07:19.370 when it comes to actually investing in this kind of service, and I'm sure 103 00:07:19.410 --> 00:07:24.810 it's applies to other sales and marketing services that they're investing in, there definitely 104 00:07:24.850 --> 00:07:30.079 seem to be more of a an urgency here and now to to get a 105 00:07:30.199 --> 00:07:34.720 very quick return on investment. And I think well, how that translates in 106 00:07:35.240 --> 00:07:40.800 in our world is that ultimately they want opportunities here and now and they're a 107 00:07:40.879 --> 00:07:45.629 lot of companies are moving away from a kind of Challenger based approach where they 108 00:07:45.670 --> 00:07:49.350 want to bring insights and and an education to the prospects and they're focused on 109 00:07:49.389 --> 00:07:54.470 closing business here and now and again. An operatics we very much have the 110 00:07:55.589 --> 00:07:58.980 Challenger based approach and what we're trying to do with push back on those companies 111 00:07:59.019 --> 00:08:03.019 and actually bring insights to them, to to to to educate them around what 112 00:08:03.139 --> 00:08:07.139 we see working and not working today and enable them to understand that actually trying 113 00:08:07.259 --> 00:08:13.889 to have a short term view on closing business or generating a return in an 114 00:08:13.930 --> 00:08:16.930 economic downturn, it's actually not the most sensible way of looking at things and 115 00:08:16.009 --> 00:08:20.009 in fact it's still prudent to take a long term view on sales and marketing 116 00:08:20.050 --> 00:08:26.089 development and pipeline generation. And classic example is is this week I've had a 117 00:08:26.160 --> 00:08:31.159 couple of conversations with companies where they're coming back after maybe we spoke to them 118 00:08:31.559 --> 00:08:35.120 six months go and they're saying, oh well, we're desperate to do something 119 00:08:35.200 --> 00:08:39.039 now and we're having two most pushed back and say well, look, you 120 00:08:39.120 --> 00:08:43.110 know where we can help you, but we're not magicians. This is something 121 00:08:43.190 --> 00:08:46.230 that we can support you with over a three or six or a nine month 122 00:08:46.309 --> 00:08:48.870 period. But it's not something that we can turn the tap on and support 123 00:08:48.909 --> 00:08:52.870 you to identify opportunities that are going to close today. And so clearly that 124 00:08:52.990 --> 00:08:58.659 pressure coming down from probably a finance team, a CFO, a CEO looking 125 00:08:58.740 --> 00:09:01.659 down and saying we must get returned quickly from your investment. But what we 126 00:09:01.740 --> 00:09:07.419 actually believe is is almost the opposite, is you've got to probably turn your 127 00:09:07.700 --> 00:09:11.649 turn, turn your focus to more how can you bring insights and education and 128 00:09:11.809 --> 00:09:16.409 challenge prospects way of thinking so that actually, whenever I need to buy your 129 00:09:16.490 --> 00:09:20.409 front of q and and I think that is definitely a changing kind of conversation 130 00:09:20.570 --> 00:09:26.440 that we're having. Yeah, it's probably also shifting the way the the sets 131 00:09:26.440 --> 00:09:30.320 team would have to approach the conversation. So I've been in similar conversation where 132 00:09:31.039 --> 00:09:33.879 basically had to say, particularly in the channel, well, you know, 133 00:09:33.960 --> 00:09:37.669 people want larger opportunities and the are what you need to put us in front 134 00:09:37.669 --> 00:09:41.789 of, dealer, that two hundred, two hundred and fifty k. We 135 00:09:41.909 --> 00:09:46.070 need to start that at the at the seal overl CTO, CIOCI is so 136 00:09:46.669 --> 00:09:50.909 of this organization or CMOS or stuff like that. But what I'm getting them 137 00:09:50.950 --> 00:09:52.620 as a we can do all that, but just make sure you don't go 138 00:09:52.740 --> 00:09:58.419 to the meeting with a brush on there your arm and a poll point presentation 139 00:09:58.580 --> 00:10:01.179 of your product. Just make sure that you go to the meeting to have 140 00:10:01.259 --> 00:10:07.809 a conversation. It's a fantastic opportunity to have a conversation with people. People 141 00:10:07.809 --> 00:10:13.210 are willing to converse because it's probably, you know, destructive what's happening out 142 00:10:13.210 --> 00:10:16.850 there and it's a good time for people to say, he look, this 143 00:10:16.889 --> 00:10:18.730 is all the issues that we are having. People are feeling more comfortable to 144 00:10:18.809 --> 00:10:22.200 speak about their issues because everybody is in the same business and baskets. Yeah, 145 00:10:22.200 --> 00:10:26.159 we all in the same in the same in a about say wellness and 146 00:10:26.360 --> 00:10:30.840 shit. Well, all in the same boat. So I think it's really 147 00:10:30.879 --> 00:10:33.720 at this moment that you can, as a selfs person, come in have 148 00:10:33.879 --> 00:10:39.070 a conversation really as question, to understand the context and, based on the 149 00:10:39.190 --> 00:10:43.149 contents, then try to position your solution or position your offering, if relevant, 150 00:10:43.190 --> 00:10:48.669 by the way, rather just doing the traditional selling kind of algorithm that 151 00:10:48.750 --> 00:10:52.019 has existed in the past. You know, I want to scale sale. 152 00:10:52.139 --> 00:10:54.139 Okay, I've got BIDEA that get meetings make guy is good to meetings. 153 00:10:54.179 --> 00:10:58.659 They do a demodel for certain minutes. After the DEM always them if they 154 00:10:58.700 --> 00:11:00.580 want to buy, if they don't want to buy, up we move to 155 00:11:00.620 --> 00:11:05.289 the next one. I think things have changed and I think it's very important 156 00:11:05.330 --> 00:11:07.049 to really look at the Challenger sels approach which, by the way, the 157 00:11:07.090 --> 00:11:13.129 book was kind of written originally as part of the downturn into thousand and eight 158 00:11:13.289 --> 00:11:16.730 and trying to understand why it sells. People were still doing good. Some 159 00:11:16.850 --> 00:11:20.080 sells people were still doing good in the dawn term. But yeah, I 160 00:11:20.120 --> 00:11:24.399 see it as an opportunity from yourself perspective, but I think it takes so 161 00:11:24.480 --> 00:11:28.639 fundamental change in term of expectation from cells, and I agree with you that. 162 00:11:28.639 --> 00:11:31.919 I've I have been in the conversation my self with people saying I need 163 00:11:31.000 --> 00:11:35.950 to I need you to find me band qualified opportunities. I'm like, okay, 164 00:11:35.190 --> 00:11:37.870 but you know, at the moment it's a little bit up in the 165 00:11:37.990 --> 00:11:41.190 air and we've got all these people at will be willing to speak to you. 166 00:11:41.269 --> 00:11:45.710 Don't really have a project as such, but they have an interest and 167 00:11:45.830 --> 00:11:48.460 pain points. They need something similar to your stuff, but they are kind 168 00:11:48.460 --> 00:11:52.539 of figuring out what they should. Do you want to speak to them or 169 00:11:52.620 --> 00:11:56.740 do you want them to wait until someone else go and kind of influence their 170 00:11:56.820 --> 00:12:01.139 mindset and then influence them to potentially by their solution? I appreciate that there 171 00:12:01.220 --> 00:12:05.250 is a bit of a balancing act here and I think it's good that you 172 00:12:05.330 --> 00:12:09.129 bring that early in the conversation with prospect because setting up expectation, as we 173 00:12:09.289 --> 00:12:13.490 know in a service business, is is critical for the success of the relationship 174 00:12:13.929 --> 00:12:18.960 and critical for the success of the program now you know, one of the 175 00:12:18.080 --> 00:12:24.320 destructive question that we've always have gotten. I don't know if that change are 176 00:12:24.440 --> 00:12:30.350 not within the current climate, but it is more expensive to out source? 177 00:12:31.309 --> 00:12:33.590 Is that an objection that you get a lot at the moment, or do 178 00:12:33.629 --> 00:12:35.909 you see people saying no, I don't care what the cause, I want 179 00:12:35.909 --> 00:12:39.350 flexibility, or do you still have to address the is it costing more to 180 00:12:39.470 --> 00:12:43.470 out source question? Yeah, sure, I mean I think that's I think 181 00:12:43.509 --> 00:12:48.179 that's a question now we've will that we faced consistently probably since the business we 182 00:12:48.379 --> 00:12:52.740 found it. It's a question that probably is coming up people more than ever 183 00:12:52.779 --> 00:12:54.779 as well, and what I would say is I think that has had an 184 00:12:54.820 --> 00:13:01.250 impact on probably some longer sales cycles in some instances, or perhaps not longer 185 00:13:01.330 --> 00:13:05.490 sales cycled, but more of a consensus based decision whereby there's got to be 186 00:13:05.570 --> 00:13:09.970 a lot more sign off from a lot more individuals at different levels within the 187 00:13:09.009 --> 00:13:13.639 business. So it definitely seen a bit of a shift in terms of the 188 00:13:13.679 --> 00:13:16.200 overall pattern of selling. What I would say is that one of the things 189 00:13:16.279 --> 00:13:20.440 out or one of the elements that we're using as a discussion point with prospects 190 00:13:20.480 --> 00:13:24.120 and clients right now when when they raise that objection, is around, I 191 00:13:24.240 --> 00:13:28.269 guess, the the the opportunity costs that they could lose if they if they 192 00:13:28.389 --> 00:13:33.950 don't evaluate an ouncedurcer for the right reasons and not just based on price. 193 00:13:35.070 --> 00:13:37.909 And one of the things right now is that, you know, we're looking 194 00:13:37.950 --> 00:13:41.179 at our business and we've seen a lot of changes over the last five to 195 00:13:41.340 --> 00:13:46.019 six months. One of the first things is that we've had to probably hire 196 00:13:46.059 --> 00:13:48.580 around thirty five, thirty six people in the last three to four months alone. 197 00:13:50.220 --> 00:13:54.419 Naturally, that brings that's been a unique challenge in terms of being able 198 00:13:54.500 --> 00:14:01.690 to recruit firstly and identify traits and characteristics and and all of those things. 199 00:14:01.809 --> 00:14:05.450 When, when not set in a room to get up. The second thing 200 00:14:05.529 --> 00:14:09.080 is the onboarding piece, which is becoming it was a challenge, but it's 201 00:14:09.120 --> 00:14:13.000 something that we could overcome very quickly due to the sheer scale that we're doing 202 00:14:13.039 --> 00:14:16.639 it at, because know in a very short amount of time we have the 203 00:14:16.679 --> 00:14:20.200 ability to see what's working not working due to the volume of people coming through 204 00:14:20.200 --> 00:14:26.629 the door. And and but going back to the overall, overall challenge, 205 00:14:26.950 --> 00:14:31.269 when companies are evaluating whether we're more expensible or not, we have to talk 206 00:14:31.269 --> 00:14:35.269 about the data. And if we look at our business again, at the 207 00:14:35.350 --> 00:14:37.230 scale of it, is that we have around two hundred people doing the job 208 00:14:37.620 --> 00:14:43.980 that our clients may have one or two or even twenty internally. And the 209 00:14:43.100 --> 00:14:48.299 reality is the amount of data that we can collect instantly in one day is 210 00:14:48.379 --> 00:14:52.289 going to take our clients or prospects ten days if they've got a team of 211 00:14:52.409 --> 00:14:56.690 twenty, two hundred days if they've got a team of one. It's a 212 00:14:56.730 --> 00:15:01.129 lot more challenging for them to keep iterating and refining their process to recruiting and 213 00:15:01.210 --> 00:15:03.129 on boarding, as they a say, as they navigate their way through this 214 00:15:03.289 --> 00:15:09.559 covid period. And and so what that means is it increases their risk when 215 00:15:09.600 --> 00:15:15.759 they hire and it in preases their rate of job abandonment or on boarding abandonment, 216 00:15:15.799 --> 00:15:18.600 which is something that is obviously going to always be a challenge. And 217 00:15:18.720 --> 00:15:22.549 then moving forward beyond that, even if they move through the on boarding, 218 00:15:22.710 --> 00:15:28.110 it probably increases the risk of abandonment in the first one or three or six 219 00:15:28.190 --> 00:15:31.669 months and the cost of that, the essentially the recruitment and retention cost of 220 00:15:31.750 --> 00:15:35.899 that, suddenly start far outweighing the cost of working with a company like operatic 221 00:15:37.179 --> 00:15:41.620 is the ability that we have to analyze the data it or a refine up 222 00:15:41.659 --> 00:15:46.659 our approach and make the necessary adjustments in order to ensure that we have a 223 00:15:48.700 --> 00:15:52.649 solid recruitment process, a seemless transition to the on boarding and then the support 224 00:15:54.009 --> 00:15:56.889 and team environment for them to be successful once they get through the door and 225 00:15:58.129 --> 00:16:00.970 and ramp up over that first three or six months. And because of that 226 00:16:02.049 --> 00:16:04.759 we have a really low job Abanda membrate and a very high, or very 227 00:16:04.799 --> 00:16:08.679 quick, I guess, return on our investment that they can be successful quickly, 228 00:16:10.000 --> 00:16:11.600 and so I think the cost of objection kind of goes out of the 229 00:16:11.639 --> 00:16:15.080 window when you have that conversation, because what it comes back to is the 230 00:16:15.200 --> 00:16:22.629 opportunity cost. That's that's that's of not doing something or evaluating absoluting partner on 231 00:16:22.830 --> 00:16:27.350 that basis then just looking purely at the at a salary compariu. Yeah, 232 00:16:27.429 --> 00:16:32.710 but it's it's almost like you're speaking about the cust of adaptation and if you 233 00:16:32.860 --> 00:16:36.539 add up quickly, you're in a risky place. And basically we ordered that 234 00:16:36.620 --> 00:16:38.860 they we've got. I mean I remember the guys like the team in the 235 00:16:38.980 --> 00:16:42.980 US telling me, Oh, yeah, we doing a state based state analysis, 236 00:16:44.500 --> 00:16:47.409 so then we can go back to our clients. But clay and when, 237 00:16:47.450 --> 00:16:52.330 when the first slog done was starting to take place and you know, 238 00:16:52.409 --> 00:16:56.570 we would see the the the sus and region being very responsive still, but 239 00:16:56.730 --> 00:17:00.639 we would see New York and the New York metro busting area, so kind 240 00:17:00.639 --> 00:17:07.160 of east coast and the California West course parts of the country being pretty much 241 00:17:07.160 --> 00:17:11.119 in shutdown, very difficult to get anyone to respond to anything. Demos, 242 00:17:11.559 --> 00:17:15.190 next steps of meetings not taking place, people just saying look, you know, 243 00:17:15.269 --> 00:17:19.630 we can progress anything. Basically people freezing stuff in some states and some 244 00:17:19.750 --> 00:17:25.109 other states being able to steal have conversation. I remember the shift that the 245 00:17:25.190 --> 00:17:27.230 gays pre put in place in pretty much two weeks, three weeks in in 246 00:17:27.430 --> 00:17:30.700 going back to all our clients and saying, okay, well, we need 247 00:17:30.740 --> 00:17:33.059 to put my thoughts in those regions, because there is still an appetite. 248 00:17:33.339 --> 00:17:37.539 In th South region. We see the stats going down and while we can 249 00:17:37.619 --> 00:17:41.980 carry on, this is not it doesn't make any economical sense to keep pushing. 250 00:17:41.140 --> 00:17:45.170 So you know all those three adjustments already. From my perspective, the 251 00:17:45.250 --> 00:17:48.769 cost of the adaptation and as Truss, with all the data we've got, 252 00:17:48.890 --> 00:17:53.049 we we we can adapt quicker and then we can consult and share those finding 253 00:17:53.170 --> 00:17:56.450 these best practices with other our clients. It does make it does make a 254 00:17:56.490 --> 00:18:00.799 lot of sense. I wanted to go back to one finess you mentioned. 255 00:18:00.839 --> 00:18:03.599 It's going to be my last question to you. I want you to go 256 00:18:03.720 --> 00:18:07.640 back to the bull and transfer model, so you know, instead of me 257 00:18:07.799 --> 00:18:14.630 explaining what it is and explaining why it's relevant in today's market, without sourcying, 258 00:18:14.950 --> 00:18:17.109 but I guess you know, the whole point is that we have had 259 00:18:17.150 --> 00:18:21.710 to adapt ourselves as well and we had to make out sourcing more affordable, 260 00:18:22.150 --> 00:18:26.109 more pertinent, more relevant for our clients. So can you, can you 261 00:18:26.230 --> 00:18:30.420 just touch based on the on the build and transform model and the other things 262 00:18:30.420 --> 00:18:33.859 that we've developed to adapt, I'll said, to the to that in or 263 00:18:33.900 --> 00:18:37.500 changing market at the moment. Yeah, absolutely so. I think in terms 264 00:18:37.539 --> 00:18:41.650 of outsourcing, it seems to be a trend that has peaks and troughs over 265 00:18:41.650 --> 00:18:47.250 the year, based on whatever research is released by analyst firms like gardener or 266 00:18:47.369 --> 00:18:51.210 forester or see be over over the periods of years. But, having said 267 00:18:51.210 --> 00:18:56.000 that, at anyone time I think it's clear that at some point our clients 268 00:18:56.160 --> 00:19:00.440 or companies out there will want to have functions internally in it for most of 269 00:19:00.480 --> 00:19:04.559 their functions in their business, and what we're trying to really do is is 270 00:19:06.440 --> 00:19:08.920 offer a solution to work with the company like us for hopefully a long period 271 00:19:08.920 --> 00:19:11.430 of time, but if it's for a shorter period of time, they have 272 00:19:11.549 --> 00:19:17.269 the ability to actually get more than just a short ad hoc program with an 273 00:19:17.309 --> 00:19:21.710 outsourced company and actually perhaps get the resource from that as well. What we've 274 00:19:22.069 --> 00:19:26.900 we've tried to to develop is almost a concept around of conveyor belt of talent, 275 00:19:26.059 --> 00:19:30.220 which is we don't want to become a recruitment company, so we're not 276 00:19:30.380 --> 00:19:34.539 going to organizations with the value proposition of we want to be a source of 277 00:19:34.779 --> 00:19:38.849 staff for your team, but at the same time we're giving them near the 278 00:19:38.930 --> 00:19:44.970 ability to test people before they actually hire internally. And ultimately what that means 279 00:19:45.009 --> 00:19:48.009 is a couple of things. The first thing is that at times, if, 280 00:19:48.289 --> 00:19:52.369 for example, we're working with a startup that are just transitioning from the 281 00:19:52.369 --> 00:19:56.079 US to Europe or vice versa, they may not really have the infrastructure or 282 00:19:56.119 --> 00:20:00.480 the team in or even an office, whatever that may be, to actually 283 00:20:00.480 --> 00:20:03.319 build a team internally, and they may not even have the inclination to do 284 00:20:03.480 --> 00:20:06.200 that. But if, if, at some point they do want to do 285 00:20:06.319 --> 00:20:07.950 that, but perhaps today is not quite the right time, it may be 286 00:20:08.109 --> 00:20:11.630 for a one year period. They're very transparent and they will look, we 287 00:20:11.750 --> 00:20:14.950 want to work with you for twelve months, but at x point in the 288 00:20:15.029 --> 00:20:18.710 future we want to start building that function internally, and we give them a 289 00:20:18.509 --> 00:20:22.579 kind of seamless way to do that, which is we can work with them 290 00:20:22.619 --> 00:20:26.740 for that period of time. They can test the success of a certain resource 291 00:20:26.779 --> 00:20:32.619 or resources. They can develop processes which can be consulted on by us. 292 00:20:32.660 --> 00:20:34.769 So we can help them to develop processes. We can test the resonance of 293 00:20:34.809 --> 00:20:38.170 the message in the market. If that's a if that's a necessary thing to 294 00:20:38.210 --> 00:20:41.369 do, we can refine the approach and then we can get to a point 295 00:20:41.369 --> 00:20:45.369 where the resource is fully wrapped up, trained, delivering good results and they 296 00:20:45.369 --> 00:20:48.170 have confidence in them. It's at that point in time that they can recruit 297 00:20:48.210 --> 00:20:52.680 that person and then they knock on. Positive impact of that is that when 298 00:20:52.680 --> 00:20:56.920 they're hiring that person, it's almost a no risk higher so they they they 299 00:20:57.079 --> 00:21:02.519 skip that piece that I was talking about around job abandonment or boarding abandonment. 300 00:21:02.559 --> 00:21:07.349 They skip that because that person fully trained, trusted and ramped up. Now 301 00:21:07.710 --> 00:21:10.990 all clearly there's a there's a cost that comes along with that, which is 302 00:21:11.430 --> 00:21:15.069 very similar to how you'd pay a recruiter, but the value is is is 303 00:21:15.190 --> 00:21:18.220 for the reasons that are described before. So it's kind of coming a lot 304 00:21:18.259 --> 00:21:21.539 more of a trend. Again, we don't want to be seen as a 305 00:21:21.579 --> 00:21:25.460 recruitment company, but we give me that. We're giving companies the ability to 306 00:21:25.619 --> 00:21:30.259 have a seamless kind of transition away from that outsource model to perhaps a hybrid 307 00:21:30.460 --> 00:21:33.089 outsourcing source model, to a to a fully insource model at some point in 308 00:21:33.130 --> 00:21:37.930 the future. Yeah, that's makes sense. That makes perfect. Sen Sports. 309 00:21:37.970 --> 00:21:40.529 Thank you are very much for your time today. Then he was great 310 00:21:40.569 --> 00:21:45.130 chatting with you and discuss through the topicle we just went through. If anyone 311 00:21:45.250 --> 00:21:48.319 wants to connect with you, I mean we probably wouldn't know what to find 312 00:21:48.359 --> 00:21:49.880 you, but I guess linkedin would be the best way. Yeah, that 313 00:21:51.000 --> 00:21:55.200 would be that would be the most appropriate way. Okay, could great many 314 00:21:55.240 --> 00:21:57.559 things once again, and yeah, it was. It was great. Two 315 00:21:57.599 --> 00:22:00.240 of you in the show. Will See you India. Fee is very certain 316 00:22:00.789 --> 00:22:07.670 wonderful. Thank you very much. operatics has redefined the meaning of revenue generation 317 00:22:07.910 --> 00:22:14.029 for technology companies worldwide. While the traditional concepts of building and managing inside sales 318 00:22:14.069 --> 00:22:18.819 teams inhouse has existed for many years, companies are struggling with a lack of 319 00:22:18.900 --> 00:22:25.579 focus, agility and scale required in today's fast and complex world of enterprise technology 320 00:22:25.619 --> 00:22:32.130 sales. See How operatics can help your company accelerate pipeline at operatics dotnet. 321 00:22:32.970 --> 00:22:37.329 You've been listening to be tob revenue acceleration. To ensure that you never miss 322 00:22:37.369 --> 00:22:41.450 an episode, subscribe to the show in your favorite podcast player. Thank you 323 00:22:41.490 --> 00:22:42.490 so much for listening. Until next time,

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